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The Startup Ideas Podcast

I built an AI startup in 65 minutes (using ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Kling AI, ElevenLabs)

Wed, 05 Feb 2025


Greg's step-by-step guide to building a startup using AI workflows: this episode, Omar Choudhry, a serial entrepreneur, shares the exact prompting sequences he uses to combine multiple AI tools to create products people actually want to buy. Watch us build a custom avatar business live. You'll learn the exact process: from crafting the perfect prompts in ChatGPT, to generating images in Leonardo AI, to animating with Kling AI, all the way to automated fulfillment with Printful. This isn't theory - it's a complete blueprint you can copy today.Timestamps:00:00 - Introduction and overview04:22 - Technical, Audience, and Cultural Shifts10:12 - Explanation of sequential prompting14:15 - How to create an AI Avatar using ChatGPT and Leonardo AI26:18 - Startup Idea 1: Custom AI Greeting Cards36:43 - Teenie Tales MVP showcase43:10 - How to animate AI Avatar’s using Kling AI 52:50 - Startup Idea 2: Personalized AI Sticker’sKey Points:• Detailed walkthrough of creating AI avatars using sequential prompting across multiple AI tools• Exploration of business opportunities in personalized greeting cards and educational materials• Discussion of automated workflows combining ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, and Kling AI• Integration strategies with print-on-demand services like Printful for physical products1) The Big Shift in Business Models:Traditional path:• Raising VC $$$• Years to launch• Large teams• Office space neededNew AI-First path:• Build instantly• Low cost• Zero employees• Remote-first2) The Sequential Prompting Framework Omar's genius method:• Use ChatGPT to create prompts• Feed prompts to specialized AI tools• Chain outputs together• Build user-friendly frontendExample flow:ChatGPT → Leonardo AI → Kling AI → 11Labs3) Business Idea #1: AI-First Greeting Cards The $400M Moonpig-killer:• Upload photos → Get AI avatars• Generate personalized scenes• Add animation & voice• Print physical cardsMonetization:• $7-10 per card• $10-15 monthly subs• Gift upsells4) Business Idea #2: Educational AI Stickers Target market: Schools & TeachersThe product:• Custom teacher avatars• Personalized student stickers• Achievement celebrations• Classroom decorationsDistribution:• Direct mail to principals• School district partnerships5) The Technical Stack Tools needed:• ChatGPT for prompts• Leonardo AI for images• for backgrounds• Printful API for fulfillment• Zapier/Make for automationCAC potential: $15/customer6) Marketing Strategy Guerrilla tactics:• Find faculty directories• Create custom samples• Direct mail campaigns• Social media DM outreach• Leverage virality in schoolsPro Tip: Start manual, perfect the process, then automate!7) BONUS INSIGHT The real opportunity isn't just in the tools - it's in the UX layer on top.Build specific solutions for specific problems.Create branded experiences.Make it dead simple to use.The tools are commodities. The experience is the moat.Notable Quotes:"We're building full workflows today using AI avatars. I'm going to have a ton of business ideas that you can start immediately with zero employees." - Omar"By the end of this episode, you'll be able to assemble an AI SaaS product that can literally print you cash." - OmarLCA helps Fortune 500s and fast-growing startups build their future - from Warner Music to Fortnite to Dropbox. We turn 'what if' into reality with AI, apps, and next-gen products — ads agency that will build you profitable ad campaigns — SEO agency and tools to get your organic customers Empire - a membership for builders who want to build cash-flowing businesses https://www.startupempire.coFIND ME ON SOCIALX/Twitter: OMAR ON SOCIAL5 Day Sprint - Build with AI:


0.629 - 29.328 Greg Isenberg

This episode with Omar was really cool. So Omar listens to the pod, but he also creates these incredible Disney-style content, Disney-style images. Literally, it feels like you're in Pixar. And these are the type of things that you can create for your startup, for your business, for content that could actually drive tons of revenue for your business. Marketing's about storytelling.

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29.708 - 56.943 Greg Isenberg

And if you know how to use these AI tools, like Leonardo AI, Kling AI, and what prompts to do, you are going to clean up. So this episode is a really special one. He goes and does a tutorial of a lot of these AI tools. And we sprinkle in a bunch of startup ideas throughout the episode that you can start today that generate revenue and cash flow using some of these tools.

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57.263 - 85.829 Greg Isenberg

I hope you enjoy the episode. Okay, Omar, I've got one question and one question only. What are we building today?

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87.01 - 98.136 Omar Choudhry

We're building full workflows today using AI avatars. I'm going to have a ton of business ideas that you can start immediately with zero employees.

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98.256 - 101.338 Greg Isenberg

You know that's music to our ears here on this podcast, right?

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101.378 - 101.959 Chris Josephs

No, I didn't.

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105.197 - 110.199 Greg Isenberg

By the end of this video, what are people going to get out of this episode?

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110.98 - 121.504 Omar Choudhry

Man, as an audience member myself, I know what I like to get out of your episodes. So by the end of this episode, you'll be able to assemble an AI SaaS product that can literally print you cash.

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122.404 - 123.425 Greg Isenberg

All right, let's get into it.

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124.056 - 144.783 Omar Choudhry

Cool, man. So we got here a couple screenshots, by the way. So you might recognize this. This is you. This is Greg sipping on some of that good stuff. So we put together this little AI avatar video, which we'll share in a bit. And all this stuff is generated with AI, right? And so I've really become obsessed with this idea of kind of AI avatars recently.

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145.743 - 162.613 Omar Choudhry

You know, I do a lot of AI with my children. We've been doing it since the first time ChatGPT came out. We would just be playing with so many different tools to the point that they literally wake up in the morning before school, want to do AI, which for them is creating images now. And so it forces me to level up my game.

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162.633 - 182.422 Omar Choudhry

And as I'm leveling up my game, I'm realizing that, wow, not only is it a real problem, or at least an opportunity as a parent to create imagery and do something with it. But it's also a really cool space in general. And so I think there's a few ideas that we can dive into that I think are not necessarily in the children's space, because I didn't want to make it too niche for that.

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182.982 - 200.607 Omar Choudhry

They're kind of ideas in general that you can apply across many different verticals using the same type of tools and principles. So I'm going to give you some demos and some prompts that you can jump into and then hopefully just play with straight away and build some products. So this is just to recap on what we just said with Greg.

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200.727 - 220.157 Omar Choudhry

So what we're going to build today, we're basically going to do full workflows of business ideas that you can start with AI avatars. And literally, you don't need anyone to do this with you. There will be a part of the demo we'll go to where I'll explain how you can bring on a developer or an engineer to help you when some things do get a little bit more complex.

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221.117 - 234.127 Omar Choudhry

Or you could watch one of Greg's videos with Riley, for example, and then watch how to do it on Cursor. But you can literally do this type of stuff without needing anyone. So we'll go through that. And then I literally mean it, like these type of products that you can build from this stuff.

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234.447 - 248.242 Omar Choudhry

I'll show you some examples of guys that have done similar workflows, albeit they're well into this AI space, but effectively SaaS products that can literally just print you cash, recurring revenue, a product that's on there that people genuinely enjoy.

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248.622 - 277.39 Omar Choudhry

uh genuinely want to use you know and i also feel that as i'm using ai like i said with my children there are products out there that if they existed i would be using them myself and i'll be paying for them every month and so i'm going to try and build those um cool so just before we get into it i wanted to tear a little sheet out of greg's playbook and i know greg you speak about this type of stuff quite a bit but i think it's important you know principle to just you know root in the ground uh to really help us understand the type of opportunity and space that we're living in right now

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278.05 - 294.026 Omar Choudhry

I think like the three kind of key areas that we have in business, typically with tech products, you have the product itself, so the application, you have the marketing sort of part of the business, and then you have the operations. And I think There's kind of been this massive transition recently.

