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When Was That Again?


heirloom i told you passed down from generations it's yours now and you'll pass it on to those who come after you i hope that thing is no longer in the family i'm gonna get like an fbi array like we have one of those grinders you hope the heirloom has been removed from your family that's not right that's messed up it was passed down from one generation of drug addicts to the next


When Was That Again?


I wish. A2. That's such a higher letter. I know. Why would I go for D2 when A2 exists?


When Was That Again?


Anyway, that's all I got. I'm looking at a list here and I don't see A2 even listed. Knife steel popularity index. We have the CPM-S35VN is the most popular followed by D2. I don't know if popularity is what you really want. The most popular knife is the mass produced Gerber, whatever blade that they sell at every hardware store in the face of the planet. Most popular doesn't mean most goodest.


When Was That Again?


If anything, you want one of the sort of least popular because that's probably mean it's cool. That's why I got the knife. I did. It was cheap. Anyway, I have a topic for today's episode. I'm pretty excited about it, but also it involves me doing a lot of readings. I'm a little concerned about that. So if I say anything incorrect, don't judge me. I just really need your guys' help.


When Was That Again?


It's going to be kind of, what's that show? Bob Barker? What's that show? It's kind of Price is Right rules going on here.


When Was That Again?


That's the name of the episode. I have a list of things that have happened. Pop culture, inventions, whatever. Stuff that's happened in the 20th and 21st centuries. Stuff we generally should be aware of as people, probably. It's not like a quiz to see how crazy the things are. I just need to know when that happened. Specifically, in which year that happened.


When Was That Again?


So we have a 1 in 25 chance for each of these, right? Or did you say 20th century as well? 20th and 21st century. Ah, my selective hearing only heard 21st. Excellent. I've got a good shot. Oh, wait. If you only guess within the 21st century, that'll probably help Mark a lot.


When Was That Again?


probably well it's like me trying to stay in russia whenever we were playing that other game that's true i don't know how many times i told you it was all in the u.s yep put me in guam oh that was funny i love that short yeah but anyway just just tell me the year honestly it's just whoever's closest i don't care you can go over under it that's not actually price is right rule so i don't give a shit


When Was That Again?


We'll start with one that we probably all three maybe know, maybe. And Mark's going to go first as his reward for having to do the one man show. So it'll be alternating who gets first crack. So there's no buzzing or any of that shit. I'm ready. The Nintendo NES system. Oh, the Nintendo Entertainment System. The NES launches in North America, revitalizing and innovating the video game industry.


When Was That Again?


That's an interesting guess. That's not exactly correct, no. All right, okay, all right. Okay, so my instinct here was to say 1986 before you said anything, but now I feel like I'm giving you the, like, you one-upped me if it came later, but I guess I'd be one-upping you if it came earlier.


When Was That Again?


Did you get the goop off successfully? I did. And guess what? It got three shots off in a row before it jammed. So now it only jams everything. Well, now you can defend yourself three times from a squirrel. 300% 200% improvement, Mark. That's a huge improvement.


When Was That Again?


oh is this price of rights rule did i miss something about that no no i said it's not it's it's closest to the closest to the number there's no over and under you're good you're good but my gut instinct was to say 1986 before you answered and you said 87 i was like you can take it you can take it i don't know if i feel like maybe it's more recent than 86 but i don't i don't know i was not a nintendo guy i was a i was a sega i was a dapper dan man fuck it i'll say 86


When Was That Again?


Man, I really thought you were going to steal it away from your own self. It was 1985. Wade wins the point. Oh, hey! There he is. You tried really hard to give that point to Mark. I respect it. I really thought it was actually 86 or 87. Like, I thought Mark, I was like, I think Mark might actually have the exact year.


When Was That Again?


And that was specifically released in North America because it came out before that. Wasn't that before TVs even? Ha ha ha. all right when you're next what year was lego patented oh oh oh legos lego lego my ego uh you know first legos came out oh man they were to distract kids from the nuclear bombs so 1944


When Was That Again?


It was just in case we had nuclear war. That's not exactly correct. I'm only going to give you the first answer, the point, if they immediately get it dead on the nose. So what's your guess, Mark? Repeat the question. What year was Lego patented?


When Was That Again?


But plastic wasn't made until they started pulling oil out of the ground. So it was probably part of the Industrial Revolution. I'm going to say 1924. It was 1958. Shit. Ah, it was the Cold War nuclear fear, not the World War II nuclear fear. Of course. Oh, I forgot about the nukes. Was that part of the clue, or was that part of your answer? I can't remember who said the nukes.


When Was That Again?


That was just shit that Wade said. That wasn't a thing. Oh, okay. God, I forgot about the nukes. I forgot about the nukes. God, how could I forget about the nukes? All right, we all know this one. We all know this one. But I don't know if we know know this one. What year did the platform YouTube launch on the internet? We all spend a lot of time on this website.


When Was That Again?


Mark gets to put right off the bat. I will also guess 2005. Yeah, and it started as a dating site. I always forget that, but that is actually true, isn't it? YouTube? MeTube? What? Yeah. YouTube. WeTube. Sex?


When Was That Again?


It was like a video dating site, right? But then they realized that the platform they had for video playing on the internet was... Which is crazy. I mean, I haven't checked the dating apps lately, but are there videos on those things? Why wouldn't there be? I can think of a few reasons why I wouldn't want to see them.


When Was That Again?


I mean, there'd have to be like rules about that and stuff, but... The same rules as the pictures, but it's like, why wouldn't there be... Honestly, probably because you have to actually show yourself talking in a not an opposed and potentially photoshopped picture. Hello, future potential spouse. My name is Richard. And this is Dick. Okay.


When Was That Again?


Is that music or the sound of your dick hitting the fan in front of you on the floor? They happen simultaneously. In time with the music, this fan is going to show you how much my dick can take.


When Was That Again?


YouTube. That's the invention of YouTube. There you go. All right, Wade. That was very high tech, which is not really your speed. I'm going to give you a low tech. Thanks, man. But it's a fun toy. It's fun. I think you love these probably. What year was the Slinky invented? Providing endless entertainment for children around the world.


When Was That Again?


Well, I'm going to give a little bit of a spoiler here, which will help my opponent. But I know the Slinky came out before Ace Ventura 2 because he had it going down the stairs.


When Was That Again?


Which means it was pre-2000. That's correct. You are dead on there. So I've got a 1 in 100 chance of just nailing this. The Slinky really feels like an invention straight out of 1936.


When Was That Again?


Well, I know I'm fond of this year. I've said it before. 1987.


When Was That Again?


man the simulation really heard what you said and wanted to make sure you got the message back yeah i really wanted random chance it said you're gonna have the same number twice in a row baby wonder what the odds are of that you can't lose twice yep that's wrong actually you can lose twice it was invented in 1943 the slinky was invented to distract the kids from the nukes clearly damn it


When Was That Again?


