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How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?

Wed, 19 Feb 2025


Trump thinks he is who gets to say what is legal and illegal, and Elon Musk continues his pathetic rampage in the federal government. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here:


Chapter 1: What executive orders has Trump signed recently?

4.858 - 11.985 Speaker B

Donald Trump has signed an executive order that officially makes him a king. Watch this video.


13.166 - 19.548 Narrator

Lastly, we have another executive order that President Trump signed relating to independent agencies.


20.088 - 41.896 Narrator

This executive order would establish important oversight functions in the Office of Management and Budget and its subsidiary office, OIRA, supervising independent agencies and many of their actions, and also reestablishes the longstanding norm that only the president or the attorney general can speak for the United States when stating an opinion as to what the law is.


44.813 - 71.196 Speaker B

Okay, first of all, it is Congress's job to make the law. It is the judiciary's job to enforce the law. And what he is saying is, I'm taking from the Congress, I'm taking from the judiciary, and I am now the law. This cannot stand. And I'm hopeful, like there's just a spark of hope for me that the Supreme Court


Chapter 2: Is the Supreme Court supporting Trump's legal actions?

72.173 - 91.233 Speaker B

will not allow this to continue that there has been some awakening on that court the the total immunity that they have handed him has made him think he is a king i'm hopeful a little bit optimistic but i mean this is jaw-dropping even in the trump administration


92.842 - 115.549 Speaker A

number one i don't share your optimism about the supreme court sadly um i feel like we're in a situation where i'm starting to question how many people are compromised how deep is this collusion that uh begins in moscow and ends in washington how deep is it because the supreme court uh single-handedly when they did the immunity case it lit a fire in the trump campaign and uh the


116.764 - 143.734 Speaker A

musk the supreme court and vladimir putin were bound and determined to get that man reelected get him out of prison and to slow play uh all of his criminal cases so he could have been tried the uh jack smith cases could have gone forward the supreme court did that supreme court slow played though so i have zero and i mean zero faith in the supreme court um secondly this is kind of petty why


144.634 - 173.345 Speaker A

does trump have a translator on every single executive order he signs when everybody in the room is trafficking in the english as their first language it goes from the oval office to there your big boy get your big boy pants on say what your executive order is say it with your own mouse buck stops with you big guy why do you have some dipshit weirdo crusty white guy following you around translating everything you're doing that's just it looks so weak but that's just a personal


174.065 - 178.71 Speaker A

petty grievance of mine that I can cling on to because the Supreme court shit is so overwhelming to me.

178.73 - 185.659 Speaker B

I agree. So next we have, okay. So remind everybody, but I want to say pumps.

186.52 - 190.044 Speaker A

I hope, I hope that your optimism is right. I really do.

190.882 - 217.294 Speaker B

Well, here's the deal. I know that Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Neil Gorshus, they're in the tank. There's no question. But I'm putting all my faith in the handmaid and Chief Justice Roberts. So, I mean, the bar is very low. I mean, but that's what we've got. So moving on to after we saw the absolute debacle, speaking of a translator, Elon Musk did all the talking for Trump on the Fox interview.

Chapter 3: Why is Elon Musk a controversial figure in politics?

217.755 - 241.61 Speaker B

It was embarrassing for the United States. It was embarrassing for Fox News. But this is what Steve Bannon, who is the rah-rah leader of Musk, and I just want to say, I think Steve Bannon is despicable, but I have a sliver of hope that MAGA listens to Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast. And I also just want to comment for the permanent record that Steve Bannon just pleaded guilty to fraud.


241.75 - 269.224 Speaker B

And now this is what he's saying about Elon Musk. Steve Bannon on Elon Musk. Musk is a parasite, illegal immigrant. He wants to impose his freak experiments and play act as God without any respect for the country's history, values, or traditions. So there you have it. Like one convicted felon supporting another convicted felon doesn't like Trump's new boyfriend.


271.105 - 303.406 Speaker A

Elon Musk is parasitic. There's no question about it. He's received $20 billion worth of government subsidies. The MAGA movement, when you think about this, is pro-South African immigrant. running the country and colluding with Russian Vladimir Putin. And to all of the MAGA people out there and the MAGA people in our lives, you have agency over how you consume news and vetting your news.


