I want million, you want million, we all want million! (Celebrity guest appearances by Bob's Dad and Benjamin Franklin.) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: What are the hosts talking about in this episode?
Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractable. This episode, Meredith Mark ails in Amsterdam, assaults Ethan, explains CNC construction, then asks the big buck questions. Warmer Wade plows hard with his powerful tool and is frankly brilliant about his grapefruits. Building Bob fastens his feathery nest, sees Canadian scrappiness, Topsy's Tata and Sir Siri Swine.
From Shakira's well-being to Matt Murdock. Yes! It's time for Who Want Million? Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.
Chapter 2: Have the hosts ever danced together?
Hello and welcome to Distractible! This is the podcast where we're all friends and we sing and dance together as chums and pals and good people that have known each other a while and hang out regularly and talk and share their feelings. That all sounded right, but somehow it felt wrong. All right. But I'm with you. Do we dance? Have we ever danced in the same?
I mean, we've been at weddings, I guess, and stuff. So we probably danced near each other.
You're well, so well. I did not dance.
I did not dance in that. Why would you go to that point in the song? Like, why was that your well so well? That's the part where we all arm and arm and leg kick. You're dancing the whole time and the entire experience is a dance.
But that's the part where we're all together.
Oh, I see. All right. He's talking about the You're Welcome Tour, the thing that only a fraction of you ever saw and no one will ever experience again. Because even if we were to put on another show, we wouldn't remember what we did. Everyone who watches sees it every episode. Nope. That's just AI art that you've hung on the wall behind you, I'm pretty sure.
Oh, it's not even actually hung on the wall. My whole background is AI. I'm in a padded room with white walls. We're like off-white. It's like a gray cream.
Okay, good gray cream. Anyway, my name is Mark. This is Bob. That's Wade. We are here to bring you entertaining content week after week after week after week after week after week after week. And what thanks do we get? Thanks, bud. Oh, I meant for me. But yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I got this as thanks.
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Chapter 3: What tools is Bob stocking up on?
No, the listeners, you know, I don't even know why they're still here after all the shit we give them. Thank you, listeners. But thank you, watchers, also. Anyway, what are you guys' lives up to? Well, my life's not doing much without me. I don't know. No, you know what I did do? Did I talk about that I got more tools lately? No, no, you didn't.
It's not Ryobi days, but I got some more Ryobi in my life. Did I talk about my tool? Yeah, I talked about my workbench thing. Oh, yeah, you did. Okay. No, but I'm stocking it up. I got some other stuff. I got some bins to store my fasteners, which is what cool guys call screws. It's fasteners. I have fasteners. A variety of fasteners. Not just Phillips head ones, either. Robertson fasteners.
Roberts? Robertson? They're Canadian, and they are squares. You put a square into a square, and it fastens. Oh, so you didn't get the Robertson B. You got the Robertson A. I also have Torx fasteners. I don't know what I'm going to... You know what I am? I do know what I'm going to use it for. I'm going to build cabinets. You guys excited to hear my adventures in the building?
Is any of this landing? The more I say, the more boring it sounds. Yeah, I know. I'm all for it. I was just talking about CNC just before we started recording. I know, but that's cool. I have a, I have a jigsaw. No, that's cool. That's very cool. Like the tricycle and the little cheeks. Sure. And a Brad nailer. Ah, little 18 gauge.
Yeah. Right.
That's most of it. I don't actually have the, any of the materials yet. I'm not, it's just, you know, feathering my nest, which is what all good work where woodworkers do before they start actually touching wood or building anything. That's pretty much it. It's gross outside. It's not a lot of snow like last time.