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294.046 - 315.508 Omar Choudhry

And I think the key elements that have played a part in that have been, you know, COVID, which is completely like, you know, shaking the way, you know, businesses would operate. And then, of course, you know, AI itself. And I also think there's been a big marketing shift as well in terms of how we connect with brands. So let's just lay the kind of map out with product.

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315.968 - 327.961 Omar Choudhry

Really, you know, to the traditional playbook and even the way I would see it, you know, as I got into business was that you had to raise VC capital. It took you years to launch a product like my first product. I raised Angel Round 4.

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328.161 - 346.996 Omar Choudhry

I must have taken like two years maybe to get the product out, overthinking so many different things, hiring software engineers, you know, which obviously cost a lot. And it was just one of those things that just felt like it was normal. That's what you had to do, right? And then with marketing, it was similar. You know, you needed some sort of social media budget, a creative team.

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347.496 - 369.411 Omar Choudhry

If not, you'd have like professional advertising or an agency you'd bring on to help you out. And then even the marketing angle was kind of like the seasonal big campaigns, momentum, you know, gearing up to like a special thing type of method. And then operationally, you know, you're really hiring talent for productivity, you know, to actually get stuff done, right?

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370.032 - 388.89 Omar Choudhry

And so you needed people to actually make progress so, you know, you could all work together and actually, you know, push the business along. You then need an office space because working was a physical thing more than remote. And product cycles in general, come back to the first point, were really dragged out, which meant that the cost then also became dragged out, right?

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388.93 - 401.718 Omar Choudhry

And so you're spending a lot of money keeping all these people on board to then produce a product and then get it out into the market. And then I think these three kind of shifts happened very recently, like I said, with COVID and with AI and the way marketing has changed.

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402.614 - 423.657 Omar Choudhry

And so I think there's been like a big technical shift with product, like an audience shift with marketing and then a cultural shift with operations. And so the technical shift of product, I think, is being especially, you know, credited to AI. You know, you can build products instantly. And I think the more and more people are hearing the word AI because it's around every day now.

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423.697 - 443.672 Omar Choudhry

It's like the buzzword of the century in a sense. But we mustn't become desensitized to how powerful it is. And so that's just really important to iterate that. We're not in a state where you have to take ages building products. And you could also do it at low cost and with zero employees. You don't need engineers anymore. You don't need to spend tons of money doing it.

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443.752 - 446.474 Omar Choudhry

You can just get out there and start right away, which is what we're going to do today.

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448.373 - 463.057 Greg Isenberg

Quick break in the pod to tell you a little bit about Startup Empire. So Startup Empire is my private membership where it's a bunch of people like me, like you, who want to build out their startup ideas.

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463.84 - 486.742 Greg Isenberg

now they're looking for content to help accelerate that they're looking for potential co-founders they're looking for tutorials from people like me to come in and tell them how do you do email marketing how do you build an audience how do you go viral on twitter all these different things that's exactly what startup empire is and it's for people who want to start a startup but are looking for ideas

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487.382 - 497.815 Greg Isenberg

or it's for people who have a startup, but just they're not seeing the traction that they need. So you can check out the link to in the description.

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498.618 - 515.993 Omar Choudhry

And it completely shifted the way audiences work as well. So the solopreneurs, you know, are super cool now, man. Like, I think a big, you know, part of that, or a big kind of timestamp, I think was, you know, you probably agree, Greg, was when Peter Levels was on Lex Friedman, right? That was like, wow, I've been following Peter for ages, been seeing his stuff.

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516.373 - 538.229 Omar Choudhry

You know, you can put, you know, Danny Postma in that chat, as you've had him on the pod, and I think Mark Liu as well. These type of guys, man, super creative, great solopreneurs, but are like, pushing into that kind of mainstream era now. And both from a personality perspective, but also from a, you know, solopreneur as a, you know, way of working perspective.

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539.149 - 553.978 Omar Choudhry

And that's because their transparency, you know, they literally are showing how much money they're making. They're telling their story as they're doing it. And people are engaged with that on like a daily level, right? So it's just always on marketing. It's not a campaign. They're not gearing up to one time when they're going to show you behind the curtains.

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554.338 - 575.457 Omar Choudhry

And I think the interesting thing with this as well is like, you're seeing this happen in corporate now, especially with, you've seen like, you know, the WWE and UFC kind of merger with TKO. And even the way WWE do their marketing is all based on, it's always on storytelling, engaging your audience behind the curtain type of technique. And you're seeing a billion dollar organization do that.

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575.837 - 587.064 Omar Choudhry

And you're seeing solopreneurs starting from zero doing that. And I think that's very interesting. And it's actually very empowering, you know, that we can all do that. And people really do engage with that. And I think the cultural shift with operations,

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587.964 - 611.899 Omar Choudhry

has been this whole kind of remote working versus office costs uh which has become a huge thing now you literally don't have to pay anyone to be inside a physical space you can work with them from all over the world there's talent and my cto is in armenia you know i've got people i work with in the states in the uk like it's just everywhere and people are very very used to working like that now um and also with less people you build faster so it's much more lean um

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612.719 - 627.831 Omar Choudhry

And so this I found very interesting, by the way. So I thought I'd throw it up with a nice picture of Greg. I was watching Cole's pod actually today and I loved it, man. It was really, really good. I learned a ton of stuff. So I do recommend you guys watch that. And it was interesting because Cole touched on these two kind of ways to use AI tools.

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627.891 - 644.184 Omar Choudhry

And one of them was conversationally and one of them was to kind of create these master prompts. So conversational being the just, you know, back and forth with ChatGPT and master prompts being like one large prompt to give you like a solid output. And I think both of those are absolutely perfect. But I did have something to add to that.

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644.224 - 658.373 Omar Choudhry

So I thought, seeing as we've just had that episode with Cole, let's add a third layer to that kind of way of using AI. And I call that sequential prompting, right? And so this third technique called sequential prompting is what we're going to go into today.

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659.474 - 678.867 Omar Choudhry

And the way I want you to kind of think about this is ChatGPT can, you know, and I think I did this in my last video with you, Greg, as well, where you can use ChatGPT as a way to kind of tell you itself how to communicate with itself, right? So like you can speak to ChatGPT and ask it, okay, can you give me a prompt to do such and such?

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678.927 - 688.614 Omar Choudhry

And then it'll give you the prompt and then you can feed that prompt back in and get the thing you want, right? And so sometimes we overthink, you know, the idea of creating a perfect prompt, but you can actually get it out of the system.

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688.994 - 699.321 Omar Choudhry

But what's interesting with sequential prompting is basically like you're speaking to ChatGPT to generate a new prompt that you're not necessarily going to be using inside ChatGPT.

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700.241 - 719.147 Omar Choudhry

And so if you think about other AI tools, you know, with the avatars, you've got things like Leonardo AI, Kling AI, there's different kind of AI models you can use, 11 labs, all of those have the ability for you to prompt, right? And so you need to put something in there to get an output. And really, ChatGPT can give you that.

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719.207 - 734.631 Omar Choudhry

So if you now look at ChatGPT as a way of getting a new prompt, you then take that prompt and you go to the second layer, which is you're using that new prompt in a different AI tool to generate another output. So that AI tool is now giving you something else. So in this case, it might be an image, like Leonardo AI will.

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735.211 - 751.775 Omar Choudhry

And then you can take that image and you can carry that on, you know, however many sequences and, you know, kind of Lego bricks you want to add. You can do that. You can make the video then animate with Kling AI. You can add voiceovers with Eleven Labs, you know, and so you can do this kind of process and it all kind of happens in this kind of sequence.

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752.856 - 773.597 Omar Choudhry

And then you kind of connect those prompts and tools together with a front end user experience. Right. And we can go a little bit into that, but I did some of that in the last video as well. So once you've got all of that, you kind of can build these very complicated, quote unquote, not complicated in terms of building them, complicated in terms of different tools that you're stitching together.

