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Sal DiStefano


Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump. Mind Pump. With your hosts, Sal DiStefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. You guessed it. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we had people call in. We got to help them on air.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


What's also cool about them is that you can do them anywhere. They require very, very little equipment. It's super versatile. You don't need much to do it. which makes it something you can practice frequently. And again, practicing these frequently because they don't cause lots of damage, it's an incredible addition to almost any routine. I mean, I'm gonna say it very clear.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Most people, if you start to apply isometrics to your routine, You're going to add a grand total of 10 minutes to your workout, but you're probably going to get a 10% or more improvement in your results, which very few things you can do for 10 minutes will give you that much of an improvement. It's pretty remarkable.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And by the way, do them at the beginning of your workout if you really want to do them best. And then here's something for people with home gyms. I had a friend of mine who did this, and I'm thinking about doing this myself. He was super, super into strength training. He was like a student of the game. He lived in my old neighborhood.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And what he did is he bolted, what are those ring bolts called that you put? Eye bolts. He put two eye bolts deep into the concrete and then he attached chains to it and he put the chains on a bar. And he could get underneath it with a bench and he could do overcoming isometrics with a bench. He could do a deadlift on it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


He could do a squat on it and overhead press just by lengthening the chain, getting the bar and pushing and it wouldn't move.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And then, like I said, Bruce Lee used to use one. It looked like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Anyway, so I was having a conversation. I was on some other podcasts recently. And the conversation started to revolve around exercise for kids. Because, well, I mean, we know obesity and poor health and chronic health conditions. It's affecting every age group, every single age group. But it's probably saddest to see in children because...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


children used to be a category that was untouched by chronic issues, you know, health issues.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


It's very, very challenging. I remember when I first got my first certification in 1997, they had just changed the name of adult-onset diabetes to type 2 diabetes. I remember that. It used to be called adult onset diabetes because adults got it. And it was, you develop diabetes through an unhealthy lifestyle. They changed it to type two diabetes because they started seeing kids get it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And now you still see this, you see this even more. So anyway, conversation was around children. And the question was like, how do you train kids? Like, how should kids exercise? How should I... And what I said to them, and I think this is important to communicate to our audience because we have a lot of listeners who have children.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


The most important thing to consider when it comes to exercise for your kids is not the programming. It's not the exercise itself. It's not even the technique. These are all important. I'm not saying those are important, but they're not the most important. The most important thing to consider is the relationship your child builds with exercise.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yes, because what you don't want to do – and I've seen this already. I've seen this in the fitness space with fitness fanatics and their kids. They create such a poor relationship with exercising their kids. We've all seen this with sports, right? The dad that forces their kid to play soccer or whatever and just makes them hate it so much they never want to do it again.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


The most important thing with your kids is that they enjoy it. So when you're doing exercise with your kids and they don't want to do what you're telling them to do, that's okay. Make it fun because what you want is for them to have, you want them to have this relationship to where when they grow up, they want to continue doing it versus they do the perfect routine, but they hate it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And therefore you're forcing them to do it. Then they become a teenager. They rebel and that's it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


forced relationship with you talk about processed food if you go through um your grocery store and you look at foods that are marketed and made for kids that is 95 percent processed food yeah like they're all and they're all extremely bright colored food dyes and and you're and and yes it does and i look i'm a parent okay i get it it's a it's a lot of work then the biggest struggle

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


that you're challenged with when you feed your kid is they're not going to eat it. Are they going to eat it? They're not going to eat it. So it's easy to give them something that they like and they'll eat. So I get that it's a challenge. And the food industry, it goes in that direction. We make foods that people will buy and people buy things that are easy for their kids to eat or that they like.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


But... here's why it's even worse for kids than it is for adults. Forget the fact that they're little and that, you know, it's terrible to see chronic health issues with children. Their brains are developing and they're hyperplastic much more than as an adult. Like our brains are still plastic, but there's plasticity in a child's brain that they, at a certain age you don't have anymore.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Like if a kid learns four languages before a certain age, they'll have no accent in all of them. They'll speak all fluently. I can learn four languages and every single one is going to have an English accent because I speak English. And that's it. My brain is in its plastic. So what happens when a kid is exposed to frequently hyperpalatable engineered foods is their brain molds itself.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


The vast majority of you are killing your gains. You're not reaching your full potential because you're not doing this one strength building technique that has been proven dramatically improve your strength, build muscle, activate more muscle fibers. What is it? Isometrics. You got to do those. Yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


It actually molds and shapes itself to this food to the point where there are going to be permanent changes when they're an adult. Now, they can change their eating habits and all that stuff, but they'll have a pull towards hyperpalatability that they wouldn't have had had they not been exposed that will probably stay with them forever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


It's like giving a kid drugs at a young age versus an adult using drugs or whatever. It's like both are bad, but for a child – Um, it's totally different.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


That's why the relationship part is so important because at some point they're going to navigate the world on their own. So, you know, back to exercise, you want your kids to have this great memory and great experience with exercise so that they don't rebel against it or think of it as some negative thing. So that's the most important thing is to have a workout.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


We'll start with the first thing that I just said, which is the data shows that isometrics, in particular, overcoming isometrics, it's a type of isometric, Activates more muscle fibers within a muscle than any other type of strength training technique Yeah, it's it's so effective at so effective so powerful.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So I was looking up one of our partners, Juve, right? They do red light therapy. Do you know how soon people start to see changes in their skin after using- Immediately. It's like two or three sessions.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Two or three sessions, people will notice. The collagen- The way it stimulates collagen production is so remarkable. It's actually quite profound. It literally turbo charges collagen production in your skin. And people will notice within two or three sessions, definitely by 10 sessions, by 10 sessions, people are like, oh, I noticed a big difference.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


do radiant I don't know any terms for that I read a study the other day that I would love to so let's see if you guys can poke holes the study itself isn't a problem I'll pull it up It's that... Are we going to talk about how fat you are today or no? No. What? Okay. We'll get there. Sweet. I don't know how you're so good with numbers, dude. It's ridiculous how good you are with numbers. Okay.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So this study, and I was kind of like I did a post about it and I was a dick and I took it down because I'm like, I shouldn't be like that. I shouldn't talk like that. But I read this study. I read the post and it's by Brad Schoenfeld, which I love. He's got great research. This dude's got some of the best research.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Absolutely love his stuff. But sometimes these studies, many times, they give us good information, but then a trainer or a coach or a fitness influencer will try and take it and apply it, and they start to miss the force for the tree. So I'll read you what he wrote. So they did a study comparing cluster sets to traditional sets. for muscle hypertrophy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So you guys know what a cluster set is, right? That's where you do so many reps, you wait 10 seconds, do more reps.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, so do I. So here's what it says. Our new study showed similar increases in muscle thickness between cluster sets and traditional sets. Okay, in other words, equal. Now here's the part where I'm like, okay. When total volume and intensity of effort were equated between conditions. Here's the deal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I don't know anybody who has ever done a cluster set and not dramatically increased the intensity. It never comes along with the same intensity as a traditional set. It's always a intensity increaser. This is why people will swear by cluster sets. It works so great. It ramps it up. So in a study, they controlled that. But in the real world, nobody controls that. Nobody would control that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yes, so whenever you're you're exercising or your strength training I should say Part of the goal is to activate more muscle fibers. This is one of the factors not the only factor It's one of the factors that determines well, how much muscle and strength am I going to build and? And the more muscle fibers you can recruit, the more effective you're making the exercise.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And it also doesn't take into account... So here's the real world. Here's what happens in the real world when someone uses a Christmas set.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, I like the study, but it doesn't apply to... Like, in the real world, this is not how they're used.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


No, no, no, no. He just did this post, and then people are commenting underneath, like, oh, all these variations don't mean anything. Just do traditional sets. And I'm like, well, you guys missed it. It said, in the real world... when cluster sets are applied, there's usually almost always two factors that you see. One, intensity is increased.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Nobody does a cluster set and has the same intensity as before. It's always a way to increase intensity. So they're controlling intensity, making me equal or equating them. That doesn't happen in the real world. Number two, a cluster set is almost always employed as a novel way of training. It's almost never the way I always train. It's almost always something I just added.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You can tell. It just... 10 seconds in, I'm like, oh, he's trained a lot of people.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And more advanced lifters are able to do this more effectively. Somebody who's been working out for 10 years can activate more muscle fibers than somebody who just got started. So it's a technique you can learn and grow with over time. You can build the skill.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You have a lot of followers, so you must know what they're talking about.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


We coached them on air, but this was after the intro. In the intro, we talked about fitness, science, nutrition, muscle building, fat loss, and Great time. If you ever want to be on an episode like this, call in. Have us coach you on air. Email us your question at live at This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Juve. This is red light therapy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


good trainers that people don't know about of course then then good trainers that you know i know that's why we're always looking for them yeah yeah give them a spotlight for a bit yeah i'm glad you brought them up yeah yeah oh you want to talk about how fat i am now yeah you know what's crazy what's crazy is your your ability to predict just numbers in general or so it's so great so you you you guessed my body fat at a certain percentage so i brought calipers so i'm like there's no way that's my body fat percent and you were like within point

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I didn't think because I'm heavy right now. So I'm like, there's no way I'm that lean. But you were right. She tested or he tested me. Justin did. And it was like, what was it, 7.5? So it was right there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I eat a lot. I eat a lot. I don't eat garbage, but I do eat a lot.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


But if you really want to activate the most muscle fibers, like isometrics does this better than lifting heavy, better than lifting light, better than –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And my wife is really good about cooking and preparing my meals for me and all that. And shout out to my wife. It really makes a big difference. Eating out definitely would make it more challenging. But I'm not trying. That's the crazy thing. I'm not really trying. So it's my metabolism.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Cause I push it. The difference between my good gut health and bad gut health for me is about eight pounds of lean body mass. That's how big of a difference it makes. It's like eight pounds. And right now my gut health is good. And I'm not going to mess with it. I'm not going to push it. Because there was a moment there where it got really good. Remember, I got cocky.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And I was like, I was eating a cheeseburger. Oh, yeah. Oh, I could eat dairy again. And then it threw it way off. I had to back way out of it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


you know, eccentric contractions, which is when you lower the weight or concentric where you raise the weight, just holding steady and driving into something or pulling into something or squatting into something that doesn't move, that'll activate the most muscle fibers.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I just have to really, really stay away from foods that I know can cause intolerances. And if it gets really bad, I even have to be careful with starch. So potatoes and even rice I have to be careful with.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You can buy, I'm not going to say they'll psych, because I don't know how we can, if we get in trouble for this, but you can buy an ivermectin-fenbendazole combo, and you can buy it online.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You can buy it, and it'll kill any parasite. By the way. There are some people that recommend, I'm not saying this, this is not me, it's not mind pump, but some people who recommend that you should do some kind of a parasite cleanse once a year.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I don't know what that number is, but- If you eat raw vegetables ever, which you eat salads and stuff like that, if you sexual contact, you can definitely pass parasites. So if your spouse has a parasite, you have a parasite. And the sushi. And so if you've never done a parasite treatment and you're, you know... 30 years old, 40 years old, whatever. The odds are you might.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You probably collected something. Yeah, dude. And then when you treat a parasite, here's what's crazy. You treat it. You'll take something. It'll kill the parasite. Then you have to wait like two weeks and then do it again because the eggs are there. Oh. So you'll kill off the parasite and then two weeks later the eggs will hatch and you got to do it again. You got to treat it again. Really?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I'm just so mad. You're making a face like it's so gross. It is gross. It sounds so disgusting, dude.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


That's a lot of people, though. Yeah, dude. So out of 350, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


One-fifth. Okay. Oh, wow. That's a decent percentage. Yeah, one out of five. I mean, there's five of us in here right now, so one of us definitely has it. One of you. Yeah, you're full of parasites. I believe it, dude. But I'll show you where you can buy it. I won't recommend it here because you're not supposed to, whatever. But yeah, what are the common ones there, Doug?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Was that the one that lowers your IQ in the South? Oh, Trichinomus vaginalis.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Disgusting. Did I tell you guys? I didn't tell you. My daughter, my two-year-old daughter, she comes up to me. She walks up to me with her finger like this. And she's just like from across the room. Papa, papa, papa. And I'm like, what? She goes, booger. I'm like, oh, come on. Come on. I had to like clean her finger. She does that like twice now.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


What's the worst for you guys? As a parent, you have to deal with poop, boogers, and throw up and pee, right? Those are the four gross. What's the grossest out of all this? Because every parent's different. You know, like my wife, if she gets poop anywhere, it's like, oh.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You're not encouraged. I know you're the same way, Adam. It was a superpower for me with clients who had babies, because here I am, young man, trainer, and they'd have postpartum sometimes. Client would bring their baby in, and I was so comfortable with their baby. The baby would pee on me. I wouldn't trip out over it. And I'm a guy, so they don't expect me to be super chill.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So it was always like, oh, my God, he's the greatest or whatever. I love that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


My 40-year-old, he'll cook his own scrambled egg. We'll watch him. Like, we'll watch him.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, so he'll turn on the stove. It's so great. He'll crack the egg.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, so Jessica will give him a butter knife to slice zucchini and stuff. And he'll do everything on his own. He'll olive oil it, salt it, do the whole thing all on his own, which is pretty cool. When I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to touch any of that stuff.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Great question. I'm so glad you asked that, Adam, because I was just asked this on a recent podcast that I was on.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Don't put the fork in there. I want to ask you, Justin, about Scamanda podcast. Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah, you got it, bro.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I know you'll know the answer. So what's crazy is isometrics were extremely popular with strength athletes way back in the day. It was like one of the preferred ways of exercise. Back when strength athletes... or even bodybuilders had to show what they could lift. Back in the day, like it was great looking muscular, but you also had to perform.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So she lied about having cancer so she could collect donations. So she could get money.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


That is so messed up. You have to mess up for people who have cancer. You know what I mean?

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, I mean, whether you believe that or not, how spiritually, you know, the spiritual illness you must have to be okay doing that. Yeah. You know, because you're not just robbing people, which is already, you're already in a bad place, but you're also, you're asking for people through empathy and compassion.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, my God. She looks familiar. That's weird. I know. No, I don't know her. No, she's right there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, I'm going to take a left here. I am seeing more and more articles on the peptide for skin called GHK-CU. You're seeing this in really high-end... skin care products that are very hard to find. Maybe, Doug, you could type in GHKCU studies for skin.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Really remarkable stuff. That's what's in the Interra, right? That's what's in Luminos by Interra. But there is 3% GHKCU. You don't find 3%. That's pretty high, yeah. It's very high. The highest you'll find anywhere is 0.51, if you're lucky. There's 3%. I love that stuff. Yeah. It's incredible. So does Katrina. Doug, read that real quick.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And the way that these bodybuilders at the turn of the century or the previous century, I should say, the way that they made money was they competed. They would go on a stage and see who could lift the most weight. And so the isometrics, one of their favorite forms of exercise. Isometrics are done in other strength sports quite a bit, but they're not as popular because They don't look cool.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So GHKCU is so powerful, okay, that if you get a sunburn, so I know somebody who did this, They got a sunburn. They applied this on the sunburn. We should have Justin test this. It would be perfect. Yeah. Come summer.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


No, to do a proper test. Get the NASCAR test. To do a proper test. Burn the shit out of him. No, this is what we'll do. Justin will go out in the sun, get a sunburn on his face. We'll only apply luminosa on half of his face. So we can see the difference between half of your face. We got to do a cool design or something. So I know somebody did this. They got sunburned.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And it was not a good sunburn. It was a pretty bad sunburn. And they put it on. And the next day, the sunburn was gone. Wow. Like, the next day it was gone. Yeah, okay, I'm definitely doing that. And then who was it that we know that we were on a virtual call with that talked about this?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


It was one of the representatives from Interra. It was. I remember talking about that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Paleo Valley makes the best meat sticks anywhere. Grass-fed, delicious, not dry. They're great. Go check them out. It's a great gut health friendly, clean protein snack on the go. Go to forward slash mindpump On that link, you'll get 15% off. All right, back to the show. This segment of the podcast is brought to you by

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Adam and I get on every other month and teach trainers and coaches how to be more effective and successful, and it's free, Our first caller is Ron from Rhode Island. Ron, what's up, man? What's going on, Ron? How can we help you?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Like if I film myself doing an isometric, what am I doing? I'm not moving. It's not nearly as cool or awesome or fun to look at. So it just doesn't sell as much as me lifting a weight. Absolutely. Is that really the theory? Yeah. That's not just the theory. It's a fact.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. Yeah. You know, on its, on the surface, if somebody said, uh, I strength train two hours, five days a week, is that too much? Generally speaking, I would say yes. Here's the problem with that on an, on a, on an individual basis. I mean, it could really vary. You've been strength training for a long time. So what I would typically ask you is why are you asking this question?

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Now, you kind of told me a little bit in your question. You said you're finding it hard to get motivated and you're sometimes feeling like you're spinning your wheels. So I think a better question to ask would be, would I get the same results if I worked out less or would I get better results if I worked out less? Probably.

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You probably, if you cut it down to an hour, I don't think you'd see any slowdown in progress. I mean, five pounds of muscle in a year is... It's pretty damn good. You're doing pretty well. So if you cut it down to an hour, I don't think you would see a reduction in progress. You might actually see yourself progressing more.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


But really the only way to know that is to test it out and see for yourself.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I don't know. Because you're progressing. Your testosterone is good. You're building muscle. So I don't know if you're necessarily overtraining. If you're noticing insomnia, excessive soreness and stiffness, if your progress is going backwards, then you're probably overdoing it. But if you're slowly progressing, you feel good, you're probably okay.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So the real question is, can I do less and get the same results? If... if what you said was something you're really feeling, which is sometimes I don't want to work out for two hours. In other words, you don't want to work out for two hours. You probably don't have to. But are you overtraining?

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, the thing too, Ron, just from what I'm hearing from what you're saying, If this is something you want to be able to do for the rest of your life, you want to exercise, you want to stay mobile and strong and independent for the rest of your life, the most important thing to consider in the entire context of this is the relationship that you have with exercise.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So if you're finding yourself getting to the point where you're not liking it, and it's drudgery, and I'm showing up two hours. I don't know if I want to do this. The risk, forget the risk of gains. The risk is you're going to start hating this, and then you're not going to do it anymore. So, okay, so let's just look worst case scenario. You cut your workouts down to an hour.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You sacrifice a pound of muscle a year, but your relationship to exercise stays strong. That's better. That's a better trade-off. So consider that as well. So another thing to consider too, I mean, I would love for you to try MAPS anabolic, but here's another thing.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Here's another thing. You're going to go into your garage gym, your basement gym. You're like, oh my God, I got to do two hours. There's nothing wrong with going, I'm going to do 30 minutes today because I'm going to protect the relationship I have with exercise. There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. And I would bet my house that you wouldn't lose any gains from doing that occasionally.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You're good. You're perfectly fine. You're fine. We're going to send it to you, Ron. You got a barbell and dumbbell and a squat rack bench. You're good. Yeah.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Deficiency at this point. Look, I've had two-hour workouts, but the reason why I've had two-hour workouts is I had long rest periods and I was going really heavy.

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Two hours of double the volume. It's typically two hours of the same volume. I'm just taking really long rest periods, doing a little bit of mobility in between, stretching, foam roll, whatever. And so when I train more powerlifting style, sometimes my workouts are an hour and a half or two hours. But it's not because I'm doing tons and tons of work. Same.

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You got it, man. Thanks for calling in. We'll send that to you.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I think that's, is that all in one day? Yeah, it's all in one day. Typical workout.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


No, but it's one, two, three. I mean, you know, count the sets there, Doug. Three squats. It's about 25. In one workout.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And he can also one workout do more isolation, one workout do more compound lift.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


These are all great exercises. Like I said, I've done two-hour workouts, but it wasn't because I was doing a ton of volume. It was because I sat on the bench and rested for five or six minutes.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You also don't want to follow a routine that you start to hate because then you'll stop at some point. Our next caller is Andrea from California. Hi. How can we help you? Good morning.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Not like muscle memory. I mean, with muscle memory, we actually have observed epigenetic changes that make the adaptation the second or third time around much, much easier. Now, with body fat, what can happen... Your fat cells grow. Well, fat cells grow and shrink, and you really only add the number of fat cells to your body. Well, as a woman during puberty, third trimester of pregnancy...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And for both men and women, it's suggested, and there's some studies that actually show this probably happens, where if you gain body fat rapidly, that you might add fat cells to your body. Adding fat cells would make gaining body fat easier.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


There's a little debate, but yeah, I think this happens. I totally think this happens.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Now, the key with that is the gain, the weight gain would be rapid. And the theory is that the body tries to find a way to capture the extra energy more effectively because of the rapid fat gain. And so then it adds fat cells. Also, your fat can change itself to being more or less metabolically active.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You've heard of brown fat, you know, white fat, like cold temperature can make fat more, you know, thermogenic or metabolically active, healthy people versus unhealthy people. You tend to see this as well. So that may also play some kind of a role. And I've heard people talk about like a set point, body weight set point type of deal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


No, no, you're right, Adam. You're absolutely right. But the reason why we're here, the reason why there's so little education or so little discussion around isometrics is because it doesn't look as cool. It's harder to sell. So it fell out of favor and people forgot about them. But if you look at the data, there's a lot of data. There's a lot of studies on isometric contraction training.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I think that genetically speaking, there's probably a range that your body wants to stay within. I don't think it's obese. I don't think it's super ripped. It's kind of somewhere in this kind of like healthy middle. But it's hard to separate that from our behaviors as well. Behaviors also tend to take a set point, right? Like if you grow up your entire life

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


eating with really no regard, developing a relationship with food that isn't, loosely put, it's not healthy, and then you change your life and you try to pursue a healthy lifestyle, and it's two years into this, you've lived a long time in a particular way, And so that's a difficult chain to break, I guess. So it's hard to separate it, right, to see what's going on.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


But in terms of like how muscle memory works, no, no, not the same.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, cool. You want to follow one of our other programs like Power Lift or Muscle Mommy?

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Let's send it. Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Awesome. Great program. You got it. Thanks for calling in.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, if you think of the body as an adaptation machine, and let's say – I'm just going to create a scenario, not a realistic one, but let's just – just for argument's sake. Let's say – you lose 50 pounds of body fat and then you gain it back and you do this every two years, right? At a certain point, your body is probably like, this is going to happen again.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So I'm going to capture more calories. I'm going to prepare for the starvation. I'm going to make this easier to survive and make this less stressful on myself. And so your body probably would get better at holding on to those calories. And again, metabolism, fat storage, where your body sends energy, And it's, you know, we understand a lot of it, but there's a lot we don't understand.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And there's just really, there's this huge gap between what we know and what we don't know. It's so complex that at this point, all we could do is base some of this off of our own experience and anecdote.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And look. And again, you know, you can make the argument it's biological, it's emotional or psychological. You know, as a trainer or coach, I don't care. I don't care. All I know is you could try separating all you want. But what I know is when somebody loses and gains weight, loses and gains weight, loses and gains weight, it gets harder and harder each time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So whether that's just biological, just psychological, all of the above, whatever, it does make it more challenging.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I thought we knew that if you put on— It's been observed, but I think you probably need to keep seeing it before you can make it like a fact. I agree with it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


isometrics they're fury fast and furious in a very short period of time now you'll plateau faster by the way you'll plateau you'll plateau quick faster with isometrics but that initial strength gain is ridiculous and an isometric should not be used alone that's the thing well if you use them in a routine it's like you're adding you're going to add jet fuel to your current routine is what's

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


yeah it's just i guess i guess uh what constitutes fast yeah it's probably where that grayer it is it's also like it counters long-held uh beliefs and how we add fat cells so forever we've been taught you don't add fat cells it seems like a natural like advantage for uh surviving yeah right so it seems like the body would want to do that Of course. That's why it makes sense.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And we've seen stuff like that. So I would say based on the studies and our experience, I'm sure it happens.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, Kyle, I appreciate you calling in. and being so open and vulnerable. I think that's great. Thank you. The key here with what Adam's saying is prioritize the protein first from whole natural foods. So what we're not saying is eat like you currently eat and add the protein on top of it. Not necessarily.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


What we're saying is with every meal, start with protein and stick to only whole natural foods. If you just do those two things, you don't have to do anything else. That's a big step that will actually take you- It's going to taper down your calories naturally. It'll take you pretty damn far. It'll take you pretty far before you have to make any other changes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Here's the challenge, the big challenge with, and I've worked with a lot of clients who've had to lose over 100 pounds, okay? A significant amount in the 20 plus years that I've trained people. There's two big challenges. They're actually the same challenges that other people have, but they're more challenging because it's a little bit more complex.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Number one is you just have a longer road to get to your quote-unquote goal. It just takes longer to lose 100 pounds than it does to lose 20 pounds. So you just got to kind of stay on that a little longer. And number two, your relationship with food and exercise is more complex. It's just more complex. So someone may reach the point that you've reached, when they're 30 pounds overweight.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


But for you, it took a lot longer because the relationship with food is a little bit more complex. So you probably have a relationship with food where you find yourself eating in binge or you find yourself eating for reasons other than hunger, whether it's comfort, hedonism, stress, whatever. As a result, your hunger signals are a little mismatched. And so what you find

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


feel or identify as satisfaction or full or whatever is far off from what would be considered healthy, and that's okay. You can rebuild and change your relationship with those things. So for someone like you, like I'll ask you this question, Kyle, if this is something that you're very serious about, now that doesn't mean, when I ask people that, they think that means I'm not going to mess up.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm going to do everything perfect. No, it literally means like, Is this important to you? If it is, I'm going to be very honest with you, Kyle. Nothing is going to guarantee your success as much as working with a coach through this whole process. The best possible investment you can make for this, I mean, we're going to give you some advice now. That's great. You can listen to the podcast.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


That's phenomenal. You can try doing it on your own. That's great as well. But your success rate will triple or quadruple if you have somebody that you're working with on a weekly basis, virtually even. It doesn't even have to be in person.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


In person would be great, but virtually I think that would be – and what will happen with this person is as you're going through this process, you're going to hit those stumbling blocks, those challenges. You're going to get on with them, and they're going to be able to coach you through – and guide you through that process. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to backslide 100%.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Just accept the fact that that happens. We're all human. Give yourself grace. But you're going to have that guide and that coach to pull you out of that hole, pull you out of that shame, to help to give you an anchor so that you can keep somewhat moving forward. Even if it means you're moving backwards sometimes, but you're kind of keeping.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So a guide or a coach, there's nothing I can tell you on this that will come close to the success that that could potentially bring you.

