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The Ramsey Show

Break the Cycle of Financial Self-Sabotage

Thu, 13 Feb 2025


πŸ“ˆΒ Are you on track with the Baby Steps? Get a Free Personalized Plan Rachel Cruze & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "I can't afford my mortgage after divorce," "I'm conflicted about staying home with my son," "Should I buy a home with my boyfriend?," "Budgeting for kid’s travel sports in Baby Step 2," "I don't trust my husband enough to have joint bank accounts," "I feel like my business is unevenly split" Support Our Sponsors: 🌱 Get 10% off your first month of BetterHelp β—Ž Get 10% off Byrna product bundles and more! πŸ₯ Learn more about Christian Healthcare Ministries 🏑 Get started today with Churchill Mortgage πŸ”’ Get 20% off when you join DeleteMe 🏦 Go to FAIRWINDS Credit Union for an exclusive account bundle! πŸ₯— Save 15% on your first Field of Greens order with code RAMSEY ⛨ Find top Health Insurance Plans at Health Trust Financial πŸ’Έ To find out more about student loan refinancing, check out Laurel Road πŸ’» Visit NetSuite today to learn more πŸ—‚οΈ Use promo code RAMSEY for 18% off at The Nokbox πŸ’΅ Learn more about Timothy Plan πŸ› Get started with YRefy or call 844-2-RAMSEY πŸ” Visit Zander Insurance for your free instant quote today! Next Steps πŸ“±Watch the full episode for free in the Ramsey Network app. πŸ“ž Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! πŸ“™ Check out George Kamel's Breaking Free From Broke today. πŸ’΅ Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! πŸ–οΈ Invest in Your Future With a SmartVestor Pro πŸͺ‘ Check out Front Row Seat with Ken Coleman! ❀️ Strengthen your marriage in Nashville this Fall πŸ’Ό Connect with a RamseyTrusted tax pro for help with payroll and more Listen to more from Ramsey Network πŸŽ™οΈ The Ramsey Show Β  🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour πŸ’‘ The Rachel Cruze Show πŸ’Έ The Ramsey Show Highlights πŸ’° George Kamel πŸͺ‘ Front Row Seat with Ken Coleman πŸ“ˆ EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices.Β Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy


Chapter 1: What financial challenges did Brian face after his divorce?

65.695 - 90.343 Bill

Um, so my soon to be ex-wife and I bought a house, um, a year ago, last February. And then this last October, she decided that she wanted a divorce. Um, she already moved out and I decided to try and keep the house by myself. Um, after we purchased the house, she racked up like $10,000 in credit card debt. And I've been working really hard to get this down, but it seems like after all the bills,


91.144 - 117.129 Bill

that i pay every month i have like maybe an extra hundred dollars i can throw at it and it just seems like at this rate it's going to take forever to pay these credit cards off and i don't know if it's smart to keep or sell the house at this point were the credit cards in your name that she racked up after the divorce they were yes they were and was this after the divorce no it was there it was we were still still legally married okay at that point yeah can you afford to keep this place


119.177 - 127.021 Bill

So I make like $4,400 a month, and the house payment is $2,360. Yeah, dude. You can't breathe, bro.


127.602 - 128.742 Rachel Cruze

What do you do for a living, Brian?


130.483 - 139.408 Bill

I'm an electrician apprentice, and hopefully next month I'll be able to take my journeyman's exam, so I would get a significant pay bump.

139.448 - 143.73 Rachel Cruze

Yeah, what would that look like? In an ideal world, how much would you be making?

146.111 - 146.791 Bill

Probably around $3,840.

149.099 - 172.477 Rachel Cruze

an hour okay but per month if you're at 4,400 right now what would you expect it to climb to like 6,000 yeah that's that's the hope okay and what's the reality of that actually happening uh i'd say there's probably i don't know 60 chance that i'd be able to make that happen and that's going to happen in the next month or two is that what you're saying

173.772 - 201.865 Rachel Cruze

yeah okay i would wait then because in that case i mean if you're making yeah i mean if you're making six grand a month then that's about a quarter of your take-home pay i mean that's basically that that is the parameters uh but you you got to get it yeah i mean that that has to be the case brian and i think you have to emotionally be able to detach yourself that if it doesn't happen the way you think it's going to happen that you that you can't afford it you can't afford this house on 4400 a month yeah and i mean brother it's pretty tight on six

Chapter 2: What options does Elizabeth have while staying at home with her son?

