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Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast

The Youtube Prank That Killed a World Leader - The Assassination of Kim Jong Nam

Sun, 16 Feb 2025


This is the story of Siti, Doan, and the youtube prank that killed Kim Jong Nam.

Featured in this Episode

Who is Siti and how did she get involved in pranks?

0.109 - 19.886 Narrator

So this woman pulls a YouTube prank that's so horrific it ends up unaliving a man and nearly starts an international conflict. Now her name is Siti. She's 25, she's from Indonesia, but she's working in Malaysia as an escort. And she does that so she can send money back to her parents in Indonesia. But then one day she meets a producer.


20.086 - 36.566 Narrator

The producer tells her he works for a production company of a huge YouTube channel. And they make like YouTube pranks and stuff. And he says he can get her an acting gig on his YouTube prank show. And the best part is that it pays pretty well. She can quit escort work. She can also make all this money and send it back to her parents in Indonesia.


36.786 - 53.879 Narrator

Plus they're going to pay her the equivalent of 96 US dollars per prank, which is a lot of money to CT. So of course she says yes. And pretty quickly she's introduced to the head of the YouTube channel, this guy, Mr. Chang. And Mr. Chang and the other producers, they start getting her to pull these pranks on people in public.


54 - 70.952 Narrator

They'll like go to a public place and she'll like walk up to a total stranger and just randomly start holding their hand. Or they'll do a prank where they put like baby oil on her hands and she'll like run up behind a stranger and be like, guess who? Which smears the oil all over their face. It's pranks like that. And so she does a bunch of these pranks over the course of like a month.


71.172 - 89.441 Narrator

Meanwhile, the Prank Channel has also recruited this other woman to do pranks. Now her name is Doan. And we'll get to her. But one day, the producers call CT in to meet them at the airport. Because they're going to do this big prank there. So she's there, and she's with Mr. Chang. But Chang tells CT there's actually another actress involved this time. And that actress will be doing the same thing.

89.582 - 109.311 Narrator

And it's Doan. So the victim of this prank is actually going to get double pranked. First by CT, then by Doan. But anyway, Mr. Chang pours a bunch of baby oil on CT's hands. And then he points to a man out in the airport that he wants her to prank. This man. So minutes later, CT sneaks up behind the man. And then from behind, she puts her hands over his eyes, like, guess who, or whatever.

109.451 - 121.737 Narrator

And of course, this smears the oil all over him. And then about three seconds later, Doan approaches the man. And she smears her hand on his face as well. And then CT and Doan, like, giggle or whatever. And then they run away to the nearest bathroom to wash the oil off their hands.

122.037 - 141.506 Narrator

Meanwhile, the poor man, he's confused and a little freaked out and he goes over to the airport security guards and he tells them that some random women just like smeared something on his face and that now he doesn't feel well. So security escorts the man to the airport medical center and his condition quickly gets worse. Like it is very apparent something is seriously wrong.

141.626 - 164.697 Narrator

So they rush him to the hospital and on the way, he suddenly just dies. So who was this man? Well, let's call him Nam. Now Nam is an interesting guy, because growing up, his dad was a dictator. The supreme leader of a little country you might have heard of called North Korea. Now Nam, being the oldest son, he was always first in line to be the next supreme leader.


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