Adam Schafer
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Even when I was probably too early to start the rehab process, I can at least start creating contraction in there and recruiting there so you can start to get some sort of development or at least slow down the atrophy part. That's right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, it's also sad because the way they got there is through learned behavior. Yeah. It's like they, they didn't, most of them don't know better yet. You know what I'm saying? They, they ate what their parents fed them or allowed them. Yeah. That's, that's what makes that. so sad and difficult.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Ah, shit, Doug. You know, it's my favorite time of the week.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
That's why I think some of the best advice is purely play.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I think that, you know, my son's not a big athletic person. He's not into sports whatsoever. He's showed little interest in me lifting here and there, but not really. But he's active. We wrestle, we run, we play, we do a lot of other things and he's physical and he eats whole foods and he doesn't need to strength train yet.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I don't even need to think about pushing it on him or talking about it to him. It's like there'll come a time as he sees his mom and his dad do it very consistently inside our house. And so he gets to see it and be around it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
um but you know he eats the foods we eat and he sees what we do on a basis that i don't even worry about this like i mean i don't i don't even think it's not even a thought of like oh when do i introduce this to him or what it's like no at this point he's an active but i can't understand why this has become such a big topic because i think a lot of that has to do with the processed foods that we're allowing our kids to eat and the ipads it's the environment
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
If you allow these kids to sit on iPads for four hours and they're eating Cheetos, then yeah, even at four, five, six years old, you're gonna start to see them put on excessive weight. But if they're eating whole foods and they're active, they're playing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I don't know a five-year-old that isn't attached to an iPad that isn't running around the house and climbing and jumping on things and doing stuff. Even my son, who's not an athlete, he's not into sports. He's not into play that, but he's definitely jumping off the couch into the beanbag. He's chasing me up and down the stairs. Like they're active.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And so, you know, the way I look at it is like, as long as we keep the nutrition, good choices around there, we don't ever allow him to, you know, sit on an iPad for extended period of time. they'll stay very healthy for a very long time. And then I figure at one point, he'll probably get into junior high or high school, and maybe then he'll be interested in sports.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And even if he's not, maybe then he might get interested in strength training, and he'll come to me, and he'll have seen his mom and dad creating these behaviors for so long that it'll be a very natural progression. It doesn't have to be this like...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So the key to this is, and I can't stress this enough to people that are listening that don't have kids yet, or you're about to have a kid. The key is, is how, what you introduce and what is in your home initially. It's, it's once you let the cat out of the bag and, and how early you do that and how often you do that is what's going to set you up for success or failure.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
If the, if the, if you do a really good job of when that time comes, when that, when that kid is born, that whole foods is all we have in the house and all we eat, they won't know better. They won't know anything but that. And eventually they will get introduced and they will have friends.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
But what's cool is that if you've built that relationship with food for three, four, five years of consistently eating whole foods, they will have a good relationship with that stuff. And it's so cool to watch that unfold now that my son is going to be six years old this year and he's got friends and he's had fruit snacks now and he's had candy now and he's had it all. My son's tried everything.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
But the relationship he has with it is a trip. And he knows it's so unique. He knows it's a big deal if he gets to even try it or have it because it's just not normally in our house. So when his friend comes over and his friend's got fruit snacks and things like that, And I allow him to have it. Sure, but we don't go buy it. We don't go to the grocery store.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
But I also don't deprive him and say, no, you can't have that. Watch your friend eat his fruit snacks and you can't. Of course not. But because we laid that foundation, it's a real easy thing to manage.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I swear I noticed right after the first time.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I think that's what I don't think it would have gained the traction in the legs had it not produced results that quick. Yeah. Yeah, if it took like a month or two. Yeah, you know, I mean, that's one of the hardest reasons to sell fitness and exercise for people is because it takes time. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You know, if in two sessions I could show people dramatic change in their physique, everybody would do it. You know what I'm saying?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's coming. But, yeah, I remember when we first got introduced to the Juve light and I started using it, and it's like, it's almost like you have this, your skin has this glow. And I noticed it right, I noticed it right, I think I noticed it right at the first session. I'm pretty sure it was the first session, but I definitely...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
can tell when I'm not using it and I go right back to using it you just have this kind of light glow to your skin can we find like a manly way to describe that I'm at a loss I know what you're talking about and you know I'm like oh it's like a baby's butt well maybe that's maybe just my complexion glows I don't know what yours would do yours just fades what is yours
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I like them.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So I think they're just like, you'd have, you'd have to make the cluster set so light that it doesn't exactly. It doesn't, I mean, I don't know how they, which is that defeat. One of the things that makes the cluster set so awesome is you can grab a weight that you can't complete, say 12 reps with, and you do these little sets of four, basically set it back down.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And it allows you in a, in a short period of time to, to do 20 reps of something you can never do 20 straight reps. That's right. So, of course, the intensity is going to increase. And so if you had to match the intensity as the same as a straight set, then you would defeat the purpose of why you do the cluster set.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, you would have to, yeah, you either have to make the straight set super intense to failure or beyond, or you would have to reduce the intensity in the cluster set so much that it almost defeats the purpose of doing the cluster set. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's like where our studies go bad, bro.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So did you see, like, some trainer clowning on it?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
This is also why, because what research says, if all sets, volume, intensity is all equated for, that there is no difference in body part splits versus full body workouts. But why do we advocate for full body workouts? Because nobody hits a perfect week forever for
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
a year just never happens you end up missing days you end up skipping muscle groups and you're behind and now you're playing catch up and your 15 sets in one workout don't look like the five sets you did on monday wednesday yes it's because we you factor in human behavior which is a huge piece to the puzzle it's the biggest piece so that's that's
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I always get fired up when people hang on to studies like this and they try and use that to support. I mean, to me, it's always an example of somebody who's a new young trainer who's just all excited to learn.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Speaking of that, I want to shout out. We haven't shouted out somebody in a long time, so we'll call this kind of a shout out. Maybe our editing team can put this clip up. I shared it with you guys. I don't know if you watched it or not. Came across the trainer. I'm familiar with him before. I've seen him before. And I'm so glad he popped to my feet again because I like his stuff.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I invited him on the show. He'll be coming on probably soon. Ben Bruno. Oh, yeah. He did a really good post of talking about, like, social media and trainers.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, yeah. I'll give it to the editing team so they can play that clip because I'll probably tear it up if I try and repeat exactly how he said it. No, very well said. Very, very well said. Smart. Good page to follow. To summarize it, it's just that we've got into this trap of clickbait. And that's why this came up right now.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So what you're talking about is like to be controversial and to counter stuff like that is what goes more viral. And if I do something that's controversial, say a controversial statement, and then you come to my page and then they're all pictures of me looking sexy. Like I quickly can grow to be this massive trainer online.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And so it adds, it gives credibility to these people that really don't belong.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Exactly. Oh, he looks fit. He's dropping this counter to this. But meanwhile, the really, really good trainers are busy out applying science that we've known for a really long time that hasn't evolved and changed. And yeah, getting experience and helping people. Not very good at hacking algorithms and getting clickbait and stuff like that. And so it's such a true statement.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I bet there is more...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Point two. Yeah, because I didn't just guess a number, a round number. I was like, you're 7.8 to 8.5. Yeah, I thought for sure I was 10.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah. I mean, the thing that I was, because I know you thought you're like, oh, I'm not, you know, I'm thick right now or I'm not as lean. I've been leaner. You've probably felt leaner, but you have so much more muscle. Yeah, that's what it is. And that plays another role. And like, so I know when you got that much muscle.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I also, I've seen your physique enough times and known when you're at 9% and 10% that I'm like, I bet he's leaner than what he thinks.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
just based off that alone, and yeah, sure as shit. I mean, and you're in such a cool place too. When was the last time you tracked and seen your calories?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, that's why you're so ripped and shredded is because you're eating a lot and you're eating good food. So it's a good example.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, for sure. Well, you have like an unbelievable discipline around your, but I mean, you've also talked about it. Like your, your gut has forced you into that place.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's, it's, you know what I got? You have moments where I see you testing it with stuff that I stupid. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Now, when that happens, how long it resets and kind of goes back?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And are you, what's kind of, do you have like a protocol of all the things you, I know you always take the Ziba, or not Ziba, but take a seed and stuff like that. But is there anything that when that happens, do you like?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, I mean, if it's based off of you, they say if you eat sushi, how many times it's almost guaranteed, right?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, dude. So gross, dude. Yeah, bro. I mean, I probably should, too, just to see. I don't want to say it'd be interesting. We know what you do.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So this is something we have to untrain. You know when you train your kid to do something and then it eventually starts to backfire? So we trained Max when to blow his nose, blow hard, right? So we would teach him to do it. So now anytime he gets a runny nose, he just starts blowing. He has no tissue, no nothing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And you're like sprinting across the room. Max, hold on.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I know it's our fault because we teach him, blow, blow, if you got to blow. And then we keep telling him that. So now it's like as soon as he feels it, he just starts doing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
poop doesn't bother me you know what's funny is i i uh boogers and and and mucus you get me out of the room yeah i can't handle that i feel like since having my son a lot of that has kind of changed right like i i do remember like the boogers thing being really tough for me but i definitely know as a dad now i'm like so normal just grow i'm grabbing it with my
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Oh, no, I can't do that with boogers. My bare hands. I can't do that. I wouldn't have been able to do that, say, five years ago. Look at Justin's face. But I definitely have gotten that point with my son now where I'm like, that's so natural for me. Bro, you played football.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I imagine you and Doug probably had a little bit different transition. So Sal and I are oldest, right? So I'm sure you did too, right? You probably got a little bit of practice on your younger siblings with being around them. So changing diapers and all that stuff was not foreign to me. But when you're like the youngest son and boy and you guys don't have anybody, was it all brand new to you?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Do you remember like were you nervous, like some dad really nervous to even hold a baby, really nervous to change a diaper?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I had a buddy that was terrified of it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, because he's the youngest, all boys. Especially if you're a guy, because you're younger. It's pretty common.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yes, yes. I saw you training that way the other day, getting ready for your lifts. It'd be really interesting for people to watch as you progress through that. Why do you think it's not as popular?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I'm pretty sure I won over Katrina. I've talked about how her brothers, I swear they didn't like me forever. And I think when we had Max and then her family getting to see me with Max, I think changed a lot for their family. Because I had raised, yeah, and he was a preemie, right? So he was super tiny.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And even at that age, I was not, I mean, I'd tuck him in my forearm and be doing dishes and be doing stuff like Katrina's resting and her family would be all looking at me all crazy, like, dude, he's so comfortable with the baby. And well, when we were young, we had my sister, my two siblings were 10, 12 years below us. And my mom had us watching the kids at a pretty young age.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So I got used to all that stuff. You were like five, right? Yeah, that's right. Bro, when I look back now, you know what I'm saying? Boy, that was pretty young of you. You're responsible. Yeah, pretty young to be responsible for a new boy.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Like, I think back to some of the stuff. I'm like, wait a second. I'm doing the math. You know what I'm saying? When you're in it, you don't think about it. It wasn't until, like, therapy later. My therapist would tell me, like, you know that's not normal, right? You're only, like, 12 years old. You're watching an infant, you know?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I saw the video yesterday.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I've seen him use a knife, everything. You guys got him doing all kinds of cool stuff.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So I'm assuming, so is Jessica better with that than you? Because I know Katrina would freak out if I let him do some stuff like that. I let him do stuff, and she's just like, what?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I let him plug in stuff in the plugs. Katrina's like, what are you doing? I'm like, yeah, he's fine. I teach him, though. I tell him, like, listen, your finger touches that, it'll shock you. Trust me, you don't want to do that. You're crazy. I trust him to do all kinds of stuff. The power saw. Oh, yeah. Not quite the power saw.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
There's a Netflix series about it, isn't it? Yeah, it's coming out. Yeah, I saw the preview for it. It's not out, though, is it?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I feel like, though, people that do stuff, karma bites you in the ass, bro. There's not a lot of people that get away with that stuff. You get away with it temporarily, but that comes around, bro.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah. That's what I mean by that, too. And I truly believe this. I think it always happens. I don't think it's a maybe. It always happens. Whether something really bad happens back to her that the public or she's just internally tortured for the rest of your life. You'll be tortured for that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And whether something bad happens to you or you now set the table for the rest of your life, no one trusts you or internally. So it's like no matter what, you're not getting away from that. You do something like that bad. Oh, yeah, there it is right there. Oh, what?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So weren't they interviewing her afterwards, too, and trying to get her to tell it, and she still was kind of lying? They did a whole 60 seconds or whatever, or 60 minutes on her, and they were trying to get her to tell the truth, and she was still like...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
When is it out? It's coming out soon, I think, on Netflix. That's really sad.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Do you think there's like uber rich people that just bathe in it? I would. If I could afford a whole bathtub of that stuff.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Maybe that's LeBron's secret. I mean, there's got to be somebody wealthy enough that can bathe in it. You can't tell me someone hasn't tried to do that. You're probably right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Tell them their commercial comes summertime.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
We're going to burn Justin really bad.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Come on, he's such a funny experiment. So he's like, his face is all red with the sunglasses.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Oh, who was that?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It was Nick, wasn't it, Nick? I think it was. It was Nick, because he's got skin like Justin.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, I would love to put you on MAPS Anabolic. The two days that you were kind of doing abs, you could still do that as your trigger days. So in MAPS Anabolic, we've got the three days a week plus – two days are trigger sessions. And so you could follow that protocol, still do your kind of going to the gym or going in your garage, working out five days a week. But it's a little more organized.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's probably going to be, well, not probably, it is less volume than what I'm looking at right now with your program. So, I mean, I would love to let you follow that for three months and see what happens. And I bet you get as good of results, if not better, with about half the work.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, that's just it. I think Sal said it well, which is I don't think you're necessarily overtraining, and I don't necessarily think you have to change this, but I think you could. I think you could do something like MAPS Anabolic, which is about half the volume, and I think you would see as good, maybe even better results. But so it really comes down to you and what you want to do.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
If you really enjoy these long two-hour workouts and you feel good and fine, you're seeing results. I mean, at your age, how long you've been training, putting on five, six pounds like that in the timeframe you did is not bad. No, you're moving forward. But yeah, it could be better. And, you know, always remember too, what you can tolerate isn't necessarily what's optimal.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So even though your body can handle the two-hour workout and all the exercise you're doing, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the most optimal amount of volume for your body. And sometimes that's hard to gauge because you're like, I feel fine. I'm doing it. I'm not too sore. I'm still recovering. I'm still seeing results. But it is a lot.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And maybe if I were to cut back a little bit, would I see more? And so I think a good experiment... would be let Doug send you Maps Anabolic, run it for a while. It's not going to hurt just trying it out. Yeah, follow it the way it's laid out. You could still go into the gym five days a week like you are.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
The days that you were kind of doing abs and stuff, you can keep doing that with your trigger sessions and see how your body responds and see if you enjoy it. And it should take you about half the time.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It doesn't need to be an all or nothing situation. That's right.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, yeah, of course. Yeah. You're doing fine.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Doug's 75 years old.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You know what I mean?
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Doug's going to send it over to you, and then I'd love for you to stick to it. Yeah, I'd love for you to stick to it, and then just circle back with us. Reach back out after you've done that. And let us know what you, what you noticed. And like Sal said, I do agree. Like the, the important part of this is the relationship, regardless of you, because you're, what you're doing is working.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You can keep doing that. But what I think we all keep hearing from you is like, man, two hours can be daunting sometimes. Yeah. So, so yeah, don't do that much. And let's see what happens.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You know, I don't know if I agree with that. I think it has to be like just a lack of education because – The things, the stupid things that people do in the fitness space to gain the competitive edge or get a little bit better is that they don't all. I mean, come on. You have men wearing corsets to get their waist down an inch.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
45 minutes to an hour. I mean, my workouts are like 20 minutes right now. When you've been lifting for a really long time, you'd be surprised how little stimulus you need to maintain the muscle that you have.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
How many, was it 10 exercises? I can't see into the scroll.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So that is, let's see here. He's got three on the compound lifts and two on the ice. He's not crazy overdoing it.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
In one workout.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, what he doesn't need to do that he's doing is he's doing a compound lift and then an isolation of every muscle.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
He could just lift. Just all compound lifts.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
That's right. I mean, we could have taken this thing and split it. But I mean, MAPS Anabolic is just a better version of what he's trying to do. Yeah. Totally. Totally. So hopefully he follows that, doesn't have to train for that long, and then sees as good or better results.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, I mean, I feel like you, ideally for that, because I agree too, and I'm sure there's times where he likes it too, is you build a program that should only take 45, 50 minutes, but then there's times when you drag it out for two hours because you're going to go extra heavy and rest and you got all the time. But you don't want to build a program that takes two hours of moving.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You have dudes lugging around an e-stim machine this big, sticking a bunch of things on themselves while they work out in order to get this much more out of training and stuff like that. So why?
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
What a great question. What a great question. Metabolically adapted is more the case.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I thought that was a known fact. That's a...
