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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Sat, 22 Feb 2025


Mind Pump Fit Tip: Don’t get that surgery!!! You could be making a huge mistake! Consider and listen to these 4 factors to make a better decision. (1:51) Static stretching combined with (23:57) TVs look A LOT different these days. (28:30) The importance and value of maintaining exercise as you age. (29:16) Life expectancy trends of different countries. (31:35) Addressing the viral GLP-1 fear tactics. (33:46) The powerful tool of having coaches in your corner. (43:19) What’s more interesting than people? (44:32) The evolution of gyms. (48:16) Justin’s a workhorse. (51:02) #ListenerLive question #1 – I’m stuck in this 4-day split routine and not seeing the results I want. Any advice on how to bust out of this rut? (57:12) #ListenerLive question #2 – I am not seeing the physical results I’d like to after turning 40. Any advice on how to get out of this dad bod? (1:18:45) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any wisdom you guys can offer on the next steps in my own training and coaching business? (1:31:19) #ListenerLive question #4 – I got the gastric sleeve last year. Any recommendations on how to get more protein in? (1:40:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: [email protected] Visit for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Mind Pump Group Coaching February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Displace TV Regular Exercise May Keep Your Body 30 Years 'Younger' The Impact of GLP1 Agonists on Bone Metabolism New Gym In Santa Cruz, Ca! Rise Above Fitness Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit Train the Trainer Webinar Series Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Visit Transcend for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer!  Online Personal Training Course | Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Paul Chek (@paul.chek) Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Brandan Schieppati (@brandanschieppati) Instagram  


Chapter 1: What are four critical factors to consider before getting surgery?

118.217 - 131.741 Sal DiStefano

because you could be making a huge mistake, consider and listen to these four factors. It'll help you make a better decision. I'll start with the first one. Is there a structural mechanical problem that can't heal on its own? That's a very strong consideration.


131.761 - 150.29 Adam Schafer

Okay, you have to explain that because people don't understand sometimes the difference between like an acute injury versus chronic pain. So describe that because it's such a good topic, by the way. Yes. Because I can't tell you how many clients... that I trained that were recommended surgery when there was things that we could have done first.


150.35 - 166.694 Sal DiStefano

Totally. And then there's situations where... You just have to. You have to. Right. And so if you have a structural, mechanical problem that can't heal on its own, that's essentially like... Like you have a torn ACL. It's torn. It's not going to heal back together.


166.714 - 167.675 Adam Schafer

It's not going to reattach itself.


167.875 - 190.694 Sal DiStefano

Right. You have a torn pec completely. It's gone. You have a ligament that's severed completely. Your muscle, your supraspinatus is mostly or all torn, and it's just not going to heal on its own. You have to have surgery, right? Your body's not going to grow those ligaments back together. It's not going to fix. It's limited to what it can fix on its own.

191.354 - 217.499 Sal DiStefano

And in that case, surgery is absolutely essential. You need external help with that. Yeah, rehab and correctional exercise can only go so far. when it comes to helping a structural, mechanical break, you can definitely rehab yourself with an ACL tear so that you feel better, but you don't have an ACL. So that stability is gone. In fact, I know people like this.

217.559 - 226.949 Sal DiStefano

I know people who had a torn ACL or PCL. Mm-hmm. And they never got it fixed because they stopped playing sports. And they could literally sit down and shift their lower leg forward or back. You ever seen that?

227.209 - 239.482 Justin Andrews

Oh, yeah. Yeah, especially you got nothing in there. It just keeps going. There's no kind of limitation to that. But yeah, but then there's the case where it's like it's just strained or it's stretched out. That's different. It was different, which I'm sure we'll get into that.

239.862 - 254.699 Adam Schafer

There's also the case, too, because you didn't mention MCL, because an MCL is less important. I mean, I lost mine and never did anything about it. So it's like certain ligaments and certain things are more necessary than other things. So you could also opt out.

Chapter 2: How can static stretching and improve your mental state?

1943.757 - 1948.562 Adam Schafer

I think I've heard you bring that up before. I think you've talked about Hong Kong being one of the highest. This is pretty crazy.


1948.842 - 1960.234 Doug Egge

The average person in Hong Kong eats 664 grams of meat, which is basically two 10-ounce steaks. Per day? Per day. The average? Wow. Holy crap.


1960.614 - 1962.376 Adam Schafer

That's a lot. That's really high for average.


1962.777 - 1963.918 Doug Egge

Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty crazy.


1963.938 - 1964.959 Adam Schafer

Where are they getting all this meat?

1966.5 - 1972.346 Doug Egge

I don't know. But yeah, pork, chicken, that's largely what their diet is made up of.

1972.366 - 1974.328 Sal DiStefano

And what's their longevity compared to the rest of the world?

1974.368 - 1980.113 Doug Egge

Yes. So women, 88.1 years. Wow. And men, 82.5.

1980.894 - 1987.921 Sal DiStefano

And what is that compared to like other countries? I think we're 70, 72. 88 for women? Holy.


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