Relative of Tina Lohman
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
When the male first came into the car, he had somehow pushed her over or got her out of the car, taking her bags and everything out of her car and throwing them. And then he wanted money, and my mother said the bag that you just threw out had the money in it. And I think they retrieved that.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Then they went down to an enclosed area where, at this point, the other person that was in the vehicle that he was driving had pulled up next to them, and he had stopped the car, and she opened the door. The other person grabbed the jewelry off of my mother.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She's thinking at this point that they're going to kill her because she's not sure why they're in a dark spot and why the vehicle's off. So in a panic, she instructs them, hey, I have more money and more jewelry at my house, which is nearby.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She said, please don't kill me. I'll do anything. I have a lot of money. I have jewelry. You can have it all if you just go to my house. And so they drove to her house.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
It was around close to 5 p.m. and my mom was leaving work.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
When they got up to the house, they were arguing. The female had made it to the house first, and she was taking things out of the garage. And then the male, who was driving my mother's car at this point, had got out and was arguing with the female. And at that time, my mother got out of the car and locked the door behind her and went to go look for a gun.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
We were getting my son ready for bed and she called me really hysterical. I couldn't really understand what she was saying. So I kind of told her, I was like, I need you to calm down and kind of walk me through what you're saying. And she just said that my grandmother had been raped at her house and that she was going to take her to the hospital.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes. One minute they would be nice to her and tell her that she's going to be okay. And the next minute they're kicking her. Then the next minute they're consoling her. Then the next minute they're raping her. She was very thrown off by their behavior.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
They took her to a remote place and she knew that they were probably going to kill her there. She felt that they were going to kill her. She wanted to be at her home so we didn't have to look for her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
My grandma was having issues with her headlights. One thing about her is she was not very tech savvy. She decided to pull over.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
You think that when someone pulls over to help you that there's no ill intent.