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You see this very- Competitors, right? Yes, with bodybuilders because they put on the weight- So fast.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And then every time they do the next show, they follow the exact same protocol, but then this time they can't get quite as lean. And the theory, the prevailing theory on that is because you every time you rapidly gain weight, you end up adding fat cells and they don't go away. They just shrink.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So if you think every time you've kind of yo-yo dieted in your life where you put on body fat, especially if it came on relatively quick. what ends up happening is your body adds more fat cells than it had before that, and they don't go away. They just shrink.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And so if you can, over years or decades, have always lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, then every time you go back to gaining weight, many times you're probably adding fat cells, which makes it that much more difficult to lose it, and it's that much easier to get it back because it just grows.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's different, but I think there's something to it though. There's also the variable too of if you have to cut calories really, really aggressively to lose that body fat. And that, that calorie number keeps getting lower and lower. It just makes it that much easier when you dip out of it and the surplus to add it back really fast.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
For example, if you can lose, lose those five or 10 pounds, but you have to go down to say 1300 calories every single time you do that. Well, when you're only eating like 1300 calories, you know, you make a little 300 calorie mistake and it's a big portion of your daily intake, right? Which your body can handle versus like,
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
if we reverse dieted, then we slowly leaned you out and you got, you lost your five pounds, but your body is at like say 2,400 calories. Uh, and then you go up 200 calories. It's not as significant of a percentage as, uh, you know, the person who's only eating 1300. So that plays a role also, depending on how low calories you have to go to.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Are you, uh, are you, are you following any of the maps programs right now?
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
When they compare it to others, the curve is faster, right? The gains come on faster on
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I didn't know that that was just a theory. I thought it was a fact.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I feel like that's what I've seen with clients in the bodybuilding world, myself personally. So I thought when the studies came out— There are good studies on it.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I love this question because, uh, you know, it gives us an opportunity to address this and it's not true. Yeah. Um, it psychologically, it can be, uh, much more difficult because let me tell you, uh,
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
when you sit across from somebody who has that much to lose and you tell them hey i want you to add these things into your diet uh they absolutely would look at me like i was crazy and be like do you not see how i where i'm at and how i got here i eat too much but it's too much of the wrong foods and there's things that we need to go after and start targeting and so much of the advice is actually very similar in the fact that i want you to start focusing on eating whole foods
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
We're going to go hit your protein target in your goal weight, right? So whatever your goal weight is of you want to be, say that's 250 pounds or 230 or something. We go, okay, well, we're going to go after 230 grams of protein every day through whole foods. And that would be like step one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And that step one would be the same for you or the person who's probably trying to lose 20 pounds because we first have to get your – Feed your body what it needs and make sure we get you in a metabolically healthy place first before I just start cutting you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
If I take you where you're currently at and just start cutting, cutting, cutting, it might lose a few pounds initially, but eventually you'll hit a plateau going that route and you'd be far better off hitting those protein intakes, lifting weights to get strong and building metabolism to where your metabolism is roaring up. before we start to come back down the other direction.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So it's very similar. Longer, obviously, the process when I have a client that's got to lose over 100 pounds. It's a longer process of reverse dieting and takes some time. But very similar advice still.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
wanted to do like a full phase of isometrics and i'm like i'm like bro you can't do that people will people will be bored to death i don't care how i don't care if it gives you better results than anything else people won't stick with it and so i couldn't argue against that because i totally you know just training clients like i see that it gets yeah it gets uh you know mundane for
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Kyle, are you in a place financially where you can invest in something like that? I'm not, unfortunately. Okay, so the next best thing, this is what we're going to do. I'm going to put you in our private forum if you're not in there already. Are you in there or no? No, I'm not. Okay, I'm going to have Doug put you in the private forum.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And then the first thing that I would do with you, which is what I would do with anybody no matter what, is all I want you to do is track your food for a week. Don't try and impress me. Eat how you eat. Eat how you normally would eat so I can see where our starting point is. If you update with me, I'll help you. The guys and I will get in there and we'll give you subtle changes and direction.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Also set you up on a program that you should follow. Do you have access to a gym or do you work out at home? Where would you work out at? I have access to a commercial gym. Okay, cool. So you have pretty much any equipment, everything like that. Yeah, all kinds of stuff. I'm going to have Doug set you up with a program to start you on. Okay. So the workout, that's taken care of.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And then in the forum, if you give me what you eat, okay, with either Fat Secret, MyFitnessPal. uh, one of those. In fact, when we get off this, I'm going to have Kyle, see if I can have Kyle put you in our app so I can track you directly. So I'm going to have Kyle reach out to you. Who's our, we have a Kyle too. Okay. Kyle is our head trainer.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So I have Kyle reach out to you, see if I can put you in there so that I can directly see what you're eating and then we'll make some adjustments. And then the boys and I are, are going to follow along and, and get you going. I think the first 60 to 90 days will be the most crucial.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
to setting this off. After I think we've been communicating with you for a while, I think you'll piece it together pretty well.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Any limitations before I send the program to you so I know you have any sort of issues like working out lifting-wise, injuries, anything?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Those are all things that we can... I saw in your question that you've lifted pretty heavy before, so you're not... Yeah, I used to be pretty damn strong. Okay, good. That'll be a huge advantage to us that you're familiar with those movements and we can put some weight on and get strong. So that'll actually help us a lot. So I'm going to have Doug send you... I'll probably send a map, send a bulk.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So to me, that's the secret sauce, if you're a trainer listening, is because you know the benefits, is learning to integrate it into your regular training. Yes. Because at the end of the day, you have to appease the client, too. At the end of the day, your client has to show back up. You've got to be able to help them. And I don't care if isometrics are the best.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You think we start off with... Starter.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
We'll go 15 first and then we'll go into anabolic.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Do you have a tool that will track your steps?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Doug can look this up right now. There's literally like a dollar.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
You put it on your belt. Yeah, and they just clip onto your belt. And that'll be accurate enough. We don't need the most sophisticated tool. We just want something. And you're like me. I do the same thing. My wife teases me. She says, you're not walking that much. You're just talking with your hands. So I'm the same way. So those aren't the best for me.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So I'll have Doug send you a link to probably a basic Amazon one. Get something like that. And really all it is is just so we have a consistent tracker so we have an idea because what I'll have the guys do is they're going to give you goals like, okay, hey, this week I just want you to step this many steps per day and we'll incrementally increase that over time.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
But I'm going to have the guys and I, we're going to help you through this, okay? Because I want to show you that absolutely this is the way to do this and we'll be right there to help you out.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
All right, dude, we're going to send that over to you and then be looking for a message from our guy, Kyle and Doug, and then we'll take it from there, dude. All right. Thank you guys. All right, brother. Thank you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
We've all helped a lot of clients in this position. The biggest difference between him and the lady who needs to lose 20 or 30 pounds is the psychological piece. Of course. Um, at that point, and he said it, you know what I'm saying? Like, uh, this is how I got here. And it's exactly how that, like that client would talk to me when they're sitting across from me.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I'm like, listen, this is what I want you to start doing. I want you, you're going to eat six meals a day. And they're like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, are you not seeing what I look like, how I got here? Like I eat too much. It's like, listen, it's just trust me.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And so getting them to trust me that this is how we're going to go about that is the hardest part because that person, really just thinks that this can't be possible, that we're going to do this. But I'm telling you, it is. And when we do it the right way, it's amazing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Because in a perfect world, if you think about it, based off the way the research points, it would make sense that almost all programs when someone's getting back into the gym or getting, or getting started for the first time should look very isometric based to begin up. It's the safest brings on the most gains rest, less likely probably to, uh, to overreach too.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, fine. Regardless, no matter what, I'm going to help him on this. This is not... I mean, I literally think if we can just help him for the first 90 days and show him, you know, this... Build that trust. Yeah, yeah, build that trust. And when he starts...
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
eating more and giving that feedback of oh my god i'm eating so much adam and he sees his strength go up in the gym and he doesn't see the scale go up that's like where you get that switch for them to go like okay i get it i believe it and stuff and the fact that he's got a history of heavy squatting and dead lifting and benching is going to be a massive advantage to us totally um he's young yeah so so um i hope i hope he hangs in there sticks with us and trusts us totally
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, you could still overreach doing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
But, I mean, this is probably why a lot of the bros continue to work out with your training partner where you had the overcoming isometrics where you give them 315 on the bench press even though he can't hold it. And they just, you know, grinding away on it because they probably saw results. Yeah. They probably saw games.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Didn't you say that someone had to do that? Oh, yeah. I mean, that was both squatting and bench pressing. This is early. I'm like 21, 22, maybe 22 at the latest. And I was training with some old school dudes that were much older than me that took me under their wing. And I just was following their routine. And I remember he's like getting me to squat.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I'm just like, at that point, bro, I could like squat a plate. That's it. You know what I'm saying? He's like, put 315 on. I'm like, I've never seen two plates, dog. He's like, oh, you'll be fine. Don't worry, I got you. You know what I'm saying? And they get behind me. And same thing for the bench press. Like at that time, it was- And he just had you hold the weights.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's supporting me, right? He just wanted me to feel it. That was what he kept telling me was this, you just need to feel it. Your body needs to feel the way. It'll acclimate.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, yeah, it'll get acclimated, you know what I'm saying? I mean, and it did kind of make sense theoretically. Like, okay, like, I guess you're right. Like, if I'm... never felt anything close to that. If I can get comfortable with just... Yeah, the shock of it. Right. If I can just get over that fear, then when I go down to 225, 225 will feel so much easier.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, yeah.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
The old McKee gym had it. Did you?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
So from the audience that cares about this, some people won't care about this, but there's got to be some percentage that care about their calves. This was like, and I noticed a difference when I'm doing this and when I'm not doing this, that happened to be not in one of the times of doing this right now. And I can tell. I just, I do isometric calf holds in the shower and that's all I do.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
It's just being a show on your toes. Yes. I swear to God. And I swear to God, when I, when I do that every, when I do that every morning in the shower and that's all I'm doing, just that alone, I see a significant difference in my calf, just that alone by itself. Yeah. You know, nothing else, just at least doing that.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I mean, again, it's not going to grow world-class calves, but if you're somebody who is looking for a little bit more from your calves. You're in the shower already. It's not hard. I also think there's a little bit of stability in there too. It's good for ankle strength and mobility. So there's like other benefits. That's kind of like how I justify it. And I would do that.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
And I notice a big difference.
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2541: This Strength Building Technique Activates More Muscle Fibers... & You're Probably Not Using It (Listener Live Coaching)
This is also, I mean, for that reason, this is great for rehab purposes.
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So when you have somebody who is, you know, and you're trying to wonder like, oh, is it too early to really start the rehab? I mean, you start them in the isometric place. This is the safest, smartest place. I mean, just when I went through that injury with my pec, like that was like the isometrics were the first things that I was already practicing right away.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Of course there is.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, I mean, I think the way I would have probably approached it by myself would have been the – I probably would have used things like that to get the attention of people. And then, cause here's the, that's, this is the argument I would make if I was this trainer. Right. And again, I just want to play devil's advocate with you on this. It's just.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I think that if I'm going to go, man, that's what people want. It's my job to then teach them how to attach fitness to all these other things, right? But if I'm being honest, I know what got me in the door. I know what got me into working out. It was my issues with body image, right? How I looked, insecurities. And so if that's what got me to walk in the door...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And then now over time, I learned a lot. And the same thing goes for a client. The client comes in and they're coming in with body image issues. And so if I don't get their attention with that, could I get them? It would be really difficult to do. I know we've done it here. I know we've done it here.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But we also have created this massive thing that we have where we can talk for an hour and a half, two hours. And when you are building a business online, you don't necessarily have that. And so this is a harder one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Like are they teaching? Are they coaching? I think what the two that you've started off with Attached together are what's really dangerous or what's a good red flag for people. For example, there are definitely lots of social media pages that are nothing but transformation photos. And then they're selling a challenge. They tend to go together.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
The two of those paired together is a red flag for the consumer of, oh, I'm not going to bite into this. This is just purely a marketing ploy to get my money to do this challenge that's setting me up for failure. the trainer who has got a, you know, Instagram full of incredible good knowledge and information and communicating all the things that we talk about on the show.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And, and then, you know, they have a client highlight every say, you know, once a month of, you know, Susie, who's done this different, you know, and a story about her and her, where she heard before and after was, you know, I, I, I understand, I get it. And I, and I know the value and the power of it. And I feel like you're, also communicating so much good message.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And then that person I get, you use something like that to get the attention of Susie's friends or someone else who looks at Susie goes, oh my God, she has the same body as I do. I could do that. And then hits me up and goes, oh my God, I saw your transformation of Susie. Can you help me? And then I have the chance to sit down and talk to you. Well, let me tell you about Susie.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Like Susie didn't just get there in 30 days. You know, we had a reverse dieter and we had to do these things. And it's like, So very well said. Right. So like that, I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm all for that.
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T-shirt time.
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Like, yeah, like, oh, yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Speaking of that, can you make a note? Okay, can you make a note? I would love to do a MAPS ad like that.
