Mike Boudet
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Her life was threatened. She was beaten, raped, and sodomized. In an effort to hide evidence, the male criminal sprayed carpet cleaner on and in Tina. He sprayed her body, her genitals, and the inside of her mouth.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
As Tina was being assaulted, she feared for her life. She was certain that these two attackers were going to kill her. She knew that if she was going to survive this attack, she would have to try something, anything, to get these monsters out of her house. Earlier, Tina had convinced them to take her home with the promise of more money and jewelry. So, Tina used the same tactic again.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
David was the gas station attendant, which meant that he had to run the cash register and oversee the comings and goings of a small convenience store.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
To clarify, Tina gave her attackers a combination. It wasn't the correct combination because Tina didn't know what the correct combination was. The safe belonged to her husband and he was the only one who knew the code to open it. Nonetheless, Tina led her attackers to a safe in her basement. Along the way, just for added measure, the male attacker threw Tina down the basement steps.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Once they were in the basement, the male attacker attempted to open the safe. But of course, the combination that Tina provided didn't work.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina tricked her attackers and convinced them that the safe was wired to the local police station. The two criminals now believed that the cops would be showing up any minute. So they panicked, grabbed any valuables they could, and fled the house. When they left, they also stole Tina's car. Tina was left in the home. She was bleeding and traumatized, but miraculously, Tina survived this encounter.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Soon after the criminals fled, Tina's husband, Tim Schmidt, arrived home. He found Tina, asked what happened, and then began making phone calls. He called 911 and Tina's two daughters. Soon after, police officers and Tina's daughters arrived at the home.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina was taken to the hospital where a sexual assault examination was performed. While there, Tina was questioned by detectives about what happened. She was also re-interviewed by detectives the following day.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
When Tina was interviewed by detectives, she was asked to describe her attackers. In true Tina fashion, the description she gave for her male attacker was quite unique.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
So, according to Tina, the police should be on the lookout for a dirty country bumpkin leprechaun. As it turns out, this description was pretty accurate. After describing the male attacker, Tina went on to describe his female accomplice.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
As a night shift gas station attendant, David had seen all kinds of shady people come and go from his convenience store. But on this night, two individuals stood out.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina gave detectives a description of both attackers and later detectives returned to Tina with some photographs. Not only could Tina perfectly describe her perpetrators, that she could easily point them out in a photo lineup.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
After speaking with Tina, the local police and the U.S. Marshal Service began searching. And it didn't take long for them to find the two monsters who committed this horrific attack.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The man and the woman that attacked, raped, and brutalized Tina were captured by surveillance cameras at the Phillips 66 gas station in Hannibal, Missouri, about 20 miles south of Tina's home. They were seen driving Tina's stolen car, a white Toyota Avalon.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina's attackers were taken into custody. But the nightmare for Tina and her family was far from over. The wheels of justice began to grind, and along the way, several things happened that nearly derailed the prosecution's case. Eventually, the wheels of justice came to a screeching halt. For Tina's family, it appeared that the justice system might not hold these criminals accountable.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
It seemed that delivering some justice to Tina Lohman was a lost cause. Next time, on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Like most gas stations, the Phillips 66 had several surveillance cameras. These cameras captured two individuals as they parked at the gas pump, got gas, and made some purchases inside the convenience store.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Stationed in the back area of the convenience store were some gambling machines because, well, why not? While your car fills up with gas, you can grab a slushie and throw away some money on a few hands of video poker.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
David spoke to the man with the red beard and warned him about carrying around a large Ziploc bag full of cash. Meanwhile, back in Quincy, Illinois, Tina Lohmann's daughter Ilsa was receiving a very troubling phone call from her mother's husband.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The news of what happened to Tina began reaching her children and grandchildren. This included Tina's granddaughter, Carly.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
For most people, it's hard to imagine what your reaction would be when hearing news like this. For Carly, her reaction was mostly disbelief, which made sense. Learning that your mother or grandmother has been violently attacked and raped is the kind of thing that just doesn't happen to people like us. Right? Right?