I always get my slinkies and Legos confused. No, wait, you're right, though. You are right. Yeah, wait, you get the point. You were closer. It just felt like a boring old people toy. So it had to be before everyone had teeth.


When Was That Again?


The kids were done working in the warehouse. They're like, all I've got is this busted spring. I was trying to invent a mine that sprung up out of the ground once it was triggered, but it's so floppy. Looks like it'd fall all the way down the whole stairs. Wait a minute.


When Was That Again?


no well that's the date that was recorded it's not really it's not i think i use the same system that you use mark because i learned what's the lore 250102 the headliners what do those numbers mean have you guys seen the inspiration section on youtube of your youtube studio Of the what is that?


When Was That Again?


wait where the fuck where'd you see that so go under content under under when you're looking at your studio go under content it's one of the tabs there i've got anamorphic through fast food i goo golf sub terror kletka escape room edition human fall flat the headliners hike it's time to try starting with terror Oh no, apparently only one thing is successful on my channel.


When Was That Again?


My ideas are Ultimate Prop Hunt, the best of the best. The history of Prop Hunt, a deep dive. The science of Prop Hunt, why it works. Prop Hunt, the ultimate guide to winning. And Prop Hunt. I was mistaken. I goo? Question mark is supposed to be I go. Because the thumbnail says the I go challenge. Ah. Where when I play golf, I go. I really like the AI generated thumbnails.


When Was That Again?


They have words in them and they're really close. But also they're still AI generated words. My fast food simulator that has Animorphs in the tile, the image is just like a demon goblin with a crown. And it just says fast food simulator on top of it. By the way, for the listeners who are currently having a conniption, nothing is being shown. Yeah, we're not showing this. This is our private ideas.


When Was That Again?


You guys can't have them. Yeah, you can't see. This actually gives you a whole outline of a video? What the even shit is this?


When Was That Again?


I want to make a channel that is just me taking these exact ideas and thumbnails and just reading them out and putting it and see how AI does. We got to do our best to recreate each of these ideas to a T. I think this might be the future. If Quibble Cop taught us anything, it's that everyone wants creators to be more AI driven. Yes! Yes! Oh, here's my Animorph fast food titles.


When Was That Again?


Fast Food Simulator Animorph Edition. I'm a Big Mac now.


When Was That Again?


morphed and hungry fast food simulator there's a picture of like a wolf diving through the air with a cheeseburger if you actually click on each of the ideas it'll show you thumbnails sure sure sure anyway bob did we get the year right or whatever's happening oh yeah sorry slinky 1943 wade was correct that's the last one we did right yes and then i had to get my video public and we're all good now we got a little distracted there


When Was That Again?


you guys should all go watch distractible i remember to plug it this time yeah we gotta make sure we include this hey if you're not watching distractible you don't know where or what you are right now true words have never been said all right mark you love space i don't like this this is the same setup as last episode I almost just read the year out loud, so I almost just got a freebie.


When Was That Again?


Finish this horror story, Mark. What year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission?


When Was That Again?


all right yeah see you just gotta summon your ancestors and speak to them in the clouds you're like lion king 1990 and what was that 1992 93 then we go back to 1969 all right yeah mark was just goofing around yeah i goof that is the correct year right that's on yeah that's on the dot that's correct one of these days i'll get one i actually know whenever it's my turn


When Was That Again?


Oh, he's starting the unfair thing. He's going to go to the subreddit soon.


When Was That Again?


I don't think it's unfair. It's just unfortunate. All right, wait, I'll do a really modern one for you. Oh, that's the worst. How is that the worst? I don't know, but I just feel like it would be, you know, stuff, you know, modern things. All right. All right. Hit me. Hit me. All right, buddy.


When Was That Again?


what year did despacito become the most watched youtube video of all time youtube again our job our livelihoods center around this platform we know we know these sorts of things okay so it's whenever it became the most watched video of all time not what it necessarily came out i even gave you a hint this is a modern era happening I understand. Alexa, play Despacito.


When Was That Again?


That was such a big thing, and it was just a little while ago. It became the most watched video in the year of our Lord 2021. All right. That is not exactly correct. Mark, it's a chance to steal.


When Was That Again?


I think it was. Honestly, I sort of thought that it still was.


When Was That Again?


Mark gets the point. It was 2017. Oh, fuck. I thought too much about it becoming the most popular rather than just... How many views does it have? Apparently, the current most watched YouTube video is the Baby Shark dance by Big Fong with 14 billion. But Despacito was overtaken by Baby Shark in 2020. And it currently sits at about 8.5 billion views or something like that. How does Despacito go?


When Was That Again?


How does it start?


When Was That Again?


i don't know any of the words i just know the despacito part that's tragic alexa play despacito


When Was That Again?


I got no shot with Spanish. Anyway, I tried to cheat for you, Wade. Hey, you know, I took a shot. I'll give you one I think you could steal really well. What year was the Tickle Me Elmo released for the holiday season causing shopping frenzies?


When Was That Again?


You're right, it does. It really tightens that down. None to be found until December 26th when there'll be millions around of Tickle Me Elmo. What are you doing? The song, Tickle Me Elmo. That can't be it. That cannot be it. No, you can't say that. You can't say that like we all know this. What is that song from? That Weird Al? Let me look it up. Tickle Me Elmo song.


When Was That Again?


Are we waiting for him to look it up? I think it's a Weird Al song, yeah. He's looking up the year of Tickle Me Elmo. I am not looking up the year of Tickle Me Elmo. He's cheating. He's cheating. He's cheating. I will close the tab. I was just looking up Weird Al Tickle Me Elmo song.


When Was That Again?


That's not exactly correct. Wait for the steal. Okay. I'm pretty sure when we were doing the episode, we didn't start the fire. Pickle me. Elmo was one of the things I had on the list. And I'm pretty sure I had it on the list before we started talking. And I think I stopped in the late 90s. So I think it was late 90s. I'm going to go with 1996.


When Was That Again?


are you sure about that it's a pre-911 toy i think so yeah i'm gonna say 1996 and wade gets the point it is from 1996 god damn is it actually 96 yes it is i was like i was so i was like oh it's gotta be 97 the way bob's like are you sure i should switch 97 sure about that bud i don't like you're sure about that okay now can i go back and look up the weird alpha Yeah, I guess. Yeah, fine.


When Was That Again?


All right, Mark. Oh, wait, you don't get to go first. You shut your face, Wade. Yeah. We like treaties on this podcast, especially when Bob's in the mood to do a quiz show for some reason all the time these days. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I and redrew European borders. What year did they do that? What year did they sign the Treaty of Versailles? Yeah. What year was that?


When Was That Again?