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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And there is no such thing as too slow a progress. There is such a thing as too fast a progress. So keep that in mind. An inch moving forward is forward. That's the key to something like this because the big mistakes I've seen people make over and over with this is they go too far, too fast, make too many changes too quickly, and then they rebound. We still need to build, man.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


I mean, not starter. Excuse me. Fifteen. Oh, 15 first. I like 15, bro. I love 15.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I love that because you'll be in the gym every day for a little bit. So it's really just building a habit. You're only going to be in there for 20 minutes. And I'd like to see you walk for five to 10 minutes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You know what you could do, Kyle? So if you're sedentary throughout the day, you could every... Put it on your shoes. How many hours a day do you work?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And for anybody listening who's in that situation, you know, you make one small step, you stick to it. Then you make another small step, and you stick to it. The challenge is when you make the decision like he did, to call in, right, be on camera or whatever, you're often like, I'll do it all now.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


When you have Kyle talk to him, Doug, why don't you tell Kyle just to talk to him about coaching to see if he can actually do it? Because he doesn't know how much it costs. He said it's not feasible. I'd like to have Kyle talk to him a little bit more just to see if it's something you do, even for a few months.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Even if he did it for three months, it was significantly better than doing nothing at all. And oftentimes people say that because they're afraid, not necessarily because it's not feasible. Maybe, you know, I'm not saying he's lying, but have Kyle approach him about that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at MindPumpJustin. I'm at MindPumpDeStefano. Adam's at MindPumpAdam.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So here's, here's the deal. So to be clear, a, a just isometric routine is, is applicable for a small segment of the population, like injury, uh, you know, when we're looking at risk assessment, the way isometrics should be used for most people is in conjunction or to supplement or to turbocharge their current routine. That's how you use isometrics.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And strength athletes who compete in sports where they have to, by the way, actually not even, no, I'm going to take it back. All strength sports, including bodybuilding, where you just pose, they all use isometrics. Bodybuilders use isometrics. They practice posing. Posing is isometrics, and bodybuilders will tell you posing after your workout.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Arnold used to talk about this all the time, that posing after his workout brought out, he would say, more definition, more muscle control. Powerlifters have used isometrics forever. They use yielding isometrics quite a bit. Yielding isometrics are like I lower a weight and I hold it. They're holding it, yeah. Overcoming isometrics would be me pushing against something that can't move.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, like a wall. Yeah, that activates more muscle fibers, yielding a little bit less, but both of them extremely valuable. And all the strength – Olympic lifters use isometrics. I mean, of course, the top of all of their Olympic lifts is a very strong isometric where they're holding that position.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Yes. In fact, starting your workout with isometrics is a great way to work out always. So whatever your workout is doing, if you added –

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It's the highest percentage amount of that peptide for better skin. The stuff really works. Go check them out. Go to That's forward slash MPM. Use the code MPM. Get 10% off your order. Also, one more thing. We're doing group coaching. That's right.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


a couple sets of isometrics uh before you did your lifts the rest of your lifts will be more effective that's like a very easy basic general way to add isometrics uh in your training you know this supports the uh a little bit right even though i know we're not i'm not a fan of it because i think it could also cause poor recruitment patterns and it's not ideal but

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


There's an old piece of exercise equipment that Bruce Lee used to use, and you can still find this. It's literally a board with two chains and then a bar.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, and you would do these isometrics on it, and Bruce Lee was a huge fan of isometrics, and he would talk about how much it contributed to his ability... to generate force.

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So you can get underneath it. You can pull it, whatever. The other part of isometrics that are great is you can do them frequently because they don't, you don't get sore from isometrics. I could do other type of muscle contractions. It doesn't cause as much damage. It's still a stress on the body, but not as stressful as a, you know, traditional exercise. You can do them often.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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So if you're looking at your routine and you want to add a little more to get better results, because sometimes that's challenging. Okay. If I add more, am I going to over, am I going to, Do more than my body's going to be able to adapt to. What do I do? Start with isometrics. You can do these at home.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


You can do isometrics at home, add 15 minutes of it every single day to your routine, and you've added something that's probably, for many people, going to significantly improve their strength and muscle gain and not really compromise anything. The recovery. It's one of those tools that is powerful yet not as damaging. And that's valuable.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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It's very valuable when you're trying to program your workout or if you're a trainer or coach, trying to add things to your client's routine without stressing them or stressing their bodies too much.

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If you're trying to get back into shape, if you were in shape before, got out of shape, get back into shape, we're looking for a group of people who want to get coached by a Mind Pump trainer and by us. We're going to pop in as well. Go to Sign yourself up if there's any space available. Finally, there's three days left. for our MAPS sale.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


The other thing about isometrics, which this is very rarely will you see this combination with a strength training or exercise technique, a combination of extreme effectiveness, but also mirrored with very low risk of injury. Usually, the more effective something is, the risk of injury, the skill required to perform it starts to come up as well.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


Some of the best exercises typically require the most skill, and they typically come with a high risk of injury because the skill required to do them is so – there's so much skill required. Isometrics require very little skill. You're not moving. It's the safest muscle contraction you can do. Can you hurt yourself doing isometric? Of course. But you're far less likely.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


So this is a form of exercise that you can do when you're injured, when you're rehabbing. So this is the best exercise. strength training technique for rehabbing an injury. And it's excellent for people who are deconditioned. This is how I would, many, many times I would do isometrics with my advanced age clients because it was so safe.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)


And the strength gains would be so, like we said earlier, so fast and so furious. Yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I think there's a way to do it. There is. I know.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


No, I mean, I think you can even use before and after pictures in a way.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, and also tell the whole story. Like tell the whole story, not just what the body looks like before and after. Because you know what it does? First off, it sets up people for failure. Well, I did six months, and I don't look that. And then they ignore the fact that they feel better, they sleep better, they have better mobility, they're stronger.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


They're not even paying attention to those things. It sets up false expectations. Again, it's not telling the whole story, and it continues to promote – the wrong message. And I would say, by the way, you brought up a great point, Justin, supplement companies and diets and fitness that are all garbage used before and afters.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And a lot of those before and afters are doctored or the pictures are reversed. A lot of people don't know this. A lot of times supplement companies will go to somebody who's shredded and say gain 30 pounds of body fat and will pay you. They'll take a picture, make that the before, and the after is the picture that they took of them when they were lean.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


That's like, by the way, they do that all the time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


MAPS Anabolic and the No BS Six Pack Formula combined together for an incredible deal, $59.99 for both total. You get both for that. Just go to if you want to sign up. All right, here comes the show.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


That's why I put uses body transformations as the primary source of authenticity. I don't think using before and afters you know, is bad. I think if that's your business, that's your primary source of showing authenticity, then you probably have somebody that is a red flag.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's not painted a picture very well because you can, you'll see these pages and it's all, it's almost, you know, 80, 90% before and afters and 30 day challenges and before and afters. And it's products that are being sold primarily by before and afters before and after before, which by the way, it's less these days. Cause I think the consumer, uh, It was, by the way, in the 90s? Oh, my God.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live callers' questions. People called in. We got to coach them on air, but this was after our intro. Today's intro is 54 minutes long. In the intro, we talk about fitness, workouts, diet, studies. It's a good time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It got so crazy that they started making memes about it. Like, there's that one famous meme where there's, like, this overweight white dude and then there's a shredded black man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just to show, like... That's my favorite.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Just to show how mean, you know? Dang, 30 days?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It became a meme. Next up is people who – I mean the vast majority of their media and marketing and examples of social proof are pictures of themselves and their half-naked bodies. This one I think most people get, right? It's like I'm a coach and you go on the social media. It's all pictures of them. flexing and naked or half naked shirtless or whatever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Speaking of which, I pulled up a personal training study, which was really interesting. Okay, let me ask you guys this. Of all of the values that coaching or personal training can provide someone, all the benefits... What would you guys say is – I mean, they're all good, but what's the top, the top most important benefit, would you say?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Totally. Because if you look at the data, the biggest challenge with weight loss or improved fitness or improved health – Just being consistent. Is that they stop at some point.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Totally. Just like a perfect diet done inconsistently is worse than a sub-perfect diet that's done consistently. Consistency is paramount. Now, all the other stuff's important too, so I don't want to downplay it. but I pulled up a personal training study. I'll read you, cause I'm like, do they have studies on like the success of coaching and personal training?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And they actually, they actually do have a study and they actually measured it. So, so check this out. They did, this was over, this was over a hundred clients And of all the clients, 61 out of the over 100 moved up a stage in terms of fitness and consistency and whatever. 13 clients moved up considerably, two stages. 27 of the clients stayed the same in terms of consistency.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Out of 102 clients, only one reduced their consistency. Only one over this entire period of time. Compared to the placebo, which was the opposite, vast majority of people, would fall down or lose consistency.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I think, yes, all of that. I think it's having someone there to coach you through the challenges, especially if they do a good job, they can forecast, hey, it's going to get tough.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


These people are the downfall of the fitness industry. Look, don't listen to people who do these three things. Here's the first one. 30-day fitness challenges. If that's their business, turn the other way and run.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


There's also, because they also put in their coaching with a group. There's also the social component of working with other people. And we're all kind of moving towards this goal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If you look at like the gym industry in particular, we'll say fitness industry at large, there's really over the last, I would say 30 years, there's only really been one significant change or one significant impact from something that came in and radically, really they radically shifted the way that people work out and the perception of gyms and what works and what doesn't work.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And that was CrossFit. CrossFit made long-lasting impacts in fitness, okay? They brought squats back. They brought deadlifts back. They brought Olympic lifts back. They did that single-handedly, even though bodybuilders and gyms have been trying for years. They did that single-handedly. Now, it wasn't because CrossFit is like a miraculously incredible workout program. It's terrible.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's got a terrible workout program for the most part. It's because – and their gyms aren't better. They're all garages or basements or whatever. It was the social component. It was people showing up and doing it together. That is 100% why CrossFit had this really powerful impact. And this study shows that. Working with people, being in a group, coaching –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It happens a lot. This is like a staple way to... that a lot of courses that teach trainers how to build businesses, this is like one way they teach them is to create these 30-day fitness challenges. But they don't teach people a successful method at all. And it really does encourage this all or nothing, do it, stop type of deal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


We're going to be in there. a part of it uh but that is what we're going to be doing um you'll obviously get the program with it and everything yeah we're offering group coaching now uh which we tested it and we had such good success we all loved it and so now we're doing it so we're gonna we're gonna have a small group it's limited because we want to maintain quality

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But you're going to get into a group. It's virtual. And it's going to be headed by trainers that we hired, people that we vouch for. And then we're going to pop in and out and help along the process. So it's not just the program. It's like coaching. You have a question. You can ask it. How does this work? How do I do that? Here's what's happening to my calories.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Here's what's happening to my workout. My shoulder hurts, whatever. And we're going to have trainers and coaches coach you, coach you.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, yeah. There's an app. So it's It's 12 weeks. So it's 12 weeks of coaching by our trainers. And again, we'll be in there as well. So you could track your workout progress. You could track metrics like body weight, waist circumference, steps.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So you track the nutrition. You watch exercise videos in there. And then you're we the coach has access to it. So you go back and forth and you get that kind of personal coach. So it's an app that comes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. And the key is just consistency. I really can't stress that enough. And as I went through that data, on personal training. And I thought about the success of, you know, or should I say the influence of CrossFit, whatever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's like, we can't understate, you know, if you're listening, if you want to get started on a fitness journey, being part of something that helps you, that you work with other people along the way, the data shows that that's the best odds you have for success. Otherwise, the odds are terrible.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


The data shows, like, it doesn't matter what you do, what diet you do, whatever, unless you're working with a coach or a group, your fail rate is 90-plus percent. It's like one of the worst fail rates of almost anything. It's so difficult. And I get it. It's so hard to live a healthy and fit lifestyle in the world. It's just a terrible, it's a dismal success rate. So anyway, I got some interest.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Really, it's just a way to get leads from a lot of people who are through hype.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So I looked up data on sleep. over the weekend. I had some terrible sleep and it just, when I have terrible sleep or when I do anything, it leads me down a rabbit hole. And I was looking up like insomnia and complaint, you know, poor sleep and stuff like that. And it was almost unreported.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


for a long time and then it really became unless people were ill it didn't start becoming an issue until electricity became a staple and the more we used things that use electricity like tvs as tvs became you know radios and then tvs did you happen to did this study show like i'd be now you're saying this right now i'm thinking like man i wonder

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, yeah, I bet we could find it. That had to accelerate there. Well, so here's what's crazy. People used to sleep. They didn't sleep seven or eight hours. Average person slept something like 10 hours. That was more common.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


uh way back in the day people because because you worked your ass off doing laborious things all day then you crashed and probably slept and when the sun went down have you guys ever gone uh used like um you know candle lamps and candles yeah like it's dark yeah go try using this today at home if you're listening to this when don't use your electric lights at all don't at all don't turn on tv when it gets dark outside use candles look how sleepy you get very quick

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, by the way, they'll talk about the light on your phone and stuff like that. They know the effect it has on you. It's stimulatory. They want that. The last thing you want is for somebody to get sleepy. Of course.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, here's what's crazy. You know what people used to do? It's like a slot machine, dude. Listen, it wasn't that long ago, like a few decades ago. What people used to do before bed to help them get sleepy was read. Yeah. Now, if you read, you probably read on your phone. It's the last thing you should do to get sleepy. It will keep you awake.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, read a real book in bed with a soft light behind you, like candlelight, and you'll read 30, 40 minutes and you're like, yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So as I was going through this, I was like, oh my God, we really screwed ourselves up because not only that, but we also have temperature control. So As temperature drops, we also start to get sleepy. As light drops, we start to get sleepy. We wake up when light starts to appear and when things get warmer. So it's as if we're supposed to live outside or, you know what I mean, with nature.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And so we've designed our homes and everything to make it so that sleep is a problem. Sleep now is a challenge for a majority of people. So it's interesting. This is why, by the way, you know, Eight Sleep, we work with them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Jessica's under them. That's how we sleep.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I wonder how it used to be. It was probably, you know, if you go back, you know, you know, eight hundreds of years, it was probably that the husband was probably holding his wife. So he's the one getting cold and he's keeping her warm and safe in the dark. Sure.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know what messes with your ability to tolerate temperature? Menopause. Well, that, yes. But besides that is actually being tired will do that. If you're ever sleep deprived, notice your intolerance to temperature changes. You're more cold, more hot. You just can't tolerate them if you're tired. I noticed this with myself. This is actually, yeah, this is also documented.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Speaking of studies, by the way, remember the study we brought up that Jeff Nipper did on a cheek curl versus strict curl? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And how he said there's no difference in hypertrophy. Therefore, you might as well pick the strict one because why risk the extra? You know, there's a flaw in that study that I was thinking about this morning as well.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, there are studies that show that if I incapacitate one arm, I put it in a cast, and then I exercise the other arm, I will minimize to a degree the muscle loss in the arm that's capacitated. In other words, training my right arm, most of the muscle building signal goes to the right arm, but some seems to go to the other arm as well.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Because they were exercising one arm one way and the other arm the other way, there was some crosstalk that might have messed up the study a little bit. You see what I'm saying? I think the only way to be accurate, and I can't think of a better way to do the study because I think he did it well. You'd have to have twins exercise differently or something like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


All the study subjects were one arm cheat girl, the other arm stripper. And the other arm on the individual. But there's that cross talk that goes over. And the exercises are similar enough to where would you even see a difference if there was a difference. A radiation effect, right? Exactly.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I would love to see a long study, like a year long, where you have this group do one workout the whole time, then this group change variables every three months to see what the difference... I think I know what the answer would be, but that would be such an expensive study. You're talking about going strict and using lightweight and stuff like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's funny, when you look at people who are consistent in the gym... they tend to fall into one category. And I don't mean cleanly, although some people are clearly in one category versus the other, but some people value how they look,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


more than the the way that they perform and other people value perform more than how they look and you know I would say I dip into either one but I was just talking to Justin about this the other day because he's been working out and Justin's a performance guy he 100% yeah we know this guilty but I was you know talking with them it's like you know what the truth is for me if I had to pick I would like being able to lift more weight is always more exhilarating for me

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


than looks, always has been. I'm so the other way. You're the other way. Yeah, yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


One or the other. I just love the feeling of just handling something really heavy and feeling really strong. It definitely is more. It's a powerful thing. It's just more exhilarating. Just for me.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You can go wrong too, though. I mean, there's more injury on this side. Yeah, exactly. I've had to embrace the look more as I've gotten older because if I push performance now at my age and I continue to push that, it turns out... The risk is too high. Oh, yeah, dude. It turns into problems. So now if you see me working out 95% of the time,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Bro, I had a kid that was going to my kid's school. Luckily, they weren't the same grade because it really pissed me off. But there was a kid. So John Fitch, you know who he is?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Great guy. Badass fighter, right? I seen him. This was years ago. I seen him walking his kid to the same school as my kid's school. Now, right away, I was like, damn it. You're like, damn, there's another guy. Yeah. He's number one. He's number one. Yeah. But I'm like, oh, your kid's younger than mine. Top of the chain. I'm the toughest dad in the grade.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


My kid's like, is that going to mess with John? Did I ever tell you guys when I grappled with him?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, so this is when I was really going hard in jiu-jitsu, and Mike Swick, a friend of mine, was competing to fight Yushin Okami, and he wanted me to come roll with him and Fitch because he was getting ready. Yushin was kind of a bigger guy, and so I was a bigger guy. I wasn't obviously at the level of those guys, but I went and rolled with him.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I was or I was just becoming – I was very competitive at this point. At this point, I could hold my own against most people in dojos, not like national level or anything like that, right? So I was good, but I wasn't like UFC good. But I remember going against those guys and especially Fitch. He was a D1 wrestler. And it's like you could be a great high school basketball player.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You'd be an awesome college basketball player. Then you go in the NBA – and suddenly it's not like they're a little better than you. They're so much better than you. You're like a toddler. Yeah, it's like you don't even know what you're doing anymore. I was going against those guys, and the intensity and the speed was like... What's that guy's page you guys follow?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


What's his name? He's like, take me down for $1,000.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. You're capturing a vulnerable period. It's human psychology and you're capturing people in a vulnerable position, right? So When people decide, when they first decide, I'm going to change everything. I'm going to change my diet. I'm going to change my lifestyle in terms of exercise. I'm going to do all these things. It's typically from a place of either disgust or they're fed up.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


He went against, I think it was his brother, who's a really high-level wrestler. And it was one of the better matches.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, happens often after the holidays, right? New Year's resolutions are big on this. And so people are like, they're just fed up with how they feel, how they look mostly. It's usually how they look. And so they're looking for a way to make a big change. By the way, the data on this is like data on marathons for people getting in shape.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know what, Justin, you brought up, what you brought up is very interesting because I didn't know this because I work with Chad. He coaches me and teaches me scripture and all that stuff. It actually said, this was a very difficult part of the Bible for me to struggle with. It actually says in there, respect authority and honor the emperor, honor Caesar.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


This was during a time when they were getting killed. They were getting thrown to lions, burned alive. and they literally are preaching, no, no, you respect authority. So some churches saw that, read that, and said, okay, who are we serving here, and where's the line? So some churches, the one I go to, they did things virtually, because they saw that and said, okay, we need to respect the law.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


We think this is, they grew during COVID. They actually grew massively during that whole period of time. Very interesting. So I don't know.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It did work out. It's really, really interesting. Let's go back to science. I found some cool studies on terpenes. So terpenes are found in plants, and it gives them their smell, like there's the terpene.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, so like lemonol gives you that lemony smell. Pinol gives you that kind of pine scent. Well, anyway, where I'm going with this is... When they study terpenes and their effects on the body, terpenes have cannabinoid-like effects on the body. And when you combine them with cannabinoids like CBD, then you get this really powerful pronounced effect. So where am I going with this?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


The CBD market blew up for a while, started to fizzle because people were taking pure CBD products, getting very little results. And that's probably because they extracted the CBD,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


People will sign up for a marathon or a race as a way to get in shape. You look at the success rate of these individuals in terms of, are they able to stay in shape? Do they maintain it? It's terrible. It's actually terrible. It's just as bad as people starting a radical new diet. And the reason why this is the downfall of the fitness industry is because

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


included none of the terpenes none of the other cannabinoids it was just cbd when you combine it with other cannabinoids and the terpenes is when you get the the big effect so that's why uh like our partners ned you feel that i have you ever felt a cb product i never have no you take ned you feel it that's interesting it's got all the other stuff yeah dude because i've taken lots and lots of cbd things

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


By the way, if you want to be on an episode like this where we can help you out on air, Email us your question at live at This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Eight Sleep. This is the most advanced sleep system you'll find anywhere. It goes on your bed.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


trainers and coaches who are supposed to be the people that communicate this properly, right? They're supposed to be the evangelists of fitness in the proper way, teaching in the right way. What they're doing is they're encouraging this mentality that is a failing mentality.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If you eat a high-protein diet, you got to go to ButcherBox. They deliver to your door grass-fed meats, crepe-free pork, chicken, healthy wild-caught fish to your door at great prices. They're amazing. If you're interested, go to forward slash mindpump.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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By the way, if you're a new user and you go to that link, forward slash mindpump, you can get between chicken breast, ground beef, or top sirloin included in your box. for free for a year and $20 off, but you have to use the code MINDPUMP. All right, back to the show. This segment of the podcast is brought to you by

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Adam and I get on and teach trainers and coaches how to be more successful, make more money. and get their clients better results, and it's all free. Register at Our first caller is Deborah from Florida. Hey, Deborah. How are you? Morning.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And for the person on the other end of it, you know, I look in the mirror, I see a picture of myself, I feel gross, I don't like myself. And this is the same, look, we used to get this all the time in the gyms. People come in And they're like, I'm ready to work out five days a week. I said, well, how long have you been working out? Oh, I haven't worked out in 10 years.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I mean, it's kind of to be clear, like the question you're asking, cause you're competing. So we're, we're, when you compete, this is an extreme thing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, let's not start five days a week because it's too big of a jump. You're going to set yourself up for failure. It's not only that, it's not necessary. It's not going to get you there any faster. But when you're in that state of motivation, especially negative motivation, which is very acute, very powerful initially, right? you, your self belief is a bit distorted.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


uh presentation sport of muscle and definition and all that stuff so if your question was can i be fit and healthy and sculpted and have a nice body and all that stuff and do my half marathon plus strength training yes 100 you're already there you're that's not a problem but you're you're asking us if you can become competitive in in figure uh which is a very competitive sport and

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Can you do that by November while also half the year training for half marathon? Probably not. You're going to slow yourself down.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's going to be very, very difficult. So you have to figure out what your priority is. How badly do you want to compete in this category? Is this more important to you than, let's say, general fitness and health and enjoying running? Because you're going to have to sacrifice some of that for sure. You'll lose some of the skill of running for sure in pursuit of this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yes. I mean, you just got to ask, you know, what's more important for you as a priority and where you want to go, you know, with that, you know, by the way, just figure today and you train naturally. You put that in your, in your email. Okay. Figure today is, was bodybuilding 30 years ago for women. Okay. Figure competitors, female figure competitors have a lot of muscle.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I know there's bodybuilding, female bodybuilding, which is a whole nother, that's like you're transitioning to male at that point in terms of the hormones they take and stuff like that. But figure today is, I mean, you will have to build a lot of muscle to do that. It's very difficult to do.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I mean, yeah, yeah. 20, 30 years ago, like you look at the first Miss Olympia and she wouldn't even do well in a bikini today. She didn't have enough muscle. So really the question is priority. And I'll help you with this, right? Is health, general fitness, functionality, is that your goal? Or is it to look like a figure competitor more of a priority?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Because you're going to sacrifice to compete in figure, you're going to sacrifice your running ability, stamina, function, health to compete in figure. It's just the way it is. So you got to think like, which one's more important? And then whatever decision you make is totally fine, but you got to go all in with that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So I'm gonna do five days a week. I'm serious about it this time. And so you're feeding into it with these 30 day fitness set challenges. And what you're doing is you're casting a net that captures this vulnerable place that people are in. And so that's why they exist.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You'll be fine. Keep doing what you're doing. Go in a bulk. Train appropriately. Do your half marathon. You'll bring a better package than you did last time for sure. And I like your attitude. I really do because the stage, figure, fitness, body, it's extreme. It's not healthy. I get it though. But if you like function and health and longevity and mobility –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


then those are not the sports – those aren't going to be the sports for you at all. Especially if you – you coach other people for health and fitness, right? Yeah, I mean, I think you'll do better going the direction you're going and not going extreme anyway.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then, you know, as far as like posting on social media, you can always present your progress just to your social media and not have to go on stage. That's actually just as valuable, if not more valuable than competitions now anyway, you know, in terms of building your business and showing kind of that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's because they work in terms of sales, in terms of leads, but they continue to promote the wrong message and it's part of the problem. This is why one reason, there's many reasons, why the fitness industry has not solved the poor health epidemic. And the reason why this is so frustrating is because the answers to the problem of poor health. Lie in the fitness industry.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then as a coach, do you have MAPS Prime or Prime Pro? Do you use any of the correctional exercises for them?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Let me send you, I'll send you MAPS Prime. I think you'll find value in that with your clients, just from a correctional exercise perspective.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I like anabolic aesthetic symmetry, and then you can go back to aesthetic or split.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Thank you. Yeah, that's good. You know, you have to often boil it down to, okay, well, what's the real priority? What's more important to you? Because. It's easy to get caught up in the, I want everything. Right, right. I want everything, but you can't do everything. The body doesn't work that way.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And the more extreme the goals within the everything represent, the more impossible it is to do all this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