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773.617 - 793.937 Omar Choudhry

But you the way you would start is by doing this manually right so you do a manual process of talking to these ai tools and then you can be have a framework where you can you know connect these all up using automation tools like zapier or make or if it's more complex you can do what i said earlier and maybe bring on like one engineer and and get them to help you stitch it together um

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794.838 - 811.441 Omar Choudhry

And so simply this is what the stack kind of used to look like. You used to kind of have, you know, let's say you're creating content for social media. You'd have a physical person doing all of these roles. So the content writer, graphic designer, social media manager, chief marketing officer. So many, you know, of these roles were physical people.

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811.641 - 833.349 Omar Choudhry

Then in our office, you know, and we have to realize that there's kind of new, you know, opportunities on the table. There's a whole new set of rules. And we kind of have to, we're kind of forced really to rewire the way we think. We can't just accept that the old way of doing things is the best way of doing things. It might still be very, you know, productive and get the job done.

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833.709 - 849.337 Omar Choudhry

But nowadays, especially if you're like me and you're trying to build stuff on your own and kind of you just want to sprint with your own ideas, you can literally do the exact same job as like five or six people using AI tools, right? Like ChatGPT, Leonardo, et cetera. So that's what I want to go in today.

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849.377 - 853.159 Omar Choudhry

So hopefully we can get into some demo building and I can show you how this stuff works in practice.

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854.138 - 854.501 Greg Isenberg


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856.172 - 877.306 Omar Choudhry

So let's get into the first business idea, because I think this is super cool. I find, like most of you guys, I use ChatGPT or Claude AI. And when I started creating these kind of image avatars, I became very curious about how you can go more and more in depth and customize these AI avatars, but also control the output in a sense.

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877.386 - 893.175 Omar Choudhry

If you just ask ChatGPT to create you an image using DALL-E, every prompt can go in different directions. And so you kind of do need a prompt structure, right? And so I have this prompt structure that I've written on how you can create an avatar. So that's the first thing that we're going to start with.

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893.576 - 917.253 Omar Choudhry

And then we'll go into different business models that you can do using these type of avatars, right? So we have this prompt over here that you can just copy up if you guys want this. So if you're in If you're in my community, you can just go to Code and Prompt Universe and grab it. But if you're not, you can also jump on the newsletter, just enter your email, and I'll just send it to you for free.

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917.794 - 945.42 Omar Choudhry

So you can just get this from here and just copy, paste it. So you take this prompt. and then you're going to go into ChatGPT and just paste it, okay? And so just to break down the prompt, all it's telling ChatGPT... I always get tongue-twisted with ChatGPT. You want to get it to customize... sorry, you want to get it to take an image that you might give it of, you know, a child or a person.

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946.28 - 968.746 Omar Choudhry

And then you want it to give you a description of that person as a prompt, right? And that prompt is what we'll use as kind of the consistency of the character. So let's say you were creating something where there was a story you were telling. So let me just open up actually what we did with Greg. So you guys can see over here. Greg, can you hear this by the way? This is great.

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969.266 - 970.486 Greg Isenberg

Yeah, yeah.

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970.506 - 990.611 Omar Choudhry

All right, cool. So let me play this, actually, because this might be good context. So I stitched this video together, and I'll show you guys kind of how I did it, but the process started with this one prompt, okay? And so you'll watch it, and you'll get an idea of what I think AI can look like if you're creating stories for, like, you know, kids, for example.

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991.131 - 1027.956 Narrator

Greg and his magic cup. A teeny tale's tale. This is Greg. Greg loves exploring new ideas in his magical treehouse. Today, something extraordinary caught his eye. A golden cup glowing with a rainbow light. What could this be? He wondered. Greg took a sip from the magical golden cup and whoosh! A vibrant rainbow glow surrounded him. Suddenly, bright ideas started swirling in his mind.

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1028.857 - 1033.82 Narrator

AI robots, cool inventions, and ways to make the world a better place.

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1033.84 - 1038.684 Greg Isenberg

It's literally like a Disney, Pixar universe.

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1039.585 - 1045.089 Omar Choudhry

Right. Yeah, that's what's wild, man, right? It's crazy that you can even do this stuff, don't you think?

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1045.109 - 1070.226 Greg Isenberg

Yeah, I mean... I just... It almost feels like... It's obviously super hyped, but it's underhyped relative to how much this is going to change things and how much opportunity there is to use this for content, to tell stories. So I'm just excited to get into this.

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1070.799 - 1096.888 Omar Choudhry

So what we'll do is we have this prompt. And to start the prompt, you're going to have to give it an image reference. And so if I go over here, I'll give it an image of my son. So this is my son. I'm going to throw him in. And so you give an image reference, and you will give it a name. So you'll say this character's name is Cairo. He is three. and mail.

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1097.148 - 1119.675 Omar Choudhry

So there's only three elements you're going to change at these three parts here. The rest of it, you can do the same. Because a prompt basically just gives ChatGPT some options of style of haircuts, skin tones, accessories, et cetera. So it knows kind of how to structure this. And then we give it a little bit of a guidance here of what type of output we want. So we want it to

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1120.655 - 1139.731 Omar Choudhry

and tell us the character's name, their age, give us a prompt structure that we can then use in Leonardo AI, which would be the next step to actually generate the image. So back to my point earlier, this is where the sequence starts, right? We send this to ChatGPT, and we just want a prompt that we can then copy and paste into another AI tool.

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1140.152 - 1157.348 Omar Choudhry

And so if you're thinking about this from a technical perspective, if you actually have a single prompt that ChatGPT can give you, and you're connecting to, let's say, ChatGPT's API, it can programmatically send that prompt to another tool, right? So I'm doing this manually right now.

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1157.408 - 1176.144 Omar Choudhry

And so I would 100% suggest doing this process manually because as you're doing it manually, you can change things in your prompt, you can see how the, you know, you can kind of do a lot more iteration as fast feedback loop. But when you're happy with it, like I'm happy with how we've got it right now, I know that this output is the only piece of text I need to then be able to generate the image.

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1176.605 - 1198.547 Omar Choudhry

All of this other information here is basically the options that ChatGPT has chosen based on the image it's assessed, right? Because ChatGPT has the ability for you to upload an image and it can read the image, okay? So it reads the image, then it gives me a description of... his hairstyle and everything. So he even picks his outfit for me and it puts it all together, right?

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1198.867 - 1217.418 Omar Choudhry

And so now I've got this. This will be used as kind of the consistency in the character if we were to create a story or a narrative going forward, we would use this description of him so that we can have a consistent character every time, okay? And so what we actually need right now is this description here. So this is a prompt.

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1217.958 - 1242.731 Omar Choudhry

So ChatGPT has now given me a prompt which I can take into Leonardo AI, which is this tool here. So you can go to You can see all these kind of fun images we've created already. You can even do Simpsons-style images. This is crazy, man, right? So funny. You can just paste in the prompt. Hit Generate. And so you can use Leonardo AI for free. They give you some tokens.

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1242.791 - 1268.478 Omar Choudhry

But I think about $20, they'll give you like another $8,000. And on your settings, you can kind of keep them as is. The prompt enhance, actually, you can switch off. So let me try again without the prompt enhance. I will make it 16 by 9 so we get like a widescreen image. But you can already see how cool it is. Just a simple prompt that ChatGPT has given us plugged into Leonardo AI.

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1268.939 - 1294.12 Omar Choudhry

And Leonardo AI has an API. And so that means that we can connect to Leonardo's API and generate images programmatically, meaning somebody could use a user interface to upload their image of their child in this case, we will then connect with ChatGPT's API and run this prompt. So we just give this prompt to the API. It then spits out the prompt that we're looking for.