When was that again? 1918. Not exactly spot on, Mark. It's a chance to steal. No, that was the year of that movie.


When Was That Again?


I'm waiting for Gilbert Gottfried, like you fall to happen where like you actually need a coating on the bullets because otherwise it causes some kind of horrible friction that damages the barrel. I lubed them. Oh, you re-lubed them? I re-lubed them. I forgot to tell you about that. The last Tupperware, instead of cleaner, I put lube. Gun lube.


When Was That Again?


Mark sneaks it in with the steal. The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919. Yeah! See, if you'd have known your movies, you would have known they were still shooting. I'm still stuck on Tickle Me Elmo. Mark, you are a filmmaker. You know lots of things about film things. Yes. What year was the first talkie film The Jazz Singer released?


When Was That Again?


First film with spoken dialogue played as the film itself played.


When Was That Again?


First treaty, then jazz singer priorities. All right. That is not exactly correct. Yeah.


When Was That Again?


wade gets a chance to steal all right uh can you re-ask the question now that i'm not listening to weird al in my ears yeah sure welcome back the first talkie film the jazz singer what year was that released this is the first movie that has talking like like voices and not just music played by like a player piano as the movie itself plays or whatever oh this was 1932 1932


When Was That Again?


Oh, that's embarrassing for the self-made filmmaker. Wade gets the point for the first talkie. It's 1927.


When Was That Again?


vow of silence for the 30s for sure they went with uh charles chapman that's not his name never mind char yeah no that's old charles that's what they called him you know chucky chapman oh yeah you know he's actually the guy who invented chucky cheese the mouse is actually styled after him isn't it like chaplin it's not even chapman it's chaplin isn't it charlie chaplin yeah chapman chaplin whatever


When Was That Again?


Wade, you love the classics, and this is an American classic. It's another film, though Mark has a shot at this one, but you love this sort of shit. What year did E.T., the extraterrestrial, come out and become a global phenomenon? Oh, I'm just trying to figure out, was E.T. prior to Star Wars or after Star Wars? There's a lot of Star Wars. You have to be more specific. The first one.


When Was That Again?


The first one came out in the 2000s or something. It was like 98 or something. Yeah, Phantom Menace. E.T. E.T. E.T. came out and touched the hearts of tens of people that were alive back then in 1976. 1976.


When Was That Again?


Damn. I'll give you a line from it, Mark. E.T. phone home.


When Was That Again?


So in a few weeks, they're all going to be sticky again. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, you got two weeks to fire them before the lube expires, then you got to redo it. Yeah, you're right.


When Was That Again?


It just felt like the technology was kind of around there, I think. Are there VFX in there? Well, it's practical. It's a puppet and a real alien in combination. It's all practical. The bikes were actually rigged up with jets. They were actually solid rocket boosters, so they had to get it in one shot because everyone died. Yeah, ropes and strings weren't invented yet, but we had rocket boosters.


When Was That Again?


They didn't have cranes over 30 feet tall until the 90s. They had to get tall man's shoes cranes. That was possibly the fairest one yet. A thing Mark knew not a single thing about and yet somehow got exactly right and a thing Wade seemed to know a lot about except for the actual piece of information he needed. It just felt a little pre-Star Wars to me, but it was not. It was not indeed. Mark. Hmm.


When Was That Again?


I didn't see the movie Social Network either. It's worth watching. It's a pretty good, it's an okay movie. It's pretty good.


When Was That Again?


The Dusseldorf twins are really hot. The who? What are those guys called? The Rowe, the Harvard, the Brumblebacks. Oh, Brumbleback Mountain. Nah, that's different. These are the twins, the googly eye twins. I can't remember their actual name. Hans and Franz. Yeah, they were here to pump us up. That's right.


When Was That Again?


Wait till you get a chance to steal this one.


When Was That Again?


So I think it was like 2005 that I wanted to make a Facebook account because I think originally we had to be in college. Yeah, you'd have like a email address. But like in high school, we were like, we just pretend to go to college and we get in right away. That's so cool.


When Was That Again?


That was like sophomore or junior year of high school, which means that it was around before that used by college, which means it was invented even before that. He's using logic.


When Was That Again?


so like the obvious thing for me to do would be say 2003 because it's like i just cut mark off by one but i think i'm gonna be stupid and say 2001 because that's the year my brain tells me it was made okay so you sound sad about is that your official guess yes and mark gets the point it was 2004 oh You talked yourself out of that one for sure. I know. Wow. I was like, okay, maybe it was invented.


When Was That Again?


I'd be kind of terrifying to see like a bullet condom flying through the air. Like you can see it. Yeah. It's like Twinkies. You go to the range and you're like, oh, I got to load these up. Like plastic. Each one is individually plastic wrapped.


When Was That Again?


40 on the dot. Oh, that's way older than us. He's already got some gray hairs. I don't see any. You can't have gray hairs if you don't have any. Am I right? Get from being a lizard. God damn it. Yeah, we're going to do one more so that Wade gets one more shot at going first here. And not for nothing and not for any particular reason, but I would say this one's worth double points for no reason.


When Was That Again?


Just for fun, you know?


When Was That Again?


Oh, right. That thing that I haven't made yet. I knew there was something about the Constitution I was fucking forgetting. Our three wheels. Yeah, the series of wheels we need to make up and then implement. All right, that'll take. All right, I'm going to pick one that none of us know for sure, but I know because it's in front of me.


When Was That Again?


Locking that in. Mark, you do get a chance to steal on that. This is when the patent was put out. The first patent for a fully automatic washing machine. Because a lot of old marketing was like women is the home. They kept on the home while men were at war stuff, right? That was like the 1950s thing. So I'm pretty confident 1951. I think that this is because this key thing here is a patent.


When Was That Again?


And I'm pretty sure the patent probably had a general patent. Yes. Hero understands it now. So I'm thinking that it was actually like the diagram for this is probably some nonsensical wheels on the ceiling. Like, you know, the ceiling fans that are tied all by bands going all over there. It was like a device from Whoville and shit.


When Was That Again?


Yeah, like some Whoville-esque thing, but he got the patent in 1901. I shouldn't have made it worth double points because it didn't matter anyway because Mark's a fucking savant at this game. Was it 1901? It was 1907. Okay, I'll take it. Yeah! Mark was so much closer. It was not even close. Yippee! Well, now hold on. He was the closest without going over. Wait, that's also good. Yippee! Hold on.


When Was That Again?


well i want to look at the diagram what do you have a picture of it uh this is just a list so i just google it yeah mark just google it you lazy shit just google it you know just google it don't ask us questions just google it oh this is saying wait 1797


When Was That Again?


Yeah, 1937. 30-07. This is 37 on this Google search. I'm going to say this. I put this all together without double checking anything. So if it's factually incorrect, that's on me. But also what's correct for the purposes of this show is whatever the hell I had written down on my


When Was That Again?