303.966 - 334.232 Speaker A

And if all you do is go down this crazy-ass pro-Putin propaganda, I'm certain with everything in me that all roads are leading to a Musk and Putin collusion. Steve Bannon, bizarrely, we find ourselves strange bedfellows with. But I think some of this is jealousy. But as crazy as I think Steve Bannon is, he's not a dumbass. And he's crazy dumb, but he's actually kind of bright.


Chapter 4: What are Steve Bannon's views on Elon Musk?

334.712 - 360.439 Speaker A

And he sees what Musk is doing. And that's why Musk and Trump are moving so rapidly and disorienting. And part of that flood the zone is Steve Bannon's playbook. And Steve Bannon is the one that said, yeah, we flood the zone. We flood the zone. Steve Bannon has been replaced by somebody far more nefarious and far more dangerous than he is. And he's been replaced by Elon Musk.


361.212 - 389.29 Speaker B

Yes. And far more powerful than Steve Bannon, because I think you made such a great point when you said the Gulf of America, Canada being the 51st state, all of that is a smokescreen and a distraction to the fact that United States of America is becoming allies with Putin over our NATO allies. Like that's the big takeaway. But Back to Elon Musk being parasitic.


Chapter 5: How is the relationship between Elon Musk and Trump depicted?

389.751 - 411.002 Speaker B

So he's been talking with zero transparency or accountability about how much money he is saving the federal government. And let me just show you what he put out yesterday for the first time. He says, I have saved $8 billion. Well, guess what? It's $8 million. He's lying.


411.863 - 435.224 Speaker B

But he is so used to everybody buying his bullshit and the MAGA supporters just, oh, yeah, Elon's saving just $8 billion with zero facts. Facts are just inconsequential to MAGA. That he, $8 million. Here's the deal, Jennifer. I bet you and I could go in to the U.S. budget, and we could cut out $8 million. I mean, pretty quick.


435.284 - 446.65 Speaker B

I don't think that's a lot of money when you're talking trillions of dollars. Like, that's not hard. So he is running around lying, and he's spent all this time destroying agencies for $8 million.


Chapter 6: What financial claims has Elon Musk made?

449.413 - 472.633 Speaker A

First and foremost, it is a myth and a bold-faced lie that they are looking for corruption and that they are looking for fat. They're not looking for that. They have come in. They are consolidating all the information. We've got somebody named Big Balls. big balls running the State Department because as we all know, Marco Rubio sure as hell isn't.


472.653 - 497.474 Speaker A

And you have these crackhead kids that Elon Musk has assembled that are getting all of our information. And what they are doing is they are shutting down Any government interference, oversight, fiduciary duty over Elon Musk and any of his companies. This entire doge is personally for Elon Musk to consolidate power for him because he knows he has a problem with the Constitution.


498.055 - 510.563 Speaker A

He knows that he can't be president. So he bought the presidency and he owns the president. And now he owns the United States government. And the fact that this isn't like...


511.59 - 540.049 Speaker A

top news thing i saw hakeem jeffrey sent out a tweet the leader of congress talking about the law that somebody is um trying to sign in making like president donald trump day or some some that nobody gives a about except for the fleabag maggot cultists i'm like hakeem No, nobody cares, nobody cares about that. Call out Musk, call him a dick, call him a parasite.


540.229 - 552.356 Speaker A

When Steve Bannon is doing a better job criticizing Elon Musk than not all Democrats, but a lot of the Democrats, we have a very large problem.

553.072 - 572.801 Speaker B

No, I completely agree. I have been really disappointed with Hakeem Jeffries, who I really respect, and Chuck Schumer for that matter. It's just been milk, toast, city for our two Democratic leaders. But speaking of why does Donald Trump have an interpreter? I found this clip. And I mean, like, now I know. Okay.

573.542 - 583.932 Speaker B

And the Canadians, the nicest people on planet Earth have shown us how to troll masterfully. And so we have Justin Trudeau.

584.873 - 607.278 Justin Trudeau

versus donald trump normal computers work either there's power going through a wire or not it's one or a zero they're binary systems what quantum states allow for is much more complex information to be encoded into a single bit regular computer bit is either a one or zero on or off a quantum state can be much more complex than that because as we know

607.799 - 623.129 Justin Trudeau

things can be both particle and wave at the same times, and the uncertainty around quantum states allows us to encode more information into a much smaller computer. So that's what's exciting about quantum computing, and that's what we're doing.


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