Speaker B
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
I agree. So next we have, okay. So remind everybody, but I want to say pumps.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Well, here's the deal. I know that Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Neil Gorshus, they're in the tank. There's no question. But I'm putting all my faith in the handmaid and Chief Justice Roberts. So, I mean, the bar is very low. I mean, but that's what we've got. So moving on to after we saw the absolute debacle, speaking of a translator, Elon Musk did all the talking for Trump on the Fox interview.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
It was embarrassing for the United States. It was embarrassing for Fox News. But this is what Steve Bannon, who is the rah-rah leader of Musk, and I just want to say, I think Steve Bannon is despicable, but I have a sliver of hope that MAGA listens to Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast. And I also just want to comment for the permanent record that Steve Bannon just pleaded guilty to fraud.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
And now this is what he's saying about Elon Musk. Steve Bannon on Elon Musk. Musk is a parasite, illegal immigrant. He wants to impose his freak experiments and play act as God without any respect for the country's history, values, or traditions. So there you have it. Like one convicted felon supporting another convicted felon doesn't like Trump's new boyfriend.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Yes. And far more powerful than Steve Bannon, because I think you made such a great point when you said the Gulf of America, Canada being the 51st state, all of that is a smokescreen and a distraction to the fact that United States of America is becoming allies with Putin over our NATO allies. Like that's the big takeaway. But Back to Elon Musk being parasitic.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
So he's been talking with zero transparency or accountability about how much money he is saving the federal government. And let me just show you what he put out yesterday for the first time. He says, I have saved $8 billion. Well, guess what? It's $8 million. He's lying.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Donald Trump has signed an executive order that officially makes him a king. Watch this video.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
But he is so used to everybody buying his bullshit and the MAGA supporters just, oh, yeah, Elon's saving just $8 billion with zero facts. Facts are just inconsequential to MAGA. That he, $8 million. Here's the deal, Jennifer. I bet you and I could go in to the U.S. budget, and we could cut out $8 million. I mean, pretty quick.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
I don't think that's a lot of money when you're talking trillions of dollars. Like, that's not hard. So he is running around lying, and he's spent all this time destroying agencies for $8 million.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Okay, first of all, it is Congress's job to make the law. It is the judiciary's job to enforce the law. And what he is saying is, I'm taking from the Congress, I'm taking from the judiciary, and I am now the law. This cannot stand. And I'm hopeful, like there's just a spark of hope for me that the Supreme Court
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
No, I completely agree. I have been really disappointed with Hakeem Jeffries, who I really respect, and Chuck Schumer for that matter. It's just been milk, toast, city for our two Democratic leaders. But speaking of why does Donald Trump have an interpreter? I found this clip. And I mean, like, now I know. Okay.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
And the Canadians, the nicest people on planet Earth have shown us how to troll masterfully. And so we have Justin Trudeau.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Canada posted that? Well, I mean, not the state, but some Canadians. I mean, I don't think the country of Canada posted it, but I mean.
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
will not allow this to continue that there has been some awakening on that court the the total immunity that they have handed him has made him think he is a king i'm hopeful a little bit optimistic but i mean this is jaw-dropping even in the trump administration
How Far Will MAGA Bend For Orange Skinned Old Man?
Yeah. I mean, the Russian playbook and obviously Trump is not smart enough to execute all of this, but he's in bed with people that are. So that's our happy spot for today. Stick with us.