The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Hey, my name is Joshua. I'm actually a chiropractor as well. I have a great product that I would love to tell you about.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
That's funny. Uh, yeah. So me and my wife, we run a family chiropractic center in the UK and, uh, our current revenues around seven 50. Uh, we'd like to get it to 2.3, perfect the model and then scale. Um, this is what is currently my predicament. So we averaged, uh, 48 new clients per month last year consistently from, uh, two main, two main channels, referral and Facebook meta. Okay.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
What was the split? So it's 35% referrals, 65%. Okay, got it. Excuse me. Sorry, I'm a bit nervous.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Yeah. So my question and I think what's stopping me is determining where I should be focusing because we get great results for clients like they get. But, you know, even if they have an amazing result, like a lot of those clients leave, which is fine. And then they come back and they need us. It's terrible. Yeah.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
And I'd love to have more clients that stay with us longer term from like a membership perspective. And when I looked at our churn retention rates, our gross retention rate is 47%. And then our net retention rate is 74%. So once we've done expansions, upsells and everything else, it brings it up, but we still lose a lot of, we leave a lot of money on the table on the,
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Do we expand the marketing and just keep pumping the machine? Because I literally feel like you. I've got to a stage in my business where I'm still in the clinic. I'm still serving patients. I love my clients. But like, you know, even if they've had an amazing change in their life, like it's like you with the weight loss.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Like I've got to the point now where I'm like, man, like this doesn't excite me anymore. Like- I know I can help serve more people if I can just become more of the owner rather than the operator. I've stepped my shifts down from five days a week to like two now.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
We own the building.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Oh, outfit it? So we're pretty lean. We outfitted our current one. It was $100,000.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
We kind of keep it. We've kept it low the last few years, but it's like 13%. Okay. Yeah, so you need to fix that. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So there's a lot of like, you know, owner's earnings and stuff.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
So me and my wife, we draw 100K. Uh-huh.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
because this is what we worked out for our build, like our practice, we could, if we were at capacity.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
This is pretty much how we built our business so far.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
It's different based on the client.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
So the average is around, like it depends because every plan is different for the client. So we don't just give like a, here's your plan.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
We're already the most premium in our light area.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Okay. And which one would you focus on them? Would you just focus on like just filling the front end or would you try and fix the, cause you talked about like fix the chair and like get it to less than three, like, or would you double down on both?
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
When we track it, it varies between three and seven on the month, depending on the month.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
In a care plan, it will be based on like, yeah, we do adjustments, massage. It might be like traction, whatever. Yeah.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
Her absolute favorite thing is coloring. She loves sitting there as long as you let her and color.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
All of our intelligence was pointing to one piece of dirt where these senior al-Qaeda operatives were operating out of. These men were tasked with capturing or killing those al-Qaeda commanders.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
As they're going room by room clearing out these terrace, the ranger testified he was peeking around the corner to see who had come out and her biological mother ran out screaming and he said she blew herself up about 15 feet from him and he noticed something moving on the ground and that's where he saw Sparrow.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
That is nice. You feel that? This was a bunch of service members from the Rangers to the medical staff at Bagram, where she lived for five months in a combat trauma center where they're treating like catastrophic injuries, like double amputations. And she was like a contrast in this world of hurt that they can make a difference for.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
We had everything we needed from the U.S. side of the house legally to move her. So we were good to go. And it was looking like we were going to get that to happen at the end of 2019.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
They completely changed from, hey, we're going to require DNA testing, we're going to require terrorist vetting, to dropping that DNA test requirement and essentially handing her off to the first person who came along after that.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
And what has proven to be a non-relative terrorist affiliated person, an elderly Pashtun male that I honestly believe from the evidence was sent forward by the Taliban to collect her.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
We did what anyone else would do. We said, hey, we've gone and gotten legal responsibility in the United States because we believe she was foreign. We believe she was an orphan and she does not have any family. And she has the opportunity to fly to the United States before the Taliban take over, send her. And this guy told me maybe a dozen times that he wasn't responsible.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
He thinks it's a great idea. He's going to go advocate for her. Like, thank you. You're so kind. Like, my dad's responsible. And he said he was responsible for the Taliban for her.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
She has a pet chicken, so she loves going out checking for eggs in the morning.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
This claimed relationship is just a lie, and that's based on documentary evidence. We have... John Doe's father's birth certificate and the guy he had claimed was Sparrow's biological father. And now we have both their birth certificates and they're not brothers at all.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
She helped me raise me. She was like my second mom. We had a very close bond. She would always tell me how much she loved me. She adored my four children. She made sure they were spoiled on every birthday and Christmas. She loved Christmas and she loved giving gifts. However, as I watched the trial and learned the gruesome details, I became physically sick.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
How could you have done that to my grandma?