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1294.521 - 1315.038 Omar Choudhry

And then we take that prompt and we give that to Leonardo's API. And so we're kind of this, obviously this ChatGPT has done this in a few seconds. Leonardo had generated images within a few seconds. So literally probably within like 10 seconds, if somebody's using like a front end that you've designed on Webflow or Framework, whatever it is, they can get like an image of their child like this.

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1315.359 - 1332.172 Omar Choudhry

So that's just a frame in your mind how these kind of things connect together for you to get an output. And so you can see here, now we've got an image literally from a photo we uploaded here. And we're pretty happy with that. And that's literally how to create, that's the basics of how to create an AI avatar.

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1333.093 - 1340.519 Greg Isenberg

Dude, it's ridiculous. Like, look at it. Look how incredible that looks.

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1341.721 - 1343.924 Omar Choudhry

Yeah, so high res man. It's just insane, isn't it?

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1345.43 - 1348.991 Greg Isenberg

And how fast, it took, it took like what, like four seconds?

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1349.471 - 1363.636 Omar Choudhry

Yeah, man. Yeah. Yeah. Literally so quick. It's like, that's what, that's what makes it exciting to like build these things into like APIs and to do things with it because of speed. And I remember these, these things were like, it wasn't that long ago that I was playing with these tools and they were much slower, not as good quality.

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1364.136 - 1378.347 Omar Choudhry

But like, I actually think even now, like what I've just shown you with the video or while going to it in a minute, like generating a five second video clip right now, it takes about four minutes. But really, by the time, you know, Sora is out there, they're going to connect that to the API. OpenAI will do that.

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1378.407 - 1386.078 Omar Choudhry

You'll have all these other tools that are going to just, you know, absolutely accelerate. So I think, you know, it's a matter of time before everything just becomes like that, right?

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1386.852 - 1418.714 Greg Isenberg

Yeah, and we'll get into it, but the startup ideas on top of this, it's cool that we're just doing this and getting output, but there's tons of businesses that could be built on top of it. One thing that this got me thinking of is, I remember when I was 13 years old, I had a birthday party and my... My dad had a shop and there was someone who worked at the shop who was good at graphic design.

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1419.214 - 1442.693 Greg Isenberg

And we actually took, for the invite of the birthday party, we took a scene from The Simpsons. This is in 2000 and... two, I guess, um, the scene from the Simpsons. And then they put my face like where, like in a TV where like the Simpsons were all watching it and like gave it to my friends and they were all like, wow, this is like the coolest birthday invite ever. Right. It blew their mind.

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1442.713 - 1467.833 Greg Isenberg

This is like before Photoshop became popular and stuff like that. Think about that, you know, in today in 2025, it's like, you know, invites to parties. Right. Um, you know, is just one idea around, like, if you can make invites more of a story and more interesting, um, you know, would people be willing to pay for that? And I think that at the end of the day, like, what are you doing here?

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1468.393 - 1498.884 Greg Isenberg

You are storytelling and the way your story telling is through animation and the style is Pixar, Disney. Um, But any human being is going to look at any of these images and fall in love with it, frankly, because it's a tried and tested way of communicating information in this 3D format. So yeah, I'm excited about some of the business opportunities on top of it.

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1499.525 - 1519.061 Omar Choudhry

Man, you literally read my mind there, Greg, because here under business idea too, people love when Simpsons predict things. Imagine if instead of that, Simpsons style is like reacting to things. And so like people can do it just for fun or for the wow factor. So that's so funny that literally you did that in 2002. But that's exactly that, man.

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1519.121 - 1532.197 Omar Choudhry

It's like, you know, I find that so interesting because I think you can actually, you can do it for just for fun or invites or you can might have a moment with your friends. Let's say, I don't know, you were chilling with them and something embarrassing happened or they went out and whatever, something happened.

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1532.637 - 1554.664 Omar Choudhry

you could literally, or you went to like a stag where, you know, the guys on a holiday, you could just put together like a storyboard of like your time, either based on photos, or you could just like prompt it and you can send it to someone in your group chat, you know, as like a funny moment that happened, you know, there's a hundred percent, there's all these kind of like, you know, utility, uh, uh, utilities that you could build, uh, build off it, man.

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1554.764 - 1574.758 Greg Isenberg

And I think, you know, the time is now in the sense that not everyone is using these tools well. A lot of people are using the tools, but they're not prompting it at this level of quality. So there's an opportunity to build a lot of awareness really quickly right now.

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1576.056 - 1579.457 Omar Choudhry

100% man. And, and I think it's brilliant.

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1579.497 - 1597.485 Omar Choudhry

You said that the point that you made, because actually the business idea, number one was exactly that, which is how can you have these characters and basically create some sort of like, you know, utility off the back of it a bit like the way, you know, you had, um, I don't know the business where we basically create custom greeting cards, like moon pig, you know, things like that.

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1598.085 - 1617.892 Omar Choudhry

I think, um, moon, I think it is, or is it UK? Um, but basically you could, yeah. So you could kind of, create your own, you know, custom cards, right? Which obviously is so like dated now as well as like a, even as a user experience, right? Like just imagine going straight into a, your builder, right?

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1617.992 - 1634.542 Omar Choudhry

Where you're creating the moment or the card or the greeting or the image, you know, or even you create the image and then you can, you can connect it to other like, you know, tools to be able to do things with it, which again, we'll come into, but yeah. I think that's really fun, man. It's like, you know, how can you create the AI version of

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1635.702 - 1653.251 Omar Choudhry

And I think that's fascinating because these image generation tools can literally do that. And I think for kids, there was this one called Hooray Heroes. My daughter has a book from Hooray Heroes. This is actually what inspired me with their kids imagery stuff. Um, because she has this book that she got when she was one years old, my wife made it for her.

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1653.271 - 1676.856 Omar Choudhry

Um, and she fell in love with the book and it's like, it's ripped in certain pages or whatever, but she's so obsessed with the book. Um, is there a website that I know? Um, and, and literally you can, you know, just build your own, um, wow, what a terrible site, right? Man, I'm doing my head in. Okay, anyway, you can build basic custom books like this, right? But they still got illustrators.

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1676.896 - 1690.951 Omar Choudhry

Like I was looking at the credits in the book and they have illustrators they work with. And I was like, that's crazy, man. Like this business basically just probably has so many overheads and costs that you can just like rip out like that now. So yeah, I think it's super interesting doing things like that. And I think...

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1691.932 - 1711.044 Omar Choudhry

By the way, also from a marketing perspective, Greg, I think like meme-ifying moments is also really interesting. Like if you're just trying to create like a, you have these meme pages right now, obviously, in general, that tweet, and they would basically jump on the things that are popping right now. You know, like today's thing, there's always a thing every day, right?

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1711.084 - 1725.835 Omar Choudhry

And so today's thing was like Mark Zuckerberg checking out, you know, Jeff Bezos' missus, right? Like that was the thing today. And so like, you know, every day there's a thing like when Elon Musk came out with Trump at a rally, he was like jumping in the air. That was like the thing of the day, you know?

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1725.875 - 1741.748 Omar Choudhry

And so like, could you use moments like that and meme-ify them just to even create a feed where you're just doing that? And like, that might even be interesting, right? It could be used as like an indirect way of, you know, getting marketing for this other tool you have where people can, you know, create their own avatars and do their own, you know, images from.

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1743.824 - 1776.935 Greg Isenberg

A few thoughts. One is Moon Pig, which I've never heard of, does $400 million and increasing every single year. $400 million a year of revenue. This is a huge business. Absolutely huge. It sounds like they're really big in the UK. When you look at some of these ideas... They might seem kitschy and fun. It's like, okay, maybe I'll use that once.

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1777.576 - 1781.48 Greg Isenberg

Yeah, maybe as a little gift, but gifts are a big business.