No, these are condoms for my bullets. They're not for me. They're for my bullets. Guy that uses your spot after you goes and looks at the garbage can. It's just a bunch of condoms. He's like, what the hell?


When Was That Again?


I was just trying. I don't see. Oh, is this the image of it?


When Was That Again?


But this is an image from 1851. That's not the correct one. My God, I need a three sided die. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.


When Was That Again?


over here put together shit god damn it i forgot i forgot oh man our rules were excellent i'm so glad we do those council meetings hey you were all on board this time around you were fully in there no you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right i think i have everything i need to add a category to the wheel Before we ever use it once, you have to add one?


When Was That Again?


Well, at the end of every episode, the host must add one item to the wheel. Okay. Did we decide we were going to add one, delete one, or just add one, add one? Add, just so it gets huge. Okay, right. We want bigger wheel. I don't know why I said that like that. I'm sorry. You have a stroke there?


When Was That Again?


i am going to add a wheel slot for being a loser which means whoever has the least points at the exact moment the wheel is spun for that one they just get a point for being a loser does that include the host uh between the two competitors okay okay Other people and viewers and listeners can get points from this wheel, but this is between you guys primarily. The other things are extra.


When Was That Again?


And for, okay, that's going to be the end of the topic. And now we have a whole convoluted thing that we have to do to end the episode that I completely forgot about, but is all prepared now. Also, I forgot we came up with the new thing for the unfairness. I love that. I can't wait to implement that. The coin flip thing.


When Was That Again?


yeah i don't remember what it was if you use the word unfair you trigger coin flips the coin will be flipped three times if the complainer wins three in a row the unfairness is proven if the complainer loses three in a row it is now fair and will be made doubly fair against them did i earlier say it because i was like oh is this the is is he doing you did say no one triggered it but you did say the word unfair because you were mocking wade as which


When Was That Again?


Well, you got three whole shots off, and I'm proud of you. In a row.


When Was That Again?


should have triggered it it should have because anytime you use the word unfair it triggers it as the host i'm gonna say that's too far gone we're moving on to the next phase of the show but we could have jumped all over you we need to keep that front of mind we gotta yeah i gotta remember god i gotta read the constitution i know we gotta study guys we gotta study this constitution if i if i said i said it it would have been on me yeah so then you could have had a chance of winning well i guess you would have doubled or lost double the point yeah i don't we


When Was That Again?


Look, I don't think we should read too much into it. It's definitely a case-by-case type of thing. We're just going to have to see what happens.


When Was That Again?


Yeah, just don't throw that word around so casually. Everything will be fine. What if someone says that's not fair? That's not in the Constitution. That's not the thing. The thing that triggers it is the word unfair. Okay, understood. All right. So the way this new process works is we have to roll a three-sided die to determine how many spins there shall be of the wheel.


When Was That Again?


Consecutively, though.


When Was That Again?


I'm not going to share my screen for this. We're going to do an honor system because if we do share screens and shit, that's going to be a whole catastrophe mess at the end of every episode. Honor system. I'm rolling a three-sided die. It gave me one. That's unfair. I don't want to do it, but he did say it. I don't know what that would do. Doesn't say we have to trigger it.


When Was That Again?


Oh, actually, it does say that it just triggers this automatically. So technically, but it's it's like you could do that as a last minute play.


When Was That Again?


I don't know what the world record is, but... Look out.


When Was That Again?


Oh yeah, you gotta get three in a row. Anything other than three in a row either way, nothing happens.


When Was That Again?


I don't know what that would do for the wheel spins, but it would give me twice as few. Rules sound even more fair a week after we came up with... What were you thinking? It feels more fair now than it did in the moment. I don't know. We were all like, yeah, yeah, yeah. We were all for it, whatever this all was. I remember it felt, at the moment, I was like, this is brilliant.


When Was That Again?


This is the best idea we've ever had. All right. I know how the coin flip should be.


When Was That Again?


We all flip a coin. And that's how you get. And it's therefore the triangle of fairness from the three coins, which apparently in sign language, this means pussy.


When Was That Again?


saw that on subreddit i like that we need official distractible tokens for this or just a quarter or some shit yeah i can i can i can see about sourcing that yeah oh even better i'll have to buy it yeah i like that temporarily we could just use quarters or whatever we have all right but but we should get official tokens i feel like that would be see now i'm back on the train this is the best idea we've ever had for the show yes


When Was That Again?


none of us will ever be traveling or lose the coin or anything like that. It's always going to work out just fine. Yep. Yep. All right. So we get one wheel spin.


When Was That Again?


Uh, if anyone cares, the, the starting components of the wheel are, you get a point for being the baldest, the shortest, the tallest, eight, the most during the episode, loudest during the episode, biggest, got the biggest laugh, best looking, which is on here twice, which is incorrect point for viewers point for listeners, most locked in most distracted, uh,


When Was That Again?


or being a loser meaning you have to lease points moment that the wheel is spun so we get one spin here which is for one point i am triggering the spin got the biggest laugh is the one that has been selected who who got the biggest laugh uh i made you laugh with my lion king bit i think that got a reaction the lion king bit might have been the biggest laugh


When Was That Again?


In six months, you're going to transcend your physical form. You're right. He's right.


When Was That Again?


i was gonna say it's definitely not me it's between you guys he definitely the lion king might be it because he went straight from the lion king he's like 1969 that might have been the moment yeah all right all right all right mark you have a chance now I doubled the points just to make sure Mark could stay in it.


When Was That Again?


He said unfair. You just said it. You said it first. And I was like, I got a coin ready. Yeah, but now we both said it. So now we got to flip it six times. No, it's only one per round. One per episode. All right, I don't have a coin. I do have the sacred lens cap. Do we have to fucking lens cap it? No, you can do online. I literally have this sitting in front of me, so I'll just use this.


When Was That Again?


I'm going to say the part that has the company's name on it is heads for me.


When Was That Again?


I just did an online one. I'm not looking yet. All right, I know my result. I know my result. I dropped it on the floor. Hang on. Flipping. All right, I have my result. Heads. Tails. Tails.


When Was That Again?


heads all right nothing happens oh i was the one who fucked it why did i lie if we're doing it on the honor system you can totally game that and be like heads that's why we'll have physical coins hey i was honorable i said tails i'll put big handles on the side of them so you have to pick it up in a very specific way We need coins and a coin tray, and you flip the coin into the coin tray.


When Was That Again?


I think you should have just gone back to like the World War I or the Civil War muskets where you get your little bullets, you put some powder, you put your bullet, you shove it, you light, then you go through the process again. That way you would never have a jam. It's like making the weirdest espresso ever. It's very procedural.


When Was That Again?