We actually have the answers. No other industry has the answers. The medical industry doesn't. The food industry doesn't. Nobody has this but the fitness and health industry. And yet here we are promoting the wrong thing by capturing people in these vulnerable places and telling them, make this radical transformation in your life in 30 days.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, good question. I have a lot of experience with this. The most important thing for you to do is manage stress, period, end of story. Now stress, when I say stress, sometimes we think about, oh, my stressful job or stressful situations. I'm also talking about things like lack of sleep. poor diet, lack of sunlight, and exercise.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So when I had clients who suffer from fibromyalgia, the training intensity was very carefully monitored. We would train at moderate intensity. And if we got any hint of a sign of any excess fatigue, we would back off. Through this process, I was able to successfully train these people without...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


any major flare-ups and we were able to progress and we were just careful about it so what you don't want to do is go to the gym and be like i feel good i'm gonna go crush it no no i feel good i'm gonna go moderate that's it oh i feel bad i'm gonna go real easy you know and be consistent with that and you'll find that your body will progress just like anybody else is i see she started with map starter that's the right program it's a great choice

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And they typically come with fast from this, abstain from that, do this, you know, this many steps every day. And you're gonna get this much sleep every night. And it's like 15, a list of 15 things. And when you're in that state of hyper negative motivation, You know, I can do 30 days. Let's do this. But it fails.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Now, regardless of any of our programs that you follow, the thing that you manage the most is intensity, right? So starter, MAPS anabolic, MAPS strong, suspension, whatever it is you follow, it's the intensity that's the most important thing. So you can do volume and frequency. They can also cause too much stress, but intensity will get you there faster than anything else.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I mean, you could do one workout with just extreme ridiculous intensity and cause some big problems. So you just focus on technique and control and form and all that stuff and then slowly allow yourself to progress. It would be totally fine.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, the whole – the interesting thing about this is because – so with fibromyalgia, stress is the biggest – like just your body's ability to tolerate stress. That's the – Yes. That's the biggest predictor of, you know, am I going to get these crazy flare-ups of pain? Well, it's autoimmune, right? Yeah. Well, yeah. That's what they think. And you know what's interesting about this is –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Exercise increases or improves your body's ability to deal with stress. So properly applied exercise is a great way to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia. That being said, the over-application of exercise, if you want to get in a lot of pain, that's an easy way to do it is go beat yourself up in the gym. But it's also simultaneously this incredible answer. You just have to manage it properly.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And like I said, I've had really good success. with this with client. Our next caller is Boat from Thailand.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, which by the way, the fail rate within that 30 days is actually high too. It's also high.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It controls the temperature of your bed, and it reads your sleep and uses AI to adjust it to give you perfect sleep every single night. By the way, it comes with two sides, so you and your spouse have different temperatures, different control. Go check them out. Go to forward slash MindPump. Use the code MindPump. Get $350 off their Pod 4 Ultra.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Of course, but the perception of I can do that is high because it's only 30 days.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So leaving two in the tank means you think, by the way, this is all based off of perception. Perceived, yeah, effort. You think to yourself, I could probably grind out two more reps and finish the last rep. That's leaving two more in the tank. Okay, so if my set is 10 and I get to 10 and it's hard and I go, I think I could maybe squeeze out two more, then I stop right there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


That's leaving two in the tank. So now, second part of the question is, do I go lighter so I can do 10 reps or do I just do less reps? Both of them are fine.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


How long have you been strength training for? Two and a half years.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, good. See, Anabolic Advanced, I was just going to recommend that because in Anabolic Advanced, you do go to failure on some of your sets, and that gives you a better gauge of what stopping two reps short feels like. I think that's why he's asking. Yeah, because sometimes what happens is we stop two reps short, and we never go to failure, never go to failure, and we start to lose...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So once you go to fail, you're like, oh, I know what that feels like. Then you can stop a little bit more accurately a two rep short. So I'm glad you're on that program. It's perfect.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Good, good. Have you been doing it yet or have you not started it yet?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


That's what they think. Yes. They think, I'll do this, and I'll figure it out after. Yes. Oh, once I get there, then I'll figure it out. It doesn't work that way. It never works that way. And what we should have are professionals explaining that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Hey, can we send you something? Let's send them a free program. What do you want to follow next after Anabolic Advance?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Great plan. Great plan. You really pay attention to the show.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, Thailand, one of the most beautiful countries I've ever visited, by the way. It is. It looks like another planet. I'd love to train Muay Thai there. Oh, yeah. They'll kill you. If you like Mind Pump, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump DeStefano. And Adam's at Mind Pump Adam.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So what's interesting about this and why it works so well in marketing is there's a couple reasons. One, we said already, right, you're this hyper state of negatively fueled motivation. Two, when people do this, they typically bring someone with them. Hey, John, do this 30-day challenge with me. So you end up getting more leads as a result.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And three, when you ask somebody, hey, did that 30-day transformation that you did work? If they did anything within that 30 days that gave them positive results, they'll say yes, even though they gained the weight back. In other words, Susan does a 30-day challenge, loses 10 pounds. Six months later, she gains it all back and then some. Her friend says, did that 30-day challenge work?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


By the way, it ships all over the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, and Australia. This episode is also brought to you by Ned. This is Cannabinoids Done Right. If you've used CBD in the past, and felt nothing, it's because you didn't use NED. Try NED. High CBD, but it's also full spectrum. You get other cannabinoids, plus the terpenes. Take it. 45 minutes later, you'll know you took something.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, yeah, it did. I lost 10 pounds. not realizing actually it failed. You gained the weight pack and then some. Success is not measured by what you had in the 30 days. Success is measured by, are you still doing it? This was a very...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


pivotal moment for me in my career, and I know you say this too, Adam and Justin, in my career as a trainer where I, I don't know how many years in, it was a long time in my career, where I looked at my clients and I said, I'm failing. Like the minute they stop with me, they go back. So yeah, they lose weight when they're with me, but then they gain it back. Like I'm actually not...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


helping anybody else really out. I need to kind of, you know, figure this out. So, and by the way, the coaches that do this, the people that I'm talking about, this is what it looks like. You go on their social media and this is what they do. This is their business. By the way, for trainers who are listening, we're like, oh, it's good marketing. They're saying it makes money.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's a trap because you start this, you do make some money, you have to always do this. You're doing 30-day challenges forever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. Unless you have this massive reach where you keep reaching millions of people, eventually this turns into negative business and you find yourself scraping the barrel for more and more people who are willing to sign up for your 30-day challenges.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Next up, this one is going to ruffle some feathers for sure, is people who use before and afters or body transformations as their primary source of authenticity or proof or evidence.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Here's all the before and afters of all the people that I've worked with, and it's all just the picture of their bodies. And this means that I really do a great job. That does not show that they did a great job. It also does something that we all strongly believe to be a problem with the fitness industry, which is we take all of the –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


all of the incredible benefits that you get from leading a healthy and fit lifestyle, and we narrow it down to how you look. It's just about how you look. Here's your evidence. There's really nothing else. And the problem with that is that's fleeting, and it does not result in a lifelong sustainable relationship with fitness. And it can lead to... body obsession or body worship.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's all about how I look. By the way, this is a problem within the fitness industry where it's all about how people look, sacrificing health, sacrificing family, sacrificing all the other metrics. And this, even if you do get the look that you're looking for, eventually it'll wear out because where do you go from there?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Go to forward slash mindpump. That's forward slash mindpump. Use the code mindpump. Get 20% off. We also have a webinar for trainers, free one. We're going to teach you how to use social media to build your business. Go to to sign up. Finally, we have some workout program sales this month.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You have. So here's the two ways I'll help with that. Because I get it. I get it. If you look at marketing and fitness, nothing sells faster and easier than showing a before and after. Period. End of story. That's a fact. Not going to say it's not effective. It is very effective. But we've built a business, an eight-figure business, never using a before and after.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


When we were trainers, we knew trainers who walked around with a binder of before and afters of the client and used it to sell training. Did you guys use binders of before and afters?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


The big difference is just them watching you, what you're doing. And what's the relationship around food? Like when we eat, is my mom and dad stressed out? Are they counting everything? Are they worried? Are they saying to themselves, oh my God, I'm so hungry. I could eat more, but I can't. I'm going to stop. I'm going to push that away.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You're doing it wrong. Almost everybody does this wrong and it backfires. Instead, let's do this. Let's talk a little bit about how to get, yes, let's start with the first one. And by the way, we're going to list like really effective strategies to helping your children grow.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Or is eating this great experience where we're connecting together? We're enjoying it. It's not the stress thing. It's not this rush thing. It's not this finish everything on my plate thing. It's just this good experience. That's the most important thing. That's also the most important thing with exercise.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Now, the question that always comes from that from people when you communicate this is, well, how do I get my kids – What do I put in front of them? And what if they don't want to eat it? Well, this is something I learned as an older parent later on with my younger kids that was so much more effective than my earlier approach with my older kids.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And I learned this from an expert who communicated how the relationship with food was the most important thing that you could teach your kid. It's more important than actually what they're eating. What they're eating is important as well, but more important is the relationship because they're going to grow up. and at some point be adults in a modern society where they have access to everything.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And so what they need to learn is how to navigate this access to everything. So the relationship with the foods that are around them is the most important thing to foster. So this was the strategy that I learned, and it's a really effective one that I came up with or that I've been utilizing. And what it is is You give them options, make sure that you approve of all the options.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You want to give your child the feeling of autonomy. Like I can choose to eat these things and I can choose not to eat these things and I have choices in front of me. So you're essentially choosing the choices, but you're giving them the choices to pick from. Now, what do you put on the plate? Well, you want to put a protein on there because that's essential.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You want to put something new on there because it's important that you foster a little bit of, you know, exploration, you know, because especially when they're really little, you don't want to get stuck in a pattern of eating the same things. You want them to kind of explore new things. And you know that they probably aren't going to eat it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


They'll taste it, but they probably aren't going to eat it. And then you put something on there that you approve of that they love, that you know for sure. They're going to eat. So they always have a choice that they're going to eat that you approve of. So you give them three or four or five options.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And the plate typically looks like a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. And you put it in front of them and then they choose to eat and you let them pick and you let them pick. And what's going to happen? Here's the frustrating, challenging part for fitness parents.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


is your kid is going to pick – although you will approve of all the options, they're going to pick the options that you approve of the least, and they're not going to approve the ones you want them to eat the most. And you have to be okay with that because it's the long game. What you're playing here, the game that you're playing with your kids here –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


is the long game, not the short game, not the let's eat as perfectly healthy as possible today, but rather I wanna encourage you and help you learn how to eat healthy for the rest of your life. So you give them the options and they pick and they eat. And what typically happens most of the time

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


is they eat all of the thing that they love and eat a little bit of the stuff that you really want them to eat. But then over time, what happens, and again, I've done this and there's data on this, they'll slowly start to experiment and pick other things and they'll develop a nice wide breadth of of things that they enjoy that are all within that category of foods that you approve of.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


become more healthy and fit based on actual data, but also based on our experience, training, lots of people, lots of families for over two decades and messing up a lot and then figuring out how to do it the right way. But number one is to be the example. So when a child grows up in a home that has any kind of particular behavior,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


This was very challenging for me growing up by – I had two immigrant parents who – the way that I was taught to eat was – That's your food. That's what you're going to eat. And if you don't finish it, you're going to sit here until you finish it. That's how I was brought up.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So to tell, to do this to my kids and put them, you know, five options in front of them and watch them leave four of them untouched or barely touched and eat all of one. And then to let them go, okay, I'm done. It like ate inside of me. It was like the storm inside of me, but, uh, I, you know, stuck with it, stuck with it. And it's really resulting in some really, really good behaviors.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


I think that's the most important thing, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Even if the parents chastise the behavior or communicate to the kids, don't do this, don't do this, even though they do it themselves, the odds, and the data on this is very clear, the odds that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents is incredibly high. Children... listen to actions far more than they listen to words.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You know what's cool about this is that we all have on the surface different strategies, but there's one most important thing. thread or piece that is consistent, which is autonomy and choices. It's what you'll notice. They're all different options or different strategies, but none of them are force and eat and bad relationship, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


The relationship they're developing is a good relationship with food where they have some autonomy, they feel some control. That's what stays with you as you become an adult. What you don't want staying with your kid as they become an adult is I was forced this way, I hated it, it was a bad experience. I'm gonna go rebel and do my own thing. All right, so exercise. Let's talk about exercise.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Now, okay, they're interested. They want to try some exercise. What are some of the best options? Some of the best options besides what they like doing the most are body weight and suspension trainer type exercises. They teach body awareness for kids better. than free weights or especially machines.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


These are known as closed chain movements where I'm moving my body around rather than moving a weight around. Now, both of them are good. Both of them strengthen the body. Both of them improve body awareness. But when you're a kid and you start to develop kinesthetic skills, they stay with you for a long time. So this is a really important time.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Like if you do gymnastics, for example, as a child, you'll have more athleticism as a sedentary adult. than you ever did than you would as an active adult who never did any of these things as a kid because these are learned behaviors that stay somewhat permanent in the body and the brain. And body weight and suspension trainer exercises are excellent for this.

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Plus, children seem to enjoy them more generally. They just seem to be more fun, especially suspension training.

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So if you want your child to lead a healthy lifestyle, 90% of all of your success is going to be leading it yourself and being the example.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


What's crazy about this, and this is a tough one, I think, for parents to just reconcile because we get tired, we get, you know, overworked or whatever. But your kids, especially when your kids are under the age of like 10, right, when they're when they're little. Your kids will play with you until you decide to stop for the most part. Like they just want to hang out with mom and dad.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Now they become teenagers, different story. But when they're little, if you want your kids to be active, it's far less effective to go tell them to be active. It's far more effective than to be like, let's go play. Let's go ride our bikes. Let's go throw the ball around. Let's play hide and seek. Let's play chase. Let me throw the Frisbee. You go get it. And you can come up with strategies.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Look, I'm a dad. I'm the expert at this. I can come up with strategies that require less activity for me and more activity for my kids when I get real tired. Like wrestling, I lay on the ground, you try and hold me down. It requires very little for me with my really little ones. But your kids will play with you as long as you want. So playing with them is a wonderful way to get them to be active.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


It's also a wonderful way for you to be active. You see so many parents counting the steps on their pedometers and, oh, I got to make sure I hit 8,000 steps or 10,000 steps and I got to make sure I be more active. You know what you could do with that? You could just go play with your kids.

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You don't have to worry about walking on a treadmill because you just went to the park for an hour with your kids. chase them around and look for sticks or whatever. So playing with your kids is a wonderful way for everybody. And it's not just the health aspect, the fitness aspect, like the bonding time and just the spending time that you have with your kids.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Totally. Lastly, this is now this is new. This is relatively new in the past when we were kids. OK, so which wasn't that long ago. When we were kids, activity wasn't competing with something that was better competitor. These days, screen time, iPhones, iPads, video games, they're so well engineered that given the option, Many kids, most kids would pick the screen time over activity.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Now, when I was a kid, that was rare. It was rare that kids would pick screen time. There had to be something exceptionally good on TV, which was rare for a kid to be like, no, no, I'd rather watch this cartoon than go outside and play. We used to get grounded by getting sent to our room. These days, it's the opposite. A kid gets kicked off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


electronics and gets kicked out of the room to get grounded. So we are dealing with a different monster. And the only way that I can think that is effective around this is to put structures and time limits around screens. You cannot, you're not going to out-compete them. That's the bottom line. Now you might have that rare kid who doesn't like them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And it's like, I'd rather go outside and hang out with you. But if you give them the choice of going on the iPad and playing these addictive video games that have billions of dollars of engineering put in them to make them super, super addicting, and you give them the option of going outside or doing that, you're going to lose.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


It's just like if you give your kid the option of candy and healthy food. Here, what would you rather have, kid? A bowl of strawberries or a bowl of Skittles? You're not being a good parent by giving them two choices, one irresistible, the other one not so hard to turn down in comparison. So the only strategy I know around screens is to have a time limit.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And there's a lot of different ways you could do this. The way I do this in my house, my wife is really good at this, is our kids get 20 minutes. And they have a timer. And you get 20 total minutes a day. And you can choose to use them however you want. And there are choices that we approve of. So you can't choose whatever you want to do. And then when it's done, it's done.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And after that, we do other things. But if you leave it up to your young kids to choose... Here's what's going to happen to you. Hey, buddy, you want to get off the iPad and go play outside? They're going to hurt your feelings. Nah, I want to keep playing video games. You're not going to win. It's going to turn into this like you have to. So time limits, set them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And then based off of that, rather than competing, oh, you want to use your 20 minutes? That's fine. Go and do that. And then when they're done, hey, what do you want to do? Let's go hang out.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


That's the self-awareness part is if you're a parent or you're going to become a parent, and you struggle with your time on your phone, and you waste a lot of time on it, you think your little kid is going to have the ability to stop when you can't? It's no different than allowing your child unfettered access to candy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


What are your kids going to do if you just give them candy, if you just put candy in front of them all the time? They're going to eat that and they're not going to eat anything else. And that's the thing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


That's a dopamine storm.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And now you have a perfect storm. What a good point. Because our generation was actually, for food, it was common for our generation to have unfettered access to garbage. As kids in the 90s, it was very common for you to just have total access to snacks and processed foods. I mean, that was like most kids' lunches was that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


But the difference was, because the obesity rates with children in the 90s was significantly lower than it is today. Chronic diseases were significantly lower in the 90s than they are today. Even though we had tons of processed food and garbage, the difference was we were active as hell. It was rare to see a kid sit down all day long unless they were sick.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


I mean, you drive through a neighborhood in the 90s after school, and you had to be careful with how you drove because kids were all over the place. You don't see that anymore. So what a great point. And you combine two of them together, perfect storm for terrible health.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


This is really hard. Hard, hard. This is really hard. You know, I have dual custody with my older kids. And although we mostly agree with nutrition and stuff like that, there are other topics we don't. So I know exactly. what that's like, this is like. So here's what the data shows.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And here's to the best of my understanding from what I've learned, the most important thing that you can do in this situation is have a good relationship with their parent. That's more important than you having a bad relationship with that parent and forcing them to do all these other things. It's more important for your child's health. So keep that in mind.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


That's right. But to get even more, to make it even more important, or should I say to really hammer this home, that what you're communicating, Adam, I think a lot of people on the surface would get that. Like, okay, don't take my kids to eat certain foods or don't reward them with certain things or activities that are not necessarily healthy, which makes a lot of sense.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


or Adam, I've, I know people like this. These are horror stories where mom forces dad through the risk of losing custody because she disagrees with certain things that he's doing and what she wants him to do is important. It is a big deal, but it's less important than her having a good relationship with the dad. So that's number one. Number one is having a good relationship with the parent.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Number two is, If you can have some influence, then do so. If you can't, then you do your best at your home and then they go to the other home and then they do that over there. And then what you hope... And what probably will happen is although 50% of the time your kid is eating garbage, your kid is inactive, your kid is on technology and iPads all the time when they're over there.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And when they're little, they're comparing. This is what little kids will do. I love it at dad's house more. I love it at mom's house more. She lets me do whatever I want. You're so strict. You're so whatever. But you show them love. I'm sorry. This is the way we live with it, whatever.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


As they get older and become old enough to start to see things, they start to look back and go, oh man, mom's house was healthy.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You are 100% correct. It's actually neglect. And you can look again at the data on this. When mom and dad don't put parameters around their children- Even though they say, though, this is what I like. I can do whatever I want. Mom doesn't bother me. Talk to any adult from a situation like this. They'll tell me, I thought my dad didn't care.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


It sucks to be the parent where the kid's like, oh, you got all the rules. Oh, and you're like, oh my God, they enjoy it too much. But it's funny. It's just like with my daughter, my 15-year-old daughter, I finally really got strict with parameters and my relationship with her grew because she feels cared for.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So even if they don't say it, by the way, they might not even express it to you, but that's the case. So be good with your side. Have a good relationship with their side if you can. If you can have influence, great. But if you can't, the relationship with them is most important. But if you can't even do that, then just do the best job you can on your side.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


How do I turn the ship with my teenage kids? This is where it gets tough. Yeah. So you're listening to this, your kid's 14. Like, okay, we need to change things.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Yeah, because teenagers have, they're rebellious like a two-year-old, except they're smarter and they, you can't, they'll call your bluff more effectively than your two-year-old will, right? So dealing with a teenager is a completely different monster. And so it starts with this.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


I think a lot of people would say that makes a lot of sense. But what a lot of people don't realize is that, let's say you don't even do that, but you yourself...

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You change your lifestyle first, and then you do the shopping, and you change the choices in the home, and that's how it starts. Now, when it comes to electronics, you have more power than you think. The difference is this. With a two-year-old, taking something away will turn into a 30-minute tantrum. With a teenager, taking something away will turn into a 30-day tantrum. Okay?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So be prepared for your kid to act like they hate you for weeks. Usually a week, but sometimes longer. Be okay with it. Make sure you communicate it with love and empathy. I know this sucks. I know it's been one way for... So long. And now it's different. It's difficult for change. I totally get it. I understand why you're upset. But stay consistent is the best advice I could give.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


But this is hard. Like once you were living one way so long and then you got to switch, just know that you're going to deal with this is going to be like a process, probably a six-month process.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


eat uh particular ways or are inactive in particular ways and they observe your behaviors in fact when you look at the data on uh body image issues for example they have some data on girls and body image issues and eating disorders one of the strongest connections there's a lot of things that can contribute to but one of them is how mom talks about herself

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You're right. I did. So with my, so just personal story with my, with my daughter, uh, I was probably now two or three months ago. I just, I decided I got to get even more, I got to put more boundaries around her use of, of her phone. She already had limits on what she could see, what she could do. She didn't like that already. But then I'm like, you know what?

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


I'm not gonna let her use her phone anywhere in a closed room. It's gonna be always, it has to be in a public space. So she's no longer allowed to be on her phone in her room or anywhere where the doors are closed. Whereas before she had limits on things, but I would allow her to go in her room and use her phone and stuff like that.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So you can imagine a 15 year old girl who previously was allowed to do this. Now, suddenly I dropped the hammer. I'm like, you're not allowed to use your phone. So you can imagine the pushback that I got. And she was mad at me for weeks. She was mad at me, but I was consistent and she pushed. Testing to see if there was any weaknesses. And I stayed consistent, consistent, consistent.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And now a few months later, it's not even a question. And it's not a problem. And it doesn't get raised anymore. And she's much more less likely to rebel as strongly now when I bring up other things. But you have to weather the storm. Because you'll get that storm.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You know, it's funny. You know, what's important about that is. So what's what's what goes along hand with, you know, hand in hand with that is choose to make choices, you know, you can stick to. Yeah, yeah. So don't make crazy choices that you're like, am I going to be able to do this in two months? Because your teenage kids- Will be watching. Yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So you're trying to weather the storm, so are they. Oh, dad's doing this new thing here. I'm sure in 30 days he'll change his mind.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So it's not about how mom talks to her daughter. That's an obvious one. I think everybody knows if you tell your kid or you, that you can very much impose a body image issue on your child or cause them to have poor self-image by the way you talk to them. That's obvious. But a lot of kids will internalize what you say about yourself.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So maybe don't change everything all at once. Maybe it's like-

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Or if they see it more importantly, dad is better. Yeah, exactly.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Yeah. You know, pick, try to give them options that you think they might pick from and slowly move towards new options. So now this can be really hard if they've been quote unquote picky eaters for 10 years and they've always eaten chicken nuggets and, you know, you know, whatever forever. But this is easier when they're, when they're younger, but give them two or three options.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


One of which, you know, they like the other two that you think they might like and And then let them eat what they want and then take it from there, slowly introducing new things. But here's the challenge with the picky eater thing. Well, if I don't give my kid all of what they want, they won't eat. That's not true. Your kid's not going to starve. No, they won't.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


This is a generational thing because a couple generations ago, this was a real thing. It was a real thing that my kids might starve. Yeah. So if you don't eat all this, then there's not going to be food for a few days. So I think that's where we get that from. But, I mean, look, here's the deal. Look around. You live in a modern society, look around.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Are people dying from starvation or are they dying from too much? So they're not going to starve. So you give them a little bit of what they want, maybe start to restrict it a little bit. Instead of five nuggets, you get two nuggets. I want more. Oh, that's all we have, buddy. I'm sorry, but we got these other options. I don't want those.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Okay, well, if you're hungry, let me know and we'll eat more of them, whatever. And after a few days or a week or whatever, they tend to change a little bit.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So mom looking in the mirror and saying, you know, even under her breath, oh my God, I'm so fat. Or looking at a picture with her family. Oh my God, look how fit I was there. I'm so gross now or whatever. The child hears that and starts to adopt it. And the same is true for your behaviors with activity, with nutrition. I remember having this conversation with a client myself.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Oh, my God. Nuts, cheese, fruit. Beef jerky.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


They're great, especially fruit. Most kids like fruit, but fruit, nuts, cheese. Cheese sticks. Yeah, dude. Hard-boiled eggs. My kids love hard-boiled eggs. Anything that stays healthy. in a package for a while? Greek yogurt. My son loves Greek yogurt. Oh, yeah, yogurt's a good one.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


We do the same thing. We have like a little fridge.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Especially if you're eating them and you're giving your kid the cheese stick. Can't have them in the house. And they're seeing you eat the, you know, candy or whatever. That's tough.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at MindPumpJustin. I'm at MindPumpDeStefano, and Adam's at MindPumpAdam.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


This woman had hired me and I had been training her for maybe three or four months. And she had come in with her kid. And oftentimes I would have clients bring their kids to the workouts. I used to own a private studio. And he never wanted that to prevent people from exercising. It was my studio. I didn't mind it. I love kids anyway. It was small, so it never didn't really get in the way.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


So I tell my clients, hey, if you need to bring your kid, you can go and bring your kid and we'll set them over here and I'll make sure that they have fun while we work out type of deal. So she brought her son who was I think it was like 10. And he comes in with chicken nuggets from McDonald's, which I didn't even think twice about. I'm not watching it and judging.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


A lot of people think trainers judge everybody. That's not the case. She just brought him in. He was sitting there. But she came to me and she said, Sal, can you now please tell my son why he shouldn't be eating this? And she put me on the spot. And so I looked at the kid and I said, you know, there's other good options. And then I kind of changed it. I said, you like those.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


They taste good, right? He's like, yeah. I said, okay, cool. And so changed the subject, moved away. And then I looked at the mom and I said, who bought those for him? And she said, I did. And I said, this is not an issue with your child making the wrong decisions. He's being provided these options. And so, and you know, she... She looked at me and kind of understood it.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


But really, it's about being the example yourself. When you have two healthy parents in a home, the odds that the children will be healthy are astronomically high. When you have two unhealthy parents in a home, the odds that the children will be unhealthy are also astronomically high. And this is why they try to say it's genetics. Well, obesity is genetics, which is actually false.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


There are genetics that can contribute to whether you gain more or less weight, but obesity as we know it is not genetic. It's a relatively modern phenomenon, and it follows families because of the behaviors of the people that lead the families, the parents.

