The MAGA loyalists in power across the country are having to answer to their angry constituents. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here: https://linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast.
Chapter 1: Why are MAGA politicians facing backlash at town halls?
MAGA politicians are leaving their right-wing cult and heading into their home districts, and they are getting absolutely annihilated by their Republican constituents. It's delicious. Watch this first video. It's Representative Rich McCormick. Watch this faceplant.
Then a cult. Not as a party.
Elon was gonna be the main topic tonight, and he's gonna continue to be the main topic tonight because we are all freaking pissed off about this. You're gonna hear it and feel it.
Tyranny is rising in the White House, and a man has declared himself our king. So I would like to know, rather, the people would like to know what you, Congressman, and your fellow congressmen are going to do to rein in the megalomaniac in the White House.
When you talk about tyranny, when you talk about presidential power, I remember having the same discussion with Republicans when Biden was elected. The funny thing is, you're sitting here and a lot of you would probably say those January 6s who are yelling just as loud as you, who are upset just like you, are supposed to have great balance and power.
are you can disagree with me all you want but i'm just telling you the way it is and i get that you don't agree with me and you think i'm not telling the truth unless they're lying to me and you can say they are so so okay what is the expected outcome of canadian tariffs most of the tariffs uh were immediately lifted because they conceded um you
It is a voter suppression law that you signed on as a sponsor of. And I want to know why you're scared for me to vote.
I'm definitely not scared of you, vote.
Okay. I think it's just a thing of beauty that they're trying to do all this stuff and they're either getting laughed at. Right. I mean, it is. It's ridiculous. The second he gets out of his right-wing media echo chamber and away from the MAGA cultists, he faces what MAGA calls, quote, real Americans. Americans are not as stupid as MAGA thinks they are. We were...
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Chapter 2: What are constituents saying about Elon Musk's influence?
They're furious about the way their jobs are being cut. the way all of these things are being handled, inflation not going down. So these people at some point are gonna have to make a choice. Are you loyal to your constituents? Are you loyal to Donald Trump?
And just one quick thing, I forget about that disastrous press conference with Elon Musk and his kid and you see it there and you see how people in middle America react to it. And you realize we're all feeling the same way. Why is this man in charge? And the president is sitting slumped over the resolute desk.
It was so emasculating. And Trump is the type of guy that if another if Obama had some billionaire next to him or Biden and brought a kid into the room and the kid was picking their nose and wiping their boogers on the desk. Trump would go on about it for months and months and months. He would not be able to stop talking because he likes to traffic and that type of stuff.
Well, you know what he did after that? I've talked about this before. He had the Resolute Desk picked up and it's being refinished right now. And so I just think that's interesting because we all know he's a germaphobe. But the reason you see middle Americans so pissed off is because we have a president with the United States that is saying things like this.
And we always speed up his voice to chipmunk speed. But it's important that we all listen because this man is president. What he says needs to be heard and needs to be judged and needs people need to get angry about it. Listen to this blatant attack on the First Amendment.
Watch this MSNBC, which is a threat to democracy, actually. They're stone cold, but they're stuttering. They're all screwed up. They're all mentally screwed up. They don't know what their ratings have gone down the tubes. I don't even talk about CNN. CNN's sort of like, I don't know, they're pathetic, actually. But MSNBC was mean. Their ratings are absolutely down. There's Rachel Maddow.
What does she have? She's got nothing. Nothing. She took a sabbatical where she worked one day a week. They paid her a lot of money. She gets no ratings. I should go against her in the ratings because I'll tell you, she gets no ratings. All she does is to talk about Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. All different subjects. Okay, I've heard enough.
Number one, yes, she talks about Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, because you are the dictator who ran and said, oh, I'll just be a dictator for one day. Well, obviously you've given yourself some grace there and extended that all the way to here. You said that you wanted nothing to do with Project 2025. I think there are reports that Project 2025 in your first 30 days
around 65 to 70 percent complete. What does Rachel Maddow do? She speaks truth to power. What does Rachel Maddow have? She's a Rhodes Scholar. She's highly educated. You want to browbeat, Trump wants to browbeat anybody that calls him out and Rachel has consistently called him out and he can't stand it. And all he cares about are ratings.
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