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David Adam


This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


Maybe I'm, you know, I have rose-colored glasses. I have a Pollyanna-ish way of looking at things. But I think most people in Quincy, Illinois, would have seen somebody walk up helping her. I believe it was a rainy night. It was kind of a dusk, you know, so it's getting dark and she saw somebody walk up.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


And I believe that she's lived in this community long enough that she was going, Hey, finally, I got someone who's going to help me here. I would like to think that had that been my car pulling up next to her, that I would have got out on a rainy night and said, hey, what can I do to help you out here?

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


I think that's kind of the way, you know, Quincy isn't Mayberry, but it's definitely a town I believe that has the type of people who would have no problem stepping up and helping a woman in distress in a situation like this.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


I remember having seen some video of her in which I believe she was like, oh, good, they might be able to help me. And that's kind of when her nightmare started.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


My name is David Adam and I'm the editor of Muddy River News. My involvement with the Tina Lohman case was that I covered the case for Muddy River News and I was there for months. Just about every motion hearing, status hearing, trial, you name it, I was there, you know, 50, 60 times possibly throughout the course of this ordeal.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


The best way that I think I can describe Quincy, it has everything a big city has. It just has one of everything. There's really nothing here that you can't do in St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, but there's just one of them here.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

Nightmare in Quincy


Absolutely. Sure, there's a couple of places in town that I would be a little... leery of maybe, but I have a lot of confidence in law enforcement around here. I'm a big fan of many of the people who work for law enforcement around here.