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By the way, if you go to their website,, use the code mindpump, you'll get 10% off and you get a 100-day trial. Use it for 100 days. If it doesn't work for you, you don't like it, return it, no problem. Also, we have a brand new MAPS program, MAPS Transform. This is a 90-day transformational program. Go from before to after, from step one to the end. fat to fit maps.

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I'm so glad you said that because dysfunctional eating and poor health, mental health, actually is relatively high in fitness maniac households, just like it is in households that don't regard health at all because of the obsession component. In fact, that's the next point. The next point is the most important thing you can do

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


with your child when it comes to health and fitness, more important than the food that they eat, the exercise they do, and we'll get to all that, right? But more important than the actual X's and O's or ones and zeros is the relationship they have with exercise and eating healthy.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


What you're trying to do is you're trying to raise a child that has a good relationship with exercise, where they view it in a healthy way, They view it in an enjoyable way. And they view eating healthy in a good way with a good relationship. Because that's what's going to last for the rest of their life when they're out of your house. So how do I do that?

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Well, number one, when we're exercising, the most important thing is my kid enjoys the experience. That's more important than the workout itself. In fact, if we only do five minutes of exercise and they don't want to do anything else, that's okay. Because my goal is to create a relationship or help them create a relationship with exercise where...

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


As adults, they look back and they're like, man, I used to have great times in the garage with my dad or when we were out in the field throwing the ball or whatever. My dad wasn't, or my mom wasn't on me saying, you got to do five more and you got to work out and you got to do this thing. Now you can force your kid to work out.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


And I've seen parents do this, where you force your kid to do the exercises. You force your kid in a tyrannical way to do these things. But what the relationship that you will create or help them foster around exercise is one that will probably turn into rebellion later on when they're out from under your thumb. When they grow up and say, I'm not doing that anymore.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


You see this with a lot of behaviors, right? You see this with church, for example. You see adults who don't ever want to go to church again. Well, why? My parents forced me. I hated it. So I never want to go back, you know, type of deal. Or why don't you play sports anymore? God, as a kid, you used to play all these sports. My parents forced me to do it and I hated it.

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And so I never want to do it again. So the most important thing you can do in regards to fitness and health is is create an environment that fosters a good relationship. And it's more important than what you're actually doing in your garage gym or out in the field.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


With your hosts, Sal DiStefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast in history. This is Mind Pump. Today's episode, we talk about getting your kids... fit and healthy, but these are real strategies at work, real strategies that the data and our experience shows can make effective changes for your children's health.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


It's literally, the most important thing is my kid enjoying this experience, even if they're just sitting there because they don't want to do it, but I'm talking with them in between sets and we're having a good time.

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Transform is live right now. Go to maps,, but because it's a brand new program, you can get it for $70 off. Use the code transform 70. We will also throw in two free things. Adam's 90 day recomp journal and our maps transformation diet guide. One more time. Maps, The code is transform 70. All right, here comes the show. Parents, stop trying to get your kids in shape.

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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


What does that look like? Yeah, so, dad, why are you doing that exercise? Oh, man, I love it. It feels really good. And then you wait. And then they'll ask you another question. What do you mean it feels really good? I feel stronger when I do it. Or it makes my shoulders feel good. Hey, dad, why are you eating those foods? I love them. They taste so good. They make me feel good. What do you mean?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


How do they make you feel good? First of all, they probably won't ask that second question, but sometimes they do. Well, how does it make you feel good? Well... This food has a lot of X, Y, and Z, and that's how it affects the body. And I really like the way it makes me feel. That's how it's convenient. Why are you weighing your food, dad?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Well, I love eating this food, but sometimes I weigh it to make sure I'm getting the right amount. But don't worry. I know how to give you the right amount of your foods and your body will tell you. when you're eating the right amount. You know, that's kind of how it's communicated, but it does come from honesty and it comes from a positive communication and positive behaviors around it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Not, why do you work out? I don't want to be fat. Why are you eating that way? I don't want to be unhealthy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


Now, what's important to understand, though, with what we're saying is very little of what they're going to do comes from this conversation that we're having right now of us telling them. it's actually not as important as you think. It's more important to not say the wrong things, but it's less important. You don't need to say necessarily the right things because they just watch.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


They watch. That's 90%.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!


It's just doing it. And they might ask you a question and it's just an honest answer, but it's not about, because I made this mistake early on as a parent where I was like, oh, I'm going to teach my kids. I'm going to teach them. I'm going to educate them. Hmm. That's not going to make that big of a difference. It makes some kind of a difference, but not a big difference.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


The issue with surgeries are, well, first off, there's a self-selection bias of people who tend to get back surgery and they tend to not be like you, fit, healthy people. That's going to dramatically change the outcomes. When you go into surgery and you're not healthy and not fit, the outcomes are going to be worse.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Number two, the back or the spine is a very – I mean, that joint moves all over the place. It rotates. It flexes and extends and it bends laterally, right? So it's a pretty dynamic joint from a movement perspective.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If you're not strong, if you don't have stability, if you don't do proper exercise afterwards and you get surgery, then you're going to have dysfunction because you're weak, because you're unfit, you're whatever. And that surgery may have worked, but it didn't work for you because you were unfit, unhealthy, et cetera.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And he was frustrated because he says, you know, I did all the correctional exercise stuff, Sal. I did everything. And it got so bad. And he showed me his imaging, his MRI, and he talked about his disc. So was it degenerate? He had no disc. Oh, none at all. Completely wasted away. It was gone, and it was bone on bone. Oh, wow.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, they put an artificial disc. And they go through the abdomen, so he had a little tiny incision in his midsection. And if you're fit and healthy, you're a good candidate for this. If you're not, what they'll recommend typically is fusion. which fusion can help, but then you have the surrounding, you know, discs and joints that start to get lots of, you know, wear and tear.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


No. No, yes, with fusion. Yeah, when they fuse, they fuse the two bones together. And then what happens is the surrounding, you know, part of the spine has to do the movement. Yeah. So, but with Max, he got, you know, disc replacement. And again, he was frustrated. He's like, all these correctional exercise people in our space were like, don't get back surgery, this and that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And it's like, you know, Max, their experience is because people who tend to get it come out and they're, again, they don't go in. They don't go in strong. They don't go in with proper rehab. And then it becomes a problem. It's a very dynamic joint.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


excruciating pain you could you could take a hundred people uh who don't feel any pain and you're gonna find a decent amount are gonna have some kind of a herniated right and so they're that's probably what i'd say the most controversial uh thing is around surgery for the back but you know with in our space and you see this around the conversations around so many different things like um like glp ones for example it's like either all for or all against no matter what there's no like middle ground there's no nuance yeah

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


because you could be making a huge mistake, consider and listen to these four factors. It'll help you make a better decision. I'll start with the first one. Is there a structural mechanical problem that can't heal on its own? That's a very strong consideration.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


With surgery, there's a lot of nuance. There's a ton of nuance. And Max is a candidate. He's a perfect candidate for something like this. This was a week and a half out. So he had just had the surgery. He's got the incision. And he's like, I can move better a week and a half out than I could.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And at the very least, they'll set themselves up for more successful.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Also, I had some surgeon clients that I worked with that understood this. They were really good. And it's like the rehab and correctional exercise post-surgery portion is as important as the surgery. First of all, when you get surgery, you're limited. Your emotion is limited. You're going to come out with muscle recruitment issues because you can't move. The rehab is so important.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered... Live callers, questions. People called in and we got to help them out on air, but this was after our intro. Today's intro is 55 minutes long. In the intro, we talk about fitness, studies, science, nutrition. It's a great time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Otherwise, you wasted the surgery many times.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Absolutely. I had a decent amount of clientele that would transition from physical therapy to me. Because they weren't ready to go completely on their own. In fact, I had a physical therapist in my studio that was excellent. She left the medical space and went private because of the limitations that you have with, like, insurance and stuff like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. Now I got to say, you know, it's interesting about this conversation. So I'm, you know, I'm flying down to LA, flying back. I always, I hate flying. It doesn't make me feel good, whatever. I hate sitting in the chairs and you know, the altitude, I don't know what it is.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So what I want to say about this was, when you do certain types of movement, correctional exercise for yourself, your mental state makes a big difference as well in terms of how effective it is. For example, I'll never forget learning this. I was doing static stretching years ago and I was being coached by somebody with the static stretching on how to really – oh, it was my wife actually.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Totally. And then there's situations where... You just have to. You have to. Right. And so if you have a structural, mechanical problem that can't heal on its own, that's essentially like... Like you have a torn ACL. It's torn. It's not going to heal back together.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It was my wife at the time was helping me with some static stretching. Now, she at the time, she was doing the silk. She had just finished traveling with Cirque du Soleil. She had incredible flexibility and she learned how to stretch from like some of the best in the world. And I remember I'm doing the stretch and I'm like – And she's like, why are you holding your breath?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm like, I'm doing the stretch. She goes, you holding your breath is making your body tighten up. And then a light bulb went off like, oh, yeah, it's my CNS. Like, if I hold my breath while I stretch, because I'm trying to do a static stretch. I'm trying to get my CNS to relax. Oh, yeah. I'm sending competing signals. Static stretch says relax. Holding my breath says don't relax.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's not going to work. So I had this like, yes, on the plane, I was using Brain FM, putting Meditate on, listening to that while I was doing stretches in my seat. Oh my God.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh yeah. Because so what Brain FM does, we know this, right? It changes-

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


it changes the the brain waves the brain waves that you can measure so it can induce what would look like on if you were to look at this and measure it like that looks like a brain that's meditating that looks like a brain that's focused that looks like a brain that's sleeping okay so you put on the one that's meditate i figured meditation is probably the closest you'd want to get to your cns calming down or whatever so i put that on listen to it five minutes into it start stretching wow

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It was like dramatic difference on my ability to get into positions and mobility and stretch type of deal. I never thought to combine the two. Really? Not with that. I've done it with workouts, with focus, and it works with focus.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Right. You have a torn pec completely. It's gone. You have a ligament that's severed completely. Your muscle, your supraspinatus is mostly or all torn, and it's just not going to heal on its own. You have to have surgery, right? Your body's not going to grow those ligaments back together. It's not going to fix. It's limited to what it can fix on its own.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


All right. I want to back up to fitness again because I read a study today. It was actually an article in New York Times. They examined the muscle of active 70-year-olds. So they looked at muscle, and they looked at it to compare it to the muscle of active 20- and 30-year-olds. And you know what they found? Similar?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Not active 70-year-olds. Aren't all 70-year-olds active?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


What changes is your ultimate potential, right? So a 20-year-old's potential for how much they can lift, how fast they can run, maybe up here. And a 70-year-old's is down here. But there's still a ton of potential there. Now, here's the deal. As your potential goes down, the bottom goes down as well. Like the worst shape you can be in your 20s is pretty bad.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


the worst shape you could be in your 70s is deadly, right? So you can keep yourself somewhere in that middle range just by maintaining activity and exercise. And when they look at these things in a lab, by the way, the cardiovascular fitness of these 70-year-olds was very similar to fit 40-year-olds. So it's remarkable what you can do just by staying active as you get older.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's literally, there's nothing that comes close to proper exercise, uh, in that category, you know, that fountain of youth.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


One caveat. I didn't say this. These were seven year olds who have been exercising for 50 years or more. Oh, yeah. Of course. You'd have to. These weren't likely to start working out. Although you start working out at 70, you'll see great results. These were people who've been exercising active most of their lives.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Speaking of longevity, I read this, and I knew this already, but I forgot all about it. But you hear often about how you got to reduce meat consumption because meat's bad for you or whatever. Some of the longest lifespans are in Hong Kong. Maybe, Doug, you could look up lifespan or longevity in Hong Kong. Hong Kong also has the highest per capita meat consumption.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And in that case, surgery is absolutely essential. You need external help with that. Yeah, rehab and correctional exercise can only go so far. when it comes to helping a structural, mechanical break, you can definitely rehab yourself with an ACL tear so that you feel better, but you don't have an ACL. So that stability is gone. In fact, I know people like this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


They eat more meat than almost anybody. Hong Kong? You've brought that up before. Yes. Maybe you could look up, Doug, their meat consumption versus other countries. So they eat some of the most meat, and yet they're also the longest living. But they tend to conveniently exclude Hong Kong when it comes to a lot of these different things. But they eat a ton of meat.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'd love to see what the stats are on that, Doug, how much they eat.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And what's their longevity compared to the rest of the world?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And what is that compared to like other countries? I think we're 70, 72. 88 for women? Holy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know, and that's, you think, oh, 10 years. First of all, that's a lot, but it's also their health span. I love Dr. Seeds says this a lot. Like, what's your health span? Not just how long you're alive, you're not dead, but how long you're able to, like, have good health. Maintain health, yeah. Which is, you know, the most important thing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So that's a big, that's a massive, massive difference.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


No, GLP-1 doesn't cause bone and muscle loss. It's the severe reduction in calories and then the lack of focus and attention to strength training and protein intake. Look at the osteoporosis rate with anorexics. It's through the roof, right? And these are oftentimes very young people. But it's not the GLP-1. I know there's that one video.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


There's this young woman that's like, I lost all this weight. And I go to the doctor and they said, I have osteopenia. I wish I would have known that this would have caused... Which, by the way, you could reverse if you started lifting some weights and ate some more food and some calories. That's my fear.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


My fear is that for some people, I think it'll still be a net positive, but I think for some people, they're going to trade one problem for another. They're going to go from I have overweight problems to I have frailty problems. So they're not going to necessarily be better off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


In fact, if you look at the data on the issues and chronic health issues and longevity and quality of life with obesity versus frailty, frailty is worse. Being really underweight is actually worse than being overweight. That's the scary part.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I know people who had a torn ACL or PCL. Mm-hmm. And they never got it fixed because they stopped playing sports. And they could literally sit down and shift their lower leg forward or back. You ever seen that?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


No, so what they're comparing it to is like, you'll get the digestive system of a Gila monster is what they'll say, because it slows down gastric emptying. So they're using an example of an animal. It's really strange because this is the first time. It's pretty misleading.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Snake venom is what I heard. I don't know about that, but if it was, it's not the same thing. They've used that for blood pressure. It's not the same thing as injecting yourself with snake venom. No. Okay, so here's the deal. What you have here are two of the most powerful, influential industries in the world. Yes, they're fighting right now.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And they're both super powerful, make a lot of money, and there's a lot of corruption and weird shit that happens to both of them, okay? You have the processed food industry, which is a behemoth monster, which is already... They've influenced policy for a long time now. They're the ones behind the food pyramid and this is healthy, that's not healthy and whatever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yes. So there's that. And then you have the pharmaceutical industry, which is another monster that has its own shit. And both of them are fighting.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You have now the pharmaceutical industry has this- They want to control the messaging. Has this drug that makes you eat less and the food industry is like, uh-oh, what do we do?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And so it's like the propaganda wars with these two monsters, which is really interesting.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I think it's made in a lab. It is. I don't think they're taking snakes and extracting them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, that's why. See, this is so dumb. Snake venom proteins have been studied as potential treatments for diabetes, and a hormone in Gila monster, that's where it was, venom, inspired the development of these peptides.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Even then, whatever. That's where they got the idea, and then they developed it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


GLP-1s are going to be incredible for the right people done the right way. And for the wrong people done the wrong way, they're going to be terrible. That's it. That's the bottom line. There's nuance here, everybody. People who are like all on one side versus the other, that's not the case with something like this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


In those cases where we see people like, oh, why are you on? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I agree.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


This is how I like to communicate it. So when you think of an addiction, I know people argue, oh, there's no such thing as the addiction to hyper processed foods or addiction to eating in particular. I disagree completely. I think there are real addictive properties. And for some people, they're worse than for others for a lot of different reasons.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But there are the physical, physiological effects of the addiction. And then there's the psychological. So you smoke every day. You smoke every single day. It's a habit. You enjoy it. I can replace the nicotine you get from the cigarette. That's going to get rid of the physiological withdrawal of not smoking. but you still have the behavior in the association.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And this is why, by the way, nicotine patches and gums are better than nothing, but they're not a cure because they use the nicotine and they get that physiological effect. So it's not pulling as strongly, but they still miss the smoke, the whatever, right? And so you'll talk to anybody who smokes. This is what happens.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, what happens with the GLP-1 for some people, and look, we're speaking from experience. Remember, we train people for 20 plus years, I worked with enough people who had to lose a lot of weight and through my compassion and understanding experience, I was like, this is not the same for them. This is very hard. They're dealing with something that I don't, I've never experienced.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And gosh, I wish there was a way we could take the edge away a little bit. And that's what a GLP-1 does. It will take away that pull that feels incessant, that's constant. Now they still, they still can have some of the pull to the food because I still get stressed. I used to reach for food, but I'm not hungry anymore, but I still need something to. And so sometimes you'll see this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


In fact, we worked with people in our group. We had, we did a group coaching a little while ago with people on GOP ones. And there was, I remember there was a couple of people in there who said, you know what? I'm not hungry, but I still feel myself reaching for these foods when I'm stressed. Remember that? And that just highlights what I'm talking about.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So what you do with these individuals is you take away that strong pull, you give them time to break free from that behavior, and you replace it with another behavior that can supplant it. So maybe now when you're stressed, instead of reaching for food, you do this other thing or you attach it to something else. And then you do this over the course of a year or two years and

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm glad you said that because the other consideration that's part of this is how do you plan on living the rest of your life, right? Yeah. With no MCL, if you were to go and continue to play high-level basketball or something like that, you might consider having it surgically repaired. Risk analysis with that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then you break those chains and you develop new behaviors. And this is the best strategy that I've ever seen ever where you can combine that with good coaching, with proper strength training, where we might actually be able to cure people in the sense that we can take people who have a 1% chance of doing this forever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. And then you keep the GLP-1 in your back pocket because, okay, we did it for two years. You're no longer reaching for food like you used to. That hunger signal wasn't there. So it made it easier. Now let's take you off. And then they're like, oh my God, I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Oh my God, I'm starting to veer back a little bit.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


All right, let's go back to GLP-1 for a month or two or three. And then I think we have a good strategy for those people. But for other individuals, I think there's better options and I don't think it's great. It's unnecessary for a single person.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So we did already group coaching once, so we're going to do it again. The last one was for people on GOP Ones. This one's for people who are looking to transform their bodies, their comeback. Yeah, get back at it. I'm looking to do a comeback. Get me back into shape, but it's very small, very limited because we're not going to blow this up for a while.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


We're going to keep it small, and it'll be run by our trainers, but we'll be popping in.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then working with other people. It's where you can sign up for it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I think so. No, maybe not. I don't know.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, we'll see. We'll see. Maybe we'll do another one later.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Dude, I got to tell you guys about – I had an observation at the gym the other day that just reminded me of such a – there was a huge change in gym layouts that happened about, I want to say, 15 years ago that I totally forgot about. So you guys all worked in gyms that were started in the early 90s. We all did.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then right around like 2000s or so, they changed one segment of the layout significantly because they noticed –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


um people enjoyed it more worked out more because of it and it was how they placed their cardio do you guys remember what it was where it was facing yeah yeah so they could watch everybody work out yeah dude remember back in the day cardio was watching tvs yeah tvs with a bunch of tvs then they figured out that people would rather watch other people work out yeah yeah and it was way more successful there's nobody watches tv when they do cardio yeah they watch other people yeah it's so crazy what is that about us uh as creatures right because that looks hard i mean i

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, like I had AC joint resection, and mine was completely separated, and it was gone. So resection was probably a better option for me. But in some cases, this isn't the case. In some cases... there's tendonitis or, you know, and that's the next one. Is the pain just due to inflammation?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


We're social, man. Humans are social. There's nothing more interesting than people.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Bro, look at the shows on TV we watch. We're watching other people's lives and stories.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I just love, like you mentioned the gym in Santa Teresa. One of the things I loved about working in a gym was watching people. It's my favorite thing to do in the world. Eat your lunch and just watch the gym floor. It's better than any TV show you could ever find.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, women's weight rooms? Yeah. They used to have their... Racquetball doesn't exist anymore.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So funny, the big gyms saw the success of... CrossFit. No, Weight Watchers. No, not Weight Watchers. What was it called? The women's circuit... Curves. Curves, yes. They saw curves, and they went, well, we're going to do that ourselves. Then functional training.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Like, how many times do people go to a doctor, they have joint pain, the doctor images it, and they're like, oh, yeah, there's inflammation.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I always thought of a gym design where the ceiling would retract. I would love that. Like if it's sunny outside, you pull it out and just work it out in the sun. You know why you don't?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. And then what they do from there, and this is sometimes correct, sometimes... maybe not from maybe just my opinion, they'll say, oh, there's inflammation. And we think what's causing it is this thing right here that we can surgically repair. Sometimes that's not the case. Sometimes you have inflammation. Oftentimes, in my experience, the inflammation is due to Just dysfunction.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Of course. What would I do? I'd spend $10 million on a gym.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So you've been working out a lot lately. Have you taken a day off yet? Or like you're.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


By the way, if you want to be on an episode like this, where you call in and we can help you out. We can coach you. Email us your question at live at This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Play sounds and music that changes the state of your mind proven by science. No joke. You listen to meditate and your brain gets into a meditation state.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I swear to God, I swear to God, you don't have... You have two speeds. You don't have any of the speeds. You have off or 100%. Hard. Yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Poor movement. Weakness, instability. Poor movement. And correcting those things, you know. Diet can attribute. Yeah, you know what's a big one? What's a big one for us here in Silicon Valley? How many times did you guys work with a client who was going to get carpal tunnel surgery and then through working with you didn't need to get any more?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Your body's changed. I swear to God, in less than a week, it's already changed.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


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And on that link, you'll get a free sample pack with any drink mix purchase. All right, back to the show. This segment of the podcast is brought to you by If you're a trainer or a coach or aspiring to become one, go to Adam and I do free coaching and courses on how to teach you how to be more successful. Go check it out.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, so for somebody who's not familiar with, like, anatomy, right? Like, if you think of a joint, you can think of, like... Think of any moving part, mechanical moving part, like in your car or like a hinge on a door. Think of a hinge on a door, okay?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If the hinge is misaligned a little bit and I keep opening and closing the door, damage is going to start to occur on that hinge because the metal is rubbing too hard on one side. It's not fully balanced. They're properly balanced. You'll look at the hinge and go, oh my God, this is all messed up. And in the body, what you would do is you would...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You're doing really good, Jim. I mean, you've been doing this for so long, I'd probably be the one asking you questions because of the experience you have with what you're doing. So don't discredit... the wisdom that you've developed over decades of training your body.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I would say the struggles that you have are the struggles that most of us have when we strength train, which is, am I doing the appropriate amount and do I have a tendency to overdo it? This is probably why you have those muscle tears that you experienced in your career, just pushing it a little too hard.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Just like those guys you talked about who have all bad backs now from squatting back in the day. It wasn't the squat that hurt them. It was that they did a weight or a rep range or volume that was inappropriate. And I get that when you train at the extremes, you sacrifice things. When you train at the extremes, you sacrifice technique a little bit. And if you're squatting,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


400 pounds, 500 pounds, if your technique is off by two degrees, you might not notice, but you do that long enough and it starts to develop problems because the weight is so heavy. But I think you're doing a great job. And really, you've got to ask yourself, now that you're following a different program, do you feel different? Do you feel better? Are you noticing any changes in the positive?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And if the answer is no, then I would say go back to the higher volume. We've been doing this for so long, Jim, that... You're going to know your body pretty well. But if you also know that your tendencies overdo it and you're looking objectively like, you know what? I kind of feel stronger. I kind of feel better. I think things are improving. Or this might even happen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Nothing has changed, but I'm doing less. Well, that also is a clue that You might be doing more than was necessary before, and you can devote a little more time to maybe other forms of physical activity like mobility and flexibility work, which a lot of us tend to avoid. But that's really it. You've been doing this for so long.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I love talking to people like you because you have a lot of insight, especially when it comes to your body that I'm not going to have. It would take me a year of training you to have even close to the insight that you have. And by the way, the whole comparison thing, comparing yourself to how you used to be, that's not fair. Compare yourself to other 66 and 67-year-olds.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


How are you around your friends that haven't strength trained for 40 years? Is there a difference between the two of you?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Massive difference. I mean, the typical 67-year-old. Doesn't look like you, can't move like you, doesn't work out like you, doesn't have your energy. So if you're going to do a comparison, that would be a little bit more fair. And your light years, I'm looking at you right now on camera, For somebody who's, would you say 66, 67? I hope I look that way. Holy shit, man.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


fix the hinge or fix the way that the door moves in the hinge. And then the body heals the hinge. Now with the door, you'd have to replace the hinge because it doesn't heal itself. But this is what happens in joints oftentimes. If you look at the knee, for example, right? You have the lower leg flexing and extending with the upper leg. And then you have a kneecap that,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. The other thing, too, Jim, you want to consider is your tolerance for volume. Even though you're getting older, there's two competing forces here. Age will reduce your body's ability to handle volume and frequency, but practice, and especially over decades, increases that ability.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I've told the story many times of going to work with my dad as a, I think I was 16, a 16-year-old, you know, full of energy. And my grandfather, my Sicilian grandfather came to visit and And him and I were taking turns mixing cement. And just buried you. And my Sicilian grant in the hot sun. It was like 90-something degrees. And he just destroyed me. And I was a 16-year-old kid.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Worked out, you know, all the time. And he just murdered me. And, you know, he'd been doing that kind of work since he was, you know, eight years old. So even though he was much older than me. So you probably do have a pretty high tolerance. But you just got to be honest with yourself and don't fool yourself. Because we tend to fool ourselves like, you know.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


What you can tolerate isn't necessarily what's ideal. And then one thing I'll say to you about the squats and deadlifts, you mentioned like in the decades you started strength training, those exercises started falling out of favor a little bit for a while. Now you go to the gym, everybody's doing them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


the best way for you to approach those lifts that you're not experienced with is don't treat them like a lift, treat them like a skill. So when you go do your squats, don't think to yourself, like you do when you work out, you know, with a bench press or a curl, just go and say, I'm going to just practice the skill and get good at it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And so you're not even trying to like really work your legs really hard yet or anything like that. You're just trying to get really good at the skill. That'll get you, that'll move you in the right, and you'll get better results that way. But if you approach this lift that you haven't done