282.312 - 306.859 Bill

uh just the main is just because of the money aspect um i mean i don't really i'd call a realtor and get an actual real number in your head what's making you think that that well because you guys just bought it a year like six months ago is that what you're saying yeah it's basically in i feel like an updated monthly report on it and you'll have to pay capital gains because it's been under two years as well yeah there'll be no gain


308.522 - 309.263 Rachel Cruze

Oh, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


309.423 - 313.83 Dr. John Deloney

That's fair. I would get a realtor, dude. I'd get a realtor and get real numbers.


314.25 - 320.239 Rachel Cruze

And run some comps too, Brian. Because, yeah, that's right. I think there's probably a lot of emotion wrapped up in this.


321.6 - 346.578 Dr. John Deloney

I have written a check. I wrote a check one time for like $4,600. to get out of the house. And it's the, it's the best, it's, it's one of the best money I've ever, ever, ever, ever. And they say, nobody brings a check to closing. You get one, right? I did. I brought one. And within two months I had basically paid myself back, if you will. And that started my entire process again.

346.598 - 346.938 Rachel Cruze


346.978 - 348.899 Dr. John Deloney

Getting out of debt and just stopped being chained every

348.959 - 366.924 Rachel Cruze

Yeah, and I think, too, underestimating the weight of feeling like I have to keep up a mortgage payment. It's your home. Like, do you know what I mean? Like, there's an extra weight there that you're carrying because of it. It's not like a car loan that you can sell and kind of figure out. When it's your home, there's like this desperation that sets in and not always making wise decisions.

367.284 - 368.664 Rachel Cruze

And I realize my math is bad.

Chapter 3: Is it a good idea to buy a house with a boyfriend?

496.774 - 516.414 Rachel Cruze

Yeah, keeping it, Brian, was probably an emotional knee-jerk reaction for you. But now that stuff is settling and it's not finalized, I mean, it's an option for sure. Because yeah, calling the show, running the numbers, you can't afford it unless... Unless your income bumps up to eight to nine grand a month. But besides that, it's not worth it. So I would figure out a way out.


516.675 - 518.677 Dr. John Deloney

Everybody who gets divorced, it just feels so common.


519.178 - 519.358 Rachel Cruze



519.779 - 525.867 Dr. John Deloney

Everybody I talk to underestimates how disruptive and how destructive it is. Just blows up everything.


525.887 - 527.67 Rachel Cruze

So difficult. Ryan, thanks for the call.

531.539 - 548.09 Narrator

What does the future hold for business? Ask nine experts and you'll get 10 different answers. Economic growth or a recession. Business taxes will go up or down. AI will help us work or it will replace us all. But there's no such thing as a crystal ball.

548.15 - 572.807 Narrator

That's why more than 40,000 businesses have future-proofed themselves with NetSuite by Oracle, the number one cloud enterprise resource planning system. Ramsey Solutions uses NetSuite, and you should too. Whether your company's earning millions or even hundreds of millions, NetSuite helps you respond to immediate challenges and seize your biggest opportunities.

573.287 - 599.366 Narrator

With one unified business management suite, there's only one source of truth for the visibility and control you need to make quick decisions. NetSuite's real-time insights and forecasting help you see into the future with actionable data. And when you're closing the books in days, not weeks, you can spend less time looking backward and more time focusing on what's next.

599.706 - 611.535 Narrator

And speaking of what's next, download the CFO's Guide to AI and Machine Learning at slash ramsey. It's free at slash ramsey.

Chapter 4: How did Tommy and Rebecca pay off their $644,000 mortgage?

Chapter 5: What advice does Ramsey Solutions offer on handling life insurance?