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Welcome to This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me, a new serialized true crime podcast by the makers of Sword and Scale. We hope you enjoy it. And if you do, please tell a friend and leave us a review and a rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can find out more at swordandscale.com. I'm your host, Mike Boudet. This series was written and produced by Michael Stabile.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
While Carly was trying to make sense of things, Tina's daughter Ilsa drove to her mom's home. During this drive, she called Tina's husband to get more information.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
For Ilsa, when she saw her mom's house surrounded by police tape, any disbelief she might have had was gone. For Carly, the same thing happened when she learned that Ilsa, her mom, and a whole lot of cops were at Tina's house.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
After the police and Tina's two daughters arrived at the home, Tina was taken to the hospital. While she was there, an invasive sexual assault examination was performed.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
For Tina's family, the priority was making sure that Tina was okay. The details of exactly what happened to her could come later, and indeed those details did come later. As time went on, the family learned that 77-year-old Tina had suffered and survived one of the most violent, horrific, and brutal assaults imaginable.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
On the night of November 9th, 2021, a man and a woman carjacked, robbed, and kidnapped 77-year-old Tina Lohman while she was parked on the side of the road. After taking control of her car, the man drove Tina to an isolated area and forced her to perform oral sex on him.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina was convinced the man and his accomplice were going to kill her, so she convinced them to take her to her house where she could give them more money and jewelry.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The man took Tina to her home, and when they got there, the man began arguing with his female accomplice. Tina used this opportunity to attempt an escape. She ran into her house and locked the door behind her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Last time on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The man and his accomplice forced their way into Tina's home by kicking open the door. Once inside, they continued to rob and assault Tina.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The man and his accomplice searched the home for money and anything of value. As they did this, they found a unique souvenir. It was a railroad spike that had been forged into a very sharp knife.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
The female accomplice brandished the knife at Tina. She pressed it against Tina's throat and threatened to kill her if Tina didn't do exactly what they told her to do.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina's life was threatened and she was violently raped in her home. But this brutal and horrific assault didn't stop there. Somehow things only got worse for Tina.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
About 20 miles south of Quincy, Illinois, and just over the state's border into Missouri, there's another city. That city is named Hannibal. On the night of November 9th, 2021, a young man named David Joseph began a work shift in Hannibal at a Phillips 66 gas station.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Two monsters brutalized a 77-year-old grandmother. They beat her. They raped her. They sodomized her. They sprayed her body, her genitals, and the inside of her mouth with carpet cleaner. This was a truly brutal and horrific assault.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
The Hunt Begins
Tina knew if she was going to survive this, she would have to do something to get these two monsters out of her house. So Tina came up with a plan and it was a plan that actually worked. It was a plan that, in all likelihood, saved her life. On the night of November 9th, 2021, two criminals broke into Tina Lohmann's home. 77-year-old Tina was brutalized and tortured. She was robbed.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Before Tina could make sense of what was happening, she was becoming this man's hostage. She was abducted in her own car. Tina later recounted these same events several more times. She told her daughter Ilsa what happened.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
With Tina in the passenger seat of her car, the man drove to an isolated area. Meanwhile, the man's accomplice followed them in the truck they had been driving.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Last time on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Eventually, Tina, the man, and the accomplice arrived at an especially isolated area known as the North Bottoms and parked there. Once there, the assault and robbery began.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
About an hour or so later, a patrol sergeant at the Adams County Sheriff's Office was dispatched to a nearby residence.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina was terrified and she was certain that if she didn't find a way out of this horrific nightmare, she would end up becoming a murder victim. So Tina... came up with a plan.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina's plan seemed to work. She convinced the man and his accomplice to take Tina home where she could give them more money and jewelry. But the man didn't accept this offer without giving Tina a warning.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
At this point, Tina did not know that her husband, Tim Schmidt, had decided to go shopping for hunting supplies that evening. As far as she knew, her husband could have been at their home and she might have been leading two killers back to their house. But Tina had no other options.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
The best she could hope for was that her husband could use one of his guns to scare off these criminals and save her. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. Tim Schmidt wasn't home when Tina and the two criminals arrived there. Nobody was there. And this nightmare for Tina didn't just continue. It got much much worse.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