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1782.15 - 1809.226 Omar Choudhry

yeah the gif business is huge that's a great idea man that's a great idea right i imagine you could create because the images are generated so fast what if you could work with chat gpt to actually create like literally maybe you know just a slight movement for like five or six clips and then to generate those through leonardo and stitch them together you can you can literally create gifs with these type of images look can we can we do something fun right now yeah sure so that's what we're here for man

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1810.077 - 1833.033 Greg Isenberg

One of the things I like to do is, you know, okay, we've got this insight. There's an opportunity to create an AI first version of Moonpig. Let's prompt ChatGPT or prompt Claude and say, I want you to act as my co-founder.

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1837.416 - 1837.656 Omar Choudhry

You there?

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1838.683 - 1839.684 Greg Isenberg


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1839.724 - 1843.286 Omar Choudhry

I want you to act as?

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1843.426 - 1845.188 Greg Isenberg

I want you to act as my co-founder.

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1845.208 - 1846.669 Chris Josephs


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1848.21 - 1864.101 Greg Isenberg

I want to create an AI-first version of Moonpig. How do we describe Moonpig in one sentence? We should describe Moonpig. Moonpig is... Moonpig...

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1868.177 - 1876.483 Chris Josephs

Company. Is it Moonpig Wiki, maybe? Is it Wikipedia? I got Moonpig.

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1883.369 - 1884.45 Greg Isenberg

Personalized greeting cards.

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1885.21 - 1894.157 Omar Choudhry

Personalized greeting cards, yeah. Moonpig creates personalized greeting cards.

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1895.618 - 1895.818 Chris Josephs


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1896.839 - 1907.099 Greg Isenberg

I found out that using Leonardo plus this prompt, we should include the prompt.

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1907.779 - 1909.08 Chris Josephs

Yeah, the prompt above, Jose?

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1909.1 - 1949.051 Greg Isenberg

The prompt above, right? You can create compelling stories with these 3D characters. And then the question is, what does an AI-first version of MoonPig look like that could generate me $10 million a year of cash flow? And then let's see what happens. And sometimes you get some good stuff, sometimes you get some bad stuff, but I just find that it's helpful.

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1949.832 - 1950.932 Chris Josephs

Yeah, I love that.

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1954.636 - 1975.524 Greg Isenberg

You know what I'm saying? Like, here we go. I'm already, I'm already getting tingly. So for the people listening on, on audio, um, you know, some AI driven features, dynamic character and scene creation, um, AI generated stories, turn every card into a mini story. For example, Caden, the brave Explorer celebrated his son's name.

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1975.544 - 1976.844 Omar Choudhry

So it's obviously remember that from somewhere.

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1978.305 - 2006.919 Greg Isenberg

Amazing. AI-enhanced templates offer dynamic templates that adapt in real time based on user inputs, such as preferred tone, voice and video integration, let users add generated voiceovers or short animated videos, smart recommendations. Okay, revenue streams. This is literally a business plan. This is an actual business plan. Premium card sales. So they sell for between $5 to $10.

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2007.919 - 2026.147 Greg Isenberg

AI-driven personalization justifies a 20-30% markup over traditional cards. Good to know. Monthly memberships, $10 to $15 a month for unlimited cards. Upselling gifts, matching items, flowers, chocolates. That's good. It gives you the technology stack.

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2026.748 - 2027.448 Chris Josephs

Wow, wow.

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2028.831 - 2045.499 Greg Isenberg

Okay, the marketing and growth strategy, social media, stuff like that. And you can, you know, we won't do it today, but you can like double click into those things. Ooh, let's go up. Let's see the, yeah. The projections. So the key assumption is the card price is $7.

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2045.559 - 2074.17 Greg Isenberg

The CAC is $15 a customer, which by the way, isn't crazy if you're, you know, using, you know, I think right now in terms of paid ads, like There's probably a bunch of formats where you can use these 3D characters and you'll get your cack down. It's just very engaging. Add-on sales. Okay, so 200,000 users purchase an average of five cards annually, $7 million.

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2074.57 - 2079.992 Greg Isenberg

Add-on sales, $10 million total revenue. So it gives you... Oh, and exit potential.

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2080.012 - 2095.313 Omar Choudhry

It says that you can even sell the exit potential. That's so funny. Greg, you should, you should just give, you should basically just create like an Avengers of like sip, put together your Avengers and just like document the journey of you just creating something like this. It was so funny.

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2097.114 - 2134.568 Greg Isenberg

It's really, yeah. The other thing I do sometimes is I'll say, this looks great. Put this into a PRD that I can show to my, that I can show to my team. PRD? Yeah. PRD stands for product requirement document. So this is something that, this is a document that you can show to an engineering team, a product team, an agency, if you want to outsource the work. Yeah. Just mad, right?

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2135.869 - 2137.91 Greg Isenberg

And then it just, it gives it to you, man.

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2138.471 - 2154.688 Omar Choudhry

Man. You're teaching me, Greg. I love this type of stuff, man. I'm not always using ChatGPT for such technical purposes, but it's really fun to see these type of things. So sick. So you would just take this to your team? Yeah. Great, man.

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2155.349 - 2178.778 Greg Isenberg

Hey, I've got an idea for something. I wanted to get your feedback on it. And I actually tweeted about this yesterday, but sometimes what we'll do is we'll have a product meeting and in the meeting we'll literally use Replit or Bolt or lovable to actually, you know, build what the prototype looks like and then be like, what do we think about this by the end of the meeting? Like in the meeting.

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2179.478 - 2186.561 Omar Choudhry

Exactly. That's the best way of doing it. It's like, because you want to feel it. So even the point you're making, man, like I definitely align with that.

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2186.581 - 2199.186 Omar Choudhry

Even as a designer, like the first thing I do when I start to play with things with chat GPT and do these things manually, like even the process I've just shown you, like I'll do that manually, but then my brain goes into a state of like, let me just create some sort of interface that we can interact with.

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2200.598 - 2201.118 Greg Isenberg


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2201.138 - 2226.035 Omar Choudhry

Yeah. I actually did, for this one, we did create, this was like maybe a year ago when I first started playing with it. This is a brand we put together, Teeny Tales. And so I designed this so you could say like, you know, child's name, date of birth, upload the image, hit continue. So it's just like some UI, you know, where would they go today? What happens? You know, what's the theme of the story?

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2226.796 - 2238.263 Omar Choudhry

And you can like, or you could press that magic tail and it will like imagine something for you. And so this is like what I mean by like with Moon Pig, it should land you straight into an experience and let you just go through it.

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2238.423 - 2254.547 Omar Choudhry

And I think a lot of people, I think a lot of landing pages sometimes assume that a person's kind of like thick and like needs a lot of explanation, but really people just want the thing and want to figure it out, right? And a lot of people learn through using it. And so I think this would be pretty cool. You hit generate tail and it'll do like this.

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2255.647 - 2273.659 Omar Choudhry

building your tail type of, you know, interface. And you kind of like sign up afterwards. But yeah, we'll like create the story. You could change the cover. It will like go to Leonardo AI, generate a new cover, then like throw a new one up for you. And you could like, so it kind of engages the audience and the kids as well at the same time.

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2273.68 - 2299.419 Omar Choudhry

And then you can like read your tail and that sign up at this stage. And then we had like this editor, which is again, like super fun. Actually, let me do it again. Is this live? Yeah, I mean, you could go to a URL actually. But it's not like it doesn't work because I haven't connected up to anything. I just built like the front end. But yeah, so this is basically it. Thank you, bro.

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2299.439 - 2319.323 Omar Choudhry

So yeah, I was just experimenting with stuff like this just to see what it felt like. and then to get feedback from my kids and stuff as well. So yeah, so literally you could go between slides, change the cover, edit the text if you wanted to, change the title up here, and then you could edit moments and then redo the tail.

