Get Crazy Results in 90 Days! | MAPS Transform If you want your body to adapt and change, you must do it the RIGHT way! (1:59) Breaking down how you can get CRAZY results in 90 days: First 30 Days (8:18) Start SLOW (maximize adaptation and minimize recovery time) Five workout days a week Reverse diet Second 30 Days (17:07) Increase volume and intensity (takes more to trigger growth, move to a general split, sets are up with bulk and down with cut) Cut down workouts to 4 days a week Mini cuts mini bulks for diet Third 30 Days (23:38) Move to full body (muscle-sparing) Cut down workouts to 3 days a week All cut for diet Add cardio Get MAPS Transform today! (31:19) Related Links/Products Mentioned MAPS Transform Special Launch! ** Code TRANSFORM70 at checkout. $70 Off Gym + At-Home workouts. Includes: Adam’s 90-Day Body Recomp Journal (35 workout videos, Adam’s IG stories, Adam’s favorite snacks & recipes), and the MAPS Transformation Diet Guide. ** Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 50% off your first order ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump # 2287: Bodybuilding 101- How to Bulk and Cut Mind Pump # 2382: The 5 Biggest Challenges With Cutting & Bulking Mind Pump # 2210: Best Workouts for Bulking & Cutting Mind Pump # 1697: HIIT Training Doesn’t Work (Unless You Follow These Steps) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources
Chapter 1: What can you achieve with a 90-day body transformation?
With your hosts, Sal DiStefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews. Transform your body in 90 days. It is possible, okay? It is not likely, but it is possible. You have to do it right. We talk about it in today's episode, month by month. First month, second month, third month. How you can get your body from fat to fit. or to look like a before and after. You can do it if you do it right.
Chapter 2: How does MAPS Transform help in achieving your fitness goals?
By the way, we are launching a brand new program. It's our 90-day transformational program. It's called Maps Transform. Now, you can listen to the episode, and we tell you how to do it, but you can also get the program and have it all laid out for you. Exercises, sets, reps, what to do, when to do it, diet, supplements, the whole thing. Brand new program.
It's $70 off because it's a brand new launch. It's mappstransform.com. Use the code TRANSFORM70, so TRANSFORM70. That gives you $70 off. That includes some freebies. You get a 90-day body recomp journal. You follow Adam along with his 90-day transformation. We also give you a transformation diet guide.
By the way, this program can be done in the gym, but we also have an at-home version that's included for free. Now, this episode is brought to you by Hya Health. If you want to give supplements, multivitamins to your kids, Most of them are garbage that are out there. They're candy. They don't have adequate nutrients. Well, Hiya Health is different. No sugar. It's not candy. No artificial anything.
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Usually they're fake, but you can actually create one. Make it real. Dramatic changes in 90 days, but you can't screw up. Everybody messes up. We're going to talk today about how you can do your own transformation in 90 days, step by step. Month one, month two, and month three. Let's start.
I'm excited to talk about this because I think I finally get to clear the room with my whole thing. I didn't realize how many people... would think that was fake when we did that.
So here's the deal with before and afters and transformations. They often aren't real. Now that being said, the question is, what kind of results can someone actually get in 90 days? And if they do it right... Now, here's the thing. Doing it right does not mean doing it as hard as possible and doing everything all at the same time. That's not what that means.
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Chapter 3: Why do most people fail at body transformations?
If you want your body to adapt and change, you have to do it right, the right dose. Do it the right way. We'll get you the faster results. And if you do things the right way, you can make dramatic visible changes in 90 days, especially – now, here's the asterisk, and this applies to you, Adam – especially if you were in really good shape a while ago, right? If you fell out of shape.
Yeah, muscle memory.
Yes, then you have muscle memory on your side, and then if you tap into that – Oh my God, can you get your body to change in radical ways in just three months? But everybody screws us up. Everybody messes us up. And the main way they mess us up is they go all out, all at once. Too hard, too fast. Yes.
And you can get rapid results like you're saying, but you can get results that actually stick and are sustainable. And it's something you're building better habits. And this is all something that you're going through this and you're doing everything dialed in completely, like in tune with your body instead of doing it in spite of your body.
This is one of my favorite parts about the journey I had when I got to compete, what I love about training clients, why I still love doing this and talking about this today is there's a real art to it. It's not like anything else. Most other things in life, if you apply more pressure, more force, more effort, more hours, more work towards it, you're rewarded for it. You're better.
You make more money. You're more successful. And so a lot of people use that approach when it comes to a body transformation like this or getting in shape. And that's why the 30-day challenges are so popular and why people love that is because everybody has this... I shouldn't say everybody. It's an overgeneralization.