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yes like a fat white dude and he's like shredded black guy like use maps aesthetic you know like a chick can we do that can we dylan make sure you make a note for that just make it look ridiculous i would love i would i would love i would love danny danny would be great for that project to do a maps aesthetic before and after and it'd be like a fat white guy to like a shredded black or like mr olympia or something like that totally
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Ah, shit, Doug. You know it's my favorite time of the week.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And I mean, this might be worse than the transformation one. Oh, and then the reason why is because at least the transformation one is changing. It's getting some people results. There's trainers online that are just like, all they can do is get themselves shredded. They haven't helped nobody.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And it's all half-naked photos of themselves, so you don't know 100%. Totally.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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The accountability and consistency piece.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Well, you haven't said it in a long time. I used to love it because I used to repeat it all the time that – A subpar program done consistently is better than the best program in the world done inconsistently.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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What's the psychology behind that? What's your theory on why? You think it's because there's that accountability piece that I have this coach I need to show up for? Do you think it's also part of just they've helped create the habit, now it's becoming a habit or is it a combination?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I don't know if you guys have done this before. I've paid for things that I know I can do on my own, but because I know that I'm forking the money out and that I've got to show up to the thing or whatever. And that's kind of what it is. It's like, I've had people, why don't you just, why do you need to pay for that? It's like, well, because I know if I pay for it. You're committed to that. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I'm committed to it. Then I'll be consistent with it. If I'm not financially committed to it, then I'll have an excuse for why I'm too busy or whatever.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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um it's one of the it's the single best investment you can make if you're trying to become fit and stay fit period speaking of that i'm so pumped about uh this it's going to be this is new right something that uh we haven't really done we did a taste of it i would say with the glp one girl yeah that we did yeah um And this is Kyle and the coaches, our team over here.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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We don't talk a lot about the trainer side. We're slowly building that kind of behind the scenes. We're obviously starting to talk about it more now as we're building trainers underneath us. And so it's funny. We're talking about this whole thing with coaches and trainers online simultaneously why we're going to have a solution to a lot of this stuff, right?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And one of the things that we're going to do, and I hope Doug doesn't get mad at me. I know he gets mad at me when I let the cat out of the bag on programs. He's already making a face.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Oh, you're going to ruffle some feathers with this one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So normally our marketing team gets so weird about when we have a program that's coming and like, don't talk about it until we're almost there. Well, I'm going to ruin that. So the next program that's coming up is Maps Transformation. And it's really... the motivation came from my transformation that I did of the comeback.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And I'm not going to spoil all of what's in there and all the stuff that it comes with, but it's, I mean, I'm excited about the program. I know the guys are excited about the program, but what we're doing different that we haven't done before is, um, When this program launches, we're actually going to take a small group through the program. And so it's a transformation program.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So anybody that's looking to get back into shape or just transform their body, you can join the group. They'll be coaching along through it. Very similar to what we did with the GLP-1. It's going to be headed up, though, by Kyle and our trainers and that team. Although the boys and I will be obviously a part of it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Yeah, if you're listening, I mean, you could talk to anybody that went through the GLP-1. We had massive success with it. It was an incredible experience, not just for us learning what it was like to work with people at GLP-1, but also how well could we manage, you know, 50, 60 people in a group setting like that with the weekly calls and everything. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And I think that we were very, very happy. So were all the people that went through it. And so I think it's going to be something that we try to do on a semi-regular basis. Made a lot of sense with the new program that's coming out with the transformation programs. And so a lot of people- I think it's cool.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Links directly to MyFitnessPal.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I mean, the last group that we did was incredibly successful. Everybody loved it. That went through the process. And again, my, you know, mind pump fashion, we're always trying to level up and make it better this time. And this is Kyle. I mean, Kyle created the app in there for everyone to be able to use this. And so this is cool.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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It's an addition to what we did last time, just to get even more hands-on. I mean, the community already and the forum that you'll have, the private forum you'll have access to already starts to create that dynamic. But even having it even better with the app, I think people are going to love that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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how much smartphones impacted insomnia. And so I would think that that exacerbated it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I think you have to share with the audience. This is a good conversation, also a bit nuanced and going to piss some people off because we have a lot of trainers that follow the show. And I know a lot of trainers that mean well, but also have been sucked into this trap of thinking that this is a good strategy.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Doug, I know that you were the one who hunted down all of our special lights at Truckee because you can't even buy them in California. Yeah. And it's like a softer... It's incandescent.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Yeah. It's almost like this kind of orangish red or some kind of color. I hate these fluorescent lights, dude. Oh, yeah. Why did they outlaw it in California?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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They're using their product.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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That used to be like a hack for me to help me go to sleep.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I have a hard time like, oh, pull a book out.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I think that's, to me, the bad temperature controlling. It hacks it, right? Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I mean, lights are up there too. Obviously, trying to sleep with lights on and doing that, that would be terrible. But I mean, that's an easy solve, I feel like. That's like, at least it has been for us. Yeah, just turn them off. Turn your lights off. And if you've got some of those like orange lights or salt lamps that you have or fire, like I love the fireplace going.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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That's my favorite thing, especially in the wintertime. That's easy. But the temperature control in the house, I have yet to meet a couple. That is on the same page. Every couple I've ever met and it's different for each couple who runs hot, who runs cold, but there seems to be a drastic difference.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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The sleep eight with the manageable sides like that to me is like the most, I mean, at least for me, it's been that big of a difference because As much as Katrina's somewhat compromised to my temperature, she's not worried. When she leaves, when she goes out, she just got back. She just left to Park City two weekends ago. We're in the middle of winter. I open up all the windows. Fans are on.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And to your point, there's a lot of fitness marketers that sell to these trainers to do these challenges. Now, what is it from a marketing perspective? Why is it so successful for people? This is why trainers do it. They do it because, not because it's successful because the client gets results success, but because people buy. People are more likely to buy.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I mean, it is freezing in the house. Max and I sleep so good. because that's how I want it. I want the house cold. I want everything cold, and I want to be all bundled up. So even though she's compromised, I still can't get it as cold as I would like it, but then the eight sleep allows me to put the bed there. So at least when I get under the covers, it is cold underneath there.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I'm like half naked on top.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Like, is it, have you guys met a couple where they're both husband and wife? We're like, yeah, we like the exact same temperature. I've never met that. I've never met a couple.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I definitely think that the modern times have been evolved for the women more than anything else. I'm pretty sure that most men, although I have seen some relationships where the girl likes it. Yeah, yeah. But most guys like it much colder.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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The question I had was also the novelty aspect too. Like what if somebody always trained really, really strict? Of course. Because I mean, to me, that's the one that always trumps this argument to me is that, If you were, because I mean, this was me. I told you guys that I was super strict, super lightweight, slow down tempo.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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It wasn't until later did I get into like cheat exercising, come more towards the powerlifting when I started really caring about moving the weight. Did I allow myself to start to put English on the bar, you know, and actually cheat it up a little bit. And I got huge benefits from it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And, but I, but I also know that it's not the cheat curl or the cheat exercise that gave me a huge benefit is that it was so novel. My body was so used to and adapted to this real strict, lower weight, slow tempo that throwing a weight that I hadn't lifted before and using a little momentum to get up there, shocked my body and I saw results in it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So, I mean, that's the other part to this study or any study like this that you have to factor that in there.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And there's some of the obvious reasons, like obviously selling somebody 30 day transformations versus, hey, this could take you two years. Right. That's odd. But there's more than that. There has to be a reason why it works so well for selling people on getting in shape that you have just a cult of trainers that are using this tactic to get clients.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I mean, I'm like, that's what I'm known for, is the all show, no go guy. That was my thing forever, is just like, I don't need to be able to lift all that weight, so long as I look like I can lift all that weight. That's right. No shame.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Yeah, yeah. I said, no chick has ever asked me when I take my shirt off, how much do you bench? She either says, wow, or she's not impressed.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I don't give a shit about anybody else. Admittedly, you guys are better or right, more right. I don't disagree.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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it's uh it's about i mean i also think that i mean yeah i again admittedly i say that i'm that guy but there's a part of me that like i mean i'm still in the performance aspect of my mobility and my technique and and i want to be strong enough right like i don't want to be like you know i need again i need to be able to kick my son's friend's dad's asses right that's like as long as i'm there standard right let's say you're all you want to be as strong as dad yeah yeah as long as they're strong i mean i just that's an easy it's a low bar yeah we live in silken valley it's not like tough
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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It's not that tough. You know what I'm saying? I'm competing with a bunch of engineers and stuff.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So it's not a high bar, but hey, you know what I'm saying? As long as they're impressed with my strength, you know what I'm saying? And I look good.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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You know, I know you did back in the days when you were at the Hillsdale, right?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Were you already a purple belt at this time or just on your way?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Giorgio or... Love that guy. Poulos, I think his name is.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Yeah, I mean, that's such an example of that, right? That wrestler, yeah, he's awesome. Because he's not like not wrestling athletic... ex-fighters, wrestlers. I mean, he's taken on anybody and everybody that'll get him, and it just shows you... Guy's three times his size. Yeah, it just shows you that there's levels to all games, dude.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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There's levels to all these games, and yeah, you could be good in your town. You could be good in your dojo. Then there's elite class, and it's like where he's so good, extra 50 pounds, and a guy that's in a black belt isn't even good enough. It's wild to see how good he is. What's his... What's his name? Giorgio Polis? Yes. Shout out to him. I guarantee anyone listening has heard or seen it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And he just humiliates people.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I've gone down the rabbit hole, too, to see if it's true where he only posts his wins. It's legit. By the way, speaking of, I got to give you, Sal, your credit. word to do on this type of stuff. Okay. I like this. Yeah, I know you do. So... Just gonna feed off of it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And it's good for the podcast, too, because I think, obviously, during the COVID time, we got this, you know, conservative Trump, you know, stamp on us because we spoke out about a few things, and it's just like... You know, the culture shift is so wild to see.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And I guess maybe being in your 40s now when you've been around for several different decades and politicians come through, come and go, and swinging left, swinging right, and then getting older and wiser and being able to pull back and see things. It's such a trip to me to see this shift to, you know, patriotism now. Oh, it's crazy. Yeah. So strong. And when it gets me is when I go, oh, wow.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So I sent a clip to a couple of friends and Katrina even like, man, check this out. You know, like this is talk about the culture shift right now. And like, you know, like your patriotism type of deal was Cat Williams. Oh, yeah. Okay. Do you know what that was? No. That was 2019. Oh, wow. That wasn't even new. Wow. So this is my point. You didn't even see that before.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Didn't even see that bullshit just a few years ago. Everything was scrubbed out. Not just that, nobody wanted to share it. Or now it's being promoted to you. There's a lot of ways you can look at it. You can look at it a million ways. You can say, oh, it was scrubbed out, no one paid attention to it, no one was sharing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Or you can say it wasn't being pushed to you like it's being pushed to you now. And, you know, I bought into it like, whoa, check this out.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I just don't like the way that feels. Mm-hmm. I don't like the way that feels to me. It makes me not feel good about it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, exactly. And I don't like it even when it's on the side I agree with. So I just want to make that clear to the audience of kind of where we stand on this, because I know we've been pigeonholed into certain things because of saying what.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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But it makes me just trust all sides of media, all channels, all outlets even less because it's like, here's something just because this is where culture is moving this way. Look at Bud Light's advertisement. I know, I know. How hard did he listen? I mean, couldn't go more redneck country. He's grilling a big steak, riding a lawnmower with his fucking Skechers on it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I mean, it couldn't be more middle America.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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They don't have any principles. So, see, and, you know, of course, I mean, I like that stuff, right? So I lean more like that. But I don't like that. I feel like it's being fed to me now just because of that. It's like, sure. And I don't want to allow it to rile me up and get me excited, you know, about it because it's just like, it's all fake. It's fake. Where the fuck were you three years ago?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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You know what I'm saying? Absolutely. Where were you at with those views and those points? Well, it's easy now, you know? Yeah. It's easy now. I put a real bad taste in my mouth, and the fact that it got me, that I literally forwarded that to, I think, you guys and a couple other friends, and Katrina's in the shower. I'm like, oh, man, it's so crazy. She's like, what? What are you talking about?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I'm like, oh, it's just... wow, how much culture is shifting in this direction. It's like, oh.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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uh you know ridiculed it's integrity it's integrity not a lot of people have it and that's what that's what that was very clear to me through this whole process i mean i i i i i'm much i'm attracted to somebody that has opposing views than i do just so long as you're never consistent with it no matter what it's real and it's real like i i like that more than i like just people that agree with somebody that folds and yeah yeah like just because you agree with me now or what not you know
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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It worked out for them.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And flavor, right? Smell, flavor.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Well, I mean, this is also, you know, shout out to Ned and for the people that don't know the history on that relationship. So when I was on my way out from the cannabis clubs, that was the new prevailing science that was coming out. We didn't know that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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We didn't, uh, for the longest time, if you're been around that space or knew anything about it, like you talked about Indica and sativa and it was like, this is what makes the difference on how we feel. And like, you know, the, the combinations, if it's an 80, 20 split, and that's kind of how we spoke to.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And that was like, I needed to know that because we were educating the people that were coming in and purchasing and some were purchasing for pain, some were purchasing for insomnia, whatever. And so you needed to know, like, oh, this will be more for this.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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Meanwhile, that whole time we were communicating that, not really realizing that the terpenes was the deciding factor on all the stuff that we were communicating related to sativa and anica. Now, there's some crossover and some commonalities, right? These anicas tend to have more of this. The sativas have more of that or whatever. So we weren't all wrong, but we didn't have the complete puzzle.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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I remember when I was leaving, that that science was just coming out and nobody was no brand nobody no no clubs we're talking about it yet and so then when we fast forward a year or two later mind pumps growing and stuff like that i'm obviously out of that industry uh we're interested in cbd looking for a product and we meet ned and that was one of the things they were and i remember telling
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And Sal, like, oh, you got to meet the guys and talk to them. You'll know more than I will. They get it. Yeah, they get it. And sure as shit, I remember after you had the conversation with them, you're just like, oh, yeah, these guys are presenting the right information and science. They really understand it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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And why that's so important in this market is just same reason why we talk about the red light stuff. It's just.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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so many charlatans flooded it there's not it's not fda regulated and so it's just like the supplement industry where there's a lot of pixie dust going there's a lot of bad science there's a lot of misinformation and the average consumer who doesn't know how to like figure it out but is interested because they heard oh it's good for pain or oh it's good for sleep or it's oh it's got these properties that didn't you just go online and you find the best deal and you buy it or you your friend told you about and then nothing happens and then nothing happens and you're like oh this is bullshit it doesn't work and it's like well
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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you bought something that was probably not what you needed and a product that is probably half of what it says it has. And so that's a big shout out to Ned. You know, they've always been a great partner and have done things the right way. And it's cool to see their success.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
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So let's first address what the judges said and then what you want to do. And November is actually not a really long time away.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
If the judges told you that your physique, your current physique is going to do better in bikini and you want to do figure, doesn't mean that's not possible, but to think that you're going to jump to that class and put enough size on to actually win or do well in figure before November is it's probably not likely.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, it's just, that's the, if they're telling you that, that tells me right away that they think your frame is, is better for bikini. And I, and by the way, I've coached many girls that went from bikini up to figure, figure down to bikini. And so I kind of know what it takes and what they're looking for.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I would want you to give yourself at least an entire year of just dedicated to building and putting size on to try and reach that level. Because if you were really close, they wouldn't say anything to you. They wouldn't go, oh, you probably belong in figure. They'd be like, oh, they would give you some critiques, maybe a little more shoulder definition and do that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But they're like, yeah, you probably belong in bikini. That means we got a ways to go to put enough mass and size on that they think that you belong in that, which is a great goal. I love it. But now I'm looking at a picture right now of you. So we'd want to really put an entire year dedicated to just building. It's just building that. And could you do some running and cardio stuff along the way?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You could, but you're also now prolonging that because the focus is completely to build. It doesn't mean you can't do it. It's not possible because I know I'm going to get a bunch of hate for saying that. But the reality is if you were my client and our goal was to get up to – figure and the judges are telling us we're bikini built, you know, we got it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
We got a good year of, of building ahead of us to focus on that or, or, or get ready for a show and get into bikini.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, while also leaping a category.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That's like you competing in classic and then deciding you want to go to pro.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I'm with you. I get it. Trust me. I get it. It was my least, my least favorite part of competing was that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
No, you're right. Women's bodybuilding 10 years ago looks like what figure is now.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Debra, are you trying to build your training business right now or is it more like a side hustle for you? Are you actually trying to build it and scale it?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I love that. I mean, I think it's a great, a great overall message. Have you gone through our coaching course yet?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Oh, wow. We're going to get you in there. Have you heard about the CRM that we're doing also? All that stuff is, oh man, that all.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah. If you want, I can have Ann, who's our educator, runs all that. Ours is focused, just so you know, we didn't want to compete with the certifications like NASM, NCSF. Although we're accredited, ours is focused on the business side, helping you scale, make more money, everything from social media, lead generation, email marketing, things like that. And so it probably pertains more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
If you want, I can have Ann give you a call and kind of give you an overview of what that looks like and show you what we're doing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay, awesome.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, basically we have nine months, so it's three programs.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, so you have three programs. And I would make aesthetic the one that is your prep, you're ending with. So what's the work backwards? So aesthetic is the last three months. And then before that, you could do a lot of different things. You could do strong, you could do anabolic, you could do anabolic advanced. You could go anabolic, anabolic advanced, and then aesthetic. That's a great one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That would be a great order right there. And if you don't have anabolic advanced, you have anabolic advanced or no?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay. Okay. Well then I'll have Doug send you over anabolic advance. Cause that's what I would love to see you do. I'd love you to see you go anabolic, anabolic advanced, and then maps aesthetic going into your show. That would lay out the, the, the entire time.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, of course. Yeah. Good luck. Yeah. Good luck, Debra. I hope we see you in the course too.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
she has the right mindset for someone that's going to do that. Right. So, and I mean, that's, I guess what I really wanted to get to the bottom of, because I know what those categories look like. I know if the judges are saying that I know what it takes to, to go to the next category up, it's difficult. It takes time. But if you also don't care, you know what I'm saying?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Like you don't care if they place you 12th or 10th or fifth, or you're just like, you want to prove to yourself, you could do it. You want to use the framework of accountability and, and teaching others. It's like, Oh, in that case, well then you could do all of it. You could do the marathon. You can do the training for it. You can, you can do all of it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Now you, you, you definitely won't bring the best version of you because it's not all you care about. Um, but that's okay. I mean, I would, the way she communicated it made sense. It's like, I like the accountability piece. I can show people I'm doing it. It's like, Oh, okay. Well, if that's the case and you don't care what place you really get on that case, then we can do all of this stuff.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Hi, Natalie. Hi, Natalie. How can we help you? Hi.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Great place for you to start.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Natalie, are you in our private forum yet? No, I'm not actually. I'm going to have Deb put you in there. I would love for us to go through this process with you. Anytime I have somebody new to the gym and getting started, just so you have direct access to us.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Anytime in that private forum you feel something when you're working out, you're not certain about something that we're doing, you just go in there, you post, you tag one of us or all of us. and let us help you through this process. Because how you how you get started really tends to dictate like how consistent you continue to be. And so I want to make sure that we help you through that process.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Do you think that's the other reason why, too, is because, you know, there's what's that saying? Like, I can do anything for 30 days. Totally. Like, because it's not a major commitment, there's more likely that people will adhere to that. Like, if you said something like 90 days or six months, that's like, oh, my God, that's a long time. I don't know if I'm ready to commit to that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That's why we're, that's why we're here, Natalie, for sure. So please, please use us and let us help you through that. But no question is a dumb question. Okay. So even if you think it's silly, post it in there, tag us, let us walk you through this really, really. And all of us have had a lot of experience with clients that suffer from this and everything that Sal's telling you is right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And that looks so different for each person. So there's not a generic answer of, oh, do it this way or do these things and you're going to be fine. It's like how your body responds could be totally different. I've seen a wide variety of that. And so just communicate as you go through that with us so we have insight on what's going on and let us help you through it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