On November 9th, 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman was abducted in her car by a young man and a female accomplice. While Tina was stranded on the side of the road, the man forced his way into her car and drove off with Tina as the accomplice followed them. They arrived in an isolated area and the man turned the car off. He stole Tina's money and jewelry and forced her to perform oral sex on him.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina was terrified and assumed that the man was going to kill her. So she convinced him to take her home where she had even more money and more jewelry.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Again, Tina didn't know if her husband was home or not. And the man even warned Tina that they better not find anyone when they got there.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
As the man drove toward Tina's home, Tina sat in the passenger seat where she remained terrified. She could have been bringing two killers to her husband's doorstep. During this drive, the man continued to assault Tina.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
As they were driving, the man accidentally made a wrong turn, which allowed his female accomplice to reach Tina's home first. When the man pulled onto their lawn... The female accomplice was already ransacking the garage.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina found an opening to safety. The man and his accomplice began shouting at each other and Tina used this distraction. She ran as fast as she could into her home and locked the door behind her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina had escaped her abductors. She was inside her own home, safe for the time being. But Tina knew that safety wouldn't last long. Tina knew that she had to defend herself.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Frantically, Tina ran to her husband's nightstand where he normally kept his handgun. But there was a problem. Tim's handgun wasn't there.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
As Tina searched for her handgun, the criminals forced their way into the house. The man kicked open the door and quickly began searching for Tina. Tragically, he found her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
The nightmare for Tina didn't only continue, it escalated. It got worse and worse. By the end, Tina was left on her living room floor, bloody and broken. By the end, Tina's nightmare had become one of the most horrific and brutal crimes ever committed in the city of Quincy, Illinois. Next time on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Fresh tire marks were dug into the yard of the residence. The patrol sergeant also noticed that the garage to the home was open. As he walked into the garage and began making entry to the house itself, the sergeant saw something else.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
It was clear to the police officer that the door had recently been kicked open. The sergeant pulled his gun from the holster and continued beyond the broken door. He made his way inside the house.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
No. The patrol sergeant arrived at the residence on this particular night because earlier that evening, a 911 call had been made by a man named Timothy Schmidt.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
By 2021, Tim Schmidt had lived in Quincy, Illinois, for over three decades. But he didn't live alone. Tim shared his home with his wife.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes. Tim Schmidt was Tina Lohman's husband. They had lived together for many years, but had only somewhat recently tied the knot. They also owned and operated a successful business together.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
He woke up that morning and went to work, just like he did on most weekdays. But when the sun set, Tim's Tuesday took a very dark turn.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes. When Tim arrived at home that night, he immediately noticed some bizarre things around his house.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Welcome to This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me, a new 10-part series by the creators of Sword and Scale. If you like the show and feel so inclined, please go to Apple Podcasts or Spotify, subscribe, rate, and review. I'm your host, Mike Boudet. This series was written and produced by Michael Stabile.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
After seeing his home in such an unusual state, Tim became concerned. And the most troubling thing he noticed was that his wife's car wasn't in the garage or the driveway.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim stepped out of his car and made his way towards the garage. Once there, he noticed something else. Several of his belongings were missing.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim walked further into the garage and noticed the door leading into his home had been kicked open. Tim continued to walk inside the house. When he arrived at the doorway of his living room, he stopped and was shocked by what he saw.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim found his wife, 77-year-old Tina Lohman, sitting on the living room floor. She was crying and bleeding. Tim went to her and asked what happened.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
As Tim knelt on the floor with his wife, Tina Lohman recounted the horrific ordeal that she had just experienced. She told her husband that she had been carjacked, kidnapped, beaten, and raped. On the evening of November 9th, 2021, Timothy Schmidt returned to his home in Quincy, Illinois after a long day of work. After he arrived, Tim found his wife, Tina Lohman, on their living room floor.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim and Tina were very close and they knew each other very well. As longtime sweethearts, they enjoyed going out to dinner, taking vacations together, and running their shared business. They also enjoyed watching Star Trek together.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim and Tina were happy. They had a good life. But on November 9th, something unimaginably horrific happened that turned their lives upside down.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
When Tim discovered his distraught wife on the floor of their living room, he knelt beside her and asked what happened. Tina responded. With tears running down her face, she said, simply, they raped me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
After Tim called for help, a patrol sergeant and other officers were dispatched to Tim and Tina's home.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tim had been told that help was on the way, and he quickly returned to his wife. Tina spoke to Tim and further explained some of what happened to her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