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


that slides and floats above that. And if it's not moving the way it's supposed to, then you start to get wear and tear that over, that overcomes your body's ability to heal. And so you start to develop a chronic inflammation and pain. And you start to see things like, you know, chondromalacia under the kneecap or whatever. Same thing with the joint. The joint is very complex. Excuse me.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


this whole time you've been strength training, like you do the lifts that you are really good at, then your risk of injury is going to be really high.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


The volume goes up quite a bit in your phase three right now.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, you can even probably go in the middle if you find a little more, but aesthetics too much.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


The shoulder joint is very complex joint. So you have like the humerus moving, but then you have the scapula moving along with it. And if it doesn't move the way it's supposed to, you get wear and tear that occurs. And fixing it with surgery doesn't fix the problem. The problem is the joint isn't moving the way it's supposed to. What makes joints move? Muscle. Muscle.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


By the way, what you said about not much has changed, you're right. Like a lot of the wisdom that we pull comes from stuff that we've known. We stray away from the good stuff. Yeah, so you're right. Not much has changed at all. The only advantage we have is that we've trained a lot of different people, and we learned how to communicate to a lot of different people.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But I'm not going to know you the way you are. No way, man. It would take me years of training you as a personal trainer, getting close. to be able to get that kind of insight. So, you know, consider that if anything, it would be more of a, just a check, you know, like, Hey, you're going a little too hard. It's like, just like one of these guys would do with me if we were working out together.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks. People need to know this. When you're a guy like that in the gym working out, that is way more impressive. That inspires everyone in the gym. This is what I love about gym culture. The old guys in the gym are getting all the respect and admiration I mean, you could see it there. He was proud of telling us.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And I'm going to be very clear, and this is just straight up for coaches and trainers to humble themselves a little bit. None of us in this room, as experienced as we are, are going to be able to train him or understand him the way he does because of his experience. We've just trained lots of different people. So I might be able to train lots of different people.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But if Jim hired me, a lot of my coaching for him would have been, let me ask you questions and let me help check you because you might overdo it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But I tell you what, man, to see a 66, 67-year-old man look like that, talk like that, whatever. Is there anything that could sell? Mustache goals. Yeah. Anything that could sell strength training better than that? Nothing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So what we can do is we can change how the muscles work. We can strengthen them in appropriate ways. Change what's, for lack of a better term, recruitment patterns, right? How the muscles work together.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


That's right. So like, you know, frozen shoulder is a very common one. Frozen shoulder gets really nasty where you literally can't lift your arm much. Well, physical therapy solves that problem many times. Rotator cuff inflammation.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Do you? Okay. So I need a little bit more information. What is your workout look like now? How is your sleep? Do you have – how is your stress levels? And then let's start here. You talked about your gut distension. I'm assuming they did testing for parasites, SIBO, everything.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And you've done elimination diet to try to identify anything.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. Okay. So, um, let me tell me about your sleep and your strength training routine. Cause I know you got five kids married your work. So we got the, you know, the, the, there's already high stress there. Um, what, what does your sleep look like? How off are you? Are you consistent with it? Does it, is it good? Or do you wake up like you're tired?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Lots and lots and lots of rotator cuff surgeries happen. And many, many times, good correctional exercise can solve the issue and allow the shoulder to heal. Bursitis in the hips. Bursitis in the hips is another one. Or cyst in the knee, Baker's cyst with knee function. I've worked with... like a carpal tunnel and a shoulder, like rotator cuff based inflammation.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. Okay. All right. And now, uh, tell me about your current workout.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. So you're going to failure and beyond, like blood and guts or heavy duty?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It does. And then your gut, do you notice gut issues after you eat? Or does it just always kind of feel that way?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So the symptoms of waking up, uh, like, like restlessness is what is how you would label that gut issues. Um, tell me that your body is dealing with stress. That's, uh, above and beyond what you can adapt to or tolerate at the moment. Now, the challenge is what we tend to do is we tend to look at what we're dealing with and we judge it and say, well, I used to be able to handle more.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But for whatever reason right now, those are classic signs that you're not able to handle what's happening right now. And you need to go through maybe a prolonged period.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, you're not going to get results. You'll have gut issues and you'll have sleep issues. You also may notice things like libido issues, hot, cold, and tolerance issues. Energy will feel either wired or tired. So you're not going to feel kind of nice, clean energy. That might be one of them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. Have we had our hormones checked? That was exactly where I was going to go next.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm going to have you. So here's the two things I'll do. I'm going to send you MAPS 15. That's the program you need to follow. Do the barbell version. Inside that program, you have the suspension trainer version. And then the barbell version. Do the barbell version. Don't go to failure. Follow that. I think that'll be more appropriate. And then I want you to go to

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Talk to the people there. And you get a hormone panel done. And then talk to them about peptides for recovery and healing. You're probably a pretty good candidate for BPC, KPV capsules for gut. And then what they're going to do... So the difference between a traditional doctor when it comes to hormones and... like these specialists is they don't just look at your numbers.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


They also look at your symptoms. And so, you know, total testosterone 400, it's within range, but you're also, if you're also noticing symptoms of lower testosterone, then they'll probably bring you up to 800 or something like that, which is still within range. But that often makes a difference with somebody and you're over 40. You're not, are you planning on having more kids?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, you're good. So I would go there, reduce the volume, and only because you've already checked all the big boxes. Like if you hadn't seen a functional medicine practitioner, that's where I would send you first. But since you have, and they've said, look, you're good. No SIBO, no SIFO, no parasites. We did a scope. We don't know what's going on, like what's happening.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Like those two right there was so common, especially around here in Silicon Valley. People will come in with this pain and it got to the point where, you know, after 20 years of training people. Yeah. I felt very confident that we would positively affect the pain.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Then I would reduce the volume. Go, you know, work with a hormone specialist. And if they recommend a protocol, try both. And that very well likely will turn things around a pretty dramatic way, especially a man your age.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And just consider this. This isn't a permanent thing. So stress on the body can be cumulative over time. So right now this may be appropriate. You may come out of this and then go back to your old training because now that's more appropriate. So sometimes people are like, oh my God, I'm just going to do this 50, you know, 20 minute workout a day for the rest of my life. Probably not.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But right now that's kind of where you're at because you're in a bit of a deficit. The last thing I'll add is if you do go on hormone replacement therapy, which you don't want kids anymore your age. It's appropriate for many men, even just for, um, you know, improving quality of life that may fool you into going harder than you need to in the gym.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So when you get on, if you do, you'd be like, Oh man, I feel like I'm 20 years old again. Like fight the urge to go beat the crap out of yourself in the gym. Cause you'll just erase whatever, whatever extra value that you, you know, new testosterone levels will give you just still be smart about it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, I would follow it until you felt sleep was good. Man, I'm sleeping throughout the night. I'm stronger again. I feel great. And then I would say, okay, let me see if maybe run another cycle of it and then maybe move into, you know, slightly bump the volume into another type of program. But don't go crazy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Those were big common ones. So is the pain just due to inflammation? And then what you got to do is back up and say, okay, what's causing the inflammation? In many cases, the correctional exercise can solve the root issue. And then the body kind of... heals itself. And then here's another point. Does it feel better or worse after massage or correctional exercise or stretching?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I'd love to get you back on in like 90 days if that's all right.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. You got it, my friend. Cool. Yeah. Follow up with this, Josh. Thank you, Josh.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, I mean, for people watching or listening right now, I made the recommendation I did because he did all the big things first. Yeah, he already checked the other boxes. That's it. You know? And going through a divorce, five kids, like, it's no joke. You know? Change, yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Listen to focus and you become more focused. focused. Uh, it's amazing. It works. Don't believe me. Try it out for 30 days for free. Go to forward slash mind pump. This episode is also brought to you by mind pump group coaching. We're going to do group coaching here at mind pump. And we've only done this once before. We're doing it again.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Here's a good hint that maybe you don't need surgery. It's not 100%, but this points in the direction of maybe you don't need surgery. you do some massage or some correctional exercise or some stretching, and immediately you feel some pain relief. Oh, yeah. Then that's probably an issue that can be solved with those things, right? If you do any movement at all, it gets far worse.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You have two options here, really. You could either stay the course. Well, more than two options, but two options that I would point to. You could either stay the course. Keep your calories right about where they're at because what looks like is happening is you're getting leaner and building muscle. So you're still building muscle. Body fat percentage is slowly going down.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So you could just keep your calories where they're at and then ride that. You could also do mini cuts and mini bulks, see what that feels like. So go from 2,700 calories to 2,200 calories for a couple weeks and bring it up to, let's say, 2,900 calories for a couple weeks. and see what that does. I personally, if I were you, I would kind of hover where you've been at and just maintain.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And then the next program, Symmetry is Great, you can go anabolic advanced. It is more intense. So just pay attention to how your body responding to it. That might be another program that you go into.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Now, as far as the course is concerned, it's, uh, it's perfect for what you're looking to do. Perfect. I mean, what we talk about is essentially how to build that business and what that looks like client relationship wise, you know, getting, by the way, with your background and experience, I mean, that's a great, you're going to do great in that space.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. It's really, really will work out well. So, I mean, you're going to do good with that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Jeremy, do you use a CRM at all to manage your business? Do you have anything that you use to kind of do the client relationship management tools, anything like that?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, you're going to love. You're going to love. Let me have somebody reach out to you to talk to you about what we have for that kind of stuff. Because especially somebody like you, you're already a professional. You'll really appreciate and be able to utilize all of the things that it does to be able to build just this incredible business.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


You know what? Every time I hear something, which is all the time, we hear this all the time, I get so frustrated because I saw another post the other day where they talked about the myth of reverse dieting and how that doesn't work. It's like- Why are you deterring people? You just don't understand how it works. That's all you got to say.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If we have so many people where they do this, they go up in calories, metabolism speeds up, and they get leaner. So you just don't understand why it's working. That's okay. We'll figure it out at some point. But it works.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. That's fine. You're doing fine. I mean, dairy is a great source of protein. Greek yogurt's great. Shakes, you know, whole foods always, of course, ideal, but here's the deal. We're dealing with a different context here. I mean, in your email, it says that you really...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Uh, you know, eating meat is just so, and I don't, what I don't, what I wouldn't want you to do unless there was a medical emergency is sit there and force yourself to eat all the time because that's not worth. It's also not sustainable.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. So before four months ago, were you doing any strength training or was this totally new?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay. Okay, so I'm going to guess that the volume may not be appropriate because if this is your first four months of strength training, you should see pretty consistent strength gains across the board unless your diet was really low calorie and you really had a tough time eating in the beginning or something like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Can you tell me how long your workouts take and how many exercises generally you're doing?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Can we send you a program to take a look at, maybe follow one of our programs?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, and how long have you been with your coach?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, good. We have coaches too. So if you ever wanted to change or try something different, we don't advertise it just because we would get too many people that we could service or whatever. Right. But if you're happy with your coach and they seem to be supporting you well, then stay the course. And then we'll send you a program that you can try out

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


that's different than the one you're following that, that we think might be okay.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, for context, people know she's lost over 40 pounds already. Yeah, substantial.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


She's getting enough protein. That's the point. Could she take in more to be more ideal? Yeah, probably. But what you don't want to do is place the wrong priorities and the wrong order.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at MindPumpJustin. I'm at MindPumpDeStefano. And Adam's at MindPumpAdam.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, it's interesting. I remember once training a general surgeon, very, very smart woman. And when she first hired me, she said, I can't do anything. I can't squat or do anything. I can't even go down to 90 degrees. I've talked to my osteopath or whatever. It's like my knees are bad or whatever. Three months later, we're doing full squats and lunges. And she was like, what happened?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I said, it's just function. It was just function. There was nothing torn. There was nothing permanent. It was just your body wasn't moving well. And if your body doesn't move well, then it's going to start to hurt. And when you start to move better, you start to feel better. And again, one of the clues to this is you get a massage and it's like, wow, my pain's gone.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Or you do a little bit of correctional exercise or some stretching. Like how many times people have hip pain, then they do a basic seated stretch and they, oh, the pain is gone.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


A common one, by the way, along these lines is like, this isn't true for all of them, okay? But many times in my experience, sciatica pain. People will come in and, oh, I have terrible sciatica pain. I've had it my whole life or whatever. And we do some...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


some stretching and some work on their piriformis and some hip mobility and that session that session significantly reduces their sciatic pain and then they practice it and it disappears and these are people that have dealt with it and they're taking painkillers cortisone shots like just a bunch that one's probably the most common because i mean that nerve runs right through there and you have a couple muscles that could easily press on it yeah pressing on it and then it makes them feel that yeah what happens is when you have when you do have an injury um

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


If you were in shape before you fell out of shape and you want to get back into shape, you want to do a comeback. You want to transform your body, limited spaces, but go to Sign up. Our trainers, the ones that we hire, the ones that work for us, are going to coach you. And yes, myself, Adam, and Justin will pop in there and help you out as well.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


or pain, your, your, your CNS starts to limit your motion, your movement to try to protect it. But then that limited movement actually starts to become a problem as well, because then the pain comes up and the movement gets even more limited and more limited. And so you get this downward spiral effect of worse and worse and worse movement. And the pain goes up and up and up.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


This is why, oh, you know, your shoulder hurts. Don't move it anymore. Okay. But once it's healed, you should move it. And if you don't, then things can sometimes get a lot worse.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, and then lastly, are you fit and healthy? So you know how many times back pain, knee pain, hip pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, is just because you're not fit, you're not healthy, or you're overweight. You're not sleeping, yeah. Yeah, it goes away. Oftentimes, a lot of these pains go away. But also, this is something else to consider.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Fit and healthy people have more success with surgery as well. So fit and healthy is good across the board. It helps when you have surgery. It also helps you prevent or not have to get surgery.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


But oftentimes if you're like, oh my God, my knees hurt or my hip hurts or this hurts and you know you're 60 pounds overweight, you know you sit down most of the time, you know your diet's really bad and you're like, should I get surgery on this joint? try getting fit and healthy first, unless, again, there's like a major tear or whatever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Try getting fit and healthy first because if that's not the solution, that will at the very least make the surgery far more likely to be successful. So that should be the place you go no matter what.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Oh, yeah, because he tells you when something's off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It's Also, we have a sale this month. MAPS Anabolic and the No BS Six Pack Formula. You can put them together for this special bundle. The total price, $59.99. If you're interested, go to All right, here comes the show. You have pain. You were injured. Should you get that surgery? No, stop. Before getting that surgery...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


No, this is a good discussion because I went, I was down in LA yesterday. So you guys know this. I was on Max Lugavere's podcast. Oh yeah, how was that? Love Max. Absolutely love Max. One of my favorite people in the world. He's a great guy. So yesterday, he was less than two weeks out from back surgery. He had disc replacement surgery. I want to say L1. I have it written down.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I got to see where it was. But he had it in his back. He had disc replacement surgery. And when I saw him...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


um you know we we talked for a little bit before getting on the podcast and he goes man because okay so max fit healthy guy he's in the wellness exercises takes care of himself and he was so frustrated because he had reached out to people in our space about this surgery and there were so many people were like don't get back surgery whatever you do don't get back surgery don't do it and he was telling me how much better he feels and stuff i said you know max

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


But you're probably going to see between 5 to 10 pounds of muscle in that first month, 10 pounds being like I used to have all this muscle before, 5, 4, 5 pounds of lean body mass for someone who's never worked out, which I would see with clients all the time with a good reverse diet.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So now you're ending the first 30 days with a faster metabolism, which is going to make fat loss a lot easier as you move into the second phase. 30 days. So that's the first 30 days, right? Second 30 days, well, this is where you bump the volume and the intensity of your workouts. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. But you cut down the amount of days you're in the gym to four days.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So you're no longer doing five days a week. You're doing four days a week. And you can move to a general split here. So a general split would be like an upper-lower split. Some people like that. Other people like different kinds. I like upper-lower. for something like this. And then what you're doing with diet, here's where it gets real fun, is you move into mini cuts and mini bulks.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So what does that look like? Well, a cut is when you're eating less than you're burning, and a bulk is when you're eating a little more than you're burning. And the idea here, which has been practiced many times by bodybuilders, been done for decades by bodybuilders, but we did this with clients. It's a very effective way to get the body to burn pure body fat and to maintain or build muscle.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


It's very hard to build muscle in a pure cut all the time. And you start to see metabolic adaptation go down. In other words, your metabolism starts to slow down. But in this particular phase, as we bump up the exercise volume a little bit, so we add a few more sets, we're training a little bit harder. We're not in the gym five days a week, but now we're in there four days a week.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Now what we're going to do is we're going to start doing a cut for a couple of weeks and then a bulk for a couple of weeks. This allows you to perm body fat, but then maintain the metabolism that you're trying to boost. Many cut, many bulks tend to result in better results over time than just an impure cut all the way through.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Where did you go from to where? Let's give them some numbers. What do you think you were averaging before? And then what were you trying to hit in that first month?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Okay. So you more than doubled your protein. Yes. Your calories went up.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Usually they're fake, but you can actually create one. Make it real. Dramatic changes in 90 days, but you can't screw up. Everybody messes up. We're going to talk today about how you can do your own transformation in 90 days, step by step. Month one, month two, and month three. Let's start.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


It just works better. And by the way, here's something else that's counterintuitive or should I say counter what people tend to do. When you're in your cut, when you're in your calorie cut, you need to reduce the volume of your training, not increase the volume. Everybody does the opposite. They're like, okay, now I'm trying to burn body fat. I'm in a calorie deficit.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Let me bump up the exercises that I'm doing and the reps that I'm doing. No, no, no. You've actually reduced your body's ability to recover because you've cut nutrients out of your diet, right? Proteins, fats, carbs, plus the micronutrients.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So what you want to do in the cut is actually cut the volume a little bit. So you actually want to cut a set or two or three off of your workouts during the cut phase. During the bulk phase, you can bump the volume up a little. Not a huge difference, but you bump up the volume a little bit. So the volume is higher with the mini bulks and it's lower with the mini cuts.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Not the way that opposite that people tend to do it where they're like, I need to gain, so I need to do less. And I need to cut, so I need to do more of my workout. It's actually the opposite approach.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Yes. So in the first month, what you're going to see are pretty rapid strength gains. What you don't want to do in that first month, by the way, is push the strength right out the gates. Allow the strength gains to happen, add weight to the bar, but don't go, let's see how much I can lift. Organically let it happen. Let it happen. Second 30 days is where you start to push the weight a little bit.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Now I'm like, okay, well, let me add a little more. Let me see what I can do. That's what I mean by increasing the intensity. By the way, that also increases the volume. When the weight goes up on the bar, that adds volume to your overall load. But you're also going to add volume with a few more sets here and there. So that second 30 days is where you do start to push the weight a little bit.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Now, I love what you said, Adam. You mentioned where people like to add running and stuff. We're not adding any of that yet. We're still in the build phase, although the first 30 days was build-build. Second 30 days is build-cut. When we move to the last 30 days, this is where we move to the cut.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


This is when we're really going to go and say, okay, here's where we're going to start to really burn body fat. Now, what does the workout look like here? Now we're working out three days a week. Now, why? Well, first off, you were cutting every single day. The entire third 30-day period is a calorie deficit. It's a calorie deficit the whole entire time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


We're going to move to a full-body workout because that works much better. It's less fat. However, your strength should maintain or actually go up in this last 30 days because of the work, the way that we're organizing the workout. And because again, this is your only 30 days or 90 days in 60 days in. to this workout. This is the last.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


By the way, the exercises that you should be choosing throughout this entire program are the most valuable ones, right? Compound lifts like squats and deadlifts. split stance squats, overhead presses, bench presses, rows. They're just the most effective types of workout exercises.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So here's the deal with before and afters and transformations. They often aren't real. Now that being said, the question is, what kind of results can someone actually get in 90 days? And if they do it right... Now, here's the thing. Doing it right does not mean doing it as hard as possible and doing everything all at the same time. That's not what that means.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Isolation exercises are good too for arms and maybe for adding a little extra volume, but really you want to focus on those big compound lifts. Now, again, this last 30 days, Is it cut? This is also when you add the cardio. So now for the last segment of this 90-day transformation, I can add cardio to my routine to accelerate the fat loss.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Now the question might be, why don't I do cardio month one, month two? Why am I just doing it in the last 30 days? Well, first off, if your goal is endurance and stamina and overall fitness, you can add it whenever you want. But this is about the before and after aesthetic changes. I want to maximize the visual change.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Remember that first 30 days about building metabolism, cardio might get in the way of that. So we're not going to add that yet. We're going to really keep the energy towards the strength training. The second 30 days, kind of the same thing. The last 30 days will really get the effect from the cardio, from a fat loss visual perspective.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Again, you could do it through the whole time if endurance and stamina is your goal. But if you're like, look, I want to get fit. I want to be healthy, but I want like before and after results, 90 days, you save it. You save it for the last 30 days. And the question is, What kind of cardio? Hit cardio is very valuable here. Liss can also be valuable. Liss is the steady state.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


I'm on the treadmill walking at a decent pace for 20, 30 minutes. Hit, I really like for this last 30 days. And with hit, you're looking at maybe 10 to 12 minutes. And it's like a sprint followed by a slow pace, followed by a sprint, followed by a slow pace. 10 minutes or 12 minutes of hit in terms of calorie burn is as much as like 35 or 40 minutes of that kind of steady state type of cardio.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


If you do this right, many of you, most of you will end up with a cut at the end where the calories aren't as low as you think they should be. You'll actually, because you've built your metabolism well in that first month, you've done your bulks and cuts in that second month. Month three, like when you get to the cut, you're going to be eating more than you would have anticipated for your cut.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


I remember with yours, Adam, at the end, I think you were eating more than you did before you started.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Because of the amount of lean muscle that you had gained. Now, of course, Adam's results were extreme. He used to be a pro physique competitor. He was working with 50 pounds of protein. muscle memory, right? 50 pounds of muscle that he used to have on his body. Nonetheless, uh, I, I've trained many, many, many people.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And when they do this right, we end up in a cut typically with calories that are right around where they started, which was making them gain body fat before.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


If you want your body to adapt and change, you have to do it right, the right dose. Do it the right way. We'll get you the faster results. And if you do things the right way, you can make dramatic visible changes in 90 days, especially – now, here's the asterisk, and this applies to you, Adam – especially if you were in really good shape a while ago, right? If you fell out of shape.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


It is not a...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


It doesn't apply here.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Yes. We're talking about a 90-day transformation from fat to fit, right? From not working out to now I'm working out. And if you have muscle memory on your side, if you were in shape before and now you're out of shape, you have something working for you that if you do this right, if you do what we're saying, you tap into this, The results you get will blow you away for two reasons.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


One, because you're going to see the results and be like, oh my God, I can't believe I looked that different in 90 days. But two, because it's going to feel like I didn't do as much as I thought I should have done. That's the part that really blows people away is they're going to be like, oh my God, my body was working for me. I wasn't fighting my body the entire time. So here's what we did, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


You could take what we just said, apply it, you'll do great. Or... We put together, put all of this together in a program. We're calling it Maps Transform. It's a brand new maps program. And in it, we detail everything. Your workouts, your exercises, your sets, your reps. We teach you how to go into the cuts, into the bulks with your calories. Talk about proteins, fats, and carbs.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Talk about supplements. We include a diet guide with this brand new program. We also include Adam's 90-day body recomp journal if you want to follow along with what he did. There's 35 workout videos in there. There's his Instagram stories in there. His favorite snacks and recipes. Again, remember Adam coached Many, many competitors himself. He's trained at a very, very high level.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


That's all included with this program called Maps Transform. It's a 90-day transformational program. Everything's in there that you need to follow it. If you are interested, you go to It's $70 off because it's a brand new program. So use the code transform 70.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So transform seven zero gives you the $70 off plus the 90 day body recount recomp journal, plus the transformation diet guide, all included by the way, by the way, This program comes with an at-home version as well. So you can follow the program if you have gym access. You can also follow the program if you only have at-home workout access. So it's for everybody.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Again, it's a 90-day transformational program. The code for the discount and the free stuff is transform70. Get it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Yes, then you have muscle memory on your side, and then if you tap into that – Oh my God, can you get your body to change in radical ways in just three months? But everybody screws us up. Everybody messes us up. And the main way they mess us up is they go all out, all at once. Too hard, too fast. Yes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


That's the most important thing you're saying, Adam, is that – because people will say, well, I don't care if it doesn't stick. I'm just going to get faster results, get better results. No, no, you'll get worse results. You'll get less results. You'll get – What you're dealing with, and this I think illustrates it, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


You're dealing with, when you're trying to burn body fat and you're trying to build muscle and sculpt the body and shape the body, you are dealing with the human body. You're not just building something out of bricks. You're building the human body, which means you are working with your body's capacity to adapt and to change, okay?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


By the way, we are launching a brand new program. It's our 90-day transformational program. It's called Maps Transform. Now, you can listen to the episode, and we tell you how to do it, but you can also get the program and have it all laid out for you. Exercises, sets, reps, what to do, when to do it, diet, supplements, the whole thing. Brand new program.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And it really, I've used this analogy many times, but it's no different than if you were trying to get the best looking fastest tan possible. And so one guy goes outside and says, I'm gonna stay out in the sun as long as I possibly can day one. They're not gonna get the best tan, they're gonna sunburn. The guy or girl that goes out that does the perfect dose of UV rays,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Every single day, he knows or she knows what the perfect dose is every single day. We'll get the tan that's the best and get to the fastest. That's the same exact thing when you're talking about getting in shape in 90 days is what is the perfect dose? How do I do this? How do I figure this out to get the fastest results? And if I do any more than is necessary... I'll get less results.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


I'll actually hamper my progress. And so the real question is, what kind of results can people get if they did everything perfectly? If they did everything perfectly, if they were training their body to maximize adaptation, if they fed themselves perfectly with their diet, if they did all the things in the right way, could you get the kind of results in 90 days that people would typically see?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


in a before and after picture? And the answer is yes, you can, but everybody screws it up. Almost nobody does this right. And that's the thing that we need to cover.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


where maybe you were in shape a couple of years ago and you stopped or you haven't worked out for six months or whatever. And you're like, okay, in 90 days, I want to get back into incredible shape. Month one looks like this. The first 30 days looks like this. Number one, you got to start slow. You wanna start slow because you haven't been working out.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


