Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
20-year-old Latasha Norman was last seen leaving a class at Jackson State University.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
A beloved young Christian woman fighting a battle undeserved. We thought she was God's gift, but she was a liar.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
From the number one smash hit podcast. It was only a matter of time until Amanda's whole world came tumbling down. You're not going to believe this. Scamanda. New episodes Thursday nights on ABC and stream on Hulu. Put some good in your morning and start your day with GMA.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
The body of a missing college student from Mississippi has been found and her ex-boyfriend is charged with murder.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of murder. You have caused her parents, other family members, and friends enormous grief. As punishment for this murder, you're hereby automatically sentenced to life in prison.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
20-year-old Latasha Norman was last seen leaving a class at Jackson State University.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
On the 13th of November, 2007, 20-year-old Latasha Norman was last seen.
Death in the Dorms Season 2: Episode 6: Latasha Norman
Latasha Norman was a junior business major at Jackson State University.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
And while he said he didn't do an exhaustive search, Steve could not find a car with a bumper that was low enough to do the job.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
It's not that big. Steve goes back to this idea that law enforcement had that maybe the dent was caused by the tow truck driver who pulled it out of the culvert that night. Pipkin and the FBI tested it for cement residue and didn't find any. But Steve is skeptical.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Where Pipkin thought there was circumstantial evidence to suggest a second car, Steve doesn't see it. Again, he can't definitely rule it out. But as he spoke, I felt the phantom vehicle get even more shadowy.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
And then Karen Silkwood's sister, Rosemary, spoke up. But her question wasn't for Steve. It was for A.O. Pipkin's daughter.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
And it's the culmination of weeks worth of effort, that drive to Albuquerque to photograph the dent in the bumper, collecting every scrap of original evidence we could find from all the different accident reports from Troopers Fagan and Owen, A.O. Pipkin, and the FBI.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Steve acknowledged the heaviness in the room. For the last two hours, he was explaining Karen Silkwood's fatal car crash in technical terms, the way he might typically do in a courtroom. Now he was speaking to family members who knew the driver of this car, loved her, family members who for years had been grasping for some kind of resolution that kept evading them.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Steve has told us that's why he does this work. The science can help families know more about what happened and maybe give them some sense of peace. He wasn't able to answer all the questions we had going into this, but he did answer one big one, and Karen's sister Rosemary was grateful for that.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
We took all the photographs, diagrams, hand-drawn sketches, witness interviews, and report narratives and uploaded them to Steve's team in Dallas to see if new tools and technology could tell us something that wasn't possible to know in Karen's day.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
That with 50 years of technological advances since Karen died, Steve could now tell us, without a doubt, what happened in the moments leading up to the crash.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
But Steve's presentation brought up some feelings for Christy. She wanted to remind us about some of the fundamental questions in this story that continue to matter, and how our attempts to try and get definitive answers about Karen's fatal car crash might actually not be the way forward as we think about where we want to go next in our own investigation.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
We asked her to record part of the message she sent us.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
She wanted safe working conditions, and she tried to do something about that.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Well, in the end, the Kerr-McGee plutonium plant did shut down. It wasn't long after Karen died, actually. The company couldn't reach a deal for a new contract to keep manufacturing its fuel rods. So on November 13th, 1975, on the first anniversary of Karen's death, Kerr-McGee announced it was closing the plant. And by the end of that year, most of the workers were laid off.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Karen probably wouldn't have wanted her friends and co-workers to lose their jobs. But I've come to see the closure of the Kermagee plant as some kind of vindication for her. That in the end, maybe she got what she wanted, even if it wouldn't have been how she wanted it. She wanted a safe plant, and she wanted the rest of us to know about the hazards that alarmed her.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
I think it's fair to say Karen's story, the publicity around her contamination, death, and the civil trial were all part of that. There was also the partial meltdown of a big nuclear reactor in Pennsylvania, Three Mile Island, in 1979. It was a huge story that really frightened a lot of people.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Altogether, the late 70s was a time when the risks and potential health issues of nuclear power started to feel real to the American public, visible, tangible in ways they hadn't before.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Karen's friends and family told us she wasn't necessarily anti-nuke, or at least she didn't start out that way. I think of her more as an underdog fighting for other underdogs. That's the way I'll always remember her.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Yeah, there's a bunch of us. There's a bunch of us. Steve Irwin peers into a Zoom screen. A couple rows of faces stare back at him. It's not his usual audience.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
We're both in our 70s, but we're going to keep chasing any leads that need to be chased. I guess we don't know any other way. So if you know something about Karen Silkwood, her work as a whistleblower at Kerr-McGee, her contamination, her death, whatever it might be, Get in touch with us. We've set up a phone line where you can leave a message. The number is 347-901-9102.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
That number again, 347-901-9102. That's all for now. Thanks for listening.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
We invited Karen to be on the Zoom, too, given how she had held on to the Silkwood bumper, waiting for the moment it might be needed. She and Steve hadn't met before. Hi, Karen.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Steve stands by a big screen where he can display his simulations or magnify the smallest scratch in photos.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Steve's team created an animation showing how the car could have smashed into the cement wall and came to rest on its side in the red mud.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
So we have a pretty good sense of the moment of impact. Now Steve and his team must work their way backwards to think what set of forces acted on the car to get it to this crumpled state. And here's where the evidence gets thinner.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Remember, the highway patrol thought that Karen had been unconscious, possibly under the influence of a sedative and asleep at the wheel. And that's the reason for the crash. Lieutenant Larry Owen said that there was no evidence of braking or trying to steer after the car left the road. What did Steve find?
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
He pulls up a photo Pipkin took a couple of days after Karen's crash of tire marks in the grass next to the highway. The highway patrol and Pipkin measured marks once Karen drove off the road that ran 255 feet. Imagine, 85 yards on a football field. But it's hard to see much detail in Pipkin's photos.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Trooper Rick Fagan, one of the first officers on the scene, reported that just before impact, the tire tracks appeared to turn right.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
So there was a final steer to the right, an action.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
It wasn't passive coasting. And here's where we want to remind you that Karen was a skilled driver. She'd gotten into car racing with her boyfriend, Drew, and she raced that little Honda, even won a trophy that we saw at her sister Rosemary's house.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
But today, he's presenting to members of the Silkwood family. They've gathered to hear what he has to say about the fatal crash that killed Karen Silkwood 50 years ago. Maybe Steve Irwin will finally have some of the answers they've been waiting for.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
The evidence Steve finds of braking and steering are important. Remember, the highway patrol thought that Karen was asleep at the wheel. Steve comes to a different conclusion.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Now, could Karen have fallen asleep and been woken up by going off the road? It's possible, Steve says.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
So, what made Karen drive off the road in the first place?
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
The murkiest part of this crash has always been what happened to Karen while she was on the road to make her lose control.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
In another, she goes off the road to the left and can't get back on the road.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
He pulls up A.O. Pipkin's original photograph, showing the damage to the rear of Karen's car. Two dents, one is on the fender, just behind the left rear tire. The other is on the bumper. But first, there's something else in the photo that catches Steve's eye.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Seven miles into her trip, exhausted, stressed out from her multiple contaminations and scrub downs, maybe clouded by her prescription sedative, Did she fall asleep at the wheel, as law enforcement has always said?
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Then Steve shows us a simulation of what it would have looked like if a second car comes up behind Karen, taps her from behind, and keeps going.
'Radioactive' - Ep. 5: The Phantom Vehicle
Then there needs to be some kind of force that's powerful enough to make Karen's car go over to the left-hand side of the road. That force could have been her steering. Maybe she's scared and reacting to what's happening. Or maybe she hit the brakes. But when it comes to a phantom vehicle, dinging Karen's bumper and fender and forcing her to go left... Here's the question Steve asks.
Explosive Secrets
A pipe bomb designed to obliterate everything. But could a fresh look at DNA change what we know about the case? An all-new 2020 starts right now.
Explosive Secrets
The Triano family filed a $10 million wrongful death civil action against Pam Phillips.
Explosive Secrets
And I'm Deborah Roberts. From all of us here at 2020 and ABC News, good night.
The Lies Beneath
I'm Kendall Windsor. I'm Travis Filmer's mother. Lori was lovely. It was like he was with us one day, and then the next thing you know, he's living with Lori.
The Lies Beneath
Tonight, the sensational trial that just finished. Why would a beloved family man suddenly disappear on his family and friends?
The Lies Beneath
We were sitting in the fire pit, by the fire pit, not knowing that Michael is under that fire pit. That's where I sat.
The Lies Beneath
So this whole scenario, it's like I'm living in the Twilight Zone and I can hear the theme song going on. That's what's going on in my life.
The Lies Beneath
Lori Shaver was recently sentenced to life in prison for Michael Shaver's murder. She says she plans to appeal her conviction.
Run, Run, Run
Yes. And not long after is when Alan Helmick walked through the door of the dance studio where Miriam worked.
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So Alan and Miriam decided to build a house together, and they chose the community of Whitewater. The house was set pretty far back from the road, and it was about a 40-acre property.
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So far, investigators don't seem to have much to go on. But about an hour into that police interview, Miriam says something that would raise the eyebrows of any homicide detective.
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Had Alan's killer made an earlier attempt on his life? After Alan Helmick is found murdered in his Whitewater, Colorado home, his wife Miriam is interviewed by investigators. And she tells them about a shocking incident that happened just six weeks earlier.
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Here in this parking lot, less than two months before he was murdered, there was an earlier attempt on Allen's life. Someone tried to set his car on fire. It looked like something straight out of a movie. But for the Helmicks, this brush with death was all too real. Tell me about that incident. What happened that day with the car?
Run, Run, Run
It was pretty obvious someone had tried to start that fire. Correct. So if someone was trying to set the car on fire, it didn't quite work. Correct.
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Allen mentions two bankers with whom he had prior dealings, but quickly downplays their potential involvement in the arson.
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Out here in the Western Colorado countryside, the wide open spaces can stretch for miles. In a place this remote, it might seem unlikely that two lonely souls might find each other and a second chance at love. But that's exactly what happened here until one warm summer day when the peace of this place was shattered by unimaginable violence. This was a big story that shocked a small town.
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Investigators will ultimately determine that those bankers are not involved, but they're exploring every avenue, even asking Alan if he thinks it's possible Miriam could have been responsible for the car fire.
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And besides, what reason would Miriam have for trying to kill Allen? He'd always gone out of his way to make her dreams come true with lavish gifts. and gestures.
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Alan loved Miriam, and he was always happy to dote on her, buying her lavish gifts like her own dance studio and even a horse training business, always intent on making her lifelong dreams a reality.
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And his desire to open up that dance studio came from where? Oh, it had to be Miriam. You had your concerns about him investing in these things.
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Alan was always very good with his finances, but with the horse business and the dance business, they were hemorrhaging money.
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As investigators began digging into Alan's finances, they found that bad business decisions had left him in a serious financial hole. But were his money troubles enough of a reason for someone to want him dead? Or could the murder have been more personal?
Run, Run, Run
In the days after Alan Helmick's murder, investigators had diligently chased down leads and conducted interviews with people in his orbit, but they hadn't announced any suspects. There was, however, one thing they were pretty sure of. This was not a robbery gone wrong. What stood out to you?
Run, Run, Run
It was odd. You had property still in the house. that was, you could assume, was a value that a normal burglar would take.
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Computers, phones, jewelry. The normal type of stuff you would expect somebody to steal.
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Correct, in the kitchen. throughout the house. It just did not sit right. It did not feel right. It was looking staged.
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And Alan's autopsy confirmed that he probably had not walked in on anyone committing a burglary.
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There was no indication that Alan had tried to fight off his attacker. It was very clear that he was caught by surprise as he was shot right in the back of the head.
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But there was someone in Alan's life that Miriam had told investigators he'd been wary of. At one point, Miriam starts pointing fingers at Alan's son, Alan Jr. What did she say about him?
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And after that car fire six weeks earlier, Allen had also mentioned his strained relationship with his son to those investigators.
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Allen's personal issues with his son, coupled with the fact that he may have known his attacker, was enough for detectives to bring Allen Jr. in for an interview.
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When asked, Allen Jr. insists he would never hurt his father, and he had an alibi. He was working out of state at the time of the murder.
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There were no suspects. We didn't know if this person could come back. I never thought it would happen here or anything like that would ever happen here.
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Alam Helmick was a fixture in this community, a man who dedicated his life to helping others achieve their dreams, getting small businesses off the ground and families into their first homes. In fact, he was known as the broker of Main Street.
Run, Run, Run
Had there been a murder in my home, would not want to stay there, especially not a few days after. But she said it was her home. She said she felt closer to him there.
Run, Run, Run
But if Miriam says she felt safe enough to stay in her and Alan's home, that was about to change. And then two weeks after Alan's murder, Miriam finds a dramatic discovery under her doormat at the house.
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The baffling murder of businessman Alan Helmick had left the community desperate for answers. Detectives were taking a close look at everyone in Alan's life, even close friends like Ed Benson, who was brought in for an interview.
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And there was that mysterious car fire just weeks earlier. Everyone wondering, could the two incidents be linked?
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As days passed with no suspects in custody, Miriam became convinced she was being watched. She reported seeing a white pickup truck with a driver she didn't recognize circling the property, leaving her to wonder whether the same people who killed Alan were now coming after her.
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Alan Helmick was a prominent businessman. He had a mortgage business. Everybody respected him. He was firm, but he was very friendly.
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She was finding lights on. She was finding medicine cabinet doors open that shouldn't be.
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But the strange happenings at the home weren't the only thing worrying Miriam. With Alan, the sole breadwinner, gone, there wasn't any money coming in. During her police interview, Miriam had explained to investigators that they had a prenup.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam's financial situation was fairly dire. In fact, she started selling off some of the property they had together.
Run, Run, Run
And then, as Miriam is struggling to stay financially afloat, an ominous message shows up on her doorstep.
Run, Run, Run
She was with her friend Penny. They had just gotten back from shopping. She goes up to her front door and she sees an envelope sticking out from under the map. And when she opens that envelope, there's a card inside that says, Alan's first, you're next. Run, run, run.
Run, Run, Run
I was given a copy of the card. It said, to the grieving window in block letters. On the front is a picture of a middle-aged female. And it said, insanity, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. And then inside, Allen spelled A-L-L-E-N.
Run, Run, Run
After Miriam received the threatening card, she left and she went back to Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, where she's from. She moved in with her son, Chris.
Run, Run, Run
Back in Colorado, that bizarre greeting card gives police something they have been desperately searching for, a solid lead.
Run, Run, Run
It's at this city market that investigators finally get the break they've been waiting for. The person who bought that card with the threatening message from Miriam is caught on surveillance tape here. And just who that person is will take everyone by surprise. You see, clear as day. Then a bombshell discovery from decades earlier.
Run, Run, Run
The piece of evidence that was really the smoking gun, almost literally, was recovered from that lawn in Delta.
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She's trying to get on with her life in a new state, but another incident with a gun comes to the surface.
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Could what they find buried in this yard be the smoking gun? On June 10, 2008, 62-year-old respected businessman Alan Helmick was found dead in his home by his wife Miriam.
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Alan had grown up in the nearby town of Delta and settled into Grand Junction to raise a family. What was Alan Helmick like?
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When we arrived, Alan was on the floor in the kitchen. He had been shot in the head, and we had a bullet casing next to his body.
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Both Alan and Miriam were widows. She was his dance instructor for ballroom dancing lessons.
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Miriam told police she'd been running errands all morning and provided receipts to back up her alibi.
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Police were at a loss as to who would want this well-liked businessman dead. Alan had some enemies, but nobody was going to kill him. As investigators began to dig deeper, the story took a frightening turn.
Run, Run, Run
After Miriam received the threatening card, she went back to Florida, where she's from.
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In Florida, Miriam turned to old friends for support, reconnecting with her former neighbor, Aline Lee.
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While Miriam tries to restart her life in Florida, detectives in Colorado are continuing to work the case, trying to figure out where that threatening card she received came from.
Run, Run, Run
They got in touch with the manufacturer of the card. He was able to tell them where these cards were sold. I checked the Hallmark.
Run, Run, Run
I checked the Hobby Lobby. We finally get to the city markets. I contacted their loss prevention guy. They found two cells. One person paid in cash, didn't know who that person was. The other one was with a credit card. So we had a name and then he found one more purchase. He called me and he's like, I've got video.
Run, Run, Run
That particular store was not as up to date as their others. And they did use VHS and they used it over and over and over again. So by the time we got this tape, it was kind of delicate. It was her. She was wearing the same style of shirt that she had walked in with her interview. It was just a different color combination.
Run, Run, Run
So now it appears that Miriam, the grieving widow, seemingly afraid for her own life, had actually sent that threatening card to herself. But when investigators confront her about this, she says she has an explanation.
Run, Run, Run
What Miriam told them is that she felt like the police weren't paying enough attention to the case. They weren't doing much. And so she wanted to kind of jog that with this card.
Run, Run, Run
Did that greeting card incident change the way you and investigators approached the case?
Run, Run, Run
But remember, when she was interviewed by investigators, Miriam said she had very little to gain from Alan's death.
Run, Run, Run
did a prenup okay everything he has is his everything mine is mine he has more than i do okay with no clear motive inside the mesa county sheriff's office turned their attention to miriam's past learning about that double tragedy she and her family suffered years earlier in florida there was the sudden loss of her daughter and then a shocking development with her first husband
Run, Run, Run
While Miriam and her first husband, Jack, were in bed, Jack shot himself in the head. Now you say, okay, she's had not one, but two husbands shot in the head.
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Police ruled it a suicide. There were some strange circumstances, though. Things like he used his right hand to pull the trigger. Jack was a lefty.
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But with clouds of suspicion gathering over Miriam about the death of her second husband, she does something unexpected.
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Investigators are starting to wonder if they could actually have a black widow on their hand.
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I mean, she was finding the husband, she was looking for the money, and then moving on.
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With suspicion now mounting that she may be the person who killed her husband, Alan, Miriam Helmick does something unexpected. She goes looking for love again.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam may have been trying to move on and put Alan's death behind her, but back in Colorado, investigators are taking a closer look at her, starting with her alibi from the day of Alan's murder.
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To show up at the police interview with a pocket full of receipts. Suspicious or just thorough?
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And investigators weren't the only ones with suspicions about Miriam. M-I-R-I-A-M.
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So it didn't surprise those who knew Alan that after his first wife unexpectedly passed away, he wanted to meet new people. So he decided to try something different, dance classes. And his instructor is this woman, Miriam Giles.
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Remember that local reporter who sat down with her after Alan's murder? She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with her story.
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It was all about her. And these interviews are really supposed to be about the deceased.
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As I was speaking with her, it went from feeling really bad for her to being suspicious.
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She started looking to the side. It's just like when you're talking to somebody and you know that they're lying because of non-verbal cues that they have. When I left that house, I've never scurried away from a place so quickly in my life. I was genuinely scared.
Run, Run, Run
And while Miriam is talking to the media, investigators are talking to those closest to Alan. You continue with the investigation. Actually, you interview Alan's children.
Run, Run, Run
Yes. Right after Alan passed, we were speaking to the daughters and they had expressed concerns of an inability to get ahold of their dad.
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And when they would call Miriam, there was excuses as to, oh, I'll have him call you back, or he's not around.
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Allen's kids couldn't help but wonder why Miriam seemed to be keeping them from their father in the months leading up to his murder. Could it have been something to do with a sudden decline in his health?
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The more investigators dig, the more troubling details they uncover, like a gun that seemed to have disappeared from Miriam and Alan's home.
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One of Alan's children said she specifically remembered seeing a .25 caliber pistol in his sock drawer.
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Police learn of a shooting incident that had happened outside this house decades before. Could what they find buried in this yard be the break they need?
Run, Run, Run
Coming to ABC and Hulu. Amanda Riley was a mother, wife, speaker at her church. And then she got diagnosed with cancer. A beloved young Christian woman fighting a battle undeserved. We thought she was God's gift, but she was a liar.
Run, Run, Run
Detectives will often say that when it comes to investigating, there are no coincidences. And for those working the murder of Alan Helmick, they were certain that attempted car fire just weeks earlier was somehow connected to their case.
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Since investigators learned that Miriam had been standing at the trunk right before Alan discovered the fire, they decided to bluff him, telling Alan there was surveillance video of the incident to see if he thought his wife could have been responsible.
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Miriam was 10 years his junior, but Alan didn't let that discourage him. He described meeting Miriam in an interview he did shortly before he died.
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As police are looking into this, they discovered that the Hellmicks had rented that movie about four days prior to the incident.
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And the detectives now investigating Alan's murder are still searching for any hard evidence that Miriam pulled the trigger. After all, they still hadn't recovered a murder weapon.
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There was the issue of the firearm that was missing from the home. And in talking to the daughters, we knew that there should have been a .25 caliber Lorsen in the house.
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As luck would have it, there was an old Helmick family story from decades earlier of Allen's first wife's stepfather firing that same gun into the ground during a domestic dispute back in 1989. Could this gun, now missing, be the murder weapon?
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And then investigators bring in a metal detector into the case. Right. Detectives come up with a long-shot idea. Go back to the property where that domestic dispute happened back in 1989. Could they recover the bullet fired from that gun and compare it to the bullet that killed Alan?
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Carol Quarles is a retired law enforcement officer who has experience using a metal detector to search for missing evidence. So your reaction when they asked you to get involved in this case?
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And they were getting nervous. The investigator said, well, maybe you're not going to find it.
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But this is a woman who police believe orchestrated an attempted firebombing and shot her husband in the head in cold blood. Is she just going to go quietly?
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In the fall of 2008, just a few months after Alan Helmick's murder, Miriam was living in Jacksonville, Florida, attempting to move on with her life. But her past in Colorado was about to catch up with her.
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Six months after Alan's death, Miriam is charged with first-degree murder, attempted murder for that car fire, and forgery. She pleads not guilty and is extradited from Florida back to Colorado.
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A year after being arrested and charged, Miriam Helmick goes on trial here at the Mesa County Courthouse. Prosecutors argue that the grieving widow is actually a cold-blooded killer.
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So why do prosecutors believe Miriam killed Allen? They argue the motive was as age-old as they come, money. Financial motive was the critical part of your argument.
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But the defense pushed back, saying that Miriam had Allen's permission to write those checks, both as his wife and his secretary.
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It's June 10, 2008, typical beautiful Tuesday morning in Whitewater, and Miriam leaves to go run some errands. Alan was going to get his car serviced, and then they were going to meet up for lunch.
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Prosecutors put Alan's daughter, Portia, on the stand to testify about the way Miriam seemed to be isolating her father in the months leading up to his murder.
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And when they would call Miriam, there was excuses as to, oh, I'll have him call you back, or he's not around.
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And prosecutors argued that Miriam had tried to kill Alan not once, but twice. The first time in that failed attempt at blowing up his car, they called Miriam's horse breeder and friend, Jerry Yarborough, to the stand.
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Jerry told jurors about a conversation she said she had with Miriam after that failed car bombing.
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Pretty much. But the defense pointed out that if Miriam was after Alan's money, why would she try to blow up his car while he was holding that large cashier's check he had just received?
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The piece of evidence that was really the smoking gun, almost literally, was the bullet that was able to be recovered from that lawn in Delta.
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But as Miriam's defense pointed out, roughly matched is not the same as a perfect match. Couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Then the defense did something you don't often see at a murder trial. They called Miriam to testify in her own defense.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam stayed on that stand for two days, denying that she had anything to do with Alan's murder. When prosecutors got their chance to cross-examine her, they pressed her on the infamous run, run, run card that she admitted sending to herself.
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She went to City Market to pick up his prescription and found out that he hadn't dropped it off. So she called him, could not get a hold of him.
Run, Run, Run
They come back with a verdict in five hours for a first degree murder case. You just don't see that. Five hours was very fast.
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But Miriam says the jury got it wrong, and she had a lot more to say when we spoke in her first interview since being convicted. Miriam, are you telling me that your husband, Alan, started the car fire himself? Why would he do that? It's now been 15 years since Miriam Helmick was sentenced to life for killing her husband, Alan.
Run, Run, Run
Since then, she's been at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility, where she recently called me from.
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This is the first time she's spoken publicly since her 2009 sentencing. I asked Miriam about first meeting Alan back when she was his dance instructor in Grand Junction. And was it love at first sight?
Run, Run, Run
Alan's kids say that you were isolating him from them in the months prior to his death. Was that true?
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Miriam, after 15 minutes, decides to leave and head home. Miriam gets home. It looked like the house had been ransacked.
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Prosecutors say that you fraudulently had written about $40,000 in checks on Alan's money that he was about to find out, and that's why you killed him.
Run, Run, Run
You mean to tell me that Alan started the car fire himself? Why would he try to do that and possibly hurt himself?
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It's a claim that's hard to back up, but Allen was adamant with authorities that he did not believe Miriam would ever try to kill him.
Run, Run, Run
Now authorities also questioned your alibi. All the receipts that you had, it looked like you were trying so hard to create an alibi. Were you?
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Do you think you'll get out of prison someday? What do you think will prove your innocence now? Wouldn't the blood spatter and the gunshot residue be easily washed off if you took a shower?
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I have not seen her since the trial. After so long, what did Miriam finally have to say to her son?
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This past November, Chris Giles and his wife, Kelly, flew to Colorado for a much-anticipated visit to see his mom, Miriam, in prison.
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Over the years, one by one, Chris lost his entire family to different forms of tragedy.
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Our cameras were not allowed inside the prison, but Chris tells me that reuniting with his mom, while complicated, was also healing for him.
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Robin Martin is a detective who worked the case. When the first officers arrived on the scene, they find Miriam distraught and kneeling over her husband.
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I do not. With your father? I do not, no. Seeing your mom was a big step for you after all these years. Yes.
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But when it comes to Alan's family and friends, there are some things that they say they would rather forget.
Run, Run, Run
Alan was on the floor in the kitchen. It looked like he had been shot in the head and we had a bullet casing next to his body. They did a very quick security sweep to make sure there wasn't a suspect still on scene.
Run, Run, Run
There's no one in the house. As they conduct their sweep, deputies notice drawers pulled out in the kitchen and a trash can tipped over in Allen's office.
Run, Run, Run
In the newsroom, we have police scanners and we heard the call go out saying there was a robbery homicide out in Whitewater. I packed up my camera gear and went out there immediately. What I saw when I got out there was a scene that was taped off. Multiple officers going in and out of the house conducting their investigation.
Run, Run, Run
It's Detective Work 101 that you start with the people closest to the victim. But in this case, Alan's wife, Miriam, was running those errands, expecting to meet Alan for lunch. She even had the voicemails to prove it.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam gets home. It looked like the house had been ransacked. She sees Alan laying on the kitchen floor. He was shot right in the back of the head.
Run, Run, Run
Things did not add up. Everybody knew him. Everybody loved him. Who would do such a thing?
Run, Run, Run
After finding her husband Allen dead in a pool of blood on the floor of their Whitewater, Colorado home, Miriam Helmick is brought in for an interview with the Mesa County Sheriff's Office.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam was at our office. They, as we do with all, what were you doing today? Can you go through your day for us?
Run, Run, Run
She started listing off everywhere she had been. She told us that she was calling Alan several times, was getting his voicemail. Hi, Alan.
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Here in this parking lot, less than two months before Alan was murdered, there was an earlier attempt on his life. Somebody tried to torch our car.
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15 minutes in, you're never late, so would you call me? Miriam's entire morning is accounted for. She even offers up proof of where she's been.
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They take those items to check them for any kind of gunshot residue or blood spatter that might indicate Miriam had something to do with this. And those results came back negative.
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She's also caught on several surveillance cameras throughout the morning. Miriam seemingly has an airtight alibi. So naturally, investigators are anxious to ask her who she thinks may have wanted to harm Alan.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam said Allen was generally well-liked, but detectives also knew he'd been a local mortgage broker. Could he have turned someone down? Maybe had a disgruntled former client or coworker who was out for revenge?
Run, Run, Run
And he had started his own business here decades earlier. Alan had married his high school sweetheart, Sharon, and had four children through 37 years together. But on New Year's Eve 2003, she died of a sudden heart attack. How did that affect him?
Run, Run, Run
When Alan met Miriam, I know she had a policy of not dating her students, but Alan was pretty relentless.
Run, Run, Run
Karen Wilson was a local journalist in Grand Junction, Colorado, who covered this case. Just days after Alan's murder, she spoke to an emotional Miriam.
Run, Run, Run
Miriam had been dealt her own difficult hand in life, having faced not one, but two unimaginable tragedies back in her home state of Florida. Chris Giles is Miriam's son. Grew up in Jacksonville, mom, dad, a sister. What was it like?
Run, Run, Run
In 2000, Miriam and her first husband, Jack, were devastated when their eldest child, 23-year-old daughter Amy, died suddenly after an accidental overdose. How did the family cope with this, with her death?
Run, Run, Run
Two weeks after Alan's murder, Miriam finds a dramatic discovery under her doormat.
48 Hours
A Love Affair Turned Deadly
Now streaming, Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh takes command.
48 Hours
A Love Affair Turned Deadly
What a cute idea. This is chaos. Let's get messy. Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
A Love Affair Turned Deadly
In Section 31, a new Star Trek original movie on Paramount+. Section 31 is just a place for people to bend the rules.
