Part one of the investigation into the murder of 37-year-old Peggy Hettrick. In February 1987, her mutilated, half-naked body was discovered in a field near the Colorado home of Tim Masters, a 15-year-old boy. He told police he had seen the body on his way to school but, thinking it was a mannequin, did not report it. Masters then became a suspect when police searched his home and found a collection of knives and his graphic drawings of murder and mutilation. But police couldn't find any evidence linking him to the crime and he was not arrested. The case went cold, but ten years later, police would re-open their investigation into Masters. “48 Hours" correspondent Susan Spencer reports. This classic "48 Hours" episode last aired on 12/24/2011. Watch all-new episodes of “48 Hours” on Saturdays, and stream on demand on Paramount+. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: What happened to Peggy Hettrick?
One deep stab by a long knife into her back, which killed her very quickly.
You could see a bloody drag trail in the furrows. Als Peggy hat Draco getötet, war es schockierend für diese Gemeinschaft.
Sie war eine sehr intelligente Person, sehr artistisch. Peggy war meine älteste Schwester. Sie hat weltweit gefahren.
Just an amazing person, really an amazing person.
A bicyclist spotted the body early this morning in a field on the south side of Fort Collins.
I was called on the case within the first hour that it occurred. I was the one who tied Tim Masters to this case.
This is just a 15-year-old kid. He lives right next to the crime scene. He discovered the body. He never reported it.
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Chapter 2: Who was Tim Masters and why was he a suspect?
Die Untersuchung handelte sich im Grunde um Tim Masters.
Das war ein Kind, als wir seine Residenz besucht haben, der viele grafische Schriften hatte.
Mutilation, Zerstörung.
Ich erinnere mich, dass ich überwältigt war mit dem Gefühl, oh mein Gott, das ist derjenige, der Peggy Hetrick getötet hat. This was more than just a passing fancy of a teenage boy. This is a window into his mind.
There was not enough evidence to make an arrest.
Through the years, they focused on Tim Masters. The Hetrick Homicide was opened and closed, went cold. It was Lieutenant Broderick that reopened the case.
He was a suspect in my mind from the very first day and nothing ever changed.
This was a single-minded investigation. There was one man after one suspect.
Year after year, it was like a personal vendetta for him to come after me.
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Chapter 3: Was there any physical evidence linking Tim Masters to the crime?
Masters, 37, ist seit 15 Jahren im Schatten dieses Mörders gestorben. Am Morgen des 11. Februar 1987 wurde ein halb nacktes Körper einer 37-jährigen Frau namens Peggy Hetrick in einem Feld in Fort Collins, Colorado gefunden. Ein Sturm aus Tim Masters' Haus.
Es gab viele Leute, die wirklich stark fühlten, dass Tim Masters ein sehr weiblicher Verbrecher war.
Und einer von ihnen, 1987, war Veteranenkopf Linda Wheeler. Ich glaube, es war um 7.13 Uhr morgens.
Das Körper wurde einfach entdeckt.
Der Anwalt, der es beobachtet hat, hat es zuerst für ein Manneken verletzt. Das Körper war sehr sauber, wenn man es anschaut.
Ich meine, es gab kein Blut auf dem Körper.
Es gab eine tiefe Stabwunde an Peggy Hetrichs oberen Rücken.
You could see a bloody drag trail in the furrows. It was pretty apparent that the victim was dragged out to the final resting point.
When Officer Jim Broderick arrived at the scene, he was struck by footprints along that trail, leading back to a pool of blood by the curb. And he was struck by the body itself.
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Chapter 4: How did the investigation into Tim Masters unfold?
I think she was seeing somebody else. She had mentioned it.
Then was released. Police, meanwhile, were canvassing every house near the crime scene. Talking with businessmen, housewives, even with a prominent eye surgeon, Dr. Richard Hammond. Jahre später würde Dr. Hammond in diesem Fall feststellen, aber damals war er nur ein Nachbar, der nichts Besonderes gesehen hätte. Aber Linda Wheeler war sicher, dass jemand etwas gesehen hätte.