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2319.964 - 2346.227 Omar Choudhry

and you know maybe play a narration or something from here and so the idea is like you know could you know could we basically connect all these tools using that kind of sequential prompting process which is really like if you hit update tail in the background it's literally just doing the whole flow chat gpt leonardo etc etc and then like feeding you the content um through its api but you can just design an experience which to the point i was making of the the gentleman that was on your pod that

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2347.108 - 2366.708 Omar Choudhry

taste or that kind of presentation has such a big impact on the value people put on a product and I think that's what's exciting that's at least a space that I really enjoy being in is like how can we add you know a user experience to these AI models because the AI models themselves are so exciting to work with but as soon as you can create like a

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2367.148 - 2396.842 Omar Choudhry

brand and interface around that that's where you can knock off like your moon pigs and stuff of the world because you know you can be quicker faster think it through from scratch you know and um yeah and it's really just ai work for the background yeah it gets me thinking that so if you would you call it a sequential prompt is that what you called it like if you come up with a great sequential prompt and you've stitched together some of these workflows

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2397.715 - 2427.51 Greg Isenberg

you can build teeny tales, but you can also build teeny tales for, you know, you mentioned memes, teeny tales for memes, teeny tales for, you know, B2B social content or B2C social content. Like these are all like kind of niche ideas around that whole workflow that you can go and build that all have, several million dollar a year opportunities to build around.

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2427.79 - 2448.802 Greg Isenberg

Um, and so that's also really exciting, uh, right now. And then it's like, well, so someone might be listening to this and be like, yeah, but like, can't, you know, Leonardo just do this or chat GPT just do this. And it's like, yeah, I mean, they could, um, and they're, you know, Leonardo is going to make it easier and easier for people to find prompts because they want people to

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2449.915 - 2462.187 Greg Isenberg

ultimately get as much value from the product as possible. But if you're like, I saw what you did with teeny tails at the front end, like it's very specific to the use case that you're going after.

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2464.116 - 2482.958 Omar Choudhry

Exactly, exactly. And yeah, that's it. That's exactly it, man. If you really think about ChatGPT in general as a product, it's just a UI layer on top of OpenAI's LLM model, right? It's just the fact that obviously they have that moat and it's their product, et cetera. But really, all of these things are just built UI layers on top of an LLM model.

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2483.519 - 2498.004 Omar Choudhry

And so I think that's where brand comes into where, like we said earlier, marketing and the storytelling is very interesting. And I think there's, and especially where you can find these interesting opportunities, like all the business models you just mentioned are almost things that probably haven't even existed before.

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2498.524 - 2516.037 Omar Choudhry

Like, could you find a way of, I find the fact that, you know, I guess I have kind of a very heavy parent mindset right now because I'm literally watching three kids grow up, you know, but they're learning about new things in their school that they're not necessarily engaged in, like especially historical things, you know, just things that they have to learn because in the curriculum,

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2516.818 - 2526.622 Omar Choudhry

But then I read, I go through those things with them with AI. So like if they're learning about, you know, the Romans, for example, we'll create images about it and then we'll actually create stories about it.

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2526.642 - 2543.529 Omar Choudhry

So even you could, there's a whole kind of B to E model, let's call it, where it's a business to education, you know, where you're literally selling it to school, B to S to schools, where you would create like whole educational systems based on the curriculum. So if you just search, for example, British curriculum,

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2544.589 - 2568.912 Omar Choudhry

um you know syllabus like you could you you can actually figure out exactly you know exactly what kids are learning in schools by topic right what they legally have to learn let's say in like the uk um and so you literally know like the exact topics they're going for um you know what actual uh topics are learning what um

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2569.853 - 2586.428 Omar Choudhry

I can't remember exactly where it is, but there's a way to basically figure out exactly the things they're learning. And you could create a whole kind of system based on these topics and just give it to them and say, look, here's an engaging way for kids to interact with this. And they could basically learn these type of topics, you know, using AI. So I think it's super, super cool, man.

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2586.488 - 2589.751 Omar Choudhry

All these type of like individual models that can come off like this avatar thing.

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2590.913 - 2594.215 Greg Isenberg

Do you have another business idea you want to share or something else you want to share?

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2594.555 - 2613.648 Omar Choudhry

Yeah, man, I'm just going to touch on two more. So one, they're kind of just building onto exactly what we spoke about. So, you know, I love this, man, because we've actually touched on many more business ideas that even I thought of, you know, so it's actually, it's getting my brain ticking. I mean, I'm in a whole different planet somewhere else thinking about Moonpig. But let me go into Kling AI.

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2613.708 - 2635.842 Omar Choudhry

I'll rewind you. I love it when I can share tools and hopefully get people to be excited about them. And so let's take this image we generated. So let's go back. Let's turn this off. So we've got this image we generated. So what you can do is we can take this one right here and just download it. And then you can go into Kling AI. So Kling AI is really good at turning images into videos.

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2636.682 - 2642.666 Omar Choudhry

And so you can just jump in here and then throw the, oops, put a picture in on my wife.

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2644.407 - 2669.645 Omar Choudhry

let me refresh that um let's upload download there we go throw that in so by the way what i was gonna say as well is like you can add characters as well to your prompts so if we went into our chat with chat gpt here and i said um let's just do this real quick um this is where the actual second business idea was going to touch on what you mentioned earlier greg with um how can we uh create

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2670.626 - 2697.554 Omar Choudhry

these sort of greeting cards or like memes or like personalized moments. So I want to give an example of how you can interact with other people, right? So let's say we add a second character. So what we're going to do is I'm going to take the exact same prompt again. Let's just throw this in. So I've uploaded a picture of my wife now, and I'm going to say, mom. Let's just say like 33, female.

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2697.835 - 2724.966 Omar Choudhry

And then so let's just get a prompt for her. What we're now going to do is we're going to get two prompts. So we've got two different characters, right? So we've got our child and we've got the parent, for example. Now it will generate us a prompt. And what you can do is you can then speak to ChatGPT and say, generate me another image prompt with similar style.

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2729.306 - 2769.262 Omar Choudhry

where Cairo is waving goodbye to his mom on the first day of school. Ensure you maintain the same character consistency. Cool. So let's see. So this could be an example, again, where these prompts are what you can give your API in the back end. And so you could upload a picture of yourself. Oh, look at it. So Sid is trying to create the image. Don't create the image for me.

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2770.603 - 2776.825 Omar Choudhry

Give me a prompt I can use in Leonardo AI. First of all, how terrible is that?

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2777.503 - 2793.17 Greg Isenberg

That's so bad. That is the equivalent of Will Smith eating spaghetti. Yeah, it is. And let's just go up, scroll up, and how they spell school also is just the icing on the cake.

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2793.83 - 2798.592 Omar Choudhry

So crazy, man. Obviously, it's not a... Yeah, they create this amazing story video.

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2798.633 - 2822.227 Greg Isenberg

But I'm happy you did that. You know why? Because some people are going to... see some of these Pixar photos and be like, oh, I can never do that. They do one prompt on ChatGPT, they get this, they're like, I can't do that. And they don't realize that their prompt is wrong and that they're using the wrong product. They should be using Leonardo, not ChatGPT 4.0.

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2824.702 - 2848.723 Omar Choudhry

Exactly. Perfectly said, man. There you go. So now you have like Cairo saying goodbye to his mom, for instance. Right. And so like this now creates a moment where let's say me as a father, I want to, you know, print this out. I want to get a card made with it to, you know, wish him good luck. You know, you can probably even like, you know, let's just put here, add text. Let's actually change it.

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2848.763 - 2876.617 Omar Choudhry

So let's actually really go moon pig. Let's moon pig this thing out. Now add some text to say, good luck. Let's see what it does. Because this actually comes onto like another business idea I was going to come to in a minute. So it's pretty cool. Let's see how this works. So while this is actually, let's say I run and run this and then I'll show you Kling AI quickly as well. Cool.