In the early evening of November 9th, 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman found herself stranded on the side of a quiet road in Quincy, Illinois. It had started to rain and the sun was going down, but Tina's headlights weren't working. Tina was hopeful that a kind stranger would pull over and help her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
As Tina was telling the story, the police began to arrive on the scene, and Tina had to explain things all over again.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Tina spoke with police and explained that earlier that evening, she was parked on the side of the road because her headlights weren't working. A truck pulled up behind Tina with two people inside. A man stepped out of the truck and offered to help, but the man didn't help Tina. Instead, he threatened her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
As a thoughtful woman who enjoyed buying gifts for her family, Tina loved the Christmas season. This was her time to shine, and every year she went out of her way to make sure all the kids were spoiled.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
In early November of 2021, Tina was already thinking about the upcoming holidays. She had big plans for that Christmas. And like every other Christmas before, she wanted to make this Christmas the best one yet.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
On the evening of November 9th, 2021, Tina Lohman left the business she owned and operated with her husband and began driving home.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina's plan for that evening was to arrive home and grab a quick nap before going out to dinner with her husband, but things didn't work out as planned. On her way home, something happened that changed her life and the lives of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren forever. On her way home that evening, Tina Lohman crossed paths with a monster.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
In early November of 2021, 77-year-old Tina Lohman was living in Quincy, Illinois, with her husband. The couple owned and operated a successful business together, and they were thankful to live in what they had come to know as a very safe city. Tina had no reason to think otherwise. After all, she lived in Quincy for years. She successfully raised four happy and healthy children there.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
This included her youngest daughter, Ilsa.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Hello and welcome to This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me, a new 10-part series by the creators of Sword and Scale. Please do us a favor, and if you like the series and feel so inclined, visit Apple Podcasts or Spotify, subscribe, rate, and review. It's getting harder and harder to get the word out these days, so if you know anyone who will appreciate this series, please let them know about it.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
was her family. Tina had four children, 14 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. This is Tina's granddaughter, Carly.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
On the evening of November 9th, 2021, Tina Lohman left work and began driving home. But she didn't get very far before she decided to pull over.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
The sun was going down and it had started to rain. Tina expected that the headlights on her car would turn on automatically, as that's what had always happened before. But for some reason on this evening, Tina's headlights didn't turn on and she didn't know how to fix them.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina was alone at dusk and parked on the side of a fairly isolated road. She was worried and maybe a little scared, but she assumed everything would eventually be okay. She knew that her husband would inevitably be driving down the same road that she was parked on.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina fiddled with the knobs on her steering wheel, hoping that some switch or lever would ignite her headlights, but nothing did. At the same time, Tina kept checking her rear view mirrors, hoping that the next car she saw would be her husband's car. But that never happened.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
A truck drove up and parked behind Tina. A man stepped out of that truck and approached Tina's driver's side window.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
The man offered to help Tina fix her headlights. He told her that first he needed to retrieve a flashlight from his truck. As he did this, Tina looked in her rearview mirror and she noticed something. Another person was sitting in the passenger seat of the man's truck.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina sat in her car and waited for the man to return with his flashlight. She was hopeful that the man would resolve her headlight situation and Tina would soon be back on the road. Of course, Tina did consider the possibility that the man who stopped to help her could be dangerous. But she quickly put that thought out of her mind. That possibility wasn't likely at all.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
All of Tina's children and grandchildren loved Tina dearly. And when they got the news that she was in the hospital, many of them immediately began making their way to see her. This included Tina's daughter, Ilsa.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
This mindset that Quincy, Illinois is a safe and friendly place is not uncommon. Many of its residents feel that way about their city.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina just wanted to go home and take a nap. So she waited for the man to return to her car with a flashlight. As a testament to the kind of person Tina was, she was already thinking about how she was going to thank this man for stopping to help her resolve her car trouble. While waiting in her car, Tina reached for her purse.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
After pulling $20 from her wallet, Tina looked in the rearview mirror again and eventually saw the man walking back toward her car. Whether he had a flashlight or not, we don't know. But what we do know is that this man had no intention of helping Tina.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