Und das erste Haus, das ich an die Kante ging, war das Haus von Clyde Masters.
Zu Hause für Clyde und seinen 15-jährigen Sohn Tim, der wenige Freunde hatte, aber keine Geschichte von Problemen.
He was a very quiet kid, a very introverted kid.
Tim's mother had died four years earlier, when he was only 11 years old. Usually Tim cuts straight through the field to catch the school bus. But his father told police that on that morning he'd seen his son hesitate.
And had veered to the left as he was walking through the field and had stopped for a few moments. It became very obvious to me that his son must have seen the body.
Tims Footprints were in the field, but he hadn't reported a thing.
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Chapter 5: What was the public reaction to Tim Masters' case?
Und der Leiter des Packs war Jim Broderick.
The victim's gonna pass right there where he lives. Perfect opportunity under the cover of darkness to go out there and commit the crime.
And Broderick was about to find evidence that for him erased all doubt. Tim Masters killed Peggy Hetrick.
Every single notebook had some sort of horrific drawing in it.
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Sie denken, ich habe es gemacht. Nun, alles sieht so aus, Tim. Sie ist tot.
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Chapter 6: Why did the case against Tim Masters go cold?
Dragged her. und dann kam eine sexuelle Mutilation zu ihrem Körper.
Die Polizei war überrascht, als sie auf der Autopsie lernte, dass diese Mutilation auch zu einer weiblichen Zerstörung gehörte. All das war ein Teil des meisterlichen Planes, dachte Broderick.
Man konnte den Körper im Feld sehen, wenn man durch sein Fenster schaute. Ich glaube, er hat den Körper positioniert, damit man ihn aus seinem Wohnzimmer sehen konnte.
The knives police found lay on the dresser. One had a scalpel inside the handle. And there was another scalpel on a table nearby. But there was no trace of Peggy's blood on any of them. Nor did they find her blood on any of Tim's clothes or shoes. They even searched the drains. Nothing.
Im Gegenteil, es gab kein Verlust von Blut in den schmutzigen Schriftstücken in Masters High School Notebooks, die in seinem Raum, Backpack und Schule-Locker gefunden wurden. hat all kinds of graphic drawings and narratives about murders, violence against women. And we find a drawing where a body is being dragged from under the arms with blood dripping from the back.
Much as Peggy had been dragged, he thought, but as incriminating as the drawing seemed, the case was completely circumstantial. Weeks, then months passed, Mit keinem Arrest. Die Beweise consistierten im Grunde genommen an den Bildern und dem Fakt, dass er nicht das Körper berichtet hat? Genau. Was anderes? Nein. Keine Haare, Fibern, Fingerprinten, Blut, nichts?
Nein, es gab nie etwas, das ihn zu dem Bild verbunden hat.
Nichts überhaupt? Nicht ein bisschen Forensische Beweise, die ihn zu dem Bild verbunden hat?
Nein, es gab nichts.
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Chapter 7: How did the case against Tim Masters get reopened?
In diesem Bild haben wir eine Person, die eine andere Person unter ihren Armen aus dem Hintergrund drückt. Und wir haben auch Blut, das von der Person fließt.
Der andere Bild zeigt grafisch, was Dr. Molloy für Tim gemacht hat.
Ich dachte sofort, dass es ein Bild war, dass eine Vagina getrennt wurde. The knife appears to be like the one that was used in the crime.
Malloy concluded that this was a textbook sexual homicide. An outgrowth of Tim's fury at being abandoned at 11 when his mother died.
Timothy Masters is symbolically killing his mother. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Tim Masters was the killer.
Jim Broderick fühlte, dass er endlich seinen Mann hatte.
Ich fühlte mich wirklich gut.
Er führte nach Kalifornien, wo Tim arbeitete. Er wurde von der Armee verurteilt und ist jetzt 27 Jahre alt.
Ich bekam am Montagmorgen, als ich auf die Tür kam, einen Mann, der mit Schuhe und Kleidung auf der Tür war. Er sagte, Tim Masters, du bist verurteilt für den Tod von Peggy Hetrick. Das ist unglaublich. Unglaublich.
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