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2878.419 - 2885.984 Omar Choudhry

Cheerful handwritten text, overlaying bold, friendly font that says, good luck on your first day. Play subtly above the characters, but not obstructing the scene. Interesting.

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2886.804 - 2889.626 Chris Josephs

OK. So let's see what it does here.

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2893.589 - 2914.678 Omar Choudhry

So I might actually take one of these images then, because this might actually be more fun. So let's download this image. And then we're going to animate that. Yeah, these guys are very good at text. Really cool. This one's a bit weird, but this one's great.

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2914.718 - 2915.379 Greg Isenberg

That's awesome.

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2915.859 - 2934.491 Omar Choudhry

Yeah, man, super cool. So you can take that. So now what you want to do is you want to come into Kling AI, and then you can upload an image. So I've got this image. I'm going to open that in there. Now with Kling, again, they have an API, so you can do this all programmatically. I run it through code basically and just display it on like a front end.

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2934.831 - 2955.439 Omar Choudhry

You can also add some additional prompts in Kling. So you can mention what you want to do in the scene. So like in some of Greg's scenes, I would actually tell it that I wanted him to like, you know, sip the cup. So the scene where you're sipping the cup, I think is over here. I told it to do that because it was in your hand at start and I was like, no, I need him to sip it.

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2955.879 - 2963.785 Omar Choudhry

And so I just put that in the prompt area here. Let me just refresh this quick. So drop that image in.

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2964.986 - 2978.659 Greg Isenberg

And then... While that's adding, do you do things like the motion brush? How do you think about... No, I don't really, man.

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2979.319 - 2996.787 Omar Choudhry

I kind of just leave it. They're going to introduce camera movements apparently, which I haven't, which is not in there yet. Um, but no, I don't normally, I don't normally add any additional prompts. I really like in a weird way, like trust the AI, you know, I want to see where it comes up with. And then I can add additional prompts if I want to after.

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2997.467 - 3020.976 Omar Choudhry

So Kling has some sort of error right now, so we can't get it to work. So it's fine. But basically, Kling AI, if you guys jump on it, you can basically upload any one of these photos. So let's say this one we get from Leonardo. And then the next part of the sequence is putting it to Kling and getting video generated. So literally, clips like this are from a photo that then turn into a moving video.

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3022.97 - 3044.676 Omar Choudhry

It's so cool. This was literally an image that we generated. So you can see... Oh, here's some of my videos. So you can see that this is basically an image we generated here. This is a static image in Leonardo. We put this into Kling, and then it generated this video here that I just showed you guys. Now, what's even more cool is actually in Kling, they have a dub feature.

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3045.136 - 3069.048 Omar Choudhry

So you can actually put words in, and it dubs the mouth to say the words. So this guy... Is he talking this one or this one? Okay, it's not in these ones. So in one of the videos, he's talking. So this is the dubbed version here. But basically, you can get them to... Yeah, it's being super slow. But you can use a lip sync function. You can also get them to say words.

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3069.188 - 3088.543 Omar Choudhry

So if you want to really meme-ify this, the character that you generated in Leonardo could actually be saying something in the scene inside Kling. And so you can see here with Kling, the five-second videos, which take about four minutes to generate right now. So that's where it's not really scalable, I think, as a video offering, as a product right now.

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3089.144 - 3105.974 Omar Choudhry

But the way I thought it could be interesting is if you literally had... like a manual process where you hired people, you know, whether it's in the Philippines or whatever, like assistants that could just basically sit there on like, you know, two or $3,000 a month and just be dealing with like the orders that you've got coming in.

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3106.334 - 3124.048 Omar Choudhry

If people did want to pay for like this premium offering or video clips or video scenes or these GIFs that you want to generate. I think GIFs are actually a good idea because it could just be like five or six video clips that you stitch together or, But at the moment, this process is like, you know, quite lengthy, you know, I suppose the stage of AI is at.

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3124.468 - 3139.3 Omar Choudhry

But I think very quickly it will become a lot faster. But it's mad because you can do things of like, I want to show you all this, man. It's so annoying. Because we created something with Sonic, you know, where like Sonic is running. You know, there's so many cool things you can do. But yeah, Kling AI is amazing.

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3139.34 - 3164.222 Omar Choudhry

So I'd say if it is working for you guys, just like download one of your images from Leonardo, throw it into Kling, and you generate a video and it will blow your mind. I told Greg as well, there's a demo in here in my community. I've done like a whole Kling demo. So you can kind of watch it and we might have the output here. Yes, you can see like this is like Sonic running, you know.

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3165.003 - 3171.946 Omar Choudhry

So you can like watch the whole demo there and like play around with it. But it's very cool. Yeah, so that's Kling. So move on to the next thing.

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3172.747 - 3173.147 Greg Isenberg

Let's do it.

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3173.772 - 3196.721 Omar Choudhry

Yeah, cool. So the other idea, so we'll just touch on this last one, I think it still speaks to the idea of avatars, but I thought about personalized stickers using avatars, right? And so again, dad brain, but when I went to my daughter's classroom, I saw that her teacher had

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3198.021 - 3213.722 Omar Choudhry

these kind of just, just a couple of like customized, you know, um, signs in the class where she had a face on it and it was like pointing towards something like something on the wall. And I looked at that and I was like, no, what should be super interesting is like if teachers had like, instead of giving kids a generic, well done stickers, they had like,

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3214.182 - 3236.098 Omar Choudhry

images, AI-generated images of the teacher, and then they're saying, well done, good work, or whatever. And they have just sheets of these just like in their classroom, or they can have these kind of stickers that they are putting up in different parts of their classroom. And then maybe even that's where the school kind of or educational institution becomes the customer in a sense.

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3236.458 - 3254.048 Omar Choudhry

But also they could have, you know, licensed user accounts on your platform for, you know, children to have their own stickers. So you could get your own stickers. So if you're working really hard, you might really want your own sticker. It might be an incentive for kids to, you know, work harder because they want that sticker with their face on it. They want to take that home.

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3254.768 - 3265.192 Omar Choudhry

Or with the teacher, like we just showed with the image generation we've done with two people here, you could do it with your teacher giving you a high five. And it's really cool because you can just do this by just adjusting the prompt a little bit.

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3265.732 - 3283.259 Omar Choudhry

So yeah, so you can basically, you can just tell ChatGPT to just create you like a kiss cut sticker artwork, because that's like the style where you can kind of be cut out. It would then give you the artwork itself, the prompt for the artwork, which you can throw into Leonardo. So I've thrown in here. And I was taking him as a character,

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3284.228 - 3300.239 Omar Choudhry

Um, and like I've said it, I said to you over here, you know, he's won a soccer game, for example. So this could become a sticker basically. So what I'm actually going to do here is I'm going to go, um, just in terms of Leonardo, what you want to do is you want to prompt enhance off. So it doesn't modify the prompt. And then for stickers, you want to make it one by one.

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3300.259 - 3320.15 Omar Choudhry

Um, and then let's go again. And I want to make sure it adds a congratulations text because it added it here, but I want it to be in that kind of like a stickery style. Um, but where I think this is super interesting is. You can basically create like a business model where you only need chat GPT and let's say Leonardo AI. But well, terrible.

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3320.862 - 3340.35 Omar Choudhry

Uh, but you can then plug it into like a drop shipping tool or like a third party printing API, like Printful to actually have this whole order process going on and just be fulfilled automatically. So you're kind of creating like physical, like exciting products using AI, um, without even needing to do anything at all. Like it's just one big automation that's running. So, okay.

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3340.37 - 3344.672 Omar Choudhry

This is a bit rubbish. So what I would do here is just to get my prompt, right. I'd copy this image.