48 Hours
A Love Affair Turned Deadly
Morris Chestnut is Watson. Now streaming on Paramount+. And new episodes return Sunday, February 16th on CBS.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Ivy League Murder
Now streaming, Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh takes command. Gather your people. We're going to need every one of them. In Section 31, a new Star Trek original movie on Paramount+. Section 31 is just a place for people to bend the rules.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Ivy League Murder
What a cute idea. This is chaos. Let's get messy. Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | Deputy Spivey on Trial
Now streaming, Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh takes command. Gather your people. We're going to need every one of them. In Section 31, a new Star Trek original movie on Paramount+. Section 31 is just a place for people to bend the rules.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | Deputy Spivey on Trial
What a cute idea. This is chaos. Let's get messy. Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
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48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
The phenomenon is back. The new season of Yellow Jackets, streaming February 14th on Paramount Plus with Showtime.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Think about how screwed up we would be if we had survived a plane crash only to end up eating each other.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
This place will follow us for the rest of our lives.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
The only way to truly be safe is to be the only one left.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
This season, the past will come back to hunt you. You really are insane. Yellow Jackets, new season, streaming February 14th on the Paramount Plus with Showtime.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Now streaming, Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh takes command.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
In Section 31, a new Star Trek original movie on Paramount+.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Section 31 is just a place for people to bend the rules. Starfleet is here to make sure no one commits murder. What a cute idea. This is chaos. Let's get messy.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
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Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
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Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
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Post Mortem | The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
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48 Hours
A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But Erin ended her relationship with Folly almost as soon as it began.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
With what Erin says were evil intentions. What was actually in Ben's hands? What did Ben have?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Neither did task force detectives, who continued questioning Folley about Taylor's disappearance. As they delved deeper into his past, they discovered a disturbing pattern.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
In fact, Folley was convicted of assaulting one former girlfriend in 2003.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But the task force needed evidence linking Ben Folley to Taylor's disappearance. Under questioning, the only thing Folley would admit to was having sex with Taylor. But Taylor was a minor and that violation gave detectives what they needed to search Folley's apartment. What they found here disturbed even the most experienced investigators. A massive amount of child pornography.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Folley claimed it had been left behind by the previous tenant. Still, possessing child pornography is a felony.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But the search of Folly's computers yielded an unusual clue that led investigators to an unlikely crime solver.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Ben Folley, now 38, was in jail under arrest for the child pornography police had found on one of his six computers.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
For Detective Jeffrey Dean, revelations about Folley began with the sheer volume of data he'd stored away.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
In an endless variety of random photos, abandoned buildings, secluded locations, maps and weapons, the truly bizarre, along with photos of Taylor, investigators sensed a jigsaw puzzle of evidence.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Ben Folley was now a prime suspect in the disappearance of Taylor Beal, and police were looking for someone who could link the talented student to the temperamental college dropout. Erin Crable would be that someone.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Erin, as a one-time girlfriend of Folly's, soon figured out just what the police were beginning to conclude.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
So when they showed you this, and it says Home Sweet Home, what was your reaction when you saw this picture?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
After Erin Crabill told two VCU cops how she had once taken Ben Folley to this house in the photo, it was pure police instinct that led them to rural Virginia's Matthews County, 90 miles from Virginia Commonwealth University. Still, Erin wasn't sure what, if anything, police would find.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
It was a month since Taylor Beal had disappeared. Erin Crable led the way. First officer said, do you smell something?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
that Ben had killed her. It was not just the news of her daughter's death that hit Janet Pellisara so hard, but how Taylor died.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
That's what Ben Folley told the police. In a rambling statement, he adamantly denied killing Taylor Beal. But he did admit he was with Taylor the night she died. It's not like we were hiding. But that would be virtually the only part of his story.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Folley claims that everything about that evening was consensual.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Starting with his picking up Taylor at her college dorm. Police discovered Folley on the college security videotape waiting just outside Taylor's dorm at 10.21 p.m. Minutes later is when the same camera captures Taylor leaving. Folly says they ended up at his apartment. He started drinking, and she started egging him on. How much had you been drinking? It was a bit. Narcotics? Yeah.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
A daring teenager out for a thrill. That's how Ben Folley tells the tale. And he adds, there was much more that Taylor Bia wanted to do. So they drove her car out towards Matthews County and started to play a different, far deadlier game.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Ultimately, this is how 38-year-old petty thief Ben Folley claims 17-year-old college freshman Taylor Beale died at her own game, a sex game known as erotic asphyxia.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
You had never heard of erotic asphyxia? Never. We only have your word for this.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
We only have your word for this. And I'm aware of that. And what are you saying that Taylor wanted you to do that night?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
So Folley claims at her urging, during sex in the backseat of her car, he tried various ways to restrict Taylor Beal's breathing.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Then he claims, unable to wake Taylor up, he froze into a stone cold panic. Why didn't you call for help?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
You might have been able to save her. I might have. I don't know. And no one ever will, because Ben Folley then claims he panicked again, that he drove the body of Taylor Beale back to Richmond, left her in her car, went to sleep, and then a day later returned to Matthews County, dug a shallow grave, and left the once vibrant girl by the side of the road.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
By the time her body was discovered, a month later, it was impossible to tell exactly how Taylor Beale died. You thought you could get away with it?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Ben Folley was charged with first degree murder, but he may not be the only one who was on trial.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
One day after what should have been a celebration of Taylor Beal's 18th birthday, family and friends were instead mourning Taylor's death.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
On that wet, gray October day, Janet Pellisara was filled with grief and rage for the man believed to have murdered her daughter.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But Ben Folley claims that Taylor's death was an accident, the result of a sex game that went horribly wrong.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
You know, he says that Taylor Beal's death was an accident. I mean, isn't it possible it was?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The prosecution's theory? Foley took Taylor for a drive to a secluded area to have sex. When Taylor rejected him, an angry Foley strangled her.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Prosecutors point out that in Folley's own statement to police, he admits he flipped out and told Taylor to shut up.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Prosecutors also say Folly duct taped Taylor's wrists, not as part of a sex act, but to restrain her.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Her hands, according to your own statement, were tied behind her back.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Isn't that more consistent with an abduction than a sexual... I did not abduct Taylor.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
In his statement recorded by police, Foley insists the duct tape was simply part of the game.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Do you think the jury is going to believe that this 17-year-old girl came up with this idea?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Attorneys Chris Collins and Bill Johnson are defending Ben Folley. How would Taylor Beal have any kind of knowledge about this bondage or any of these sexual practices?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
And at trial, the defense plans to show that Taylor wasn't a naive college freshman.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
It sounds as if in order to save Ben Folley from a long time in prison, you're going to really have to put the blame on Taylor Beale, the victim here.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Not according to Taylor's best friend and confidant, Glynis Keough says the defense theory is simply ridiculous.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
In fact, prosecutor Chris Bullard says he was unable to find any evidence, other than Ben Folley's word, that Taylor had any interest in bondage and risky sex acts.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
What's more, prosecutors say they can prove that Ben Folley is lying about how Taylor died that night. by reenacting Folley's story. Richmond police showed us what they learned.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The two young Richmond police officers are the same size as Taylor and Folley, and the car an exact replica.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Detective Jason Hudson read from Folley's own statement as a script.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The obvious takeaways say the officers... Someone could not get any kind of enjoyment out of this.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But will this be enough to prove that Folley intended to kill Taylor? Or, as the defense is counting on, will 12 jurors have their own doubts about the victim herself?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
and Matthews County is as rural and conservative as it gets. Jan, you're on 1140 WRVA.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The quiet conservative community of Matthews County, Virginia was bracing for a sensational trial in the death of Taylor Beale.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Everyone seemed to know about the 17-year-old college freshman abandoned by the side of a country road.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
For 17-year-old Taylor Beal of Vienna, Virginia, happiness was sipping cappuccino and listening to live music at her favorite neighborhood coffee shop.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Janet fears the trial will force her to confront the horror of what happened to her child. What scares you the most about this trial coming up?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The trial seemed set to begin when suddenly defense attorneys learned about a startling statement made by Ben Folley from behind bars. Even from the isolation of his cell, Folley managed to do what he had done all his life.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
In a flip jailhouse conversation with an officer, Folley described his previous statement to police as nothing more than a cynical strategy to beat the system, leaving the impression his story about erotic asphyxia was completely made up. It put his lawyers in a very awkward position.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
And then there was this jailhouse letter, penned to an ex-girlfriend.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Prosecutor Chris Bullard plans to use that letter against him in court.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
The letter, coupled with his description of the proceedings against him as nothing more than a chess game, left Ben Folley with few options.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Trapped by his own boastful words, Ben Folley could only manage a whisper as he agreed to a plea deal.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But on Labor Day 2005, having spent the long weekend at home, all Taylor wanted was to get back to her freshman year of college. She was so excited.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Yes. The deal? Second-degree murder. And the child pornography charges dropped. Instead of life in prison, 30 years, which Folley's lawyers thought was a pretty good deal for him. If this is a big chess game, did you win or lose?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But Taylor's mother, Janet, had something to say to her daughter's killer.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But Janet Pellisara has vowed to keep going. She's written a book, Love You More. And this is what she left me when she went off to school.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
That special little phrase she and Taylor always ended their conversations with.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Virginia Commonwealth University, known as VCU, was only two hours away in Richmond, but too far away for Taylor's mother, Janet Pellisara.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Matt Beale, Taylor's dad, and Janet divorced when Taylor was almost two. But they shared a profound love for their daughter.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
When I say the name Taylor Beale, what first comes to mind? Her smile, actually.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
So on that Labor Day weekend, no one wanted to see Taylor leave as she headed back to VCU.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
A few hours later, Taylor arrived here in Richmond at her college dorm. She unpacked, chatted with a few friends, and then called both of her parents to let them know she was okay. But later that night, Taylor Beal disappeared.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Those were the last words Taylor said to her roommate, Emma Ellsworth. When did you really become worried about her?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Emma notified the VCU campus police, who told Janet that both her daughter and her car were missing. I paced around the house thinking, okay, do I panic? Did you try calling her on her cell phone? Yes. No answer. VCU police questioned friends and acquaintances. Could Taylor have simply wandered off?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
A desperate mother turned to the press to get the story out. The search for Taylor went nationwide. Police in Richmond, Virginia say there's still no sign of a college freshman.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Ten days after Taylor's disappearance, VCU turned the case over to the Richmond Police. Chief Rodney Monroe organized a task force made up of university, state, and federal investigators.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Investigator Les Lozier of the Virginia Attorney General's Office feared the worst.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Then Folly was one of the last people to have seen Taylor the night she disappeared.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But when police interviewed the boyfriend, Jacob Cunningham, they learned that he and Taylor had dinner that night and had made up. We were on good terms. We left holding hands. Richmond Police Detective Jason Hudson.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
After dinner, Taylor told Jacob she was planning on going skateboarding. Could you find anybody she had made plans to go skateboarding?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Not for that night. This is the last sighting of Taylor the night she disappeared, captured on campus surveillance video at 10.24 p.m.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Twelve excruciating days pass, and finally a break. Taylor's car is found on a quiet residential street not far from campus. Did that give you hope?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Detectives showed us how the bloodhound they called in picked up a scent around the car. That scent led them to a home five blocks away. Where did that scent ultimately take you?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Let me ask you something, Jesse. Do you know Taylor Beale? Almost two agonizing weeks had passed since the disappearance of Janet Pellisara's 17-year-old daughter, Taylor.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Task Force members Les Lozier, Jason Hudson, and John Venuti worked around the clock searching for clues.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
A train coming straight at 23-year-old Jesse Schultz. Why would the police who are looking for Taylor Beal come to you?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
A bloodhound led police from Taylor Beale's car to Schultz's relative's house. Investigators searched the house but came up empty until they asked one last question.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
So detectives brought Jesse in, questioning him for several hours. Later, they asked him to take a polygraph. And how did he do on that polygraph?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Just as Jesse Schultz was being cleared, police were taking another look at Ben Folley, one of the last people to have seen Taylor before she disappeared.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Then Folley was known around campus for his colorful hair and his equally colorful van. A van so distinctive it was featured on local television.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Folley first met Taylor in February 2005 when she and her father Matt visited colleges and checked out the VCU campus. A very different looking Folley talked with us about the encounter.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Taylor planned on staying over with a friend already enrolled at the university. Folly was the friend's roommate.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Taylor's dad, Matt, spoke with Folly before leaving Taylor for the night. Did you have hesitation leaving Taylor with really a stranger?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
What Matt didn't know was that Ben Folley was no longer a student at VCU. Even more alarming, Folley was 37 years old. How old did you think he was?
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Back home, while still in high school, Taylor continued communicating with Folly by email. And when she visited the campus again, this time on her own, she again saw Folly.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
Folly, an amateur photographer, took this series of pictures during one of Taylor's visits.
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A Campus Mystery Unraveled
But at one point, Taylor shared with her best friend, Glynis Keough, that she and Folly had been intimate. It was a one night thing. She didn't regret it, but she didn't want to do it again. Erin Crable, another of Taylor's VCU friends, understands how Taylor could be drawn to folly. The 24-year-old once dated him. What attracted you to him?
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Upfront and honest? Not exactly. He was still married and living with Jocelyn.
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Marriage Secrets
As soon as Jocelyn learned her husband was cheating, they separated and she filed for divorce. It was a nasty split. According to prosecutor Randy Krantz, to get through it, Jocelyn had been seeing a therapist.
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Marriage Secrets
Well, she was certainly on medication. What about the idea that her medication was increased?
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Marriage Secrets
These are Jocelyn's journals, 17 spiral notebooks authorities believe hold the key to her life and her death. After his split with Jocelyn, Wesley Earnest took a job three hours away as an assistant principal at Great Bridge High School in Chesapeake, Virginia.
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Marriage Secrets
It seems Wesley Ernest was a man of many faces. At trial, teacher Sonya Stevens says Ernest told her he was well off. He did not have to work for a living.
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Marriage Secrets
Teacher Molly Sullivan said Ernest told her he wasn't just rich, but single, and even refused to accept her condolences after Jocelyn died.
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Marriage Secrets
As Wesley and Jocelyn started divorce proceedings, it was the lake house, his prized possession, they fought over. She wanted it sold. He, investigators say, didn't want to let it go.
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Marriage Secrets
He had tried to sell the lake house for about $2.9 million, but couldn't. It was 2007, and the housing bubble had burst. Ernest, in charge of the couple's finances, was in a fix with loans, credit card debt, and that more than $6,000 a month lake house mortgage.
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Marriage Secrets
It turns out the math major and assistant principal, Wesley Earnest, was more than $1 million in debt.
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Marriage Secrets
But after Jocelyn died, the bill collectors kept calling, and another person pitched in to bail Ernest out of debt, his new love, Shamika.
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Marriage Secrets
Investigators thought they had their motive. Wesley Earnest killed his wife Jocelyn for money. But there was that puzzling phrase in the purported suicide note, Jocelyn's new love.
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Jocelyn's coworker and friend, Marcy Shepard, thought she knew who the new love was and stunned the courtroom with her answer. We kissed maybe three times.
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Marriage Secrets
Prosecutor Wes Nance described their relationship as little more than a crush Marcy had on Jocelyn.
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Marriage Secrets
Unhappy and afraid of Wesley Ernest, according to her best friend, Jennifer Kearns.
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Marriage Secrets
Even more revealing, Jocelyn chronicled her feelings in these spiral notebooks she used as journals.
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It was explosive information. But the prosecution had a problem. Because Joslyn couldn't be questioned by the defense, her journals were considered hearsay. The judge ruled they couldn't be used as evidence.
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Marriage Secrets
It happened while Assistant Principal Ernest was out on bond, awaiting trial.
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Marriage Secrets
The cause of the fire was inconclusive. The judge ruled it could not be used as evidence in the murder trial because the fire could not be linked to Jocelyn's death. But, according to prosecutors, Ernest's behavior that day was suspicious.
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Marriage Secrets
Prosecutors were confident Wesley Earnest was the trigger man. But without the journals, without the fire, could they prove it?
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Marriage Secrets
Bring the jury here. Thank you. He claims he never had any money problems and that he didn't know about Marcy Shepard.
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Marriage Secrets
The women who stand by Wesley Earnest believe the evidence against him does not add up.
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Marriage Secrets
Jocelyn's father, Bill, was now face to face with an alleged murderer who used to be his son-in-law.
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Marriage Secrets
The defense won't be easy. The prosecution painted the assistant principal as a manipulative, desperate, and greedy man who executed his wife. A few days before her death, Ernest borrowed a co-worker's pickup truck. He was on the highway for hours, they say. driving from Chesapeake to Jocelyn's home on Pine Bluff Drive.
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Marriage Secrets
It was Wesley Earnest, prosecutors say, who cranked up Jocelyn's thermostat to 90 degrees to make it appear she had died much earlier in the day.
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Marriage Secrets
They insist the note was not a suicide note, but a homicide note Ernest typed to stage the murder scene. Do you think that Wesley's capable of writing a fake suicide note?
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Marriage Secrets
And that truck Ernest borrowed a few days before Jocelyn died? Oddly enough, he borrowed it again two weeks after her death.
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And if you're the next witness, come forward, please. Tire store manager Rick Kuhn remembers that truck and Wesley Earnest.
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Marriage Secrets
Then, on April 1st, 2010, April Fool's Day, the star witness, Assistant Principal Wesley Earnest, would finally tell his side of the story.
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When asked about his whereabouts on the day Jocelyn died, Ernest testified he left work around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
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Marriage Secrets
Prosecutors believe the assistant principal's sore throat story was just one more lie, one more piece of his premeditated murder plot.
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Marriage Secrets
Three hours and 35 minutes of deliberations, and then... If they do have a verdict, defendant, sir, if you would stand, please. We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of first-degree murder... Assistant Principal Dr. Wesley Earnest was guilty of murdering his wife, Jocelyn.
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Marriage Secrets
A heartbreaking defeat for Earnest's family. He was now a convicted killer. But one month later, while waiting for sentencing...
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Marriage Secrets
The guilty verdict was a victory for prosecutors. But it wouldn't last long. A posting on the local newspaper's website was about to turn this contentious case upside down.
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Marriage Secrets
Turns out those journals, Jocelyn's handwritten heartfelt thoughts, had been placed in the wrong box and taken to the jury room.
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A special hearing was called and the jury admitted to reading the journals. The jurors said they based their guilty verdict on inadmissible evidence, Jocelyn's very own words.
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Ernest would get a second chance, and Jocelyn's family would have to face their nightmare all over again.
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We can do it for Jocelyn. Defense attorney Joey Sanzone believes a new jury will see reasonable doubt.
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Nearly seven months after the first trial, more than two and a half years after Jocelyn's death, assistant principal Wesley Earnest would once again face a jury for the murder of his wife. There were no TV cameras allowed at the second trial.
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The prosecution focused on the purported suicide note, Jocelyn's fear through the voices of her friends, her relationship with Marcy Shepard, and Earnest's debt and deceptive ways. The defense hammered on the unreliability of the fingerprint evidence and Ernest's alibi. And once again, the assistant principal, Wesley Ernest, would take the witness stand.
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Same judge, new jury. But this time, Ernest would be given more leeway to explain his answers, and it seemed the defense was gaining ground.
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They desperately needed a new approach. Prosecutor Nance came up with an idea at 4.15 in the morning.
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The plan was to confront Earnest about a very unusual timeline handwritten by Jocelyn, a detailed history of her life she'd been keeping as part of her therapy. It was discovered inside her home, and prosecutors were certain Wesley Earnest had altered it.
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Marriage Secrets
Jocelyn's mother will never forget the question Prosecutor Nance asked her former son-in-law.
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Once again, Wesley Earnest was found guilty of first-degree murder. The jury recommended a sentence of life in prison plus three years, and the judge agreed.
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All the faces of Wesley Earnest hardened into one defining image, pale and resigned. Still, to his mother, he's a victim.
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There's an old photo of Ernest, a joke from his days as an assistant principal that seems like an eerie prediction. The prisoner for a day is now locked away for life.
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In March 2010, in this scenic southern community nestled near the Blue Ridge Mountains, 37-year-old high school assistant principal Wesley Ernest is on trial for his life. So how are you feeling heading into this trial?
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On December 19th, 2007, six days before Christmas, Jocelyn's close friend, Marcy Shepherd, who'd been texting with her all day, became concerned when Jocelyn never responded to messages she sent that evening. The next morning, Marcy drove over to Jocelyn's house. She let herself inside with Jocelyn's spare key, discovered her body, and called police.
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Marriage Secrets
When investigators Mike Mayhew and Gary Babb stepped inside Jocelyn's home, they found a shiny revolver beside her, a bullet wound to her head, a note by the front door. What'd the note say?
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Financial problems, a new love. The notes seem to raise even more questions than answers. Did it seem like a suicide note?
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The note contained 83 typed words and those two fingerprints that authorities say matched Jocelyn's estranged husband, Wesley Earnest.
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But Wesley Earnest had been living and working in another city more than three hours away.
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Ernest hired a well-known and rather unusual defense team from Lynchburg, Virginia. Joey Sanzone and his daughter Blair are firmly convinced this case is not what it seems.
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Sanzone says forensic tests determined Ernest's fingerprints were not on the gun, and his DNA was nowhere to be found at the scene. Investigators believe she was shot sometime between 7.30 and 9 p.m. the night before, and her body had been moved. And there's no way that she could have moved herself.
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The heat inside her home was overwhelming. The thermostat had been jacked up to 90 degrees. Jocelyn's home appeared untidy, but there were no signs of forced entry. Her faithful black lab, Rufus, was discovered locked in his crate in her bedroom without food or water.
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Marriage Secrets
Prosecutors Wes Nance and Randy Krantz believe the murder scene was set up to deflect attention away from the killer.
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It turns out the words on that mysterious note would reveal even more clues about a husband, a wife, and their very troubled life.
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Jocelyn, a 38-year-old financial services manager, had a playful sense of humor on the job and at home with her dad, Bill Branham.
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On the high school basketball team, she was number 21, a star shooting guard, team captain, and all-state honorable mention.
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At West Virginia University, Jocelyn was praised as one of the Mountaineers' best three-point shooters ever. Then, her junior year, Jocelyn, a business and economics major, met Wesley Ernest, a mathematics student.
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The newlyweds moved to Bedford County, Virginia. Jocelyn began working at Genworth Financial in Lynchburg. Ernest was the assistant principal at a high school.
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Despite their marriage troubles, they would start a new venture together. They built a luxurious weekend getaway on Smith Mountain Lake. Wesley Ernest had loved the lake since he was a boy.
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Their combined salary was nearly $200,000 a year, but this new second home would be expensive, a multi-million dollar project.
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The Lake home seemed to be on solid ground, but the couple's nine-year marriage was crumbling. Wesley Ernest says Jocelyn had an unconventional proposal.
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It was no joke to Wesley Earnest. He began seeing this woman, Shemeika Wright.
48 Hours
Murder in Paradise
The judge made a ruling, directed the jury to return verdicts of not guilty.
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Murder in Paradise
Barbara Labrador collapsed. She kept saying over and over, where is the justice? Where is the justice? They immediately put handcuffs on him and whisked him out the door.
48 Hours
Murder in Paradise
Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
Murder in Paradise
A special 48 Hours Mystery. Four young Americans, accustomed to the good life, were enjoying a taste of paradise.
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Murder in Paradise
Lois McMillan, their friend and artist, was also there, spending the holidays with her family at their Caribbean retreat. Then, one night, she never came home.
48 Hours
Murder in Paradise
The unthinkable, Lois's body was found. Something happened and she was out of fear, fleeing from an attacker. Even more shocking, the four friends are arrested, charged with murder.
48 Hours
Murder in Paradise
Susan Spencer investigates. Where will the evidence lead? You had apparently bloodstained clothing. There were scratch marks on their arms. William Labrador, the key defendant, speaks out. You do not convict innocent human beings. And a dramatic new twist that will turn this case upside down. A 48 Hours Mystery, Prisoners in Paradise.
48 Hours
Two Wigs and A Gun Pt 2
Piper Roundtree became eligible for parole in 2020. Her first parole petition was denied. Tina Roundtree died in 2020.
48 Hours
The Black Dahlia Mystery
And this is Hollywood Boulevard, the business and theater center of the film capital.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
One day I will get to see Kevin again, yeah, in heaven and when everything is made right. I thank Ms. Liu and Mr. Jiang for raising such a fine young man and for bringing him into the world.
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The Ivy League Murder
If this world falls apart, it will be all right because we have each other's hearts.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
The Ivy League Murder
To charge the mother of Penn 35 years in prison is too short and too light.
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The Ivy League Murder
I wanted to address Pan specifically. Although your sentence is far less than you deserve, there is also mercy. May God have mercy on you, and may he have mercy on all of us.
48 Hours
The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
So McDonough enlisted the help of the Texas Rangers and began piecing together what happened to Livy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Sean, a former Texas oil and gas man... once employed a then 20-year-old Matthew as a supervisor on his pipeline.
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Sean was also once a deputy sheriff and says in his personal and professional opinion, Matthew is innocent.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Sean believes Matthew when he says he has no memory of what happened. The cause of death for that girl is not natural. And thinks this moment... Did they tell you her name? Libby. ...was very real.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Sean won't name names, but Matthew and his mother Cindy have insinuated that someone else killed Livy. Montana.
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This is one of the last photos ever taken of Livy. She is with Montana, and they are at that party Matthew told investigators about at Bobby Ozan's place.
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Including Matthew and Montana's sons. Bobby told investigators Matthew spent the night watching Livvy and Montana party with everyone but him.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Investigators learned that Livvy had broken up with Matthew just weeks earlier and he had taken up with another young woman in town.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But it was clear to Bobby that Matthew wasn't over Livvy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
As the party at Bobby Ozan's was winding down, Matthew Edgar says he called it a night.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
That's where Matthew's memory goes blank. But his ex-wife, Montana Bockell, remembers much more. The day is October the 31st. In this audio recording, Montana told investigators Matthew suddenly came back to the party and learned that Livvy had decided to stay overnight at Bobby's.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
That was too much for him. That was just too much. According to Montana, Matthew was so angry, he even took it out on her.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Montana says she and Libby left in separate cars. In search of safety, Montana says she headed toward the home where Matthew's mother and grandparents lived, and that's where Matthew caught up with her.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
In all the racket, Montana says Matthew left and headed for his own home a short distance away on the same property. A shaken Montana says she asked to stay the night with Matthew's mother and grandparents and then began texting with Matthew.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
What does he say? You took part in it and you are guilty as she is, wrote Matthew, as he angrily accused Montana of playing a part in Libby's decision to spend the night with Bobby Ozan. Those texts would become damning evidence in the case against Matthew Edgar. He said, you knew what was going on. A decision that appears to have enraged him.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Mark my words. At 3.22 a.m., Matthew texts, I'm leaving. Better get here and get your kids. McDonough says evidence shows that a drunk and angry Matthew then got behind the wheel of his truck, where he kept his rifle and went hunting for Livy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
12 minutes after texting, I'm leaving, Matthew texted, I'm home. I got Libby's keys and her phone. Montana asked, where is she? Matthew's response, dead. Montana told investigators she didn't call 911 because she didn't believe he was serious. Instead, Montana texted Matthew, can I come down there? His reply, yeah.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But Montana claims that Matthew's mother wouldn't let her leave, so she just fell asleep.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But Matthew didn't go to bed. McDonough says evidence shows that not long after sending that text that Livvy was dead, Matthew did something no one can explain. He went back to the crime scene. this time in his cousin Zach's truck. It's that truck that was found parked behind Livvy's car. Why would he go back then? Why would he return to the scene of the crime?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
That would be a question you'd have to ask Matthew. I can't explain that. Also hard to explain, Montana's failure to call 911. It made no sense to Livvy's friend, Bailey.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
McDonough says he and his team of investigators wondered if Montana had been to the crime scene that morning to try and help Matthew cover up Libby's murder.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Two months after the crime, Montana was given a polygraph exam.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
After monitoring her physiological responses, Montana was told she failed the polygraph.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But after an in-depth multi-agency investigation, investigators concluded that Montana was never at the crime scene and had nothing to do with Libby's shooting or any coverup. And so to all those who think somehow she's involved, you say... Not true. Not true at all. All the evidence, says McDonough, points to one person, Matthew Edgar. Is there a motive in your mind? Jealousy. Jealousy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Plain and simple. In February 2021, the COVID pandemic shut down the courts and this case. With no grand juries being convened, a judge was forced by law to release a still unindicted Matthew Edgar on a reasonable bond, $50,000. For them to set it so low was insane to me. Months after Matthew's release, Darcy was at her local convenience store when Matthew just strolled in.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Matthew pressed charges against Darcy, and she was arrested. The charges would eventually be dropped, but Darcy says she just wanted some answers.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
On March 16th, 2021, four and a half months after his arrest. The charge is going to be homicide. A grand jury finally heard the evidence against Matthew Edgar. and indicted him for the murder of Livy Lewis. But Matthew, who was still out on bail, wasn't done breaking the law and tormenting Livy's family.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
As January 2022 and the trial of Matthew Edgar approached, Darcy Bass was confident that the evidence in the murder of her daughter Livy would finally prove that Matthew had killed her.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Then there were all those venomous texts between Matthew and Montana that Taylor and Bailey say ended with a clear confession.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
And remember that text that read, I got Livvy's keys and her phone? Well, Livvy's phone was found in the truck Matthew had driven to the crime scene. Her keys were found on the driveway at his grandparents' house and reluctantly handed over to investigators by Matthew's mother, Cindy Hogan. Is it true, in your opinion, that she tried to keep Livvy's keys from investigators? That was the indication.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Cindy Hogan also tried to help her son by suggesting that Livy had been killed by a drug cartel because Matthew owed them money.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
On Monday, January 24th, 2022, the trial of Matthew Edgar began with jury selection. Matthew, who was still out on bond, walked in and out of court every day like a free man.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
On the first day of testimony, the state began presenting its case, which included DNA lab results that detected a tiny speck of Livy's blood on the pants Matthew was wearing when he was found at the crime scene. How important is that piece of evidence? It's critical. It puts him there at the time that that injury caused her death.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But Matthews' court-appointed defense attorney, Rob Hughes, argued that a tiny drop of blood doesn't prove a thing. How else could that speck have gotten on his pant leg if not coming from blood spatter from the shooting?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Hughes says there's no telling how long that blood had been there. And all that blood on Matthew's face that McDonough swabbed and had tested, it wasn't Livy's or Matthew's. And once they were excluded, investigators didn't pursue other matches. Hugh says there were additional DNA tests that also raised questions about who else may have been at the crime scene.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Hughes tried his best to argue that the DNA should be considered reasonable doubt, but admits that his biggest obstacle in defending Matthew were those texts and Matthew's insistence that he has no memory of sending them.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
In your entire career as a defense attorney, have you ever had a client who was functioning during the course of a crime, texting, conversing with people, driving an automobile, who then said they had no memory whatsoever of the events?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Hughes also asserted that the murder weapon had not been tested for fingerprints or DNA, but conceded the rifle belonged to Matthew. After a second day of testimony, the prosecutor notified Hughes that he would be resting his case the next morning And it would then be Hughes' turn to call witnesses.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Sean Dunn says that he had been Snapchatting with Matthew, who was feeling optimistic about his chances.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But the next morning, as Rob Hughes arrived at the courthouse, he got a panicked call from Matthew's mother, who told him her son was now a fugitive.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Authorities say Matthew had simply waited for the battery on his ankle monitor to die and then left home, most likely on foot.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Roughly two miles. Meanwhile, Matthew's trial went on without him. That very same day, defense attorney Rob Hughes began presenting his case. The jury was not told that Matthew had fled, but they must have wondered.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
No one was surprised when after deliberating for about an hour and a half, the jury found Matthew Edgar guilty of murder. But he was still on the loose, out there somewhere, an armed threat to himself and the community.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Darcy says it felt like no one was searching for Matthew, so she became a mother on a mission and hung this homemade wanted poster all over town. But she wasn't alone. J.P. McDonough had been joined by Jeff Coulter, a special deputy with the Eastern District U.S. Marshal Service, and they were on the hunt for Matthew. Do you consider him right off the bat to be a dangerous fugitive?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
This is the very spot where 19-year-old Livy Lewis was murdered, now a memorial lovingly tended to by her mother, Darcy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
It's also a place that Darcy is convinced Matthew Edgar visited after becoming a fugitive.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Darcy says she also heard rumors that Matthew's mother had been spotted buying her son's favorite cigarettes and liquor in large quantities.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
One week after Matthew ran from the law, Jeff Coulter, a special deputy with the U.S. Marshals, was asked to take over the manhunt. When you first begin your investigation, do you start with his family to see if they've heard anything?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Coulter says he quietly spent nearly a year working with the sheriff's office and other law enforcement agencies around the country to chase down every lead that came their way. We had put in a lot of hours, a lot of weekends, a lot of late nights. Then a tip that Matthew might actually be hiding in plain sight, just yards from his grandparents' property in this house.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
The house, which belonged to a family friend, was surrounded by woodlands. So Coulter enlisted the aid of two wardens with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The plan? To get as close as possible, under the cloak of darkness, using night vision to ID their man.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
While Coulter led a team of three men into the woods, J.P. McDonough and his deputies were on the opposite side of the house, near the driveway, but out of sight in their vehicles.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
If Coulter and his men made a positive ID on Matthew, they would finally have him cornered.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
They were 30 yards from the house when a second storm hit, but there was no giving up.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
This needed to end tonight. Drenched and exhausted, Coulter and his team could hear voices on the back porch of the house, but couldn't see faces. until about 8 p.m., when a man stepped off the porch.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
One of Coulter's men immediately recognized that man as Matthew Edgar. He goes, he's here. I got eyes on him.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
I have not. Colter says that's not all Matthew had to say that night. He said, please don't shoot my mother.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Cindy Hogan was eventually charged with hindering apprehension. We reached out to her attorney for comment, but did not hear back. On January 3rd, 2023, Matthew Edgar was formally sentenced for the murder of Livy Lewis, 99 years in prison with the possibility of parole after serving 30 years.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Darcy hopes to be there when Matthew comes up for parole and Taylor and Bailey say she won't be alone.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Meanwhile, Darcy is trying to save up enough money to buy a headstone for Libby's grave. How do you carry on and honor your daughter's memory?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Not a single one. The world seems to think that Matthew Edgar is a murderer. Do you believe that? I do not. Do you believe that someone else pulled that trigger?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
In the early morning hours of Halloween 2020, a day when the boundaries between the living and the dead become blurred, Libby Lewis was discovered draped over the steering wheel of her car, dead from a rifle shot to the neck. Here's her ID. Libby had just turned 19. I don't know if dispatch has notified her next of kin or not.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
It happened in Hemphill, a tiny town in Texas with a population just over 1,000, the kind of place where no one is a stranger and news spreads like wildfire.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Yeah, that's what I was... That is how Livvy's mother, Darcy Bass, heard the news when a friend called to say that Livvy had been shot.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
By all accounts, Libby Lewis was a remarkable young woman, a straight-A student and recent high school grad with a scholarship to a local college.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Libby was already a certified nursing assistant at a local nursing home.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
That's also where she met one of her best friends, fellow nursing assistant Taylor Barnett.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Taylor was nearly six years older and had a young daughter, but she says Livvy fit right in.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
That's probably why Livvy fell for an older man, Matthew Edgar, who was 23 when they met.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Livvy was still a senior in high school when she and Matthew began a secret relationship. Matthew was married to Montana Bokel, the mother of his two young sons. Phone records indicate that Livy and Matthew began texting each other in November 2019, when Matthew wrote, you do realize you cannot say a word to anybody that we are even texting, LOL.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Livy responded, well, obviously I'm not gonna brag about texting a married man, but thanks for the clarification. It appears that after a very brief affair, Livy quickly and firmly ended things. But Matthew wasn't done. About four months later, he texted to complain about how unhappy he was in his marriage. I cheated again, he said. But Livvy held her ground.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
I'm not really down for being a homewrecker, she wrote. Nearly two months later, Matthew ended his marriage in this text exchange with his wife, where he said, ain't you, it's me. Me always cheating on you. Four days later, Montana hired a divorce attorney. Matthew moved out and circled back to Livy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
At just 18, Livy was now navigating a relationship with a man who had two young sons and a soon-to-be ex-wife.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
You can call it that, absolutely. Sabine County Sheriff's investigator J.P. McDonough questioned Matthew about his relationship with Montana and Livvy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But Taylor says that as time went by, it was Matthew's behavior that became the most menacing.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Phone records show that the relationship was a rollercoaster ride. while at times Matthew sent texts to Livvy like, Good night, baby. I love you. Livvy's texts alleged physical abuse. I don't know why you keep putting your hands on me like that. My body hurts today.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Livy had been planning on moving to her new college campus. But in the summer of 2020, she stayed on that roller coaster ride, agreeing to move in with Matthew and help take care of him and his sons. She even redecorated the boys' rooms.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But things seemed to have quickly turned ugly. In August of 2020,
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
I'm scared of you. You've laid your hands on me multiple times. I deserve better than that. Had she told you at that time that she had been violent?
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Livy did tell her cousin, Sidney Ebar, what was going on. She sent you a disturbing photograph.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
It's not clear what caused the altercation, but texts would later show that Matthew was cheating on Livvy with, of all people, Montana. On October 4th, 2020, Livvy's birthday, Matthew texted Montana. I didn't cheat on Livvy with multiple women, just you, LOL.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Livvy broke up with Matthew. But in a small town like Hemphill, you can run, but you can't really hide. In the early morning hours of Halloween 2020, Matthew and Livvy would end up together again. On the side of this road. The morning Livvy Lewis was killed on the side of the road, her ex-boyfriend Matthew Edgar found himself in a hospital bed, claiming he had no idea how he got there.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Despite the blood on his face, Matthew wasn't injured. But he did admit to Sheriff's Investigator J.P. McDonough that he'd been drinking.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
Anything else? a few beers earlier in the day. He said he'd been at a party the night before at his friend Bobby Ozan's house. That's when he claims he last saw Livvy.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
And that's where Matthew claims he blacked out. and simply can't explain how he ended up in a fetal position between a black truck that wasn't his and Livvy's car.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
McDonough took swabs of the blood on Matthew's face for DNA testing. All right, Matthew, I'm going to do this one on the chin. and Matthew's clothing was taken into evidence. I'm going to go through some of your clothes, okay? Yes, sir. Then McDonough placed Matthew under arrest.