The coin can only land a specific way because of the handles, but it's fair. You have to flip it into a glue trap, and that way it stays where it is, and you hold that up. Each of us needs one coin per episode. It is permanently flipped once it has been flipped. We get a bowl of Mark's bullets, and that way we know it'll stick. Yep, yep, yep. All right. Extra large glue trap thing.


When Was That Again?


glue trap here we go oh yeah you get a whole roll of it oh perfect yeah exactly yeah maybe the jumbo no roll wade you earned points for knife powder basketball stuff cocaine grinder the nes legos slinkies tickle me elmo and the first talkie i started off so strong For a total of, Bob knows how to add numbers together, eight points. Good job. Good job, buddy.


When Was That Again?


Thank you. Thank you. Mark, you earned points for Clean Bullets, Gun Lube, Watched the Super Bowl, An A2 Knife, YouTube, Neil Armstrong on the Moon, Despacito, Treaty of Versailles, ET, Facebook, Washing Machine, and you got the biggest laugh of the episode. For a total of, and the suspension is, you could cut it with a knife. Oh, Mark got 13 points. Golf rules? Golf rules? No, not golf rules.


When Was That Again?


I had to hope. I had to hope. Anyway, that makes Mark today's winner. Congratulations, sir. I didn't even need the weird wheel.


When Was That Again?


I gotta be honest. I know I'm going to complain about it. I really like the addition of the wheel and everything at the end. I like that. I'm into it. The wheel can be sponsored, guys. Oh! The wheel can have a spot presenting sponsor, presenting our wheel of things. Oh, we can have more ad spots. Yes! Everybody loves ads, and they love our ads the most.


When Was That Again?


Today's winner wheel brought to you by Walt's Wieners. God, I wish. Anyway, wait, loser speech. It was a very fair episode. It was very fun. I enjoyed it. Learning how much we did or did not know. I don't know why I managed to just shoot off the race course. I was really just like the hare and the tortoise and the hare today.


When Was That Again?


Took off fast and then took a nap and Mark blew right by me past the finish line. I also think that the circle of life was definitely probably the funniest moment. So I've got no disputes. Very fair episode. Thanks for hosting it, Bob. Fun times.


When Was That Again?


thank you but mostly thank me mark winner speech look at this look what i can do i gotta be honest when you had it lower down off camera it kind of looked like you're going like this Yeah, I'd like to thank me.


When Was That Again?


I don't think he decided that, but okay. He might as well have. He might as well have. He can suck Uranus. It's probably a pleasant because that's a gas planet. It's a planetary joke. I will rule with an iron fist. And we'll get you a cream for your asteroids. You know what, Wade? I'm going to give you a posthumous point for that. Just because it was really funny.


When Was That Again?


Yeah, you died. I only get that point after being deceased. Whoever loses an episode, they get killed off and we replace them with a replicant to do the next one. Thanks for your speeches, gentlemen. Thanks for competing. Congrats to Mark. You're going to host the next one. Make sure you follow the podcast so that you get notifications, you get the little plus thingy or whatever, however it works.


When Was That Again?


Thank you for watching or listening. We love all of you the same. and uh yeah the follow mark and mark plier waited lord minion 777 or minion 777 i am my skirm that's the end of the episode thank you so much for listening we'll see you on the next one podcast out goodbye


When Was That Again?


I mean, if it was an old school muscle loader and you're shooting, you know, little balls and you're not even shooting, the sight wouldn't mean very much. Generally aiming it towards whatever you're aiming towards is good enough because it kind of just, once it gets out of the barrel, the whole thing just goes.


When Was That Again?


in every which way and it's crazy what you really want to do you want to put a sign outside that says this is a muzzle loading household that way if you do have someone who breaks in they know they have to muzzle load their knife or their axe or their gun as well to make it fair yeah exactly they take their blade they put a little bit of knife powder put the blade in meanwhile you've got your thing going you aim at each other I think they do make like a gun blade that shoots the blade out


When Was That Again?


Just knowing the human species, I'm pretty sure that exists. Of all the things that humans would invent, that's way up there.


When Was That Again?


A knife gun. Also called a crossbow. I'm out of bolts. Hand me the butter knives.


When Was That Again?


Hello and welcome back for another episode of Your Uncle's Third Favorite Podcast. He's got weird... I don't like that guy. I don't care if we're third on his list. I'm just using it as an identifier. He sucks. We're awesome. This is distractible. I am your host. My name is Bob. I'm the host because I won the last episode, which I earned by existing.


When Was That Again?


You know what's seen always burns into my brain? I like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies in general, but there's that sequence where they are trying to outrun the Black Pearl on the British Navy ship, and then they can't, and so they've thrown everything heavy overboard, and then they're like, turn and fight! And they're like, we dropped all the cannonballs, and they're like,


When Was That Again?


put any fucking shit in the cannons. You want anything? And they're like shooting cutlery at the, out of the cannons and stuff. I love that sequence. It was a good sequence.


When Was That Again?


It'll, it'll go. Oh, that's it. You know what that is? That's a YouTube series. Will it cannon? The answer is yes, it will. It will cannon. I guess unless it's something that disintegrates, but even then hot watermelon goop fired out of a cannon at something. Yeah. Pretty destructive, probably. Big paper ball. I mean, it would flash to steam most of it, but maybe some of it. Be like birdshot.


When Was That Again?


Probably. Yeah. Sounds like a job for the slow-mo guys. Yeah. Get on it. Hurry up. we're waiting more like you guys are moving in slow-mo dude i don't know if you follow slow-mo guys at all have you seen gavin's hard drive setup to store all of their unbelievably dense footage that they have of shit i did and i think it's pathetic


When Was That Again?


I don't know what we were talking about. I just hijacked the shit out of that small talk, but... I cleaned off my bullet condoms. Oh, that's right. You made love to your bullets and you did it safely. What's new with Wade? I was hoping you would never ask because nothing that interesting. Same old, same old. When's the last time you left your house?


When Was That Again?


I told you last episode I went to that basketball game. That was just over the last weekend. This is the last time you left your house? Well, no, I went to the store in Skyline yesterday. Fun, fun. Sunday did not leave the house, but not to date this episode too much. That was Super Bowl Sunday. So I streamed and did not watch the Super Bowl instead because I had no interest in it whatsoever.


When Was That Again?


But I was still somehow surprised by the outcome. It was a game. Did you watch it? Yeah, I watched it. He's got a sports podcast. He had to watch it. I watched it and Tyler didn't. Yeah, I was the guy telling him what happened. Master of balls and holes, my hole.


When Was That Again?


No, it was not a good game. It wasn't a like last minute, like, Oh, what's going to happen? It was like, Oh God, I'm petty. And I gotta be honest, the slow drawn out, embarrassing flogging of Patrick Mahomes and Jason Kelsey and the rest of those guys after everyone could not shut up about how glorious the chiefs were and how the refs weren't doing anything to help them.