It's $70 off because it's a brand new launch. It's Use the code TRANSFORM70, so TRANSFORM70. That gives you $70 off. That includes some freebies. You get a 90-day body recomp journal. You follow Adam along with his 90-day transformation. We also give you a transformation diet guide.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And the fact that you haven't worked out in a while means your body's gonna respond pretty rapidly to almost any proper stimulus. And more than that is gonna compromise your body's ability to adapt. Really what you're trying to do is you're trying to maximize adaptation and minimize recovery time. What I'm trying to do is I'm trying to send the signal that maximizes the adaptation process.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And in the first month, what I want, I don't care what your goal is, whether it's to build a lot of muscle and strength or burn a lot of body fat, month one should be about building. Because building muscle, look, if your goal is to build muscle, that's obvious. But if your goal is to burn body fat, it doesn't seem so obvious. Why should I build muscle in the first month?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


I want to lose, you know, 30 pounds or whatever. Well, because that muscle is going to set you up for more effective and sustainable fat loss later on because it's fat-burning machinery. It boosts your metabolism. It makes your hormones work better for you. So we want to start with that first 80 days, regardless of what your goal is. to build, but we won't want to start slow.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


We want to send an adaptation signal that maximizes adaptation, but that doesn't tap too much into recovery because what my body will do if I go too hard too fast is it'll spend more time healing and less time adapting, right? You have adaptation and recovery, but we use the word healing instead of recovery because I think that illustrates this a little better.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


There's an overlap between them, which is true. But if I go above and beyond what is necessary to maximize adaptation, my body is going to utilize all of its resources for healing. And so what will happen if I do this wrong, which a lot of people do, is I'm going to get some results. By the way, this is where people will protest.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


This will say, well, I went real hard and I got, look at these results I got in the first 30 days. Yeah, but you don't know what kind of results you could have gotten. Could have been better. You might have built three pounds of muscle in your first month coming back, which is great. That's great.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


But you probably could have gained like eight pounds of muscle, which if you had eight, by the way, if you have muscle memory working for you, building that eight pounds of muscle in a month is actually quite possible for a lot of people. If you have really good genetics and you had a lot of muscle that you lost initially, you could build a lot more than that, as Adam demonstrated.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


But nonetheless, you don't know what you could have done because you overdid it. What you don't want to do is get your body to focus so much on healing that it has no more resources or time to focus on adaptation. So you want to start slow. Now, what does the workouts look like here? What is the best way to apply strength training during this process? Many workouts every day.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


every day. So rather than doing like two days a week in the gym and I'm working out, you know, for an hour each time, you should probably spend about 20 minutes doing two or three strength training exercise every single day and send that muscle building signal frequently to get those gears in motion. Keep the intensity somewhat moderate, but that's kind of what it's going to look like.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


With your hosts, Sal DiStefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews. Transform your body in 90 days. It is possible, okay? It is not likely, but it is possible. You have to do it right. We talk about it in today's episode, month by month. First month, second month, third month. How you can get your body from fat to fit. or to look like a before and after. You can do it if you do it right.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So five days a week, you're kind of doing like two, maybe three at most, especially if there's smaller exercises.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


a day and then people you know wonder what's the diet look like feed your body feed the muscle so we're doing what's called a reverse diet and and this is the part adam your first 30 days is where everybody thought it was fake it wasn't the second 30 the third 30 it was the first 30 yeah yeah because of muscle memory yeah um and you had now now adam you had a lot of muscle memory to work with yeah because at your peak you were 50 pounds more muscle

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


By the way, this program can be done in the gym, but we also have an at-home version that's included for free. Now, this episode is brought to you by Hya Health. If you want to give supplements, multivitamins to your kids, Most of them are garbage that are out there. They're candy. They don't have adequate nutrients. Well, Hiya Health is different. No sugar. It's not candy. No artificial anything.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


you would have still built a lot of muscle. You wouldn't have maximized it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


Now, the data supports all this, by the way. People who are deconditioned, there was actually a couple studies on this where they did one isometric contraction once a week, and they saw like 20%, 30% shrinkage week over week. I mean, an isometric contraction, just for people listening, like one a week, that's like literally they squeezed their hand or their leg. For 30 seconds.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And it's got the appropriate nutrients for your children to thrive. This is the only vitamin we give our kids. Go check them out. Go to That's forward slash mind pump on that link. You'll get 50% off your first order again, new program maps, The code is transformed 70 for $70 off and some free stuff. Check it out. 90 day before and afters.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


If you do this right, if you're listening to this and you're like, okay, I've done this before. I've tried to get back in shape before. It never works. I fall out of shape, whatever. And you're like, okay, I'm going to try what these guys are saying. In that first 30 days, if you do this right,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


you'll see strength gains and muscle gains week over week over week in that first 30 days, especially if you do what's called a reverse diet. What is a reverse diet? You're actually adding more protein especially to your diet.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


So you're taking your current food intake and you're adding, making sure you hit about one gram of protein per pound of target body weight, which is probably not what you're doing now. So you're adding to your diet along with this muscle building stimulus of five days a week, maybe two exercises in the gym. So it shouldn't take you, like I said, maybe 20 minutes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days


And what's going to happen by the end of this 30 days is you'll have a faster metabolism. So phase one or first 30 days, I've built some muscle. So most people watching and listening to this. Now, if you were in shape before, you're going to get more muscle. If you've never done this before, it'll be less.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


I would lose 10 pounds by the end of next week, but probably one pound of fat if it was in a deficit. If not, I'd lose no fat. I'd just lose a bunch of water weight.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Next up is, does it apply to you in any way whatsoever? Oh, yeah.

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That's it. If I look at this study and it passed the test, like big sample size, done for a long time, great controls, it's a meta-analysis, and it's telling me that I'm going to burn 15% more body fat if I exercise at 3 a.m. outdoors. Yeah. Like... You can consistently do that. Yeah, I'm using an extreme example, but no, it doesn't apply to me. I'm not going to wake up at 2.30 in the morning.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


On that link, you'll get a free sample pack with any drink mix purchase. This episode is also brought to you by Caldera Lab. They make natural skincare products that are exceptional. They're blowing up. Go check them out. Go to forward slash mindpump. Use the code mindpump20. You get 20% off your first order. Also, we are offering group coaching here at Mind Pump.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Let me piggyback off that, right? Creatine monohydrate. I'll use creatine, like you said. Five grams a day, let's just say. Great. Studies show that's great. It's awesome. And then company comes out, like some of our partners with Gummy, creatine. And it's like, wow, gummy. Oh, but that's going to add seven grams of sugar, except I don't like powder. I don't use the powder.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


A lot of people don't take the powder. They stop taking it. So the gummies are going to make me take it more. So I had seven grams of sugar who cares because now I'm going to be much more consistent. So does it apply to you in any way at all? I'll give you another example.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


When somebody asks me what's the best form of X for, you know, cardio, for example, I'm always going to reply by which one do you like the most? Because if you hate it, it doesn't matter. You're not going to do it. So you have to always ask, does this apply? Even if it's true, does this apply to me in any way whatsoever? And then finally, my favorite one, what do experienced coaches say?

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And this is because... Experience coaches, experience meaning coaches who've trained or work with people for 10 plus years. And for me personally, if you're to ask me, when would you consider a coach to be really experienced? I would say about 10 years. And I'm using my own, I've trained lots of trainers. I know you guys have too. And we were trainers. I was good five years in.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


I wasn't experienced about 10. It took about 10 years for me to really be good. What do experienced coaches say? And experienced coaches will often say the opposite or maybe something different than a study. For example, fasted cardio in the morning. Burns more body fat. A lot of coaches will say this, man, when I have my clients do cardio first thing in the morning, fasted, they just get leaner.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


And then you do, there's all these studies, there's meta-analysis, and the studies are clear. Fasted cardio burns no additional body fat than cardio at other times of the day. But why the hell then are coaches... What do they keep saying? Fasted cardio burns more body fat. Well, I'll tell you why.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


It adds more activity to their day because they wake up and move. That's right. That's probably what's happening, right? Or water. You know, additional water intake doesn't cause more fat loss, right? We got all these studies that show as long as they're drinking what they're supposed to, it doesn't make that big of a risk.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Well, why do coaches say, man, when I get my clients to drink a half a gallon, a gallon of water a day, They all seem to get a little leaner. Well, I'll tell you why, because they're not drinking other stuff.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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If you want to get coached by our trainers and by us, go to Sign yourself up so long as there's spots available. You can do it. Finally, one day left for our February special. MAPS Anabolic and the No BS Six Pack Formula we put together for a price that's super low. It's $59.99 for both programs. You can find them now. They're going to be gone tomorrow.

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2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


And it's like, we, we actually are, we actually argue that we said that when you're pushing the limit and you're redlining often, which athletes are. It allows you to work out more. Yeah. So now it makes sense.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Yeah. I didn't even say that. I didn't even say that, but you're right because- Especially in nutritional studies.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


It's so biased. Here's what happens. They can do things with studies to keep them within the parameters of what's considered-

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


uh legitimate like they can shorten a study or lengthen a study for example then this has been shown this has been hap this has happened a pharmaceutical company will do a a nine month study but at six months everything looked good and side effects got started to really pop up around month seven they'll stop the study and they'll publish the six month study and not show nine months.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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That's happened before. Pharmaceutical companies got sued over stuff like that. Or I'll give you a great example. In the 1970s, there was a study that was funded by the US government to connect cannabis to cancer risk. They said, well, it definitely causes cancer because cigarettes cause cancer. Let's do the study. And when the study started showing that it wasn't causing cancer-

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


In fact, it might actually have a slight protective effect. They stopped the study and didn't publish it. So sometimes they'll do that as well. They'll fund a study. We don't like those results. No one ever knows about it. So that's another one. That's another thing to kind of consider.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


But the reason why I'm careful going down that path is because I also don't think you should be like, I'm a pro-study study.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


That's right. And this is, this is one thing that we aim to do. as we try to get in there and kind of figure it out like a great one. We just did an episode recently on hip thrust versus squats. And the studies show that they both build the glutes the same, but so much anecdote from people, uh, online saying that hip thrust build their butts more. Well, that's because the self-selection bias, uh,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


that we're dealing with are people who have trouble building their butts doing squats. And in that case, a hip thrust, which allows you to feel your glutes more, it's easier to feel your glutes on a hip thrust than it is a squat. For those people, it is more effective, but they're not going to show that in those studies. So true.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Speaking of studies and human behaviors, like you brought up, Adam, interesting side effect from Element, our partners with the electrolyte powder. Do you know what I'm finding? So first off, we did a poll for all of our listeners and it got first place. It was the most... Most frequently used.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Of all the partners we work with, it was the number one most used product among all our partners. By quite a bit, yeah. But here's what I found. There's an interesting side effect or behavior change I'm noticing with people who consume a lot of element. Because my whole family does it. My wife drinks it or whatever. It makes people drink more water. And it's because it's palatable. It tastes good.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


You can find them now at All right, here comes the show. You're trying to burn body fat and build muscle, and you're looking at scientific studies. What's the best way to do so? Stop right now. Don't look at those studies. Consider this first. All right, I'll start with the first thing you're going to look at, which is how big was the sample size in the study?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Because it tastes good. Now, it doesn't have sugar. It doesn't have artificial sweeteners. It's the sodium combined with the stevia in there. That gives you that kind of palatability. My wife drinks a lot more water when there's element. My kids drink more water if I add a little sprinkle of it to their water. So it's like, as a coach, you might notice my clients drink more water.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


They're more hydrated. Yeah, because it's got- Because they're using all of it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


I've narrowed down, Adam, like the best. We've talked about this before, but now I have it down to like a number of the best pumps I'll get in the gym, because I work out in the morning and I don't eat till after, I eat when I get here. I'll do a packet element in this big container right here, which is I think 42 ounces. So I get up in the morning, I do my thing upstairs, and then I come down.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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My workout's typically around 7.15, 7.20 in the morning. 6 a.m., I drink a whole one of these with one packet element. If I do that, the pumps are ridiculous.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Nothing does it better than that. If I had carbs with it, it would be even better, but I don't eat anything.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Dude, so remember I brought this up on a recent podcast, and I was talking about the chemicals. that people spray on the benches and machines. So this was a thing that started really happening during and after COVID. So when I used to work out in gyms, the policy was, especially when I managed gyms, was bring a towel, wipe your sweat off. That was it. It's like bring a towel, wipe your sweat off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


And then some gyms, not a lot of gyms, but some gyms would have like paper towels and a spray bottle, but nobody was doing it. Nobody was doing it. And then COVID came, everybody got freaked out. And it became like – He's blasting it everywhere. Yeah, like the culture now is after you work out, go get the spray bottle, spray the bench. Sanitize the whole thing. And sanitize the hell out of it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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And I hate that. I hate following somebody who does that. When I see people doing that on the bench, I go, no, no, no, leave it. Because then I get on the bench and I smell the chemicals. And I know that the xenoestrogens, the hormone-disrupting chemicals – I feel like are not a good trade-off. I would rather be on a bench that has a little sweat.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


It's not even close. We're so afraid of germs now. I know being clean is great. That was a wonderful breakthrough in society was understanding germs. But we went so far with that that we antibiotic the hell out of everything. We have chemicals that cause, we know are connected to cancers and hormone disruption.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


where just wiping the sweat off the bench is perfectly fine, or maybe a little soap and water, but they're spraying Lysol on there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


This is important to look at. And by the way, studies can be very valuable. but sometimes they're not valuable at all and they can point you in the wrong direction. And this is when you need to be very, very careful. And one of the things to look at, I just said it, which is how big was the sample size? Was it 10 people?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, a common antibacterial that was in soap, I don't even know if they use it anymore. Doug, maybe you could look up triclosan health effects. So when you would get like antibacterial soap or spray, they would add something called triclosan. I think I'm saying it right. And what this does is when you spray a surface with it, it leaves a residue that has antibiotic properties.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


So it's an antibiotic. We know, and I don't know if they still use this, but this was everywhere. Okay, here we go. Ready? It's still in a lot of products. It's an endocrine disruptor, meaning it can disrupt hormone metabolism and interfere with your hormonal system. It may impair reproductive function. It can cause or increase the risk of allergies, skin irritation, cancer.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Some studies suggest that long-term exposure to triclosan may increase the risk of certain cancers. It could cause antibiotic resistance. In other words, we're creating bacteria that are like super bacteria.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


And thyroid issues. By the way, soap kills bacteria perfectly fine. It doesn't cause any of that stuff. But it's in so many things, including toothpaste, mouthwash, hand soap, shampoo, lotions, deodorants. Like that's just an example. So in other words, just, you know, basic soap was perfectly antibacterial.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Just basic soap. But I even think that's not necessary. Just wipe your sweat, and then at the end, twice a day, you have your porters go through and clean everything, and you're perfectly fine. These chemicals are spraying everywhere. It's not a good trade-off. And you're working out, you're breathing hard.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


You know, if it's 10 people, then I would be very cautious at interpreting the result That's something you can count on. Or was it done with 1,000 people?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


It's freaking chemical warfare in the gyms with the amount of shit that they... If I see a bench that someone just used, and I see it's wet with... Like the chemicals? I'd rather go on one that had a little sweat spot on it, and I'll just wipe the sweat with a towel. That's so true. And I'm perfectly fine. I think if you're in a gym, get rid of that stuff right away. It's worse.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Hey, speaking of all this. I want to keep it alive. Have you guys seen, so I've, well, this is a low bar, okay? Well, here, I'll ask you guys this question. Have you guys ever felt positive or encouraged by government policy when it comes to health?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Same, because the bar is low. Government policy on chronic health and obesity is terrible. It's so bad that... It's made us worse.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


And the stuff that they pushed forever for decades was actually the opposite. So it's so bad it was actually making people worse. This is the first time I feel optimistic. And it's not because he has experience fighting companies or because I trust the guy. It's because the stuff he says... is actually more aligned with real health.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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He did a post on X where he posted a picture of the breakfast cereals for kids. And he's like, this is terrible. People feeding their kids this. We got to get in and make sure kids are not eating this crap. He's a government official talking about big company like stuff, talking about sugar and artificial dyes and stuff like that. I think it's amazing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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But, dude, you got to see the stats that he was quoting. I saved it on like the state of our health. This is going to crap everybody out, but it's pretty bad. So the U.S., 6 in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease. Four in 10 Americans have two or more chronic diseases, which is ridiculous. Autoimmune diseases are some of the highest in the world.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis. We're the highest, I believe, of all the Western nation. For children, in 2022, 30 million children, 40%. 40% of our children had at least one health condition, such as allergies, asthma, or autoimmune. That's crazy. Autism is one in 36 children in the US, okay? Which is crazy.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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In the 1980s, it was, you want to know what the number was in the 1980s? For autism? So right now it's one out of 36 kids. Yeah. You want to guess? One in a thousand. It was one or maybe four out of 10,000. Wow, even crazier. I had a doctor that I trained.

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I had a doctor that I trained who said autism was so rare when he was doing his, what do they call it when they- Residency? Residency. He said it was so rare that there was a person with autism and that they went to go look at this guy because he couldn't find it anywhere. It was so rare. 18% of late adolescence and young adults have fatty liver disease.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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30% of adolescents are pre-diabetic, and more than 40% are overweight or obese. And then he talks about ADD, talks about all of this stuff. So they're going to talk about exercise, nutrition. They're going to examine SSRIs. They're going to examine ADH medications for kids. They're going down the list of stuff.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Okay, so you know what? Because this is my expertise is health and fitness. you see a lot of, especially like weight loss study headlines. You see a lot of them, right? Like compound and chocolate has been shown to blah, you know, compound and red wine, or this fruit has a fat burning, you know, whatever study show. And, and I know as a coach and trainers worked with lots of people,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Well, what's scary to me is, and I don't think that I'm not a person that's going to say that the pharmaceutical industry is evil. I don't say that. I just think that there's good and bad people in every industry. I think the pharmaceutical industry has some distorted incentives because of the nature of the beast.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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In other words, the incentive that a pharmaceutical company has to create a lifelong customer from child to adult is, it's very high. There is no incentive Really to cure them and then that's it.

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It's a distorted incentive. So pharmaceutical industry, just because of the nature of it, that's not where we should look to solve these things. They're going to give us help when the shit hits the fan, but they're not going to prevent the shit from hitting the fan is my whole point.

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And the problem is not something that you got to be fair with the comparison. Cause what you're saying is, Is it better – would you rather get stabbed with a needle a bunch of times or get shot in the face with a shotgun? Well, I'll pick the needle, but that sucks. It still sucks. So capitalism is the better, the best option we have, and I think we could do it better.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Yeah. What you're saying is that the special interests or selfish interests play a role in that, but they play a role in that in socialism too. They play a role. So I think the checks and balances need to be a little bit better. I think like what Justin says with like lawsuits, with transparency. And I do think that because we have an open society, I think now people are becoming more

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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privy to it i think covet sped that the hell up yeah i think they really sped that up a lot of people now are are looking you know twice at certain things so it'd be interesting to see if he uh you know addresses the the marketing of these pharmaceutical companies you know on tv and media and all that kind of stuff as well yeah that one's interesting to me it's interesting when i learned that statistic i thought that's true why are they advertising

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prescription drug companies that we can't even go by. We have to have our doctor prescribe us. Why is that advertised on TV? It's like, Oh, so they can pay the messaging.

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They could pay these, these media companies and have a little bit of power over there. You know, earlier we were talking about studies. I'll give you guys a study that, let me see if I have it here that, um, you know, now that we've kind of talked about how to read studies, let's see if, if you guys can kind of get to, you know, what's interesting with this. So, um,

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And I was also taught a long time ago how to read studies, that people aren't going to read this study. They're not going to pay attention. They're just going to look at this, and then they're going to move away from what really is going to make a difference and towards something that makes no difference whatsoever. Years ago, I had a client who was a professor.

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This study showed that men who have sex once a month are 45% more likely to have cardiovascular disease compared to those who have sex two to three times a week. So there's two ways we can look at this, right?

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reverse causation totally yeah like like the guy who's having almost no sex why aren't you having that much sex yes you're lonely you're depressed yeah yeah no 100 percent yeah i had my cousin my cousins were sharing that we're just you just gotta have more sex okay it's not that simple so the dude the guy who wants to reduce his risk kind of sex he should just go pay you know go to a brothel yeah yeah yeah i'm lowering my risk

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And there's a lot of, there's arguments like to try to support, like, why is that the case? It's competition. It's, it's the responsibility without the connection. I've lost responsibility. for this kid, either with resources or through my work, but they're not my kid, you know, resentment.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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It's a really great blessing. Like you'll hear sometimes – I know a couple of people like this where –

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2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


of psychology and she sat me down because I would talk about studies and she goes, do you know how to look at studies? And I said, what do you mean? And she broke this down. That was one of the things she said. She's like, we've got to look at the sample size. So, you know, if there's a lot of people in there,

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There's a lot that some of that data is kind of hard to read too. Cause you'll read that you, let's say you lit your, you're in a marriage and you're unhappy and your spouse is not that great. They're not that great. They're not terrible. They're like beating everybody and, and, you know, abusing drugs, but they're just not good.

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Um, and you're really unhappy and you'll hear, well, your kids will be better off if you get divorced and you get happy. The data actually doesn't show that. It doesn't support. Data actually shows the worse. Yeah. They're worse off if you're, if they're raised by a single parent. Yes.

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And now people hate hearing that because, um, because it's, it's, it's against kind of what we want to hear, but the data does, does show that. Or like, um, I divorced his dad and he's such a crappy guy. I want him completely out of their lives versus he's in their lives, but he's, he's not that great. Right. It's actually better that he's in their lives a little bit.

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You know, I would argue differently now. I would argue that, you know, if you look at the way marriage, as we understand it, one man, one woman, where did that come from? What did that originate from, how we understand it? And it came from the Judeo-Christian religion. And they actually have a framework in there of how successful marriage is supposed to work.

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And if you look at the data on people that follow the framework like that— They have very successful marriages. But when you read the framework of how it says you're supposed to be within your marriage, it's the opposite of what you're here. So I could give you an example. What you hear all the time from marriage therapists, accounts, whatever, is you got to get your needs met.

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that's more likely to be accurate because very few people, if we pick 10 people to study, I could very well pick, you know, out of those 10 people, seven of them who are going to respond really well to what I'm studying or people who may be biased. And so now my study is going to show that something works really great when in fact it may not.

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You need to get your needs, know what your needs are, express them, and your partner needs to meet your needs. It says, it doesn't say that. It says you need to meet your, you need to, the key to successful marriage is you meet their needs, is you got to be other focused.

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And there's a lot of stuff in there that you read that you go, oh my God. But then you compare it to the data and it's like, it actually works.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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That one study I brought up a while ago, couples that pray together, it's a very famous study. Couples that pray together every day, every night, so they pray together openly, their odds of divorce are 1%. That's crazy. That's like, you don't find that anywhere.

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But even from a secular perspective, my grandparents' generation, the understanding around marriage was different than what it became. It became about falling in love, irresistible, meet my needs, you know, with Jerry Maguire, you complete me, right? It was, oh, that's so romantic, whatever. Back in my grandparents' generation, nobody believed that.

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It was all about, like, we're signing up for this forever, and we're going to raise a family together. And you're going to do that job, and I'll do this job, and we just go. We just do this together, and this is forever. It was never about, like, yeah, you complete me.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Do you know pornography is listed as one of the number one reasons for divorce today?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Is one of the number one. I don't know if it's number one. Doug, you could put, how often is pornography cited in divorce today? It's one of the top.

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order it but there was a data on this too it's like when when a a couple view pornography regularly together their odds of divorce go up quite a bit when the when the wife looks at it regularly it goes up quite a bit my husband looks at it quite a bit uh you know on his own it goes up quite a bit pornography is playing a huge role um yeah it says divorce rates double when people start watching porn

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For example, if I pick, you know, 10 people and I'm testing the results of a vitamin, um, maybe six of them actually lack this vitamin. Well, now this vitamin looks like a miracle drug. Oh, yeah. It's amazing. Absolutely. So it's really important to pay attention.

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Fine, you disagree with me, that's fine. You just keep listening if you disagree. But it's such a bullshit job, and I'll tell you why. Sex experts are experts in pleasure. But the data will show the best... satisfaction with sex comes from connection. Sex is a result of deep connection. It's not just a physical act. And so sex experts tell you, how do you satisfy your partner?

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Touch her here, touch him there. Do this weird thing with your tongue or whatever. Try this buzzy toy. The best sex... The data shows us the best sex experienced by people is... is people who've been married for like 30 years, they're past their prime, they've only been with each other, they're not doing weird shit with each other, they're just, it's the connection.

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And are you guys, you know, I'm putting you on the spot, but are you, are you, okay, I'll put you on the spot. Are you objectively the hottest you've ever been?

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But I think you see, too, satisfaction go up when people pursue that kind of stuff, but it's because the intimacy level goes up. It's not because they learned a new trick.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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No, but what I mean is let's say you have a couple long time and they feel like our sex life is a little whatever. So then they read a book together or the intimacy level goes up because they're vulnerable with each other. So that's, That's why you'll see.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Some of the best reported, the data shows us some of the best reported satisfaction with sex lives are couples who are been married for a long time. They're past their prime, who were their first and only partners. That's some of the best satisfaction ratings you get. Oh, I haven't. He's the only man I've ever been with. She's the only woman I've ever been with.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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And they grew together through that process. That is so counter from what the world tells you. The world is like, you got to try them out first.