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The Blackout Murder of Livye Lewis
But he didn't say, you're going to do what? I didn't do anything. Nothing at all? Nothing at all. With Matthew jailed, McDonough was on a legal deadline. According to Texas law, the district attorney's office now had 90 days to present enough evidence to a grand jury to indict Matthew, or they would have to release him on bond.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
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48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
By now, Dee's family was growing suspicious of Dale. On the day Dee went missing, Dale told each of them what happened, but they say they all heard slightly different versions.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And there was another odd detail in the story Dale told Dee's family and police that Sunday.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel, Zach, and Greg all say he showed them that ring on Sunday too, seeming to offer it as proof that Dee had left intentionally and maybe for good. But Greg says that ring is worth as much as $40,000. And leaving it behind didn't sound like Dee.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
As time passed, the family's suspicions that Dale had harmed his wife only grew. About six weeks after Dee went missing, Greg says he confronted Dale about how he thought the investigation was progressing.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But believing Dale had something to do with Dee's disappearance was very different from being able to prove it. The Michigan State Police and the FBI helped the county sheriff conduct a large-scale search of their properties again in October. But there was still no sign of Dee alive or dead.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
In February 2022, 10 months after Dee had gone missing, Shelly was watching an episode of 48 Hours featuring an investigator named Billy Little.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Greg Hardy was convinced Dale Warner was behind his sister's disappearance. Did she love living here? She did. Although the sheriff's office had conducted at least seven searches and interviewed Dale several times, Greg was growing impatient by what he saw as a lack of progress.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Authorities, says Greg, told him that without a body, it would be difficult to charge Dale with murder, which is why Greg called Billy Little.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Missouri-based attorney and investigator Billy Little made his first trip to Lenawee County in the spring of 2022.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Billy Little got to work on his own investigation and learn from Dee's family that the couple argued frequently, especially about money.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dee's adult children told him their mom had often talked about divorce, but that she didn't want to split custody of their little sister Lena with Dale. Still, the day before Dee disappeared, they say something had changed. Had you really seen your mother like that before?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dee's kids say that she had finally had enough and was going to tell Dale that night she wanted to sell the profitable trucking business and end her marriage. This was Dee's life. Why did she want to sell the business?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Greg told Billy Little that he thought Dale was moving money between the businesses after Dee disappeared. Greg had already filed a civil suit to protect Dee's interests and to get more information about what Dale was doing.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
In court documents, Dale says he did move money on the advice of professionals. The more Billy Little learned, he says, the more he, like the family, became convinced that Dee was no longer alive.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Greg and Billy Little tried to increase the pressure on Dale. Friends had started a social media campaign called Justice for Dee, and Greg paid for this billboard that he says he wrote sarcastically saying, Help Dale Find Dee. It went up at a big intersection near Dale's farm, where Greg says drivers from the trucking company would be sure to see it every day.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But Little says he and Greg were mostly focused on trying to find evidence to help build a murder case without a body.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And they continued to search relentlessly for any trace of Dee.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
This property, about three miles from Dale and Dee's home, is one of the places that stood out to Greg. Six months after Dee disappeared, there was a fire where the old farmhouse used to be. And Greg says the neighbors told him they thought Dale who owned the property with Dee, had set that fire. The fire was determined to be a controlled burn, which are common in the area.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Police searched this site in October 2021, just a few days after that fire. It's not known what, if anything, they learned. Greg and Billy Little came here themselves the next year.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
They found nothing conclusive, but that old farm was just one site they thought was suspicious.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
There was a field near Raquel's house that Dale had farmed. Which one?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
and another field two towns over that Dale had access to. And many more places Greg wanted police to check further. And isn't the really hard part about this, Greg, is there's just so many places.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
In August 2022, the Michigan State Police took over Dee's case. Greg and Billy Little had pushed for this because they say the State Police had more experience and resources than the County Sheriff.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
After the state police took over the case, they interviewed Dale again and pressed him on his story. Dale told them that the argument with that employee just before Dee disappeared was partly about Dee taking money from the business.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But police did not have evidence that Dee had stolen money. In September, the family filed another suit to have Dee Warner declared legally dead. Greg says he wanted to be able to file a wrongful death suit against Dale one day. The family waited for news on the criminal case.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
On November 21st, 2023, two and a half years after Dee Warner went missing, the news came that her husband Dale was under arrest. Stephanie was preparing for her mother's funeral when she got the call.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
He pleaded not guilty, and Dee's family braced themselves for a long legal battle ahead.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
This episode is brought to you by Amazon Prime. From streaming to shopping, Prime helps you get more out of your passions. So whether you're a fan of true crime or prefer a nail biting novel from time to time, with services like Prime Video, Amazon Music and fast free delivery, Prime makes it easy to get more out of whatever you're into or getting into. Visit slash Prime to learn more.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Prepare to be entertained. Gladiator 2 is now streaming on Paramount+. You hear that crowd? It's ferociously entertaining.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Paul Meskel, Pedro Pascal, with Connie Nielsen and Denzel Washington. Strength and honor. Strength and honor. Gladiator 2, directed by Ridley Scott. Now streaming on Paramount+.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
On May 1st, 2024, just a little more than three years after Dee Warner disappeared, her friends and family gathered here at the Lenawee County District Court for the first day of Dale Warner's preliminary hearing.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
It would be up to Judge Anna Freshour to decide if the case should move to trial.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
There is no body. There are no body parts. Dee had been recently declared dead in civil court. But Dale Warner's defense attorney, Mary Chartier, said this was a fact prosecutors would need to establish themselves in the criminal case.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raise your right hand, please. Do you swear to tell the truth?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But the state was determined to show that while there was no body, there was also no evidence that Dee was still alive.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And prosecutor Jackie Wise worked to show there was no evidence that Dee had taken off on her own.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
She asked Stephanie Vogel about that secret phone that Dale claimed his wife had.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Michigan State Police Detective Daniel Drouillard is the lead investigator on this case. You swear to tell the truth. He testified about the exhaustive searches law enforcement did to find any trace of activity from Dee over the three years she had been missing.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
All their searches came up empty. But Dee's daughter, Raquel, had noticed something curious at the Warner home. On the stand, she said that on the day her mother disappeared, she saw tire tracks by the back of the house.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
There were no security cameras pointed at this part of the property, but the prosecution suggested that the tracks Raquel saw were left by Dale using the farm's JCB front-end loader to remove Dee's body from their home.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Remember, Dale said his wife was asleep in the living room when he left that morning, close to those sliding doors.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
In his 2022 interview with police, Dale had an explanation for those tracks. He said he thought he used the loader to go back to the house and get his worksheet for the sprayer at around 6.30 a.m.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
The FBI searched Warner's Franklin Township property. They've looked everywhere.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
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48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
The defense emphasized there was no evidence Dale Warner had anything to do with Dee's disappearance. And in fact, his statements about what he was doing that morning were supported by security videos around the farm. The videos, played in court, showed Dale at 7 a.m. using that front-end loader. At 7.45 a.m., police say he texts Dee, going to be spraying, call you later.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
He is seen three minutes later driving a sprayer onto the road and returning at 8.13 a.m.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
The defense also argued that Dale had not acted like a guilty man. He allowed police to search his properties and spoke to them many times after D disappeared. Only parts of a few of those interviews were played in court, but his attorney said that Dale had repeatedly denied harming D.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Over and over, the defense underscored the lack of physical evidence in the case. Do you have a murder weapon in this case?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
They hone in on Mr. Warner from the beginning. In her final statement to the judge, Mary Chartier argues that there is no basis for the charges.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Prosecutor Jackie Wise maintained that the state's case was strong.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
The decision was now with the judge, and Dee's supporters were worried. Would Dale now face the murder charge at trial, or would he walk out as a free man?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
It's been more than two years since Dee Warner's disappearance.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Now streaming, Academy Award winner Michelle Yeoh takes command.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Gather your people. We're going to need every one of them.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
In Section 31, a new Star Trek original movie on Paramount+.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Don't miss Star Trek Section 31. Now streaming exclusively on Paramount+.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
On June 7, 2024, Judge Anna Freshour returned to court with her decision. She first spoke about Dee.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And there was nothing she heard, the judge said, that made her feel differently.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But there was enough evidence, she said, to believe that Dee Warner was dead and that her husband was likely the one behind it.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale Warner has been ordered to stand trial for the murder of his wife. But Billy Little knows the real work is still ahead.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
law enforcement was still searching for physical evidence. And in August 2024, two months after that preliminary hearing concluded, that's exactly what they found. Breaking news in the case of Dee Warner. Dee's family heard about it first.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
They met detectives at Greg and Shelley's farm. Police told them they had gone back to a property that Dale and Dee owned and taken away a large metal tank that was used to store fertilizer. According to a search warrant, that tank had a non-factory weld on the back and a sign on it that said, out of service, do not fill.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
When the tank was scanned, investigators finally found what they had been looking for. It was my mom.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
It took just days, authorities say, to confirm that the body inside that tank was Dee Warner. Her death was ruled a homicide.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Authorities are not granting any interviews about this case before the trial, but that warrant also says that security video from the day Dee was reported missing showed Dale in one of the farm buildings searching for something near the welding equipment.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
For three years, police had been looking for Dee's body underground, and now they had come to believe that she might have been concealed above ground.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
So Dale would have access to all this. He did. Greg says he has no doubt now that Dale killed Dee and hid her body.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale's defense attorney declined to speak to 48 Hours on Camera, but she told us that Dale maintains his innocence and said in this email, they're prepared to vigorously fight for him in court and present his defense. Isn't it likely that Dale's gonna argue, well, that was a cylinder sitting out in a barn.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel says finding her mom's body after these three long years gave the family a sense of peace.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dee's family laid her to rest in a private burial soon after her body was identified. Her daughter Lena, now 12, was with them.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel and Zach say they miss their mother deeply and that her death has changed them in profound ways.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale Warner's trial is scheduled to begin on September 2nd, 2025.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Join me Tuesday for Postmortem from 48 Hours, where we'll dive even deeper into today's episode and answer your questions about the case.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Think about how screwed up we would be if we had survived a plane crash only to end up eating each other.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
The only way to truly be safe is to be the only one left. You really are insane. Yellowjackets new season streaming February 14th on the Paramount Plus with Showtime plan. Let the bodies hit the... The phenomenon is back. The new season of Yellowjackets streaming February 14th on Paramount Plus with Showtime.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Think about how screwed up we would be if we had survived a plane crash only to end up eating each other.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
This season, the past will come back to hunt you. You really are insane. Yellow Jackets, new season, streaming February 14th on the Paramount Plus with Showtime Plan.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
It was Sunday, April 25th, 2021, a spring morning in the farmland of Lenawee County, Michigan. Raquel Bock drove the short distance from her house to her childhood home for her weekly breakfast with her mother, Dee Warner.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
This episode is brought to you by LifeLock. During tax season, your personal info travels to a lot of places, between payroll, your tax consultant, and the IRS. If your W-2 gets exposed, that's just the ticket for identity thieves. That's why LifeLock monitors millions of data points every second. If your identity is stolen, they'll fix it guaranteed or your money back.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel says that when her mom was not there and not answering calls or texts, it just didn't feel right.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Hello? One of Dee's cars, a Hummer, was parked at the farm office just down the road. What about your mother's car that she drove all the time, the Cadillac?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
No. The fertilizer sprayer, usually parked in a barn, was gone, and Raquel's stepfather, Dale Warner, was out on it working. Was that normal?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel went down the road to Dee's brother Greg and his wife Shelly's house.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Raquel and her aunt Shelly went driving to look for Dee. They returned to her house with only more questions.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
They looked upstairs in the bedroom and bathroom for clues.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Later, they learned Dee's phone and passport were missing too. The feeling that I had in my stomach was nothing but fear. Zach Bach, another of Dee's four children from her first marriage, soon came over to join the search. He went down to the farm office to look for any sign of his mom.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
There was a security camera inside the office and a few more outside.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And there was something else out of the ordinary. Their nine-year-old sister Lena, Dee and Dale's only child together, had stayed at her cousin's house the night before. And Dee hadn't yet called or come to get her.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
By now, it was late in the day on Sunday, and the Lenawee County Sheriff's Office sent a deputy to talk to Dale. the conversation was recorded on a body camera. This and other body cam footage has been adjusted at times for clarity.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Don't let identity thieves take you for a ride. Save up to 40% your first year. Visit slash podcast. Terms apply.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale told police he had last seen Dee that morning before he went out to work.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale seemed to believe his wife was alive and well and that she left intentionally.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale also told police that Dee had been upset and suffering from a migraine the night before after an argument with two of her employees.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale and Dee ran three main businesses from their farm. Zach was their bookkeeper.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
There was a trucking business with about 15 employees that Dee managed.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
And there was the farm itself and a chemical company that sold fertilizer and seed. Which was the most successful? Which did the best? 100% the trucking company. Stephanie Vogel worked for Dale and Dee and describes Dee as a good business person, tough, generous, and hardworking. But Raquel says that running that trucking business was not easy for Dee.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale told police that conflict between Dee and their employees was nothing new. I don't know.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
On Saturday, the day before she went missing, Dee had texted Stephanie asking her how to block the driver who had quit from the company's Facebook page. I told her how to do it.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dee's sister-in-law, Shelly, wondered if the pressures had just become too much for Dee. You're thinking at that point she might have taken her life?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
What if there were a medicine that could heal almost anything?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But they didn't want you to know about it. Sorry, who's they? Some people are following me, and I brought my tortoise.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
From executive producers Mike Judge and Greg Daniels and co-creators Joe Bennett and Steve Healy comes an animated comedy thriller about what it takes to change the world. Common Side Effects. New episodes Sundays at 11.30 p.m. on Adult Swim. Now streaming on Max.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
No. After hearing nothing from Dee Warner, some of those closest to her feared she may have harmed herself. And they noticed that Dale, her husband, didn't seem very worried.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dale had told police that Dee, when upset, had a history of spending the night elsewhere.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
But the sheriff's office did not wait for Dee to show up. They came out on Monday and Tuesday to conduct interviews and search the property. On Thursday, four days after Dee disappeared, they searched the farm again. And Dale agreed to talk to them at length at the kitchen table. Dale now told investigators that he and Dee had had a fight on Saturday.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
He said she had accused him of talking about her behind her back to the employees she had fought with, which Dale denied. He said he didn't talk to Dee again until that evening at home when their fight continued. Dale and Dee had been partners in life and business since they started their first company together in 2005, the year before they got married. Was this a love match?
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
They weren't an obvious pair. Dee's family and friends say she loved to have fun, dress up, go out, and dance. Dale, they say, just seemed to work a lot.
48 Hours
The "No Body" Case of Dee Warner
Dee's family later learned she had been having an affair. It didn't surprise them, they said, given the state of her marriage. But police say her affair partner was out of town the weekend she went missing and could not have had anything to do with the case. A week after her disappearance, Dee's brother Greg organized a search of the land around her home.
All The Feelings • The Sins & Virtues
Gluttony: It's Not Just About the Donuts
Here's another show you can enjoy in the True Story FM family of entertainment podcasts. Hey, Pete, ever wonder what Steven Spielberg's favorite film is? You know, Andy, I've heard he loves classics like Lawrence of Arabia, Meet Me in St. Louis. Imagine chatting with him about why those films resonate with him so much. That's exactly what we do on our podcast, Movies We Like.
All The Feelings • The Sins & Virtues
Gluttony: It's Not Just About the Donuts
All the Feelings presents Sins and Virtues. This episode... Gluttony.
All The Feelings • The Sins & Virtues
Gluttony: It's Not Just About the Donuts
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All The Feelings • The Sins & Virtues
Gluttony: It's Not Just About the Donuts
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Rain Man, David Sachs.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
GPT-4o launches, Glue demo, Ohalo breakthrough, Druck's Argentina bet, did Google kill Perplexity?
Open source it to the fans, and they've just gone crazy with it. Love you, Wes. Nice.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
GPT-4o launches, Glue demo, Ohalo breakthrough, Druck's Argentina bet, did Google kill Perplexity?
Rain Man, David Saxon.
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
GPT-4o launches, Glue demo, Ohalo breakthrough, Druck's Argentina bet, did Google kill Perplexity?
Love you guys. Bye.
American History Tellers
The Wright Brothers | Fliers or Liars | 2
He was hip-hop's biggest mogul, the man who redefined fame, fortune, and the music industry. The first male rapper to be honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sean Diddy Cone. Diddy built an empire and lived a life most people only dream about.
American History Tellers
The Wright Brothers | Fliers or Liars | 2
But just as quickly as his empire rose, it came crashing down.
American History Tellers
The Wright Brothers | Fliers or Liars | 2
Until you're wearing an orange jumpsuit, it's not real. Now it's real. From his meteoric rise to his shocking fall from grace, from law and crime, this is The Rise and Fall of Diddy. Listen to The Rise and Fall of Diddy exclusively with Wondery+.
Anatomy of Murder
Justice Delayed (Vickie Lynn Belk)
I'll explain the reason why I showed you her picture. August of 1979, her body was found in Brian's room. When I say her body, she was deceased.
Anatomy of Murder
Justice Delayed (Vickie Lynn Belk)
She was sexually assaulted and she was shot in the head.
Anatomy of Murder
Justice Delayed (Vickie Lynn Belk)
I clearly had sex with her at some point. Probably.
Anatomy of Murder
Justice Delayed (Vickie Lynn Belk)
I'll explain the reason why I showed you her picture. August of 1979, her body was found in Brian's ribs. When I say her body, she was deceased. Okay. She was sexually assaulted and she was shot in the head.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Reid Hoffman Returns (on an optimistic AI)
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Reid Hoffman Returns (on an optimistic AI)
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
It was crazy. And Mitch Rouse.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
Stay tuned for the fact check.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
They say Hollywood is where dreams are made, a seductive city where many flock to get rich, be adored, and capture America's heart. But when the spotlight turns off, fame, fortune, and lives can disappear in an instant. When TV producer Roy Radin was found dead in a canyon near LA in 1983, There were many questions surrounding his death.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
The last person seen with him was Laney Jacobs, a seductive cocaine dealer who desperately wanted to be part of the Hollywood elite. Together, they were trying to break into the movie industry. But things took a dark turn when a million dollars worth of cocaine and cash went missing. From Wondery comes a new season of the hit show Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Allison Jones (Award-Winning Casting Director)
Follow Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of The Cotton Club Murder early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Wondery Presents: New Heights
Calling all 92 percenters, Jason Kelsey and Travis Kelsey are football's funniest family duo, and every week they provide next-level access to life in the league as it unfolds. In New Heights, the two brothers and Super Bowl champions drop weekly insights about their games and share unique perspectives on trending NFL news and sports headlines.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Wondery Presents: New Heights
Plus, entertaining stories from a combined 21 years in the league. Off-field interests and engaging conversations with incredible guests like LeBron James, Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, and Caitlin Clark, just to name a few. Here's a clip of New Heights. Follow New Heights on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
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Wondery Presents: New Heights
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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Josh Gad Returns
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare. We are supported by ZipRecruiter.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Josh Gad Returns
Because the absurdity is very clear to a nine-year-old.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Josh Gad Returns
Stay tuned for more Armchair Expert, if you dare. We are supported by Ollie. Gosh, I love Ollie.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Behind the closed doors of government offices and military compounds, there are hidden stories and buried secrets from the darkest corners of history. From covert experiments pushing the boundaries of science, to operations so secretive they were barely whispered about.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
Each week on Redacted Declassified Mysteries, we pull back the curtain on these hidden histories, 100% true and verifiable stories that expose the shadowy underbelly of power. Consider Operation Paperclip, where former Nazi scientists were brought to America after World War II, not as prisoners, but as assets to advance U.S. intelligence during the Cold War.
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Best of Friday 2024
These aren't just old conspiracy theories. They're thoroughly investigated accounts that reveal the uncomfortable truths still shaping our world today. The stories are real. The secrets are shocking. Follow Redacted Declassified Mysteries on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Redacted early and ad-free right now on Wondery+.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
What are you looking for in a new smart TV? 4K picture quality? High quality and immersive sound? A sleek design? All of those are givens, but only the new Roku Pro series has all of those and the Roku Streaming Experience, an award-winning OS.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Get fast, easy access to all your apps like iHeart, where you can stream all your favorite music, radio, and podcasts all day, and regular, all-inclusive trips to Roku City. The new Roku Pro series, a smart TV built by the streaming pros.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
18 plus terms and... Amazon One Medical presents Painful Thoughts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Next time, make an appointment with an Amazon One Medical provider. There's no waiting and no sweaty guy. Amazon One Medical. Healthcare just got less painful.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
When it comes to playtime, never let your squad down. Unlock elite gaming tech at Push your gameplay beyond performance with 13th Gen Intel Core processors. Upgrade to smooth, high-quality streaming with Intel Wi-Fi 6E. And maximize game performance with enhanced overclocking. Win the tech search and head to
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Did you know you can now buy a Hyundai on Amazon? The same place where you order yoga mats, a toothbrush, and pretty much everything else. All from the comfort of your home. Just locate a nearby dealer. Pick your color, your options, check the price. And with a few dotting of some I's and crossing of some T's, voila, your Hyundai is ready for pickup. It's that easy.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Visit for more details. Limited availability. Pick up through a participating Hyundai dealer in select markets.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have supervision, enhanced hearing, extraordinary reflexes to be, dare we say, superhuman? Well, Roku's new Pro Series TV can't do any of that for you. But with a 4K screen, side firing speakers and a blazing fast refresh rate, it'll sure feel like it.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Elevate your entertainment using all your favorite apps like iHeart and play all your music, radio, and podcasts with the new Roku Pro series. Your senses aren't better. Your TV is.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Amazon One Medical presents Painful Thoughts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Next time, make an appointment with an Amazon One Medical provider. There's no waiting and no sweaty guy. Amazon One Medical. Healthcare just got less painful.
Behind the Bastards
Part Five: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
When it comes to playtime, never let your squad down. Unlock elite gaming tech at Push your gameplay beyond performance with 13th Gen Intel Core processors. Upgrade to smooth, high-quality streaming with Intel Wi-Fi 6E. And maximize game performance with enhanced overclocking. Win the tech search and head to
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
But he was leading a double life.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult...
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I like saw the whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Great. He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I, like, saw a whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Did you kill her? Listen to The Real Killer, Season 3, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
But he was leading a double life.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I saw the whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: How Woody Guthrie Turned Folk Music into a Weapon
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I, like, saw a whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Did you kill her? Listen to The Real Killer, Season 3, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Three: P. Diddy: A Life in Crimes
Behind the Bastards is now available on YouTube. New episodes every Wednesday and Friday. Subscribe to our channel, slash at Behind the Bastards.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He went to a local church. He was going to the grocery store with us. He was the guy next door.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He could get into their home, take something, and get out and not be caught. He felt very powerful.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Someone killed four members of a family. It just didn't happen here.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It was big news. I mean, white girl gets murdered, found in a cemetery, big, big news.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I like saw the whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Did you kill her? Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He went to a local church. He was going to the grocery store with us. He was the guy next door.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He could get into their home, take something, and get out and not be caught. He felt very powerful.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Someone killed four members of a family. It just didn't happen here.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
It was big news. I mean, white girl gets murdered, found in a cemetery, big, big news.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I saw the whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
Did you kill her? Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)
She worked hard. Up at 7 in the morning, all day in school, and jobs between classes to earn a little extra money, and then home to earn a room and board to help me with cooking and dishes and a little ironing. and then study until midnight, I don't think she ever had more than six hours sleep.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
You wake up, put on your Ray-Ban Meta glasses. You're living all in. You realize you need coffee, so you say... Hey Meta, how do I make a latte?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
After Meta AI gets you caffeinated, you're ready for some beats.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
You head to meet some friends, but can't remember the place.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Ray-Ban Meta Glasses, the next generation of AI glasses. Just say, hey, Meta, to harness the power of Meta AI. Shop now at slash smart glasses.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
You wake up, put on your Ray-Ban Meta glasses. You're living all in. You realize you need coffee, so you say, Hey Meta, how do I make a latte?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
After Meta AI gets you caffeinated, you're ready for some beats.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
You head to meet some friends, but can't remember the place.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Ray-Ban Meta Glasses, the next generation of AI glasses. Just say, hey, Meta, to harness the power of Meta AI. Shop now at slash smart glasses.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He went to a local church. He was going to the grocery store with us. He was the guy next door.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
But he was leading a double life.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was certainly a peeping Tom, looking through the windows, looking at people, fantasizing about what he could do. He then began entering the houses.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He could get into their home, take something, and get out and not be caught. He felt very powerful.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Someone killed four members of a family. It just didn't happen here.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a Boy Scout leader, a church deacon, a husband, a father.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He went to a local church. He was going to the grocery store with us. He was the guy next door.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
But he was leading a double life.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was certainly a peeping Tom, looking through the windows, looking at people, fantasizing about what he could do. He then began entering the houses.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He could get into their home, take something, and get out and not be caught. He felt very powerful.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Someone killed four members of a family. It just didn't happen here.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
It was big news. I mean, white girl gets murdered, found in a cemetery, big, big news.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I like saw what happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
I definitely am not. Did you kill her?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
It was big news. I mean, white girl gets murdered, found in a cemetery, big, big news.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
When a young woman is murdered, a desperate search for answers takes investigators to some unexpected places. He believed it could be part of a satanic cult.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
A long investigation stalls until someone changes their story. I, like, saw the whole thing that happened. An arrest, trial, and conviction soon follow. He just saw his body just kind of collapsing. Two decades later, a new team of lawyers says their client is innocent. He did not kill her. There's no way. Is the real killer rightly behind bars or still walking free? Are you capable of murder?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
I definitely am not. Did you kill her?
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
Listen to The Real Killer Season 3 on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Hood Politics with Prop
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight. Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax. A little you time. Enter Chumbo Casino with no download required. You can jump on anytime, anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumbo Casino and play over 100 online casino-style games, all for free. Go to to collect your free welcome bonus.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
I could catch anything sitting in this doctor's waiting room. Ugh, a kid just wiped his runny nose on my jacket. And the guy next to me, sitting in a pool of perspiration, insists on sharing my armrest. Ugh.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Next time, make an appointment with an Amazon One Medical provider. There's no waiting and no sweaty guy. Amazon One Medical. Healthcare just got less painful.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
When it comes to playtime, never let your squad down. Unlock elite gaming tech at Push your gameplay beyond performance with 13th Gen Intel Core processors. Upgrade to smooth, high-quality streaming with Intel Wi-Fi 6E. And maximize game performance with enhanced overclocking. Win the tech search and head to
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Did you know that there's a victim of identity theft every three seconds? It's identity theft awareness week, which means it's the perfect time to protect your identity with LifeLock. Lots of places like doctor's offices and retailers can accidentally expose your personal info, leaving you open to identity threats.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
That's why LifeLock monitors hundreds of millions of data points a second and alerts you to more uses of your personal information. And if you do become a victim of identity theft, LifeLock has professional restoration specialists with the experience and know-how to fix identity theft issues guaranteed or your money back.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Plus, plans include the million-dollar protection package with up to $3 million in coverage for the most comprehensive plan. Protect yourself this Identity Theft Awareness Week and every week of the year with LifeLock. Save up to 40% off your first year at slash iHeart. That's slash iHeart to save up to 40%. Terms apply. LifeLock, for the threats you can't control.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Sponsored by Chemba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Did you know that there's a victim of identity theft every three seconds? It's Identity Theft Awareness Week, which means it's the perfect time to protect your identity with LifeLock. Lots of places like doctor's offices and retailers can accidentally expose your personal info, leaving you open to identity threats.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
That's why LifeLock monitors hundreds of millions of data points a second and alerts you to more uses of your personal information. And if you do become a victim of identity theft, LifeLock has professional restoration specialists with the experience and know-how to fix identity theft issues guaranteed or your money back.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
And it's very different from how Oprah did physical healings that cannot be explained away. He said to me in reply to my question, can you help me to become healthy again?
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Plus, plans include the million-dollar protection package with up to $3 million in coverage for the most comprehensive plan. Protect yourself this Identity Theft Awareness Week and every week of the year with LifeLock. Save up to 40% off your first year at slash iHeart. That's slash iHeart to save up to 40%. Terms apply. LifeLock, for the threats you can't control.
Behind the Bastards
Bonus: The Bastards of Oprah
Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend
Conan, Sona, and Matt Discuss the LA Fires
Fall is here, hear the yell. Back to school, ring the bell. Brand new shoes, walking blues. Climb the fence, books and pens. I can tell that we are gonna be friends. Yes, I can tell that we are gonna be friends.
60 Seconds of True Crime | Grandmother is Accused Of The Unthinkable
Hyde Park is a small town located in northern Utah and it is the home of 75-year-old Ruth Worthen. Multiple individuals have come forward accusing Worthen of sexually assaulting them when they were children. The alleged abuse occurred over a span of 30 years.
60 Seconds of True Crime | Grandmother is Accused Of The Unthinkable
The individuals, which include both male and female and ranged in age from 18 months to 13 years, claimed Worthen repeatedly raped and molested them and forced them to engage in sexual activities with other children and adults. Some of the alleged victims were relatives of Worthen, a woman they should have felt safe with.
60 Seconds of True Crime | Grandmother is Accused Of The Unthinkable
The assaults are said to have taken place at a turkey farm, a park, Worthen's home, in the mountains, and in the church bathroom. It is alleged that the use of objects, as well as psychological abuse, including threats of physical violence, were used in the commission of the assaults against these children.
60 Seconds of True Crime | Grandmother is Accused Of The Unthinkable
One victim described Worthen's predatorial nature, claiming that she took every opportunity to prey on her victims at family parties and other events. Friends and neighbors of Worthen are shocked by the allegations. A secretly recorded phone call with one of Worthen's relatives was made during the investigation.
60 Seconds of True Crime | Grandmother is Accused Of The Unthinkable
This person claimed to have known about the sexual abuse due to a vision he had, but decided to let it go. Worthen was arrested and booked into jail on 18 felony offenses, including aggravated sexual abuse of a child and object rape of a child. Ruth Worthen is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
But according to records, this employment didn't last long. Suzanne took a job at a skin bank for burn victims. By 1981, Suzanne had carved out a wonderful life for herself. She had a good job, a good circle of friends, and an apartment. She often spoke with her mother, Louise, about the possibility of starting a family of her own, if, of course, the right man came into her life.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Finally, after two weeks of watching transactions, trying to follow Suzanne's car, Gillies and Logan were arrested for her murder. During his arrest, Gillies asked what would happen if found guilty. The officer responded that he would face the gas chamber. Gillies' response was, All that for killing that bitch?
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Gillies remained closed off to investigators, but his partner in crime, Mike Logan, was more than happy to sell his friend down the river in exchange for a lighter sentence. Logan agreed to testify against Gillies in exchange for Arizona not seeking the death penalty. Days after his arrest, Mike Logan led a team of investigators to the site of Suzanne's murder and grave.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
The team were horrified by the level of brutality inflicted upon Suzanne. Court documents noted that it took two officers to remove the rocks that had been placed on her body. The state's report also noted the right cheek of the victim had been crushed and the eye was missing from the right socket.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
The medical examiner described various lacerations, abrasions, avulsions, and fractures to the skull and body of the victim. The victim tested positive for seminal fluid. Suzanne's parents were shielded by investigators from a lot of the details and promised that her body would be returned.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Both Jesse Gillies and Mike Logan were deemed fit to stand trial, with the latter being sentenced to life with a minimum of 25 years for his cooperation. Jesse Gillies, on the other hand, who was also found guilty, was sentenced to death. The court spent several days determining whether the crime met the criteria for death, which it ultimately did.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Mike Logan's testimony was vital in building the case against both men and it culminated in the pair being found guilty. No guilty plea or death sentence will ever pay for what they did to sweet Suzanne. Her kindness was exploited in one of the most monstrous ways imaginable. In January 1999, Jesse Gillies was executed by the state of Arizona.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
For his last meal, Gillies requested a rare cooked steak with mushrooms, two eggs, ten pieces of bacon, toast with butter and jam, milk, apple juice, and a large chocolate milkshake. Gillies refused to give any final words, simply telling the officers, let's get on with it. Unfortunately, Peter Rossetti passed away in 1992, never living to see Jesse Gillies or Mike Logan face any real justice.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Following Peter's passing, Louise continued to keep her daughter's name alive. In 1992, a Louise Rossetti's Women 5K race was created to pay tribute to Suzanne. Also, the Suzanne Maria Rossetti Memorial Juried Art Contest was established 42 years ago in her memory as well.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
In 2002, Louise carried the Olympic torch for the Salt Lake City Games, naming her run in honor of Suzanne and her two surviving children, Donna and Peter Jr. In June 2014, Louise Rossetti passed away at the age of 93. Michael Logan never saw parole as he is reported to have passed away behind bars in 2021. In 2012, Ronald J. Watkins published a book called Evil Intentions about Suzanne's case.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
While Suzanne's family supported Watkins, they asked that no pictures of Suzanne be included in the book. Suzanne Rossetti's life was cut short by two disturbed individuals who took pleasure in exploiting others. Jesse Gillies paid for the crime with his life, and Mike Logan died behind bars.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Suzanne's parents gave a handful of interviews in the 90s where they felt no punishment on earth could match the acts they had committed against Suzanne.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Peter and Louise visited Arizona every winter to be with Suzanne. The winter of 1981 was no exception. Peter and Louise Rossetti arrived in Phoenix in early January of that year. They planned to spend three weeks with Suzanne before returning home on January 29th. The first few weeks were unremarkable.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Suzanne was said to have always had a packed social life, so Peter and Louise didn't mind roaming around the city alone while Suzanne met with friends. January 28, 1981 was one such day. That afternoon, Suzanne unknowingly said goodbye to her parents for the last time before heading out with friends. According to reports, Suzanne and friends attended the 8 p.m.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
showing of the Broadway show, Danson, following which Suzanne would reunite with her parents and drive them to the airport for their 3 a.m. flight. But Suzanne never made it. Peter and Louise would later tell the police they had arranged to meet at the rodeo inn, leave their rented car behind, and get a ride from Suzanne to the airport. When midnight came and went, the Rossettis became worried.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Suzanne Maria Rossetti was born on May 3, 1954, in Saugus, Massachusetts.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
They waited a little while longer, but they were under a time constraint and risked missing their flight home. The pair decided to head for the airport, thinking Suzanne had forgotten their plans and was planning on meeting them there. But as they arrived, their hearts began to sink. There was no sign of Suzanne. The time was crunching closer to 3 a.m.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
and the last call for their gate was announced. Knowing their daughter would never abandon them, Peter and Louise missed their flight home and headed for their daughter's apartment. Wild thoughts and scenarios played through their minds. Had Suzanne had a medical episode? Had she fallen asleep after a long night with friends? Or had something far darker taken place?