All right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I'm glad you heard. I think I saw you wrote down that you just recently found us. It's only been a few months.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
How did you find the podcast?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Awesome. Thanks for telling us. Yeah, glad we got you in here. So we'll take care of you through this process, Natalie.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
All right. Thank you. All right. You have a good one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But if you go, you just got to do it for 30 days. I'm like, okay, I could do that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But it's got to be better than six months, right?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It seems like such a short time. There's also a percentage of people that recognize this is a marketing strategy, recognize this is not ideal for them, recognize they need to be doing this for much longer than just 30 days. But they actually use it as a justification to kickstart them.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I prefer to go less reps until my reps start to knock me into another training cycle. Let's say when we're training power strength, it's like four to six reps. When we're training hypertrophy, it's that eight to 12. And then endurance is like 15 plus. I'll keep shortening my reps. So let's say the first set, it's 10. And then the second set, it's nine. Third set, it's eight. I'm still okay.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Now, let's say if I had a fourth set of something, I could only do like five. Well, then I'm going to probably lower the weight so I can still get more like eight reps. Does that make sense? So I'll just shave reps so long as I'm still staying.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, in that range. Once I start getting in the next range where I'm in, now I'm getting down to like five by five type training. Well, now I need to lower the weight because ideally we're supposed to be training in this eight to 10 or eight to 12 cycle. So I'll manipulate reps first until it starts to lower so much that I'm dipping out of that range.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And then if I start dipping on that range, I'll just pull weight off the bar so I can stay in that range. Does that make sense?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That is a sweet spot. You're doing good. You're doing good. Yeah. That's great. All right, man. I like it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Doing good. Let's put you in the forum. Yeah, I'll put you in the forum, bro. I'll have Doug send you access to that, so we'll see you in there.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
great plan great great plan this year too you really laid it out nice that's perfect good plan thank you thank you all right man take it easy all right bye right thank you that's he listens to the show and that's exactly how i would i mean that's a great layout you know he's on point yeah yeah you know the part uh i feel like i didn't communicate it very well um more fumbly over here uh
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But I think this is an area where people get hung up a bit with when a program says, you know, 10 reps or 15 reps or like that they have to follow that exact rep. And it's like, you know, so long as I stay close in that range. Right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, and I just keep lowering the rep to where I'm two reps short of failure until I keep lowering the reps to where it's like, oh, now I'm – You're in a totally different phase. Yeah, now I'm in a different phase. Now I'm in a five-by-five type of phase when I'm trying to be training for – So you adjust the weight. So then I adjust the weight.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Otherwise, I just keep shaving off the reps that way easier.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's the same fail rate, isn't it? Yeah. It might be higher. I think, Justin, that's a great question, and I would be curious to. And let me tell you why. So if I'm a trainer and I'm selling these 30-day challenges, it's in my best interest that I show as much change as I can to the client physically, right? Like lose as much weight.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Right. So most of it is weight loss stuff. Now, what we know is, what, 90% or more? We'd say, I say everybody now, probably early in my career when I was figuring this out, a large portion of my people that needed to lose weight, I reverse dieted first.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And if I do that, the reverse diet process is at least a month or two.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You're not losing any weight. So if I did a 30-day weight loss challenge and you sign up for me, I know you're not going to lose any weight in the first 30 days. So what I'm forced to do if I'm pitching these people on a 30-day weight loss challenge
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
and I have to show them results in 30 days, then I'm forced to, regardless of where metabolically they are, is to cut calories, increase activity as much as I can, because in that short period of time, I can show some weight loss. Problem is, when they get to the end of the 30 days, that person that I just did that to, that was only eating, say, 1,300 to 1,500 calories-
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's now eating 900 calories. And sure, I got the eight pounds of their 30 pounds off in the first month, but now they still got 22 more pounds to go and they're only eating 900 calories. And so they're destined to fail and go back.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And it just goes down and down and down.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, this is a tough one. Yeah. I know we chose to go this way, right? We made a point early on and a stand with our marketing team that we were not going to use this as a strategy to generate leads and sell programs early on. And we've stuck to that. And I feel for the trainers that are trying to build their business because this is – this is everybody, Sal.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, you're literally, I mean, now you're, the first one you pissed off half the trainers. Now you literally just pissed off everybody because everybody who's ever had their website built for them as a personal trainer, one of the first things that every marketing team will ask for is social proof, proof that you've been able to transform these people and they're using the imagery on it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And it is for sure a surefire way to get traffic and get leads. And so there's a part of me that it's like, I know why we didn't do it. I mean, we agree because we're trying to shift culture. We're trying to shift the space, but it's not there yet.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And so I always think back, like, you know, if I didn't have you guys and we weren't building this together, like, man, how would I go about doing that? Like, could I move... Could I move the industry by myself? You know, could I survive? Could I survive building it without using these online? You know, I didn't have an online business before really mind pump.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I was always an in-person referral, word of mouth type of trainer. I got in the online game late and I think, God, if I, If I was building that now, would I be able to do it without using those pictures?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
yeah this is an interesting one because i think there's so many unique uh situations for people i think every i think we can all tell like i bet we all are different with how we do this like i don't do it like that at all it's uh very simple it's what katrina and i eat max eats and the way i portion it on the plate is the priority so it's very meat heavy it has a good portion of vegetables and then there's a starch or a carb or
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
and apple slices or something that you're saying that maybe he loves. And it's the smallest portion. And it's like, you eat your plate. We eat together and we all sit here. He's asked questions in the past about why he has to eat his meat. And I've already taught him that this is what makes you strong and healthy and build muscle like daddy does.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And when you want to pick up your toys and run and play. So we've made that connection of why the protein is valuable and never had a problem with this. And it's never been this... Now you force them? Never, yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Yeah, but I think it goes back to your original point, which that's been consistent since day one. We never strayed away from that. Now what's cool is that once you lay that foundation, we're coming up on six years, right? So by no means am I expert daddy through teenage years yet. I'm not there yet.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
But so far, I've now been able to allow him to introduce other things that I would not consider a great food choice. But because we've been so consistent with what is normal and what we eat every day, it's never been a battle. It's never, I want more, I only want that, or refusing to eat something. It's like, this is what we eat. I think a lot of parents are afraid to not let the kid eat much.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Like, like I, if you, if Max tells me he's done eating and he's done eating and I'm like, and then if he gets hungry again, it'll be in the microwave and we can reheat it and you can have it again. You don't get to go have a ice cream or a snack or something else like that. It's like, this is what we eat for dinner. And if you're full, you don't want to eat more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Daddy will put it in the microwave. And if you get hungry a little bit later, we'll finish it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
I really think that this point blends with your next point to me. It's like at this point, at this stage of their life, the exercise body weight suspension trainer
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
weight training is part of play it's all it's all play to me it's this I'm not trying to get my kid to have great squat mechanics right now or do him he's like so young and little that that's so beyond him right now I just want him to have a good relationship with oh the family comes in the garage and we lift weights and that could look like him coming over and just seeing if he could pick a dumbbell up or not or
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
put hold something over his head or can he hold on to the bar and how long can he hold his grip on it's more play than it is exercise at that point for me is just like and just building that healthy relationship with him that this is a time we enjoy that we like doing that we get together as a family sometimes and do that daddy or mommy are consistent with it so he just sees us doing all of it but I don't ever find myself say the same way that I have with the sports I would love my kid to play sports but I know better than to
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
force him to do that it's like if he wants to play and kick the ball around I'm there to do it we do it for a little bit and then he decides he doesn't want to do it anymore and it's like that's it you know I'm saying it's not there's no we got to do more or let's try this or hey do you want to do this it's like I'm going to do it hopefully he joins in a little bit when he does we're going to make it more like play and in a time of enjoyment and then hopefully that lays the foundation for
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
The deeper, bigger questions as he ages.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Neurons that fire together, wire together. Yeah. That was in the book that I'm reading right now with raising children. And that's one of the things they talk about is that if the kid sees something a pattern in a behavior and then makes that connection, it is now wired, especially if it's a first experience.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
I think you're doing is pissing people off, but whatever. I mean, I think you're doing a disservice to your family. If you get on a treadmill and you walk for an hour and you have kids at the age of 10. Yeah. You've got kids. I just ranted about that yesterday. Bro, I'm serious.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
If you're a parent and you get on a fucking treadmill and walk for an hour or run or elliptical or whatever you do, and you have kids under the age of 10, you're doing a disservice to your family. That's an hour more you could have spent engaging with them that is going to give you way more in return.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
You're going to get the exact same amount of calorie burn that you're going to get for what you're selfishly doing that for. But more importantly, it's going to continue to build that relationship with your kid and encourage this healthy relationship with movement and activity. Yeah, that's like a shame on you if you do that because your kid, like you said, if they're under the age of 10,
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
I don't know a kid one that will turn down some sort of activity and it doesn't, you don't have to overcomplicate. Yes. You might not have the kid who wants to go play soccer or basketball. Like I don't, but absolutely my son will not turn down running up and down the stairs or, you know, chasing and wrestling, jumping off the couch and the beanbag.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Like he definitely loves to do physical things, even if he's not an athlete and loves that stuff. And so I, I absolutely have to be doing that with him first before I'm choosing to do the same exact thing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Example they gave in the book is like, you know, your kid gets done with their first sporting event or they did something and you take them to ice cream. It's like the first. Now, every time they do that, they will then.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
I mean, it was almost seven years ago that I was getting teased on this podcast for talking about a book called Irresistible. And so this has been like super passionate in a major conversation in my house. And I think it is, I think of all the things we've talked about, I think it's the most important. I think it's the most dangerous thing that is out there for children today.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
they will expect it because Dave, that's what they, that's the first connection they've made is, Oh, after volleyball practice, I get ice cream. And I'm not saying I'm not using that as an example to make it to say that's bad per se, but just keeping that in mind that when we introduce things to our kids or we show things to our kids,
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And once the toothpaste is out, it's so hard to get it back in.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
You know, we had a weekend just this last weekend. We were up at the Truckee house. We invited a new couple that I'd never hung out with before. And it's my son's like new best friend. And the kid's like about six months, six or seven months younger than Max. And so it's great because he's definitely at Max's speed. Max is normally with older, bigger kids.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And so first seeing a kid like that, he actually seen my kid tackle and wrestle a kid is like weird, you know what I'm saying? Because he's not that kid, right? So it was really cool. And they were up there four days with us. And I think it was the third day when I was sitting with the dad and I finally said something to him. I said, you know what? I noticed this whole thing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Trip, I've never seen your kid ask for an iPad or anything like that. Is that something that you guys have actively chosen to do? And he's like, oh yeah, no. He's like, he doesn't have one and we're not giving it to him yet. And I'm like, I love that. I said, because so many parents default to that right away because they know what a powerful, useful tool it can be. And I said, I'm such a fan of
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
delaying that for as long as you possibly can, because I don't care how good you are time limits or not. Once that toothpaste is out, it's out. Once those kids get a taste of that, what it does to their brain, it's such an uphill battle. It is such a uphill battle. And, and so if I, if you're a parent and you're listening and you haven't opened Pandora's box, don't and wait.
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And when you think it's time, wait longer. Like that is my advice when it comes to this, because the longer you wait and, And the more restrictive you are early, the easier this conversation is. If it is one of those things where they've gotten unfettered access. It's a lot of parents. Right now, it's a lot of kids. That's why it was so apparent to me.
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I was like, I have not met another kid that my son has hung out with. that didn't get some sort of iPad break. I'm like, you guys have been with us for three days and the iPad has yet to been out for any of the kids.
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I love that because my son's cool because even though we do allow him some of that time, he gets so little of it that if he's playing and having fun, he doesn't even think twice about it. But I've also seen him with other friends where that is such a regular thing in their life. Even if the kids are playing, the kid ends up wanting a break for an iPad, which that blows my mind.
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It's like these kids are playing and engaging, having a good time, And because that other kid is so addicted to the iPad, he ends up wanting to have an iPad break from playing, which is like crazy. So it was so unique to see another parent. By the way, the guy works for Netflix too. So that's the reason why. Very in tune. Sees it. Very, very in tune. He knows what goes into that engineering.
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Exactly what he said to me. He says, oh man, I know how addictive those series, I know how addictive they are for me. And I'm a grown adult who's aware of it that works for the company.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
when it's the first connection or the first thing they make, or, hey, let's go out to dinner this Friday. And the first place you take them is McDonald's. You now have wired that of like, oh, Friday's a fun night. We go out there. It's that experience. And it's now solidified that this is a behavior they expect going forward.
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Let me tell you, I see that being paired all the time is candy or not candy, Cheez-Its and just processed snacks with the iPad. It's like you have no idea.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Yeah, and you see the, I see kids, and this is what's tough because you get parents that, want to get their kids into exercise because they can tell they're already overweight at a young age. But that's not why they are. It's not because they need to go weight train or do something or run to lose weight. It's that some point in their life, they've probably got unfettered access to food like that.
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And more than likely, it's also been paired with inactivity. Because most kids at this age, if they play like crazy and they don't sit in front of the screen, even if they have Cheez-Its and some of these processed snacks, they're going to be fine. They burn so many calories and stuff like that if they're playing.
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But where you get in trouble as a parent is when not only do you allow unfettered access to the iPad, but you also allow unfettered access to these highly processed snacks.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Not only that, Sal, but they're more likely to buy into your strategy if you approach it that way too. That's right. And you know this, right?
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If you're pushing back with your ex, arguing and fighting and telling her how she's parenting is wrong, she's definitely not going to buy into you versus if you have a good relationship with her and she sees what you're trying to implement, maybe you get some buy-in.
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I like the way mom- When you get older, they will interpret that as dad loved me more.
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Wouldn't you agree that this is another conversation I was having with this new dad that I met. They have a blended family. And so he has a daughter from a previous marriage who's older. And we were talking about this. And he was saying, this is one of the biggest challenges. But he's like, it took me years to realize that the biggest challenge was not
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so much the kid adhering it was my own stuff it's probably like you've talked about this before like the hardest part is you feel like i don't want to be the dad who's with all the rules that's strict i don't want my kid to like me yeah i want my kid to like me so really the hardest part is less about the adherence from them and less about them following the rules it's more about your own shit about how you feel and he goes once i got over that and realized like she didn't really care that much it wasn't a big deal but
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Yeah, I think this is by far the hardest thing. And I don't think I even have great advice for this. I do have an opinion on what I think is the most important thing of all the stuff that we're talking about. I still think this kind of goes back to some of the other stuff that we're saying where this really, you have to be consistent first.
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Because what comes to mind when you think about a parent who lived an unhealthy lifestyle.
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eating whatever not exercising way overweight then also decides to make a lifestyle change and then you want to make your whole family buy in yeah you got to remember that they saw the other version of you for much longer than this new version of you same thing goes for the person who was unsaved they were uh atheist or they did all these bad things and also they become a christian and now i want to make my family all go to church and be a christian they're
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And so here, this is what you're trying to do. Now, all of a sudden, you care about tech. Now, all of a sudden, you care about what we eat. But my whole life, you never said anything about it. So to me, all the strategies you guys said sound great. But number one has to be, you got to be so consistent. And my goal, if I'm that parent, is...
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Can I, and just like it would be for trying to win somebody over to Christianity or win somebody over into fitness is like, can I be so good and so consistent that they ask questions that they go, man, dad is just different. Like ever since you started exercising dad and eating, like, You are just so like, can I exude that so much? Right.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Same thing goes for like someone trying to become a Christian. Like, I don't want to try and tell them what they need to do. I'm just going to live that life. And hopefully they see the light from that. And they ask the question like, God, dad, you've just you're so different.
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one we go on a family hike on Sunday or whatever or I'm doing this one small change that I know it could stick to because the worst possible thing you could do is waffle back and forth because then you're I mean you're trying to close them right you're trying to close them on your ideas and we teach this when we teach trainers sales like the best way to close somebody is to get them to ask you questions to ask you what does it cost to be a personal get a personal trainer like I don't want to have to try and sell them on why they need me and so my goal is always can I do a better job of
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of showing them how valuable I am or how valuable this way of life is, that's the way to go. Because if I can, I can always improve on myself. I can be more consistent. I can do more of these things. I can be a happier, better dad, all this stuff. And then eventually get them to go, what is different about you or what's going on?
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And then I have the opportunity to be like, well, you know, son, this is what I've done in my life lately that I didn't realize that how much all that time on Instagram and all the stuff. And like it, it was bringing my mood down.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And I tell you what, if it comes from that way and you, and you present it like that, I bet you that can, don't you can't, I don't know a teenager one who has been on social media and has not allowed social media to affect them emotionally. And so if they hear from their dad and, that he recognized that in his own life and is now making changes in his life.
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Or they see it and feel it. They're far more likely to follow your lead than if all of a sudden, you know, you're on week one of this new life and you're like, here's all the rules, you know, we're none of this, none of that. Yeah. Good luck with that.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
They're not going to starve. And you know what's crazy about this?
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Yeah, I mean, how many times have you guys experienced this? How many times have you been so hungry that the Brussels sprouts are so good? Yeah, like the dish that you thought wasn't that good all of a sudden is amazing because you're hungry. You allowed yourself to get that way. So I think a lot of that, too, is parents always fear that.
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Like, oh, God, if they don't eat this meal, they're going to starve. It's like, no, they're not going to starve.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Loves Greek yogurt. Yeah, I mean, I think this is important. Again, I have friends that, I mean, Katrina and I, we have meal times. And if he's hungry between a meal and wants a snack, he has certain snacks that he has access to. We've created those options.
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He has a low, he has a low basket in the pantry that he can go reach and get. And even then, like we're even, we're even mindful of like how much of that we're like, okay, you can have, you can have one of those before we eat in an hour or mommy can make you dinner. Now, if you're that hungry, if you're that hungry, we can eat dinner now, or you can have one of your snacks that you have over there.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And so that's kind of how we manage this. But again, it's, it's the options. It's the option is choosing those good, all those options you guys said, and having them, the ability to have access to that. The thing that gets dangerous is the Lay's Doritos and chips, Cheez-Its and these snacks that are so palatable. These kids can just.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
Unfortunately, I think this is even more complicated than just that. I think that also seems kind of obvious to people that like, oh yeah, I probably shouldn't call myself fat in front of my child or beat myself up. I've had a lot of conversations, I'm sure you guys have too, with actually parents that are making healthy and good choices, still communicating it wrong.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
For example, how many times you've had to talk to a parent who is weighing and measuring their food to track their macros And the kid is curious to what they're doing. And then simply how the parent responds could also set them up. Oh, mommy needs to lose weight. Oh, why do you need to lose weight? And you position it like you need to get in shape or I need to lose weight.
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And that's why you're doing these things. You got to be even careful in a situation like that. And that's a family. making healthy, good choices. That's right. Because this is a new behavior I see mom doing and dad doing, and then their answer is, oh, yeah, because I'm fat, or they say something like that. You got to be very careful.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
with a healthy relationship with exercise and with also a healthy relationship with food, what I think is important is what does that sound like when you talk about when, because I think people that listen to this podcast for the most part, I think are either already on a health and fitness journey or embarking on one. And probably a lot of them have kids.
