Carolyn Risher
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2
But we can rebuke Satan. We have that power to rebuke Satan.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2
Satan, you are powerless in this town.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2
I feel like Satan is everywhere. He's just that type of guy.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2
Our church had a weenie roast. A light came on in my mind, and I said, I want to do a proclamation. And I want to do it on town letterhead with a town seal banning Satan from our town.
The Daily Show: Ears Edition
TDS Time Machine | Best of Steve Carrell - Part 2
Be it known from this day forward that Satan, ruler of darkness, is not now nor ever again will be a part of this town of England. Satan is hereby declared powerless. I proclaim victory over Satan. I take this action in accordance with the words of our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ sealed this fifth day of November 2001.