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Sometime in the early morning hours of January 29th, the Rosettis reached Suzanne's apartment, but again, there was no sign of Suzanne. Her apartment was in disarray and bizarrely, the clock had stopped ticking at 12.47. Peter and Louise became frantic as hours ticked away.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
She was doted on by her parents, Peter and Louise. People described the Rossettis as an honest and hardworking family, with Peter and Louise working to set an example for their children, Suzanne, Peter Jr., and Donna. Suzanne displayed a bright intellect from an early age and dreamed of attending college.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Suzanne's neighbors hadn't seen her the night before and the last person to see her alive, Joe Heckel, had no idea where she could have gone after the theater closed. While Suzanne's parents searched every inch of the apartment complex, Suzanne's fate had already been sealed. At 11 p.m. the night before, January 28, Suzanne had deviated slightly from her route to the Rodeo Inn.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
She had stopped off at the U-Totem convenience store to grab a few items. For a few minutes, Suzanne milled around the store before grabbing chewing gum and leaving. When Suzanne approached her car, she realized she had locked her keys inside. She initially asked the store employee for help, but he advised her he wasn't allowed to leave the store. Suzanne returned to her car, but she wasn't alone.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Two men approached Suzanne and introduced themselves, Jesse Gillies and Mike Logan. The encounter made Suzanne somewhat uncomfortable, but with no other options available, she told the men what was wrong. Gillies and Logan assured her they would be able to help and that they were not a threat.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
The two spoke about their lives to Suzanne, saying they were interested in nature and conservation like her, putting her at ease. What they neglected to tell her was that they were career criminals with checkered pasts, and they had been sizing her up this entire time. Upon purchasing a screwdriver from the U-Totem store, Gillies managed to wiggle the window open just enough to retrieve the keys.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Relieved, Suzanne unlocked her car and asked the pair what she could do to thank them. The two looked at each other, giving the signal. Gillies requested a pack of beer and a ride home, telling Suzanne this would make them square, but the night was far from over. The U-Totem employee watched the entire event go down and sold Suzanne this six-pack of beer.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
This would be the last time she was ever seen alive again. The U-Totem employee did not raise the alarm, believing he had witnessed two kind Samaritans coming to a distressed woman's aid. Suzanne had also told Gillies and Logan she needed to be quick as she was meeting her parents to take them to the airport in a few hours.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
As Suzanne drove out of sight of the store and toward the ranch, she felt a warm trickle on her head. Gillies had struck her several times in the head, causing the Ford Pinto to come to a halt. Confused, Suzanne was dragged out of the driver's seat by the pair. Gillies announced that it was now Logan's turn to have fun with Suzanne.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Logan attacked Suzanne, raping her before holding the screwdriver to her head. Terrified, Suzanne complied with the men, telling them where she lived. Logan and Gillies bundled themselves into the front of the car, taking directions to her apartment. When they arrived, they forced Suzanne into her bedroom, where she would be raped several more times by each man.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
While one man attacked her, the other would search her apartment, looking for valuables and other things to steal. In a last-ditch effort to save herself and leave behind evidence, Suzanne grabbed the clock, stopping it at exactly 12.47. Hours later, her parents would discover the scene and find the clock. They would know that whatever had happened to their daughter happened after midnight.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
By 1976, that dream had come to fruition, with Suzanne proudly walking across the stage in her cap and gown. But now, the real test for Suzanne would begin. What did she want to do with her life and newly gained degree? Well, it turns out that Suzanne wasn't too sure.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Once the pair were satisfied with looting her apartment, they dragged her out to her Ford Pinto, throwing her in the back. The pair drove around Phoenix thinking of ways to get rid of Suzanne while she lay in the back covered with a blanket. During the raid of her apartment, the two found her ATM card and decided to try their luck. Under the threat of further violence, Suzanne gave them the pin.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
CCTV cameras captured the pair withdrawing $200 from her account. The bank declined further transactions at this hour, leaving Suzanne to once again be beaten and assaulted. Suzanne had earlier let it slip that she had a handsome sum of a few thousand dollars in her account, so the pair slipped her card into their pockets for safekeeping.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Several hours had passed since they had first kidnapped Suzanne, and the pair were growing tired. They knew the longer they had her in the car, the riskier it became. After much discussion in earshot of Suzanne, the pair decided to drive her Ford Pinto to the Superstition Mountains east of downtown Phoenix.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
At that moment, Suzanne knew she was going to die, and it is horrific to imagine what she may have been feeling. As the Ford Pinto came to an abrupt halt, Gillies and Logan grabbed Suzanne out of the car, forcing her to walk the rocky and unpredictable terrain. The trio approached the edge of the cliff, where Suzanne uttered, I guess you're going to kill me now. And she was right.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
The pair threw Suzanne off the cliffside, sending her plummeting 40 feet below. Incredibly, she was still alive. Gillies and Logan sensed this immediately, racing down the side to catch her. Unsatisfied, the pair repeated the process, but Suzanne prevailed. Bloodied and bruised, Suzanne asked for a final act of mercy, telling them to leave her alone as she was going to die anyway.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Mike Logan coldly responded, That's right, bitch, you are, before grabbing a rock and smashing her in the head. Gillies joined in with the pair, calling her a bitch and a whore. By this point, Suzanne had suffered significant damage to her body, with the left side of her face being almost completely crushed and her eye dislodged from her socket.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Even after suffering several blows to the head, Suzanne was alive, whimpering and begging for her life. Gillies and Logan were now growing frantic. No matter how many cliffs they threw her from or how many times they hit her, she prevailed. The two concocted their final plan, one that would get rid of their problem once and for all.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
In court documents, Gillies testified the plan was to bury her alive, but the pair didn't have a shovel. Instead, they covered Suzanne's battered and broken body in large rocks until she was completely entombed. As Suzanne's whimpers grew weaker and weaker, Gillies and Logan took the moment to sit on the cliff and smoke a few cigarettes.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Following graduation, Suzanne traveled across the country for a while, tasting different ways of life in various states before settling in Arizona. Despite being far away from home, Suzanne was only a call away. She kept a regular schedule of calling home to speak with her family. Suzanne had settled in Arizona after accepting a job at the Grand Canyon National Park.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Unbeknownst to Gillies and Logan, Suzanne lived for a further 10 to 20 minutes after being buried alive. Not that either man would have cared. Some documents state in her final moments, Logan told Suzanne, sorry, but this was how it had to be. It is unclear whether Logan had experienced a brief lapse in his conscience or whether he was simply taunting Suzanne.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Once the cigarettes ran out, Logan and Gillies trekked back to Suzanne's Ford Pinto and continued to ride around the city. Twenty-year-old Mike Gillies had a rough start in his life. His mother made it very clear she did not want him and he was left to his own devices. By his teen years, Gillies had already committed a slew of crimes and was known for his violent behavior towards his family.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
The downward spiral continued into his late teens, culminating in several prison sentences, including one at Juvie for stealing a car at the age of 12. Prison is often heralded as the school of crime, and Gillies learned a lot of valuable information from hardened criminals and lifers.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
By 1981, Gillies had been released and found his way to a ranch just outside of Phoenix where he would meet Mike Logan. Like Gillies, Logan was also a lifelong criminal, one who in 1981 should have still been behind bars. A hardened drinker, Logan had just escaped a Michigan prison and wanted nothing more than to leave the country.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Gillies, seeing himself in Logan, quickly forged a friendship with the man on the run and wanted to help him raise the $2,000 necessary to flee to Australia. This is how the dangerous duo came to be. On January 28, 1981, the two went on the prowl, looking for unsuspecting victims to rob. They had no idea where the night would take them, but it was clear that murder was on their minds.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
While Gillies and Logan paraded around in Suzanne's stolen Ford Pinto, Louise and Peter Rossetti were out of their minds with worry. They had tried to report Suzanne missing at 5 a.m. on January 29, but were told they needed to wait at least 24 hours. Three hours later, a Phoenix police officer finally met them and gave them an unconventional solution.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
There may have been a 24 hour wait for missing persons, but there was no wait on reporting a car missing. Thankfully for investigators, Gillies and Logan were still using Suzanne's Pinto and it didn't take long for them to track the vehicle down. The pressure was mounting and Gillies began to crack.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
Hours after murdering Suzanne, he returned to the ranch with Logan, where he proceeded to brag about his crimes. His colleagues were horrified, but Gillies claimed it was all a joke. This would come back to bite him weeks later. Peter and Louise continued to stay at Suzanne's apartment, awaiting news from the police. Suzanne's number plate and bank card had been flagged several times in the city.
The Tragic Murder of Suzanne Maria Rossetti: The 1977 Crime That Shook Saugus
According to Arizona v. Gillies documents, Logan and Gillies accessed Suzanne's bank 28 times between January 28th and February 3rd. Out of the 28 attempts, 13 were unsuccessful as they had exceeded the $250 daily withdrawal allowance. Investigators were keeping an eye on the transactions as it gave them a similar area of the city to work in.
A Murder in the Forest
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A Murder in the Forest
That's q-u-i-n-c-e dot com slash criminal to get free shipping and 365-day returns. slash criminal. Growing up in the Javari Valley in the 1980s, Iliesio Marubo said he felt very safe.
A Murder in the Forest
Iliesio says they would sometimes meet people from a state agency who gave them toys.
A Murder in the Forest
This was in a part of northwestern Brazil called the Javari Valley. It's near the borders of Peru and Colombia. There were two men on the trip. One of them was Brazilian, Bruno Pereira, an expert on indigenous issues who lived and worked in the region. The other man was a British journalist named Dom Phillips.
A Murder in the Forest
When Iliasio returned to the Javari Valley, he says he noticed a change.
A Murder in the Forest
Today, the entire Amazon rainforest is home to about 30 million people. A lot of people came in the early to mid-1900s to collect sap from rubber trees and sell it.
A Murder in the Forest
They called it Operation Amazon, and the military built highways through the forest.
A Murder in the Forest
The Javari Valley is designated indigenous territory, meaning non-indigenous people are not allowed to hunt there. But lots of other people live in the region, near the indigenous territories, and it's hard to make a living. In the nearest city, only 7% are employed.
A Murder in the Forest
He had lived in Brazil for over 15 years, but was visiting the Javari Valley to write about Bruno's work. They'd planned to set out from a small town and sail down the Ittaquai River, which cuts through the rainforest. The night before they left, Dom Phillips stayed in one of the only hotels in town.
A Murder in the Forest
Organized crime and drug traffickers are said to control a lot of the illegal poaching and logging in the area, and don't want reporters or scouts coming around. Over the past decade, at least 300 people, many of them indigenous, have been killed in the Amazon. In 2018, Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil.
A Murder in the Forest
At a press conference for international journalists, Dom Phillips asked Bolsonaro about some of the threats facing the Amazon. Bolsonaro replied, the Amazon is Brazil's, not yours. And at one point, he said data showing a rise in deforestation was lies.
A Murder in the Forest
Before Bruno Pereira started working with Univasha, he worked for a government agency. One day, poachers attacked their base, firing shots at the building. There were at least eight attacks in a year. And then, one night in 2019, one of Bruno's colleagues, a man named Maxiel Pereira dos Santos, was shot in the back of the head and killed while sitting on his motorcycle.
A Murder in the Forest
The murder has not yet been solved. Bruno requested a leave from work. He wrote that he needed a break after the murder of his friend and colleague and because of the, quote, climate of tension. He told people that he was waiting for Bolsonaro's term to end before he would return to the government agency. Instead, he went to work with Iliasio Marubo and Unavaja, training indigenous scouts.
A Murder in the Forest
Univaja started receiving threats, delivered to Iliasio Marubo's office.
A Murder in the Forest
But actually, they were heading south. Terry McCoy is the Washington Post's Rio de Janeiro bureau chief.
A Murder in the Forest
In 2022, Washington Post Bureau Chief Terry McCoy traveled to the Javari Valley. He wanted to find out what had happened in the weeks and months leading up to the murders of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. He read the scouts' reports and spoke with people who knew Bruno.
A Murder in the Forest
And he learned about something that had happened while Bruno was out on the river with the scouting teams, weeks before he disappeared.
A Murder in the Forest
They saw a man they knew well. They knew he was involved in illegal fishing, and the scouts had collected information about him. He led a team of six men who carried shotguns and went into the indigenous territories at night to fish illegally.
A Murder in the Forest
As they passed his stilt house on the river, he fired a shot. It went over their heads.
A Murder in the Forest
A few weeks later, Dom Phillips arrived in the Javari Valley. Dom and Bruno spent a couple of days along the river, interviewing people. Sometimes they shadowed indigenous scouts. On the second day, they saw Pilato in his boat, and he raised his shotgun at some of the scouts as a warning. Months after their deaths, Bruno's phone was found in the forest.
A Murder in the Forest
It contained photographs of Dom interviewing people, and also two videos of Pilato sailing past them. Terry McCoy decided to take the same trip down the river that Dom and Bruno had taken months earlier.
A Murder in the Forest
They'd made a plan to go and visit one of Bruno Pereira's friends and collaborators when they got back, an indigenous lawyer named Iliesio Marubo. They'd worked together protecting indigenous territory in the rainforest. Bruno had called Iliesio to let him know they would be coming.
A Murder in the Forest
On the last day of their trip, Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira knew they would have to sail past Pilato's house to get back to town. So they decided to leave early in the morning.
A Murder in the Forest
Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira, or Pilato, and another man named Jefferson de Silva Lima confessed to the murders of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. They told police what happened that morning. Pilato said they shot Bruno and shot Dom, and that Bruno returned fire but didn't hit them.
A Murder in the Forest
In a statement, then-President Bolsonaro called Dom and Bruno's trip, quote, " adventure that isn't recommendable for anyone." Bruno Pereira's wife, anthropologist Beatriz Matos, told Brazilian TV that she was hurt by the statements which, quote, contradict the extreme dedication, seriousness, and commitment that Bruno has with his work.
A Murder in the Forest
The police arrested Pilato Jefferson and Pilato's brother for the murders.
A Murder in the Forest
Whether you're selling products, memberships, courses, you can do it all in one place, all on your terms. Visit for a free trial. And when you're ready to launch, go to slash criminal to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. and leads him to a dark secret about his own family.
A Murder in the Forest
In 2001, the area was turned into an indigenous territory to protect the uncontacted tribes. Other riverside communities could no longer fish and hunt the way they used to.
A Murder in the Forest
Pilato and Jefferson da Silva Lima are awaiting trial. Pilato's brother was just released after 27 months in prison. A federal court ruled there wasn't enough evidence against him.
A Murder in the Forest
Last year, police arrested another man, who is believed to be the leader of an illegal phishing network. He's been charged with ordering the murders. And then, another man was arrested for assisting him and for interfering with the investigation and intimidating witnesses. Last year, Brazil got a new president, Lula da Silva.
A Murder in the Forest
And Brazil got its first indigenous minister, heading a newly created Ministry of Indigenous Affairs. Last year, she took a trip to the Javari Valley, along with Dom and Bruno's wives, Alessandra Sampaio and Beatriz Matos. She told an audience of mostly indigenous people, we're here to reestablish the presence of the Brazilian government in the Javari Valley region.
A Murder in the Forest
Iliasio told The Guardian that he thinks the police investigation needs to continue. He suspects there's been a cover-up of the murders, and he said he believes the case goes beyond the people who've been arrested so far.
A Murder in the Forest
Criminal is created by Lauren Spohr and me. Nadia Wilson is our senior producer. Katie Bishop is our supervising producer. Our producers are Susanna Roberson, Jackie Sajico, Lily Clark, Lena Sillison, and Megan Kinane. Our show is mixed and engineered by Veronica Simonetti. Julian Alexander makes original illustrations for each episode of Criminal. You can see them at
A Murder in the Forest
This episode was fact-checked by Michelle Harris. Special thanks to journalist Julia Carnero. A group of journalists are at work completing Dom Phillips' book titled How to Save the Amazon, Ask the People Who Know. It will be out next year. We hope you'll join our new membership program, Criminal Plus.
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A Murder in the Forest
Eliezo Marubo is speaking to us in Portuguese. Reporter Julia Carneiro translates.
A Murder in the Forest
Iliesio started worrying that other people might be attacked too. Things felt so unsafe to him that he left his home.
A Murder in the Forest
Elieziu is my first name, and my last name comes from our people, the Marubu people. Elieziu grew up in the Javari Valley Indigenous Territory, one of the most remote areas in the world. It's about the size of Portugal. The territory is home to 26 indigenous tribes. 19 tribes are what's called uncontacted, and basically have no communications with the outside world.
A Murder in the Forest
The Javari Valley is home to the largest known number of uncontacted people. There are no roads in the territory. People use the rivers for transportation. Iliasio says his community largely lives off the forest, hunting and fishing, and keeping small plantations.
A Murder in the Forest
A tapir sort of looks like a pig crossed with an anteater. They're sometimes called the living fossil, because they've been around for 55 million years. People illegally hunt the taper, along with yellow-spotted river turtles and a prehistoric fish that looks like a giant snake. It's known as the Amazon giant and can grow up to 10 feet long. There's also illegal logging.
A Murder in the Forest
People cut down the forest to sell the wood and to make space for gold mining and large cattle farms.
A Murder in the Forest
A few years ago, a government agency captured a video of a member of an uncontacted tribe. The man was the last survivor of his community. The government agency believes everyone else was likely killed by ranchers or illegal miners. The man lived alone in the forest for over two decades, avoiding contact with other people. His body was found in 2022.
A Murder in the Forest
Iliasio Marubo works as a lawyer for a small organization called Unavaja, or Union of Indigenous People of the Javari Valley. In 2020, Iliasio Marubo filed a lawsuit against American evangelists trying to approach uncontacted tribes in the forest to convert them. Bruno Pereira was also working with Unavaja when he disappeared on the river,
A Murder in the Forest
Iliasio and Bruno had known each other for years and had first met through Iliasio's brother. The three of them all had daughters who were close in age.
A Murder in the Forest
Bruno Pereira was born far away from the Javari Valley, in a city in the northeast of Brazil. He often went on expeditions into the forest that lasted for weeks, and he learned to speak at least four indigenous languages.
A Murder in the Forest
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A Murder in the Forest
At Univasha, they felt that the authorities weren't doing enough to protect indigenous populations from poachers or people encroaching on their territory. They decided that if the government wouldn't investigate criminal activity in the forest, they would do it themselves. They formed groups of people who would work as scouts.
A Murder in the Forest
They would travel the forest and the rivers to find out about people who were poaching, fishing, or logging illegally.
A Murder in the Forest
So Bruno would go out on the water with the scouts, and then he and his colleagues would share what they found with the police, hoping that they would arrest the poachers. British journalist Dom Phillips wanted to write about Bruno's work with the Scouts.
A Murder in the Forest
They decided to spend a few days on the river. During his 15 years in Brazil, Dom Phillips had written about the impact of agriculture on the rainforest, especially big cattle farms. He'd written about JBS, which is the world's biggest meat processor. They sell meat under more than 100 brands. The U.S. is the second biggest importer of Brazilian beef.
A Murder in the Forest
Dom Phillips reported that some JBS beef comes from cows raised on land that's been illegally cleared.
A Murder in the Forest
He was inspired by what he saw on his reporting trips, how indigenous communities hunt and grow things with no fertilizers. And he was going to write a book. He got a grant to go on reporting trips and interview indigenous people, including the scouting teams fighting illegal poaching and logging that Bruno was leading.
A Murder in the Forest
His river trip in the Javari Valley with Bruno was one of the last reporting trips he'd planned. And then they disappeared. Ten days later, their bodies were found deep in the forest. We'll be right back. Thanks to Squarespace for their support. These days, whenever you're curious about a business or brand, the first place you usually look is online. That first impression matters.
A Murder in the Forest
Squarespace is the all-in-one platform that lets you stand out and build a beautiful, functional website. Their design tool, Squarespace Blueprint, has a ton of layout and styling options you can use to make your website look exactly how you want it to look. And it'll look great whether people are using your website on a computer, phone, or tablet.
A Murder in the Forest
You can use Squarespace to sell products, memberships, courses, and it's an easy experience for your customers since it lets you accept a wide variety of payment options. With Squarespace, you can customize your website so your business or brand presents exactly how you want it to. That way, you can connect with the right audience online. You can do it all in one place, all on your terms.
A Murder in the Forest
Visit for a free trial. When you're ready to launch, go to slash criminal to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Support for Criminal comes from Quince. Now is the time to think about sweaters. Quince has a lot of very nice, affordable sweaters that cost 50 to 80 percent less than similar brands.
A Murder in the Forest
They have a new organic cotton fisherman boatneck sweater that I've been wearing every day. It's oversized and doesn't pill, and it's simple and well-made. I also like their cashmere t-shirts. They have cashmere sweaters from $50, pants for every occasion, even washable silk button-downs. And it's not just clothes. I also like their bedding.
A Murder in the Forest
They have three different weights of down comforter, lightweight, all-season, and ultra-warm. You can stay warm this fall with some new high-quality items from Quince. Make switching seasons a breeze with Quince's high-quality closet essentials. Go to slash criminal for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Turtle vs. Toilet, a Monster in the Closet, and a Surprise Possum
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Dexter Wade
Coming to ABC and Hulu. Amanda Riley was a mother, wife, speaker at her church. And then she got diagnosed with cancer. A beloved young Christian woman fighting a battle undeserved. We thought she was God's gift, but she was a liar.
Dexter Wade
From the number one smash hit podcast. It was only a matter of time until Amanda's whole world came tumbling down. You're not going to believe this. Scamanda. New episodes Thursday nights on ABC and stream on Hulu.
Darknet Diaries
143: Jim Hates Scams
I love this part. You can hear this guy's brain just breaking real time.
Darknet Diaries
143: Jim Hates Scams
At this point, the entire call center is listening in on this call, like, what is happening here? And they even have them on speakerphone, and this new lady jumps on the call.
Darknet Diaries
143: Jim Hates Scams
Now Priya picks the phone back up and she's really curious and wants some answers.
Darknet Diaries
143: Jim Hates Scams
Gosh, that sounds even more bizarre. Have these victims never paid for anything in their life before? In what world is it normal to wrap cash up in pinfoil and stuff it in a book and then ship it somewhere to get your computer fixed?
Darknet Diaries
141: The Pig Butcher
They gave him an amulet to protect him from gunshots. He still wore a bulletproof vest, though. But this is what I mean. The culture there is really big into this. And you know, luck is a weird thing. It feels like a mysterious force.
Dateline NBC
The Devil Wore White
There's always more to the story. To go behind the scenes of tonight's episode, listen to our Talking Dateline series with Josh and Keith. Available Wednesday.
Dateline NBC
Death of a Golden Girl
But this party ended a little early. He pulled out a photocopy of her earring and I knew it was her. A brutal murder that left her boyfriend devastated and first on the list of people police wanted to interview. There's history of domestic violence. He hit her, she hit him. Case closed, not after investigators find a secretly recorded video, her last appearance before the cameras.
Dateline NBC
The Premonition
There's always more to the story. To go behind the scenes of tonight's episode, listen to our Talking Dateline series with Andrea and Blaine, available Wednesday.
Dateline NBC
A Little Patch of Perfect
There's always more to the story. To go behind the scenes of tonight's episode, listen to our Talking Dateline series with Keith and Andrea, available Wednesday.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
The AI election deepfakes have arrived
One challenge that fraud fighters like Ian face is that scam victims sometimes feel too ashamed to discuss what happened to them. But Ian says one of our best defenses is simple.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
The AI election deepfakes have arrived
Learn more about how to protect yourself at slash Zelle. And when using digital payment platforms, remember to only send money to people you know and trust.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
The AI election deepfakes have arrived
Fox Creative. This is advertiser content from Zelle. When you picture an online scammer, what do you see?
Decoder with Nilay Patel
The AI election deepfakes have arrived
That's Ian Mitchell, a banker turned fraud fighter. These days, online scams look more like crime syndicates than individual con artists. And they're making bank. Last year, scammers made off with more than $10 billion.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why AI image editing isn’t “just like Photoshop”
Fox Creative. This is advertiser content from Zelle. When you picture an online scammer, what do you see?
Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why AI image editing isn’t “just like Photoshop”
That's Ian Mitchell, a banker turned fraud fighter. These days, online scams look more like crime syndicates than individual con artists. And they're making bank. Last year, scammers made off with more than $10 billion.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why AI image editing isn’t “just like Photoshop”
One challenge that fraud fighters like Ian face is that scam victims sometimes feel too ashamed to discuss what happened to them. But Ian says one of our best defenses is simple.
Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why AI image editing isn’t “just like Photoshop”
Learn more about how to protect yourself at slash zelle. And when using digital payment platforms, remember to only send money to people you know and trust.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
Thursday Night Breakdown
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
Welcome to Hungry for More, presented by Uber Eats.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
Thank you for listening to another episode of the Fantasy Footballers Podcast. Join our fantasy football community on and follow us on Twitter at the FFBallers.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
News and notes from around the league. Presented by USAA Insurance.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Start/Sit Courage + Hungry For More, TNF Preview - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/18
The Fantasy Footballers Studio is brought to you by Amazon Prime. Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: QBs Part 2 + Deep Dives, Pendulum Swings - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/21
I think I'm entitled to that. You want answers? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. So did you.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: QBs Part 2 + Deep Dives, Pendulum Swings - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/21
Thank you for listening to another episode of the Fantasy Footballers Podcast. Join our fantasy football community on and follow us on Twitter at the FFBallers.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: QBs Part 2 + Deep Dives, Pendulum Swings - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/21
Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
DraftKings has the tools to help you play within your limits. Don't budge on your budget. With the options to set time limits and deposit limits, schedule time away from play, manage your payment methods, and keep track of your recent stats, you'll have all the tools to create a winning game plan. Because when it comes to betting, it's more fun when it's for fun. The crown is yours.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. Visit for more info.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
We're going. Oh, my gosh. We're doing it live.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
Goodbye. Thank you for listening to another episode of the Fantasy Footballers Podcast. Join our fantasy football community on and follow us on Twitter at the FFBallers.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: WRs Part 2 + Where’s Jason? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 2/4
News and notes from around the league.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 17 Breakdown, RAIN Alert! - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/26
Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 17 Breakdown, RAIN Alert! - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/26
It's time for Fantasy Forecast, presented by DraftKings Sportsbook.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 17 Breakdown, RAIN Alert! - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/26
News and notes from around the league. Presented by USAA Insurance.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 17 Breakdown, RAIN Alert! - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/26
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 16 Breakdown, Playoff Pressure - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/19
It's time for Fantasy Forecast, presented by DraftKings Sportsbook.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 16 Breakdown, Playoff Pressure - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/19
It was once he said the first game tomorrow and it was Titans.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 16 Breakdown, Playoff Pressure - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/19
Starts of the week.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Starts of the Week + Week 16 Breakdown, Playoff Pressure - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/19
The Fantasy Footballers Studio is brought to you by Amazon Prime. Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: Top 10 Fantasy QBs + Scramby Daniels - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/16
Fantasy Face-Off, presented by DraftKings.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: Top 10 Fantasy QBs + Scramby Daniels - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/16
News and notes from around the league. Presented by USAA Insurance.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: Top 10 Fantasy QBs + Scramby Daniels - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/16
You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
The TRUTH: Top 10 Fantasy QBs + Scramby Daniels - Fantasy Football Podcast for 1/16
Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
It's time for Fantasy Forecast, presented by DraftKings Sportsbook.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
Fantasy Face-Off, presented by DraftKings.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
Wheel of Shame.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
Putt Clan Friday.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 17 Matchups + Championship Choices, Weather Worries? - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/27
News and notes from around the league. Presented by USAA Insurance.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
It's time for Fantasy Forecast, presented by DraftKings Sportsbook.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. Recently, I asked Mint Mobile's legal team if big wireless companies are allowed to raise prices due to inflation. They said yes. And then when I asked if raising prices technically violates those onerous two-year contracts, they said, what the f*** are you talking about, you insane Hollywood a**hole?
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
So to recap, we're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. Give it a try at slash switch.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
This episode is brought to you by AWS. Amazon Q Business is the new generative AI assistant from AWS. Many tasks can make business slow, like wading through mud. Help! Luckily, there's a faster, easier, less messy choice. Amazon Q can securely understand your business data to help you streamline tasks, like summarizing quarterly results or doing complex analyses in no time. Q got this.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Learn what Amazon Q Business can do for you at slash learn more.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Fantasy Face-Off, presented by DraftKings.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Wheel of Shame.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. In New York, call 877-8-HOPE-NY or text HOPE-NY 467-369. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling. Call 888-789-7777 or visit Please play responsibly. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino and Resort in Kansas, 21 and over. Age and eligibility varies by jurisdiction. Void in Ontario, one plus promotion per day.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Promotion, sport, eligibility, and requirements vary. Ends December 31st, 2024. For additional terms and responsible gaming resources, see
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
Putt Clan Friday.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
News and notes from around the league. Presented by USAA Insurance.
Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast
Week 15 Matchups + Inside Thoughts, Wheel of Shame - Fantasy Football Podcast for 12/13
The Fantasy Footballer Studio is brought to you by Amazon Prime. Welcome to the Fantasy Footballers Podcast with your hosts, Andy Holloway, Jason Moore, and Mike Wright.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farmers Say the Funniest Things: Listener Comments of 2024
There is a podcast in Iowa. Fought for profit was named by the Facebook.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Farmers Say the Funniest Things: Listener Comments of 2024
Making Buffet was their first goal, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy Soon may the farmers come to bring us guests and beer and fun One day when the recording's done, we'll take our mics and go Before we knew, conversations grew, growing corn even said FU So won't you join tenor, decor, and crew, please like, share, review Soon may the farmers come to bring us guests and beer and fun One day when the recording's done, we'll take our mics and go
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Ladies and gentlemen, farmers, ranchers, and distinguished guests, thank you for listening to the Farm for Profit podcast, where we discuss the latest ideas, methods, trends, and techniques available to help your farm achieve higher levels of farm profitability. Remember, if you aren't farming for profit, you won't be farming for long.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Remember, if you aren't farming for profit, you won't be farming for long.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Breaking Down the November WASDE Report: Andrew Kaabes - Lighthouse Commodities
Ladies and gentlemen, farmers, ranchers, and distinguished guests, thank you for listening to the Farm for Profit podcast, where we discuss the latest ideas, methods, trends, and techniques available to help your farm achieve higher levels of farm profitability. Remember, if you aren't farming for profit, you won't be farming for long.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Breaking Down the November WASDE Report: Andrew Kaabes - Lighthouse Commodities
Remember, if you aren't farming for profit, you won't be farming for long.
Fresh Air
A Dominatrix/Writer Takes Readers Into A Dungeon
Extreme weather disasters like wildfires and floods can devastate communities. On the Sunday story from Up First, we ask, are there places that just aren't safe to live anymore? People are going to die. They will be me and my neighbors, and I don't want that to happen. How we respond to disasters in an era of climate insecurity. Listen now on the Up First podcast from NPR.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Some classic performances are run full length. Others are sampled in cleverly compiled montages and mashups. It's such a solid, well-selected overview that I can think of only one SNL music performance I really wish had been included. Paul Simon, backed by Ladysmith Black Mambazo, on their thrilling 1986 rendition of Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes. But Questlove covers a lot.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Not only infamous appearances by Elvis Costello, Sinead O'Connor, Ashley Simpson, and Kanye, but even comedy sketches and videos built around music. The infamous Dick in a Box Christmas song, with Justin Timberlake and SNL cast member Andy Samberg, is deconstructed. So is another classic SNL musical moment, featuring guest host Paul Rudd and musical guest Beyoncé.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Timberlake tells how that got on the air, with Timberlake, Samberg, and cast member Bobby Moynihan as her music video backup dancers. Partway through Timberlake's account, we hear the start of the actual single lady's sketch.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Morgan Neville's SNL documentary series is broken into four episodes, each one looking at a different aspect of the show and its history. The first one looks at the original audition tapes by many of the people who tried out for SNL, with those same people watching and reacting to their younger selves. Some scream, some cringe, some cry, some, like Pete Davidson, laugh.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Another episode spends a week observing how an installment of SNL is created by following the process from start to finish, mostly from the point of view of the writers. A third episode gets even more laser-focused, spending an hour on a single sketch. And it's a brilliant choice, coming from the midway point of the show's 50-year run.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
It's the sketch Recording Session, featuring guest star Christopher Walken and cast members Will Ferrell, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Parnell, and others. You may know it better by the name most associated with it, More Cowbell. It's a sketch Walken and Farrell elevated after the dress rehearsal by going all out in character.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
The sketch was set during the recording session for Blue Oyster Cult's 1970s hit Don't Fear the Reaper. Farrell plays a very loud cowbell, and Walken portrays the track's very enthusiastic music producer. Jimmy Fallon remembers.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
Once the sketch began on the live show, Farrell, who had written it, knew they had connected big time with the studio audience.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
I'm like, oh, they're in. They're in. Oh, goody, there's more coming. In this new recounting, we do not hear from Christopher Walken himself, which Dana Carvey says is writing character for him. Carvey even slips into character as Walken to make his point.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
The final episode of Neville's documentary series hones in on one seemingly random but ultimately seminal year. The 1985-86 season, when executive producer Lorne Michaels, who had left the show after its first successful five-year cycle with the original cast, was asked back by NBC executive Brandon Tartikoff.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
SNL was in free fall, and the common wisdom was that Lorne never would return to a sinking ship. But he did.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
I kind of enjoyed being me. It's one of the few times in either documentary we hear from Michaels. Clearly, he prefers to let the cast and crew and the shows speak for themselves. And they do. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, among others, tell some really great stories.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
There may not be enough screen time given to some SNL veterans in their stories, from Bill Murray to Kate McKinnon and Sarah Sherman, but there are an awful lot of laughs and memories and music and insights. And just the right amount of cowbell.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
The two new Saturday Night Live documentaries come from filmmakers who bring their own interests and perspectives. NBC's Ladies and Gentlemen, 50 Years of SNL Music comes from Amir Questlove-Thompson, who's both a musician and a music historian.
Fresh Air
Questlove Digs Into 50 years Of 'SNL' Musical Hits (And Misses)
And the four-part SNL 50 Beyond Saturday Night, now streaming on Peacock, comes from Morgan Neville, who's as interested in the creative process as he is in letting people tell their own stories. Questlove, in his movie-length study, mines the archive of a half-century of musical performances, as well as the emergence of hip-hop and other genres, into the show and the culture.
Global News Podcast
Man detained after Russian general's assassination
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Man detained after Russian general's assassination
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Man detained after Russian general's assassination
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with a hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Man detained after Russian general's assassination
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
US says it's cautiously optimistic that a deal to end fighting in Gaza is within reach
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
US says it's cautiously optimistic that a deal to end fighting in Gaza is within reach
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
US says it's cautiously optimistic that a deal to end fighting in Gaza is within reach
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
US says it's cautiously optimistic that a deal to end fighting in Gaza is within reach
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
where the hope of spiritual breakthroughs leaves people vulnerable to exploitation.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
World of Secrets, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your BBC podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
World of Secrets is where untold stories are exposed and in this new series we investigate the dark side of the wellness industry following the story of a woman who joined a yoga school only to uncover a world she never expected.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
World of Secrets is where untold stories are exposed. And in this new series, we investigate the dark side of the wellness industry, following the story of a woman who joined a yoga school only to uncover a world she never expected.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
where the hope of spiritual breakthroughs leaves people vulnerable to exploitation.
Global News Podcast
Talks between Israel and Hamas continue in Qatar
World of Secrets, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your BBC podcasts.
Global News Podcast
First deaths as wildfires wreak havoc in LA
Start listening to Oliver Berkman, Epidemics of Modern Life. Available to purchase wherever you get your audiobooks.
Global News Podcast
First deaths as wildfires wreak havoc in LA
Discover how to lead a better life in our age of confusion.
Global News Podcast
First deaths as wildfires wreak havoc in LA
Start listening to Oliver Berkman, Epidemics of Modern Life. Available to purchase wherever you get your audiobooks.
Global News Podcast
First deaths as wildfires wreak havoc in LA
Start listening to Oliver Berkman, Epidemics of Modern Life. Available to purchase wherever you get your audiobooks.
Global News Podcast
Trump says US to 'takeover' and 'own' Gaza
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Trump says US to 'takeover' and 'own' Gaza
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Trump says US to 'takeover' and 'own' Gaza
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with a hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Trump says US to 'takeover' and 'own' Gaza
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Negotiators close to securing Gaza ceasefire deal - White House
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Negotiators close to securing Gaza ceasefire deal - White House
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Donald Trump wants to abolish the US emergency response agency
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Donald Trump wants to abolish the US emergency response agency
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Donald Trump wants to abolish the US emergency response agency
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Donald Trump wants to abolish the US emergency response agency
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
With the best all-inclusive vacation deals to Mexico and the Caribbean. Booking your getaway with Cheap Caribbean Vacations means you have more freedom to do your deal. Whether you want to enjoy snorkeling, endless margaritas, and more. Or simply soak up the sun and sand in a tropical paradise. Cheap Caribbean Vacations has your deal for that.
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
Plan and book the exact getaway you want at exactly the right price for you by using our exclusive budget beach finder. Or find a featured all-inclusive package to Ocean by H10 Hotels and do your deal at
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
Celebrate these awesome savings at your favorite beach and book your next all-inclusive vacay at Your $250 off is waiting.
Global News Podcast
Trump threatens Russia with sanctions
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Guilty verdicts and jail sentences in France's biggest rape trial
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Guilty verdicts and jail sentences in France's biggest rape trial
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Guilty verdicts and jail sentences in France's biggest rape trial
You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Guilty verdicts and jail sentences in France's biggest rape trial
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Last minute hitch in Gaza ceasefire deal
With the best all-inclusive vacation deals to Mexico and the Caribbean, booking your getaway with Cheap Caribbean Vacations means you have more freedom to do your deal. Whether you want to enjoy snorkeling, endless margaritas and more, or simply soak up the sun and sand in a tropical paradise, Cheap Caribbean Vacations has your deal for that.
Global News Podcast
Last minute hitch in Gaza ceasefire deal
Plan and book the exact way you want at exactly the right price for you by using our exclusive budget beach finder. Or find a featured all-inclusive package to Blue Diamond Resorts and do your deal at
Global News Podcast
Last minute hitch in Gaza ceasefire deal
Plan and book the exact getaway you want at exactly the right price for you by using our exclusive budget beach finder. Or find a featured all-inclusive package to re-you Negril and do your deal at
Global News Podcast
Last minute hitch in Gaza ceasefire deal
With the best all-inclusive vacation deals to Mexico and the Caribbean, booking your getaway with Cheap Caribbean Vacations means you have more freedom to do your deal. Whether you want to enjoy snorkeling, endless margaritas, and more, or simply soak up the sun and sand in a tropical paradise, Cheap Caribbean Vacations has your deal for that.