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And they're probably going in their gym and working on their house. They're probably making good food choices, weighing and maybe even measuring and tracking their macros. And so what does it look like when my son goes, Daddy, why are you weighing your food? Or why are you tracking that?
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What are the words that you're communicating to them that shows them that you have a healthy relationship with it and not that it's the unhealthy version of that?
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
No, no. I think I love the idea of, you know, energy, sleep, strength, feeling better. These are the words that I'm using of why I'm doing the thing. Why I'm exercising, why I'm weighing and measuring food is because when daddy does these things, I get the food that my body needs. I feel the best. I'm the strongest I am. I'm more productive at work. I'm a better daddy for you.
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2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
And then the next layer or level to that is how can I relate that to his life where he's currently at? You know how sometimes you get frustrated when you're doing your logos and you feel like you can't or Legos and you can't figure it out. Like when daddy eats well and I pay attention to what I'm eating, I'm sharper. I'm better at work. Cause I have the same thing too.
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When I'm at work, sometimes I'm communicating on the podcast and daddy forgets a word. I'm like, Oh, I'm like, of course I didn't feed my body the right nutrients that day. And when I feed my body good and I pay attention to those things, daddy's better at these things at work. Similar to how you're better when you play that sport or you do that thing. I think helping them connect the dots, uh,
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to how it can also help in their life. It's like a subtle way of you dripping that to them to allow them to go, really? Well, what would I eat or what should I do if I want to be better at basketball or I want to be sharper with my Legos? Now you're inviting them in a way without really inviting them. You're just communicating to them why daddy does it and then they can make that connection.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2547: Stop Trying to Get Your Kids in Shape! Do This Instead!
90% is just you being consistent with your behaviors.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So when they do that, what do they do? They put a little wedge in between?
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's also a lot of different – like I say the most common back surgery stuff that you see that probably could have been prevented is the – and there's a lot of debate around the bulge disc.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Right? Because there's – There's scenarios. You can have a bull's disc. Yeah, there's scenarios where, and if you've been in, if you're a movement specialist or been training or chiropractor for a long, you've seen examples of people having these like, you know, several millimeter bull's disc and completely pain free.
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And then you have other people that have like barely anything and they're in like just extreme pain.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, you said something that's really important. So when you get somebody who is... very deconditioned, like a lot of the pain they could be going through is just lack of movement, they're inflamed, all these other things. You have somebody like Max who eats an incredibly healthy whole food diet. He exercises, he strength trains on a regular basis. He has a lot of good practicing habits.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's no reason for pain. Yeah, there's no reason for this guy to be in that much pain. And so he's a better example of like, okay, he's probably already exhausted a lot of the natural ways to try and make himself feel better or is already doing that. And therefore, he's still got a problem. Okay, this might be a good example. Whereas if I had a family member, which I've had.
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that complain of like chronic back pain and they're contemplating surgery. And I'm like, why don't we first try and exercise?
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Let's try and lose the 40 pounds of extra weight you have on you. Let's try and do some core exercises. Let's try and do some things first.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Exactly, a better surgery. That's why it's like a no-brainer. It's not like I'm telling you we're not going to do surgery, but let's start to move in this direction first and see if we start to feel a little better.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, you remember you guys, this was a lot of motivation behind prime pro was trying to bridge that gap. I mean, I remember personally experiencing my surgeries and, and I've shared this before on the podcast. So I apologize if you already heard this. But I was so blown away by the way the PTs did our rehab. Because at that point, I was already an experienced trainer.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay, you have to explain that because people don't understand sometimes the difference between like an acute injury versus chronic pain. So describe that because it's such a good topic, by the way. Yes. Because I can't tell you how many clients... that I trained that were recommended surgery when there was things that we could have done first.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And so I knew the importance of movement and movement patterns. And I know I'm coming out of an injury. And I remember the PT just putting me on wall ball squats and then walking away. Do them on your own. Yeah, and if you just squat down after like a knee surgery like that, the body still thinks it's hurt and injured, and so it naturally drifts away.
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So I have this dramatic asymmetrical shift in my squat. Now, granted, I know what I'm doing, so I'm consciously fighting that and slowing it down and making sure that I perform. but if I, that should be cute. It wasn't communicated yet or cute to me. And it's like, how many people that don't know better are just going up and down on the ball squats. And then they check you out. Okay.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
They can squat up and down, get out of a chair. They're fine. Some other way. When now you've created this horrible recruitment pattern and then you go, and then you go to the gym and you just get in there and you start doing your leg press exercises with that. And you just exacerbate that. It's like, There needed to be something between physical therapy and then getting a client ready to train.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And I feel like Prime Pro was a lot of that. I mean, it was, again, why we've talked about it being one of the programs we're most proud of.
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You just had to fly Southwest because of the short flight.
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It made a difference.
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It gets you in the zone, but never done it with- When we first were introduced to it, I was still in the prime of my training for bodybuilding, stuff like that, and I'd spend a good 15 minutes or so before every workout-
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
priming like that and that was kind of part of the routine i just put it in my ears and listen to that because your brain is part of your cns so it's gonna it's good you're gonna get the signal to the cns that says chill relax the stretching throws another you know another signal in there and it just amplifies the one i didn't use that justin was the one that got me to do this because in again to your point like just had i had an aha moment or duh moment where
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Whenever I read, part of why I like audiobooks better than reading is I tend to trail off. I lose focus when I'm reading. Never would I have thought playing music in my ear would help me actually read until Justin was doing work and he was listening to Focus on Broadway. I was like, that helps you while you're doing it? He's like, yeah, totally. And then I started doing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Oh, my God, it does make a huge difference. Yeah. Yeah, when you apply it to things like that. Different things. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I love that stuff.
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It's not going to reattach itself.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That's so awesome. You know, speaking of TV, I just saw, I think we've talked about, did you guys, you guys seen the translucent TVs now that you can see through? Yeah. Okay. So now they have like 60 grand.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Now they have this TV with no wires, no anything, and you can suction it to any wall. It has four huge suction cups. You can, you grab the handles like this, you hold it and it's, and it tells you when the suction cups seal and the four of them do it and you can put it anywhere. Wow. Sick. Yes. Sick. I looked up.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I think I wrote down the name because I wanted to look into it to see how much they were.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It was like a normal big screen TV. I'll tell you the brand so you can look it up because I wanted to look it up. It's called Displace TV.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I know. Isn't that cool?
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No difference. I bet.
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I mean, this just reinforces the argument that I'm always trying to make on here about this, you know,
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misnomer of getting older it's so it's so much all these things are bad and everything goes down it's like well that's because they're not doing anything it's not if they were staying active through their entire life then a lot of those all these negative markers that we talk about aging wouldn't be there and there's a perfect example if you're telling me that a you're comparing a 70 year old and 20 year old's muscle fibers and it's like if they're both active and working out they look pretty damn similar it's like yeah
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I think I've heard you bring that up before. I think you've talked about Hong Kong being one of the highest. This is pretty crazy.
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That's a lot. That's really high for average.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Where are they getting all this meat?
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Almost a whole decade more, I think.
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A whole decade. And like you said, like even more importantly, like the quality of that life for sure. You know, speaking of meat and protein and stuff like that, I wanted to bring up something that I see going viral right now.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And, and we knew this right with the kickup of GLP ones, but you see these videos now of the scare tactics around the, of osteoporosis and people are linking the GLP one to osteoporosis. And it's just like, We've known this forever. If you eat extremely low calorie and low protein and you don't exercise, that's going to happen to you.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Even in a young, healthy adult, if you do not eat enough calories, you do not eat enough protein, and you do not strength train for an extended period of time, that's going to happen to you. With you taking anything or not, it has nothing to do with that.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, because that's going to be – that would really suck if this ends up – because it ends up being a net positive temporarily and then over time ends up being net negative because so many people don't exercise and don't eat enough protein. That would be really unfortunate to see that because I think it has incredible potential benefits for some people.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But like anything else, you're going to have –
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Oh, okay, I've heard snake venom, lizard venom.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
What is it derived from? Do you know what it's derived from?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's people that literally are saying it's derived from freaking lizard venom or snake venom.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I don't think they're extracting it from them. A better way to have Googled that is it is derived from the snake venom. Just put GLP-1 snake venom. Yeah, because if you do that, it's going to give you that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I don't think so either, but Justin brought that up. I didn't bring it up because I thought it was ridiculous too. The fact that Justin's been hit with somebody saying it, I've had a couple people try and say it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So in the 1980s, scientists discovered that Gila monster venom contains a hormone like molecules.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
No, no. I mean, we've seen it enough already been massive for people. I mean, it's been life-changing for people.
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2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You're going to see both. But I mean... To me, and this is why I really wanted to experiment with it myself is so I could feel it and I think communicate it from that perspective. And I tell you what, in my experience, I've never had anything that made the abstaining from super palatable, addictive foods so easy. That in itself was, and just- It's empowering just for that fact. That's right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's also the case, too, because you didn't mention MCL, because an MCL is less important. I mean, I lost mine and never did anything about it. So it's like certain ligaments and certain things are more necessary than other things. So you could also opt out.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Just creating that space to not feel like you have this. And let me tell you, I don't even think of myself, but I've had lots of clients who really have struggled with this that would tell me, Adam, it is like white knuckling at night to not go.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Speaking of our group coaching, super excited to do this transformation one. I think this is going to be interesting. How long until that starts, Doug? When does this go live right now, the episode that we're on right now?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Two weeks. So two weeks away from it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Hopefully it's still available by the time we're talking about this.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Well, I tell you what. If it's that full by the time this goes already like that, then maybe we could potentially run two separate groups. I don't know. We'll figure something out. Yeah, yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
That's something that Katrina and I always joke about. Like, admittedly, like I love to have dinner or lunch and people watch, you know, what's more interesting than that's why too. I used to love my favorite gym of all the ones I worked out was the Santa Teresa one because you had that glass window right by your desk. And so I could look out on the floor and just, it was comical.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You know, every day you saw something that was characters everywhere. Yes.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But what is that pool? I mean, I know I have it. I know there's a pool to watch people do that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Is that what it is? Is it something about me he's just super curious about?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You know, you're funny you're bringing that up. I just was talking about that. There was something, some other, some other reality show. I'm like, man, isn't it wild to think that our generation, uh, we, we, we had television pre and post, uh, you know, reality TV. And it's crazy when you look back, like there was a time you guys, when there was like no reality TV.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And then there was like one or two shows that sort of do it. And now when you look at like Netflix, like 90% of it is so everything. some form of, and there's like 10 spinoffs of like, there's like 10 spinoffs of every successful one. Like, you know, the, the voice or the, whatever the singer wanted, there's like 10 different versions of that. And there's 10 different versions of love Island.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's 10.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's a bit sad that we... We're interested in other people.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
There's nothing more interesting. It's so mind-numbing content, though. It's like nothing useful coming from that, really. Like, come on. What are you getting from... I mean, I guess... If you were into storage wars and actually in that business, it would make sense, I guess, to watch a little bit of that because that could add some value maybe.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But most of it is drama-based. Most of it is just soap opera. It's like the modern-day soap opera.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So how else do you think the gym has evolved? Like the things that we've watched. We watched the evolution of, remember there used to be women's rooms. That doesn't exist.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So supposedly, I just saw someone doing a video clip that does all the gym news or whatever, talking about how that's evolving now, too. Yeah. That they evolved to have all this grass. But now they're moving away from it because it's a bunch of wasted space. Because it was novel for a while. Everybody wanted to do it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Now you have this huge footprint that you're not- I was the only guy using it. So it's going to be interesting to see. And then one of the most popular new things is outside, is moving a lot of equipment outside, which is funny because that's what we got in COVID. I love that. I love that, too. I think it's a great idea.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So a lot of gyms that are being built now are building an outdoor, indoor version, which is just smart from a business when you think about what happened to us in COVID. It's like, God, in case that ever happens again, we'll be set with this outdoor setup. But I thought that was really interesting.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Just not enough money in that space.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It'd be interesting to see what are some of the most profitable facilities right now.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
so it's it's interesting because like people are kind of demanding a lot of these we watch the middle of the row middle of the row gym get destroyed destroyed it doesn't exist either super cheap yeah exactly super cheap you either want to pay the 19 fitness gym place or what's the other purple one or whatever like you play that nine dollar twenty dollar fee or you're on the other extreme where you're paying 150 200 a month for like the spa type of all the amenities it's like there's nothing in the middle really anymore
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
How was your – you went down to L.A.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
We got to have the editing team post some photo. I know Doug took a bunch of photos of all of us when we worked out down there years ago. That was like, what, eight years ago? It was so cool.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, a long time ago.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So the opposite of me, right? Can we not be more different or what?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Are you, um, now are you doing anything else? And like, I know right now the role for the audience that doesn't know, like you're doing a whole series right now. The goal is to get to three 15 push press. Is that right? Yes. And are you are you messing with the diet at all?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Are you like trying to mess with recovery stuff or you're just purely programming around mobility and progressive overload to get to the point where you could do that?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Are you messing with anything nutritionally or you just kind of do what you normally do?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
What's going on, Jim? Jim, what's happening?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
This is more surreal than I thought, boys. You guys are actually real. What's up, buddy? How you doing? In the flesh.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Right on.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Shoulder is another common one.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I had a lot of clients that had shoulder stuff going on, and a lot of it was just a lot of inflammation caused the chronic pain, and they go in, and then they're, you know, recommended surgery when it's like, let's try and fix the position of your shoulder girdle first so the shoulder is moving optimally and see if we can alleviate some of that before we just go right under the scalp.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I hope I look like that at 66. That's my goal. So, I mean, Jim, if you were my client with the experience, knowledge, and where you're already at physique-wise, you know, you're the type of person that I would let steer a little bit here. Even though I'm the professional, this is my thing. I would go, Hey, you know what?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
If you think it's that low volume gym and you can handle a lot more or you want to do a lot more, I would let you toggle over to something like maps aesthetic. And then we would compare, but that's, I would make you do that though. I'd say, let's be honest with ourself and ask the questions that Sal saying like,
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
are you are you fully recovered are you as strong or stronger do you feel as good like because those are two very different programs as far as volume is concerned so they're very when you look at all of our programs they're probably the two ends of the spectrum right we have maps anabolic which would be considered our base kind of program as far as volume is concerned and then maps aesthetic is towards the other complete end of the spectrum as far as it's too much volume for most people
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But you're experienced enough and know your body well enough that I would let you go that direction. And then I'd just be asking you, like, all right, Jim, be honest with me. Like, how are you feeling? How are the joints? Do we feel stronger? Do you feel better? And if you're telling me, oh, man, Adam, I am. That's what we needed. Then we're going to rock that program.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But if you're like, you know what? Oh, man, my elbows, my knees. We're going backwards in weight. And then it's like, ah, too much. So I would do that with you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Jim, did you watch the series I did on YouTube? Did you watch that whole series?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, I mean, I think that would be good. You know, you kind of referred to it. I didn't know how much you saw of it or not. But I mean, I don't know. I think, you know, you've got more experience than I do, but I've got a lot of experience lifting. And, you know, I tend to play the same game of like, I can tolerate, I can do more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And then constantly reminding myself, I don't need to, I can get just as good of results with half of the intensity that I used to train with. And so, you know, that, that's what I meant by like allowing you to train in like something as high volume as maps aesthetic, but then I'm checking in with you on a weekly basis and going, how are you feeling? Like, you know, be honest with me.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Do you feel better? We're doing twice as much volume right now. Are you feeling like you're getting more results or you feel like, you can handle it, but you're not getting any better results. Then I'd be questioning like, well, then why are we doing all this gym? Why are we doing all this extra work? And you don't feel better than what we're doing half the work.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So I would just challenge you and make sure you, you were being honest with yourself and be, but like to Sal's point too, maybe you do because you have built such a high tolerance. You respond better at that higher volume program and you feel better. And if you do, then like maps aesthetic is the program for you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I would love to do this with him. Like you're on phase three of maps and a ball.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So I would, I would love Doug to send you maps aesthetic. And then I would love for you to go through maps aesthetic. And then I'd love to have you back on the show. And I'd love to hear your opinion of comparing the two programs and being honest with your journey through both of them and which one was better. Everything you hated and loved. Yeah, and what was better for you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, you've got enough wisdom in that weight room.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But I'm going to have Doug send that to you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I'm going to have Doug send that to you. The one thing I'm asking you, finish MAPS Anabolic. finish it off. When you're done, check your waist, your weight, kind of write down your numbers on your main lifts that you know that you do to get some numbers, right? And, you know, really observe, like, okay, how do I feel? How's the sleep in? How's the joints in? Okay, cool.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Now I'm on to MAPS Aesthetic. Let's run that sucker, and then we'll check back in with all those stats. And if you haven't improved with adding that much volume, then to Sal's point, well, what the fuck are we doing? There's no reason to be doing that much more volume intensity if it didn't improve you And so let's see if it does. And if it does, then the other point is true.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You have built a physique that needs more intensity and volume for so many years of conditioning like that. So let's test it out, pull our ego out of it, and let's just see what the numbers say.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But you'll be, you'll be a great person for our audience to, to hear from. So I would love for you. I want, I want you to do it. Yeah. Let's do, let's do anabolic, finish it. Then we're going to send over aesthetic on us. And then I'd like to schedule another call in like two or three months with you and hear your feedback. I think it would be great.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's also more impressive to me than the 25-year-old IFBB Pro. It's more impressive to me. I mean, it's one thing to have proven that you have the discipline to build an awesome physique in a period of your life. It's another thing to have made it