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3346.181 - 3361.755 Chris Josephs

Give it to ChatGPT and say, everything is perfect except the positioning and prominence of the text.

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3363.377 - 3390.894 Omar Choudhry

It should be, is it kiss card? Am I saying it wrong? Stickers. Yeah, so it's kiss cut sticker. So everything's probably set the potential for the text. It should be let's just do like an example. Kiss cut sticker example. So this is really cool chat gbt is also you can just throw examples in and get it to hopefully, you know, help you get the prompt right. So we give an example of like this.

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3390.914 - 3395.217 Omar Choudhry

But I don't want to be overly. Let's see.

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3398.979 - 3407.741 Chris Josephs

Let's just give it oops. It should be a kiss card sticker.

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3410.601 - 3425.335 Omar Choudhry

I've attached examples of kiss card stickers too. Right, so let's see if it gives us a new prompt. And then we can throw it back into Leonardo.

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3425.375 - 3443.32 Omar Choudhry

So this is the process I would go through just like, and this is why it's important to do this manually, because once you've done this, you then can have a solid prompt that you can then plug into like, you know, your Zapier workflow, if you're doing Zapier or like an AI, an API that you're connecting up. And you would literally just take that, put this in here. Let's hopefully see if this works.

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3445.219 - 3465.182 Omar Choudhry

And then what I would do, by the way, Greg is like, I thought a good way of, let's say even marketing this or getting customers, let's say you were targeting schools is if you go to any school website, they normally have like the staff on like the page. So let's say you pick like, um, I don't know, New York elementary schools. I'm going to blow someone up, like actually fired.

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3466.703 - 3484.683 Omar Choudhry

Uh, what's like a school? I don't know any schools in the States. Any, any like famous schools, like let's say Manhattan, I know Manhattan film school. Is it Manhattan Film School or New York Film School? Let's see, staff. But basically, you'd have a faculty directory, for example.

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3485.103 - 3500.353 Omar Choudhry

I would find the principal, and I would take their image, and I would do this chat GPT process using their specific image. And then I would get sticker sheets printed. Um, and then basically just mail them. So I'd like, I would, or, or, or somehow like get it across to them.

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3500.373 - 3508.738 Omar Choudhry

But I would do process like this, like really guerrilla hacking type methods where like, it's interesting because it would like throw them off, but also it's a way of like kind of getting their attention as well. So.

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3509.318 - 3529.292 Greg Isenberg

By the way, that would go viral within that school, right? Like who doesn't want a sticker that looks like that? It'll at least put, it puts a smile on everyone's face. I mean, I mean, even when you sent me. that Greg video, I was smiling from ear to ear because I thought it was so nice.

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3530.653 - 3558.29 Greg Isenberg

What you were saying is using these tools to create digital assets, finding what APIs to create physical assets, and then even doing some old school marketing techniques. literally sending the product to people. I mean, stickers doesn't cost a lot. So it's definitely a huge opportunity.

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3558.877 - 3574.503 Omar Choudhry

Totally. And so exactly, man, exactly that. I think, and you know, there's so many tools that you can stitch together. Like these are just some examples. So the only thing I've done right now is I've just gone back in and I'm actually much happier with this now. But to get a kiss cut effect, we might need to have like a plain background.

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3574.863 - 3587.664 Omar Choudhry

So the only reason I want to show you guys this is because I actually want you to have like a full workflow. So there's one other tool that we're just going to add in. to make sure that this is like something that you guys can actually practically do.

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3587.684 - 3599.549 Omar Choudhry

Because this is, if you literally take this prompt here and then run it into ChatGPT to create characters and then run it into Leonardo, there we go. So now we've got like a sticker art, right?

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3600.049 - 3600.51 Chris Josephs


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3601.25 - 3612.555 Omar Choudhry

Mad. So this is like perfect. It's got congratulations. It's literally the image from here that we uploaded with the character we wanted.

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3613.494 - 3648.231 Omar Choudhry

um and so what now what you do is you'd use a tool like uh remove bg so remove bg is a tool where it just can remove the background for you so like i would take this um and download it and then just drop it into remove bg um and the remove bg have an api so you can again uh just programmatically plug this in. So it generates backgrounds, it removes background automatically.

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3648.251 - 3665.578 Omar Choudhry

So you could have the image from Leonardo automatically sent to RenBG, but then cut it out. And now you've got like a PNG sticker, right? And so now you have an actual image that you can use for like printing stickers, right? That's literally a sticker right there.

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3666.438 - 3688.191 Omar Choudhry

And you can do like, you know, hundreds of these, you know, for so many different, you know, types of, you know, congratulations or good luck or whatever you want. So I would then go to like Printful, for example, they have an API. So Printful API. And by the way, they have tons of products on Printful. So they've got, you know, stickers, but they've also got clothing, t-shirts.

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3688.211 - 3700.275 Omar Choudhry

So you could create like a whole business on top of, like a printful type thing, um, and cut their API up. So you could use this to literally place orders. Um, you create a new order for a product.

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3700.875 - 3719.024 Omar Choudhry

Um, I kept up to Shopify printful works very well with Shopify and just have this, this automated workflow going on where someone can come onto your site, upload an image, create stickers and do all sorts, you know, maybe even just like print, you know, other products as well. But that's why I think is, you know, very, very interesting right now. And I think there's loads because of this, like.

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3719.474 - 3732.488 Omar Choudhry

AI image type, you know, era, I think there's like loads of guerrilla marketing type tech techniques you could use. So yeah, that's how I would do it, man. And just spawn off like a sticker printing business, maybe for schools or in general.

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3733.328 - 3761.737 Greg Isenberg

I mean, you might even be able to grab people's display pictures on Instagram and X and just DM them. Be like, hey, what do you think of this? And that's maybe a way to grow top of the funnel in a really systematic way. I love this idea. I think it's really smart. I think it doesn't reinvent the wheel. It creates a product that people want that make them smile.

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3763.578 - 3793.786 Greg Isenberg

And I think, I think the world is looking for fun tools and fun things like this more and more. So thank you for sharing it. And always great to have you. Before we end, though, does the Kling AI, like we can put what we had, but I'm curious if it, just to close the loop.

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3794.427 - 3796.108 Chris Josephs

Yeah, it would be great if it does it.

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3796.589 - 3817.59 Omar Choudhry

Yes, looks like it's working. Okay, great. So let's upload the image. We'll hit generate. And then, oh, don't do that. Let's try one more time, one more time, one more time. It seems like it's got some sort of, yeah, network error on there because the internet's working on our side, isn't it?

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3818.43 - 3818.69 Greg Isenberg


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3818.71 - 3821.891 Omar Choudhry

No, it's being wild.

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3822.591 - 3824.591 Chris Josephs

But yeah, no, it's being crazy. Okay, no worries.

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3825.231 - 3853.092 Greg Isenberg

It's still good. It's still good. We got it, you know. People can connect the dots. Omar, this... Always a pleasure talking tactics and ideas with you. And I appreciate you sharing how the sausage is made. And we'll include the link to your school community in the show notes for anyone who wants to go and check that out. Thank you. And it's just great chatting with you.

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3853.532 - 3863.174 Omar Choudhry

Bro, you too, man. No, real pleasure. Real pleasure. And I really had a lot of fun, man. Hope everyone enjoys building and creating stuff themselves as well. And, you know, I definitely think you should jump on the moon pig thing. I think you're onto one of this.

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3866.651 - 3885.776 Greg Isenberg

I'll let the listeners grab it, you know. But I can't wait to see what people build. And please let us know in the comment section. I actually read every single comment. So let us know if you enjoyed this or just let us know your thoughts in general. So we'll be in there. Later, Omar.

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3886.196 - 3886.777 Chris Josephs

Take care.

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3886.997 - 3888.057 Greg Isenberg

Thank you. Cheers.

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