Bob Muyskens
Who Want Million?
Oh, it's not even actually hung on the wall. My whole background is AI. I'm in a padded room with white walls. We're like off-white. It's like a gray cream.
Who Want Million?
You're born in a sports arena, you came out, the doctor slapped you in the butt, handed you a coin, and like, next!
Who Want Million?
hence he wins tails i lose i got it i didn't know we were playing by schoolyard rules we did flip-flop but the last thing we said was oh the head spite has hair that's bob way doesn't have hair oh wait no it's okay hence he win tails i lose who is it that's
Who Want Million?
I'm not the biggest music guy in the world, so I think I'd like to use my phone a friend already.
Who Want Million?
A lot of people that are sleeping this time of day. It's one in the afternoon where you are. I'm going to call my buddy, my buddy Mark.
Who Want Million?
Hey, I'm on who wants to be a millionaire right now, and I've got a question. Yeah. In 1989, something something music award. A, Metallica. B, ACDC. Uh-huh. C, Jethro. No. Who is C, Bob?
Who Want Million?
Oh, well, no, it's just Shakira's Twitter. She had to cancel a show for the stomach flu a couple days ago, so I was checking it. All right. She's making sure she's okay. Making sure she's okay.
Who Want Million?
Living Color. D... Jethro? Jethro Tull. Jethro Tull. Uh-huh. What about him? Which one? Which one what? Was the million dollar question answer. February 17th, 1989. No, no. February 29th. No. February 30th.
Who Want Million?
Thanks. Hugs and kisses. Call you later. All right. All right. My buddy Mark says Jethro Tull. He sounded pretty confident, so I'm going to lock it in. All right. It's locked in.
Who Want Million?
Apparently she performed a show a day after, so I guess she's all right. We got this award. Much people listen to our show and watch our show.
Who Want Million?
I believe that there was a down to Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon in that time frame.
Who Want Million?
I just assume they said the president they met during his presidency.
Who Want Million?
i am going to guess my gut told me to go with dutch which was weird because my brain tells me otherwise but i'm gonna trust my gut and say dutch and lock it in that's your final answer i can't get to say it that's my final answer
Who Want Million?
See, I would have gone with French if I'd overthought it. Yeah, I could see that. But Dutch was what my gut went with. And I was like, you know, whatever. I'll take my chance.
Who Want Million?
Those are the two I would have been between with Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. I don't know which way I would have gone. And mine would have also been a guess. I would have thought not Cuba.
Who Want Million?
But yeah, I feel like he used to stock up Fresca and I used to drink that with him. Well, there you have it. Yeah. There's also something called Fruitopia that I don't think exists anymore that we used to get.
Who Want Million?
Oh, man. I'm going to... I know this one. I know this one. The answer is A, Ellen Taft. Is that your final answer? Oh, yeah. Lock it in.
Who Want Million?
It's obviously Edith Wilson. That was actually my second choice because I was like, they're kind of close together in time period. If I'm doing the math right, that's about... Oh, yeah, that is a way to do it, I guess.
Who Want Million?
Oh, to get there, all you need to know is John Smith. And then you're like, OK, so it's around 17 something. What? 16, 17 something. Yeah. Is that true? I don't know. No idea. I just assumed that Taft and Wilson were sort of close there in time. Eisenhower was way too late. Didn't listen to the other options. So I was like, OK, it's gonna be Wilson or Taft.
Who Want Million?
I was thinking everyone had a kid between 15 and 20. That's true. Or whatever. My brain was like, all right, every 15 to 20 years generation. I don't know if that's accurate, but... I literally went 1760 plus 140. That's right around 1900. Gotta be.
Who Want Million?
What year? What year was... What was her name? Something Wilson? Edith? Born 1872. My 1900 was close. I was thinking, ah, I should have thought birth. Then I would have got Wilson.
Who Want Million?
I remember whenever they would give these questions and they didn't pronounce them right half the time. I do have one lifeline left, right? You do. It's a flex one. I can either pick call or 50-50? Yeah. For the sake of time, I'll go 50-50.
Who Want Million?
Well, it has cocks in it, which is like your coccyx, which leads me to C, Nephilocaxigia is breaking glass with your voice.
Who Want Million?
yeah it took me a second i don't know winter's not even oh wait no it's february god it's february already it's like the end of february this is usually the worst month in ohio for weather i was hoping we'd get away without one more snow but of course it had to hit and you know what i also bought what i would consider a power tool that has a battery and a charger wow and it's an electric snow shovel what brand
Who Want Million?
I don't think he's 50-50'd yet. I think he used two phone of friends.
Who Want Million?
Unfairness has been confirmed. Bob, you get two points. That's right. I did it. I did exactly what I set out to do, Bob. I've got your back. You should have phoned me. You should have phoned me. I've had your best interest in mind all episode.
Who Want Million?
I want you to know, I started to flip it on the back of my hand. I remember you said no, and I was like, ooh.
Who Want Million?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Right, the wheels. You have to add something to it.
Who Want Million?
Just for... notwithstanding this episode in general, I don't feel like going to one of our council rules takes away or adds to locked in this.
Who Want Million?
I don't have a strong feeling, but I won't argue about me winning this.
Who Want Million?
yeah i heard i that's what i was originally told i was looking at the reviews and the ratings on the green works and there were more complaints and issues with the green works than there were with the works maybe this one's green works they just colored it because it still works you know it's supposed to works it's just regular works but it hasn't showed up yet it gets here in a couple days oh thank god it's here in time for the snow to have been here well yeah
Who Want Million?
Whenever I did the coin flips for you, Bob, I really didn't know what was going to happen. We'd been teasing it and teasing it, and I needed it to happen for something, so I had to have the coin flips. Didn't know it would result in one of the craziest finishes in distractible history, but you know what? You're well. So well. Yes, you're welcome.
Who Want Million?
It was more so after this snow, I started bitching about it. People were like, you know, they don't have, I was like, I don't really need a snowblower. I don't want to have to store gasoline and stuff for a snowblower. I'm going to use once every four years. And people were like, you know, there's an in-between. I was like, you hire someone with a snowblower?
Who Want Million?
They're like, no, there's an electric shovel. And I was like, electric shovel. So I looked into it and I was like, you know. You talked me into it, so I had to buy it.
Who Want Million?
The snow. You don't rip the snow off. You plow it. What do you think Hawk Tua does? It was a crypto joke.
Who Want Million?
This is quite, quite uneventful. Well, I got a snow shovel. I told you Shakira had to cancel. You guys remember we had to cancel one of our shows because of illness?
Who Want Million?
Maybe we should have done this show. It could have been like the Michael Jordan flu game of shows. Maybe you guys would have had your best performance ever.
Who Want Million?
Even us trained professionals can have some mishaps, it seems. Anyway, I saw that Shakira had to cancel for similar reasons. She was in the hospital with a stomach flu. Apparently, the doctor went to the hospital and was like, looks like you can perform. But unfortunately, they couldn't fit all 10 million people into her hospital room, so they had to cancel.
Who Want Million?
Booing the national anthem is kind of like spitting on Jesus when he's still a baby in the crib. Nationalism and God are side by side.
Who Want Million?
Britain was really rude to us, so we ruined their tea party, so they're not really our friends. Yep, enemy. Mexico and Canada, a little bit too close for comfort.
Who Want Million?
And I saw a picture recently of Rocky Balboa and Dragon Man. Drago. Drago Malfoy, yeah. That's it. Hugging it up, which means that they've made up for their big fight.