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yes, to be in your mid to late 60s and look that good and have that much vitality.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's exactly why I said I would let him steer. I would say, hey, you feel that way? Okay, let's get into MAPS Aesthetic and then let's compare the two. And I know how dramatic of a difference in volume that is. And then all I would do would challenge him to be honest with himself and just say, hey, how did you feel when we finished Anibal?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like, I'm not going to come try and tell you what to do.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, yeah. Okay, well, let's try this for a little bit. And then together, let's be honest with ourselves. And, you know, I'm there. So it holds them accountable to being like, oh, you're right. I fucking my benches about the same or down, you know, you know, you're right. My fucking knees. And it's like, yeah, bro. And we're doing twice as much work.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Like, is that what you want to do is twice as much work for the same or less results? Or would you like to do half the work and get the same result?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Absolutely. Awesome. I love that. Give me a little bit more on your definition of 80% good on the diet. So obviously, it's not perfect. And so what are the things that you tend to mess up on or don't do so good to people?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So most foods. Okay.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Also explains why you're not seeing the results that you want to see from the work that you're doing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah. There's not much to add to that. I mean, that's literally like the, that's why I was going right away was I would have you go check hormones and see that, especially if everything you've saying about the way you eat and you've trained for so long, you know, your body, like there's something deeper going on that's causing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And the only thing that could exacerbate this is doing too much in the gym thinking that you're not doing enough.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And so keep that in mind as you switch over to MAPS 15. A lot of times guys are like, because they've been training for a long time, they're like, oh my God, this isn't enough. It's like, yeah, it is, especially in the context of where you're at right now, because all the signs are saying the body's overstressed. So, you know, hammering it even more in the gym is the last thing you need to do.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And you need a more appropriate volume and intensity type program. 15 is probably the perfect program for you.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And you can stay in that type of training for a long period of time. It doesn't mean you need to. I mean, I would ride it as long as I'm feeling good and I'm seeing positive results. That's right. And then only if I feel like, man, I've gained all this strength. I feel good. I feel like I could do so much more and I've been doing this for a while. Okay, then maybe we can move to more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But I mean, right now I'd stay there until I got you feeling really, really healthy and really good. Okay. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I'd love for you to reach back, Josh, and give us an update. Yeah, let us know what happens. Anytime we have a client that we're trying to troubleshoot what's going on and you've already seen lots of doctors, I'd like to see how we can help.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And if you're like a lot of men that tend to do is we— Bury it. That's right. Pull the Justin move, you know? Yeah. Stuff it down there. Stuff it down there. And I'm fine. Extract all the darkness out. I'm fine. That was two years ago. I'm good. It's like, no, it's still there. And it's manifesting in other ways. And a lot of times, that's what it is when all these doctors can't see something.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
When they can't put their finger on it like, oh, it's this one thing. It's like, yeah, it's because of what's going on. You're suppressing a lot of that. So I hope he gets to the bottom of it. I hope we hear back from him and hear what's going on.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
100% and you're killing it, bro. You're like so on point.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I have a different opinion. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, yeah. I think you're in such a cool place, you have a lot of options. I would love to bump you a couple hundred calories and move you to a program that's really different than anything else you're doing, like a MapStrong or an old-timey strength.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Move you to a program that is kind of foreign as far as the type of movements, and so you get this new stimulus. that your body really hasn't seen in the last couple of years.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Because where you're at, to Sal's point of why he said you could just keep your calories, you're in that goalie lock zone where you could probably eat right where you're eating, maintain your weight, and just kind of slowly lean out and get stronger. And that's a great place to be, and I've got no problem with you being there.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
But what would be fun to do with you is I think we could go up in calories again. And I think if I gave you a different stimulus and you're doing movements that is like, this is foreign and new to me... You're going to get stronger. You're going to build more muscle.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And I think the metabolism is just going to keep going up, which is only going to make getting shredded and leaned out easier down the road for you while also doing some fun new stuff. So if you're open to that, I would love to do that with you. And I think that you're going to respond great.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
This used to be a massive selling point for me as a trainer. If I had a client who came in that I was assessing them on the first day and they tell me things like, oh, yeah, I've got this really bad shoulder and you're asking what it is. And they can point to a single thing that happens just over time. Oh, I'm thinking about surgery, this and that. You know, let me get on the floor.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I think map strong, bump your calories, 250 calories or so. And then I bet you still lean out. I think you lean out and you eat more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah. Built in leads all day long.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Let me have Doug send it to you. I'll have Doug send you strong. And I love the idea of bumping your calories and doing that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I love that. Yeah, have Ann call him. So we're going to send you over strong, follow that, bump the calories, 250 calories. And then on the business side, we'll have Ann call you and kind of show you everything that we're doing on the backside so you can see what you, because I think you'll love that too. Yep.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You're killing it, bro. Yeah, great before and after.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Excellent pathway, too.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Oh, you did great, dude.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Really, really good choices the way you did it, too, and where you're at metabolically. I mean, you're in a great place. Yeah, good job, man.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I look forward to seeing you in the program.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Thanks, Jeremy. Great job. Yeah, he killed it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
By the way- Before and after pictures are nuts.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Let's do some assessing and let me see if I can help you out. And then you take them through some mobility drills and start to sometimes completely eliminate, other times just alleviate somewhat. And they'd be like, oh my God, that feels a lot better. And it's like, listen, there's hope for us before you just decide to go get surgery.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
It's not bad. Especially considering our situation. That's not bad at all.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
You won't, you won't continue that forever. You'll end up, you'll end up going reverting. So it's not a good idea. Tell me a little bit about the three days a week training. What does your strength training look like?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay. Are you following anything particular or did you put it together yourself?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay. How's it been going so far?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Okay, that seems okay. That's not bad. I mean, I would prefer her on MAPS 15 where she's doing just a couple exercises.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Why don't we work on some of the, and so, man, that was such a, and that's such a great point of like, then there's other things where, those things just exacerbate it. Right.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Sounds like you're on a pretty good track though. I mean, if you're happy with your coach, you're seeing some strength chains, you're able to hit the a hundred, 130 grams of pro or 110 grams of protein. That's good. You're, you're doing good. Yeah. And obviously we, you've heard us say, and you know, that ideally is whole foods, but again, context matters.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And I, you know, I've trained many, many clients, uh, you know, that have done this. And it's like, that's hard to eat a lot of, a lot of calories and a lot of food that way, solid food that way. So I think you're doing a great job. You're what you're doing is far better than the person just decides not to eat, you know?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
So that's when you, a lot of times, you know that you're most likely you're going to have to get surgeries when you try and do mobility or massage and it actually makes the situation even worse than instead of making it better. But if it starts to alleviate it, even in the slightest bit, that's normally a clue that, okay, something could be done about this movement wise to alleviate some of that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, you got it. Thank you for calling in, Kayla. Yeah, keep it up, and then if you have any more questions, reach back to us, all right?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And she's strength training. She's overdoing it.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Force feed and get in that trap. So hard with the client. I'm so happy if my client is hitting her protein intake when they've done that surgery. It's so hard for them to eat, and so it's like, just you consistently eating your protein is a huge win. And if you need to do it through shakes and Greek yogurt and things like that, I'm fine with that. I'm all good.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
This is also why, too, when you notice these things like this, that getting on top of the mobility work early and not letting it progress. Because the longer you let it progress, the longer it's going to take for you to get it back to where you were versus like you start noticing. The harder it is. Yes.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
I mean, I think this is probably one of my favorite things about being a trainer is learning this about my own body. And I think I just shared this the other day about, I know, oh, if I'm not squatting for a while, I already start to notice my hips start to rotate a little bit, which then will eventually cause low back pain.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
And it's like, now I'm so keen on that feeling that as soon as it starts to come, I'm like, oh, I got to get right into doing my body. Otherwise, I'll end up paying for it 10 times worse and I'll have that much more work to do. when I wait that long. So as soon as you feel this, not ignoring it and waiting for it to get worse, because it will progressively get better.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
What is Paul Cech's four doctors? Dr. Sunshine, Dr. Light, Sunshine, Movement. Pain.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Is it what? Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2539: Four Critical Things to Consider Before Getting Surgery & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Yeah, he's Dr. Pain. Yeah, he's talking about all the, and like, you know, movement, sunlight, sleep, how often like just addressing those things ends up curing a lot of people that are in chronic pain and to go that route first. So is this us peering into you getting older? Is this where this is coming from?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I think a lot of that has to do with you're applying a very similar strategy of the minimal effective dose like you do with the training. That's right. So here you go. The way you've laid this out, the first month, and this is how I went through my process. First month, I'm reverse dieting. So I'm increasing calories. I'm increasing, especially protein, right? I'm increasing my protein intake.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Oh, I was trying just to get to one to one, like whatever my body weight was, right? So at that time, I'm like 220 pounds. So the goal was 200 to 220 grams of protein.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Yeah. And during that process, the thought process is, OK, I'm just making it a goal to get that much protein. I'm doing a couple exercises, not really intense, just sending a consistent signal to build muscle. You want to make sure that in that first month, like you said, you're setting the metabolism up.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I like to think of it as like if losing weight or losing fat is like digging a hole, I'm building the bigger shovel in that first month. In that first month, I'm building that big shovel. And then...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
When you go to the second month and you start to do these little mini cuts and mini bulks, I'm also not going to burn myself out of just digging, digging, digging, digging all the time because that'll get burnt out also. And so you apply these little sprints of a calorie deficit so I get to see myself lean out again. And then I go back to building again, go back to building the shovel again.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And then I get little sprints at it again versus what a lot of people do, which is just aggressively cut and And they lose, lose, lose. And then they hit a plateau and they're so low a calorie they have nowhere to go. Instead of interrupting it with these kind of mini cuts and bulks, I just find that to be a far better long-term strategy and approach, both mentally and physically.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
This is one of my favorite tips or hacks that you're talking about, whatever you want to label this as, because I think most people have a tendency to do what you said. When you're motivated to lose weight, you tend to increase volume, increase intensity, simultaneously decreasing calories, which to Justin's point is just overloading you with stress.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
You're not giving the body enough recovery, not giving it enough recovery time. The intensity is too much. And then on top of that, you're not feeding it enough energy. to recover from all that damage. So learning to scale back a little bit on the intensity. And what I like to tell clients with that is let the diet do the work.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
So when I'm coaching a client and I decide to cut them in the calories and they get motivated, well, Adam, can I go on a run? Or can I do this extra set? Or can I stay here longer? I'm like, no, no, no, no. Let the diet do the work. We're cutting your calories right now. You're going to lean out. Guess what?
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
You're going to lean out watching TV tonight because I'm putting you in a deficit right now. You've built some muscle from the previous month, so the metabolism is starting to kick up. You let that, let it do its job.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
If you decide you're going to go try and do a run or add more intensity to it, now you flirt with that overreaching, overtraining, and then the body revolting because it's like, oh shit, not enough food, overstressing, then it holds on and then it doesn't do what it wants to do. Let the diet do the work.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I'm excited to talk about this because I think I finally get to clear the room with my whole thing. I didn't realize how many people... would think that was fake when we did that.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Listen, my coaching sounds like this when I'm talking to a client at this phase. This is our muscle sparing phase, okay? We are now in a phase where I don't want to be doing all kinds of volume and extra intensity right now. I want to do the bare minimum to hang on to that muscle that we've built over the last two months while I start to lean you out nice.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And what we can do wrong here is overdo it, is to go, oh, I need to apply more intensity, increase everything. It's like, no, again, let the diet, let the calorie deficit do the leaning out process. Let's do just what you need to do inside the gym to maintain that muscle mass. And that's what it looks like. It looks like a three-day-a-week full-body routine. We're not trying to hit PRs.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
We're not pushing extra intensity, adding volume to it. We're letting the diet do the work and let it carve you away.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I mean, month one, month two was us getting, you know, getting back to your training volume and intensity slowly by building the metabolism, building your shovel, right? And you've introduced a little bit of these mini cuts back to a bulk. So it's just small little sprints. The last 30 days to me, this is like where I'm like, okay, we're digging away. This is where we dig away.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
We've built that metabolism up. You got a good, healthy balance right now.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
now we can start including these other things and it's i never like to do these cardio type sprints for remember to or not talking about somebody who comes to me says i want to build endurance or i want to train for a marathon body composition change right if this is what we're talking about how to change your body muscle body fat percentage the greatest change in the shortest period of time i want to save that for the sprint the last 30 days if you introduce it too early on
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
when the focus is building the metabolism and building your strength, it's only going to slow that process down and then it's only going to work less when you get to the final sprint. Whereas if we did it right and we save that for the sprint, it's like every week you're getting a response. Every week you're seeing yourself lean out, lean out, lean out for those last few weeks.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Have you guys ever watched crew before? Have you ever watched a team crew? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you've ever watched it before, it's really fascinating, the detail of it. I mean, they all have to balance together. The boat will kind of tip if they don't balance together. Then there's one guy or girl who's coaching everybody so everything's in stride.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And it's not purely out of who's the strongest or who can row. It's like the ability for everybody to row together, to balance together, is what makes the boat go faster. That's kind of how I think about it when it's like getting lean as fast as you possibly can. It is not a muscle thing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
How hard can you go? You really have to.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
This is one of my favorite parts about the journey I had when I got to compete, what I love about training clients, why I still love doing this and talking about this today is there's a real art to it. It's not like anything else. Most other things in life, if you apply more pressure, more force, more effort, more hours, more work towards it, you're rewarded for it. You're better.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
You make more money. You're more successful. And so a lot of people use that approach when it comes to a body transformation like this or getting in shape. And that's why the 30-day challenges are so popular and why people love that is because everybody has this... I shouldn't say everybody. It's an overgeneralization.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
A lot of people have this attitude of, I can do anything for 30 days or 90 days. And so I'm willing to go all in on this thing. And they think that that approach... is the right approach or the right attitude. And, in fact, not only is it the wrong attitude, but it will get you there or get less of the results than what you – had you learned to do it correctly.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Yeah, I just think it's more like body recomps or transformations, right? Losing a bunch of body fat, building a bunch of muscle is more like building a cake or baking a cake than it is like getting good at a sport. But we approach it with this kind of sport mentality of going hard and, again, practicing more and more and doing more.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And it's more like baking a cake than it is like a sport where there's an art, there's a science to it. You just don't just throw a bunch of stuff together and go as hard as you possibly can. You won't get the results. And I think that's why so many people stall out. It's not by lack of effort. I don't know how many clients have hired me
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And normally when they came to one of us, they'd already exhausted their resources. They'd already tapped their friend who did that one diet. They already talked to their friend who did that one program. They'd already tried countless different classes and done all these different things. And for some reason, they just...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
weren't able to get to the results that they were promised or told or thought they could do and a lot of it was just going about it all the wrong way everything from the way they did their macros and calories to the amount of intensity they applied to the amount of volume that they applied i mean everything is wrong let's break this down okay so let's talk about the first 30 days because when you're doing this transformation this 90-day transformation
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I've had 50 more pounds of muscle on my body before, so obviously I had a huge advantage. I knew going into it, which is why I remember when Dylan was putting together the first video, he's like, what do you want to say on here? Like, you know, ex-bodybuilder in pursuit of 50 pounds of muscle? I'm like... Don't say 50 because that's my peak. Right. And I'm not going to get back in peak shape.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
But I go 25. Easy. I'm like, that's half of what my body is used to carrying. I've carried that much muscle on my body for a long time. It's not peak shape me at all. I said, so I feel pretty confident we'll get back 25 relatively quick. How quick, I wasn't 100% sure.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I've never had a journey like this before where I really intentionally went after something like this in a short period of time after losing that much muscle. So I didn't know how much, but I was pretty confident that we'd probably be able to get 25 pounds. And we did 20. We did 20 in the first –
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
month because of like you said the muscle memory if i didn't have that muscle memory still would have good results but it wouldn't have been 20 it wouldn't have been 20 pounds and really just to kind of illustrate what i was talking about earlier had you overdone it
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
This is the part that I... What people need to understand is that when you're coming off of a layoff of training and you haven't been lifting or doing anything, any sort of signal of lifting or exercise is a signal in the right direction. Meaning...
