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Dateline NBC

A verdict in Chattanooga. A widow accused of murder. And how to avoid natural disaster scammers.


Probably will get really big. It's a crazy story. It's contrary to what he said in our interview.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


If this conduct does not rise to the level of bad faith, it certainly comes so near to bad faith as to show signs of scorching.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


Well, as in any case that we evaluate as medical examiner, we consider the scene investigation along with whatever evidence we have, the body. or whatever is left of the body. Maybe photos were taken. The metaphor examiner will consider all of that in its totality. Just like if you go into a doctor's office and you say, just figure out what's wrong with me.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


It's the same when you have a dead body one day or a hundred years dead. You need to know the context.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


You have to learn how to interpret the decaying body as well as the skeletonized body. Because a gunshot wound, a stab wound, they may leave marks on the bone. that you can detect and they'll be present for many, many decades. There have been evaluations of, you know, mummies in terms of how did they die. The bones carry a lot of information.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


Certainly the remains can carry the poison, but it depends on the poison. There are so many drugs and chemicals and toxins in the world. So I think the first thing with the poisoning is you have to have a suspicion of it so that you're making sure you look for the category of poison that you're suspicious about.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


Now, that being said, as the body decays, so does the blood, so do chemicals in the body. And so it becomes harder to test for those.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


Well, certainly, I mean, I've been on multiple sides of that particular dilemma where my ruling may be questioned and maybe the police and I don't agree. But the medical examiner may have a reason for that determination or may not have considered it. the insulin overdose because it's a very subtle thing.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


I don't think exhumations are that easy to occur, especially legally. There has to be a certain burden of proof of the need to do it to further the case. But I've been involved in those court-ordered exhumations. And sometimes if there is trauma to the skeleton, then it's very worthwhile because you can show that and document that. And you can show the absence of that if that's important as well.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


But I always say that it isn't so much that You can't kill someone without leaving a trace. You can. What's really hard to get rid of is your motive. And so if you have a motive to kill someone and someone suspects that, then forensics is there to figure it out. Mary Jembelek, thank you so much for coming back. Thank you very much, Andrea.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


For what? to get whatever, anything that I thought I could use to help find my daughter.

Dateline NBC

An accused killer's surprising defense. A pharmacist on trial for poisoning. And a medical examiner's strategy for cracking cold cases.


It's the same when you have a dead body one day or 100 years dead. You need to know the context.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'll just put my coffee down, boys. Now, boys, I'm going to go off a script. My wife keeps telling me that I waffle on too much and I go on tangents all the time. So I thought if I stick to a script, I'll best utilize your time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Your message is getting out there almost through osmosis and that's powerful. I personally haven't experienced anything like this, like your approach or your type of advice in the 50 years that I've been doing this stuff. So I hope you guys keep it up. I hope you guys don't change your formula or your approach because I want this message going out to my kids and now my grandkids.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So very much appreciated. Thank you. Okay.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


All right. It's my challenge. Boys, psychopenia is a bitch. You guys are in your mid-40s, so you'd start to feel the effects just a little bit, but you could put it off as, you know, didn't get enough carbs the last 24 hours or something like that. But when you get to your early and mid-60s, trust me, boys, she becomes a vengeful bitch.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And that's the core of my challenge or my question or my problem. Anyway, let me set up a framework for you. I'm 66, I'll be 67 next month. I picked up my first weights when I was 16 years old. And really, I haven't looked back since. Mind you, back in those days, I came from a very, very poor sort of background. My mum was a single mum. It was only me and my brother.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And no money for anything other than food and a roof over our heads. So I had to be quite, what's the word? Probably creative. in terms of my first sort of gear that I created in the early 70s. So what I did was I made a bench out of an old bedhead. So it was an old wooden bedhead. I cut it out. I used pillows for the base and I just strapped it all down. Wow.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


For my weight stands, I used, well, I reappropriated. Maybe there's a better word than that. a couple of stop signs from our local council. Hopefully they won't be listening. And I cut off the stop signs and I just cut a slight. And that was my weight. That was my weight set up for five or six years. But anyway, it just shows you if you're committed, you can do it no matter what.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


All right, since then I've lived a life. I'm still married after 44 years to my gorgeous wife. I've raised three beautiful, successful children, and I'm now a nonno. And, Sal, you'll appreciate this. Both myself and my wife are of Italian heritage. I'm Sicilian. My wife comes from the north of Italy, a little place called Belluno, north of Venice.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So we constantly have debates on what being Italian really is because we're so far apart. Anyway, through all these chapters of life, I've kept passionate to my weight training, all being the varying degrees of motivation and availability. Life gets in the way sometimes. And I've had my own set up in the garage here for about 30 odd years. So I've got no excuses. All right, fundamentals.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I've been weight training 50 years. I weigh 78 kilos, which is about 172 pounds. I'm 175 centimetres tall, which is about 5 foot 9, but I'm shrinking. Another beautiful aspect of getting older. 27% body fat, according to my scale this morning. I average about 2,500, 2,600 calories a day. Always prioritise my protein. I get about 160 to 180 grams a day.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


