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When Was That Again?

Mon, 24 Feb 2025


When is this? Where am I? Who's asking me all these trivia questions? Why is that man putting a condom on a bullet? And why is that other man... BALD?! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Chapter 1: What is the main theme of this episode?

0.189 - 25.838 Narrator

Good evening, gentle listener, and welcome to Distractible. This episode, Burly Bob loves cutlery cannons, Mane's prop hunt, and Tester Jen's tactical recall rate. Sticky Munitions Mark has misfired love bullets, advises cocaine, and knows the history of tubes. Wipable Wade hasn't touched his balls in over a decade, and diverts from nuclear Armageddon.


26.718 - 44.038 Narrator

From re-lubing bullet condoms to replicant replacement. Yes! It's time for When Was That Again? Now sit back and prepare to be distracted and enjoy the show.


45.049 - 68.036 Bob

Hello and welcome back for another episode of Your Uncle's Third Favorite Podcast. He's got weird... I don't like that guy. I don't care if we're third on his list. I'm just using it as an identifier. He sucks. We're awesome. This is distractible. I am your host. My name is Bob. I'm the host because I won the last episode, which I earned by existing.


68.556 - 91.183 Bob

The real winner in the last episode was Shortman Everywhere. Tom and shoes. Tom and Not sponsored or affiliated. Don't know anything about that company. It is a real website. Don't look into it. I've never seen the show before. It's a show where I host because I won and two people, Mark and Wade compete to win today's episode and they host the next one. And I give out points.


91.843 - 107.611 Bob

which I write down in my special, special notebook. And the points don't really mean anything. And also they're kind of just made up on the fly. But also if I don't keep track of them, I get in big, big trouble. How's it going, fellas? Happy, happy recording day. How are you?

107.651 - 123.743 Mark

It's going great. I've gone crazy. Oh, we knew it was only a matter of time. No. No, no, not at all, actually. Not at all, actually. But I cleaned some of the bullets. Wow.

Chapter 2: Why is Mark cleaning bullets?

Chapter 3: How did Bob become the host?

91.843 - 107.611 Bob

which I write down in my special, special notebook. And the points don't really mean anything. And also they're kind of just made up on the fly. But also if I don't keep track of them, I get in big, big trouble. How's it going, fellas? Happy, happy recording day. How are you?


107.651 - 123.743 Mark

It's going great. I've gone crazy. Oh, we knew it was only a matter of time. No. No, no, not at all, actually. Not at all, actually. But I cleaned some of the bullets. Wow.


124.324 - 142.86 Bob

Did you get the goop off successfully? I did. And guess what? It got three shots off in a row before it jammed. So now it only jams everything. Well, now you can defend yourself three times from a squirrel. 300% 200% improvement, Mark. That's a huge improvement.


142.88 - 162.364 Mark

Whatever the percentage is. Yeah. So what I did was they have this like cleaner that I was like, it probably worked for that. So I put them in like a Tupperware thing with some paper towels at the bottom. And then I sprayed it down, which I was like, this is probably fine for bullets to be wet and sprayed with this.


163.044 - 189.934 Mark

chemical cleaner yeah sure sure probably fine anyway and then i went in the in the thing as it was shaking against the paper towels and i halfway through i was like this is dangerous no no what you should do is put them in the washing machine oh you're totally right what was i thinking that would be so much easier bullets love tide pods yeah anyway i wasn't like i i wasn't like a martini mixer you know just up by my ear yeah

192.035 - 218.245 Mark

You know, I wasn't doing that with a whole bunch of those, but I was trying to gently just like make them rub. And then I bought some microfibers and I put them all there. And every single one of those was covered in green, like just coated in this weird stuff. Like just this sticky, gluey mess. But after a few rounds of like procedurally going to different bins, I've managed to clean them.

218.585 - 229.629 Mark

I'm not sure if it was like worth the effort and time it took to do, but I felt like I dug this hole for myself. So I have to climb out of it myself. And you know what? It basically helped.

230.149 - 250.022 Bob

I'm waiting for Gilbert Gottfried, like you fall to happen where like you actually need a coating on the bullets because otherwise it causes some kind of horrible friction that damages the barrel. I lubed them. Oh, you re-lubed them? I re-lubed them. I forgot to tell you about that. The last Tupperware, instead of cleaner, I put lube. Gun lube.

250.182 - 259.11 Bob

So in a few weeks, they're all going to be sticky again. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, you got two weeks to fire them before the lube expires, then you got to redo it. Yeah, you're right.

Chapter 4: What happened during the Super Bowl?