It's just an annoying amount of snow where it's shitty and snowy and it's all already turning into mud. But also it's 12 degrees outside, so it's ice mud now. So fucking thanks, Punxsutawney dick.
yeah it took me a second i don't know winter's not even oh wait no it's february god it's february already it's like the end of february this is usually the worst month in ohio for weather i was hoping we'd get away without one more snow but of course it had to hit and you know what i also bought what i would consider a power tool that has a battery and a charger wow and it's an electric snow shovel what brand
what kind what size what width the works works nitro 40 volt 12 inch works is okay it was rated the best when i was looking i don't have strong opinions about works i've heard i've heard fine things 40 volt outdoor tools are what's up though i listen it's all about the electric yard tools unless you're like a you know super serious there was the what was the other brand green green works green works is a good shit man
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Chapter 4: Why did Mark and Ethan cancel a show in Amsterdam?
Maybe we should have done this show. It could have been like the Michael Jordan flu game of shows. Maybe you guys would have had your best performance ever.
Maybe. Except that one time where I almost passed out in the middle of a dance battle. Or later on when we were doing later shows. I started going dizzy. Who got kicked? Didn't Ethan kick somebody? Tyler ended up in a wheelchair in Atlanta. He still blames that on me because he was doing a thing and he stepped on me and it ruined his knee forever and he had to have surgery on it.
I don't feel like I did a lot, but I was the thing he stepped on. So I guess it's my fault. That makes sense. Yeah. Have you learned your lesson? I do remember someone getting kicked, but I don't remember who it was or who did the kicking. Somebody got kicked in the face a little bit. I think Ethan got kicked in the face a little bit, but I don't remember why or who.
It was something to do with the dance battle. A lot of people. Oh, yeah. No, I did. I kicked him. Oh, you kicked him in the face. I kicked him right in the face. Yeah. I have a video that's like the thumbnail is the freeze frame of me kicking him in the face. I did that.
Sad that it happened. Beautiful that you got it as a thumbnail.
Well, honestly, it was a soft kick. He barely got kicked in the face. He was fine. Yeah. A lot of flailing going on in our dance battles.
Even us trained professionals can have some mishaps, it seems. Anyway, I saw that Shakira had to cancel for similar reasons. She was in the hospital with a stomach flu. Apparently, the doctor went to the hospital and was like, looks like you can perform. But unfortunately, they couldn't fit all 10 million people into her hospital room, so they had to cancel.
That just shows that she's a quitter.
yeah yeah so are we yeah well obviously we are but oh okay we're in good company here this isn't a thing that happened to me but i thought it was very interesting and mark you're on the sports podcast so this will be appealing to you the uh nhl four nations face-off has been happening which is kind of like a cooler version of like an all-star game basically this it's america canada uh
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Chapter 5: What unusual event happened at the Canada-USA hockey game?
Honestly, I'd talk about CNC for the whole rest of the episode. But yeah, we could do your idea or whatever. That's fine. I'll talk about it once I actually get it. And then I'll have a ton to talk about. But until then, editors, hit the lights. Spotlight.
Oh, of course.
There's going to be a spot. I remember the spotlight sound now. I don't remember the rest of it.
but welcome to who wants to be a millionaire oh that was the sound effect of the now i'm with you is that not what you thought of i that's immediately i didn't know that was i didn't think of anything with that that's okay you better fill it up full of stuff because these are going to be some real whoppers of questions i have in front of me
every million dollar question that has ever been played on the show. And the only way that you can get points the rest of this entire episode is by getting these questions right. Challenge accepted. I will afford you one lifeline that you can use twice. Because we don't have an audience to poll, and we don't have the... Oh, I guess I could eliminate two choices. Okay, maybe that is it.
I'll give you an elimination of choice. I'll give you a phone a friend, and you have to actually phone a friend. Oh, I just don't want to do that. That's not worth it. And I'll let you use the phone a friend more than once. How about that? Okay, okay. You get two phone a friends, one knock half off, something like that. Is that fair, or do you want two and two? Is that more fair? What's more fair?
No, you get three in the actual thing, right? So assuming we did great and we made it all the way to the million dollar question with all of our lifelines intact, that's best case scenario. I feel like we should get three things.