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you're happier i mean that's it's so crazy to me well you you've never tried you know you're satisfied with your honda but you've never driven a ferrari that's why even if that was true which is not true the data actually shows it has nothing to do with that because i can get into the data you got a lot of accessories you can buy yeah but but they're happier so it gives a shit you know what i mean i mean that's it's true at the end of the day if you're happier you're happier you know it doesn't matter for what reasons you know

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Dude, speaking of happy, and it's this funny story. So this morning I go out there, and I'm talking to Cole. And so remember on the Christmas, what was it, the white elephant gift? Remember he stole your Caldera Lab? Yeah. And he's like the youngest guy in here. How old is Cole? Is he 20? Is he even 21 yet? Is he 21? Is he? He's not.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Dude, the combination of the base layer with the oil. Oh, that is like, what is that?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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I'd like to see their data. I would be surprised if more men use it now. I bet you.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Probiotics have been shown to improve health, digestion, recovery from workouts, even reduce anxiety in some people and depression in some people. I don't think I need to convince you that probiotics are healthy, but which one do you get? Seed. Seed is the world's best probiotic, hands down. Check them out. Go to forward slash mindpump. Use the code 25mindpump, get 25% off.

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I'll create a fake example that I think will illustrate this, right? If we studied cocaine for depression over 30 days. It would look like a great antidepressant. Over 30 days, we tested cocaine's effect on depression. And it was like, this is the most amazing. Client woke up two hours earlier.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


All right, so we got to define trigger session first. Some people refer to trigger sessions like a feeder session.

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Microdosing. So trigger session is just a term that we came up with, uh, with, with our program maps in a blog. Essentially what it is is there are little mini workouts in between your main workouts and they're not really workouts. You're, you're, you're, you're using bands typically with a trigger session or body weight.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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And you're just, you're just kind of getting a little bit of a pump in the muscle. You're just working it a little bit. You're not anywhere near trying to break down. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, it's like, you know, I hit, you know, my full body on Monday today, I'm going to do a trigger session for chest and, And let's say I could do 70 push-ups straight.

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You know, I'm going to do like three sets of like 15 just to get a little pump in my chest. And really what trigger sessions do is they facilitate recovery and they actually make the adaptation signal louder. They take your previous workout, the main workout, and they just add a little – A little turbo to it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Now, what I would also like to add, now that what we know with CGMs, right, continual glucose monitors, what we know about activity, insulin sensitivity, which, you know, staying sensitive to insulin is a great strategy for health and for fat loss. I bet you trigger sessions have a really nice impact on blood sugar because throughout the day, you're doing a little bit of movement.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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And I bet you it's better than walking because it's a little bit more targeted and more intense than a walk. So I do think that, because here's what I noticed with trigger sessions. When I do trigger sessions, I definitely get a little boost in my regular workouts. I notice I get a little bit more juice out of them. But what I notice the most is fat loss.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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I've always noticed fat loss from trigger sessions. So I'm wondering if that's the reason. It's not like I'm burning tons of calories. A total trigger session will take me seven minutes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Oh, so this is like when you're calculating how many calories you're burning through activity. Should you make up for them with extra calories?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


yeah because like what you'll calculate or what the apps will show that you're burning with activity isn't very accurate yeah so you got yeah you got to be kind of careful with this and i don't necessarily like looking at like activity is like this phenomenal way for calling it creating calorie deficit the deficit should mainly come from resting metabolic rate and also the big thing is your diet so again this is when someone's trying to gain this is what i'm like okay you're doing it more activity won't we bump your calories a little bit it's typically what i do

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Follow up for three years and all of a sudden you see cocaine was terrible on their psyche and their health. But that just gives you your great point, Adam, is the length of study. Exercise studies are, that's one of the things I really look at it with exercise studies. Because when it comes to exercise, strength training and other forms of exercise, cardiovascular training,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Like, Oh, I burned extra. I got to eat it. You know, now I got to eat an extra 367 calories a week. It

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Depends who you are. If you're a fitness fanatic, yes. If you're like consistent, don't miss workouts, you push it. You love spending time in the gym. A break will give you better results. Period. End of story. And a break can look like time off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Or if you're like me and time off is like you might as well tell me to cut my leg off, then the break would look like four weeks or two weeks or three weeks of dramatically reduced intensity or volume. So your break looks like a much easier workout. But the data shows this with consistent –

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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With fitness fanatics, so that category of people, breaks produce better results because they tend to push it too far for too long. And the breaks are needed for those individuals.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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even flexibility mobility training, especially with restraint training, just changing the novelty effect almost always, unless it's like crazy or terrible, almost always has a positive effect. So you could take almost... Anybody who's strength training, change a variable, like make the reps go high, make the reps go low. Yeah, how's that same go?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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MAPS Anabolic Advanced has back-off weeks in there after each phase. There's a week where you're really backing off on things. And I think it's one of the reasons why that program, people will write back and say, I got some of the best gains I've ever had in my entire life.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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And it's because it's one of the only programs we actually scheduled it in there and said, you know, after each phase, you have to take a week off.

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It depends on how you do it. You could do full body three days a week. Modify intensity? Yeah, one day is heavy compound lifts, the next day is isolation, and the last day is mobility training. full body, then you're perfectly fine. This split works perfectly fine as well. It's not ideal to work out for three days and then take four days off, but it's fine.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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You'd still progress as so long as you're smart with your programming. You could do it. But if I had to do full body three days, that's how I would do it. I'd go like heavy Monday, compound lifts. Tuesday, isolation exercises for the full body. And then Wednesday would be mobility, full body. And then Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday off.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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By the way, something else that... nobody ever really considers, uh, bodybuilders do this often, but really nobody else does because our days are, our weeks are seven days. We, we tend to just set a convenience program. Everything is seven day blocks.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Yeah. Bodybuilders for a long time would do like a routine. They'd be like three on one off, you know, two on one off, you know, type of routines like every week, uh, each day looks different. Right. But they're not looking at from a seven day period. They're looking at from a 30 day period or a 35 day period or something like that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. You can find Justin at MindPumpJustin. You can find me at MindPumpDeStefano and Adam at MindPumpAdam.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


So when I look at like a strength training study, I always take it with a grain of salt because of the timeframe. And I'd like to see a study that's done for like a year or two years to make a determination. For example, a very commonly cited study statistics in strength training. And this is backed by many studies.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Although now we have so many studies that actually prove what I'm about to say, but you know, 10, 15, maybe 20 years ago, if somebody said, what's the best rep range to build muscle? Well, the studies were all showing eight to 12, eight to 12 was the hypertrophy range, right? Low reps, weren't as effective. High reps were definitely not as effective, but the studies were like 12 or 16 weeks long.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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If you stretch that out long enough, you'll see that the eight to 12 reps really stops working and they have to switch out and move into a lower rep phase or a higher rep phase. It also didn't illustrate the fact that all the rep ranges built muscle. So it's not like eight to 12 built muscle. All the others did nothing. They all built muscle.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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So then the thing to consider is, okay, when do I use each of those rep ranges? And as a trainer, when I train people, uh, you know, I noticed if I kept them in a rep range for too long, it would stop working. Didn't matter how great my programming was. One of the best things I could do would just change the rep range. Then you have to change the exercises or anything else.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Just change the, you know, lower the weight and make the reps go higher or vice versa. And then it was like magic. People would start getting results again.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Absolutely. You know, another one would be like, what are the controls? So control, like, are they able to weed out variables that could be potentially influencing the result of the study. For example- To do the cigarette and coffee one.

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For a long time, people, studies showed that drinking coffee was correlated to cancer risk. So they thought, they actually used to say, coffee probably or may cause cancer. But what they didn't do very well was control for the fact that back in the day, people who drank the most coffee smoked. This was a thing 30, 40 years ago and before.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Everybody who drank the most coffee was doing it with a cigarette.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Well, there's a synergistic effect between nicotine and caffeine. Everybody knows this. People now are using the nicotine. Oh, yeah. Zin and all that stuff. Yeah, it's like a synergistic, you know, people like the way it feels. But that's what happened. So people thought until they controlled the cigarette smoking. When they controlled the cigarette smoking, here's what they found.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Not only did coffee not cause cancer, it actually prevented cancer. It was actually the opposite. of what we thought. Another common one in, especially in fat loss and muscle building or health studies is the healthy user bias, okay? That you have to control for. So people who eat a lot of, I'll make one up, right? People who eat a lot of oranges tend to be healthier.

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You might think to yourself, oranges are really healthy, but what we don't know are, do healthy people who follow healthy lifestyles, who exercise, get more sleep, do other things, do they also eat more oranges? So really, are we looking at a bias of healthy people isolating one thing? Here's another one that I love, okay? People who eat a lot of red meat have worse health.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. In today's episode, we had listeners write in. And we got to help them out on air. So we answered questions. This was after the intro, by the way. The intro was 53 minutes long. In the intro, we talk about like current science, fitness, diet information. It's a great time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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This is often one that's cited and quoted. They try to pair that forever.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Not only that, but for decades, we've been hammered. It's been hammered into us that eating red meat is bad for us. It was government policy since the 70s on. Even today, they still try to hammer this. And so what ends up happening is you develop a poor health... user bias.

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People who, the average person who generally, and it's changing these days because people are now starting to figure this out. But over the last 60 years, especially if you go 20 years and then before, people who ate the most red meat were people who were typically unhealthy because they ignored the health advice. So they didn't cut their red meat consumption. They also smoked cigarettes.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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They also didn't exercise. They also, and so you're like, oh yeah, people eat the most red meat, have the worst health because we had a poor health User bias.

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We now know with controls, which is what I'm talking about, where they actually go in and control all these other factors, not only is red meat not bad for you, it's also positively correlated with health, with good health, good cognition, etc. I'm talking about whole natural red meat, not just not. you know, processed meat, which they often don't also control for.

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Look at healthy people who eat a lot of red meat and then healthy people who don't eat a lot of red meat. And then what you find is red meat is correlated or connected with better health in many cases. The next one is like, who was studied? You know, a lot of, I remember when my client brought this up to me because she sat, we were talking about, it was a great discussion.

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It was one of my favorite, you know, it's one of the things I love about training people is there's, there are moments I can distinctly remember with clients because they were all really smart people. where they just taught me a lot. And she sat me down and she said, where do you think they do most of the studies, Sal? And I didn't know. I'm like, I don't know.

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They do them in, like, I don't know, labs? She started laughing. She's like, colleges. Yeah, young college men. And what they do is they recruit, they put out a study, and they say, we're looking for, you know, 50 people to be a part of a study, and we're going to pay you, like, you know, 40 bucks a day. And she's like, who do you think signs up for that?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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She's like, young college men who don't have a lot of money.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

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Yeah, it's as much as 20-year-old dudes who don't have no money. They're like, I'll take a pill or I'll go do this study where I don't sleep for three days or whatever. And so what you have is a bias of... young college-aged males typically in many of these studies. So what if you're an older man? What if you're a woman? What if you're pregnant? What if you're menopausal?

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You have to look at who was studied and does it actually apply? This one is another great one with exercise. You take a bunch of college-aged males and you're looking at hit cardio and it looks like a panacea. But when I trained lots of middle-aged everyday people, hit cardio was hit or miss. Sometimes it was great. Sometimes it was terrible. It was just too intense and too stressful.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


After that, we got to answering the questions. By the way, if you want to write in some questions that we might pick, go to Instagram at mindpumpmedia. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Element. electrolyte powder that you put into your water, tastes good, no artificial sweeteners, no sugar. Go check them out. Go to forward slash mindpump.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


But you give me a bunch of 20-year-olds and hit cardio is probably going to outperform any other form of cardio. So you have to look at who was in the study as well. And then here's another one. Does it follow a consensus? Yeah. Okay. I like meta analysis because meta analysis is where they, it's a study of studies.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


So they're like, what effect does carbohydrate all together?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


What effect does carbohydrate intake have on fat gain or fat loss? What, how effective are low carb diets for this? How good is fasting for that? How good is whatever? And then they, what they'll do is they'll take 10, studies that are peer-reviewed, meaning they're all accepted as studies, and then they'll give you the consensus of all the studies.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


Meta-analysis are, for me, that's one of the best places to look in terms of- Any idea how often those end up disproving a lot of studies?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


I don't know how often, but I'll give you a diet example. When low-carb keto dieting or Atkins kind of became popular in the 90s, the initial studies showed it was great for weight loss. It was great for weight loss. But then we had more and more and more studies, and we found that it didn't assist in fat loss. But what happened is people lost more water weight faster. Yeah.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


which is what happens, right? So if you're measuring just weight and you go no carb and someone else goes in a calorie deficit, both same, everything's the same. The difference is one's low carb, one is whatever, you know, higher carb, but the calories are the same. And let's say the protein is good.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)


what you end up seeing is initial weight loss being on the scale showing up faster and greater in the low-carb diet. That's because of water weight. When you go low-carb, your body flushes out a bunch of water. It's a very easy way to lose 10 pounds on the scale. I mean, if I went no-carb today...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Here are the times when that's probably not a good idea. If you notice this, that and the other. If you can't eat this particular way. If your goal is this, right? I know I advised this exercise for you because this was your goal. Here are the people that probably won't work for. A good coach will communicate in a group nuance at every single possible opportunity because they're aware.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


that they're also speaking to other individuals when they're answering just a single question.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Total. Nun, ein weiterer Pro ist, dass es viel günstiger ist, than one-on-one coaching. Working with someone in person, one-on-one, for example, oftentimes costs you a lot in comparison to group. The con on the other end of this is, it's still much more expensive than doing it on your own, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Being and paying for group coaching, group online coaching, is paying for something that on your own you wouldn't need or do. Now here's the truth to that part right here. And this is true for one-on-one personal training as well, or one-on-one coaching as well. When you look at the return that you get, Ja, genau.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Die 90-plus-Prozent-Failrate, die klar in den Daten mit Gewichtsschaden verbunden ist. 90-plus-Prozent der Leute, die Gewichtsschaden verlieren, bekommen es zurück, wenn sie es selbst machen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und wenn du das mit Training oder Coaching vergleichst, und dann vergleichst du den Zeitversuch, den Geldversuch, den Eindruck und all die Schmerzen und Schmerzen und all das, was mit dem zusammenhängt, ist es wert. In Wahrheit, es ist nichts mehr wert. in health and fitness than working with a professional.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


There's no supplement, there's no program, there's nothing that is as valuable on a dollar-per-dollar basis than working with an expert, whether in a group or in a one-on-one scenario.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


If you were in shape before, got out of shape, and you want to transform your body, get back into shape, that's what this group is for. It's very limited, because we want to provide good value, good service. If you're interested in group coaching from Mind Pump, go to Wir haben auch einen Verkauf auf ein paar Workout-Programme.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Hör mal, das erinnert mich an, als wir Kinder waren, als ich in den 80ern und dann in den 90ern war, war ich wirklich in den Martial-Arts. In den alten Tagen, weißt du, was populär war? Du konntest Bücher auf Martial-Arts kaufen und Karate zu Hause lernen, fliegend durch die Seiten. Und ich hatte einen Onkel, der ein Black Belt war, und er sagte, du wirst nie lernen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You'll never learn effective anything going through a book. And I remember thinking, yes, I will. And no, I didn't. I never did. And it's very, very similar. And again, if this is something you really want to accomplish, there is nothing that's going to provide the results and value, period, end of story, as working with professionals. And group coaching is an effective way to do it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


MAPS Anabolic und die No BS 6-Pack-Formel wurden für einen niedrigen Preis von 59,99 Dollar zusammengefasst. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, gehen Sie zu Okay, hier kommt die Show. In recent years, there's been an absolute explosion in group fitness coaching. These are virtual groups that people join to help them with their fitness goals.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's cost effective. It's effective. It's virtual. So it's the most convenient. We did our first group last year. And we did it as an experiment. We loved it so much. that we're going to continue to do it. And we actually this year are investing in another branch and arm of Mind Pump because it's like we saw the value that it brought people. It's like we need to do this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Even though it takes a little bit of our time, we'll pop in and out and add to it. And we have really, really good coaches that run it. Es ist einfach so, dass der Wert, den wir den Leuten mitbringen konnten, so viel mehr ist. Und für uns, wir vermissen es. Wir vermissen es, weil wir auf dem Podcast nicht Leute sehen, wir nicht mit Leuten sprechen. Also machen wir es wieder. Wir werden es machen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Dieser wird sich auf Transformationen konzentrieren. Wenn du vorher in Form warst, oder du warst vorher in Form, jetzt bist du in Form, du willst wieder in Form kommen. This is for people like that. It's And you can sign up for it. It's limited. They're always going to be limited until we can get more and more coaches that can run these things. But go check it out.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's awesome. I got to bring up a study for you guys on how much exercise you really need to build muscle. But here's the catch with this. Or not catch. Here's the best part about it. This study didn't focus on people who are deconditioned. It was on experienced lifters. Wow. So typically when you see a study like this, how much exercise do you really need to build muscle?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


And they look at people who don't work out. It's so minimal, it's not even funny. There was one study where they took people who did nothing and they had them do one isometric contraction. I think it was once or twice a week. Like they just squeezed their mind. And they saw substantial strain gains over an eight-week period. But that's not going to work if you are fit.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


If you work out somewhat regularly, you're like, okay, if I do that, I'll get out of shape because of how I work out now. So this study was actually done on individuals who worked out. And the goal of the study was, how little do they need to do to actually build some muscle? Wow, I love this.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Okay, so this wasn't looking at what was the maximum muscle they could build or what's the most effective amount workout. It was like, what's the least amount they can do, to quote Adam, to elicit, not the most change, but to elicit change. How much will they build muscle? If we do this much, will they build muscle? If they do this much, will they build muscle?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


If they do this much, you know what they found for experienced lifters? Okay. Two days a week, two full body workouts, one set per body part. That's one set. One set per body part. Wow. One set.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


That's it. They were intense, weren't to failure. They were intense sets, but that was it. So that's literally, if you're currently working out and you want to continue progress and you're like, man, I have such limited time, it's not even funny or whatever, but I still want to, you know. Wenn du das halbe so viel gemacht hättest, hättest du es sicherlich behalten können.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, people hit PRs on Maps Anabolic, because I think it hits more of that appropriate level.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Burning body fat, building muscle, improving their health. Here's the truth. They can be extremely effective, but there are some cons. Let's talk about the pros and cons of group fitness coaching. And if it's right for you, I'm going to start with one of the first pros. They can be extremely encouraging.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


So imagine your experience, your workout. I want to keep seeing some gains. I'm not looking for the max gains. I'm trying to maximize my time for whatever reason. What's the minimum I can do? You go to the gym. You do one set. Not three sets, five sets. One set of squats. One set of bench press. One set of rows. One set of overhead press. Think you're kind of done.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You might even throw in an arm exercise and you're done. You're out of the gym in like four, maybe five sets.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Yeah, one more time and you're going to build muscle doing that. And that's what the study shows. It kind of looks like MAPS 15. A little bit, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Unless you have a study. Nobody wants to listen to you. Even though... You've seen it in front of your face. We've trained so many people. Had you asked me this question, if someone came up to me and said, do you think a relatively experienced lifter would still build muscle? Two workouts a week, one separate body part? Yeah, probably. If their diet and sleep is good.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Maintain, I bet you, you could do half. I bet half, one day a week, you'd be able to maintain what you have already built for the most part. Unless you're super extreme or whatever. How cool is that? I read another thing. Actually, I saw a video, I should say, on sleep. And the author or the individual speaking was talking about sleep's impact on an athlete's performance.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


And they were talking about LeBron James. Do you know what a sleep routine looks like?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Okay, also hier ist das Wahre daran. Leute schauen oft nach Elitenathleten und schauen ihre Workout-Routinen. Sie denken, ich sollte diese Workout-Routine folgen. Not realizing that the elite athlete is a genetic anomaly anyway. They recover way faster than you do. They're genetic freaks anyway. But also not realizing that that's all they do.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


All they do is to try to be the best at basketball or whatever. So they have all the time in the world to do all these recovery things. LeBron James, der wohl einer der besten, wenn nicht der beste Fußballspieler aller Zeiten, nimmt jeden Tag zwei bis drei Stunden einen Schlaf und schläft jeden Abend zehn Stunden. Wow. Er schläft mehr als meine jüngere Tochter.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Jeden Tag zwei bis drei Stunden Schlaf. Und 10 Stunden am Abend. Jeden Abend. Ich wusste nicht, dass er so viel schläft. Er spielt auf einem unglaublich hohen Niveau. Ich weiß nicht, wie hoch sein Schmerz ist.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It can be very encouraging to work with other people in a small group of, let's say, many of these groups are like 50 people big. And it can really be encouraging to see other people, talk to other people. Ja. Ja. Ja.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ist seine Schmerzrate besser als du dachtest? Oh, ja. Das, was wir mit Tom Brady gesehen haben, ist ein weiteres Beispiel.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, also können sie das lösen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wir werden sehen, was passiert. Was verrückt ist an dieser ganzen Rückkehrsgespräche, wenn man sich die echten Daten anschaut. Menschen mögen sich auf all diese wilden und verrückten und neuen Technologien der Rückkehrsgesellschaft konzentrieren. Wenn man sich die Landschaft der Rückkehrtechniken, Tools und Methoden anschaut. Hier hast du den Schlaf. Alles andere ist weit drüben.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Es kommt nicht so nahe. Der Schlaf ist 1, 2, 3, 4 bis 50. 51 ist das nächste oder was auch immer. Und zu hören, dass LeBron James so viel schläft. This researcher talked about how much you improve your athletic performance by getting more than eight hours of sleep a night.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


So if you're an athlete and you compete at a high level, you play sports, you do it regularly, you want to compete better, getting your performance to increase by 10% is hard. If you're playing all the time, Improving your athletic performance by 10% is a big deal. And the more elite you are, the more of a big deal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's like, it'd be like taking 30 seconds off of your quarter mile time when you're at the elite levels, right? Sleeping eight or more hours a night, you will increase your performance by 10%.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, und ich habe Eugene Sandow gelesen. Das war eine Bronze-Ära-Bodybuilding. Das war so die late 1800s, early 1900s. Er hat alles über den Wert des Schlafens gesprochen und wie viel es einen Einfluss hatte. Aber ich meine, es ist ein großer Deal. Also sind die Leute so, okay, wie kann ich das verbessern?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You know who has one of the best sleep supplements is Legion with Lunar. Mike... in his sleep product his lunar he put one of the only times i've ever seen anybody do this the right dose of melatonin everybody else mega doses the crap out of it even one even one milligram is too much you need to be more like half a milligram or less

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


for you to get the right amount of melatonin to give you adequate sleep. The high doses in studies, by the way, for people who don't know, the reason why you see studies with high doses of melatonin for sleep, it's for jet lag. If you want to change your circadian rhythm, that's when you use a high dose. Like, I just travel Europe. Ich will meinen Zirkaden-Rhythmus schnell verändern.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ich nehme 5 Milligramm. Aber wenn ich es nachts benutze, möchte ich eine viel niedrigere Dose. Sein Lunar-Produkt in Legion's Lunar hat das plus die anderen Komponenten, die dir schlafen helfen. Es ist einer der besten nachts-Sleep-Produkte. Viele Sleep-Produkte sind aufwändig. Sein ist einer von denen, die du jedes Jahr benutzen kannst.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ich werde es öffnen. Ich habe es gerade gelesen. Es gibt diese verrückte Spekulation. There's an article going around and speculation around one of the craziest things I've ever heard, but I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. So we've seen recently that GLP-1 compounds like Ozempic, Wegovi, right, some agglutide, whatever, that these are the most powerful compounds.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


gegen Obesität oder Gewichtsschmerzen, medizinische Interventionen, die wir je gesehen haben. Nichts kommt nahe. Es ist so mächtig, dass es hat, oder sie sind so effektiv aus einer Gewichtsschmerzperspektive, dass sie nicht haben, das bedeutet nicht, dass sie ihre eigenen Auswirkungen nicht haben und es gibt Leute, die es nicht für all diese Sachen, bevor ich kenne, wie ein Kommerz.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Es ist einfach so, dass wir nie etwas wie dieses gesehen haben, richtig? Sie sind so effektiv, dass sie die Einkäufe der Firmen, die Produkte verkaufen, They've actually impacted the sale of certain foods. Clothing manufacturers are starting to change the sizes of their clothing in response.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


And we've seen for the first time ever the growth or the rate of growth of obesity not just slow down, but actually stop. So for the first time in decades, Obesität in Amerika hat, es sieht aus, wie eine Platte, vielleicht ein bisschen umgekehrt. Und Forschende sind wie, es ist die GLP-1, sie sind so effektiv, richtig? Also du musst, du musst dich selbst denken, richtig?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, und das, was wir hier bezeichnen, ist Virtual Group Fitness Coaching. Und das explodierte zusammen mit Social Media. Weil bevor Social Media wirklich groß wurde, war es wirklich nicht möglich, das zu tun, was wir hier sprechen. Wenn du Gruppencoaching hattest, war es typisch, dass du als Gruppe, es war wie Gruppen Fitnessklassen, von denen ich nicht ein großer Fan bin. Ja.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Etwas so mächtig, das mit Obesität funktioniert. Ja, wiederum, ich will klar sein, das bedeutet nicht, es ist eine pure Lösung, es ist eine Panacea. Aber für Gewichtsschmerzen, wie wir nie etwas hatten, dass du ein Ding tust und es dich so beeinflusst, richtig? Ja. something that powerful, you have a lot of vested interests that probably don't want that to happen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You have food companies, you have, like, that's a big one, you have drug manufacturers who make blood pressure medication, diabetes medication. It's like, this is billions and billions of dollars. Well, check this out. So the biggest, the most hardest hit are these processed food companies. They're actually trying to pivot. They're coming up with like, you know, weight loss snacks. What do we do?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Little shittier versions. If you look at the stock market, they're losing money. They're like, what do we do? Oh my God, what do we do? Fast food companies. You ready for this? Yeah. They're working on GLP-1 RA blockers. as additives to neutralize the effects of medicines.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


They're not going to know. Wow. They're not going to know. Bro, that is shady. By the way, one example of this. But of course they are. Of course. Of course they are. They're fighting fire with fire. This is like the chemical wars. Who can out-engineer each other? What is this?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


No, right. And by the way, again, I want to be clear, we're not like pro, like GLP-1s will fix everything. No, no, it's just informing everybody. There's pros and cons. It's a tool. This is weird. By the way, I went down the rabbit hole for a bit. I only had a little bit of time. And I'm like, are there any known... GLP-1-Blocker, Saccharin.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Saccharin ist ein Artifizierer, den sie für eine Weile nicht mehr benutzt haben. Wahrscheinlich hat das so einen Effekt. Aber natürlich, die Leute wissen, dass die verrücktste Wissenschaft, die in Chemie-Ingenieurarbeit geht, die Wissenschaft, die in stark verpackte Füße geht. Die höchstbetroffenen Wissenschaftler...