For instance, this morning I'm going to have chicken thigh fillets for breakfast, which much to my wife's disgust. Now, I've always trained a four-day split, and that's part of my question that I'm coming to you guys with. I currently bench 200. I do squats and powerlifts. I know I've heard you guys go over and over and over this. I haven't done squats or powerlifts for most of my training career.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I've only just started. The reason being is... I've always thought it puts too much pressure on my lower back. And some of the big gorillas I used to train with in the 80s and 90s, they've all got back issues now. And I've sort of justified that in my mind. But I'm coming around, and I'd like you to hammer that into me, I guess.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


In my training career, I've torn a pec, I've torn a lat, I've dislocated my shoulder about four or five times. I've torn my right bicep in half. I only have half a bicep in my right arm. All these things to show you that I am committed to what I do. I love it. Absolutely love it. I don't train hard anymore, but I am consistent. All right, what's my question?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I suppose I am starting to waffle on even now. Bloody hell.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I think I should have got my wife to write this. All right. My question, look, guys, I've been listening to you for about two years now. Ever since my daughter came to me and said, hey, Dad, I'm getting married in six months. So I thought, oh, shit, I've got to get back to some sort of, some sort of a stick or some sort of rope, I guess. So.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


It took me six months to go through my traditional four-day split routine with some real weight, what I thought was some real weight. Constant injury and rehabilitation. Adam, I'm really associated with you and what you went through lately. Pure, utter frustration and not being able to do anywhere near what I thought I was capable of. And that realisation created havoc in my psyche, boys.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm not the man I used to be. Anyway, I'm a stubborn Italian. I don't believe there's much new in the game since I purchased my Joe Weider bodybuilding system some 40-odd years ago. A squat is a squat is a squat. A bench press is a bench press. A curl is a curl. There's not much new in this space in my mind. Although... I did change when Arnie came out with his supinating bicep curls.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I thought, shit, that's a good idea. Anyway, I wrote to you guys a couple of months back saying, hell, I'm stuck in this four-day split routine. I can't do anywhere near what I used to do. I wanted some ideas. I wanted someone to just hit me across the back of the head and say, Jim, do this or don't be stupid or whatever. But in writing that email to you guys, there was a realisation.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I went out and bought Maps Anabolic. Now, it's the first time I've bought anyone else's program in 40-odd years. And I put my faith in you guys. But I've got a problem. I don't think there's enough volume in it for me. At the end of Phase 2, I'll start Phase 3 tomorrow. And I used to do five different exercises or four sets each just for my chest twice a week.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I'm going down to just, you know, two exercises a week or three exercises a week for my chest. It's doing my head in, boys. I'm looking for guidance. I'm looking for inspiration. I'm looking for advice. Now, after that diatribe, What can I do, boys? What's your advice?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Boys, that sounds like a great, great approach. And for my psyche, that's what I need, I think. I think I need to have that as a comparison.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


And push myself back to how I like to push myself. You guys know it. Yeah, for sure. When you're pushing these things, it's such an ego boost just to – Just to feel your body. It doesn't have to be a big way, just to feel your body. So I appreciate that, Adam. I think that's a great idea, boys. I'd like to try that. I love that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Boys, you didn't disappoint. Thank you so much. It's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you, boys. Awesome. Appreciate it. You got it, my friend. Thank you, Jim.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


Hello. I'm honored you're taking the time to help me and millions of others with our money questions. Well, thank you.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


I am a 40-year-old widower and ready to date again. However, my truck is 25 years old, and I perceive the ladies I want to date will judge me based on the vehicle I drive. It shouldn't matter, but as a guy of average height and average appearance, I don't have the charisma to overcome a poor first impression.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


The question is, should I spend $5,000 to $10,000 to buy a car for the sole purpose of dating to find my future wife?

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


No debt, no mortgage, no kids.

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


the truck i have been on a second date that was going i thought very well the conversation was good and when we walked out to the parking lot she said oh you're driving that and i never heard from her again but she doesn't know i try and i hide the truck on the other side of the parking lot i'll walk her to her car leave but hey listen that that's a good thing that you ran that one off

The Ramsey Show

Your Financial Journey Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint


Right, with the status symbol of choice, a BMW.