When Was That Again?


And they earned all those wins and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm not even saying they're not good, a good team because they still got to the Superbowl. But just the like demonstrative flogging of the Chiefs after a full season of everyone riding them, riding their dicks super hard in terms of like announcers and pundits and everyone in the sports world. I kind of enjoyed it.


When Was That Again?


I didn't care, but it was kind of fun to just be like, wow, another interception. Patrick. Oh, no. Wow. Oh, another sack. Oh, Patrick. They keep touching you, don't they? Oh, no.


When Was That Again?


The real winner in the last episode was Shortman Everywhere. Tom and shoes. Tom and Not sponsored or affiliated. Don't know anything about that company. It is a real website. Don't look into it. I've never seen the show before. It's a show where I host because I won and two people, Mark and Wade compete to win today's episode and they host the next one. And I give out points.


When Was That Again?


That's super weird. I just expect you to tone out when I talk about stuff like this.


When Was That Again?


I saw a someone who is a big Chiefs fan doing a did a low lights of Jason Kelsey's performance. He had a pretty bad game, but he couldn't block anyone to save his life. And there's like a whole highlight reel of him lined up on the line, the ball snapping and him not moving for like an extra half second.


When Was That Again?


And then defenders just running past him and murdering the quarterback in the backfield and him kind of being like, oh, stop. oh no damn it he's old it's not even his fault but like man i didn't really care about the outcome but i i got it's kind of fun those reaction times they just kind of slip after a while you hit 30 and you're ready


When Was That Again?


all right it's been it's been five years but i'm only 35 and i can't imagine having played a serious sport at any point in the last decade with my reaction times to stuff so i'll let you know how it is i'm playing a very serious basketball league maybe right now there's three of us on the team how long till you go on ir oh i'll give myself half a quarter what's ir injured reserve oh


When Was That Again?


I think we're going to run down the court. I'm going to like play offense or defense. We'll run down the other side of the court. I'll ask the coach to sub me. I'd be like, I'm winded. Sub me out. He won't because we don't have a coach and the other players probably be paying attention. And right now we don't even have enough to have a full squad on the floor, much less have five guys.


When Was That Again?


We have three at the moment. That's not enough. Yeah, well, whenever I was asked, I was like, well, I guess I could. Who's on the squad? And he smiled. You, me, and him. Yeah, that was basically it. He was like, hey, you want to play? I got this league I'm setting up. I was like, oh, yeah. I mean, I've not played in forever, but if you need somebody, sure. He's like, yeah, that'd be great.


When Was That Again?


And then after I agreed, he told me that I was the first person to say yes. You don't preface, I've got this league I'm setting up. Oh, how many people are in it? Me. It's gonna, now it's a league. You said yes. League. Our team, whatever the hell. Yeah, man. And then he shows me a picture, right? Of like, he's like, this is one of the other teams.


When Was That Again?


And he's like, everyone on here is like the tallest dude. Six one. If you're playing center, a bunch of college basketball players or something, if you're playing center, like you're going to, you're going to, you'll be fine. It's not like you're going up against seven footers. Tallest guy's like six one. By the way, all of these guys are X like D one players.


When Was That Again?


hell yeah so are you right or something like that you played yeah you had a d somewhere i played for the school in junior high mark was d2 he could help that's me he's got that d2 basketball knife you're right not here anymore for some reason yeah i mean like college xd1 college players when i say d1 not not i didn't play in college I've not touched a basketball on like a real court in 12 years.


When Was That Again?


Because you're not allowed or because you got sad. Yeah, I was banned. They don't let me anywhere near a basketball. I'm a little bit concerned. I think you just need to hit the gym, get on the elliptical a little bit, maybe work on some core strength. You'll be fine. Can you build endurance and lose 30 pounds in three weeks? Yes.


When Was That Again?


Yes. I feel like it's almost guaranteed to work based on anecdotal evidence.


When Was That Again?


which I write down in my special, special notebook. And the points don't really mean anything. And also they're kind of just made up on the fly. But also if I don't keep track of them, I get in big, big trouble. How's it going, fellas? Happy, happy recording day. How are you?


When Was That Again?


Well, we had a grinder when I was in high school, so I'm sure that I could find a rock somewhere. I've told the story of my cocaine grinder science experiment. Yeah, you did. Did he? I don't remember. We were there for that.


When Was That Again?


you had a cocaine grinder you had a real legit cocaine grinder he was doing a material sifting sorting experiment in science class and he ended up using a cocaine sifter grinder thing instead and it was a whole yeah my mom was like try this this this is a fine screen to separate your minerals it's like okay well if you're gonna if you're gonna snort it it needs to be like fine powder right so you you do want to kind of make sure it's all i don't know evenly grinded ground up i would have assumed it was already a dust


When Was That Again?


look the most I know about it is in movies and TV shows when people are about to do cocaine they take like a razor blade and they're all that's to like make sure it's all like crushed up right so that it's powdery apparently there's a much fancier device that has a very fine screen that I thought was for sifting minerals and then when my teacher's like how did you separate sand from sand that I asked my mom she was like oh sweet summer child this was not a device made for sand


When Was That Again?


I was like, well, my teacher wants to know what I used. Sounds like it worked really well. So, yeah, only after I did this. God damn it. Only after I did the thing and turned it in was I like, well, do I tell my teacher it was my family heirloom cocaine grinder?


The Council of Distractible (Part 2)


You got my real cry to come out, me.


Right In The Sauce Box


I'm laughing at how it got you.


Right In The Sauce Box


God, that's the loudest fucking classic in existence!


Right In The Sauce Box


Whoa. It sounds catastrophic.


Right In The Sauce Box


Please, not the plastic!


Right In The Sauce Box


I was watching it and I was like, this is such a bad idea. He's going to fucking drown. What the fuck?


Right In The Sauce Box


It's not a two-sentence horror story.


Right In The Sauce Box


I think everyone understands what I'm getting at.


Right In The Sauce Box


Yeah, that doesn't sound right.


Right In The Sauce Box


Where are these coming from?


Right In The Sauce Box


No, I do. It sounds like a bit, but I do. I know this one.


Right In The Sauce Box


Neither of us is getting points. I don't know what you're so stressed about.


Right In The Sauce Box


All right.


Right In The Sauce Box


What a dick.


Right In The Sauce Box


Wait, does that not get you going? Did that not, was that bad? Wait.


Right In The Sauce Box


It would have been a tie. If I'd only been that much funnier.


Right In The Sauce Box


Yeah, right, bud?


Right In The Sauce Box


The satisfying tink of your coin is very impressive, Mark. I know, thank you.


Right In The Sauce Box


This isn't about points. This is the principle of the matter. Yeah.