Global News Podcast
UN Secretary-General warns US against 'ethnic cleansing' in Gaza
This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the UK. This podcast is sponsored by Wise, the app for doing things in other currencies. If you're sending or spending money abroad, you should use Wise. You'll have up to 40 currencies in the palm of your hand. Wise gives you the real exchange rate, which means you'll spend less on fees and more of your money gets where you need it to be.
Global News Podcast
UN Secretary-General warns US against 'ethnic cleansing' in Gaza
This podcast is sponsored by Wise, the app for doing things in other currencies. If you're sending or spending money abroad, you should use Wise. You'll have up to 40 currencies in the palm of your hand. Wise gives you the real exchange rate, which means you'll spend less on fees and more of your money gets where you need it to be. Download the Wise app today or visit T's and C's apply.
Global News Podcast
UN Secretary-General warns US against 'ethnic cleansing' in Gaza
This podcast is sponsored by Wise, the app for doing things in other currencies. If you're sending or spending money abroad, you should use Wise. You'll have up to 40 currencies in the palm of your hand. Wise gives you the real exchange rate, which means you'll spend less on fees and more of your money gets where you need it to be. Download the Wise app today or visit T's and C's apply.
Global News Podcast
UN Secretary-General warns US against 'ethnic cleansing' in Gaza
Download the Wise app today or visit T's and C's apply.
Global News Podcast
New Orleans attack: death toll rises to 15
She thought, right, I'll just do it. She thought about others rather than herself.
Global News Podcast
New Orleans attack: death toll rises to 15
There's a real sense of urgency in them, that resistance has to be mounted, it has to be mounted now. Follow History's Youngest Heroes wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Gaza special: Three freed hostages back in Israel
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Gaza special: Three freed hostages back in Israel
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
Start listening to Oliver Berkman, Epidemics of Modern Life. Available to purchase wherever you get your audiobooks.
Global News Podcast
Netanyahu issues warning ahead of Gaza ceasefire
Start listening to Oliver Berkman, Epidemics of Modern Life. Available to purchase wherever you get your audiobooks.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with a hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Six-day state funeral for Jimmy Carter begins in Georgia
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
It's like a nice katana. You can fight the ninjas with it, or you can use it as a cane. Great stick.
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
Last time this happened, for example, there were retaliation on things like Florida orange juice, Tennessee bourbon, places which were strong Republican Trump supporting states was where Canadians felt they had most leverage. Do we expect that again?
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
Justin Trudeau is stepping down. You've got candidates vying to succeed him within weeks. Is there a danger that the candidates to be the next leader will try and out-tough each other to the point of not being very pragmatic for Canadian interests in this?
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Ukraine: 'Moscow bombs boarding school'
One day they'll come to Burundi. We're not going to accept war. It will be regionalised. We have a threat in the region. It's not just Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya. It's the whole region. It's a threat. If Eastern Congo has no peace, the region has no peace.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Putin 'ready' to discuss Ukraine war with Trump
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
The secret police's grip on Syria under Assad
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
The secret police's grip on Syria under Assad
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
The secret police's grip on Syria under Assad
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
The secret police's grip on Syria under Assad
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
I had done a bicycle trip when I was a But I did 13,000 kilometres in eight months and a half, something like that. And since I'd never been nowhere in North America or South America, it was kind of an easy choice to travel from North America to South America.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
Probably the most intense one was definitely starting in the Arctic because it was like minus 40 minus 50 i traveled like for 100 days by backcountry skiing and snow kiting without seeing like i spent two times one month without seeing anybody and i didn't see any trees for like 100 days and then also probably for sure uh the amazon which is also very different So that was also very special.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
Yeah, people helped me a lot. Like a lot of people welcomed me or offered me a meal or things like this. Everyone was really nice and welcoming. But definitely, again, like the Arctic, I started in Nunavut. I think the Inuits, they have a very specific bond with nature. And it's the same in the Amazon as well, even if it's very, very different.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
Nothing is impossible. And if you prepare well and you understand what you're getting into, I think 99% of the time you're going to have an amazing experience.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
People living in the Amazon also have a special link, like a relationship with nature. I think that was very special to me.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
First, I learned to know myself better, which was one of the main goals. You learn also your limits and also that, well, what are your limits and also that you can do much more than you think you can. And also, I guess that everything is about perspective. And a lot of times when you're in a difficult situation, you cannot change the situation itself, but you can change the way you look at it
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
Yeah, well, it's definitely like it's a big sport challenge. So when you get into that, you have to get to be aware of what you're getting into. So for sure, like the polar bear was something possible. I knew it was possible that it happens because I was in polar bear country for a very long time. But yeah, it's something you have to be aware of because definitely it's dangerous.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
And not just polar bears, the fact that it was my niece. 50, it's a very dangerous environment.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The woman helping thousands of premature babies
I would say believe in yourself. We are much more stronger than we think we are. Nothing is impossible. And if you prepare well and you research things and you understand what you're getting into, I think 99% of the time you're going to have an amazing experience.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
That's seven-year-old Lacey talking about five-year-old Betsy. The two girls have a very special friendship. They live close to each other in the Welsh town of Bridgend and they attend the same school, but they did not meet until April 2023 when they received the same diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia within three weeks of each other.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
Betsy's mum Charlotte said she received a text message from a mutual friend who had heard about Lacey's similar diagnosis and put the families in touch. A message which Lacey's mum Jess says she was thankful for.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
Since then, the families have become very close and formed a support bubble. Charlotte says the girls have found comfort in each other during their treatment.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia affects around 440 children a year in the UK. The parents of Betsy and Lacey couldn't believe two girls in the same school had the same diagnosis. The girls' nurse, Leslie, visits them every week in school. She says she's watched the friendship flourish.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
Betsy and Lacey are in the maintenance phase of their treatment, which is due to be completed in 2025. They still have to take daily medication and have frequent hospital appointments. But, as both the girls say, they have each other.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
World of Secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed. In this new series, we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry with a hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations. You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: The professionals and tradespeople cleaning up Ghana
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: From security guard to sculptor at the Met Museum
Delve into a world of secrets. The BBC's Global Investigations podcast, breaking major news stories around the world.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: From security guard to sculptor at the Met Museum
Delve into a world of secrets. The BBC's Global Investigations podcast, breaking major news stories around the world.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: From security guard to sculptor at the Met Museum
Delve into a world of secrets. The BBC's Global Investigations podcast, breaking major news stories around the world.
Global News Podcast
US inauguration special
This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the UK. Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
US inauguration special
Our lives today can feel like miniature versions of this relentless churn of activity. We find we're rushing around more crazily than ever. Somewhere, when we weren't looking, it's like busyness became a way of life.
Global News Podcast
Washington gears up for Trump inauguration
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Washington gears up for Trump inauguration
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Washington gears up for Trump inauguration
world of secrets is where untold stories are unveiled and hidden realities are exposed in this new series we're confronting the dark side of the wellness industry where the hope of a spiritual breakthrough gives way to disturbing accusations you just get sucked in so gradually
Global News Podcast
Washington gears up for Trump inauguration
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Hundreds, possibly thousands, feared dead in Mayotte cyclone
Yoga is more than just exercise. It's the spiritual practice that millions swear by. And in 2017, Miranda, a university tutor from London, joins a yoga school that promises profound transformation.
Global News Podcast
Hundreds, possibly thousands, feared dead in Mayotte cyclone
But soon, that calm, welcoming atmosphere leads to something far darker, a journey that leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and exploitation across international borders.
Global News Podcast
Hundreds, possibly thousands, feared dead in Mayotte cyclone
You just get sucked in so gradually.
Global News Podcast
Hundreds, possibly thousands, feared dead in Mayotte cyclone
World of Secrets, Season 6, The Bad Guru. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky offers exchange of North Korean soldiers
Mohamed Al-Fayed was like an apex predator.
Global News Podcast
Zelensky offers exchange of North Korean soldiers
Mohamed Al-Fayed was like an apex predator.
Global News Podcast
Israeli airstrikes have hit several targets inside Yemen
I've spent a fair bit of time in India.
Global News Podcast
Israeli airstrikes have hit several targets inside Yemen
We'll be right back. Remember, no matter who you are, there's a Lisa just for you.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
How Not to Die in 2025
Brian Johnson is a multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur and probably the world's most famous biohacker.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
How Not to Die in 2025
Often called a vampire for doing the first multi-generational plasma transfusion with his father and son, he spends $2 million a year attempting to reverse the aging process.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
The UK Grooming Gangs and the Cowardice of the West
Well, the UK's rape grooming scandal, let's call it a rape scandal, not really about even grooming, it's just about people raping young, often underage girls, is a grotesque stain on Britain's standing as a world leader in morality and the rule of law.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
The UK Grooming Gangs and the Cowardice of the West
One evening in 2006, a 12-year-old girl went into this police station. She reported that she had been molested in a local graveyard. The police officers here told her to sober up and come back later.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
The UK Grooming Gangs and the Cowardice of the West
She was accosted by two further men who took her away in a car and raped her. They gave her money for a bus fare and dropped her in the streets in this town in Greater Manchester. She was picked up...
Honestly with Bari Weiss
Can America Win the AI War with China?
Yeah, John, we've got a bit of a tech sell-off this morning, and it's being caused by earth-shattering developments in the AI space. So let's take a look at this. Did you see the Dow? Down more than 140 points. On track for one of its worst days in the past two years. And here's why.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
Can America Win the AI War with China?
Let's talk about DeepSeek because it is mind-blowing and it is shaking this entire industry to its core.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
Can America Win the AI War with China?
Buzz started growing about DeepSeek's latest AI model being more efficient while running on a lot less, a lot less advanced NVIDIA chips. Released last week, it's already being called what is a major breakthrough, as the app shows. It's work, it's reasoning.
Honestly with Bari Weiss
Can America Win the AI War with China?
I mean, this tech route and massive market sell-off, it's a wake-up call. It is for me.
Last Podcast On The Left
Side Stories: Investigation Alien w/ George Knapp
It really was. It looks great.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
Someone killed four members of a family, two children and two adults. That was shocking. It just didn't happen here.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
He went to a local church. He was in charge of the congregation. He was going to the grocery store with us. He was going to the movies with us. I would have never guessed that. He was the guy next door.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
From the creators of Atlanta Monster comes the next installment in the Monster franchise. iHeart Podcasts and Tenderfoot present Monster BTK. The first two episodes are available wide on January 13th, along with the first six episodes on our subscription service, True Crime Plus. Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
He wanted underwear, clothing that he would steal in the neighborhood. He was certainly a peeping Tom, looking through the windows, looking at people, fantasizing about what he could do.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
He would imagine creating what he called girl traps, where they would be totally helpless. He would have complete control and domination over them.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
He liked the appearance of bondage, where someone is stuck, someone's in control, someone can't get away. As he began to age, he then began entering the houses.
Lords of Death
Bind. Torture. Kill. - ‘Monster’ Returns
He felt very powerful. He could get into their home, take something, and get out and not be caught. People were not there, but he would stand in their home. He felt that sense of violation.
Episode 641: Listener Tales 94
Behind the closed doors of government offices and military compounds, there are hidden stories and buried secrets from the darkest corners of history. From covert experiments pushing the boundaries of science, to operations so secretive they were barely whispered about.
Episode 641: Listener Tales 94
Each week on Redacted Declassified Mysteries, we pull back the curtain on these hidden histories, 100% true and verifiable stories that expose the shadowy underbelly of power. Consider Operation Paperclip, where former Nazi scientists were brought to America after World War II, not as prisoners, but as assets to advance U.S. intelligence during the Cold War.
Episode 641: Listener Tales 94
These aren't just old conspiracy theories. They're thoroughly investigated accounts that reveal the uncomfortable truths still shaping our world today. The stories are real. The secrets are shocking. Follow Redacted Declassified Mysteries on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Redacted early and ad-free right now on Wondery+.
Episode 637: The Bobbed Haired Bandit
Behind the closed doors of government offices and military compounds, there are hidden stories and buried secrets from the darkest corners of history. From covert experiments pushing the boundaries of science to operations so secretive they were barely whispered about.
Episode 637: The Bobbed Haired Bandit
Each week on Redacted Declassified Mysteries, we pull back the curtain on these hidden histories, 100% true and verifiable stories that expose the shadowy underbelly of power. Consider Operation Paperclip, where former Nazi scientists were brought to America after World War II, not as prisoners, but as assets to advance U.S. intelligence during the Cold War.
Episode 637: The Bobbed Haired Bandit
These aren't just old conspiracy theories. They're thoroughly investigated accounts that reveal the uncomfortable truths still shaping our world today. The stories are real. The secrets are shocking. Follow Redacted Declassified Mysteries on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Redacted early and ad-free right now on Wondery+.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
Calling all dog owners! Your furry friend deserves top-notch nourishment, and Ollie delivers the clean, fresh nutrition your dog needs in five flavors they'll absolutely flip over. Ollie is made in U.S. kitchens, with ingredients carefully sourced from trusted growers and producers around the world, with absolutely no harmful fillers or preservatives.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
With protein-first recipes like fresh beef with sweet potatoes, fresh turkey with blueberries, or fresh lamb with cranberries, you might start thinking, dang, my dog eats better than I do. And that's probably true when it comes to Ollie. Give your pup a fresh start this new year by letting them taste test a personalized meal plan with Ollie. Head to slash Wondery.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
Tell them all about your dog and use code WONDERY to get 60% off your first box of meals when you subscribe today. Plus, they offer a clean bowl guarantee on the first box. So if you're not completely satisfied, you'll get your money back. That's O-L-L-I-E dot com slash Wondery. And enter code Wondery to get 60% off your first box. Start your dog's new year off right with Ollie.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
Start your dog's new year off right with Ollie. If you've ever considered a career as a licensed funeral director, Fine Mortuary College's online associate degree program can be completed in just two years. Fine Mortuary College provides an inclusive, engaging, and innovative educational experience that challenges and prepares tomorrow's funeral service professionals.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
Being a funeral director is about human services, helping people, specifically helping the living as they navigate the grieving process. The curriculum focuses on all aspects of funeral service, including the psychology, science, and business requirements of the profession. To attend a virtual open house, please visit their website at and RSVP for the date that best fits your schedule.
Episode 633: Listener Tales 93
At approximately 9 o'clock this morning, as law enforcement was moving through various sectors of the property, an individual, without warning, shot a Georgia State Patrol trooper.
Episode 634: Michael and Suzan Carson: San Francisco Witch Killers
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Episode 634: Michael and Suzan Carson: San Francisco Witch Killers
Behind the closed doors of government offices and military compounds, there are hidden stories and buried secrets from the darkest corners of history. From covert experiments pushing the boundaries of science to operations so secretive they were barely whispered about.
Episode 634: Michael and Suzan Carson: San Francisco Witch Killers
Each week on Redacted Declassified Mysteries, we pull back the curtain on these hidden histories, 100% true and verifiable stories that expose the shadowy underbelly of power. Consider Operation Paperclip, where former Nazi scientists were brought to America after World War II, not as prisoners, but as assets to advance U.S. intelligence during the Cold War.
Episode 634: Michael and Suzan Carson: San Francisco Witch Killers
These aren't just old conspiracy theories. They're thoroughly investigated accounts that reveal the uncomfortable truths still shaping our world today. The stories are real. The secrets are shocking. Follow Redacted Declassified Mysteries on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to Redacted early and ad-free right now on Wondery+.
Episode 642: Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer (Part 2)
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Episode 642: Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer (Part 2)
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Episode 642: Rodney Alcala: The Dating Game Killer (Part 2)
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Morning Wire
Inflation Rises & Red Dye No. 3 Banned | Afternoon Update | 1.15.25
This episode is brought to you by Balance of Nature. Don't miss out on the convenience of Balance of Nature fruits and veggie capsules. Head over to and use promo code WIRE for 35% off your first order as a preferred customer. Plus, you get a free bottle of fiber and spice. That's, promo code WIRE.
Morning Wire
Inflation Rises & Red Dye No. 3 Banned | Afternoon Update | 1.15.25
Netanyahu says the final details are still being ironed out. Multiple mediators say the two parties agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of dozens of hostages. The deal comes after more than 15 months of war. Under the reported agreement, Hamas will release 33 hostages, including women, children, and the elderly, in exchange for Israel freeing hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.
Morning Wire
Inflation Rises & Red Dye No. 3 Banned | Afternoon Update | 1.15.25
The deal would also provide an opportunity to negotiate the release of the 97 other hostages. The first three hostages are expected to be freed on day one as a gesture of compliance.
Morning Wire
Inflation Rises & Red Dye No. 3 Banned | Afternoon Update | 1.15.25
This episode is brought to you by Lumen. Did you know that 80% of resolutions fail by February? This year, don't let it. Take the next step to improving your health by going to to get 20% off your Lumen. That's to get 20% off your purchase.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Blocked & Congestion Toll Avoidance | Afternoon Update | 1.7.25
This episode is brought to you by Black Rifle Coffee. Head to and use code DAILYWIRE for 20% off your purchase. That's, code DAILYWIRE.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Blocked & Congestion Toll Avoidance | Afternoon Update | 1.7.25
This episode is brought to you by Roan. Men's closets were due for a radical reinvention and Roan has stepped up to the plate. The commuter collection can get you through any workday and straight into whatever comes next. Head to slash wire and use promo code wire to save 20% off your entire order.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Blocked & Congestion Toll Avoidance | Afternoon Update | 1.7.25
That's 20% off your entire order when you head to slash wire and use code wire.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
President Trump is overhauling the U.S. military through sweeping executive action and out of the box appointments.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
How else is the president boosting military readiness?
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
Tech stocks tumbled Monday after a stunning announcement from DeepSeek, an emerging AI powerhouse in China.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
Gunfire erupts between Border Patrol and suspected cartel members just days after Trump labels them terrorists.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
Here to talk about the latest news on immigration and Trump's criminal crackdown is Daily Wire reporter Tim Pearce. Tim, so first, where was this shootout?
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
Alarming development, to say the least. And this comes as the Trump crackdown on illegal immigrants is really ramping up, correct?
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
So an aggressive media campaign that sort of matches its pace on deportations. Tim, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Hey, thank you for listening this morning. We created this show to bring more balance to the national conversation.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Military Overhaul & Wall Street’s DeepSeek Disruption | 1.28.25
If you love our show and stand with that mission, consider subscribing, giving us a five-star rating, and most importantly, sharing our podcast with a friend.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
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Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
Acorn Advisors LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. View important disclosures at slash wire.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
Eighteen Democrat-led states and two cities have filed a lawsuit to challenge President Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship. The order is set to take effect on February 19th. The challenging states and cities argue that the move violates the Constitution and longstanding legal precedent.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
But the Trump administration says the policy aims to strengthen national security and immigration enforcement. Here's Trump signing the executive order last night.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
This episode is brought to you by Babbel.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
Volume two of special counsel Jack Smith's report on President Trump has been blocked. Judge Eileen Cannon ruled that releasing details about Trump's classified documents case to Congress could risk prejudice. While Trump's legal team sought to block both volumes, the first volume covering election interference was partially released. Trump has dismissed the findings as a fake report.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
Over the weekend, Morning Wire spoke with Ryan's wife Anna about the ongoing negotiations and how both the Biden and Trump administrations were approaching it. She told a bit about the conditions Ryan has been living in.
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
But now he's home, just hours after President Trump took office. A deal was reportedly struck in the final hours of Biden's presidency, which traded a convicted drug trafficker and terrorist for both Corbett and another American, William Wallace McKenty. Corbett's family said the following in a statement, quote,
Morning Wire
Gulf Coast Blizzard Warning & Ryan Corbett Returns Home | Afternoon Update | 1.21.25
Today, our hearts are filled with overwhelming gratitude and praise to God for sustaining Ryan's life and bringing him back home after what has been the most challenging and uncertain 894 days of our lives, unquote. Meanwhile, two more Americans remain in Afghanistan as Taliban prisoners.
Morning Wire
Schweizer: Truth Behind Biden’s Family Pardons | 1.26.25
In the final minutes of his presidency, Joe Biden shocked the political world by issuing preemptive pardons for several of his own family members. The move has sparked renewed calls for investigations into Biden family corruption.
Morning Wire
Decoding Trump's Win: 2024 Election Analysis | 12.15.24
In his third bid for the presidency, Donald Trump was able to overcome past shortfalls to put together a decisive victory, winning the Electoral College, the popular vote, and GOP majorities in both houses of Congress.
Morning Wire
Why It’s Time to Defund UNRWA | 1.12.25
Since the Hamas October 7 terror attack against Israel, a highly controversial Palestinian aid group has come under intense scrutiny. The United Nations Relief and Work for Palestinian Refugees, or UNRWA, has been revealed to have terrorist leaders and supporters among its staff. The Biden administration directed over a billion dollars to the group before pausing funds last year.
Morning Wire
Trump Targets DEI & Gender Policies | 1.25.25
President Trump has returned to office with an extremely ambitious agenda and has immediately taken executive action to jumpstart what he's promising will be a transformative year for the nation. Among the issues he's already begun to address is reversing the Biden administration's policies on gender identity and diversity, equity and inclusion.
Morning Wire
Held Prisoner in Afghanistan: A Family’s Fight for Freedom | 1.18.25
American businessman Ryan Corbett moved his family to Afghanistan in 2010, where he started a business and became active in the community. But the Corbett family later evacuated during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, leaving everything behind. Upon returning to his business in 2022, Ryan Corbett and several others were captured by the Taliban. Two years later, he remains a prisoner.
Morning Wire
The Gay Affair: Exposing Harvard's Integrity Crisis | 2.1.25
One of the sources she allegedly drew from was the scholarship of Dr. Carol Swain, who has since written a book documenting the research that was stolen from her and the sequence of events.
Morning Wire
The Gay Affair: Exposing Harvard's Integrity Crisis | 2.1.25
Following now infamous congressional testimony on pervasive antisemitism at Harvard, the university's then president, Claudine Gay, was accused of widespread plagiarism, which ultimately caused her to step down.
Morning Wire
Trudeau’s Resignation & New Orleans Lawsuit | Afternoon Update | 1.6.25
This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial period at slash morningwire. That's slash morningwire.
Morning Wire
Trudeau’s Resignation & New Orleans Lawsuit | Afternoon Update | 1.6.25
This episode is brought to you by Black Rifle Coffee. Head to and use code DailyWire for 20% off your purchase. That's, code DailyWire.
Morning Wire
Trump Sworn In & Ramaswamy Leaves DOGE | Afternoon Update | 1.20.25
This episode is brought to you by Black Rifle Coffee. Head to and use code DailyWire for 20% off your purchase. That's, code DailyWire.
Morning Wire
Trump Sworn In & Ramaswamy Leaves DOGE | Afternoon Update | 1.20.25
This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at slash morningwire, all lowercase. Established in 2025 has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Head over to slash morningwire to start selling with Shopify today.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Decision & Cartel Border Tunnels | Afternoon Update | 1.13.25
This episode is brought to you by Shopify. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at slash morningwire, all lowercase. Established in 2025 has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Head over to slash morningwire to start selling with Shopify today.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Decision & Cartel Border Tunnels | Afternoon Update | 1.13.25
A federal judge in Florida ruled that the Justice Department can release parts of Smith's report detailing decisions to charge Donald Trump in cases related to the 2020 election and classified documents. However, the judge blocked the release of sections tied to the classified documents case, citing risks to ongoing proceedings.
Morning Wire
Jack Smith Report Decision & Cartel Border Tunnels | Afternoon Update | 1.13.25
Trump's legal team opposes any release, calling the report biased and unlawful. The Justice Department plans to release the election-related portion soon, while further court battles loom over transparency and accountability.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
Will TikTok get banned in the U.S. next month? The Supreme Court will likely decide. Daily Wire reporter Amanda Presa-Giacomo has more.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
The Federal Aviation Agency is cracking down on New Jersey's airspace following a rise in drone sightings. Daily Wire reporter Tim Pearce has the details.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
Concern has grown for one of the astronauts stranded aboard the International Space Station. A holiday photo shared by NASA shows astronaut Suni Williams looking gaunt, sparking worried reactions online.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
59-year-old Williams and astronaut Butch Wilmore, who've been on the station since June, were scheduled for an eight-day stay but have faced repeated delays due to issues with their Boeing spacecraft. NASA now says their return is delayed until late March.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
A former high school volleyball star who suffered serious injury after a spike to the head from a trans-identifying male player is speaking out. Peyton McNabb is featured in a new documentary titled Killshot. She suffered a traumatic brain injury, partial paralysis, and other long-term effects from the 2022 incident.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
McNabb says she hopes her story inspires change to protect female athletes.
Morning Wire
Trump’s Border Wall Brief & Congress’ Funding Plan | Afternoon Update | 12.20.24
All right, those are your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to And for more in-depth reporting on the biggest stories of the day, tune into our full episode of Morning Wire every morning.
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
MFM Minisode 417
Coming to ABC and Hulu. Amanda Riley was a mother, wife, speaker at her church. And then she got diagnosed with cancer. A beloved young Christian woman fighting a battle undeserved. We thought she was God's gift, but she was a liar.
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
MFM Minisode 417
From the number one smash hit podcast. It was only a matter of time until Amanda's whole world came tumbling down. You're not going to believe this. Scamanda. New episodes Thursday nights on ABC and stream on Hulu.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pero tienes ahí opción para poner en búsqueda en web, en DeepSeek.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yo no sé si es un... ¿Cómo se llama? Cuando es una sola vez. Un garbanzo de libra. Tal vez no por lo político, porque es China y por todo lo que le hizo perder a NVIDIA y a otras compañías en bolsa de valores. También no perdieron dinero de su bolsa, sino que era el valor de la acción. Mm-hmm.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
seguramente está íntimamente atado a alguna parte del partido en el gobierno seguro y bueno eso siempre queda ahí no o sea aunque todos los demás lo hacen todos los autos chinos tienen todos tus datos de dónde vas que de todo pero aquí es como pues gratis lo puedes usar y está de moda ahorita a ver cuánto tiempo dura
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yo lo sé, pero Deep Seek tiene estrellita, porque le pregunté, ¿Quién hace el podcast? Nosotros los clones. Y contestó correctamente. Es conducido por tres periodistas especializados en tecnología con más de 20 años de experiencia. Aura, Javier y Pontón. Este video podcast se enfoca en temas relacionados con tecnología, innovación, inteligencia, etc. ¡Gracias!
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No. Ubico la High and Dry. Creep. Creep. ¿Cuál es Creep?
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pero tres canciones, cuatro. O sea, no soy tan fan.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Primero vamos a platicar... profundamente de Deep Seek. Después tenemos una trivia. ¿Otra? Una trivia donde te vas a poder ganar unos audífonos de HyperX, cortesía de Hewlett Packard. Recordando que HyperX es una compañía de Hewlett Packard.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pero está un poco lento, ¿no? Sí, está lento.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yo creo que llegó para quedarse, pero no para opacar a los que ya llevan mucho rato. Porque lo que dijo Sam Altman, sí está muy chido. Nosotros vamos a sacar cosas nuevas también. ¿Cuántas cosas no tendrán?
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Edote estaba haciendo una cuenta de... No la cuenta, sino estaba pensando que... Yo les voy a decir una palabra y me dicen el primer servicio que se les...
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sí, Netflix. Auto de aplicación. Uber. Coche de aplicación.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
O como Kleenex. O como Netflix. No, es Amazon Video. Ah, no. Ah, sí. Pues es un Netflix. O sea, es un genérico. Y ChatGPT ya se quedó con el genérico que está ya incrustado en el cerebro de millones de personas. Y todo es ChatGPT. Por nombre.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Me equivoqué. Me fui atrás. Windows.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
We're changing to where there are thousands of options. And here we're talking. I started talking about the generics.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sony, sonos. No, pero es que no es lo mismo. Tú lo vas por la calle. Ah, son unos Bose. No, no, no. O sea, y si dices, lo vi en Netflix. Cuando, aunque no sea Netflix. Sí. O pedí un Uber, aunque no sea Uber. Sí. O usé chat GPT.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
O Starbucks. Claro. Otro, claro. Starbucks.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Gulf of Mexico or Gulf of America? Who is the Gulf of Mexico? Who is the Gulf of Mexico? I'm going to say the one from Mexico. The crazy ones from Miami. La locura de nuestro presidente de junto es que no quiere que se llame Golfo de México porque no tiene nada que hacer. Y le puso, según él, oficialmente Golfo de América. Nada más que eso es para ellos, para los norteamericanos.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Google Maps, como es una empresa gringa, que tiene que acatar órdenes gringas, pronto le va a cambiar el nombre de Golfo de México a Golfo de América para los gringos. Sí. Si tú consultas Google Maps en Estados Unidos o en una cuenta gringa, va a decir Golfo de América. Se me hace una... ¿Tú vivas? Alguien vibra.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Ah, mira. Yo creo que eso va a ser una... Ah, mira. Va a ser raro. Aunque es un... No era yo, no era yo.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Porque es salvaje. Este... El golfo no es de nadie. ¡Es de todos!
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
¡Pues por eso es un golfo! ¡Claro! ¡Claro! ¡Claro! Entonces... O sea, va a ser un relajo. Sí. Si los norteamericanos no destacan por sus... Cultura. ...conocimientos geográficos. Ah, no. Sí, he visto videos. ¿De qué es esto? África. Sí. ¿De Estados Unidos? Sí, no tienen ni idea. Cuando les cambien y ahora diga Golfo de América. Y van a saber dónde está. No, no. Lo del Golfo sí, América no.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Permítanme un segundo. Estoy conectado a Dallas. Dallas, Texas. Voy a abrir otro navegador para que no se me contamine.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
I'm in a connection to the United States.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sí, igual lo están cambiando ya, pero ya salió publicado lo del Golfo de América en su diario oficial o como se llame allá. Y pues sí, todavía sigue así.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Básicamente usar Starlink para datos para tu celular. Exacto.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yes, because he also started with Claro.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
De ahí viene el nombre de celular. El radio de cada antena es una célula. El área que cubre una antena es una célula y junto está otra antena en otra célula. Entonces tú vas moviéndote y vas de célula en célula. Por eso es telefonía celular, por eso se llama así. No es porque son células volando en el espacio.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Hay que ver la oferta comercial, cómo la ponen.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Está súper interesante porque una cosa es que tu celular vea directamente a un satélite de Starlink y la otra es cómo se conecta con tu carrier.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sí. Tú estás en el Everest y le marcas a Aura. Entonces, Starlink va a tomar tu llamada. Starlink la va a bajar a su base terrestre. Oye, este usuario de Telcel le quiere hablar a Aura, que bueno, también es Telcel. Va a ser ahí la comunicación. Todo en menos de un segundo.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Es el poder de internet. Sí. Y los celulares.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Amigos y amigas, ¿qué harían o qué hacen ustedes para usar su impresora? Ustedes tienen una impresora, posiblemente, y si no, aquí les recomendamos unas, en donde está conectada por Wi-Fi a su dispositivo.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sí. ¿Sabes qué me encanta de lo de escanear? Cuando son seis páginas. Ajá. O sea, escanea la primera. Sí. Y es muy intuitivo. Dices, no, siguiente. Añadir. Ajá. Entonces te pone... Eso parece una cosa muy simple, pero no.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Ay, qué padre. Ahí está la foto. En avisos coloquiales ya tenemos a los ganadores de los primeros tres HyperX que hicimos la trivia, la primera de HP. OK. No los hemos contactado, pero ya están. Y hoy hay otra para que estén atentos. Perfecto.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Las seis páginas. Y ahí lo puedes mandar inclusive por WhatsApp. Es correcto. O lo que tú quieras. Sí, sí. Muy padre está HP Smart, que está obviamente disponible para todos los dueños de una impresora HP. Ajá.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Y no solamente disponible, o sea, yo creo que es como que no obligatorio, pero es muy importante que no imprimas en un celular porque puede encontrar la impresora ahí por el destino porque es compatible con AirPrint o no sé qué. Pero descarguen la HP Smart, que es una aplicación muy fácil de usar, como decía Pontón. Puedes, por ejemplo... Mandar un fax. Bueno, si alguien necesita.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pero está bueno que todavía exista.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
¿Sabes qué? Que también aquí tienes acceso a comprar la tinta. o tú sacó el tóner en este caso no está aquí está mira los productos y aquí bueno pues me pide que me registre pero la aplicación hp smart es fundamental hay para ios hay para android obviamente jala sin ningún problema si es que sabes lo que me decía juan jose bello de hp la entrevista que le hicimos hace unos días en las veras
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
That are using AI for this application, HP Smart, to print sheets of paper. Okay.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
So the HP engineers say, let's see, this guy is a... Nah, no sabe cómo hacer esta hoja de cálculo. Le voy a... Eso lo estoy inventando yo. Le voy a echar una manita de gato para que salgan todos sus números por ahí dispersos en una sola hoja.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Lo están haciendo. Creo que no sé si está disponible.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No, y aparte, además de imprimir en una hoja hay un número. 24. El resultado.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Continuando con HP, tenemos una trivia. Hay más? Hay una trivia que el regalo son tres unidades de los audífonos HyperX. ¿Tienes ahí el modelo a la mano? Sí, ¿cómo no?
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Ok. Son tres unidades. Ya hicimos una trivia de esto hace... Dos semanas creo, tres semanas, no sé cuánto. Y ya están los ganadores, pero todavía no nos vamos a conocer. Gracias por sus correos. Ahí van las preguntas. Pónganse atentos. Pregunta 1. ¿Hasta cuántas páginas a color imprime la impresora de tanques HP Smart Tank 750? Búsquele, búsquele, apúntele.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Un tip, tienen que mandar un correo a trivias arroba Ahí ponen los resultados, ponen su nombre, etc. Y el tip es que para encontrar la respuesta a estas preguntas, métanse a Nosotros los clones. Nosotros los clones. Clones.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
MSI Gaming, que es la que nos... Patrocinó este regalo. Regalo de componentes MSI, de procesador y todo, y monitor.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pueden funcionar en calles y lugares muy seleccionadas. O sea, muy poco porcentaje de una ciudad, de un país, obviamente. Todavía no están, digamos, muy aptos para manejos de larga distancia. Sí. Carretera y todo. Sí lo pueden hacer. Y creo que hay que dividir.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Están los autónomos que no van a tener volante ni siquiera, que esos son unos tipos de coches autónomos que seguramente en los próximos años serán para trayectos cortos. Y los coches autónomos, como el que nos subimos, que es un automóvil normal adaptado con muchas cosas que maneja solita. Él maneja solo. Entonces creo que está limitado a un cierto... No hablo del sector de la población, no.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Por eso me río, porque estás no solo para decir que está muy padre. No, no, no. Es que la verdad, lo acabamos de vivir. Está muy padre, muy bonito, muy limitado.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yes, but I don't think it's going to be like that. ¿A qué se refiere? Que no va a haber manejo autónomo generalizado.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Por las calles, los coches y las personas. Y las leyes de tránsito y las telecomunicaciones.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Todos autónomos es una historia. Ah. Pero eso no existe. Entonces, mitad autónomos, mitad animales. Entonces, van a estar ahí peleándose. Porque incluso tú vas a decir, ah, es autónomo. Le vas a dar un... O sea, es un poco la raza humana. Así somos.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No, porque no te va a dejar. Puede ser el seguro opuesto. No, yo creo que este debate está mal hecho. Ah, qué mal. No, espérame, porque una cosa es que tú tengas tu coche.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Nivel 7, nivel Dios, pero tienes un volante. Creo que son dos cosas diferentes.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Ese es como autónomo para mí, más como vehículo colectivo de transporte sin volante y sin conductor, obviamente.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Y se fijan cuántos vimos ahí en San Francisco. Muchísimos, cada vez más. Muchos. Muchísimos. No era uno de vez en cuando.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Eran constantemente. Ahora, yo creo que no hacen negocio todavía.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No, y cuánta gente debe estar monitoreando, porque tampoco es tan automático todo.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No sé si vieron el video por ahí de hace ya unas semanas, donde había una congestión y no sabían qué hacer los guaymos. Ajá. Estaba...
