Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
He Murdered a Girl For Turning Around In His Driveway
Fri, 14 Feb 2025
Kevin Monahan shot and killed Kaylin Gillis for accidentally pulling into his driveway. #truestory #truecrime #newyork
Chapter 1: How did Kaylin Gillis end up in Kevin Monahan's driveway?
One night a bunch of friends are in this SUV driving around and they're driving to a friend's party and they're in the middle of nowhere in New York state and it's pitch dark and there's no cell service and they got another car and a motorcycle all following them to this party but as they're driving the roads keep getting sketchier and sketchier and they eventually turn into dirt roads and suddenly it dawns on them they're lost but then in the distance they see something
A house. And they're like, oh, maybe that's our friend's house. That's where the party is. So they pull into the driveway. But this driveway, it's really long. It's like a long dirt road. And the closer they get to this house, they soon realize, oh, this isn't it. We're at the wrong place. And so they immediately turn around and they start driving away.
And that is when suddenly, blam, they hear a gunshot and a bullet whizzes by. And one friend yells, someone's shooting at us! And oh my god, they all panic, and skrrt, the driver floors it. And then, blam, a second gunshot, and a bullet flies through the back windshield. What the hell? Who's shooting at them? And so the driver speeds away, and he turns to his friends, and he asks, is everyone OK?
Chapter 2: What happened when Kaylin's group tried to leave the driveway?
And everyone says, yes, they're OK. Everyone except for the girl in the passenger seat. Now her name is Kaylin and Kaylin is 20 years old and she doesn't answer. And so the driver asks again, Kaylin, are you okay? Kaylin? But Kaylin still doesn't answer because one of the bullets had hit her in the neck. And so who the hell just shot Kaylin?
Chapter 3: Who is Kevin Monahan and why did he shoot at the SUV?
Well, to get to that answer, we need to talk about this guy, Kevin. Kevin, he's 65 years old, and he's kind of a grumpy old turd. All of his neighbors know him as just an angry dude. Like, he drives all aggressively, and he even barks at other people's dogs when he gets mad, like, like, he's just that kind of guy.
But one night, it's a normal night, and Kevin is asleep in his bed next to his wife. When suddenly, vroom, a loud noise wakes him up. What the hell was that? It sounds like a motorcycle. And so he jumps out of bed to investigate. Here's the thing about Kevin.
Kevin though Kevin doesn't like being woken up in fact Kevin hates a lot of things but this this really startles him and it makes him mad and he can hear something loud is going on outside someone must be out there and so Kevin he keeps a pew-pew by his bed that he uses to shoot squirrels and other animals that get on his nerves And so he goes and he grabs it and he heads to his front door.
And once he gets to his porch, he sees a bunch of people he doesn't know in his driveway driving away. A car, an SUV, and a motorcycle. Now here's the other thing about Kevin. He really hates people on his property. He's very protective of his land. So instinctively, he points his pew-pew at the vehicles and he pulls the trigger. Blam! And then a bullet whizzes through the air.
And then he pulls it again. Blam! And that second bullet flies through the back windshield, into the SUV, and it hits Kalen in the neck. And that is when the driver, who's also Kalen's boyfriend, asks, is everyone okay? And Kalen doesn't answer. And they know something's wrong, and they're like, oh my god, she's been shot! And so, skrrt, they speed away as fast as they can.
And they try to call 911. However, remember, they're in the middle of nowhere. So they can't get any cell service. And so they keep driving. And they drive about five miles before they finally get a signal and they can finally call 911. But unfortunately, by that time, it's too late. And ultimately, Kalen doesn't make it.
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Chapter 4: What actions did Kevin Monahan take after the shooting?
Meanwhile, back at Kevin's house, Kevin is like, oh, I think I shot someone. And he's got to think fast. And so he decides to get rid of the evidence. First, he takes his pew-pew and he wipes his fingerprints off. Yes, you heard that right. He wipes his own fingerprints off his own firearm. Okay. But then he goes and he finds the shotgun shells to the slugs he fired and he hides them.
And honestly, I'm not exactly sure what his full plan is here. Regardless, pretty quickly police arrive and they're knocking on his door. Boom, boom, boom. But Kevin, he ain't answering. So they beat on it again. Boom, boom. But he refuses to come out. Instead, he stays inside and he calls 911 on the police. And he tells the operator, I wish they would leave. I want to go back to bed.
And so Kevin and police, they end up in a standoff for apparently an hour. Like Kevin refuses to come out and police refuse to leave until he comes out. But finally, after a long wait, he surrenders and he agrees to come out and police question him and they ask him what happened.
And yeah, police know that that's bullshit.
And so bam, they arrest him. Here's his mugshot. And so Kevin definitely shot this woman. No question, no one's arguing that he didn't. But is he going to prison for this? Well, eventually, old Kevin goes to trial, and there he tells a very different version of what happened. Here's what he says really happened.
One night, it's a normal night, and Kevin is asleep in his bed next to his wife, when suddenly, vroom, a loud noise wakes him up. What the hell was that? And so he grabs his pew-pew, and he looks outside, and he sees what he believes to be a motorcycle gang. They must be trying to break in. I mean, this must be a home invasion. And poor Kevin, he fears for his life. I mean, what's he going to do?
And so he yells to his wife, honey, go hide in the closet while I protect you. And then he goes outside. And to get these scary intruders to leave, blam, he fires a warning shot into the air. And the intruders turn around and they start to leave. But then the craziest thing happens. There just happens to be a nail sticking out of the floor of Kevin's porch.
And suddenly, pow, Kevin trips over it and he falls to the ground. And blam, this causes his pew-pew to accidentally go off again. And that bullet flies through the back windshield of the SUV and it hits Kalen right in the neck. And therefore, it was a total accident. And so, yeah, this is actually the story that he tells the jury. Bro's entire defense is, no, I fell over.
And so the judge hears all this and by this point he has had enough of Kevin's bullshit and he just lays into him.
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