Mark Prepared For This


You don't have to be secretive. He's not being secretive at all. He keeps holding the bag up on screen for some reason. Are you sponsored by Skyline? Yeah, are you a Skyline streamer now?


Mark Prepared For This


how expensive would a cross-country distractible fiber wine be oh probably in budget right we need a few more sponsors but we'll get there if you lived in cincinnati then we would just need cross a couple county lines fiber one secure yes delicious no well fiber one's tasty


Mark Prepared For This


Wrong. Bob? Some very small amount, like 20 parts per million or something. Wrong.


Mark Prepared For This


It's actually an outdated saying. It's much more, it's cooler and more modern to say you have a tungsten foot. It's very dense. As long as it's not talc.


Mark Prepared For This


I'm going to go ahead and guess zero, given the nature of your questions. That's correct. That's false.


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah, it's the Fiber One and Fiber Brownies. Is that D2 Steel you're shining in my face? Get that bullshit out of here.


Mark Prepared For This


Kind of like opposite Wolverine. You have the floppiest bones in existence.


Mark Prepared For This


You're really right about that one.


Mark Prepared For This


Bowling Green State University-ass Steel. Get that out of here. Are we? Is this the episode? Are we going? Is this it?


Mark Prepared For This


Since we're talking about lead, and since I don't know anything about the thing you're talking about, I always thought it was really fucking unhinged that water pipes were made of lead for a long time. And I didn't know until, I don't know, it was a while ago now. But at some point, I did learn they were lead pipes lined with stuff.


Mark Prepared For This


And that's why when they put them in, everyone wasn't just immediately getting lead poisoning. But that's also why there are so many communities in our country now that you can't drink tap water. Or if you do drink tap water, you get lead poisoning, which leads to horrific long-term effects in children and in adults.


Mark Prepared For This


Because it turns out when you line the thing with some other thing, the lining just wears off eventually. And so you just have your water literally flowing through pipes made of toxic metal.


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah, no, lead lined lead pipes. Liner never wears off. That's a true thing.


Mark Prepared For This


As far as I understand, it's still not fixed in Flint, Michigan, either. There are communities around the country that are in the exact same spot as Flint. Flint got a lot of news coverage. It was not. It's not like someone swooped in and fixed it. There just is lead everywhere, and it's just a huge thing that's not going away. But it's pretty wild.


Mark Prepared For This


I get why lead was easier to make pipes out of, because it's malleable and non-corrosive and all that stuff Wade keeps saying. Makes sense. But also, it's poison. There's this similar reason that brake pads aren't made out of asbestos.


Mark Prepared For This


You have no idea. You can make them at home if you make them out of asbestos. It's easy.


Mark Prepared For This


For me, it was Alice in Wonderland. Did you know that's why the... Oh, no, that's not lead, actually. That's mercury. That's quicksilver. Yeah, that's mercury.


Mark Prepared For This


If it was so bad, why did they make it so cool? If bad, why not bad-shaped lead?


Mark Prepared For This


I have to finish it. I have to. I open it. I have to drink it. I don't care how unpleasant it is. It's going to get drank. I got you. I got you. I got you.


Mark Prepared For This


You know, I heard those are flushable, because the pipes are lead, so the wipes go in the pipes pretty fine.


Mark Prepared For This


Hey, if we're airing subreddit grievances, I have one. Oh, alright, interesting. Apparently, I and or we said that sharks are not fish. And apparently, sharks are fish. And to the... This is literally one person, and I actually responded to their comment, and I... I feel like I got through to them, but also just to be clear, we don't know anything about the things that we're talking about.


Mark Prepared For This


And if you're going to get angry about us saying an incorrect fact about sharks, you should probably be careful what other episodes you listen to, because I cannot imagine the type of factual inaccuracy you're going to subject yourself to if you listen to us talk for that many hours of your life. We're not experts or even smart about most of the stuff we talk.


Mark Prepared For This


We know some things about some of the stuff, but not sharks and not most of the other stuff.


Mark Prepared For This


on the subreddit you in no uncertain terms you were like I am never going to even aim this at another living thing I do not own any of these for any purpose other than shooting paper or wood or whatever metal targets and all of the very first everyone heard Mark say the word gun and rushed to the subreddit and was like you're never going to kill someone with that Mark you gotta get a full bucket and don't worry about it


Mark Prepared For This


This is just another one of those theories like gravity or... Revelevity. Revelevity? Yeah, Einstein's thing, right? Oh, Revelevity. Yeah, you're right. Isn't that where you can hover off the ground when you're a magician on the street and revelate? Anyway, does that make you feel better? Do you feel better, Mark?


Mark Prepared For This


You still taking your cobalium?


Mark Prepared For This


I'm really trying. That's a tough one. T-O-U-G-H-O-N-E. Am I allowed to reference other bits where we did a thing repeatedly to try and chuck that in here?


Mark Prepared For This


Ben, if only you read the whole sentence before you decided what it meant. The Earth will be destroyed? What the fuck? In the event that an asteroid larger than Texas ever struck it. Oh. They should put that first.


Mark Prepared For This


you're never gonna kill someone i know how to kill someone you gotta get a nine millimeter if you want to kill as many people as quickly as possible nine millimeter don't worry i'm getting tweets of like we gotta get mark in touch with a gun guy i know one you gotta get mark out to demo ranch so he could blow up some m4 able and abrams his tanks is with his uh no it's like they only heard the two first words he said and then none of the rest of the discussion but yeah it was a bunch of seagulls that heard gone gone gone


Mark Prepared For This


Uh-huh, poop.


Mark Prepared For This


They know what they did.


Mark Prepared For This


No, I don't think there is.


Mark Prepared For This


I feel like calling it the oldest anus is a little bit of a mislead. They're not that old. It's a species that's had anuses for who knows how long. Ten thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years.


Mark Prepared For This


Maybe these geneticists want to come up to our butts. Is that an invite? Because this goes out publicly. We'll be careful with that.


Mark Prepared For This


Bald. Buttholes are like fingerprints, I think.


Mark Prepared For This


Go to the police station. You ink it up. Squat down onto the butthole pad.


Mark Prepared For This


It's a prank for the new guys. They're always like, all right, now just put your hand on the scanner and it'll open the door. He put his hand on the butthole plate.


Mark Prepared For This


Deep Seek, huh? What? You guys hear about Deep Seek?


Mark Prepared For This


Big, everyone's all up in arms about it. No, no, no. NVIDIA still is a good buy. I mean, honestly, probably. But even Deeksteak was built on NVIDIA chips.


Mark Prepared For This


On-ramp highway driving. Yes, cars.


Mark Prepared For This


Once, maybe. It probably wouldn't survive. It would need a jacket. But, like, probably you could make that happen, maybe.


