On a cold December night in 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman was rushed to the hospital, her life slipping away. Her family was devastated—but also suspicious. Tina was strong, healthy, and full of life just days before. What happened? As they gathered by her bedside, a dark truth began to emerge: Tina’s death was no accident. It was the horrifying culmination of an unimaginable crime—one that shattered her family and set them on a relentless quest for justice.This is the story of a small town, a loving grandmother, and a nightmare that no one saw coming.
Chapter 1: Who is Tina Lohman and what happened to her?
This series was written and produced by Michael Stabile, engineered by Rob Rovelli. I'm your host, Mike Boudet. On December 12, 2021, a 77-year-old woman was rushed to Hannibal Regional Hospital in Hannibal, Missouri. Her name was Tina. Tina was a kind, generous, and smart woman. Alongside her husband, she owned and operated a successful business. But what was most important to Tina
was her family. Tina had four children, 14 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. This is Tina's granddaughter, Carly.
Chapter 2: What was the family's reaction to Tina's hospitalization?
December 12, 2021, it was a Sunday evening. It's all a blur. My aunt, Ilsa, called me, and she was very, very short and frantic, and she just said, get to the hospital.
All of Tina's children and grandchildren loved Tina dearly. And when they got the news that she was in the hospital, many of them immediately began making their way to see her. This included Tina's daughter, Ilsa.
My mom's husband called me and told me that my mom was headed to the hospital, and I went ahead and got in my vehicle and started driving to Hannibal. I didn't know what was going on. I was standing at the hospital waiting, and then they took me to the family waiting room, and then handed me her jewelry and said that it will be some time.
Unfortunately, not all of Tina's loved ones could go to her because in December of 2021, the COVID pandemic had just started to wane.
On the way to the hospital, I talked to my mom. My mom actually had COVID at that time and was unable to come, which was awful. They wouldn't let her in the hospital. My mom basically said all she knew was that she had collapsed and that she was unresponsive and that they had taken her to the hospital. All we knew at that point was they were still working on her.
Tina's family waited for the hospital staff to give them more information about Tina's condition. And when a doctor came to see them, the news was all bad.
The doctor came in and told us that there's really not much more that they could do for her and that we need to go say goodbye. That was the first time I had seen her when they told us that she wasn't going to make it. And it was awful. She was hooked up to all these machines and she was breathing, but she was only breathing because of the machine like stuck in her throat.
Tina's family was devastated and they were caught off guard. As far as they knew, Tina was a healthy woman. When she last spoke to her daughter, Heidi, the day before, Tina seemed completely fine.
She was doing great, though. She'd been to the doctor, and the doctors all gave her a clean bill of health. And she was doing great. She had called me the day before, wanting to know what I wanted for Christmas.
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Chapter 3: Why does the family suspect foul play in Tina's death?
Tina's family gathered around the hospital bed to say their goodbyes. They found themselves in a situation that, unfortunately, many have experienced. their eldest family member was dying. From the outside looking in, this likely seemed like a common occurrence. Tragic, yes, but common. Old people die every day and their loved ones have to say goodbye. That's just how life goes sometimes.
Though, this situation with Tina and her family was anything but common. The doctor told the family that Tina was dying from heart failure, but they all knew better. They all knew that this wasn't a case where an elderly woman's life was simply coming to an end. They knew that Tina didn't just end up in a hospital bed. She was put there.
Just remember sitting in the waiting room, just not knowing what was going on, but also like, there's no way that she's gonna die. Like she just went through this terrible situation. Like there's no way that that's gonna happen one after the other. And I just felt so bad for her because she had survived this terrible tragedy and she can't even like see it through.
About a month before this tragic day at the hospital, Tina had been assaulted. And there's no word in the English language to describe just how horrific that assault was. Putting it mildly, what Tina experienced was beyond brutal and extremely cruel.
What happened to her that night was something that doesn't happen in Adams County. That's a movie, Your Honor. That's something you watch on Halloween to scare you. That's not real life, but it was real life for Tina Lohman on November 9th, 2021.
Tina and her family were traumatized by what had happened to her. The depravity of what Tina endured was more than any of them could bear. This is Tina's oldest grandson, Joshua.
She helped me raise me. She was like my second mom. We had a very close bond. She would always tell me how much she loved me. She adored my four children. She made sure they were spoiled on every birthday and Christmas. She loved Christmas and she loved giving gifts. However, as I watched the trial and learned the gruesome details, I became physically sick.
How could you have done that to my grandma?
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Chapter 4: How did Tina Lohman's assault impact her family?
The evil that Tina saw and experienced was beyond comprehension. And her family knew why her heart was failing. Tina was dying because she was brutally assaulted. Tina was dying from a broken heart. The assault she endured was killing her. And Tina's family wanted the people responsible to pay. They wanted justice.
Unfortunately, Tina's family would come to find that the justice they were seeking was elusive, and the struggle to get it became a never-ending battle.
I don't think anything can prepare you for what we went through. I think it's just still, we're still not even over it.
I don't know if we ever will be. Many of you know, or at least you can imagine, the pain and the grief that comes with losing a parent or a grandparent. It can be the most tragic thing that a family can experience. This was the case for Tina's family, but for them things were much worse. They were saddled with the burden of fighting for justice and the fight became another tragedy all on its own.