A lot of people have this attitude of, I can do anything for 30 days or 90 days. And so I'm willing to go all in on this thing. And they think that that approach... is the right approach or the right attitude. And, in fact, not only is it the wrong attitude, but it will get you there or get less of the results than what you – had you learned to do it correctly.
That's the most important thing you're saying, Adam, is that – because people will say, well, I don't care if it doesn't stick. I'm just going to get faster results, get better results. No, no, you'll get worse results. You'll get less results. You'll get – What you're dealing with, and this I think illustrates it, right?
You're dealing with, when you're trying to burn body fat and you're trying to build muscle and sculpt the body and shape the body, you are dealing with the human body. You're not just building something out of bricks. You're building the human body, which means you are working with your body's capacity to adapt and to change, okay?
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Chapter 4: What is the recommended approach for the first 30 days of transformation?
Yeah, I just think it's more like body recomps or transformations, right? Losing a bunch of body fat, building a bunch of muscle is more like building a cake or baking a cake than it is like getting good at a sport. But we approach it with this kind of sport mentality of going hard and, again, practicing more and more and doing more.
And it's more like baking a cake than it is like a sport where there's an art, there's a science to it. You just don't just throw a bunch of stuff together and go as hard as you possibly can. You won't get the results. And I think that's why so many people stall out. It's not by lack of effort. I don't know how many clients have hired me
And normally when they came to one of us, they'd already exhausted their resources. They'd already tapped their friend who did that one diet. They already talked to their friend who did that one program. They'd already tried countless different classes and done all these different things. And for some reason, they just...
weren't able to get to the results that they were promised or told or thought they could do and a lot of it was just going about it all the wrong way everything from the way they did their macros and calories to the amount of intensity they applied to the amount of volume that they applied i mean everything is wrong let's break this down okay so let's talk about the first 30 days because when you're doing this transformation this 90-day transformation
where maybe you were in shape a couple of years ago and you stopped or you haven't worked out for six months or whatever. And you're like, okay, in 90 days, I want to get back into incredible shape. Month one looks like this. The first 30 days looks like this. Number one, you got to start slow. You wanna start slow because you haven't been working out.
And the fact that you haven't worked out in a while means your body's gonna respond pretty rapidly to almost any proper stimulus. And more than that is gonna compromise your body's ability to adapt. Really what you're trying to do is you're trying to maximize adaptation and minimize recovery time. What I'm trying to do is I'm trying to send the signal that maximizes the adaptation process.
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Chapter 5: How does muscle memory affect your transformation results?
And in the first month, what I want, I don't care what your goal is, whether it's to build a lot of muscle and strength or burn a lot of body fat, month one should be about building. Because building muscle, look, if your goal is to build muscle, that's obvious. But if your goal is to burn body fat, it doesn't seem so obvious. Why should I build muscle in the first month?
I want to lose, you know, 30 pounds or whatever. Well, because that muscle is going to set you up for more effective and sustainable fat loss later on because it's fat-burning machinery. It boosts your metabolism. It makes your hormones work better for you. So we want to start with that first 80 days, regardless of what your goal is. to build, but we won't want to start slow.
We want to send an adaptation signal that maximizes adaptation, but that doesn't tap too much into recovery because what my body will do if I go too hard too fast is it'll spend more time healing and less time adapting, right? You have adaptation and recovery, but we use the word healing instead of recovery because I think that illustrates this a little better.
There's an overlap between them, which is true. But if I go above and beyond what is necessary to maximize adaptation, my body is going to utilize all of its resources for healing. And so what will happen if I do this wrong, which a lot of people do, is I'm going to get some results. By the way, this is where people will protest.
This will say, well, I went real hard and I got, look at these results I got in the first 30 days. Yeah, but you don't know what kind of results you could have gotten. Could have been better. You might have built three pounds of muscle in your first month coming back, which is great. That's great.
But you probably could have gained like eight pounds of muscle, which if you had eight, by the way, if you have muscle memory working for you, building that eight pounds of muscle in a month is actually quite possible for a lot of people. If you have really good genetics and you had a lot of muscle that you lost initially, you could build a lot more than that, as Adam demonstrated.
But nonetheless, you don't know what you could have done because you overdid it. What you don't want to do is get your body to focus so much on healing that it has no more resources or time to focus on adaptation. So you want to start slow. Now, what does the workouts look like here? What is the best way to apply strength training during this process? Many workouts every day.
