Sergeant Lohmeyer
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
And then learned that, you know, this was going to be a situation where he told her to scoot over, get over in the passenger seat with threat of violence, and he took the car.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She said that he began rubbing her crotch. I think she said he demanded her jewelry first. He took all the jewelry she had on herself and then her cell phone, and she said he threw the cell phone out the window. She said while this was occurring, you know, he at times was rubbing her crotch over her clothes. You know, she was very, very scared.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
The front of the house kind of had a bit of a circle drive and there was a grassy area in the center. There were some tire marks on the grassy area in the center.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yeah. The door from the garage into the house, you know, there were footprints on the door. It had been kicked in. The door hinge or the latch was broken.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes, Deputy Bowden and I arrived at about the same time.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
There was a older female sitting on the floor with her legs kind of off to the side. She appeared distraught.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She drives a car where the headlights typically turn on automatically, but someone else had used the car.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
The call came in as a woman carjacking and rape.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes, very distraught. So when I saw her, she was on the floor. There was some crying, but it was also, I think what I've seen in other people is shock, just disbelief, kind of bewilderment. You know, when I would talk to her and ask her what happened, there was like a pain for kind of remembering it, you know, and some hesitation.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
And it was kind of a little bit disjointed as far as how the conversation went. I think that was a reflection of how emotional she was. Just utter confusion, I think, and disbelief is kind of what I read in her face. And pain, I think, of remembering what happened.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Yes. She said she was on her way home. It was evening time. She drives a car where the headlights typically turn on automatically. But someone else had used the car previously, and somehow the automatic thing was not working. So as it was starting to get dark, she was concerned about the lights. So she stopped on North Bottom Road to try to fix the light situation.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
She said a truck pulled up behind her. A man got out. She initially felt that he was there to help her with whatever situation she was having.