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Pero aquí era una calle tradicional. Había un coche, una camioneta de entregas en doble fila. Venía un güeymo por acá, otro por acá y todavía no supieron quién pasaba y quién no.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
son cosas que seguramente pasan todo el tiempo en estas conducciones, pero como ellos dicen, están en un periodo beta, o sea, están lanzándolo, ya te puedes subir, yo creo que sí va a ser para ciertas aplicaciones, como decimos aquí, pues el futuro, pero no va a ser generalizado y no va a llegar a México.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Se veía bien. No, ahora veíamos una pantalla.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Sí, sí, sí. Si alguien ha ido aquí a la Arena Ciudad de México, a ver, aquí viene la NBA, ¿no? Sí, también, cómo no. La Arena es más grande que Chase Center. Se ve bien, pero creo que a mí me encantó el estadio. It's kind of new, isn't it?
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
No, no, hombre. Bajé, bajé del... Bajé de las gradas y me paré un segundo a tomar la foto y llegó un tipo, no puede estar ahí parado. Toma una foto.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Okay, tenemos unos Gahak Assorted Indian Sweets.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Oye, estos son como galletas. Se ven arabescos.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Son unas bolitas. A ver, vamos a ver. Estos son unos, pues como palanqueta, ¿no?
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yo hice eso de un prompt en español y sí funciona, pero creo que hay que esperar hasta que sea en español nativo.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Lo mismo, pero más barato. Tal cual.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
200 personas en esta startup. Que lo que hicieron fue lo siguiente. OpenAI y otras herramientas de AI utilizan, creo que, 32 decimales. Porque todos son números a fin de cuentas. Todos son operaciones. Por eso los procesadores tienen tantos millones de operaciones por segundo. Entonces, OpenAI y los demás utilizan, así, literal, muchos decimales. Así, literal, para sacar sus respuestas.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Deep Seek said, no, we're going to put eight decimals. I don't think eight or three, I don't remember, but many fewer decimals. What happens is that it takes half the time and the results it throws are practically the same. It's like if you do a multiplication of two numbers with 25 decimals and you press enter, it gives you an answer.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
And if you put just three decimals, it's going to be almost the same. I don't want to get into mathematical purisms that it's not the same, but almost the same. Y este casi, y con menos decimales, hizo que pudieran usar chips de NVIDIA, pero los de gráficos más malos. Sí, los que hay en todas las compus. Entonces, de ahí es parte de la historia.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
La otra historia es que los chats de AI que tenemos ahora, si tú le pones un prompt que tiene, no sé, 20 palabras, Una por una la va leyendo y la va procesando y la va metiendo a la máquina, digamos. Lo que hace Deep Seek es que agarra las 20 palabras y las mete como procedimiento en paralelo. Por eso es más rápido y ocupa menos ciclos de procesador y menos muchas cosas más exóticas.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Y de ahí que Deep Seek salió. Uh-huh. Conspiranoicos. No, no, no. Los que no les gusta nada.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Los que cumbrosos. Los tecnoquejas.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Correcto ambas cosas. Al no tener los procesadores últimos disponibles, vieron cómo le hacían y de ahí seguramente salieron los decimales. Y eso bajó drásticamente el requerimiento. Y código abierto. 100% código abierto, en donde cualquier persona puede utilizar o reutilizar parte del código para su propio proyecto. Pero también ellos usaron muchas de las bibliotecas que hay. Que ya existían.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
De esta que se llaman... Tienen un nombre, las bibliotecas de... para AIs, que también son de código abierto. Meta tiene una, un buen cacho de su biblioteca, la puedes usar si tú quieres. Entonces se combinó los dos códigos abiertos. Y lo del código abierto es un poquito más como un acto de fe. O sea, es un acto que no me están escondiendo nada.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Yo puedo revisar si quiero todo el código que está corriendo y puedo saber a dónde mandan todos los datos, que obviamente van a guardar los datos de cada usuario en China. Obviamente, pues es una aplicación china. Exacto. Y pero ya empezaron por ahí los... Los quejas, tecnoquejas. No sirve. Le pregunté qué pasó en el 89 en la plaza de Tiananmen cuando fue este problema con el gobierno chino.
Nosotros Los Clones
DeepSeek: Lo mismo pero más barato - NLC 165
Y me contestó que no sabía. Es una basura. ¿Qué te va a contestar si es un producto, un servicio chino? No quieren recordar esas épocas, pues no lo ponen. Y sale su derecho. Si no te gusta, pues no lo uses.
Nosotros Los Clones
Lo más buscado en Google en 2024 - NLC 151
Nosotros los Clones. Nos escuchamos en el siguiente episodio.
Nosotros Los Clones
¿Los matemáticos no tienen nada qué hacer? - NLC 118
Este episodio de nosotros, los clones, es presentado por DocuSign. Da vida a los acuerdos. Mercado Libre. Lo mejor está llegando. MSI. La marca que los gamers adoran. Bitcar. Estrenar es rentar.
Nosotros Los Clones
¿Los matemáticos no tienen nada qué hacer? - NLC 118
Adiós. Este episodio de Nosotros los Clones fue presentado por DocuSign. Da vida a los acuerdos. Mercado Libre. Lo mejor está llegando. MSI. La marca que los gamers adoran. Bitcar. Estrenar es rentar. Nosotros los Clones. Nos escuchamos en el siguiente episodio.
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Kylie on Marrying Into Fandom, Pop Culture Crash Course & Postpartum Lies with Amanda Hirsch | Ep. 7
Interior, Duncan, 2018. Kylie's bachelorette party. Kylie McDevitt, soon to be Kelsey, stands in the middle of her old stomping grounds for one last hurrah. She and friends are cheersing with butter pecan iced coffees. The bridesmaids all chant speech, speech, speech.
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Kylie on Marrying Into Fandom, Pop Culture Crash Course & Postpartum Lies with Amanda Hirsch | Ep. 7
We wind out to see Dunkin' is decked out for the occasion. A butter pecan ice sculpture, a tower of munchkins, even a glazed donut fondue station.
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Kylie on Marrying Into Fandom, Pop Culture Crash Course & Postpartum Lies with Amanda Hirsch | Ep. 7
Kylie and the girls all cheers their butter pecans. Kylie's maid of honor, former teammate Beverly, suddenly gasps. She shows Kylie an email on her phone.
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Kylie on Marrying Into Fandom, Pop Culture Crash Course & Postpartum Lies with Amanda Hirsch | Ep. 7
Kylie drops her butter pecan on the ground in disbelief.
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Kylie on Marrying Into Fandom, Pop Culture Crash Course & Postpartum Lies with Amanda Hirsch | Ep. 7
Bev takes a big go with butter pecan.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Seeing people in this way
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
It reminded me that we were all our own main characters. And I found myself charmed by the faces I saw and the stories that might go with them. I was still thinking about the last town, the flash of their city square as we sped through. Their tree still lit, and the ice rink in front of it, swirling with skaters. as the sun began to sink lower and an orange glow fell on my face.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
We were a little more than a day into our journey, with a couple more yet to go before the last stop, and I was thoroughly enjoying train travel. I'd thought I might be bored, but bored was the last thing I was. I was relaxed, though.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
The scenery was always changing, though the pace was steady, and I spent a good deal of time just looking out of the window, either in the dining car or here in our compartment. We'd splurged a bit for this trip,
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
We had a small stateroom with a wide bed, a neat little washroom, and a sofa where we'd sipped our coffee this morning.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
And for me, this was nostalgia for something I'd never actually had or known.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
The linens on the bed were ironed and crisp. The pastries that had come with our coffee this morning were delicate and filled with the best apricot preserves I'd ever tasted. There was a light sent in the carpeted halls that reminded me of a library. And when the train rushed through a tunnel and the light dimmed, to a faint golden glow.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
and eyeing a mysterious heiress who was traveling under a false name. Maybe, I thought, I should write a novel as we chugged through the countryside. My imagination was clearly running away with me. might as well put it to good use. So as we got ready to head to the dining car, I took a little notebook and pen from my luggage and tucked it into my pocket.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
A chess game was being played by two older men, one with thick glasses and the other with a salt-and-pepper beard. I stopped in the passage between cars and pulled out my notebook. What are you doing? Making notes.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
They're both suspects. We chuckled as I put my notebook away and passed through into the dining car. The sun was still an inch above the horizon, and the fields around us were layered with snow. Flakes were falling past the windows. and their motion plus our own added up to a feeling of being inside a snow globe. I imagined us sitting on a bookshelf in a library somewhere, freshly shaken,
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
as the train circled and circled the same small bit of track. We were headed toward the mountains and would be climbing through the night. I hoped I'd wake tomorrow in time for what I guessed would be pretty spectacular sunrise. The tables were laid with white tablecloths edged in dark green that matched the upholstery on the banquets. We were led to a table at the far end of the car
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
where we could see all of our fellow passengers, perfect for my research. And when we sat, I tucked my notebook under the edge of my plate for easy reach. We ordered fancy drinks that bubbled in old-fashioned glasses. While we sipped, we made up stories about the other diners. There was a mother and daughter at a table across from us, and they seemed pensive as they spooned up their soup.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Quiet, unassuming, nothing to see there.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
I wrote heist, jewels, safe in the note. The snow kept falling as we dined. Asparagus soup. Arancini with a tangy sauce. Roasted portobello and farro. And a thin slice of very rich chocolate tart. At times, we forgot to imagine storylines and just got lost, staring out at the mountains, a faint halo of moon behind the clouds, and our hands lazily touching across the table.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
The rocking of the train was making me drowsy, And finally we rose and thanked our waiter and strolled back to the sleeper car. Our bed had been turned down and the sconces dimmed. I stood by the window and watched the scenery race by.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
To turn out the lights and feel the sway of the train. To hear the bells tolling at the crossings in my sleep.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Good. the sleeper car. From the window, a broad, white landscape stretched out under the afternoon sun.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Seeing people in this way, a single frame of their life, while my own blazed past
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
We were a little more than a day into our journey, with a couple more to go before the last stop, and I was thoroughly enjoying train travel.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
And I spent a good deal of time just looking out the window, either in the dining car or here in our compartment. We'd splurged a bit for this trip. And since the mode of travel meant more to us than our destination itself, it had proved worth it. We had a small stateroom with a wide bed, a neat little washroom, and a sofa where we'd sipped our coffee this morning.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
It was engineered for comfort and to fit well within the limited space and also with a bit of nostalgia in mind. And for me,
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
And now that I was here, I found it lived up to every expectation. and then some. The linens on the bed were ironed and crisp.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
There was a light scent in the carpeted halls. that reminded me of a library. And when the train rushed through a tunnel and the lights dimmed to a faint golden glow, I felt like I had fallen through the pages of a book, that I might slide open the door of our compartment
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Maybe, I thought, I should write a novel as we chugged through the countryside.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Might as well put it to good use. So as we got ready to head to the dining car, I took a little notebook and pen from my luggage and tucked it into my pocket. The walk from the sleeper car down to the dining car passed through a few others.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
A chess game was being played by two older men, one with thick glasses and the other with a salt-and-pepper beard, I stopped in the passage between cars and pulled out my notebook. What are you doing? Making notes. I'm writing a mystery novel.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
They're both suspects. We chuckled as I put my notebook away. and passed through into the dining car.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Flakes were falling past the windows and their motion, plus our own, added up to a feeling of being in a snow globe.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
We were headed toward the mountains and would be climbing through the night. I hoped I'd wake tomorrow in time for what I guessed would be a pretty spectacular sunrise.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
that matched the upholstery on the banquets.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
And when we sat, I tucked my notebook under the edge of my plate. for easy reach. We ordered fancy drinks that bubbled in old-fashioned glasses. While we sipped, we made up stories about the other diners. There was a mother and daughter at a table across from us. and they seemed pensive as they spooned up their soup. Quiet, unassuming. Nothing to see there, I asked over my glass.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
Probably planning a heist of the jewels in the train safe. I wrote heist, jewels, safe in my notebook. The snow kept falling as we dined. Asparagus soup. Arancini with a tangy sauce. Roasted portobello and farro. and a thin slice of very rich chocolate tart. At times we forgot to imagine storylines and just got lost staring out at the mountains.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
A faint halo of moon behind the clouds and our hands lazily touching across the table. The rocking of the train was making me drowsy. And finally we rose and thanked our waiter and strolled back to the sleeper car. Our bed had been turned down and the sconces dimmed. I stood by the window,
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
and watched the scenery race by, thinking about how sweet it would be to pull on my pajamas and climb up into the big, soft bed, to turn out the lights and feel the sway of the train to hear the bells tolling at the crossings in my sleep.
Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep
The Sleeper Car (Encore)
The Sleeper Car From the window, a broad white landscape stretched out under the afternoon sun. We'd just cut through a small city, and I could still make out a few tall buildings in the distance. I loved passing through towns, watching cars waiting at the crossings, catching a glimpse of people walking on the city streets with bags slung over their arms, caught up in their own routines.
Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
That would be great. But they didn't want you to know about it. Sorry, who's they? Some people are following me and I brought my tortoise.
Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
From executive producers Mike Judge and Greg Daniels and co-creators Joe Bennett and Steve Healy comes an animated comedy thriller about what it takes to change the world. Common Side Effects. Series premieres with back-to-back episodes February 2nd at 11.30pm on Adult Swim. Next day on Max.
Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
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Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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An Interview with Dave Rogers
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Office Ladies
An Interview with Dave Rogers
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Office Ladies
Second Drink: Hot Girl
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Office Ladies
Second Drink: Performance Review with Larry Wilmore
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Office Ladies
Second Drink: Performance Review with Larry Wilmore
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One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
Amen. Jesus is our righteousness. And may we as Christians never forget this incredible gospel truth. You're listening to Renewing Your Mind, and that was R.C. Sproul preaching from Galatians chapter 2 as we begin a four-week sermon series on the gospel and the dangers of legalism. If you've not done a serious study of Galatians, I would commend it to you. And you can do that with R.C.
One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
Sproul as your pastoral and theological guide when you request his line-by-line study of Galatians, when you give a donation of any amount at or by using the link in the podcast show notes. This hardcover commentary could be your aid in Bible study, but it would also make for wonderful devotional reading.
One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
And know that every donation is helping take trusted teaching that proclaims and defends the doctrine of justification by faith alone to the nations. So give your gift while there's still time at Thank you. Next time, we move ahead to Galatians chapter 3, to a section that Dr. Sproul describes as perhaps the weightiest and most significant portion of the entire epistle.
One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
Justification by faith alone. It's central to the good news, and it's always under attack. That's why R.C. Sproul preached and taught this doctrine with such passion and clarity, and why Ligonier Ministries and Renewing Your Mind by God's Grace will never waver or shrink back from the clarity and precision of gospel truth.
One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
Welcome to the Sunday edition of Renewing Your Mind where each week we feature the preaching ministry of R.C. Sproul. This week we're starting a new series in Galatians, an important epistle that responds sharply to attacks against the gospel and one that we need to read, study and meditate upon as we continue to have our minds renewed according to Scripture.
One Minute Podcast Tips
How to Use Old Episodes to Power Your Podcast's Growth
This is a four-message study with Dr. Sproul, unpacking the gospel and the dangers of legalism. But if you'd like to study the entirety of Galatians until midnight tonight, you can request Dr. Sproul's hardcover commentary on Galatians when you give a donation of any amount at Well, if you have your Bible with you, open it to Galatians chapter 2. Here's Dr. Sproul.
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
How to Win the Fight for Your Soul and Why It Matters | EP 567
We are challenged throughout our lives, whether it's a deployment under hostile conditions on the world stage, a difficult home situation or problems at work.
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
How to Win the Fight for Your Soul and Why It Matters | EP 567
life is constantly throwing curveballs at us sometimes it's not just that we don't hit the pitch sometimes we have the equivalent of nolan ryan throwing fastballs at our heads is the way it sometimes feels and he's hitting us too and we need to understand how to get better at bats when that happens and how to not get injured
Pod Save America
Introducing: Assembly Required with Stacey Abrams
In the words of 77 Nobel laureates in medicine, chemistry, physics and economics, RFK Jr., at the helm of the Department of Health and Human Services, would put the public's health in jeopardy and undermine America's global leadership in the health sciences.
Pod Save America
Introducing: Assembly Required with Stacey Abrams
This in a letter addressed to members of the United States Senate listing off the health secretary nominee's most sensationalist conspiracy theories on public health.
REAL AF with Andy Frisella
823. Andy & DJ CTI: Mysterious Drones Spotted Over New Jersey, Daniel Penny Acquitted & Luigi Mangiones' Fatal Shooting Of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson
The former Marine enduring years of vicious left wing attacks who vilified him as a racist. But Penny has no regrets. And here's why.
REAL AF with Andy Frisella
823. Andy & DJ CTI: Mysterious Drones Spotted Over New Jersey, Daniel Penny Acquitted & Luigi Mangiones' Fatal Shooting Of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson
Okay, I think it's just a blanket.
Search Engine
Is it ok to just work all the time?
About a minute. We're one minute five into the new show.
Search Engine
Is it ok to just work all the time?
Some just regular people telling their own little stories. Some by artists and writers and performers of all different kinds. And the idea is we're going to bring you stuff you're not going to find anywhere else. And there's also going to be music. And tonight's show, we thought we would have kind of a theme. Tonight's show is going to be New Beginnings. And to kick things off, I call...
Search Engine
The End
As Satoshi writes in the white paper, quote, The steady addition of a constant amount of new coins is analogous to gold miners expending resources to add gold to circulation. In our case, it is CPU time and electricity that is expended.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
The more I look into Jerry Lynn Israel, the stranger this all becomes.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
This is one of those stories that sends you down a rabbit hole of twists and turns, because as we previously reported, this isn't the first time that 66-year-old Jerry Lynn Roby
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
The more I look into Jerry Lynn Israel, the stranger this all becomes. Not only do Gulfport police say that she's charged with the murder of her son and hid his body and then attempted suicide, she did a shockingly similar crime in the mid-90s. Thursday, detectives raided her home and found the body of her son, John Allen Gaither, stuffed in a wooden box.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
Officers had to knock down a wall to get the box out of the home. And while all that was going on, police say Israel apparently tried killing herself, swallowed a bunch of pills, and was rushed to the hospital. She was treated and then taken to Harrison County Jail on a first degree murder charge.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
I knocked on the doors of Israel's neighbors who told me that she seemed like a nice person, casually made small talk, and generally kept to herself. And they also said that her son, John Allen Gaither, was just as pleasant, seemed to be some kind of mechanic, always working on cars at the home. And that's why neighbors were shocked to see police pull out his body inside a box in Israel's home.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
And get this, she did a similar crime in the mid-90s when police found a body in the trunk of her car, and then while trying to arrest her, she threatened to shoot herself. According to news reports, back in July 1993 in Florida, she shot her drug dealer and hid the body in the trunk of her car.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
Months later, in December 1993, she had to stand off with police when they found the body and threatened to shoot herself. But she was arrested, charged with murder, then posted bond, and according to Florida news reports, skipped town.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
In July 1995, she was pulled over by a Florida state trooper, and before an arrest could be made, she claimed to be sick, was rushed to the hospital, where she tried drinking a bottle of scrub solution. But later that year, she was convicted of second-degree murder, sentenced to 17 years in prison. But Florida prison records show she was released in August 2003.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
And through our search, we found that Jerry Lynn has had a number of aliases through the years, with the last names Bogart, Gaither, Israel, and Roby. So what's next? Well, her case is going before a grand jury in February. Depending on the outcome, the murder trial could start in the following months.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
This is one of those stories that sends you down a rabbit hole of twists and turns because as we previously reported, this isn't the first time that 66-year-old Jerry Lynn Roby has been accused of murder, hiding the body, and then attempting suicide. More about that in just a minute, but let's talk about the latest developments. Roby had her initial appearance in court and was denied bond.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
The affidavit submitted by Gulfport detectives alleges she killed her son, 42-year-old John Allen Gaither, with the coroner's office confirming he died from a single gunshot wound around the 10th of December. That's 12 days before police say he was reported missing by out-of-state relatives.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
And during the investigation, his mom, who was originally identified as Jerry Lynn Israel Roby, gave conflicting statements. And on January 18th, a search warrant of her home at the corner of 16th and 22nd revealed a large box behind a false wall. Inside was Roby's dead son.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
And while all that was going on, police say that Roby tried taking a large number of pills, apparently trying to kill herself. But she was treated at a hospital and then taken to jail.
Serialously with Annie Elise
236: Bodies Kept Behind Walls in The House?! | The Chilling Case of Jerri Israel
Harrison County Coroner Brian Switzer said that Gaither's body was well-preserved, probably because of the cold weather, and that he was around six foot one, 180 pounds, and that the box he was found in was about six feet by three feet.
Serialously with Annie Elise
229: Twisted Obsession: How a Love Triangle Turned Deadly | The Murder of Alyssa Burkett
Now, by the time that the police and the paramedics showed up, sadly, Alyssa had already passed away.
Something Was Wrong
Data Points: Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (featuring LeRon Barton)
A few miles from the glass spires of midtown Atlanta lies the South River Forest. In 2021 and 2022, the woods became a home to activists from all over the country who gathered to stop the nearby construction of a massive new police training facility, nicknamed Cop City.
Something Was Wrong
Data Points: Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (featuring LeRon Barton)
This is We Came to the Forest, a story about resistance.
Something Was Wrong
Data Points: Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (featuring LeRon Barton)
Love and fellowship. It was probably the happiest of everybody in my life. And the lengths we'll go to protect the things we hold closest to our hearts. Follow We Came to the Forest on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of We Came to the Forest early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Madison McGhee] Ice Cold Case
When the documentary came out, that's when everything changed. It went from like, hey, that's that girl I follow on Instagram who has a podcast about multi-level marketing to this juggernaut that I have not been able to slow down since the day it happened.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
What Came Next is intended for mature audiences only. Episodes discuss topics that can be triggering, such as emotional, physical, and sexual violence, animal abuse, suicide, and murder. I am not a therapist, nor am I a doctor. If you're in need of support, please visit forward slash resources for a list of non-profit organizations that can help.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
opinions expressed by my guests on the show are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of myself or Broken Cycle Media. Resources and source material are linked in the episode notes. Thank you so much for listening. J.E. Reich is a journalist, editor, survivor, and victim advocate.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. Next week on What Came Next.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
They shared their story on Something Was Wrong Season 6, Episodes 5 and 6, which aired on December 6th and December 13th of 2020. The episodes discuss the impact of the devastating 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the impact the hate crime had on J.E. 's community. The episodes also bring awareness to the related, horrific stalking J.E.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
What Came Next is a Broken Cycle Media production co-produced by Amy B. Chesler and Tiffany Reese. If you'd like to help support What Came Next, you can leave us a positive review, support our sponsors, or follow Broken Cycle Media on Instagram at Broken Cycle Media. Check out the episode notes for sources, resources, and to follow our guests. Thank you again for listening.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
and their family would be subjected to in the years following. However, at the time of the episode's release, J.E. and their family had received no justice for the unending harassment and death threats the caller executed over those years. The Broken Cycle Media team is extremely grateful J.E.
Something Was Wrong
(1/3) WCN Presents: [J.E.] S6 Updates
was willing to return today to share more of their journey to seek justice and about the start of their consequent healing process.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
What Came Next is intended for mature audiences only. Episodes discuss topics that can be triggering, such as emotional, physical, and sexual violence, animal abuse, suicide, and murder. I am not a therapist, nor am I a doctor. If you're in need of support, please visit forward slash resources for a list of non-profit organizations that can help.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
Opinions expressed by my guests on the show are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of myself or Broken Cycle Media. Resources and source material are linked in the episode notes. Thank you so much for listening. Something Was Wrong Season 19 featuring Amy's episodes began airing January 11th, 2024 and finished airing February 8th of the same year.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
In the five episodes, Amy's tenacity and resiliency became resoundingly clear as she and her loved ones recounted all they faced amidst years of stalking and cyber-stalking. Through what felt like a never-ending criminal justice and legal battle, Amy would eventually put her stalker, Morrison, behind bars, and she would share in hopes of finding more of his victims.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
She returns today to share about all that's transpired in the parole process since season 19 ended, and all that she continues to work for in honor of other victims of stalking. The Broken Cycle Media team is immensely grateful for Amy's continued candidness and advocacy, as well as the time, energy, and awareness she's offered our listeners.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
You've accomplished so much in such a short amount of time amidst being stalked.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
I'm motivated. Part of our process too is having those days of deflation as well. You're a human who's live grieving and navigating a lot. You will have that ebb and flow.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
Tiffany put everything perfectly, but you are tenacious, but also resilient. I wish you didn't have to be so, but you are a gift to the world.
Something Was Wrong
WCN Presents: [Amy] S19 Updates
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. What Came Next is a Broken Cycle Media production co-produced by Amy B. Chesler and Tiffany Reese. If you'd like to help support What Came Next, you can leave us a positive review, support our sponsors, or follow Broken Cycle Media on Instagram at Broken Cycle Media. Check out the episode notes for sources, resources, and to follow our guests.
Something Was Wrong
S23 Preview
Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to Something Was Wrong early and ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts.
Something Was Wrong
S23 Preview
If you like Something Was Wrong, you can listen early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at slash survey.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
Work takes up most of your time. That's why you should use to save time with your mailing and shipping and have flexibility to focus on more important things. can handle all your mailing and shipping needs with rates up to 88% off USPS and UPS. Add flexibility to your day with Go to slash program to sign up for a special offer. No contract.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
Cancel anytime. That's slash program.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
A few miles from the glass spires of midtown Atlanta lies the South River Forest. In 2021 and 2022, the woods became a home to activists from all over the country who gathered to stop the nearby construction of a massive new police training facility, nicknamed Cop City.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
This is We Came to the Forest, a story about resistance.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
The abolitionist mission isn't done until every prison is empty and shut down.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
Love and fellowship. It was probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. And the lengths we'll go to protect the things we hold closest to our hearts. Follow We Came to the Forest on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of We Came to the Forest early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
Life can be chaotic. If you're running a retail business, don't let disorganized order fulfillment add to the chaos. Use ShipStation instead. With ShipStation, you never have to worry about shipping and fulfillment again. Whether you're running a business out of your garage or you have multiple warehouses, ShipStation is ideal for every phase of your business's growth.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
Save time with one login for all your stores and by automating repetitive tasks. Plus, you'll save money with the best shipping rates from global carriers. ShipStation's industry-leading features help you deliver a better customer experience. They'll get accurate and faster shipments along with automated tracking updates with your branding.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E12: Tip of the Iceberg (Finale Part 2)
And with up to 88% off UPS and USPS rates and up to 90% off FedEx rates, ShipStation is the fastest and most affordable way to ship. Calm the chaos. Switch to ShipStation today. Start a free trial at That's
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
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Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
That's b-o-m-b-a-s dot com slash wondery and use code wondery at checkout.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
A few miles from the glass spires of midtown Atlanta lies the South River Forest. In 2021 and 2022, the woods became a home to activists from all over the country who gathered to stop the nearby construction of a massive new police training facility, nicknamed Cop City.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
This is We Came to the Forest, a story about resistance. The abolitionist mission isn't done until every prison is empty and shut down. Love and fellowship. It was probably the happiest of everybody in my life. And the lengths we'll go to protect the things we hold closest to our hearts. Follow We Came to the Forest on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
You can binge all episodes of We Came to the Forest early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
Creating really great retail experiences is tough, especially with multiple stores, teams of staff, fulfillment centers, separate workflows. It's a lot. But with Shopify Point of Sale, you can do it all without complexity. Shopify's point-of-sale system is a unified command center for your retail business. It brings together in-store and online operations across a thousand locations.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
Imagine being able to guarantee that shopping is always convenient. Endless aisle shipped to customer by online pickup in-store, all made simpler so customers can shop how they want and staff have the tools to close the sale every time. And let's face it, Acquiring new customers is expensive.
Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
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Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
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Something Was Wrong
S22 E11: Double Down (Finale Part 1)
With Shopify POS, you can keep shoppers coming back with personalized experiences and first-party data that give marketing teams a competitive edge. Want more? Check out at slash wondery, all lowercase, and learn how to create the best retail experiences without complexity. slash wondery.
Stuff You Should Know
Short Stuff: The Mad Trapper of Rat River
Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Stuff You Should Know
The Gullibility Episode
Each week, we'll sit down with inspiring figures like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter, and their plus one, their ride or die, as they share stories never heard before about their remarkable journey.
Stuff You Should Know
The Gullibility Episode
Each week, we'll sit down with inspiring figures like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter, and their plus one, their ride or die, as they share stories never heard before about their remarkable journey.
Stuff You Should Know
The Gullibility Episode
Join us for heartfelt conversations with remarkable guests like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter.
Stuff You Should Know
The Catacombs of Paris
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite
Explosives. Chuck. And Josh. There's stuff you should know.
Stuff You Should Know
10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite
Each week, we'll sit down with inspiring figures like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter, and their plus one, their ride or die, as they share stories never heard before about their remarkable journey.
Stuff You Should Know
10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite
Listen to My Legacy on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is my legacy.
Stuff You Should Know
10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite
Each week, we'll sit down with inspiring figures like David Oyelowo, Mel Robbins, Martin Sheen, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Billy Porter, and their plus one, their ride or die, as they share stories never heard before about their remarkable journey.
Stuff You Should Know
10ish Instances of People Doing Things Out Of Spite
Listen to My Legacy on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is My Legacy.
Stuff You Should Know
Forensic Dentistry
Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Stuff You Should Know
Forensic Dentistry
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
How Automats Worked
Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Stuff You Should Know
How Automats Worked
You know more about the PayPal debit card than you did at the start of this podcast. You know that the PayPal debit card gives you the ability to pay everywhere. You know that you earn 5% cash back on a category of your choosing on up to $1,000 of monthly purchases. And you know that you get to pick a new category every month. Apparel for back to school, groceries for the holidays.
Stuff You Should Know
How Automats Worked
Start earning 5% cash back with the PayPal debit card today. Don't just pay, PayPal. Terms apply. See PayPal app. This card is issued by the Bancorp Bank N.A. Pursuant to license by MasterCard International, Inc.
Stuff You Should Know
How Automats Worked
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
On Saturday, February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Eastern, it's the Pro Volleyball Federation's first All-Star match. The league's biggest stars will clash in a can't-miss event hosted in the Indy Metro area, home of the Indy Ignite. Catch every serve, spike, and save live on CBS.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
On Saturday, February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Eastern, it's the Pro Volleyball Federation's first All-Star match. The league's biggest stars will clash in a can't-miss event hosted in the Indy Metro area, home of the Indy Ignite. Catch every serve, spike, and save live on CBS.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Don't miss this historic showdown of volleyball's finest, the Pro Volleyball Federation All-Star match on February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Be there.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Don't miss this historic showdown of volleyball's finest, the Pro Volleyball Federation All-Star match on February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Be there.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
On Saturday, February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Eastern, it's the Pro Volleyball Federation's first All-Star match. The league's biggest stars will clash in a can't-miss event hosted in the Indy Metro area, home of the Indy Ignite. Catch every serve, spike, and save live on CBS.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Don't miss this historic showdown of volleyball's finest, the Pro Volleyball Federation All-Star match on February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Be there.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
On Saturday, February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Eastern, it's the Pro Volleyball Federation's first All-Star match. The league's biggest stars will clash in a can't-miss event hosted in the Indy Metro area, home of the Indy Ignite. Catch every serve, spike, and save live on CBS.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Don't miss this historic showdown of volleyball's finest, the Pro Volleyball Federation All-Star match on February 22nd at 1.30 p.m. Be there.
Stuff You Should Know
The Mysterious Story of Larry Bader
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: When Mount St. Helens Blew Its Top
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: Frances Perkins: Influential and Unknown
Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: Frances Perkins: Influential and Unknown
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Getting diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, or MBC, which is breast cancer that is spread to other parts of the body, can feel overwhelming. But you have options. Real women across the country with HR-positive HER2-negative MBC are taking Ibran's PalboCyclib, a Pfizer product.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Prescription Ibran's 125mg tablets with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with HR-positive HER2-negative MBC as the first hormonal-based therapy. Eye brands may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. Eye brands may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. Both of these can lead to death.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. Before taking eye brands, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be, all medical conditions you have, and about all the medicines you take. For more information about side effects, talk to your doctor.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Talk to your doctor about Ibrance, the number one prescribed FDA-approved oral combination treatment for HR-positive HER2-negative MBC. Visit or call 1-844-9-Ibrance.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Oh, such a clutch off-season pickup, Dave. I know, right? I was worried we'd bring back the same team. Oh, no, I meant those blackout motorized shades. MVP of the room. made it crazy affordable to replace our old blinds. Hard to install? No, it's easy. Even you could do it. Nice. I installed these and then got some for my mom, too. You fly across the country to do the install? Nope.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works can do it all. All she had to do was pick what she wanted. She talked to a design consultant for free and scheduled a professional measure and install. Look at you, a Hall of Fame son. Oh, I just picked the winning team. They're the number one online retailer of custom window coverings in the world. Oh, is the GOAT. The GOAT.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Shop right now and get up to 45% off select styles and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Save up to 45% at Rules and restrictions may apply.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
The new year's here. It's the perfect time to refresh those household essentials and score some cashback rewards with Colgate Palmolive. From toothpaste to dish soap, chances are you've got Colgate Palmolive products on your shopping list and in your house right now. We're talking brands like Colgate, Soft Soap, Palmolive, Irish Spring, Fabuloso, and Tom's of Maine.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
And right now, you can get up to a $10 digital Visa prepaid card when you buy up to $30 of Colgate-Palmolive products. Here's how it works. Spend $20 on their products, get $5. Spend $30, get a $10 reward. All you do is shop your favorite brands, snap a pic of your receipt, and upload it to It's so easy. That's So grab what you need. Or maybe try something new.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
And get rewarded just for doing your usual shopping. And start your year fresh by earning cash back rewards with Colgate Palmolive. Rewards available while supplies last. Limit supply. U.S. only. 1-125-331-25. For full terms and conditions, visit
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Here's to those who have been touched by metastatic breast cancer, or MBC, which is breast cancer that is spread to other parts of the body. Celebrating the patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, scientists, and others who have been part of the HR-positive, HER2-negative MBC community with Eyebrance, Palpacyclib, a Pfizer product.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Prescription Ibrants, 125 milligram tablets with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with HR positive HER2 negative MBC as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrants may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. Ibrants may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. Both of these can lead to death.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. Before taking iBrands, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver, or kidney problems. Are nursing, pregnant, or planned to be? All medical conditions you have and about all the medicines you take. For more information about side effects, talk to your doctor.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Talk to your healthcare team about iBrands. Visit or call 1-844-9-iBrands for more information.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
The new year's here. It's the perfect time to refresh those household essentials and score some cashback rewards with Colgate Palmolive. From toothpaste to dish soap, chances are you've got Colgate Palmolive products on your shopping list and in your house right now. We're talking brands like Colgate, Soft Soap, Palmolive, Irish Spring, Fabuloso, and Tom's of Maine.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
And right now, you can get up to a $10 digital Visa prepaid card when you buy up to $30 of Colgate-Palmolive products. Here's how it works. Spend $20 on their products, get $5. Spend $30, get a $10 reward. All you do is shop your favorite brands, snap a pic of your receipt, and upload it to It's so easy. That's
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So grab what you need, or maybe try something new, and get rewarded just for doing your usual shopping. And start your year fresh by earning cash back rewards with Colgate Palmolive. Rewards available while supplies last. Limits apply. U.S. only. 1-125-331-25. For full terms and conditions, visit
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
During tax season, your sensitive info does a lot of traveling to places you can't control, stopping off at payroll, your accountant or tax preparer, and countless other data centers on its way to the IRS. Any of them can expose you to identity theft because they all have the info on your W-2, just the ticket for criminals to steal your identity.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
No wonder the IRS reported tax fraud due to identity theft went up 20% last year. You need LifeLock. They monitor millions of data points per second and alert you to threats you could miss. If your identity is stolen, LifeLock's U.S.-based restoration specialists will fix it, backed by the million-dollar protection package. And restoration is guaranteed, or your money back.