Less is more.
every day. So rather than doing like two days a week in the gym and I'm working out, you know, for an hour each time, you should probably spend about 20 minutes doing two or three strength training exercise every single day and send that muscle building signal frequently to get those gears in motion. Keep the intensity somewhat moderate, but that's kind of what it's going to look like.
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Chapter 6: What is a reverse diet and why is it important?
They've been told by their doctor that something's wrong with them medically, or they saw themselves in the mirror one day, or they hit a weight they haven't hit forever, and they have all this emotion. And they're like, I'm going to make change today. And they're motivated to do that. And so part of that is like, I'm going to go.
And of course, day one, I'm going to get after it because I want to prove to myself I'm going to do this. But the opposite is true of what they should do. The opposite is like, listen, you haven't done shit for months or years. Do some push-ups. Do one or two exercises. That's it. And don't go over the top intensity. Moderate intensity.
Now, the data supports all this, by the way. People who are deconditioned, there was actually a couple studies on this where they did one isometric contraction once a week, and they saw like 20%, 30% shrinkage week over week. I mean, an isometric contraction, just for people listening, like one a week, that's like literally they squeezed their hand or their leg. For 30 seconds.
I love that study, though, because it highlights the point that I'm always trying to scream. It's like, listen, it doesn't take that much. If you did one isolation contraction in a week, you'll see positive change. So thinking in those terms, it's like, wow, then I really don't want to do too much. Too much, I'm more likely to overreach. You're cutting into your gains.
Yeah, I'm going to cut into my gains. But man, I could probably do just a little bit. and be all right. And then it gives me so much more room to dial it up.
If you do this right, if you're listening to this and you're like, okay, I've done this before. I've tried to get back in shape before. It never works. I fall out of shape, whatever. And you're like, okay, I'm going to try what these guys are saying. In that first 30 days, if you do this right,
you'll see strength gains and muscle gains week over week over week in that first 30 days, especially if you do what's called a reverse diet. What is a reverse diet? You're actually adding more protein especially to your diet.
So you're taking your current food intake and you're adding, making sure you hit about one gram of protein per pound of target body weight, which is probably not what you're doing now. So you're adding to your diet along with this muscle building stimulus of five days a week, maybe two exercises in the gym. So it shouldn't take you, like I said, maybe 20 minutes.
And what's going to happen by the end of this 30 days is you'll have a faster metabolism. So phase one or first 30 days, I've built some muscle. So most people watching and listening to this. Now, if you were in shape before, you're going to get more muscle. If you've never done this before, it'll be less.
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Chapter 7: How to adjust your workout intensity in the second 30 days?
I like to think of it as like if losing weight or losing fat is like digging a hole, I'm building the bigger shovel in that first month. In that first month, I'm building that big shovel. And then...
When you go to the second month and you start to do these little mini cuts and mini bulks, I'm also not going to burn myself out of just digging, digging, digging, digging all the time because that'll get burnt out also. And so you apply these little sprints of a calorie deficit so I get to see myself lean out again. And then I go back to building again, go back to building the shovel again.
And then I get little sprints at it again versus what a lot of people do, which is just aggressively cut and And they lose, lose, lose. And then they hit a plateau and they're so low a calorie they have nowhere to go. Instead of interrupting it with these kind of mini cuts and bulks, I just find that to be a far better long-term strategy and approach, both mentally and physically.
It just works better. And by the way, here's something else that's counterintuitive or should I say counter what people tend to do. When you're in your cut, when you're in your calorie cut, you need to reduce the volume of your training, not increase the volume. Everybody does the opposite. They're like, okay, now I'm trying to burn body fat. I'm in a calorie deficit.
Let me bump up the exercises that I'm doing and the reps that I'm doing. No, no, no. You've actually reduced your body's ability to recover because you've cut nutrients out of your diet, right? Proteins, fats, carbs, plus the micronutrients.
So now you're overstressing yourself.
So what you want to do in the cut is actually cut the volume a little bit. So you actually want to cut a set or two or three off of your workouts during the cut phase. During the bulk phase, you can bump the volume up a little. Not a huge difference, but you bump up the volume a little bit. So the volume is higher with the mini bulks and it's lower with the mini cuts.
Not the way that opposite that people tend to do it where they're like, I need to gain, so I need to do less. And I need to cut, so I need to do more of my workout. It's actually the opposite approach.
This is one of my favorite tips or hacks that you're talking about, whatever you want to label this as, because I think most people have a tendency to do what you said. When you're motivated to lose weight, you tend to increase volume, increase intensity, simultaneously decreasing calories, which to Justin's point is just overloading you with stress.
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