311.542 - 315.227 Mark

That's impressive. Consecutively, with no problemo.


315.287 - 320.481 Bob

I don't know what the world record is, but... Look out.


320.741 - 329.105 Mark

Yeah, you better watch that. At this exponential growth, like if I get nine shots off in a row next time, I'll get 18 the next one, whatever the next 36.


329.285 - 334.448 Bob

In six months, you're going to transcend your physical form. You're right. He's right.


334.948 - 339.11 Mark

Or shoot a lot of rounds or something. Yeah. Oh, I mean, I have 10,000 of them.

339.83 - 359.367 Bob

I think you should have just gone back to like the World War I or the Civil War muskets where you get your little bullets, you put some powder, you put your bullet, you shove it, you light, then you go through the process again. That way you would never have a jam. It's like making the weirdest espresso ever. It's very procedural.

360.147 - 378.036 Mark

Yeah, my dad, I think I mentioned he built muzzleloaders. So as a kid, I fired a lot of those specifically. So, you know, yeah, all those instincts don't translate to much else. I don't even think there were sights on them because they're very long. They're incredibly long. At least maybe it was kid brain, but I think they're really long.

378.456 - 385.94 Mark

And top, there's not even a sight because it's kind of one of those things you just like hope you're in the vague direction of your target. And then boom! And it goes...

386.8 - 401.373 Bob

I mean, if it was an old school muscle loader and you're shooting, you know, little balls and you're not even shooting, the sight wouldn't mean very much. Generally aiming it towards whatever you're aiming towards is good enough because it kind of just, once it gets out of the barrel, the whole thing just goes.

Chapter 5: When was the Nintendo NES released?

1048.34 - 1056.442 Bob

I wish. A2. That's such a higher letter. I know. Why would I go for D2 when A2 exists?


1056.983 - 1063.364 Mark

Right? That's what I'm saying. I have no idea if it's actually better. But... Huh? Yeah? Yeah!


1066.406 - 1092.498 Bob

Anyway, that's all I got. I'm looking at a list here and I don't see A2 even listed. Knife steel popularity index. We have the CPM-S35VN is the most popular followed by D2. I don't know if popularity is what you really want. The most popular knife is the mass produced Gerber, whatever blade that they sell at every hardware store in the face of the planet. Most popular doesn't mean most goodest.


1093.099 - 1094.12 Mark

Yeah, exactly.


1094.16 - 1115.364 Bob

If anything, you want one of the sort of least popular because that's probably mean it's cool. That's why I got the knife. I did. It was cheap. Anyway, I have a topic for today's episode. I'm pretty excited about it, but also it involves me doing a lot of readings. I'm a little concerned about that. So if I say anything incorrect, don't judge me. I just really need your guys' help.

1115.684 - 1120.59 Bob

It's going to be kind of, what's that show? Bob Barker? What's that show? It's kind of Price is Right rules going on here.

1121.231 - 1121.932 Wade

When was that again?

1122.782 - 1143.382 Bob

That's the name of the episode. I have a list of things that have happened. Pop culture, inventions, whatever. Stuff that's happened in the 20th and 21st centuries. Stuff we generally should be aware of as people, probably. It's not like a quiz to see how crazy the things are. I just need to know when that happened. Specifically, in which year that happened.

1143.462 - 1160.769 Bob

So we have a 1 in 25 chance for each of these, right? Or did you say 20th century as well? 20th and 21st century. Ah, my selective hearing only heard 21st. Excellent. I've got a good shot. Oh, wait. If you only guess within the 21st century, that'll probably help Mark a lot.

Chapter 6: When was Lego patented?

1630.043 - 1638.287 Mark

It probably was like a broken byproduct of some spring for a tank or something. And they were like, oh, this piece of shit. What do you think this is? Throw it.


1639.929 - 1656.303 Bob

The kids were done working in the warehouse. They're like, all I've got is this busted spring. I was trying to invent a mine that sprung up out of the ground once it was triggered, but it's so floppy. Looks like it'd fall all the way down the whole stairs. Wait a minute.


1660.706 - 1685.309 Mark

sight unseen i just slammed that video public didn't even check it might be the raw recording for all i know if it is honestly it'll probably go more viral than if it's an edited video so no worries either way his vocal warm-up was like i hate my subscribers i hate my subscribers i hate my subscribers i've done that before where i upload a raw recording and people in the comments are being like hey this is a odd uh wide version of it and i can't really hear your voice but great video


1705.482 - 1705.622 Wade


1706.182 - 1725.347 Bob

no well that's the date that was recorded it's not really it's not i think i use the same system that you use mark because i learned what's the lore 250102 the headliners what do those numbers mean have you guys seen the inspiration section on youtube of your youtube studio Of the what is that?