Stuff You Should Know
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Don't let identity thieves take you for a ride. Get LifeLock protection for tax season and beyond. Join now and save up to 40% your first year. Call 1-800-LifeLock and use promo code iHeart or go to slash iHeart for 40% off. Terms apply.
Stuff You Should Know
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Stop hitting snooze on new tech. Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Stop hitting snooze on new tech. Upgrade the whole team at Unlock AI experiences with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon, powered by Intel Core Ultra processors, so you can work, create, and boost productivity all on one device. Win the tech search for business PCs at
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
During tax season, your sensitive info does a lot of traveling to places you can't control, stopping off at payroll, your accountant or tax preparer, and countless other data centers on its way to the IRS. Any of them can expose you to identity theft because they all have the info on your W-2, just the ticket for criminals to steal your identity.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
No wonder the IRS reported tax fraud due to identity theft went up 20% last year. You need LifeLock. They monitor millions of data points per second and alert you to threats you could miss. If your identity is stolen, LifeLock's U.S.-based restoration specialists will fix it, backed by the million-dollar protection package. And restoration is guaranteed, or your money back.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
Don't let identity thieves take you for a ride. Get LifeLock protection for tax season and beyond. Join now and save up to 40% your first year. Call 1-800-LifeLock and use promo code iHeart or go to slash iHeart for 40% off. Terms apply.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
The new year's here. It's the perfect time to refresh those household essentials and score some cashback rewards with Colgate Palmolive. From toothpaste to dish soap, chances are you've got Colgate Palmolive products on your shopping list and in your house right now. We're talking brands like Colgate, Soft Soap, Palmolive, Irish Spring, Fabuloso, and Tom's of Maine.
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
And right now, you can get up to a $10 digital Visa prepaid card when you buy up to $30 of Colgate-Palmolive products. Here's how it works. Spend $20 on their products, get $5. Spend $30, get a $10 reward. All you do is shop your favorite brands, snap a pic of your receipt, and upload it to It's so easy. That's
Stuff You Should Know
Selects: How Itching Works
So grab what you need, or maybe try something new, and get rewarded just for doing your usual shopping. And start your year fresh by earning cash back rewards with Colgate Palmolive. Rewards available while supplies last. Limits apply. U.S. only. 1-125-331-25. For full terms and conditions, visit
Table Read
The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie looks down the chimney. Santa, annoyed by her hemming and hawing, pushes his magical bell button, and once again, Bernie is sucked down the chimney. Shoo! Interior, Indiana Orphanage, moments later. Bernie lands on her toughest. What are you doing here? Cool. Peasy peasy. Hello, orphans. Hello.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
A child, Demetrius, grins ear to ear as he looks up at Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We see Santa from Demetrius' POV. He's right. Santa's black. Bernie is confused. So is Cassandra, a little girl wearing glasses and a long dressing gown.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie looks down at herself, nervous. They are seeing the real her. From Cassandra's POV, we see a female Santa who looks like Betty White.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The kids argue over what Santa looks like. Bernie thinks for a moment and smiles. She bends down to give a speech.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie stands and starts backing up towards the chimney.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie notices a reflection of the perfect Coca-Cola Claus in the mirror.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
She is sucked up through the chimney. Exterior, rooftop, orphanage, moments later. Bernie shoops out of the chimney and this time lands in a squat, her butt touching the snow.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa jumps around to face Bernie, dukes up. He wields a sharpened candy cane like a shiv.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Donner leans over and chomps on the butt cane. Bernie throws the sack into the sleigh.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa gets in the sleigh, and they take flight. Bernie's screams fill the night. Exterior night sky, Midwest montage. An upbeat Christmas song slaps as we see in record speed the sleigh soaring from house to house. Insert shots of the list. Multiple names get checked off in between flights. Weather shots of flurries and drizzles.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Clear night skies and shooting stars as they fly over the map of the Midwest. Roof shots of Bernie repeatedly pulling Santa back from ledges as he tries to fight anyone passing by. Belt shots of Santa pushing his belt buckle over and over. Shoop shots of Bernie entering and exiting multiple chimneys. The last shoop lands Bernie inside of an interior middle-class house, Texas, later that night.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The song fades as Bernie enters a dark living room. She heads to the tree. Suddenly, a string is pulled and a light illuminates a little girl, Jeannie, sitting on the couch. Bernie startles. Falling backwards into the tree, she catches her breath.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The little girl stares blankly at Santa. From her POV, Santa looks like our traditional Coca-Cola Claus.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The little girl doesn't move. Bernie tries to finish delivering presents, but can't.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie puts her hand in the sack and a present shoots up. She checks the list.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie thinks and decides to take a seat on the couch. Without prompt, Jeannie immediately jumps on her lap.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie holds up the LOL doll. Genie smiles and grabs the doll, holding it to her chest lovingly. Bernie stands up and Genie falls off her lap hard.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie holds in a big cry. She heads up the chimney. On the mantel, we focus in on an elf on the shelf. The eyes glow green and the head turns to follow Bernie's ascent.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Episode 2, Interior, O'Hare Airport, later that night. An asleep Santa, sporting a Wisconsin Dells bucket hat and sunglasses, is haphazardly strung over a baggage cart, being pushed by Bernie.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Exterior, Los Angeles sky, later that night. Bernie and Santa are sailing through the smog, and when it clears, Bernie gets a closer look at the temperature. It's 85 degrees.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie takes off the Santa hat and glances at still angry, red-eyed Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Angry Santa turns a dial and they are blasted with AC. They suddenly land atop of... Exterior, lit loft, TikTok house. Continuous. The house is a McMansion. Bernie hops out of the sleigh. In the front seat, Bernie's phone, filled with missed texts from Eve, glows with a FaceTime call. Bernie tries to hit ignore, but accidentally picks up. Intercut with... Interior, Eve's apartment. Same.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Eve is in Christmas jammies on her bed. She erupts with worry.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Interior, lit loft, later. Bernie creeps around a dimly lit living room. Every square inch is Instagrammable. There are neon signs, retro arcade machines, and cotton candy dispensers. Bernie hears the party happening outside, but for now, she's alone. She spots a Christmas tree in the corner.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie drags the sack over. She opens the list and reads.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie sticks her hand in the sack, and a gift flies up.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie unpacks more and more gifts until... Santa! Bernie looks up, startled. Is she caught? There's no one around. If they're not talking about her, well, who must they be talking about? Fuck. Bernie sets down the sack and heads towards exterior lit loft backyard moments later.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie takes in a laser-lit trendy Gen Z Christmas party, handfuls of adult-looking teens TikTok dance to the beats, a DJ mans the stage, and sexy elf dress cater waiters hand out festive cocktails. Bernie spots angry Santa holding the hat Bernie left behind. Bernie realizes she is not protected by her Santa identity and is standing in the middle of a party in her Jewy PJs.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Eve looks on in confusion as Bernie wheels Santa to the Spirit Airlines counter. Bernie hops over and goes nuts on the computer. Eve looks back and forth from Bernie to Man in Red.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
She looks like a choogy narc. Bernie passes through overheard in LA convos on her way to Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
You need to deliver so that my boss... The assistant points to a literal 11-year-old with rainbow hair.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The assistant shoves Santa onto the stage. The DJ stops the music. All eyes turn to Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The Maccabee Miracle has given Santa Terminator vision. We cut into his POV as he scans the crowd for Bernie. He spots her right as an e-boy douche slithers up, shooting a shot. He immediately gives Bernie the ick.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The e-boy douche puts his arm around an uninterested Bernie.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The douche isn't listening to Bernie and continues to invade her space. Santa's Terminator vision flashes with threat detected and his hands ball into fists. Santa leaps off the stage. Everyone gasps in fear as Santa slow-mo flies towards e-boy douche. As he sails through the air, Santa's eyes suddenly shoot open. Smash zoom into Santa's eyeball.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We enter and see a blonde head slowly rotating, wearing a Christmas cracker crown. As the head spins, the hair turns. Brunette! A bald patch forms in the center of the head. A yarmulke slaps down over the bald spot. A menorah's fourth candle gets lit, and Benjamin's floating head appears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We zoom out of Santa's eyes and find him behind the DJ booth. He grabs the mic.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Air horns! Santa drops a fat beat. The crowd erupts with uniform party vibes. Santa grabs a champagne bottle from a nearby server and showers the crowd. These underage kids love it.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie fights through bumping and grinding to meet Santa, just in time for him to jump off the stage and crowd surf away.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie tries to follow Santa, but gets danced in the opposite direction. She gets booty popped by Juicy Caboosey and falls to the ground, where she spots... Boots with fur. As Bernie army crawls towards the boots, a lacy thong lands atop her head. Bernie peels the undies off.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie types vigorously. Eve looks at Bernie's screen.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Suddenly, a white glove hand reaches down and hoists Bernie to her feet.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie grabs Santa's hand and drags him towards the exit, but he doesn't budge.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
As Bernie and Santa slap fives, cue pursuit of happiness, or whatever this podcast can afford. epic party montage. Bernie takes a shot. Dance break. Bernie and Santa throw gifts back into the crowd. Dance break. Santa whispers into Jake Paul's ear and his life is forever changed by the magical secret Santa bestowed. Dance break.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The debauchery is cut short when Bernie notices a man in a janky Santa suit enter angrily and spot the real Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
When Bernie sees hired Santa and the stressed assistant approaching, she has to think fast.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
But... Bernie ignores Santa's protesting and lifts his belt buckle. The e-boy douche misreads what's happening.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The e-boy douche eagerly unbuckles his belt. As Bernie pushes Santa's button, she junk punches e-boy before. Hey e-boy, I need that reaction to you getting punched.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Okay. Bernie and Santa fly towards the roof. Everyone stares in shock at the magic that just happened before erupting into cheers.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Hired Santa throws his hat on the ground in frustration.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Exterior, night sky, west coast, later. Santa and Bernie soar through translucent clouds past the yellow moon. The sleigh bumps with a little turbulence.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa sees Bernie white-knuckling the side of the sleigh.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa does the sleigh ride TikTok dance. Bernie can't help but laugh. Ha ha!
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie grabs her tickets and wheels Santa towards security. Interior, boarding tunnel, later. Bernie struggles to figure out the brakes on Santa's wheelchair. She kicks the chair multiple times, making out cold Santa jerk back and forth. She bends down to nonchalantly whisper into his ear.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa's eyes spring open. We enter and land on the night before Christmas. The book morphs into a Torah that aggressively rolls up. A menorah's fifth candle gets lit and Benjamin's floating head appears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We zoom out of Santa's eye. Bernie continues her speech, not realizing anything's happened.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie notices Santa's quiet. Too quiet. In the silence, sleigh bells begin to jingle-jangle in rhythm. Bernie knows something's up.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Magically, music swells. Accompanying Santa's song, Bernie looks around for the source. The radio's on.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie swings her arms out in musical theater majesty and unaware, knocks the sleigh's lever to autopilot.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The reindeer harmonized blues. The song ends with Bernie and Santa in a hug, best friends who are now touched down in the middle of nowhere. Exterior. Middle of nowhere. Daylight. Nothing but ice and glaciers as far as the eye can see. Bernie looks around, confused by her surroundings and the sunlight.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie gets out of the sleigh and wanders. As she inspects her surroundings, she doesn't notice the sleigh with Santa in it moving through a portal before it slowly disappears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie turns around and realizes she's completely alone.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
What was that? She peels herself up. Curiously, Bernie stretches her hand out and slowly reaches a weird ripple in the air. When she pushes her hand through the ripple, it disappears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie lets her body follow through the ripple and enters the looking glass. She emerges inside of, interior, exterior, the real North Pole, continuous. Bernie looks behind her in the icy field she came from, gone, panicked. Bernie checks to make sure her whole bod made it through in one piece. Her bod's there, but it's decked out in Dutch Christmas attire. Bernie Gold has gotten a merry makeover.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Hello, yes, what? Why are you yelling? I'm surprised you're even awake. Thought you'd for sure have smoked yourself into a pot coma. Funny you should say that. Why is that funny? You haven't even asked how anyone is. Right.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie takes in the stupendous North Pole. It has cobblestone roads made of gingerbread and snow-capped crooked roofs. Bernie, in clogs, awkwardly shuffles down the street. She passes by a tavern serving hot chocolate on tap. There's a farmer's market with candy cane tastings. A fruitcake bakery's automatic machine spits out everyone's least favorite sticky cake.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie lands in the town square and runs directly into Sotnick, the head elf. He is surrounded by his brethren, whose names also mean elf in different languages.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie looks down to the CGI elves. Think elf on the shelf, but run through AI that has given them extra fingers and teeth.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie gasps. Terrifying. Sotnick gets down to business.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Sotnick points at Santa, who is humming and swinging around a licorice lamppost.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The elves blink back at Bernie in confusion. Hiroto slides under Sotnik's legs.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The elves all agree, nodding at each other and murmuring.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa may be a little... She looks over at Santa, who is doing the Tevye dance.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie trails off when she looks at her phone and sees time passing normally.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The two elves take off, hopping on their hands and cartwheeling to grab Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
As Sotnick and Bernie argue, we see Santa evade the elves via breakdance.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie and Sotnick are nose-to-nose. Through their profile, we see Santa suddenly freeze mid-Hava Nagila. Santa's eyes spring open. We enter as a sea of red holly berries turn beige and soften into soggy matzo balls. A menorah six candle gets lit, and Benjamin's floating head appears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We zoom out of Santa's eyes as he falls to the ground. The elves look at him with concern.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa sniffs the gingerbread cobblestone before taking a giant bite.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The huge pile of reindeer poop proves his point. Suddenly, Santa makes a mad dash towards the shop. Santa runs into Interior Coco's Tavern Continuous. He slide dives across the counter and hits each tap's lever. He streams steaming hot chocolate into his mouth. He recovers from the burn and immediately goes for more. The elves are in shock. They talk into a walkie.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Exterior, town square, moments later. Harodo's call rings over the loudspeakers. All elves rush after Santa. Bernie is left alone. She calls out after them.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Couldn't agree more. This ain't over. Bernie takes off towards the sleigh. Exterior, North Pole. Time jumps. Sneaky music plays as Santa and Bernie in vignettes creep about, both trying to dodge the elves. On a roof, Santa eats gumdrop shingles, the elves' bottom. On the ground, the elves run past. Letters to Santa mailbox. With the coast clear, Bernie peeps out from the slot.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Her feet shoot out of the bottom as she tiptoes towards the barn, bringing the mailbox with her. In a toy shop, two elves on their work break snack on M&Ms, not noticing a white-gloved hand sneakily partaking in their snack when they grab Santa's hand instead of their treat.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
In the town square, the elves chase Santa towards the clock tower, not seeing Bernie die rolling into the barn. Ending the vignettes, Bernie is beckoned by the shiny red sleigh. She approaches and pats the reindeer.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie climbs into the sleigh, flips off autopilot, and takes a deep breath.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie doesn't notice Santa's approach. He's eyeing the reindeer feed and chomps a dangling carrot one bite at a time until it lands him in the sleigh bed. Dasher glares at Santa for eating his carrot. The elves continue their hunt from a distance.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie whips the reins and the reindeer lunge forward, charging. The sleigh glides out of the barn. On the North Pole runway, the elves spot Bernie about to take off.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
He smiles up at her, teeth covered in chocolate. The elves are gaining on them, flipping, tumbling, using each other as springboards to catch up. The sleigh tips back. Sotnik jumps into the air, reaching for the rail. In slow motion, Sotnik's fingertips graze the sleigh as it takes off. The sleigh exits the magical force field of the North Pole and leaves the elves in its dust. End of episode two.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Everyone in the tunnel stares at Bernie, who just screamed...
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie startles when she notices a bundled boy staring at gold pixie dust swirling out of Santa's open mouth every time he snores.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The line starts to move as everyone boards the plane. Interior, Spirit Airplane, later. Bernie finishes buckling a snooze Santa into his seat. A flight attendant approaches.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie pops open her Ativan bottle. The doors shut loudly. Bernie coolly adjusts her position.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
As the plane starts to taxi, Bernie grabs Santa's hand. She shuts her eyes tight.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
As Bernie continues to mumble to herself, Santa's eyes bust open, smash zoom into Santa's peeper. We enter his eye and dive through a stocking to emerge in a boiling pot of oil. A menorah's second candle gets lit and Benjamin's floating head appears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We are sucked out of Santa's iris. His eyes are now vibrating. Bernie feels Santa shaking.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa tries to get out of his seat. He flings around, not understanding he's restrained by his seatbelt. He uses the Santa's strength to rip through. He stands up. A buckle flight attendant leans out. Sir, we're still taxiing. The seatbelt light is on.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa bangs on the window. The passenger doesn't like what's happening. Take it easy, buddy. Sit down. Bernie grabs Santa's leg.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa takes off down the aisle towards the emergency door.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie chases after him. Heroic passengers try to restrain him, but Santa's shifty. A bald air marshal enters the aisle. He whips out his badge. Sir, I am an air marshal. You need to sit down. Bernie struggles to get through the looky-loos to reach Santa.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa reaches into his coat. The passengers gasp. He pulls out a toupee. The air marshal's eyes widen.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Smash 2, interior, TSA interrogation room, later. Bernie sits across from Agent Gimble. She's glancing towards a two-way mirror, intercut width, interior, behind the mirror, same, where Santa is being strip searched by police. They pull endless Christmas fun from his person. Back in interrogation room, Agent Gimble smacks the table to get Bernie's attention.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
From holding, the police have just pulled a candy cane from Santa's nethers. They are horrified. Agent Gimbel kicks his feet up on the table.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Agent Gimbel tosses an ID towards Bernie. She looks down and takes in Santa's driver's license. It reads, Nicholas Claus, North Pole, 0315, 270 AD. Bernie takes a deep breath. She's exhausted.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
From holding, Santa's hands are pressed against the two-way mirror. The strip search gets personal and makes Santa's eyes string open. We smash Zoom into Santa's eyeball, busting through day 25 on an advent calendar. Instead of chocolate is the golden hand of Hamsa. A menorah's third candle gets lit, and Benjamin's floating head appears.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
We are sucked out of Santa's iris, and now his eyes are glowing red. Santa slowly turns around. All energy spinning out is now replaced with pure rage. The policemen take a terrified step back. Santa beats the ever-loving shit out of them. Gimble, unaware of what's happening on the other side of the mirror, finishes his speech.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
On cue, Santa headbutts the window and smashes it to smithereens. Bernie screams and covers herself from the glass shower. The blow forces Gimble to the floor. Gimble grabs his radio.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Agent Gimble grabs his taser and aims. He shoots at Santa's private parts.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa reaches into his pants and pulls out an icy snowball. It's huge. He launches the ball at Gimble. Upon impact, Gimble spits teeth and goes down. Bernie's eyes widen in fear as Santa turns his attention to her. She scoots backwards in terror.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie flinches and then realizes Santa has reached his hand out to her as if to help her up.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa yanks Bernie up like a rag doll as he presses his belt buckle that is blinking red and green. The two are shot up through the ceiling. Exterior, O'Hare Airport, moments later. On the roof of the airport, faraway screams are accompanied by the sound of drywall being busted through. Bernie and Santa emerge through the roof. Shingles, glass and dust fly everywhere.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Bernie is covered in the powder as Santa's eyes glow red through his dirt-covered face. As Santa and Bernie fly through the air, they suddenly drop. They're about to crash into pavement when... Santa and Bernie land perfectly inside Santa's sleigh. The reindeer trot in place. Bernie startles as a giant commercial airplane passes them to take off.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
She opens her eyes and realizes they're on the runway. Bernie looks at Santa, who is still in Maccabee mode.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa smiles with clenched teeth and prompts the reindeer.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
The reindeer turn around to look at Santa and see his evil form and... They turn back around and use the tarmac to take flight. Bernie holds on for dear life. Through the hole in the roof, we... Through the hole in the roof, we see Agent Gimble gain consciousness right in time to see the sleigh fly by. In shock, Gimble grabs his cell phone and dials. Mommy, about Santa, you were right.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Exterior rooftop, orphanage, Indiana. Later that night, the sleigh lands atop the roof with a thud. Bernie opens the gate door, falls to her knees, and vomits. Santa grabs the list and presents before marching to the chimney like a possessed zombie.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
Santa turns to the reindeer and growls. Donner growls back.
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The Jew Who Saved Christmas - Act 2
How do I... Bernie gestures to the chimney. Santa takes off his hat and hands it to her.
The Action Catalyst
Venturing Boldly, with Priit Martin (Sales, Estonia, Entrepreneurship, Careers)
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The Action Catalyst
Venturing Boldly, with Priit Martin (Sales, Estonia, Entrepreneurship, Careers)
Top leaders. Meaningful conversation. Actionable advice. Bulldoze complacency. Ignite inspiration. Create impact. Produced by Southwestern family of companies. This is the Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
From Overlooked to Overbooked, with Luis Baez (Sales, Intrapreneurship, Social Media, Tech)
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The Action Catalyst
From Overlooked to Overbooked, with Luis Baez (Sales, Intrapreneurship, Social Media, Tech)
Top leaders, meaningful conversation, actionable advice, bulldoze complacency, ignite inspiration, create impact produced by Southwestern family of companies. This is the action catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
REMASTERED: Values Driven Leadership, with Dina Dwyer-Owens (Franchising, Business, Morals, Ethics)
If you enjoy this podcast, please make sure to subscribe and to stay updated on everything that the Action Catalyst is up to. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Action Catalyst Podcast and on Twitter at Catalyst underscore Action. And as always, thanks for listening.
The Action Catalyst
REMASTERED: Values Driven Leadership, with Dina Dwyer-Owens (Franchising, Business, Morals, Ethics)
top leaders, meaningful conversation, actionable advice, bulldoze complacency, ignite inspiration, create impact. Produced by the Southwestern family of companies, this is The Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
REMASTERED: Protect Your Time, with Christy Wright (Business, Time Management, Success, Author)
Top leaders, meaningful conversation, actionable advice, bulldoze complacency, ignite inspiration, create impact. Produced by Southwestern Family of Companies. This is the Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
REMASTERED: Protect Your Time, with Christy Wright (Business, Time Management, Success, Author)
If you enjoy this podcast, please make sure to subscribe. And to stay updated on everything that the Action Catalyst is up to, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Action Catalyst Podcast and on Twitter at Catalyst underscore Action. And thanks for listening.
The Action Catalyst
Passion Struck, with John Miles (Leadership, Self Improvement, Business, Mindset)
Are you interested in advertising with the Action Catalyst? Our listeners could be hearing about your brand right here, right now. For details, shoot us an email at info at
The Action Catalyst
Crowd Surfing, with Cassie Petrey (Social Media, Music, Marketing, Business)
Today's guest is Cassie Petrie, CEO and co-founder of social media and music management firm CrowdSurf and a Forbes 30 Under 30, as well as a Billboard 30 Under 30 recipient. Her clients include heavy hitters like the Backstreet Boys, Camila Cabello, and Pink, as well as Apple, Google, and top labels like Universal, Sony, Disney, and more.
The Action Catalyst
Connection Over Perfection, with Matt Abrahams (Communication, Speaking, Behavior, Business)
Are you interested in advertising with The Action Catalyst? Our listeners could be hearing about your brand right here, right now. For details, shoot us an email at info at
The Action Catalyst
Connection Over Perfection, with Matt Abrahams (Communication, Speaking, Behavior, Business)
Today's guest is Matt Abrahams, the host of the Think Fast, Talk Smart business podcast from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. as well as an acclaimed strategic communication lecturer and author of the new book, Think Faster, Talk Smarter, which focuses on actionable skills to help even the most anxious speaker under the most frantic circumstances communicate successfully.
The Action Catalyst
REMASTERED: Fascination, Persuasion and Captivation, with Sally Hogshead (Author, Speaker, Advertising, Success)
Top leaders, meaningful conversation, actionable advice, bulldoze complacency, ignite inspiration, create impact. Produced by Southwestern Family of Companies. This is the Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
Possibility, Redefined, with Ron Alford (Leadership, Vision, Confidence, Focus, Running)
Appreciate the time. If you enjoy this podcast, please make sure to subscribe. And to stay updated on everything that the Action Catalyst is up to, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Action Catalyst Podcast and on Twitter at Catalyst underscore Action. And thanks for listening.
The Action Catalyst
Possibility, Redefined, with Ron Alford (Leadership, Vision, Confidence, Focus, Running)
Top leaders. Meaningful conversation. Actionable advice. Bulldoze complacency. Ignite inspiration. Create impact. Produced by Southwestern Family of Companies. This is the Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
Possibility, Redefined, with Ron Alford (Leadership, Vision, Confidence, Focus, Running)
Redefining possible. The game-changing guide to overcoming barriers and accomplishing your goals is now available in a newly revised and expanded edition. Author, Ron Alford.
The Action Catalyst
Possibility, Redefined, with Ron Alford (Leadership, Vision, Confidence, Focus, Running)
Redefining possible will inspire you to get outside of your box and live a happier, healthier life. When you order redefining possible today at
The Action Catalyst
Grammy Winners on The Action Catalyst
Hear his full interview in episode 258 of The Action Catalyst. Next, we welcome Dennis Scott, a former member of the New Christy Minstrels and a two-time Grammy Award winner for his work in children's music, first on an album of country songs for Sesame Street and second for a collection of music from Mr. Fred Rogers. Dennis is also the recipient of two Emmys, a Parents' Choice Award, and a Telly.
The Action Catalyst
Grammy Winners on The Action Catalyst
Dennis shared his experience of coming up through the music industry and winning a Grammy on his first try.
The Action Catalyst
Grammy Winners on The Action Catalyst
We're taking a look back at a pair of Grammy-nominated and Grammy-winning artists that we've had the pleasure of welcoming to The Action Catalyst.
The Action Catalyst
Grammy Winners on The Action Catalyst
We begin with Freddie Revelle, a virtuoso piano player and more, who has performed with some of the biggest names in music, and co-produced and wrote the title track, as well as performed on the George Benson and Al Jarreau album, Given It Up, which won four Grammys in 2007 and was nominated for a fifth.
The Action Catalyst
Grammy Winners on The Action Catalyst
You can hear Dennis' full interview on episode 367 of The Action Catalyst. We hope you've enjoyed.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel (2024)
Peace to all of you that are in Christ. The first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter one, salutation.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel (2024)
The book of Proverbs chapter 30 verses 15 and 16.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel (2024)
Father in heaven, we give you praise. We thank you so much.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 15: Leah Feels Unloved (2025)
Job chapter 19 and 20.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 15: Leah Feels Unloved (2025)
This is the wicked man's portion from God, the heritage decreed for him by God. Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 through 8.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers (2024)
A letter of Paul to the Ephesians. Chapter 1.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers (2024)
The Book of Proverbs, chapter 29, verses 18 through 21.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers (2024)
He who pampers his servant from childhood will in the end find him his heir. Father in heaven, we give you praise and glory. We thank you.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 357: Truth and Love (2024)
you and I have ever been given. So we fight to not lose it, but to take hold of it.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 357: Truth and Love (2024)
It's been great. It's been great to walk with you.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 357: Truth and Love (2024)
Greet the friends, every one of them. The First Letter of Paul to Timothy, Chapter 4.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 357: Truth and Love (2024)
Grace be with you. The Book of Proverbs Chapter 30 Verses 29-33
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 357: Truth and Love (2024)
Father in heaven, we give you praise and glory. We thank you.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 350: Faith and Works (2024)
St. Paul's letter to the Philippians, chapter three, loss of all to gain Christ.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 350: Faith and Works (2024)
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The book of Proverbs chapter 30 verses 1 through 6.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 350: Faith and Works (2024)
Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. Father in heaven, we give you praise and glory. Thank you so much.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 356: God Is Love (2024)
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. The first letter of Paul to Timothy.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 356: God Is Love (2024)
The book of Proverbs chapter 30 verses 24 through 28.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 349: Holy Indifference (2024)
The letter of Paul to the Philippians, chapter one, salutation.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 349: Holy Indifference (2024)
Father in heaven, we give you praise and glory. We thank you so much.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 351: Draw Near to God (2024)
The Letter of Paul to the Colossians Chapter 1 Salutation
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 351: Draw Near to God (2024)
The book of Proverbs chapter 30 verses 7 through 9.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 351: Draw Near to God (2024)
Father in heaven, we give you praise. Thank you so much.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 24: Tears of Joy (2025)
What breaks your heart today?
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 24: Tears of Joy (2025)
For every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians. The book of Job chapter 37 and 38, the greatness of God.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 24: Tears of Joy (2025)
The book of Proverbs chapter four, verses 20 through 27.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 355: The Things of This World (2024)
by the spirit which he has given us. The second letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter one, Salutation.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 355: The Things of This World (2024)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. The book of Proverbs chapter 30 verses 20 through 23.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 355: The Things of This World (2024)
An unloved woman when she gets a husband and a maid when she succeeds her mistress. Father in heaven, we give you praise and glory. We thank you so much for this opportunity to be with you today.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 3: Noah's Ark (2025)
He did all that God commanded him.
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Day 3: Noah's Ark (2025)
Father in heaven, thank you so much for giving us your word.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Gay Conservatives and Jew-Hating Liberals: More Charlie at the University of Wisconsin
For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
The Charlie Kirk Show
Gay Conservatives and Jew-Hating Liberals: More Charlie at the University of Wisconsin
Hey, Charlie. Just for context, I'm Persian Jewish. Both my parents are born in Iran. I'm from L.A. Okay.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Gay Conservatives and Jew-Hating Liberals: More Charlie at the University of Wisconsin
Yeah, yeah. You know, it just kind of puts me in a hard situation with my entire family. Like I'm kind of torn between two parts of my heritage. I just wanted to know what you think the war in the Middle East is going to turn into if Trump is elected versus if Kamala is elected.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Donald Trump, the Greatest Pro-Life President
Immigrants have come to America from around the world for many reasons.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Donald Trump, the Greatest Pro-Life President
The promise of freedom and opportunity continues to be a powerful draw for those who make their journey to America.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
residency, a grueling process that was based in part on a judgment of his character. Jennifer had begun collecting dozens of letters from people in Rome to help his case, and now she took out a folder and started to read a few to Jaime. "'He strives every day to live as a man of God,' wrote a leader from his church. "'He has a deep integrity and a huge giving heart.'"