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


who understand chemicals and understand how to put them together to elicit changes in your body, the two places they work are the pharmaceutical industry and the processed food industry. Those are the two biggest industries. That's where you get paid the most. By the way, the processed food industry is so powerful That they completely influenced our food pyramid, our guidelines.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Weil du zusammen arbeitest und du kannst das Workout nicht individuell machen. Und wir haben das so viele Male auf dem Show gesprochen. Ja. But with the explosion of social media, in particular Facebook, Facebook does this exceptionally well, right? Facebook groups that you can join where you're with like-minded individuals, you have a common goal. I mean, I belong to a lot of these groups.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


They're so powerful. They basically pull the strings when it comes to what's supposed to be healthy for us or not. Let's put a little GLP-1 blocker in there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Well, what will happen is people will eat it and this GLP-1 blocker will just make them crave that food more.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Neuro... Excitotoxin, there you go. And so some people really get bad effects from it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und wie ist das legal? Ja, also die enttäuschenden Fähigkeiten des Lebens sind nicht zu einem einzigen Ingredienten verabschiedet. Es ist eine Kombination von Ingredienzen und Geschmack und Texturen, die die enttäuschenden Fähigkeiten erzeugen. Fett ist eine Teil der Geschwindigkeit. So ist Zucker. So ist Salz. Und dann sind es viele andere Dinge.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und wenn du sie zusammenfasst in der richtigen Formel. Das ist, wo die Wissenschaft kommt. Das ist einer dieser Ingenieure. By the way, they all used to work for the tobacco industry.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


They figure out how to put it together and then that's what creates, like sugar, like if I gave you a packet of sugar that you would put in your coffee, yeah, it tastes good, but it's not as palatable as a processed food that's high in sugar because there's a combination of things.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


I think Chick-fil-A just figured out how to make their sandwich. Super palatable.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's wild. Pull on me. He was turning tricks.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


They're not fitness coaching groups. I belong to a lot of groups. wo der Thema Wirtschaft oder Anatomie oder Nahrung ist. Und es ist wirklich cool, in diesen Gruppen zu sein, weil man mit anderen Menschen sprechen kann. Viele sind Experten oder einige sind einfach nur auf den gleichen Thema interessiert. Mit Gruppen-Fitness-Coaching, so viele von diesen springen auf.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's a preservative, right? To keep food from going bad? It's a flavor enhancer. Oh, a flavor enhancer. Yes. I love these words that they use. Flavor enhancer.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


There's debate about it, but the wellness space is pretty anti. And the wellness space, they've been anti forever. They tend to be right. They're not always right, but they tend to be right when they're anti something for a long time. Remember, the wellness space was anti-fluoride. They're anti a lot of things that people were like, ah, you're dumb.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


And now we're like, actually, they might have had a good point there.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, das ist, wie es funktioniert. Es erzeugt Neuronen im Gehirn, wenn man es isst. Es ist ein Drogen. Das ist also die Angst, oder? Das war die angenehme Teil davon, glaube ich.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Weißt du, was die Neuronen erzeugen? Kokain. Viele Drogen tun das. Coca-Cola hat das herausgefunden. Kein Problem.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und man sieht, dass viele Trainer diese als eine Art, mit vielen Leuten zu arbeiten, und zu bieten. Manchmal sind diese Gruppen gratis, aber oft sind sie bezahlt. And the data actually supports them. So the data shows that when people are working in a group of this nature, that the vast majority of them stay consistent, especially in comparison to people doing it on their own.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


I've heard dog whistles before. You can hear them still. Dog whistle is different.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You know, there was this thing that I did once where you listen to these, maybe you might be able to find a video on YouTube, where you listen to different frequencies. And it'll tell you at what age you can't hear a particular frequency anymore. And I did it with my niece and nephew. And they were able to hear things that I'm like, nothing's playing right now.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


They're like, yeah, you can't hear it? I'm like, oh no, I can't hear it. What's going on? Yeah, that freaked me out. No, why am I not hearing this? Earlier we were talking about sleep. I got to bring something up that's really interesting. So this is a common thing that people will complain about, that they wake up Und es gibt eine gemeinsame Zeit. Es ist zwischen 1 und 3 Uhr.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Sie wachen also zwischen 1 und 3 Uhr auf. Sie wissen nicht, warum. Sie wachen auf und sie sind auf. Und es dauert ein bisschen, um wieder zu schlafen. Und es gibt, weißt du, viele, weißt du, westliche Medizin-Gedanken. Sie sagen, warum das ein Problem ist. Vielleicht hast du Kaffein-Entzug oder das, das und das andere.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Aber es scheint, also das ist eine gemeinsame, äh, gemeinsame Begründung, die ich von Klienten bekomme, als er schlief. Und damals hatte ich einen Akupunkturist und ich erinnere mich nur daran, dass ich das am anderen Tag, weil wir reden über Schlaf. Ich bin so, oh, ich will etwas anderes im Schlaf. Und ich habe das aufgeschaut und ich erinnere mich daran, dass sie mir das gesagt hat.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Nun, Ostdeutsche Medizin kommuniziert Dinge sehr anders als Westdeutsche Medizin. Sehr anders. Wie sie das kommunizieren. Und sie benutzen, weißt du, Energien im Körper.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, also hier ist, was sie, hier ist, was sie, sie bezeichnen es mit dem Blut. Also sagen sie, dass ihr Blut überbeugt oder anstrengend ist. Und die Symptome sind mehr, mehr Irritation und emotionale, emotionale Verlusten, die es schwierig machen, schlafen zu lassen oder uns in der Mitte der Nacht aufzuwachen. Und sie sagen, es ist zu viel Wärme im System.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


So and you have more wild and disturbing dreams. So they say it's the liver. You need to work on detoxifying the liver or liver strengthening herbs or whatever. And I had clients that worked with this woman and she cured them. She cured them by giving them certain herbs and working on. So I looked it up. I was reading about it.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


By the way, Eastern medicine, like if you're a Western medicine individual, sometimes it sounds like woo woo and like whatever. Aber ich möchte noch etwas sagen. Obwohl einige österreichische Medikamente, gerade ein bisschen von ihnen, jetzt durch doppelblinde placebo-kontrollierte Studien unterstützt werden, ist das Medikament, das für eine lange Zeit praktiziert wurde.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ich weiß nicht, Doug, weißt du, wie lange?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Okay, also, wenn es für so lange praktiziert wurde, was du hast, du hast es nicht, sie haben den wissenschaftlichen Methodus damals nicht benutzt. But what they did have were an incredible amount of anecdotes. So over time and time and time and time, you start to kind of see what's true and what isn't true. So I hate it when people dismiss ancient medicine methods.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


I'm not saying they're always right.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Warum ist das nicht so kommuniziert? Ich denke, weil es so... Es ist eine Drogenindustrie. Es ist, aber es ist auch so ein breites Studium, um deinen Western-Medizin-Degree und Formalbildung zu bekommen und dann deine chinesische Medizin zu bekommen. Es muss nicht so verrückt und extensiv sein.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


When people do this on their own, at least one of the studies I saw, over a nine-month period, the majority of people on their own reduced their consistency. I think it was like 75% or more reduced their consistency versus the opposite of when people were in a group of fitness.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


What I'm starting to see now pop up a little bit are clinics that use all of them. So they'll have like Western Medicine Doctor. Really? Yeah, they'll have, and then they'll have Acupuncture, they'll have some Eastern Medicine. Naturopaths. Yeah, and the functional medicine practice.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


He is. No, he actually is one of the few people who has those.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Also, was ich gemacht habe, weil ich dachte, ich werde darüber sprechen, ich will den Leuten eine Lösung geben. Also habe ich alle unsere Partner durchgeführt. Haben wir für diese Produkte? Organifi macht das. Sie haben ein Blutdetox-Supplement. Mit Milchwurzel, Triphala, Artichoke Leaf, die alle gezeigt wurden, um den Leber zu helfen, um den Leber zu stärken.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, also, wenn du lernst und du denkst, ich habe alles versucht und ich wache in der Mitte der Nacht auf und ich weiß nicht, was da los ist. Ich meine, es ist nicht teuer. Es ist nicht, ich meine, es wird dich nicht schaden. Was heißt es? Es heißt Leber-Detox. Oh. Und du kannst es nehmen und sehen, ob es hilft. Sehen, ob es hilft mit dem. Ich habe den Bottle gedreht, Doug, damit ich es sehen kann.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ich fühle mich tatsächlich, als hätte ich das nicht gesehen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's inexpensive. Try it out. If that's you, um, you know, see, see if it makes a difference. Uh, if you sleep better. Cool. All right. Last thing I gotta tell you guys this. I, there was this expert, uh, on, I think it was on, I don't know what, what platform it was, but he was talking about, um, The factors that reduce the risk of your child being either abused or abducted.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


What prevents child predators?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Also, wenn du ein Vater bist, dann steig die Gewässer, Mann.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, es gibt ein Vers im Bibel, das sagt, es ist besser, ein Krieger in einem Garten zu sein, als ein Gärtner zu sein. Ich habe das Quote in Max' Raum. Du hast das in deinem Sohn's Raum? Das ist in meinem Sohn's Raum, Bro.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


The world's best probiotic is Seed. Hands down. They have the best researchers, the best data. They're cutting edge. If you want the benefits of a probiotic, you gotta go with Seed. Go check them out. Go to forward slash mindpump. Use the code 25mindpump. Get 25% off your first month's order of Seeds Daily Symbiotic. Alright, back to the show.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh Mann. Ich liebe Hardgainer Tipps. Adam und ich, wir identifizieren uns. Ja, ja.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


So much so that when you tell someone else you're a hardgainer, usually people look at you like, get out of my face.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, what a terrible problem. Yeah, exactly.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


I'll tell you, I'll give you the things that made the biggest difference for me and the things that I saw that made a big difference for my clients that were hard gainers. And I did have some, it wasn't a majority, but I did have some. Here's an easy one. And when I was younger, I could do this. I can't do this now because I can't have dairy anymore.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


But I would literally just tell my clients with every meal, trinkt ein großes Glas voller Milch. Und das packt Muskeln auf die Leute drin. Ich habe dem Fußballteam das gesagt und es war definitiv effektiv. Es ist so einfach. Es ist eine einfache Weise, Kalorien und hohe Qualität Protein in jeder einzelnen Mahlzeit zu geben. Wie viele Kalorien sind in 16 Onsen voller Milch?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Du solltest das aufschauen, weil du drei oder vier davon in einem Tag addierst. Ein paar hundert Kalorien pro Glas.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


That's 250 at the end of the night.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Yeah, the odds were three times higher.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Also, Doug hat sich eine 60-Inch-Glas von voller Milch angeschaut. Du trinkst drei davon am Tag. Das sind 860 extra Kalorien am Tag.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Sehr einfach. Oh, ich weiß nicht, was das Protein war. 12 pro. Ich denke, vielleicht mehr. Guck dir das mal an, Doug. Du hast dir High-Quality-Protein, gute Füße, Milch gegeben. Wenn du Milch genießen kannst, ist es gesund für dich. Sehr einfach. Hier ist noch eine. Und diese habe ich später als Kind herausgefunden. Aber wenn ich es als Kind wusste, wäre es unglaublich.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und ich habe es den Leuten auch empfohlen. Weißt du, Reis ist eine tolle Sorge komplexer Carbohydrate. Einfach zu genießen. Es ist ein toller Weg, sie zu bekommen. 16 Gramm jeweils. Also 16 mal 3. Boom. Du hast dir auch eine schöne Menge Protein. Ja. Okay, also Reis. Reis ist großartig, leicht zu geniessen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Beste Form von Karben, in meiner Meinung nach, für das Bulkieren, weil man so viel davon haben kann. Koche es in Bohnenbrot. Bohnenbrot, ja. Und nehme einen Bulion-Kub für den Geschmack. Du hast nur 20 Gramm Protein zu deinem Reis gelegt. Und es ist Reis. Es ist Reis. Es ist Protein-Reis. Das ist, was du gemacht hast.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh mein Gott. Du hast es literally, anstatt es in Wasser zu kochen, in Bohnenbrot gelegt. Und dann nimmst du ein bisschen Gemüse in das. And that was like my meal for bulking when I figured this out was ground beef, rice, and I would have salsa with it. And then I'd have vegetables that I put a lot of olive oil on. And then I would add that like a few times a day. And that was incredible.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Then the next tip I'll tell you is this. Powerlifting tends to put muscle on hard gainers. Because hard gainers, in my experience, tend to overtrain a little easier. And so when I've taken hard gainers and I've reduced their volume and had them train to get strong, just get strong at squats, deadlifts, and bench, they tend to pack on the size with the calories.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


It's a good question. You know, it's a lot of the same things you look for in an in-person coach, right? So when you're doing your assessment with them or your consulting call, and by the way, if they don't do that, then that's already a big red flag, right? You should be able to get a free consulting call with them. If they're asking a lot of questions online,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


und sie individualisieren ihre Vorschläge und es gibt Neuigkeiten zu dem, was sie sagen, und sie machen dich komfortabel, sie machen dich so, dass sie verstehen, wo du herkommst, dann ist das normalerweise ein wirklich gutes Zeichen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wenn der Trainer direkt vor der Tür dir Vorschläge gibt, direkt vor der Tür dir erzählt, was sie mit dir tun werden, und nicht zuhört, ich habe eine Geschichte darüber, die ich nie vergessen werde. Ich hatte eine Frau, die mich vor Jahren eingeladen hat. Sie kam zu mir, weil sie zu einer anderen persönlichen Trainerin zuerst ging. So she was a woman at the time, I want to say she was in her 60s.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


She was, you know, kind of underweight, osteo, like on the borderline of osteoporosis, went to a trainer, told the trainer what she wanted to do, strengthen my bones, strengthen my body, improve my health. Und dann hat der Trainer immer gesagt, wir werden dich vorbereiten, wir werden dich in einem Bikini ausmachen, nachdem du mit mir gearbeitet hast. Und sie war so, warum sagst du immer das?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ich habe nichts über ein Bikini gesagt. Ich will stärkere Beine. Das ist meine Hauptsache. Und so kam sie zu mir, weil sie verpackt war, sie hat es in einer ihrer Klassen mitgebracht. Sie war Lehrerin und einer ihrer Schüler arbeitete für mich und sie hat es mir empfohlen. Und sie kam zu mir. Und sie war sehr skeptisch. Und sie sagt mir später, wir sind sehr gute Freunde geworden.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Der Grund, warum ich dich verabschiedet habe, war, weil du mir viele Fragen gefragt hast und du wirklich deine Vorschläge gefordert hast, was für mich war wie, ja, das ist, was du tun sollst. Also ich denke, das ist das größte Ding da. Wie sind sie wirklich interessiert?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Sind sie dir Fragen zu fragen oder hört es sich einfach an, als ob sie eine Checkliste machen und dir einfach sagen, was du tun sollst?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und wiederum, die Daten unterstützen das. Dass Leute da sind, dass sie wissen, dass Leute dich vermissen werden, wenn du nicht irgendwo bist, oder dass sie dich fragen werden. Oder, weißt du, sogar, showing up to a group on Facebook, commenting that you have a challenge or a struggle, and then hearing other people say, I have the same challenge. This is so big.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Denkt daran, dass sie ein natürliches B-Multivitamin sind. Es gibt also viele B-Vitamine in ihnen. Es gibt irgendeine Feuchtigkeit, die Frauen ... zwischen Männern und Frauen. Frauen brauchen oft mehr Feuchtigkeit als Männer, sollte ich sagen. Nicht jeder braucht Feuchtigkeit, aber wenn jemand Feuchtigkeit braucht, ist es typisch eine Frau, weil sie sich jeden Monat menstruiert.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


So that's the value of them is that you're comparing a beef organ supplement to a B complex supplement. Which one is better? Well, B complex supplements are going to have more of, you know, higher doses of the B vitamins. But then people argue that beef organ supplements have cofactors that you find in the actual organs. And they're natural, right? That's what they're going to say.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Welche würde ich empfehlen? Wenn es um generelle Gesundheit geht, gehe ich mit Beef Organ. Wenn dein Arzt sagt, du bist niedrig in B12 oder B6, dann nimm einen, der dir genau sagt, wie viel du bekommst.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You can't taste it and you get really, really nutrient dense. But yeah, women are more likely, because she said for women, and I know why, it's because... Wenn man sich an B-Vitamin-Verlusten und Iron-Verlusten betrachtet, sind sie höher als Frauen. Historisch wurden Fleisch-Organ-Supplemente von Körperbildern gelegelt. Körperbilder lieben das, damals.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Today's episode, we answered listeners' questions. People commented and wrote in at Mind Pump Media on Instagram. We picked some questions and we answered them. But this was after our intro portion, today's intro. It was 55 minutes long.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und Frauen, Frauen haben diese Dinge empfohlen.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


What is your favorite exercise?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


We already know that. You know, people say deadlift because that's my best lift, but it's actually not my favorite to perform. It's the one I'm the best at. But it's not like the one that I just I love doing.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Was ich sage, ist, dass ich Deadlifts mag, ich bin gut bei ihnen, aber es ist nicht mein Lieblings-Performer. Meine Lieblings-Performer sind diejenigen, die mich wirklich gut fühlen, nachher. Pull-Ups tun das für mich. Schwere Carries tun das für mich. Und dann, du weißt, das ist der Bro, der hier rauskommt, aber Arm-Exerzise, ich mag einfach den Pump. Das sind meine Lieblings-Performer.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


You figure this out, by the way, this is not fitness related, but as a parent, you figure this out when you first have kids, you have these challenges, then you talk to other parents, like, oh, my kid does the same thing. It's really nice to hear that, because you don't feel alone, and it's encouraging, and then you get advice along the way.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


But, you know, deadlifts, I'm good at them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Is there a lift you look forward to when you work out?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Also ich bin ziemlich gut an jedem. Du bist wie Captain America.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wie wäre es, wenn ich die Frage verändern würde? Ist es eine Maschine, die du in der Gymnasium siehst, die du tun musst? Ich weiß, dass es sie für dich gibt. Wir haben über sie schon gesprochen. Was ist das? Oh, das Pullover-Maschinen, Nautilus Pullover.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, weil es gibt einige Maschinen, die ich liebe.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Du weißt, es ist eine Maschine, die wir relativ neu benutzt haben und wir alle lieben. Oh, die Viking Press. Die Viking Press.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Warst du immer gut bei Bench?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Ja, das war einfach etwas. Warst du ein Ein-Planer direkt aus den Gästen? Ja. Was für ein Scheiß du bist. Du hast mich bis in meine 20er-Jahre.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Das war ein großer. Weißt du, was verrückt ist? Ich weiß, dass ihr euch vertraut. Wenn du das so lange gemacht hast, dass du eine Maschine sehen kannst, die du noch nie benutzt hast, und sagst, oh, das fühlt sich gut an. Oh, ja. Ich habe das letztens gesehen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ihr das gesehen habt. Ich habe Brian Shaw es gesehen und all diese großen Strongmen es benutzt.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Du stehst auf und du liegst auf einem Platz, auf einem Bench, und es ist ein stehender Chess-Press. Hast du sie gesehen? Nein, nicht so. Also du stehst, du stehst und du legst dich zurück gegen etwas. Und du, es ist ein stehender Schusspress, Leber, Schusspress. Interessant. Wenn du es siehst, garantiere ich dir.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, hier ist es. Schau dir das an. Es ist wie, wenn ich das in einem Gym sehe, mache ich das. Für sure. Warum denkst du, warum denkst du, dass sie das nicht erst so gemacht haben? Ah, weil es eine Maschine ist. Du musst einen Leber haben. Aber du hast recht.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wenn du klickst, wird es kleiner. Was ist los? Das war nicht hilfreich. Ja, das ist das Gegenteil. Freaking Google. Ja, aber ich meine, du kannst es sehen. Sieht das nicht aus, als würde es einfach großartig fühlen, um einen Chess-Press in dieser Position zu machen? Ja, ich habe nur ein Video gesehen von Brian Shaw. Und er hatte einen Rekord drauf, aber ich weiß nicht, wie viel es ist.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Oh, guck, du kannst einen kaufen. Oh, cool. Ich würde das kennen. Wie viel kostet das? Nicht dein Budget. Oh, Befehle den Quote. Geh auf den Telefon mit unseren Salespeople. Wir wissen das. Wir werden den Preis beurteilen. Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. You can find Justin at MindPumpJustin, me at MindPumpDeStefano and Adam at MindPumpAdam.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Now, along with this pro, right, that it's encouraging to work with others, it actually comes along with a con that's on the other side of the coin of this, which is you can compare yourself to others. This is when this becomes bad, right? I'm in a group.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


The group is a weight loss. Let's say it's a weight loss group. And you're constantly looking at everybody else. is nothing like theirs. And I feel like I'm way behind. It's not working for me. This can confirm a terrible bias I may have, which is, it's never going to work for me. My body doesn't work. Something's wrong with me. This is not for me, you know, type of deal.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Now, the solution to this, Colin, because that's a very big one, by the way, like this is human nature. It's human nature to compare ourselves to others in unfair ways. You know, this is one of the negatives of social media in general. This is what can happen in gyms. This can happen almost anywhere. Aber es kann definitiv in diesen Gruppen passieren. Aber hier ist die Lösung dazu, richtig?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wenn du zu einer Fitnessgruppe gehörst, eine Gruppe Fitnesscoaching-Gruppe, wenn es einen guten Leiter hat, einen guten Trainer, ein guter Trainer schlägt das sehr schnell, sehr einfach. Und die Art, wie sie das tun, ist, dass sie die individuellen Varianten bestätigen und sie zu Grace sprechen. Also, du weißt, wenn wir unsere Gruppen haben, weil wir einige dieser Gruppen machen, richtig?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


In the intro, we talk about fitness, science, nutrition, fat loss, muscle gain. It's a good time. After that, we get to answering people's questions. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Legion. Today, we talked about Lunar, their sleep supplements, one of the best sleep supplements you can use on a nightly basis, not occasional, but nightly. Go check them out.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Wir haben Gruppen, du weißt, Gruppen Fitnesscoaching-Gruppen. Wir haben einen gemacht, Ja, genau. The way that I coach in a group like this, or the way good trainers coach in a group like this, is whenever you hear a success story, you always need to explain individual variance. And you also need to speak to grace often.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Because what's baked into, what's part of the formula of the journey of fitness and health is failures. There is no journey of fitness and health that is without failure. You're guaranteed to hit stumbling blocks. You're guaranteed to take steps back. You're guaranteed to run into frustrations. And the way around that is grace.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


The way to kill yourself in that is to shame yourself, continue to compare yourself and say, this isn't for me. So a good coach... In this, and we had this often in our GLP-1 group, right? Somebody would be like, oh my God, I lost 15 pounds. And so the person was like, I've been on a GLP-1 and it plateaued and I'm eating 900 calories.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


And I would always, we would always communicate individual variants, why it's different for this person versus that person and have grace for yourself. Because this is part, this is, this is going to happen. You understand that, know that. And if you give yourself grace, get back on, figure it out, you're going to be okay.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Go to That's forward slash mindpump. Use the code mindpump Das war's für heute. Bis zum nächsten Mal. Get 20% off. Also, Mind Pump is doing group fitness coaching. We're going to have a small group go through a course, 90-day course, where you work with our coaches and us. We'll pop in as well and help you out. Now, here's the idea.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Nein, und ein wirklich guter Trainer wird das effektiv kommunizieren. Ein wirklich guter Trainer wird die Herausforderungen kommunizieren. You should very quickly, whoever is leading it, the trainer, the expert, the professional that's leading it, should within the first session make you feel at ease and comfortable communicating the fact that you're going to fail.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


When you feel that way, you know you're a part of a good group. Next pro to being in a group fitness coaching group. ist, dass du professionelle Hinweise bekommst. Das ist großartig. Du hast einen Leiter. Du bist also Teil eines Gruppes von all diesen Leuten, die das Gleiche tun. Aber es sollte jemand da sein, der es leitet, der der Experte ist.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Und das Gute daran ist, dass du mit ihnen engagierst. Du kannst ihnen Fragen stellen und sie helfen. Und typisch, was diese Gruppen, diese Gruppen, die Fitnesscoaching-Gruppen tun, ist, is they tend to offer or do some kind of a weekly or bi-monthly meeting, right?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Where you get on there, so you're on a Facebook group, a lot of them are on Facebook, and you're commenting with each other and whatever, every once in a while the coach pops in.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


But then let's say once a week or once every the week, the coach says, okay, we're going to have a Zoom call, everybody's going to get on, and this is our opportunity to talk about what's going on, moving forward, questions, whatever. And you have at your disposal... Es ist ein großer Vorteil, einen Profi zu haben, wenn du auf einer Reise gehst.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Es ist wie auf einer Reise durch die Berge und du hast einen Guiden, der dir die Richtung zeigt.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Das professionelle Hinweis ist nicht individuell, oder zumindest nicht so individuell, wie es ein-zu-ein sein würde. Und das ist ein echter Konflikt. Das ist ein echter Nachteil von Gruppen-Fitness-Coaching, dass du in einer Gruppe von 50 oder 100 Leuten oder 20 Leuten oder was auch immer bist.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


The advice is not going to be as individualized as often as it would be if it was just you and the coach and nobody else, right? That's totally true. Now, the solution to this, again, it points to the coach. A really good coach should know how to communicate nuance at every single opportunity. And again, I'll go back to us and when we did our group coaching. Anytime somebody had a question,

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Hey, I'm eating this particular way, I'm noticing this thing, or hey, this exercise hurts me here, or hey, I'm noticing that I plateaued, or my progress is accelerating, or I got stronger. I would help that person on the Zoom call, so we would have these Zoom calls with 50 people on there, they'd ask a question, I'd help them.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2538: The Pros & Cons of Group Fitness Coaching & More (Listener Coaching)


Aber ich würde immer darauf achten, und Adam und Justin sind das Gleiche, wir würden immer darauf achten, nach der Antwort auf die Frage, all die gemeinsamen Nuancen zu kommunizieren, die damit zusammenkommen. Also schau, obwohl ich gerade deine Frage beantwortet habe, und die Art, wie du deinen Tag starten solltest, ist, indem du diesen bestimmten Weg isst,