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
if you didn't do anything the prior three, four, six weeks, months before that, and you decide you're going to do pushups every day, that already sends a signal to start building muscle. You are sending a signal that you have not been seeing whatsoever. So you are more likely, when you're starting off like this, this is the mistake that most people make, you are more likely to
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
to overreach doing too much than doing too little. You can't really do too little. Anything is more than what you were doing. And so anything will start to at least move you in the right direction. And really grasping that is tough for the person who is highly motivated in that moment to change, right? Most people that are seeking a transformation journey
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
They've been told by their doctor that something's wrong with them medically, or they saw themselves in the mirror one day, or they hit a weight they haven't hit forever, and they have all this emotion. And they're like, I'm going to make change today. And they're motivated to do that. And so part of that is like, I'm going to go.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
And of course, day one, I'm going to get after it because I want to prove to myself I'm going to do this. But the opposite is true of what they should do. The opposite is like, listen, you haven't done shit for months or years. Do some push-ups. Do one or two exercises. That's it. And don't go over the top intensity. Moderate intensity.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
I love that study, though, because it highlights the point that I'm always trying to scream. It's like, listen, it doesn't take that much. If you did one isolation contraction in a week, you'll see positive change. So thinking in those terms, it's like, wow, then I really don't want to do too much. Too much, I'm more likely to overreach. You're cutting into your gains.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2545: Transform Your Body in 90 Days
Yeah, I'm going to cut into my gains. But man, I could probably do just a little bit. and be all right. And then it gives me so much more room to dial it up.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yeah. I remember Mike Boyle kind of breaking this down with because he's been, you know, using the rice method and using ice after like heavy training sessions with his athletes. And he's more concerned with longevity and making sure like the recoveries are not necessarily because there was like this study that talked about the decrease in muscle building signal signal.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Uh, you know, everybody stopped doing that with their athletes. And then it was just like one of those things where he's like, well, I've been doing this, you know, for decades and this is how I've applied. And he's got the best track record for keeping athletes healthy.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
So it didn't even apply to him. Yeah. It's funny. This is the conspiracy guy side over here in the corner too. It's like I'm always looking at who's funding the study.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yes. Here's what happens.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Cherry pick.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
And so that's where the meta analysis I think is great for that though. You know, cause then you can kind of pit like who, who's biased versus the other bias and see where we're at.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
No, it's all antibacterial stuff. That lack of exposure has its own problems. Oh, yeah. We need to build up a defense system against these and be immersed in it on some level, for sure.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
None of that penetrates me with my mask on, though.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yeah, dude.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
I don't think ever.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
I mean, he has a lot of experience going after big companies and challenging them and winning lawsuits. So, I mean, I'm slightly encouraged.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
I didn't even hear that from the other side at all.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
That's something to pay attention to. What do you think, in terms of the average person, percentage-wise, just reads the title? Everybody. Yeah, versus actually going through these abstracts.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
I mean, that's the biggest alarming factor is looking at the health of our kids. I mean, I understand adults, that's a major problem. But if we're not addressing this at the root of it all, we're not giving them a chance from the very jump. We got to really take hold of this.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Well, the effects, yeah, they're bottom line.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
But then when it comes to something like that, well, that's like saying it's the protection, you know, it's the, the ability to not question and, and, and peer into the data and, and law, you know, have lawsuits.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
That's the ugly side, right, is that driven towards that continual growth and how do we do this better.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Can I get a write-off on all this? Yeah, write-off.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
You know, we're projecting outward instead of like, you know, with each other within.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Arby's? By the way, that's actually not true.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
No, I don't think so. No, because we went somewhere, and yeah, he wasn't able to drink. At the Christmas party. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Young kid. He's like, what are you going to do with Caldera Lab? He loves it. Yeah. That's why he stole it. Yeah, seriously.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yeah, dude. You're going backwards too far, bro.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Grease in the groove. Or grease in the groove or microdosing. Microdosing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yeah. By the way, you got to be careful with this too because this is a tricky kind of mentality. Yeah.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yeah, and for those – I like shifting the focus and working on other things that aren't as taxing on the body and like working on bouts of mobility and where I can find opportunities to kind of reinforce –
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
um stability and control and um you know all the other aspects of you know the pursuit towards fitness and health is there's just so many things to cover and i know that i'm not always balanced right and so i'm just kind of continuously looking at this moving target of what you know where there's deficits and a lot of times it's it's taking a break from the intensity of the training and the weight training and focusing a little bit more on
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
you know, the movement aspect or focusing more on the diet aspect or, or just, you know, my overall mental health and relationships and that kind of thing.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
There was no Starbucks.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Easy gig that you could just go get a couple bucks. Don't mind me, the guinea pig. Don't worry about the risk.
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
2543: Beware of This Kind of "Scientific" Fat Loss or Muscle Building Study...It May be Flowed & More (Listener Coaching)
Yes. Yes.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
We are significantly bigger on iTunes and about the same in the podcast on YouTube. And so to think that 40,000 people for an entire year listen to Mind Pump more than anything else in their ears is crazy to think that. And I confidently believe that so at least 40,000 of those people would find us no matter where we're at.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And 40,000 people listen to me every single day is more than enough people to build a livelihood for all of us here, right? So... Social, I think, is a great tool to have and a compliment, another way to connect with your audience, another way to tell your story, kind of like a little bit of a business card too.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Like, so it has its place and it's valuable, but we don't place a lot of value on a single thing. And this was, again, intentful, right? Like we... We always agreed that we wanted to own our audience. Like we didn't want to, because I had never heard horror stories of people that I knew that were making really big money on Facebook or Snapchat.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And then all of a sudden the algorithm changed and they were losing tens of thousands of dollars like overnight. And we knew that early on. So we were always like, listen, we have to find ways to connect to our people on so many different platforms and build a relationship so well that it didn't matter if these platforms got weird or shut down or like that, like we want to control.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
We have a lot of brands that we are their number one advertising partner over Joe Rogan. And that's because those 40,000 people that have listened to us more than anything else on their podcast, they buy almost anything that we recommend. And so we were very careful to protect that. We were a multi-million dollar business before Instagram even hit 50,000 followers.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And so we were mindful of that early. And so we build it. Although I will admit that I was naive and for the first two years did not build an email list. I say this is the biggest regret or mistake that Mind Pump ever made. And I'm responsible for this. I actually thought, and this was a learning curve for me, I thought that social media replaced email marketing.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I thought that that was what we were seeing happening. I couldn't have been further from the truth. What I have realized over all these years of doing this now is that they're different. They're different monsters. And every medium is that way too.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
So for the people that are entrepreneurs that are listening, it's very, very clear that I have a Spotify audience, I have a YouTube audience, I have an Instagram audience, I have an email audience. Now there is definitely a crossover on all these platforms. There's a problem. And if I had to put a number on it, I'd say 5% or 10% of these people maybe cross over all platforms.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
But for the most part, most people stick to the platform they consume all their content on. And they would consider themselves a YouTube person or an Instagram person. And so it's important to learn your voice on each platform. and know how you communicate on email is a little bit different than how you communicate on the podcast.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I remember when we first learned this mistake, when we started the YouTube channel, we'd already been doing pretty well with the podcast. We weren't on YouTube yet because we kind of thought, who the hell wants to watch three idiots talk in a chair, fitness for an hour and a half? So we were like, that's ridiculous, we won't do that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
But we did go, well, we are personal trainers, and so we can give out exercise videos. that and that add value, right? How do we add value to our listeners already? Let's teach them visually like exercises. That's a good way to bolster the business. Agreed. Okay. We all do it. Well, this worked for the podcast. So let's do this on the YouTube channel.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
So if you go back on our YouTube channel, you'll see how we used to start every YouTube episode on the, on the exercise channel. And it was literally the three of us making jokes and talking all silly and goofy and being ourselves. And Doug would swoop in with the camera and like the first
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I don't know, two minutes of the YouTube video, which is supposed to be exercise tutorial videos, was us, you know, joshing each other and having fun and teasing and kind of like talking, you know, telling a story. And then we would get into the exercise demo. And we just thought because that was the formula for the podcast that okay, it'll work on YouTube.
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And it kept falling on its face and people were commenting like crazy. This is stupid. Who are these idiots? I don't, get to the exercise. Tell us how to do this. And we kind of ignored that for a while. And it took a while before we realized like, oh, wait a second. It was funny because when I look back, it was so obvious, right? It's like, how do I use YouTube?
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If I want to learn how to bake a cake, and I YouTube that recipe, do I want the person to be talking five minutes about jokes in their personal life before they get to it? I'm going to skip and I'm going to go right, give me the guy or the girl that gets right to the recipe and teaches me. That's why I searched for this. What are these idiots doing talking? And why do I need all three of them?
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Like, I mean, looking back, I go like, oh, of course, but we didn't know that. And I didn't know that until we tried that and we realized like, oh, okay, wow, these platforms are really different and everybody uses it in different ways. And so learning, how to take your overall arching mission and voice and shape it into whatever medium that you are using.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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You do not need millions of people looking at you on Instagram or YouTube or whatever. What you need to do is...
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How we write long form content like white papers is so different to how we do short form emails is so different to how we do one minute reels is so different to how we do hour and a half long podcasts. And it took a while to kind of really figure out how we change those, but yet stay on-brand, authentic to who we are and continue to communicate the message that we're trying to do.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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But understanding that on each platform, we're speaking from a different voice. But to this day, the email marketing, which I thought was dead, is responsible for about 40% of MAPS Fitness products revenue every single month, which is hundreds of thousands of dollars every single month that I thought was dead. And so we were a little bit behind when we started actually capturing emails.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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YouTube is, I tell people like, before you get into YouTube, you better have some thick skin because it's a bunch of teenage boys on there. That's like 80% of the platform is with a teenage mean ass boys sitting at home in their basement with their mom, just trying to talk shit and troll people.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So I tell people like, before you get on YouTube, you better have thick skin because it is just like you. We had like, if I want to get emotional and feel really good about what we're doing, I'll go on and I'll read iTunes reviews.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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oh yeah, we have thousands of reviews that will bring a tear to your eye, the stuff that people say about us. And I mean, it's literally like 99.99% five-star. That's like how awesome the podcast reviews are. So I used to go on there all the time when I want to feel good about myself. Like, oh, I'll read those reviews for the day. YouTube, complete opposite.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Like if I want to ruin my day and be upset, all I got to do is go to the latest YouTube video and just read comments because rarely ever are those comments even close to what the comments we get. So it is true. You have to learn the mediums and how people use them and understand what the game you're kind of playing with those people. And so, and you can't let it bother you.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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You really have to be okay with like, that's just the nature of the beast is I'm communicating this to people that aren't necessarily the people that I've put a lot of work into building value with. These are people that literally just randomly found me today, have no idea who I am. They don't know my character. They don't know where I come from. They don't know any of that stuff.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And they're just going to say shit to say shit. So you got to be careful if you let those things get to you.
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Great question. And I love to answer this question because I do think that it can be overwhelming at first. Like, oh my God, everyone's telling me, Gary Vee has a good saying too, of like looking at it like real estate assets and you just want to start, you want to acquire all these things and allow it to organically grow over time and
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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But it could still be daunting of where do I start, what do I do? The advice that I give is most people, hopefully, especially if you're in entrepreneurship, know this about yourself enough to know that what you like doing the most, meaning like... So I can't put three sentences together. Grammatically, I just am the worst of all of us. So I do not touch copy. I do not write emails.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I would be the worst for that. So... I would be a horrible person to write our emails. I would be a horrible person to write our 5,000 word documents that we give out for free. And if I was doing this all by myself, that's not the first place I would go to. And eventually what I'd probably do is build the other businesses up and then hire somebody who has that skillset better than me.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So I tell people to lean into what you like doing best or what you know that you do best. And so you might not know what you do best yet, but probably that's going to be where you like. So if you do really well with talking for an hour and a half and you have a lot to say and you have a lot of experience on that, I think podcasting is really good.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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But podcasting will kill you if you're relatively new, you don't have a lot of information, you don't articulate well, you can't storytell. If you can't do those things, then podcasting is a sure fire away for you to tank right away. Maybe you're really good at like very poignant things. One minute I can drop some knowledge on somebody in one minute or give them a tip that's super value.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Oh, then maybe like Instagram reels or TikTok is a really good place for you to start.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Maybe you're somebody who's like really good with like a camera and you understand lighting and you take really aesthetically pleasing pictures and, you know, you can write witty captions and you're really good at like tying like something that's fun and informative, like a together and you can write an Instagram caption. Maybe Instagram is the place that you lean into, right?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So maybe you're really good about talking one-on-one to a camera vlog style on YouTube. And so you do like vlogging on YouTube, but I would, my recommendation is, is decide what that is for you, whether you, You try it all out and kind of figure out, oh, this is what I'm better at. Or you already know that about yourself. Like I obviously knew I'm not the person to write.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I didn't need to go try that. It was just like that. I'm not good. That's not a strength. Let's lean. Let's go somewhere else. So my advice is to lean into the thing that you feel most comfortable with because every one of those mediums, like I said before, is like a different business for us. So you can be successful at whatever it is that you have to offer on any one of those mediums.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And you're most likely to be successful on the one that you like doing and that you're good at. And so instead of like spreading yourself thin and trying to do a little bit of all of it and kind of being like a jack of all trades instead of an ace of one, like literally hone in on the one or two things that you communicate best on and really double and triple down on figuring that out.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Because I think you could build a sustainable business on one platform. Although I think there's tremendous value in being on all of them. Stay in your lane first, get really good at it. And then if you are like me, you learn to outsource and you outsource that, or you learn those other platforms over time. And you'll learn a lot just by growing a community on one of them first.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So that's typically what I recommend to people.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I love that we got here because one of the things I'm most proud of that we did was I think we really disrupted the advertising space on podcasts. So 10 years ago when we came in this, this is relatively new. No big brands are advertising on podcasts yet. Very few people realize what a powerful medium it is. So the companies are pretty sparse.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Although in the fitness space, there was a lot of like supplement companies and a lot of these companies were there. They were figuring this out early on. And what was really good was that we were so protective of the brand and our branding and our voice that we didn't want to convolute it with, other brands and other people's voice and direction and vision.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So we agreed that we may never take advertising. So we said that early on. We said, you know what? We can build a successful business and we don't need to take on advertising sponsorship money from any. And obviously, when we hit new and we were getting out there, we were getting approached right away. And of course, there's a temptation when you're making no money and someone says,
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I'll give you a thousand dollars to do a commercial on your show every day or what like that. Would you take it like, oh wow, a thousand bucks. We're making no money. That's money. Like let's do it. It's reoccurring. But we agreed, no way. Like this is not an end. And we did that for several years. So we were getting actually kind of bombarded by a lot of companies.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I mean, it's not like Nike was coming up to us and these brands that we'd be like, I mean, if that would have happened, I'm sure we would have been over the moon, but then I happening. If you're just building your business and you're just getting started, those huge companies are not going after the small entrepreneur that's getting their first thousand listeners.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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What you're getting is a lot of other startup companies, a lot of other supplement companies, small brands that know that they could probably offer you a couple hundred bucks to Because to you, that's a lot of money because you're just getting started.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And so it's appealing and it's great for them because if they can spend a couple hundred bucks to get a thousand or a few thousand people to hear about their brand, it's great ROI for them. So it is very selfish on their end. It's a completely motivated by that. It's a numbers game. Plus at that time, so I was here before people realized how powerful podcasting was.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And I've been here after the companies were really taking advantage of a lot of the podcasting. And I actually, luckily I had enough of business acumen to recognize that right away. Wait a second. You're going to pay me just based off of listens the same. So let me get this straight. You have three guys, have a marketing sales background. We pride ourselves on being really good at that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We've built an incredibly community. Our community might be small, might only be 5,000 people right now, But you're going to pay me the exact same amount of money as this other just random person who might not have a relationship, might not have any sales skills. The same just based off of CPMs, just off of downloads. That's how you decide how much you're like, no way, no way.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I know how valuable even my five customers are because those five customers, they'll go buy anything I tell them to because I've already built that relationship with them. So you can, and for the audience, let me tell you how important and powerful this is. We have a lot of brands that we work with that work with someone like Joe Rogan. And Joe Rogan obviously is way bigger than us.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We are their number one advertising partner over Joe Rogan. And that's not because we're anywhere close to as big as he is. But it's because the relationship that we have built with our community, those 40,000 people that have listened to us more than anything else on their podcast, those are like real customers. They buy almost anything that we recommend.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And so we were very careful to protect that. We didn't want to just to make a couple extra bucks here or there. We didn't want to take advantage of that. And we actually told that story on the podcast while we were growing. So if you go back far enough, you can hear me share on the podcast oh yeah, this company tried to get us to sponsor them. And we would talk about it on the show.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And we'd tell them, no way, we're not going to send our people that way and this and that. And oh, you're just another supplement company doing this. And we vetted them. And we would openly talk about potentially taking on advertisers and saying no to people for a very long time. So the small audience... that got to hear that. And then the ones that were coming on could hear it for a long.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And then when we started to take partnerships on, they weren't people that were reaching out to us. I began to go after companies that I was interested in. If it was a product or a clothing line or something that I liked, I used the guys all love. I'm like, you know what? Let me reach out to them. They don't know who we are.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We're not big enough for them to be on their radar, but let me get on the phone with them. And so I would reach out to these companies and the initial conversation would be like, oh, who are you? What do you do? And I'd have to sell them on how big our audience is, even though it was still pretty small at that time and what we do and our mission. And most of them would be, oh, okay.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We'd hit it off relationship wise. And then it'd come down to money. Like, wait, we're not, I don't know if we're going to pay you guys that much. We don't know what the ROI on that is. And so if it was a brand that I believed in, that I liked, that I wanted a partnership, one of the ways that I would lead with them is to say, hey, listen, this is my commitment to you. I like your brand so much.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I don't want just an advertising deal with you guys. I want to build a partnership and a relationship. So we don't do advertising affiliate type deals. We build partnerships and relationships. And this is how much I'm committed to that with you. So we have the podcast, which is our biggest medium where we get the, probably the best ROI. And also this is how much I think our commercials are worth.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Thank you. I'm excited to be here.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And if you do not make that money back, I will guarantee you to get it because what I'll do is I'll use my email list. I'll use my Instagram. I'll use Facebook. I'll use all my other platforms to make good on that deal. And they were like, really? I said, yeah. So it's zero risk for you. You spend $5,000 with me. I will guarantee you $5,000 back. I think the podcast will do it.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