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Many of his customers only want to deal with him because he has the biggest smile, a co-worker wrote. He's been the friend I counted on going back to middle school. Jennifer stacked the letters together and put them back in the folder. You matter to people here, she said. Their politics might not show it, but they care about you. Jaime turned away from the TV and looked at her.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
How many letters do you think we need? As many as we can get, she said, because maybe her husband could be saved by some of the same people whose votes had put him at risk. What about Sky? she asked. A few days later, Sky drove across Rome to visit Jaime and Jennifer and babysit his grandchildren.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He brought along some candy for the children and his, quote, go bag of survival gear, which had traveled with him everywhere for the last several years. It contained all the supplies he thought he might need to be self-sufficient in a power outage or a societal collapse.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Tourniquets, binoculars, knives, whistles, flashlights, water filters, fire starters, a snake bite kit, a firearm, a slingshot, a Bible. He drove by the small house where he'd grown up on the west side of Rome. The yard was overgrown, and a group of men idled on a corner. Probably drug traffickers, Skye said. I don't have much faith in humanity anymore.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He continued past an abandoned Baptist church and then a pizza parlor decorated with a Mexican flag. MS-13 is starting to operate out of there, he said, repeating a rumor he'd heard from a friend in law enforcement. They're trying to take over the whole neighborhood. Drugs, sex trafficking, you name it.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
This was how he'd come to see Rome through his work as an animal control and corrections officer, as a city of instability and increasing danger. Thousands of immigrants had moved into the area from Mexico and Central America over the last decade, helping to boost manufacturing and revitalize the downtown. But Sky had also encountered other impacts of immigration as a part of his work.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He captured free-range pit bulls whose owners came from countries that didn't have leash laws and dealt with local cockfighting rings with ties to cartels. He dealt with drug overdoses that traced to fentanyl from Mexico. He learned to recognize the gang colors and graffiti tags popping up across Georgia. Norteños, Mexican Mafia, Latin Kings, MS-13.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He didn't think of the border issue as some faraway abstraction. It was the gangs, drugs, and sometimes also the inmates he dealt with every day. Just a few months earlier, an undocumented immigrant had been trying to flee the police in Rome at 2 a.m. in a supercharged Dodge Charger when he hit another car, killing two people and critically injuring a one-year-old.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
The blood of these innocent Americans is on the hands of every open borders Democrat, Representative Greene had said then. And Sky believed that was true. Illegal aliens are on the verge of replacing you, replacing your jobs, replacing your kids' schools, replacing your culture, Greene said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And even though the mainstream media dismissed her comments as part of a racist conspiracy theory, Sky wondered if she might have a point. His former elementary school now served dozens of students who spoke English as a second language. The old wedding shop downtown was starting to specialize in dresses for quinceaneras.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
About an hour up the freeway, the textile town of Dalton, Georgia, had become majority Hispanic with an annual parade to celebrate Mexico's independence. Sky pulled into Jaime's cul-de-sac and carried his go-bag into the house. Nowhere could he sense the country's political tensions escalating like inside his own family.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He shared a house with his father, but they hadn't spoken for 13 months, ever since his father accused Sky of being a, quote, radical foot soldier for Trump. His sister-in-law was transgender, but Sky refused to use new pronouns or change the way he talked because, he said, he didn't believe in that PC crap.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
In the kind of reporting that I do, I might in the end write about one person or one family's experience. But I begin that process by talking to a lot of people to try to understand a situation better and to try to begin figuring out who it is that I'm going to go spend time with.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
His wife, a Democrat, had briefly considered moving out a few days after the election, accusing Sky of betraying their Hispanic grandchildren with his vote. And now he was navigating another divide with Jaime, who Sky said he cared for like a son. Sky had been skeptical when Jennifer first introduced him to Jaime, worrying that she would complicate her life by marrying an undocumented immigrant.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
But Jaime had proven himself, Sky said, as a devout Christian, a great father, a model family man. Jaime handed his one-year-old son to Sky and told him about his latest long-shot plan before Trump took office. To travel back to Mexico, wait for paperwork, re-enter the United States, and then apply for legal residency.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He and Jennifer had an appointment with an immigration lawyer in Atlanta, and Jaime said they might need help with childcare, legal fees, and letters of support. "'It's stupid that they make it this hard for someone like you,' Sky said." We agree, Jaime said. I know it might not always seem like it, but I've got your back, Sky said. I like Trump, but he's a blowhard. He's a salesman.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He'll toughen things up on the border, but he's not actually coming after people like you. Nobody's putting you on a bus unless they get by me. Jaime and Jennifer drove out of Rome, past the MAGA souvenir stand, and toward the suburban Atlanta law office of Uriel Delgado. They gave him Jennifer's binder of evidence, the routine artifacts of a life in the United States.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Tax forms, school report cards, letters of support, car payments, mortgage documents, credit card bills. Super organized, Delgado said. It's cut and dry, a perfect case. So, it's easy? Jaime asked. Not exactly, Delgado said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He explained that Trump had equivocated over the years about how to treat DACA recipients, but now he was stalking his new administration with officials who were eager for mass deportations. Right now, in terms of how alarmed I am about the next four years, I'd say the situation is a 9 out of 10.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He told them about some of his other clients in the last few weeks, the daily panic he witnessed in his office, the desperation, the devastation when all he had to offer were consolations and dead ends. So, yeah, he said, make that a 10 out of 10. Even an easy case just got very hard.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
In Jaime's situation, Delgado said the first step was to apply for advance parole, essentially a travel document that would allow Jaime to leave the United States and re-enter lawfully.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And that means I'm searching through people's Facebook pages, through Twitter, through GoFundMe sites, through people's comments in the local media to try to understand who might be in this situation where they live in a community and love a community that now has voted in a way that may result in their deportation.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
The wait time for approval could take anywhere from six to 24 months, unless Jaime had a reason to apply on an emergency basis, in which case he might be able to make it back into the country before Trump's inauguration. A lot of my clients might have a relative in Mexico who's sick or dying, Delgado said. They say they need to go visit, and that's how they get emergency permission.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
I don't have anything like that, Jaime said. My family is all here. No distant relative that might have some kind of illness? No, Jaime said. Okay, what about a medical issue yourself, Delgado said. Maybe a dental problem, something where you need to go to Mexico to afford the treatment. Not really, Jaime said. And Jennifer sighed and nudged his shoulder.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
She knew that her husband sometimes cost himself a sales commission at work because he refused to exaggerate or take advantage of a customer. He believed in following the rules, even when they were stacked against him. We'll figure something out, Jennifer said. But what's holding us back is finances. What number should I be aiming for? Like a total from now until he gets his green card.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Let's see, Delgado said, and he took out a calculator and started adding up the numbers. There were the government costs of renewing his DACA, $555, filing for advanced parole, $630, adjusting his status, $1,440, and applying for a new work permit, $410. Then we have the legal fees, Delgado said. I'm under market, but that's still about $4,500. And then there's my airfare, obviously, Jaime said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Right, Delgado said. And my airfare, Jennifer said. I'm not going to be separated because if something goes wrong and they don't let you back in, her voice trailed off and she started to cry. plus hotel, plus travel expenses, plus the time it will cost me at work, Jaime said. Jennifer leaned her head on the table and started to pray, and Jaime reached for her hand.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And even if we find all this money and go through with it, there's still a risk it might be for nothing, right? Jaime said. There's always a risk, Delgado said. You might not get approved. There could be delays. It could drag on. And before anything happens, I might get deported. You might get deported, Delgado agreed. But the longer you wait, the bigger that chance gets.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Jaime and Jennifer gathered their paperwork, thanked him, and said they would seek out a loan and send over a deposit once they got back to Rome. Rome, huh? Delgado said. That's where I grew up. Small town. Real conservative. There's still a lot of that, Jaime said. Apparently, Delgado said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He told them about his parents, who immigrated from Mexico to Georgia as children and later were given amnesty under President Ronald Reagan. They worked in menial jobs, saved, and eventually managed to buy a building in the center of downtown Rome, where they opened a restaurant and a nightclub. It was a popular place, especially among the city's growing number of immigrants.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
But neighboring business owners kept creating new obstacles, challenging their liquor license, citing arcane building codes, filing noise complaints, and eventually resorting to outright racism by accusing Delgado's family of a far-fetched connection to a Mexican cartel. The Rome police kept showing up at the restaurant. The city council got involved.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
One of the dozen or so people that I found and began talking to was a guy named Jaime Cachua, who is 33 years old and has lived in Rome, Georgia, a relatively small town in North Georgia, ever since he was 10 months old.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Eventually, his parents decided to close the business and follow Delgado to Atlanta, where he'd become a lawyer in part so he would be able to defend his family if they suffered discrimination again. Every time I drive up that way, I still feel this anger, this thickness in the air, Delgado said. I get that, Jaime said. It's a complicated place. It's that small-town mindset, Delgado said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Yeah, but it's not all bad, Jaime said. There's a lot of goodness underneath. You think so? Delgado asked. I hope so, Jaime said. And then he followed Jennifer to the car and started driving home.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Jaime loves Rome, went to high school there, got his first job there, met his wife there, is raising four children there, loves his church, and is in so many ways seen as like a pillar of this community. He works at a car dealership, and his job at the dealership is essentially to be like a mascot.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
They want him in the front of the dealership because Jaime smiles and knows everybody and makes everybody else feel good. And now he's looking around this place and trying to understand, what do they really think about me? And so what he's struggling with is, in many ways, a sense of disorientation about the community he loves and the place in which he grew up.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
So I decided I wanted to write about Jaime. Jaime is in a situation where he has a lot to lose. One of the things that Jaime said to me over the phone in an early conversation was that he didn't understand how so many people who said that they loved him could have voted in a way that put him at such imminent risk.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
For today's Sunday read, I'll be sharing an article that I wrote about an undocumented immigrant who is now scrambling to stay in the United States, in part because many of his friends and even close family members voted to support President Trump and his plans for mass deportation.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Those people for Jaime included his father-in-law, a person who had officiated his wedding and who he really cared for and trusted. That made me want to know, how did people make sense of this immigration situation in the country? And how did these relationships that were so central to Jaime impact people's votes? So I went along with a photographer, Aaron Schaaf.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
We traveled to Rome, Georgia, and we spent many days inside his house with him and with his kids, with his father-in-law who had voted for President Trump. I followed them to an appointment in Atlanta with their immigration attorney. But also, I spent enough time there to establish a trust where they were comfortable with me.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And they started having some of these difficult conversations in my presence. And I got to ask them about what they were experiencing and watch them try to untangle this huge and complicated and for them very scary crisis. One of the things that was interesting and surprising to me in Rome was seeing that so many people are capable of voting to support mass deportation.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And yet at the same time, they are caring and loving and appreciative of some of the undocumented immigrants who they know and who exist around them. And that duality is a really complicated and interesting thing to explore. And I think also will be a really important difference if, in fact, mass deportations begin in the coming months. So here's my article.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Our audio producer today is Tali Abacasis. And the original music you'll hear was written and performed by Aaron Esposito. Thanks for listening. His wife was spiraling into insomnia and his children were afraid to go to school. So Jaime Cachua sought out the person he trusted most in a crisis.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He sat at his kitchen table in rural Georgia across from his father-in-law, Skye Atkins, the family patriarch. Jaime, 33, hadn't seen his own father since he was 10 months old when he left Mexico in a car seat bound for the United States.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
It was Sky, 45, who had stood by Jaime at his wedding, helped him move into his first house, and stayed at the hospital overnight when one of Jaime's children was sick with pneumonia. "'We have to prepare for the worst-case scenario,' Jaime told him. "'There's a chance we could lose everything.'" "'Isn't that a bit dramatic?' Sky asked. "'How? Help me understand.'"
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Jaime muted the football game on TV and began to explain his new reality as an undocumented immigrant after the election of Donald Trump, who had won the presidency in part by promising to deport more than 11 million people living in the country illegally. Trump's aides were discussing plans to build detention camps and enlist the military to carry out mass deportations beginning on day one.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
In the weeks since President Trump was elected back to office, he has begun making plans, as he's said repeatedly, to begin mass deportations on day one in office. At the same time, more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States have begun scrambling to try to figure out how they might be able to stay in the country.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Their local Georgia congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was saying she couldn't wait to see it happen. Jaime's best chance to become a legal U.S. resident was a new program for immigrants like himself, people who were married to U.S. citizens and had lived in the country for at least 10 years without committing any crimes.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
But just a few days earlier, that program had been struck down by a Trump-appointed federal judge. There's nothing to stop them from rounding me up once he takes office, Jaime said. Sky had spent much of his adulthood preparing to protect his family in a crisis. He'd learned survival tactics in the Army and had trained in hand-to-hand combat as a Georgia corrections officer.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
In the last few years, as he sensed the country becoming more polarized and volatile, he'd built up a small collection of firearms and a cache of emergency supplies. He'd been anticipating a moment when the government might rise up against his family, but this particular crisis was one he'd helped to create. I'm going to be straight with you, he told Jaime. I voted for Trump.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
I believe in a lot of what he says. I figured as much, Jaime said. You and just about everyone else around here. It's about protecting our rights as a sovereign country, Sky said. We need to shut down the infiltration on the border. It's not about you. It is about me, Jaime said. That's the thing I don't understand.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
More than anger or even fear, what Jaime had experienced most in the last several weeks was a rising sense of disorientation about the people he loved and the place he considered home. He'd lived all but the first year of his life in Rome, a riverside town of 40,000 in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He was a customer service specialist at the local car dealership, a worship team volunteer at church, and the host of family barbecues in his neighborhood cul-de-sac. But lately, the trucks at his dealership were festooned with Trump flags. His pastor was delivering sermons about the, quote, sanctity of borders.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
And his neighborhood was lined with political signs, including one that read, start shipping off illegals now. More than 70% of voters in surrounding Floyd County had chosen Trump and his mass deportations, including many of Jaime's friends and family members. When Trump was elected for the first time in 2016, Jaime had been single and childless, with no real attachments.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Now his wife, Jennifer, was up all night on the computer, researching the intricacies of immigration law and trying to hire a lawyer, even though they were thousands of dollars in debt. His seven-year-old twins were sorting out clothes so it would be easier to pack in an emergency.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Jaime and Jennifer had considered moving their family to Canada or Spain or even Mexico, but Jaime didn't know anyone there, and his rusty Spanish came out in the thick southern drawl. "'I've never felt like a foreigner until now,' he told Skye. "'I'm not going to let anything happen that puts your family at risk,' Skye said. "'It already did,' Jaime said."
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
All those criminals that Trump's been talking about, the rapists, the gang members, that's not you, Skye said. He had heard Trump say that he would deport, quote, the bad guys first and possibly show leniency to immigrants who had been brought to the country as children. You deserve to be here, Skye said. To me, you're basically American. But I'm not, Jaime said.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He had done whatever he could to pass as American ever since he was about five, when his grandfather first taught him some of the rules of assimilation in the Deep South. No baggy clothes, no bandanas, no lowrider cars, no accent, no speaking Spanish outside the home when he could help it. Instead, he became conversant in the language of salvation and hunting rifles and Georgia Bulldogs football.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He asked his teachers and later his bosses to say his name not as Jaime, the typical Spanish pronunciation, but as Jamie. His younger brother, who was born a few years later as a U.S. citizen at a hospital in downtown Rome, took advantage of his government benefits and kept getting in minor legal trouble. Meanwhile, Jaime had never broken a law of any kind.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Many of these people have been in the United States for decades, since they were children. And they live in communities, in many cases, that voted heavily for a president who has promised to deport them. And these immigrants are struggling not only with a sense of fear about what's going to come next, but also with a sense of betrayal and confusion.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He worked 50 hours each week at the dealership, drove below the speed limit, paid his taxes on time, and smoothed the creases out of books before returning them to the library.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
But no amount of adherence to the rules made up for the one he'd broken before he was old enough to walk or talk when his family drove him across the border because his mother had found work at a chicken processing plant outside Rome. More than 30 years later, his presence remained illegal.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He wasn't eligible for social security or food stamps or unemployment benefits or any kind of health insurance he could afford. All he had was a temporary work permit because of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects some immigrants who arrived in the country as children from being deported.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Recently, Trump had signaled a willingness to work with Democrats to help DACA recipients stay in the country as a matter of the heart. But he had also targeted DACA for cancellation during his first term, and his allies were continuing to challenge the program with a pending lawsuit that seemed destined for the Supreme Court.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Jennifer didn't know what to believe or whom to trust, so she had started spending her evenings on a Facebook page for DACA recipients, trying to crowdsource ideas about what to do next. Some people are going dark and hiding, she told Jaime one night as she scrolled online after all four of their children were in bed. Should that be us? How? Jaime asked. I'm registered because of DACA.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
They know our address. They know where I work. If they want to start grabbing people, I'm the easiest one to get. You might lose your work permit, she said. We should save, scrounge, prepare for poverty. He laughed and kept his eyes on the TV. They'd just bought a $120 car battery on installment, spreading the payments out over four months. We can deal with being broke, he said. We're good at that.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
This isn't a joke, she said. Why am I the one doing all of the work? Jennifer's family had lived in Rome for generations, and she had barely stopped to consider Jaime's immigration status in their first months together. She assumed it was a simple paperwork issue that would be fixed by their marriage or by having children together who were born in the United States.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
But instead, they'd spent years running up against the obstacles and expenses of the country's narrow pathway to citizenship. She had been manic ever since the election, often forgetting to eat or sleep. She was making to-do lists, researching legal codes, starting fundraisers, and leading prayer circles, even as Jaime sometimes seemed increasingly withdrawn.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Hi, my name is Eli Saslow, and I'm a writer at large for The New York Times. I write in-depth pieces about how the big issues in the country, the big tension points, impact people's lives.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
Is there any point fighting what people clearly want? He sometimes wondered. Rome had chosen this outcome, and now there was a MAGA souvenir stand off the interstate and a parade of trucks with Trump flags honking their way through downtown. Jaime had taken a few weeks off from going to the church that he loved.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
He'd slept through his alarm and laid in bed on his phone, scrolling through news stories about Trump and his appointees speculating about reforms to keep immigrants from, quote, "...poisoning the blood of the country." such as deporting families together, taking away people's green cards, and ending birthright citizenship. Jaime believed the only way to ensure his safety was by becoming a U.S.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
citizen. And in his case, that process was expensive, protracted, and improbable. A lawyer had told him that he would first have to leave the United States, return to Mexico, possibly wait weeks or even months, and then risk detainment by re-entering the country with a legal inspection. Only then could he even begin to apply for U.S.
The Daily
The Sunday Read: ‘The Alienation of Jaime Cachua’
about the people around them in the communities that they love. It was their former teachers who voted in this way. It was their bosses at work. It was their friends. And in many cases, it was even their family members. And so I began having conversations with some of those immigrants about what that felt like and how they were making sense of this country that they've lived in for so long.
The Daily
'The Interview': Ben Stiller on 'Severance,' Selling Out and Being Jewish Today
The question of basically, is democracy good or bad, is I think a secondary question to, is it what we actually have?
The Daily
Stephen Miller’s Return to Power
President Donald Trump's second term in the White House began with a flurry of unilateral actions, and he's showing no signs of slowing down.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Bobby reads a passage from Fifty Shades of Grey, page 277.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
Now drop that joke. With 24-month bill credits for eligible trade-ins and four new lines of auto-pay, well-qualified customers get taxes and fees and $35 per line connection charge. Contact us before canceling entire accounts to continue remaining bill credits or credit stop and balance on required finance agreements due 999.99. Credits end if you pay off device early.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Boppy reads some text messages from the Wells Report. October 17th, 2014.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
See how you can save on wireless streaming versus the other big guys at slash switch. Apple Intelligence requires iOS 18.1 or later.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Boppy reads some text messages from the Wells Report, October 21st, 2014.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Boppy reads some text messages from the Wells Report, October 23, 2014.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Bobby reads a passage from Fifty Shades of Grey, page 186.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 7
And now, Papi reads a passage from Fifty Shades of Grey, page 487.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
You're listening to DraftKings Network.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
This holiday at T-Mobile, I'm joined by a special co-anchor. What up, everybody? It's your boy, Big Snoop D-O-double G. Snoop, let's talk about T-Mobile. Okay, cool. This holiday, get four lines for $25 a line, plus four iPhone 16 Pro with Apple Intelligence and the all-new camera control on us. Let's get cracking like a breakfast egg. You can use those eggs to make some eggnog, Snoop. Respect.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
From Thanksgiving to Black Friday and Christmas, Smirnoff and the NFL are with you every step of the way. So this holiday season, when you're enjoying the game and your cocktails, please make sure you drink responsibly. Take a minute, make a plan, never drive impaired. Smirnoff, we do game days. Please drink responsibly. Smirnoff, number 21 vodka, distilled from grain, 40% alcohol by volume.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
The Smirnoff Company, New York, New York. Please do not share with anyone under legal drinking age.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Okay, I have to tell you, I was just looking on eBay where I go for all kinds of things I love, and there it was.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
That hologram trading card. One of the rarest. The last one I needed for my set.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Shiny like the designer handbag of my dreams. One of a kind. eBay had it. And now everyone's asking, ooh, where'd you get your windshield wipers?
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
eBay has all the parts that fit my car. No more annoying. Just beautiful.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Whatever you love, find it on eBay. eBay. Things people love.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
This episode of the Dan Levitard Show with Stu Gatz is sponsored by Liquid IV. The holidays are not a sprint, ladies and gentlemen. They are a marathon. It's a stressful, busy weekend, right? There's a lot of traveling, a lot of kissing babies, shaking hands, a lot of stuff. I'll see you next time. True to fruit flavors that keep you hydrated.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
We could have a big ho-ho-ho. He looks like a giant toddler and he likes to beat his wife. Beat his wife, beat his wife.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Find all your favorite hydration multiplier flavors on the website from acai berry and lemon lime to pina colada, or choose from the line of sugar-free flavors like raspberry, melon, white peach, and green grape. Tear, pour, live more. One stick plus 16 ounces of water hydrates better than with water alone. Stay hydrated through the holidays with Liquid IV.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Get 20% off your first order of Liquid IV when you go to and use code DAN at checkout. That's 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code DAN at
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
One time Joe fell off a ladder and he le rompio la pinga. His esposa says it's broken in their sex life. D.O.A. He's so mad at meetings that his head just might explode. Commissioner, come and get us. Oh, and did I mention that he cannot get it up? Sociopathic bully Joe, el es culo de burrito. No one talks to him on Christmas cause his daughters hate his guts, hate his guts, hate his guts.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Both his daughters hate his guts, hate his guts, hate his guts. Feeble, evil little putts. Oh, my dad's hurting my mom. What happened? Oh, my dad's hurting my mom.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Billy's Navidad, everybody. Merry Christmas. Christmas week is upon us. And many of you are hosting family gatherings, having friends over for the holidays, and you're wondering, how do I make this holiday time a special time? Well, you make the holiday time a special time by making it Miller Time.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
That's right, a beer with taste that you know you can depend on, no games, no gimmicks, just great beer for people who like beer. You put out the Miller Lite, you set it, you forget it, and everybody is all happy during the holiday season. You'll take that first sip, and you'll know right away you made the right call, whether it's around the
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
fire pit or around the Cajacina, you know that Miller Lite is going to hit the spot because Miller Lite is brewed for taste. It hits different than other light beers with simple ingredients like malted barley for rich, balanced jalapeno flavors and that iconic golden color. The original light beer since 1975 and still the best one. Making memories at year-end gatherings tastes like Miller time.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Go to slash Dan. Find delivery options near you. Or you can pick up some Miller Lite pretty much anywhere they sell beer. Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. Fewer calories and carbs in premium regular beer.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Every day when you log in to, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries. Overloaded french fries.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
I updated my operating system without having to call tech support.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Collect your free daily bonus at now. And live the Chumba life.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
And people do love T-Mobile, where you can save on every plan versus the other big guys when you switch. You know, y'all can take some of those savers and buy some Snoop merchandise. Always a great stocking stuffer, Snoop. We up out of here. Hold your horses, Snoop D-O-double G. Let's remind people one more time. Head to and get four iPhone 16 Pro with Apple Intelligence on us.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Plus four lines for 25 bucks.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Now drop that joke. With 24-month bill credits for eligible trade-ins and four new lines of auto-pay, well-qualified customers get taxes and fees and $35 per line connection charge. Contact us before canceling entire accounts to continue remaining bill credits or credit stop and balance on required finance agreements due 999.99. Credits end if you pay off device early.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Power, prestige, celebrity and money is what authorities in South Florida and New York say the Alexander brothers used to lure women and sexually assault them. The siblings known for their ties to very high-end real estate. The Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office says three South Florida women in three separate cases have come forward.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
The twins and older brother Tal Alexander are also being charged to New York.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
The Alexander brothers worked together and with others to repeatedly and violently drug, sexually assault, and rape dozens of female victims.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
See how you can save on wireless streaming versus the other big guys at slash switch. Apple Intelligence requires iOS 18.1 or later.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
This episode is brought to you by Bleacher Report. How do you follow sports? From college football to the NBA, Bleacher Report brings you the latest news, live scores and epic highlights from your favorite leagues, teams and athletes all in one app.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Dive into exclusive shows hosted by your favorite athletes and original Bleacher Report series with breaking news, rumors and predictions all season long. Download Bleacher Report to personalize your coverage.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
#BecauseMiami: The Power of the Cuban Sandwich
Folks, listen up. Smirnoff knows there's no I in football. Football's a we thing, an experience that is best joined together with good drinks and good folks. Smirnoff is the world's number one vodka and is the official vodka partner of the NFL. And this year, there are more opportunities to watch football and make delicious Smirnoff cocktails than ever before over the holiday season.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
GBF- Christmas All Year
This episode is brought to you by Bleacher Report. How do you follow sports? From college football to the NBA, Bleacher Report brings you the latest news, live scores, and epic highlights from your favorite leagues, teams, and athletes all in one app.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
GBF- Christmas All Year
Dive into exclusive shows hosted by your favorite athletes and original Bleacher Report series with breaking news, rumors, and predictions all season long. Download Bleacher Report to personalize your coverage.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
GBF- Christmas All Year
This episode is brought to you by AWS. Amazon Q Business is the new generative AI assistant from AWS. Many tasks can make business slow, like wading through mud. Help! Luckily, there's a faster, easier, less messy choice. Amazon Q can securely understand your business data to help you streamline tasks, like summarizing quarterly results or doing complex analyses in no time. Q got this.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
GBF- Christmas All Year
Learn what Amazon Q Business can do for you at slash learn more.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Keto Diet Specialist: What The Keto Diet Is Really Doing To Your Body! Can It Cure 43% Of Mental Illnesses? The Truth About The Keto Diet!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Keto Diet Specialist: What The Keto Diet Is Really Doing To Your Body! Can It Cure 43% Of Mental Illnesses? The Truth About The Keto Diet!
Dr. Georgia Ede is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who specializes in nutritional science and mental health. She was one of the first psychiatrists to offer nutrition-based approaches as an alternative to psychiatric medications to optimize brain function and enhance performance.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Keto Diet Specialist: What The Keto Diet Is Really Doing To Your Body! Can It Cure 43% Of Mental Illnesses? The Truth About The Keto Diet!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Keto Diet Specialist: What The Keto Diet Is Really Doing To Your Body! Can It Cure 43% Of Mental Illnesses? The Truth About The Keto Diet!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
Enabling me.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
Mr. Bullen is a former Navy SEAL turned master storyteller and content creator who uses his battlefield experiences and personal failures to inspire, educate, and help people overcome challenges to achieve their goals.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
I'm a Navy SEAL.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
Oh, really?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
That's right.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
MrBallen (Former Navy SEAL): I Wasn't Sleeping, I Became A Raging Alcoholic! I Was Disowned By The SEALS! This Will Turn Your Life Around In 2025!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Founder: It’s Time To Quit Your Job When You Feel This! Selling LinkedIn For $26 Billion Taught Me This About Life! Trump Is Going To Punish Me!
Um, Reid Hoffman is the co-founder of LinkedIn and one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, playing pivotal roles in the success of influential companies, including PayPal, Airbnb, Facebook, and OpenAI. And now he is a leading voice in AI, helping people utilize this new technology to empower themselves in their life and careers.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Founder: It’s Time To Quit Your Job When You Feel This! Selling LinkedIn For $26 Billion Taught Me This About Life! Trump Is Going To Punish Me!
Yes, exactly.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Founder: It’s Time To Quit Your Job When You Feel This! Selling LinkedIn For $26 Billion Taught Me This About Life! Trump Is Going To Punish Me!
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
Q1 is often when businesses start implementing new systems and processes in hopes of creating efficiencies for the year ahead. And over the course of my career, I've learned just how crucial having the right systems in place is. One which has helped me across many of my investments is NetSuite. They're also a sponsor of this podcast. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
Through their streamlined platform, you'll find all of your accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR in one place. Their technology has been a real game changer, especially for my team at Flight Studio, as over the last year, we've moved out of startup mode and into scale-up mode.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
We no longer have to juggle multiple systems and having everything together has reduced the number of manual tasks and errors. Over 41,000 businesses have chosen to future-proof their business with NetSuite. So if you'd like to learn how it can help your business, head to slash Bartlett and free download the CFO's Guide to AI and Machine Learning. That's slash Bartlett.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
I read in your book that 60% of poop is bacteria, which just blew my mind.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
And how is this pertinent to our gut microbiome, our health? What does this tell us about our health?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
So if this type four poop, which is kind of like a sausage, it's kind of like a smooth sausage, is optimal... How does one do that? What is turning it into a type four? What are they eating, doing?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
So let's close off on this subject of poop. My team actually prepared some poop samples earlier on because I was wondering, as a gastroenterologist, I wondered that if you could look at someone's poop and determine whether they have good gut health, and if you can understand what's going on in their body just by how their poop looks, because poop comes in many shapes and sizes.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
And the gut transition time, how does that relate to these different types of poop? As you were saying that, I was thinking the one in seven, the type one and the type seven, the type one being those sort of hard nuts and the type seven being basically diarrhea. I was assuming that those are the poop types that would happen... With a lower and a super high gut transition time.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
A diarrhea.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
So diarrhea comes out fast and these sort of hard nuts, they take typically a long time. That's right.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
Okay, so that's the shape and size of the poop. But what about colors of poop? I've got some different colors of poop here. I've got some red, some blue, some black, some green, some whites, and some yellows. Yes. Wow. How is color pertinent to health and everything we've been discussing?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
So what I have here... is a variety of different shapes and sizes of poop. Yeah. For anyone that can't see, look at the screen if you're listening to this podcast on Spotify or YouTube. Different shapes and sizes of poop here. This is real human poop. So I'm going to pass you that so you can play around with it. Yeah. And why does the shape and size of our poop tell us anything?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
None of your business.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
Why does it matter? And how is it indicating something that's pertinent to our overall health?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 195: 10 Things Your Poo Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist
Oh, now we got to start smelling our own poop.
The Good Whale
This is the story of a high-profile, high-stakes science experiment whose goal seemed almost impossible, to teach a captive orca to be wild. At the center of it all was Keiko, an orca with fears and limitations that no human could ever hope to interpret with any certainty. Not that they wouldn't try. We wanted to see how far he could go.
The Good Whale
From Serial Productions and the New York Times, I'm Daniel Alarcon, and this is The Good Whale, coming November 14th, wherever you get your podcasts.
The Good Whale
Keiko was good at performing, beloved by the crowds at the Mexican amusement park where he lived for more than a decade, most of his life since he was captured as a calf. He was good with his trainers and with the kids who came to visit.
The Good Whale
Keiko was one of a kind. Keiko had this personality, completely different from any other orca.
The Good Whale
And Keiko was good when he was cast in the movie Free Willy. He played the part of Willy, of course, a captive killer whale who's befriended by a 12-year-old boy and then set free.
The Good Whale
Afterwards, when the world decided Keiko himself should be set free, that he should learn how to be a wild whale, how to hold his breath and hunt for his own food and live in the ocean, Keiko, like always, was eager to please his humans. So everyone agreed he was good. But there were some things no one seemed to agree on. Like, can good whales be wild whales?
The Good Whale
It felt like bringing your pet dog out to the forest and then running away. And the dog being hungry and scared and wanting to go home.
The Good Whale
We played God at that point. Was wildness even something Keiko wanted? Or was it something we needed from him? A chance to redeem ourselves for the harms we'd caused, not just to Keiko, but to all captive whales. I always ask people that are the detractors, where would you have stopped it?
The Joe Rogan Experience
#2261 - Warren Smith
In a few roaring minutes, what families had taken years to acquire.
The Joe Rogan Experience
#2266 - Brian Simpson
Once Mr. Talbot has witnessed that the full moon holds no sway over him, that he remains a perfectly ordinary human being, he will have taken his first small step down the long road to mental recovery.
The Matt Walsh Show
Ep. 1521 - Trump Wages All Out War On DEI
So you see there, some fine police work, some very fine police work.
The Matt Walsh Show
Ep. 1521 - Trump Wages All Out War On DEI
Let me just make sure that I understand what you're saying, because at first you said that the first targets are those with criminal records. But you are also saying that those who are undocumented in the U.S., also who don't have criminal records, people who are working in their communities, maybe even have spouses who are American citizens, they could be swept up with ICE today as well?
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
This is the Planet Reigate Podcast with Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
And speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797. Planet Reigate Stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
Planet Reigate is the North Downs Way and the Pilgrims Way. And this is the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
This is the Planet Reigate Podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
The 60 Second Soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Email hello at
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings. Connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry main entrance for a coffee and a chat. Or call 01737 372797.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Hello at
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Great stories from Rigate.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Email hello at Find out more at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
This is the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
Hidden treasure on the Planet Rygate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.
The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart. And speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
The Planet Reigate Podcast. Great stories from Reigate.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
Woodlands Lettings. Connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat. Or call 01737 372797. Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
Planet Rygate is... the castle at Betchworth and the castle in Reigate. And this is the Planet Reigate podcast. The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more
This is the Planet Reigate Podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Rygate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
This is the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
The Planet Rygate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more
Planet Reigate is the North Downs Way and the Pilgrims Way. And this is the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797. Music
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
Email hello at Find out more at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Rygate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
Planet Reigate Stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
Local natural sounds uninterrupted.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.
The Planet Reigate Podcast
43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more
This is the Planet Reigate Podcast.
The Ramsey Show
Draw a Line in the Sand and Say “I’m Done!”
Hey, what's up, guys? Episode two of 90 Day Money Makeover is available right now on YouTube. This series follows real people as they take on the challenge of transforming their finances and their lives in just 90 days. In this episode, watch as they face new obstacles, celebrate wins, and push forward on their journey. And of course, I'll be walking alongside them every step of the way.
The Ramsey Show
Draw a Line in the Sand and Say “I’m Done!”
Okay, now here's a little sneak peek of what the new episode is all about.
The School of Greatness
Harvard Psychiatrist: How To Heal Your Mind With Your Diet - The Scientific Connection Between Nutrition & Mental Health
The book of Leviticus chapter nine.
The Startup Ideas Podcast
I built an AI startup in 65 minutes (using ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Kling AI, ElevenLabs)
AI robots, cool inventions, and ways to make the world a better place.
The Startup Ideas Podcast
I built an AI startup in 65 minutes (using ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Kling AI, ElevenLabs)
Greg and his magic cup. A teeny tale's tale. This is Greg. Greg loves exploring new ideas in his magical treehouse. Today, something extraordinary caught his eye. A golden cup glowing with a rainbow light. What could this be? He wondered. Greg took a sip from the magical golden cup and whoosh! A vibrant rainbow glow surrounded him. Suddenly, bright ideas started swirling in his mind.
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
Come spring, Nader's Raiders will be swooping down. For now, they're lying back in the shadows of Ivy League universities, gathering ammo.
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
Thank you, Ralph, for the Iraq war. Thank you, Ralph, for the tax cuts. Thank you, Ralph, for the destruction of the environment. Thank you, Ralph, for the destruction of the Constitution.
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
Now, what kind of car are we looking for today?
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
We're at the scene of a pretty bad smash-up here on US Highway Number 1 near Laurel, Maryland.
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
I've sent to the Congress today a special message on protecting the consumer interests. All of us are consumers.
Ralph Nader, Consumer Crusader (Throwback)
All of us deserve the right to be protected against fraudulent or misleading advertisements and labels.
Up First from NPR
Trump Meets CEOs At Mar-A-Lago, School Shooting In Wisconsin, Pig Kidney Transplant
A second-grade student called 911 to report a shooting...
Up First from NPR
Trump Meets CEOs At Mar-A-Lago, School Shooting In Wisconsin, Pig Kidney Transplant
Don't let that soak in for a minute. A second grade student called 911 at 1057 a.m. to report a shooting at school.
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Hey, guys. Thanks.
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
HTDE: Heckling, Yawning, and Imitating, with James Austin Johnson and Patton Oswalt
How to Do Everything
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
WWDTM: One Last Gift to Unwrap
What a pleasure to talk to you again. Take care. Awesome.
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
WWDTM: One Last Gift to Unwrap
Now, let me, before I answer this question, I'm just going to say this. There was a lot of fallacy that's been spoken. A lot of things.
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
WWDTM: One Last Gift to Unwrap
Give it up for a living legend, everybody.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
They say Hollywood is where dreams are made, a seductive city where many flock to get rich, be adored and capture America's heart. But when the spotlight turns off, fame, fortune and lives can disappear in an instant. When TV producer Roy Radin was found dead in a canyon near L.A. in 1983, There were many questions surrounding his death.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
The last person seen with him was Laney Jacobs, a seductive cocaine dealer who desperately wanted to be part of the Hollywood elite. Together, they were trying to break into the movie industry. But things took a dark turn when a million dollars worth of cocaine and cash went missing. From Wondery comes a new season of the hit show Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Follow Hollywood and Crime, The Cotton Club Murder on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of The Cotton Club Murder early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus.
Watch What Crappens
#2686 Southern Hospitality S03E02 Part Two: Post Traumatic Dress Misorder
Hi everyone, welcome back. This is part two of a two-part recap. If you're wondering where part one was, well go check in the feed and be sure to subscribe.
Watch What Crappens
#2701 Southern Charm S10E07: It Takes Tuba To Tango
UFO lands in Suffolk and that's official, said the News of the World. But what really happened across two nights in December 1980, when US servicemen saw mysterious lights in the forest near RAF Woodbridge and claimed to have had a close encounter with an actual craft?
Watch What Crappens
#2701 Southern Charm S10E07: It Takes Tuba To Tango
Are we alone? Encounters is a podcast which is going to find out. Listen to Encounters exclusively in ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or in Apple Podcasts.