Roughly 100 miles north of St. Louis, and near the edge of Missouri's eastern border, is the small city of Quincy, Illinois. Quincy is the county seat of Adams County, with a population of 40,000 people. Throughout 2022 and 2023, many Quincy residents became well-informed about a crime that occurred in their city in November of 2021. Some refer to this crime as the Tina Lohman case,
One of the reasons why so many people knew so much about this case was because it was covered extensively by the local news outlet Muddy River News.
My name is David Adam and I'm the editor of Muddy River News. My involvement with the Tina Lohman case was that I covered the case for Muddy River News and I was there for months. Just about every motion hearing, status hearing, trial, you name it, I was there, you know, 50, 60 times possibly throughout the course of this ordeal.
David Adam wrote and published countless articles about the Tina Lohman case, and he was pretty much the perfect person to do it. Not only because he was a professional news editor, but also because he was and continues to be a lifelong resident of Quincy, Illinois.
The best way that I think I can describe Quincy, it has everything a big city has. It just has one of everything. There's really nothing here that you can't do in St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, but there's just one of them here.
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Chapter 5: What is the Tina Lohman case and how was it covered by the media?
77-year-old Tina Lohman had four children, two daughters and two sons. They are Heidi, Chip, Derek, and her youngest daughter, Ilsa.
My name is Elsa Terrell, and I'm Tina Lohman's youngest daughter. My mom was 77, and she worked at American Builder Supply.
Tina was also a grandmother to several grandchildren, all of which were adored by Tina. One of her grandchildren is a young woman named Carly.
My name is Carly Hyland. I am Tina Lohman's granddaughter. So just to kind of put that in perspective, my mother is Heidi Young, who is her oldest daughter.
By the age of 77, Tina Lohman had lived a very interesting life, which began on March 30th, 1944. Tina was the daughter of Earl and Mildred Lohman.
I know she was born and raised in California. She was an only child. My great-grandmother struggled to have children, so my grandma was her miracle child. She wasn't able to have any children after my grandmother, so she was very spoiled as a child.
Tina was born into a wealthy family, and her father's business led her to attend classes in Sorbonne University in Paris, France. as well as London, England's School of Economics.
My grandfather was president of Bechtel Oil Company, and they traveled overseas. She was in London. She'd been everywhere. She went to college in London.
Her father was big in the oil industry in Europe, so she lived in Italy for a while. She was able to travel to, like, around Europe, Paris, Italy.
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Chapter 6: Who is David Adam and what role did he play in the case?
Throughout her youth, Tina traveled through the country. And eventually, she and her family made their way back to the United States. Once there, they decided to settle down in the small city of Quincy.
My grandmother was originally from here, as my grandfather was, and they came back for some family problems and an elderly great-grandmother, and she ended up meeting my father.
But she loved it here, and her mother loved it here. It just appealed to them because it's close to big cities like Chicago and St. Louis, but it's far enough away to where it has that small-town feel.
As an only child, The idea of having a lot of babies and making a big family appealed to Tina. So, that's exactly what she did.
Tina was the matriarch of what became a very big and very close family.
For her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, being related to Tina Lohman was a pretty lucky situation.
I was very close with my mom. I saw her every day. I was her youngest so I was spoiled rotten. She was always happy to take me to anything I had to do. She was just always there for me. My mom was always laughing, always happy. She liked going out for dinner and drinking red wine. She loved shopping. She loved Christmas and loved buying all of her grandchildren and children Christmas gifts.
Being the granddaughter of Tina Lohman was delightful. She knew how to spoil kids and her grandkids. She definitely made you feel loved. You know, I could always go to her if I just needed a vent or if I needed chocolate, I needed ice cream, whatever. She's always willing to listen to you. I couldn't ask for a better grandma. You just felt love when you were around her.
Tina was a loving and lovable mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. But she wasn't the typical white-haired woman you might find in a Hallmark Christmas movie. Tina Lohman had a bit of an edge.
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Chapter 7: What was Tina Lohman's life like before the incident?
mainly her great grandkids, actually. She loved babies. So whenever we all started having kids, that's just what she lived for. She loved having a big family. She was an only child, so just having a big family just really fulfilled her. That's kind of where her love language was, just buying all of the kids things, toys, clothes. She just was very thoughtful.
As a thoughtful woman who enjoyed buying gifts for her family, Tina loved the Christmas season. This was her time to shine, and every year she went out of her way to make sure all the kids were spoiled.
Most of my childhood memories were just at her house. She would decorate to the nines. Her tree was beautiful every year. She wrapped her gifts so beautifully. She made her own bows.
In early November of 2021, Tina was already thinking about the upcoming holidays. She had big plans for that Christmas. And like every other Christmas before, she wanted to make this Christmas the best one yet.
And on November 9th, 2021, she was looking forward to celebrating the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with her family. She was looking forward to spending those holidays with her husband, her children, her 14 grandchildren, and her 17 great-grandchildren.
On the evening of November 9th, 2021, Tina Lohman left the business she owned and operated with her husband and began driving home.
She loved to work just to keep her mind busy. She really didn't need to work, but she loved her customers and she loved the social interaction.
Tina's plan for that evening was to arrive home and grab a quick nap before going out to dinner with her husband, but things didn't work out as planned. On her way home, something happened that changed her life and the lives of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren forever. On her way home that evening, Tina Lohman crossed paths with a monster.
In early November of 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman was living in Quincy, Illinois, with her husband. The couple owned and operated a successful business together, and they were thankful to live in what they had come to know as a very safe city. Tina had no reason to think otherwise. After all, she lived in Quincy for years. She successfully raised four happy and healthy children there.
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