Two 50-50s, one phone a friend.
No, you get a 50-50, you get a phone call, and you get a flex spot. You can either do another 50-50 or another phone a friend. So you get one of the remove 50-50, one phone a friend, and then the other one you can make whatever it is. Are you saying it's a flex lifeline? Yes, it is. That's a lot of lifelines! Sorry. I've been watching a lot of Flex Steel stuff lately. I can't. Oh.
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Chapter 6: What is CNC and why is it significant?
I'm sorry, each person can only be called once.
Okay. I'll allow each of you to call one person once, but... You got in on a technicality. All right, here we go. Bob! For one million dollars. And also one...
for one million dollars wait am i am i dramatic or yeah we're all dramatic for one million dollars uh editors you can zoom me i'm too lazy well you gotta make a face when you yeah there you go which of these u.s presidents appeared on the television series laugh in is it a lyndon johnson B. Richard Nixon C. Jimmy Carter D. Gerald Ford Wow.
I know generally that laughing existed, and I actually know all four of those presidents' names. Uh-huh. Good, good. I don't think the 50-50 is going to help me very much. The main thing I don't know is when exactly laughing aired. It could be any time post-World War II, basically, as far as I know. I think I might know someone who might actually know the answer to this. Oh, yeah?
Who's not Mark, who's looking at the answer to this. But I don't know if he's going to answer the phone if I call him. That's okay. If they don't answer, it won't use up your call. All right. I'm going to see if I can get him on the phone. I'm going to call my dad. Can you hear that okay?
Yeah. Aw.
Hey, Bob.
Hey. I'm recording an episode of Distractible, and it's kind of like who wants to be a millionaire. So I'm phoning a friend because I think Dad might know this one.
Okay. He's right here. All right. He's driving. No. Bye.
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Chapter 7: How does 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' integrate into this podcast?
He's the first Viscount St. Alpin, obviously. And the first Baron Verulam, obviously. He was born before Isaac Newton. He pioneered the scientific method. Well, I'm stupid. He was born before Isaac Newton? Yeah, yeah. I don't know why I thought Francis Bacon was more contemporary. So I guess it's like the concept of refrigeration here is just keeping food cold to make it longer, last longer.
It couldn't have been anything to do with handling raw chicken and stuff and snow inside of it. No, it's fine. That's not what makes people sick. It's he caught a chill. And to remind everyone, these are now worth two points. So the Fresca question was worth two, that's worth two. Wade, are you ready? Yeah, sorry, I was reading about Francis Bacon. Go for it.
For a million dollars and or two points, which first lady was a ninth generation descendant of Pocahontas? Was it A, Helen Taft? B. Edith Wilson C. Bess Truman D. Mamie Eisenhower Can you list them one more time, the answers? First lady, ninth generation descendant of Pocahontas. A. Helen Taft B. Edith Wilson C. Bess Truman D. Mamie Eisenhower
Oh, man. I'm going to... I know this one. I know this one. The answer is A, Ellen Taft. Is that your final answer? Oh, yeah. Lock it in.
That is... Incorrect. Fuck. You stupid idiot.
It's obviously Edith Wilson. That was actually my second choice because I was like, they're kind of close together in time period. If I'm doing the math right, that's about... Oh, yeah, that is a way to do it, I guess.
Like, yeah, just calculating how many generations would be from Pocahontas. But I wouldn't know what era that is. Yeah, but you see, for that, you need to know when Pocahontas. That's true, and I do not know that.
Oh, to get there, all you need to know is John Smith. And then you're like, OK, so it's around 17 something. What? 16, 17 something. Yeah. Is that true? I don't know. No idea. I just assumed that Taft and Wilson were sort of close there in time. Eisenhower was way too late. Didn't listen to the other options. So I was like, OK, it's gonna be Wilson or Taft.
Nine generations is a lot. I was thinking Eisenhower. Nine generations is a lot of people.
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