1725.587 - 1752.205 Mark

There's a new, I haven't seen this before, but it's the inspiration section that just appeared and it'll, I'm assuming using AI, generate video ideas for you. My ideas are Escape Room Backrooms Edition, Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Easter Eggs, My Top 5 Scariest Video Game Moments, The Real Life Story Behind Endo Parasitic 2, and it's top recommended, A Day in the Life of a Fire Evacuee.

1757.614 - 1784.14 Bob

wait where the fuck where'd you see that so go under content under under when you're looking at your studio go under content it's one of the tabs there i've got anamorphic through fast food i goo golf sub terror kletka escape room edition human fall flat the headliners hike it's time to try starting with terror Oh no, apparently only one thing is successful on my channel.

1784.58 - 1815.245 Bob

My ideas are Ultimate Prop Hunt, the best of the best. The history of Prop Hunt, a deep dive. The science of Prop Hunt, why it works. Prop Hunt, the ultimate guide to winning. And Prop Hunt. I was mistaken. I goo? Question mark is supposed to be I go. Because the thumbnail says the I go challenge. Ah. Where when I play golf, I go. I really like the AI generated thumbnails.

Chapter 7: How did YouTube start?

1884.907 - 1913.28 Bob

morphed and hungry fast food simulator there's a picture of like a wolf diving through the air with a cheeseburger if you actually click on each of the ideas it'll show you thumbnails sure sure sure anyway bob did we get the year right or whatever's happening oh yeah sorry slinky 1943 wade was correct that's the last one we did right yes and then i had to get my video public and we're all good now we got a little distracted there


1919.009 - 1940.835 Bob

you guys should all go watch distractible i remember to plug it this time yeah we gotta make sure we include this hey if you're not watching distractible you don't know where or what you are right now true words have never been said all right mark you love space i don't like this this is the same setup as last episode I almost just read the year out loud, so I almost just got a freebie.


1940.975 - 1948.338 Bob

Finish this horror story, Mark. What year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission?


1951 - 1964.365 Mark

It's okay. I'll make it up. Circle of life. And it moves around.


1969.904 - 1969.884 Narrator


1969.924 - 1971.045 Mark


1971.065 - 1975.73 Wade

That is the year I had also had mine.

1981.54 - 2005.863 Bob

all right yeah see you just gotta summon your ancestors and speak to them in the clouds you're like lion king 1990 and what was that 1992 93 then we go back to 1969 all right yeah mark was just goofing around yeah i goof that is the correct year right that's on yeah that's on the dot that's correct one of these days i'll get one i actually know whenever it's my turn

2006.815 - 2009.556 Bob

Oh, he's starting the unfair thing. He's going to go to the subreddit soon.

Chapter 8: How does AI impact content creation?

2567.182 - 2571.923 Bob

I didn't see the movie Social Network either. It's worth watching. It's a pretty good, it's an okay movie. It's pretty good.


2572.004 - 2573.724 Mark

I heard it's very good. I heard it's very good.


2574.064 - 2592.05 Bob

The Dusseldorf twins are really hot. The who? What are those guys called? The Rowe, the Harvard, the Brumblebacks. Oh, Brumbleback Mountain. Nah, that's different. These are the twins, the googly eye twins. I can't remember their actual name. Hans and Franz. Yeah, they were here to pump us up. That's right.


2593.19 - 2614.924 Mark

So, I don't know how old he is, who Mark Zuckerberg is. The Zuck? He's older than us, but not much older. Don't worry like that, man. Not much older, so he was probably in a dorm yorking it around 20-ought-two.


2614.944 - 2617.165 Bob

Wait till you get a chance to steal this one.

2617.426 - 2617.846 Mark


2618.246 - 2633.434 Bob

So I think it was like 2005 that I wanted to make a Facebook account because I think originally we had to be in college. Yeah, you'd have like a email address. But like in high school, we were like, we just pretend to go to college and we get in right away. That's so cool.

2633.794 - 2642.739 Bob

That was like sophomore or junior year of high school, which means that it was around before that used by college, which means it was invented even before that. He's using logic.

2643.499 - 2677.625 Bob

so like the obvious thing for me to do would be say 2003 because it's like i just cut mark off by one but i think i'm gonna be stupid and say 2001 because that's the year my brain tells me it was made okay so you sound sad about is that your official guess yes and mark gets the point it was 2004 oh You talked yourself out of that one for sure. I know. Wow. I was like, okay, maybe it was invented.


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