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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2

Fri, 21 Feb 2025


Revisit some of the best from the best: Steve Carrell.  Steve visits a town that has officially banned Satan, educate's Jon on some of the world's most dangerous animals as Crocodile Carrell, and uncovers a world of unexplained phenomena, such as Bob Hope's alien (British) origins. See for privacy information.


Chapter 1: Why did a town in Florida ban Satan?

11.152 - 19.239 Steve Carrell

While most small towns do their best to fight crime and drugs, the mayor of Inglis, Florida is far more ambitious.


20.3 - 25.522 Carolyn Risher

I feel like Satan is everywhere. He's just that type of guy.


26.242 - 32.924 Steve Carrell

As a public servant, Carolyn Risher knew it was her duty to protect the citizens from Beelzebub.


Chapter 2: How did Carolyn Risher ban Satan from Inglis?

33.405 - 47.49 Carolyn Risher

Our church had a weenie roast. A light came on in my mind, and I said, I want to do a proclamation. And I want to do it on town letterhead with a town seal banning Satan from our town.


48.13 - 53.292 Steve Carrell

And so Mayor Risher courageously legislated the devil out of town.


53.712 - 74.941 Carolyn Risher

Be it known from this day forward that Satan, ruler of darkness, is not now nor ever again will be a part of this town of England. Satan is hereby declared powerless. I proclaim victory over Satan. I take this action in accordance with the words of our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ sealed this fifth day of November 2001.


75.921 - 106.049 Steve Carrell

The effects of the mayor's Satan ban were immediate and miraculous. But there were some minor issues. Just to play devil's advocate for a minute. Right. Does this proclamation violate the separation of church and state? No, sir. Question, answer. But how has the town reacted? How has the town reacted? Wonderful. Supportive?


Chapter 3: What were the reactions to the Satan ban?

106.39 - 106.49 Carolyn Risher



107.25 - 119.777 Dissenting Townsperson

I'm not happy with it at all. It's everyone's right to believe the way they want to believe. And having this proclamation on town letterhead, it sort of shoves it down everybody's throat, like it or not.


120.397 - 123.859 Steve Carrell

Why are you in support of Satan coming to town?


124.266 - 126.167 Dissenting Townsperson

I'm not in support of Satan coming to town.


126.288 - 128.289 Steve Carrell

So you would say you are pro-Satan?

128.749 - 129.01 Dissenting Townsperson


130.03 - 131.131 Steve Carrell

So you are pro-Satan?

131.351 - 131.612 Dissenting Townsperson


131.992 - 133.893 Steve Carrell

But why do you want Satan in your town?

Chapter 4: Who is Steve 'Crocodile' Carrell?

173.504 - 176.887 Carolyn Risher

But we can rebuke Satan. We have that power to rebuke Satan.


176.907 - 178.228 Steve Carrell

Well, I'm coming in. I don't care what you say.


178.328 - 180.77 Carolyn Risher

Satan, you are powerless in this town.


181.311 - 186.595 Steve Carrell

Imagine I'm Satan. You take away that proclamation. How are you going to keep me out of Inglis?


187.436 - 193.261 Dissenting Townsperson

We have a lot of God-fearing Christians.

Chapter 5: What exotic animals does Steve Carrell introduce?

193.281 - 193.601 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

That's it.


206.801 - 213.108 Steve Carrell

Yes, with Mayor Risher on the case, there will be nowhere for Satan to hide. Or will there?


219.52 - 244.398 Jon Stewart

There are over a million species of animals on this earth here. Here to show us a few of the more exotic ones, our own zoological expert, Steve Crocodile Carell. This will be fun. This will be great. This will be great. Uh, Crocodile Carell. How you doing? I'm doing well. I didn't know that you had a nickname.


246.599 - 247.14 Steve Carrell

Uh, I'm sorry?


249.192 - 251.978 Jon Stewart

Crocodile. I'd never heard that before. I didn't know that was your nickname.

252.458 - 274.926 Steve Carrell

Oh, okay. Actually, it's pronounced Crocodile. I was named after my grandmother. All right. Well, you know what? Why don't we just get to the animals? Great. Excellent idea. I think you're going to be very, very excited about what we have in store for you today, John. I'm donning these only as a precaution. Now, these animals are used to being in front of people. They're used to being handled.

274.966 - 280.548 Steve Carrell

But they're animals, right? Exotic animals. Exotic animals. And they're unpredictable. You really never know.

280.568 - 282.189 Jon Stewart

Is there something I should do? Should I get out of the way? Should I?

282.629 - 290.052 Steve Carrell

No, I mean, I'm a professional at this, so don't be too afraid. But if you see one start to leap at you, I'd take it away. All right, well, let's get to it.


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