When the man returned to Tina's driver's side door, she looked at him. Tina didn't see a friendly face. She saw a face filled with ill intent and violence. Like David Adam explained, this was the moment that a long nightmare began for Tina. This was the moment when her life and the lives of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren took a very, very dark turn.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Next time on This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Please subscribe if you can. We'll see you right back here before you know it.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Unfortunately, not all of Tina's loved ones could go to her because in December of 2021, the COVID pandemic had just started to wane.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina's family waited for the hospital staff to give them more information about Tina's condition. And when a doctor came to see them, the news was all bad.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina's family was devastated and they were caught off guard. As far as they knew, Tina was a healthy woman. When she last spoke to her daughter, Heidi, the day before, Tina seemed completely fine.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina's family gathered around the hospital bed to say their goodbyes. They found themselves in a situation that, unfortunately, many have experienced. their eldest family member was dying. From the outside looking in, this likely seemed like a common occurrence. Tragic, yes, but common. Old people die every day and their loved ones have to say goodbye. That's just how life goes sometimes.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Though, this situation with Tina and her family was anything but common. The doctor told the family that Tina was dying from heart failure, but they all knew better. They all knew that this wasn't a case where an elderly woman's life was simply coming to an end. They knew that Tina didn't just end up in a hospital bed. She was put there.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
About a month before this tragic day at the hospital, Tina had been assaulted. And there's no word in the English language to describe just how horrific that assault was. Putting it mildly, what Tina experienced was beyond brutal and extremely cruel.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina and her family were traumatized by what had happened to her. The depravity of what Tina endured was more than any of them could bear. This is Tina's oldest grandson, Joshua.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
This series was written and produced by Michael Stabile, engineered by Rob Rovelli. I'm your host, Mike Boudet. On December 12, 2021, a 77-year-old woman was rushed to Hannibal Regional Hospital in Hannibal, Missouri. Her name was Tina. Tina was a kind, generous, and smart woman. Alongside her husband, she owned and operated a successful business. But what was most important to Tina
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
The evil that Tina saw and experienced was beyond comprehension. And her family knew why her heart was failing. Tina was dying because she was brutally assaulted. Tina was dying from a broken heart. The assault she endured was killing her. And Tina's family wanted the people responsible to pay. They wanted justice.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Unfortunately, Tina's family would come to find that the justice they were seeking was elusive, and the struggle to get it became a never-ending battle.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
I don't know if we ever will be. Many of you know, or at least you can imagine, the pain and the grief that comes with losing a parent or a grandparent. It can be the most tragic thing that a family can experience. This was the case for Tina's family, but for them things were much worse. They were saddled with the burden of fighting for justice and the fight became another tragedy all on its own.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Roughly 100 miles north of St. Louis, and near the edge of Missouri's eastern border, is the small city of Quincy, Illinois. Quincy is the county seat of Adams County, with a population of 40,000 people. Throughout 2022 and 2023, many Quincy residents became well-informed about a crime that occurred in their city in November of 2021. Some refer to this crime as the Tina Lohman case,
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
One of the reasons why so many people knew so much about this case was because it was covered extensively by the local news outlet Muddy River News.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
David Adam wrote and published countless articles about the Tina Lohman case, and he was pretty much the perfect person to do it. Not only because he was a professional news editor, but also because he was and continues to be a lifelong resident of Quincy, Illinois.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
And speaking with David, we learned that he loves his city. And despite his coverage of countless criminal cases, he does consider Quincy to be a great place to live and an ideal place to raise a family. I believe most parts of Quincy are a safe place to live.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
When it comes to David's opinions about Quincy, he isn't alone. Many of the residents feel the same way about their city. In 2021, that included a woman named Tina Lohman.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
77-year-old Tina Lohman had four children, two daughters and two sons. They are Heidi, Chip, Derek, and her youngest daughter, Ilsa.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina was also a grandmother to several grandchildren, all of which were adored by Tina. One of her grandchildren is a young woman named Carly.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
By the age of 77, Tina Lohman had lived a very interesting life, which began on March 30th, 1944. Tina was the daughter of Earl and Mildred Lohman.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina was born into a wealthy family, and her father's business led her to attend classes in Sorbonne University in Paris, France. as well as London, England's School of Economics.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Throughout her youth, Tina traveled through the country. And eventually, she and her family made their way back to the United States. Once there, they decided to settle down in the small city of Quincy.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
As an only child, The idea of having a lot of babies and making a big family appealed to Tina. So, that's exactly what she did.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
For her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, being related to Tina Lohman was a pretty lucky situation.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nightmare in Quincy
Tina was a loving and lovable mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. But she wasn't the typical white-haired woman you might find in a Hallmark Christmas movie. Tina Lohman had a bit of an edge.