Tim Masters
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
He didn't do anything. I still remember to this day them planting the newspaper articles on my friend's truck in my driveway, but I didn't know they were watching me when they did it.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
So now everyone in the school thinks I'm a murderer. I only had one friend that stuck with me the whole time. I mean, I had lots of people come up to me and say, I don't think you did it. But they still weren't going to go to the prom with me.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Als ich in die Navy eingestiegen bin, dachte ich, das ist alles hinter mir. Ich war mit meiner Karriere unterwegs. Ich dachte, mein Leben geht gut. Ich habe gerade eine Promotion bekommen. Ich dachte, es sei vorbei.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
So when they were interrogating me, I told them how I knew what I knew.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
And one of them scouts just happened to sit at my table in art class, and one day she says that they had been looking for Peggy Hetrick's nipples.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
My peers seemed to approve of them. They liked those drawings. They would offer suggestions. So that encouraged me to draw even more. Das war alles. Aber Dr. Reed Molloy sah viel mehr. Er sagt, er hat Hunderten von Linken gefunden, aber zwei Schriften standen aus.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Ich bekam am Montagmorgen, als ich auf die Tür kam, einen Mann, der mit Schuhe und Kleidung auf der Tür war. Er sagte, Tim Masters, du bist verurteilt für den Tod von Peggy Hetrick. Das ist unglaublich. Unglaublich.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Meine Geschichten und Schriftstücke waren gruselig, gewaltig, aber niemand wurde in den Hintergrund geschlagen, niemand wurde sexuell ermordet.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Ich dachte nicht, dass ich ein Verbrechen verlieren würde. Ich dachte nicht, dass es möglich wäre, mich für etwas zu beurteilen, was ich nicht getan habe.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Es gibt keine Weihnachten im Gefängnis. Keine Geburtstage, kein Weihnachten.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Year after year, it was like a personal vendetta for him to come after me.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
I didn't think it was possible to be convicted for something I didn't do when there's not even any physical evidence.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Ich lag in meinem Gefängnis und es erstaunte mich immer noch, dass ich da war. Ich konnte es nicht glauben.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Für mich ist es noch nicht vorbei. Ich bin immer noch in orange. Ich bin immer noch in einem Gefängnis. Es wird vorbei sein, wenn ich aus der Tür gehe.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
It was a 15-year-old kid. But all morning long as I'm at school, I was thinking about it. Well, what if it was really a body?
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 1
Right away, they started saying, I know you did this. Just fess up to it. Sie fragen immer die selben Fragen.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
He definitely knew because he wrote a note to himself that he knew.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
The cut in the coat, the cut in the blouse, and the cut in her body do not line up. You have to move the blouse one inch to her left. You have to move the coat two inches to her left in order for that wound to line up. You have pulling on your coat and blouse. I stab you one time in the back. So she's killed in the car. Right. And the car then could be anywhere.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Where you have drag marks, you have no blood. Where you have blood, you have no drag marks.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
And on her jeans, you would see the marks that the grass makes and the dirt makes and the blood makes.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
You don't see those on her because her legs are not in contact with the ground when she goes through there.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
She is carried. Her heels are not in contact with the ground except for that run down the slope.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
The two individuals that carried her would have transferred their DNA onto her clothing as they carried her into the field.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
We're one month shy of 20 years, so are we still going to find the DNA? We don't know, but we're going to try.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
The doodles are the evidence. I never thought there was a chance in the world that they would convict me without evidence. But they did. It was just totally surreal. How could this happen? How could I end up in here for something I didn't even do?
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
What he's looking for is not the blood stains, not the saliva stains, not the semen stains. He's looking for skin cells that are transferred onto clothing when someone uses a lot of force.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Where would I grab somebody? One, to stab them. One, to carry them. One, to pull their pants and panties down, et cetera. And that's where we collected samples. We worked 10 days collecting samples from these clothing and looked at them with different lighting, infrared, UV, normal lighting, et cetera.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Geez, how do you describe that to someone who hasn't experienced it? It's just unbelievable.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
I didn't do this. I couldn't let him win that easy. I couldn't leave my family like that.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
To me, it's not over yet. I'm still dressed in orange. I'm still in a gel.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Every day, I'd work on it a couple hours a day. People would be walking past my cell on the way to chow, and there'd be papers and books spread all over my bed. But I didn't expect anything to come from it. But then Maria got appointed.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
I thank my family and my friends who stuck with me all these years. Without their support, I don't know if I could have made it through this.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Just imagine, well, I don't even know if you could imagine spending all that time up there in prison and finally being free after all these years. Well, I don't even know how to answer that question.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Surprised me the most? The price of everything. I was not ready for that. Do you avoid sort of thinking about what this cost you? No, not necessarily. How would you quantify it? What I've lost? Jeez. I mean, damn near 10 years of my life. I don't know how you put a price tag on that. I mean, what's 10 years of your life worth? Especially 27 to 36.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
HCZ. So my vision is actually to the point where I can legally drive? You can legally drive.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
It's pretty obvious who did this to me. It was one detective, Jim Roderick.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
I wouldn't talk to Jim Broderick at this point. There's not a whole lot of love between him and me, so it'd be best if we just didn't speak to each other. But what would you like to say to him? I'm not going to say on camera.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Little utility area right here. Home sweet home. No guards, no orders, no rules. For the last two years, I was in a six by eight cell, which was about from this wall to that wall and about to here.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
I always loved this place. I like the mountains, period. There's a part of me that doesn't even want to start rebuilding my life because I'm afraid of losing it again.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Right away, they started saying, I know you did this. She's dead. We thought the right thing to do was to cooperate with the police.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
February 11, 1987. I was walking through a field on the way to catch a school bus. I saw a body. I didn't believe it was real. I thought it was a mannequin and that someone was playing some kind of sick joke on me.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
Every time I'd come into court, we'd get a new piece of evidence. We just kept finding stuff that's hidden. Super secret file after super secret file.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
In 1987, Jim Broderick knows in his own mind that Tim Masters committed this homicide.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
We're in open court, and Dave Wymore is talking to Eric Fisher, one of Tim's original defense attorneys.
48 Hours
The Peggy Hettrick Case - Part 2
One at the curb and after making several turns 30 feet in, there's the Tom McCann again next to the blood trail in blood.