But if the podcast doesn't, you communicate with my team weekly. I have a person on point who does this. Every Monday, you talk to her. You let her know. If we're underperforming on numbers, then our job will be then to make sure that we bring those up using our other social media platforms. So we never sold any other medium. We only sold the podcast.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And then I would agree to them that I will deliver on ROI. we built a reputation around that. And then before long, we were the podcast that everybody was like, go work with Mind Pump because you're guaranteed not to lose. And so then I had people banging down my door asking to advertise.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And so then I got to be very picky and choosy with the brands that aligned, that I love, that I wanted to work with. And it was less about the exact dollar amount. It was more about building that relationship with brands that align with us and that our customers we thought would like. And so at first, What did we do the first year? $60,000 or something in advertising, something like that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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It'll do over $5 million in advertising now. But it started as this small revenue stream that we didn't need that we said, hey, let's go build it this way. And I didn't see anybody else making promises like that in the space. The conversations I had were awesome. They would go, oh my God, like nobody is doing that. You guys are going to guarantee it?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I said, yeah, I'm going to guarantee you because my goal is to present you a price that I'm pretty confident that we can deliver on the podcast. And my goal is to not use it because I don't want to convolute my message on social media. So if you go through my social media, you won't see any brands. You won't see any promotion. I don't do any of that stuff, especially on my personal page.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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None of that stuff happens because I don't want to do that. But I care enough about the relationship that if I needed to bring that brand up to show them to make good on a deal like that, then I would. And so now when you fast forward, what is it, seven years or so later when we started, I go into 2025. By August of this year, we have all advertising locked out completely for 2025.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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contract signed. There's no opt-out. There's no negotiation. There's no minimum marks. There's no nothing. It's, this is what it costs. This is where the spots are. You're paid for the year. And then we deliver. And so we've built that reputation with brands that It's cool now. It was work at the beginning.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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It was a lot of work to build those relationships, to find those companies, to prove that to them. But now we have a reputation. We have a reputation in the space that you want to work with us. And so now it's cool. Like I had a last year, I don't know if you're familiar with the brand, Chili or Uhlers, they're their sleep bed pads or whatever. That business went under last year.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We were partners with them for like two or three years working with that company. And we found out, we didn't know that their business was going under. The way we found out was through their competitor, Eight Sleep, had been wanting to work with us for so long, had been watching the market, knew that that company was going under before we knew they were going under.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
They were still under contract with us and still paying their bills. So we weren't the wiser, but they were about to go under. They reach out to us and say, hey, They're not going to be able to continue sponsorship next year. We know how long of a wait list you guys have. We want in on next year.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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We're willing to put money down right now to guarantee that we can advertise with you guys because we know that you're not going to be able to sponsor them. We're a better product. Let us send you a couple of mattresses right now so you can try the product ahead of time. That's the type of relationship building that we've done with partners. And that's how bad people want to work with the company.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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But it wasn't built overnight. It was built over years of building relationships and being very careful and meticulous about who we work with as a sponsorship and a partnership on the show. And if you chase the little bit of initial money you might get, it could really tarnish a brand and a relationship that you have with your customers.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I think that we were so intentional about it that I think it was nine years ago when I bought the trademark, stay authentic for our clothing line. What we saw when we got in this space was how fake a lot of it was. It's gotten better, but it still is. I'm sure you know how many people are fake successful, fake fit, fake. It's just so much of that. And we quickly saw it right away.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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Whereas now, and we took our audience along with that journey, They know like if we if there's a new company we're working with and we drop it, like people go run and buy it before they even think twice about it. They don't they know that we did all that vetting and they know we wouldn't represent them if they weren't a brand that's awesome or that aligns with our community.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And so that's really served us today. And now it's one of the most powerful revenue streams that we have that we didn't intend on having.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And we're like, man, This may be working for these people right now, but eventually they're going to be found out. Eventually the customer will get smarter. And eventually the messaging will be about authenticity, about being yourself. And that will be the only way to win.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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So much that we decided to go out and trademark Stay Authentic because we believe that that wasn't a buzz term when we trademarked that almost 10 years ago. It was, we believe that that was the direction that, and you hear that now everywhere. Anybody who's successful like yourself in here that communicate things that are important, I've heard you say it on your show multiple times too.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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I think in general, and this goes for entrepreneurs and just people in general when it comes to working out and fitness, is that we overcomplicate it because there's so much noise in what's the best exercise program? What's the best diet? What's the best this? And it's like, honestly, if you lift weights two hours to three hours tops a week, that's it. Strength train.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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focus on the big lifts, squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press, that by itself, and approach working out like a skill, not a punishment. You don't go into your workout trying to get a crazy sweat. You're not trying to chase being super sore. Go in, practice those movements, get good at them, get strong and slowly do that. Just, and consistency matters more than anything else.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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That's the first thing related to like what to do exercise wise. Don't overcomplicate it. Focus on those things. Exercise is not a form of punishment. The biggest mistake people make is over applying intensity and volume. It takes very little to elicit that change and to get the body adapting to want to build muscle and then feed it properly with making sure you hit your protein intake.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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That's the simple advice. Why you want to do this as an entrepreneur. And I'm reminded of this every time I fall off the wagon or I'm on an off streak of, say, 30 days where I might not have lifted or something like that because I'm busy.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
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And I tell myself this same excuse, like, oh my God, I'm so busy, I can't get to my working workout, or oh, I don't have time at this time, I've got all this going, this and that. It is wild how much more time you get when you work out.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
You are a, you're a better husband, you're a better wife, you're a better business partner, you're a better entrepreneur, you have more energy, you have more stamina, you sleep better, you're sharper, you have more cognitive, I mean, you are just better than
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
When you are a healthier version of yourself, so if you really care about being very successful in entrepreneurship, which the skill sets are, speed, stamina, your acumen, your cognitive function, these things all matter when you want to be successful. The healthier, stronger version of you is better on all those attributes, all of them. They all come up. And you even get more time in the day.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I know that sounds weird. Like, wait, how does that make sense? You're telling me that I work out for an hour and I get more? Yes, because it's wild what happens. And why that is is because every minute of your day is slightly more productive than it would be if you're not working out.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And those minutes in the day or the entire day add up way more than the 50 minutes that you committed to that workout. And so do it. Your future successful entrepreneurial self will thank you because you've made time to do that and you will get the time back and you'll get the return on investment tenfold being a healthier, stronger version of yourself.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Authenticity is so, so important to the brand. That's what we led with. We really did that from the very beginning and it was a slower game because it's not as sexy. It's not as cool. It's not as trendy. It doesn't go viral, but it's authentic. It's real. And I think that there's a big mistake in the social media game that people make that, again, we were lucky that we did brick and mortar first.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
To become more profitable, here's what I'm going to lean into. And that, because it didn't hit me until I was 26, and that was the pursuit of daily growth. I didn't come from a big family of reading, and I didn't think of that as something that would return on my investment. But holy crap is that. And I know that Alex Ramosi, right, says this a lot too.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Talks about like, I love the way he talks about when someone asks him how to invest $10,000. How do I do this? I'm 20 years old. I have $10,000. And he's like, reinvest in yourself. Go grow your skill sets. in the marketplace because nothing is going to give you a greater return on your investment than improving who you are.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Get better, get growing, and hold yourself accountable to that on a daily, on a daily, like go ask yourself at the end of every day, what did I learn today? How did I get better at my craft? How did I become a better person? What did I read and learn?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And if you're stringing days together where you don't have an answer to that, that's your first thing you go do right now is don't let a day go by that you're not growing and learning and improving yourself because that shit starts to compound.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And when you look back five years later, and boy, will you be so much more valuable in the marketplace five years later of doing that every single day than if you just kind of haphazardly go about it.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
So the single best piece of advice that was ever given to me changed my life. I'll tell you the short version of it. I had just finished crushing goal at my gym, 110% of goal. The boss came in. I was proud of myself. I was excited. I thought he was coming in to tell me how great I was. And he came in and he picked me apart. Told me all the things I was doing wrong and this and that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And it just broke my heart inside. But that's not who I am. What do I do? Work harder. So I was in the back just working on all these things, getting my paperwork worked, being better at all the things that he said. And later on, who became a best friend of mine, who was the manager at that time, comes back and he sees me on the desk working on stuff. He goes, what the F are you doing?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
He swipes everything on the table. And I looked at him, boss came in. He told me I'm not doing this. He says, Adam, listen, you're in the position that you're in at this young of an age for a reason. Stop focusing on the things that you're not good at. Focus on what you're good at and be fucking great. And that just hit me like a ton of bricks.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And it's just like, he's like, go be great at what you're at. And so I tell people, like, don't get hung up on your weaknesses and the things you're not so good at. Lean into the things that you love and that you're good at. and become an expert and become great at those things. That will serve you so much more.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Look up Mind Pump. I love to send people to because that's a lot of where all of our free resources are. You can find the show on any platform out there. Don't buy anything from me. Go listen to all the free valuable content I have first, and then hopefully become a listener too.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Thank you, Hala.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And I use the analogy of if I had just started my brick and mortar gym and I turned the lights on, it's day one, and five potential customers walked in, how would I treat them? And how would I be? What would I be like? And what would I do? Oh, man. First five people paid attention to my business. I'm over there greeting them and talking to them and excited. I mean, I found out all about that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I'm making those five people my best friends because I got all the time in the world. I got no customers. These are the only five potential customers I have. And so it's wild to me because that's like rules of business. Like any good business person 20, 30 years ago would say, of course, of course you would do that. Well, then why do so many people treat it differently on social media?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Why are they looking for so much, so many eyeballs? They want to go viral and have a million people paying attention to them, but then they don't even respond to the one comment or they don't DM and talk to the people. So I think the strategy that people were doing early on to get famous and get attention was a terrible strategy for a long-term business.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And there was kind of this, what's the term I'm looking for, where they get there, it's a false perception of what reality is for them. Meaning, they had a million followers. And if you've got a million eyeballs on you, I guess you could start a t-shirt line.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And by default, you can make a few hundred thousand dollars initially, just because you got a million eyeballs, but that's not a really successful business. Like it's just because you have that many. And by default, one half a percent of them bought something from them. It's like, that's not, and we weren't looking for that. And we knew that, and we didn't want to get into that game. We were like,
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I don't want to try and compete with all these people doing that. Let's go help five people. Let's go change five lives. And this is, again, something that we were taught in building a trainer business was I realized how powerful. Now, granted, it's great to get leads. It's great to get all these potential customers looking at you or coming into your gym or things like that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
But nothing was more powerful than changing that one life. I changed that one life. And that lady, 20 years later, is still talking about me. And I still get people that find me from her 20 years ago because I changed her life. Like, holy, the ROI on that is crazy. How many people has she turned on to me and what I do because I put so much in it?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And so we approached even the social media game the same way. Let's not try and overcomplicate this and try and go viral and figure out what all the trendy stuff is. Let's go change five lives. Let's go find our people that need our help and just really focus. Because none of us knew what the hell we were doing in the marketing space of social media.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Like we didn't know, but we knew that about business. We knew the power and the value of that. And we just looked at it as like, well, this is cool that we're in this place where this ability to do it for free and people could find us online, like that's a really powerful, unique tool. But let's not overcomplicate it with and measure it by how many followers we have is this business acceptable.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And we were a multimillion dollar business before Instagram even hit 50,000 followers. And so I tell this to people all the time. You do not need hundreds of thousands, definitely not millions of people looking at you on Instagram or YouTube or whatever. You don't. What you need to do is go find your thousand loyal customers. And I forget what book that is or who wrote that. It's a great read.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Yes. Thank you. Your thousand tribe or whatever. Right. So once you, and so that was, it was like, we're on this mission. Let's go find a thousand people that we can. And I think that's such a, it's such a good number because I really did think I felt right around a thousand loyal customers. It was like the business was rocking and rolling.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I mean, it was just, cause at that time, once you reach that point where you've changed a thousand, you've got a thousand people out there marketing and advertising for you. And let's say, obviously not all thousand people are out there walking with signs saying, listen to my input. Of course not. But there's enough of them at all times always doing that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
They are constantly talking to a family or a friend. And that lead is so much more valuable than any paid lead you could ever potentially get in this game. And I've spent tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of dollars now in all the different ways that we can advertise on Google and Facebook and Instagram and And we've always ran these campaigns.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And then at the end of the day, we come back to organic traffic because those customers are so much better than the lead that I paid all this money to get them to convert right away who don't have a relationship with me, don't know who I am. But because they got hit with this ad or whatever, they converted. Like those actually end up being the worst customers.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
They're the most difficult to deal with. A lot of times, if you have any sort of refunds or cancels, it's coming from those people. They complain the most. They are the hardest customer and it costs me so much to get them.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Versus if I put out a good piece of content with the intent of helping somebody for free and giving them something super valuable that I learned over my decades of training clients, if I can impact them with one piece of content that goes out and helps like five people,
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Those five people that I help for free on that Instagram post or that YouTube clip or that podcast episode, those five potential leads, oh my God, those people are so much more valuable than the thousand people I just added on Instagram because I paid for some post to go, you know, to be pushed out there to a bunch. And I just don't think a lot of people realize that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I don't think they think that the game is volume. And it's like, no. And in fact, I actually think that that sometimes can convolute what you're doing really well, because you might be getting all this attention. And so you get this idea like, oh, we're doing really good. But it's like, you're not even attracting your true customers. You're just getting eyeballs and random people.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And that just causes more headaches and confusion. People that are, you might be doing the right things in your business because you're so focused on attention. You're getting steered in these wrong directions because you have a bunch of random looky-loos who don't even know who you are. Oh, that sucks. Or I don't like that. Or why don't you do more of this?
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And then you start, we had to be careful of this. I remember early on, like not allowing that noise to steer our mission. Like we know what the goal is. We know what the mission is. Like, of course, there's gonna be some haters or some people who don't know us that are gonna hop in there and just gonna make some comment about us. Like you can't let that, deter your mission.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And so I do think that's the problem with a lot of entrepreneurs that are trying to build on these social platforms is they get so hung up in the race to followers game. And it's like, no, you can build a million dollar plus business off of thousand people. You do not need tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to build.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And those people, the lifetime value of those customers, like, and so that's kind of like, even how we've scaled this business and with all these arms, what we look at is our best customers. And then we ask ourselves, what do those 10,000 people have in common? What are other things that we can serve them, that community? Because we've already won them over on the value we've already provided them.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I bet you there's something in common with those 10,000 people. And what are we not doing to provide that? Because they're already bought into us and what we're doing. If I can now find a way to service the most common thing those 10,000 people have to service them, I've got another business. And so that's kind of how we've continued to stack the business is looking at our customers.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And we started that way even when we were just a handful of them of what do these five people have in common? that we can give to them and then build and letting that steer the direction of the company. And even though we had that one program and that was initially how we monetized, every program thereafter and every revenue stream thereafter has really been steered by the consumer.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
It's never been, I always tell people that are trying to build a business like, It's important that you love your ideas because it's important to be passionate about your ideas, but don't marry them and be okay with pivoting.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And I do think that that is some of the most common traits of really, really successful people is their speed and their ability to pivot and to not hold on to a bad idea or a bad direction because that's what they want to do. It's like, okay, I think this is what everybody wants. Let me go put it out there and test it. It's like, oh shit, nobody cares about that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
It's like, okay, how quick can I let go of that and move in the direction that I think they all want? That's an important skillset. And really most of all the revenue streams after the very first product have been steered that way of us listening to our already customers and finding how can we continue to add value and serve them, allow the business to come to us like that.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Oh, by far. We could shut off. We tested this back when Sal got kicked off. So this was about two years ago. It was right in the thick of the COVID stuff that was going on. And Sal sometimes can say stuff politically. And at that time, that was a very dangerous thing to do on social media. He has the I don't give a shit attitude. And so do all of us who were like, go for it.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I had people banging down my door asking to advertise, but we agreed that we may never take advertising.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do. And he was removed. So he was kicked off of Facebook and Instagram multiple times. And we had our best revenue run at that time. We didn't feel an ounce of that. He had the biggest Instagram page. He had the most engagement. So he had the most powerful Instagram out of all of us at that time.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
And he was completely removed off of it for six months, eight months, something like that. And we continued to scale during that entire time. And so it really made us realize that these assets are good and are powerful and a tool, but they're not necessary for us because we had a very strong foundation from the podcast, from the email list, from building these customers.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
This whole conversation you and I have been having, if you truly change the lives of a thousand people like that, they'll follow you. They'll find you. They will. You could shut down all platforms. And I believe that from us right now. We could turn everything off. go to some other random platform no one's ever heard of, and maybe not everybody, but a good portion of people, they will find us.
Young and Profiting (YAP) with Hala Taha
Adam Schafer: The #1 Organic Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Overlook on Social Media | Part 2 | E339
I mean, we just did the Spotify raps that come out and like that just came out. I love when those come out because it gives me, I get to peer into some more insight that I don't get to see. And I love data numbers like that. And for 40,000, over 40,000 people, we were the number one thing they listened to all year on Spotify. And that's just Spotify. And that's one of our smallest platforms.