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Behind the Bastards

Part Two: Is Oprah Winfrey a Bastard?

Thu, 16 Jan 2025


Oprah continues to have the most sympathetic backstory of any BTB subject, and Robert walks Bridget and Andrew through how she turned it all around.See for privacy information.


Full Episode

1.664 - 2.883 Cool Zone Media Announcer

Cool Zone Media.


4.783 - 31.782 Robert Evans

Welcome back to Behind the Bastards, part two of the Oprah Winfrey series being filmed once again from sunny Las Vegas, Nevada, where I am exhausted and deeply hungover. Unlike my guests today, who are both health nuts and extremely responsible people. The wonderful Bridget Todd and the also wonderful Andrew T. Sorry for giving you the also there, Andrew, but one of you had to get it.


31.902 - 35.586 Robert Evans

I can't remember another nice word. Just wonderful. wonderful today.


35.807 - 42.818 Unknown

I thought you were going to apologize for the health nut business. I'm barely hanging on, dog. I'm kidding.


42.838 - 45.062 Robert Evans

How are you doing, everybody?

46.903 - 69.514 Unknown

I mean, I'm alive, but try to help folks out on... Still in your home. Still in my home. Trying to... Yeah, trying to... We're at the... The fires are still raging as we record in Los Angeles, but I am lucky enough to be able to try to fucking help some folks concentrating on Skid Row right now, but...

71.776 - 88.166 Unknown

I will just say for all you right-wing lunatics scared of the Antifa super soldiers and the upcoming war against socialism, it's going to be really hard for us to make sure all our super soldiers are showing up on time to the battle.

88.746 - 95.211 Robert Evans

Yeah, yeah. That's never been our strong side, being able to show up in a timely manner.

95.631 - 100.054 Unknown

But the scheduling has been a real thing these last couple days.


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