Stranded on the side of the road, 77-year-old Tina Lohman thought she was being helped—but instead, she was abducted. What followed was a night of unimaginable horror. As Tina's husband arrived home, he found their house ransacked, the door kicked in, and his wife on the floor—crying, bleeding, and whispering a chilling truth: They raped me. In this episode, we uncover the terrifying ordeal Tina endured, the calculated cruelty of her attackers, and her desperate attempt to survive.
Chapter 1: What is the main topic of this episode?
Last time on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
It was around close to 5 p.m. and my mom was leaving work.
My grandma was having issues with her headlights. One thing about her is she was not very tech savvy. She decided to pull over.
She drives a car where the headlights typically turn on automatically, but someone else had used the car.
You think that when someone pulls over to help you that there's no ill intent.
And that's kind of when her nightmare started.
Welcome to This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me, a new 10-part series by the creators of Sword and Scale. If you like the show and feel so inclined, please go to Apple Podcasts or Spotify, subscribe, rate, and review. I'm your host, Mike Boudet. This series was written and produced by Michael Stabile.
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Chapter 2: How did Tina Lohman end up stranded?
In the early evening of November 9th, 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman found herself stranded on the side of a quiet road in Quincy, Illinois. It had started to rain and the sun was going down, but Tina's headlights weren't working. Tina was hopeful that a kind stranger would pull over and help her.
About an hour or so later, a patrol sergeant at the Adams County Sheriff's Office was dispatched to a nearby residence.
Chapter 3: Who responded to the emergency call?
Sergeant Lohmeyer, were you working on the evening of November 9th, 2021? Yes. That evening, about 6.30 in the evening, did a call come in where you responded to 4300 Bottom Road here in Quincy?
When you arrived at the residence of 4300 Bottom Road that evening, did you go inside the house? Yes. Before you went inside the house, did you notice anything about the front area of that house? as far as any markings on them?
The front of the house kind of had a bit of a circle drive and there was a grassy area in the center. There were some tire marks on the grassy area in the center.
Fresh tire marks were dug into the yard of the residence. The patrol sergeant also noticed that the garage to the home was open. As he walked into the garage and began making entry to the house itself, the sergeant saw something else.
When you went inside, did you notice anything about the door leading from the garage into the house?
Yeah. The door from the garage into the house, you know, there were footprints on the door. It had been kicked in. The door hinge or the latch was broken.
It was clear to the police officer that the door had recently been kicked open. The sergeant pulled his gun from the holster and continued beyond the broken door. He made his way inside the house.
Sergeant Lohmeyer, when you responded that evening, you were one of the first officers on scene, correct?
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Chapter 4: What did Timothy Schmidt find at his home?
No. The patrol sergeant arrived at the residence on this particular night because earlier that evening, a 911 call had been made by a man named Timothy Schmidt.
Tim Schmidt lived on basically, it's called North Bottom Road. When you live in Quincy and you sort of understand the layout of the town, most of the city is up on a bluff away from the river. However, Bottom Road is literally a road that you could walk across the road and you could go dip your toes in the Mississippi River. I mean, he was right next to the river.
By 2021, Tim Schmidt had lived in Quincy, Illinois, for over three decades. But he didn't live alone. Tim shared his home with his wife.
My name is Timothy G. Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt, how old are you? I'm 66 years old.
Where do you work?
I own American Builders Supply.
Mr. Schmidt, were you married at one point?
Who were you married to?
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Chapter 5: How did Tim and Tina's relationship develop over the years?
For the 38 years that you guys were together?
She was there, not quite 38 years. She was there, I think she came on in 1993. So, but quite a while, quite a while. Okay. For Tim, November 9th, 2021 was a pretty typical Tuesday.
He woke up that morning and went to work, just like he did on most weekdays. But when the sun set, Tim's Tuesday took a very dark turn.
I want to talk to you about the night of November 9th. Where did you go after work? What time did you leave for work?
I left work sometime after 5 o'clock, and I went to farm at home. It was just before deer season, and I like to hunt deer, so I went over looking to see if there was anything I wanted to get before season opened up.
And you went home after that?
Got home around 6 p.m., give or take?
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Chapter 6: What was the significance of the Star Trek pin?
I noticed that the garage door was open. There were some items on the floor in the garage. The car was gone. There were some tire marks in the yard.
After seeing his home in such an unusual state, Tim became concerned. And the most troubling thing he noticed was that his wife's car wasn't in the garage or the driveway.
Why did the fact that there wasn't a car in the garage and the garage door being open at 6 p.m. at night trouble you, concern you?
Well, my wife drove the car, the Toyota Avalon, that would normally be parked there. Of course, the car was gone, and then I noticed the door was kicked open. And we'll get to that in a minute.
Tim stepped out of his car and made his way towards the garage. Once there, he noticed something else. Several of his belongings were missing.
Specifically, did you have a chainsaw and a hedge trimmer?
Was the chainsaw and hedge trimmer in that garage when you left that morning?
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