Timothy G. Schmidt
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She told me that she thought that they were going to kill her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
He said that if your husband's there, I'm going to kill you both.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She said that the male and there was a female there, that they got into an argument. And during the argument, Tina was able to get away? Tina went into the house and she locked the door.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She went into the bedroom on the east side of the house, went to look for the handgun.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
But the handgun, I had moved from the nightstand because we had grandchildren up there. And I was afraid one of those grandchildren were going to get a hold of that gun. So I put it up high where they couldn't get to it. She couldn't find the gun? She couldn't find the gun.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
My name is Timothy G. Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt, how old are you? I'm 66 years old.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
She was there, not quite 38 years. She was there, I think she came on in 1993. So, but quite a while, quite a while. Okay. For Tim, November 9th, 2021 was a pretty typical Tuesday.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
I left work sometime after 5 o'clock, and I went to farm at home. It was just before deer season, and I like to hunt deer, so I went over looking to see if there was anything I wanted to get before season opened up.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
I noticed that the garage door was open. There were some items on the floor in the garage. The car was gone. There were some tire marks in the yard.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Well, my wife drove the car, the Toyota Avalon, that would normally be parked there. Of course, the car was gone, and then I noticed the door was kicked open. And we'll get to that in a minute.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
I saw my wife sitting on the floor in tears. Well, she was sitting on a, it was a blanket or a quilt. And did you notice anything about that quilt? There was blood on it.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Yes, that is the railroad spike that was turned into a knife that was on the floor of the house.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
You said she was in tears. Was she crying? She was crying, and she told me that they raped her.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
If anybody has ever watched Star Trek before... I've seen Star Trek. Well, we bought that at the Star Trek display out at the Las Vegas Hilton in... I don't remember what year it was.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Because of that, what did you do? I went into the bedroom and I got a handgun.
This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me
Nowhere to Run
Great start. She told me that she was driving home on Cooks Lane and she got to the front or Bonanziga in Cooks Lane and the lights were not on in the car. And she stopped there at the stop sign and a man came and helped, went to help her to turn the lights on and he got in the car with her and drove off with her.