573.287 - 599.366 Narrator

With one unified business management suite, there's only one source of truth for the visibility and control you need to make quick decisions. NetSuite's real-time insights and forecasting help you see into the future with actionable data. And when you're closing the books in days, not weeks, you can spend less time looking backward and more time focusing on what's next.


599.706 - 611.535 Narrator

And speaking of what's next, download the CFO's Guide to AI and Machine Learning at slash ramsey. It's free at slash ramsey.


615.06 - 637.844 Rachel Cruze

Welcome back to the Ramsey show. And we are so excited. We said here in the first segment that we have a lobby full of attendees for our money and marriage getaway this weekend. And we're so excited to announce the fall weekend events of money and marriage. Running it back. Coming back in 2025. So these are three incredible days to hang out with your spouse here in Nashville.


638.424 - 661.875 Rachel Cruze

And you'll join myself and John for a long weekend. And we're going to dive into some great content around money and around marriage, relationships, all of it. And we do live Q&As. We interact a lot. I just feel like there's like this energy about this event that is so fun. It is such a fun weekend. And we're pumped to do it this weekend and pumped that it is coming again this fall.


661.895 - 682.884 Rachel Cruze

So if you go to slash events, we are so excited. Oh, it's November 6th through 8th. I was trying to find the dates. So November 6th through 8th. 6th through 8th, it is here in Nashville. Early bird pricing is happening right now. Tickets start at $749. So get yours before prices go up because they will continue to go up.

683.724 - 690.727 Rachel Cruze

And we even have some limited VIP tickets with a meet and greets and some other fun stuff. So those are available as well.

691.107 - 710.678 Dr. John Deloney

And by the way, we intentionally keep this at about half the price of what weekend retreats are. And we intentionally, like we could shove another 1500 people in this auditorium. We intentionally undersell it. So we like as a team, we choose to make less money so we can get people in here that when they leave, it's not just three days of talking to somebody.

711.199 - 720.364 Dr. John Deloney

It's three days of like, you and I are both married. We're trying to figure this thing out too. It's everybody in a room figuring this thing out together. It's my favorite thing that I'm a part of. It's awesome.

720.444 - 749.166 Rachel Cruze

yeah it's so so fun so again uh excited to announce some new dates november 6th through the 8th of 2025 and they dropped us right smack in the middle of deer season oh for a whole weekend which is super not consult john's hunting schedule how dedicated i am to this thing wow what is what a selfless servant you are like a public servant just being here with all of us in november thank you john

Chapter 6: How can therapy be beneficial according to BetterHelp?

1168.632 - 1170.093 Dr. John Deloney

I've got to prove that I have worth.


1170.253 - 1176.197 Rachel Cruze

Yeah, and it feels good. And then when all that stops and there's silence there, that's the monster you have to face.


1176.217 - 1179.099 Dr. John Deloney

There's no silence. There's just, can I have a snack? Can I have a snack? Can I have a snack?


1179.38 - 1191.587 Rachel Cruze

I know. So, yeah. So give yourself some grace, Elizabeth, for sure. But, yeah, it's one of the hardest – limbos for a mom, and I feel that every day between the kids and the job. I get it.


1195.049 - 1203.233 Narrator

You know, one of the first things I discovered working in the financial world is how absolutely devastating it is when the breadwinner of a family dies.

1204.244 - 1225.857 Narrator

there's too little life insurance or none at all grieving families are suddenly left behind scrambling to pay bills and trying to make ends meet i also discovered that there are a lot of rip-offs in the life insurance world like that whole life crap posing as an investment opportunity what you need is level term life insurance usually 10 to 12 times your income

1226.417 - 1248.294 Narrator

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1250.117 - 1267.993 Narrator

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1275.1 - 1298.272 Rachel Cruze

Welcome back to The Ramsey Show. And as we've mentioned, every segment where we're going to, because they're fantastic, we have an incredible crowd here today at Ramsey Solutions. And as you can watch the show live from the lobby on the glass, right next to the lobby, right in front of us as well, is the debt-free stage. And people that stand on the stage do a debt-free scream.


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