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah, keep it warm and or cold. Full cotton jacket. Well, that's called a wad, but yeah.


Mark Prepared For This


I found a new scam that we can all run. Baby born in Krispy Kreme parking lot during snowstorm in Alabama receives free donuts for a year. Look at this. Babies can't eat donuts. Not newborns anyway. So I think what's going to happen is the parents are going to bring the baby in with the donut card and then the parents are going to get free donuts for a year.


Mark Prepared For This


So if you're looking for a way to save on Krispy Kremes, yeah.


Mark Prepared For This


I thought that was a whole bit we did in a previous episode about that. Us giving birth? Didn't you say that Wade and I were having a baby and I was the father or something?


Mark Prepared For This


You can play the intro again. I'll take my headphones off. Hold on. Yeah, so please give us a countdown.


Mark Prepared For This


It was a little quieter, which is still pretty loud. It's like the pop. Yeah, that was fine.


Mark Prepared For This


Listen, you focused on the thing that you cared the most about, and I respect it.


Mark Prepared For This


That's a lot of rats.


Mark Prepared For This


They might. I don't know how that works. You don't know how sex works? Not rat sex. I'm familiar with one kind.


Mark Prepared For This


You have sex with the stork baby? Yep.


Mark Prepared For This


All right. Anyway, Bob, what do you got? Well, actually, this headline sucks, but the story is interesting. Robbery foiled by location choice. So this is a classic, like Craigslist, Facebook marketplace robbery. Someone found an item they wanted online in one of these sort of marketplaces and was like, they arranged a meetup.


Mark Prepared For This


The person who is going to buy the item was just planning on snatching it and getting the hell out of there. And so they agreed on a place to meet for safety, for the seller's safety. Didn't help. Robber was too smart. What location do you think this transaction took place? What's the safest place that you could do a Craigslist deal?


Mark Prepared For This


That chain will live on. Mark's not guess was correct. They agreed to meet inside a police station. The buyer showed up. The seller was there. The seller put the thing out and was like, look, give me the money. And the buyer was like, nope, and snatched it and ran away. And the officers are still looking for the suspect. Oh, fuck.


Mark Prepared For This


Actually just pisses them off and triggers an adrenaline response, which makes them even harder to deal with.


Mark Prepared For This


this one there's not anything for you guys to guess i just really like this headline national plumbing champion trip drama wisconsin plumber tim quick clinched a spot in florida's plumbing national championship competing in pipe threading and drain clearing events no word on whether he wore his tool belt to the after party well that's just a not very funny joke anyway did you guys know that there were plumbing national championships


Mark Prepared For This


And would you watch that if it was on ESPN?


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah, I think it's probably just like clock. They clock the pipe with like some. It's probably relatively standard. Like there's it's some set amount of paper towels or something.


Mark Prepared For This


Not in California. That's why it's in Florida. They're still allowed to use lead-based poop there.


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah. It's not like there's a bunch of ash or smoke or anything around you where you're at.


Mark Prepared For This


I didn't antagonize him.


Mark Prepared For This


You did that on purpose. Yeah, you can tell by the fact that he wrote it down. The fact that he wrote it down? The fact that he wrote it down, you can tell. Ian's coming up the house?


Mark Prepared For This


Oh, wouldn't you like to know?


Mark Prepared For This


Air quality is still gotta be kind of bad though. Right. I mean, it's not terrible.


Mark Prepared For This


yes i would yeah oh you i bet you i bet you'd enjoy that it was 10 last time i think we're up to 12 now yeah someone in the subreddit was saying they thought it was higher but yeah it should be 12 now based on my math it probably should be higher but we don't keep track of things do you want me to just i have the one from that i had before do you want me to just do it sure yeah that way i'm not biased or anything


Mark Prepared For This


There you go. You can see the percentages over here.


Mark Prepared For This


No, that doesn't look right. Well, Mark, clearly Mark has to be red. Oh, wait, no. Mark, no. Wait. Wade. Wait, I was going to say, I have no chance of winning. If the winner is either me or Mark, Wade can't win. I didn't even think about it. I was like, yeah, yeah, okay. Oh, nobody look at how badly I'm typing. All right. You just really don't want me on this wheel. Oh, look at that.


Mark Prepared For This


Look at those colors. Ooh, I don't like that very much. What about that? Oh, that's worse. Oh, it's worse. I don't like any of it. It's just going to be white, white. That's fine. That's fine, right? That looks like a clown horn. You ready, Mark? Yep. Woo-hoo!


Mark Prepared For This


Well, we have to write a one man show for Mark, which presents its own interesting dilemmas. But is it a full is it like a full hour long episode? We didn't really talk about the details.


Mark Prepared For This


We didn't think of a way to resolve that either. We just have the one-man show in as a bit.


Mark Prepared For This


Well, I was going to say, what if we did another Council of Distract? Now that this has happened, what if we do another Council episode? We've got the one-man show. Then we do a Council episode.


Mark Prepared For This


Didn't we do it like... We did the boat episode in August?


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah, that's about the right time. All right, we'll do a Council episode. We can look up the official distractible constitution document by finding someone on the subreddit who wrote it down for us because we didn't. And then we could just have a, you know, sort of a review session and prepare ourselves to enjoy Mark's one man show.


Mark Prepared For This


Yeah. All right.


Mark Prepared For This


Annual. Just annual. Yeah. Just single annual. We will vote what the name is in the council. That's the first order of business. Yeah. Name the meeting that we're having.


Mark Prepared For This


Okay, good.


Mark Prepared For This


I'm intrigued about this drink, but man, that's tarter than just a lemon is. Jesus Christ.


Mark Prepared For This


I didn't say that. I did show it on camera. Blur it out. No aspersions. If it works, I'm into it, but...


Mark Prepared For This


No, yeah, it's like cigarettes or something, right? Like it doesn't, they don't taste good. But once you get past the first part and you get into the caffeine, you're like, oh God, oh, it's delicious. I need the Red Bull. It burns so good. The burning means it's working.


Mark Prepared For This


Good. I saw a funny goose today. Not a silly goose, but a funny goose. I, it was, it's really not even that good of a story. It just was such a weird little moment. I was in the car driving and I was just next, I was like in a parking lot waiting to turn onto the main road.


Mark Prepared For This


So I'm just sitting there and next to the driveway, there's a little, it's a puddle cause it's been snow melting and there's not even a pond. It's like several inches of water and there's a goose sitting next to it. And I just look over cause I'm like bored and the goose out of nowhere just goes. And submerges his entire head halfway up his neck in the water.


Mark Prepared For This


And for a second, it's just like, and then just lifts his head back up and is like, ah, nothing happened. There are not fish in that puddle of water that is on the media. Just, I don't know if that's a normal goose thing or whatever, but I just saw that happen. And I was just like, Fucking, is this an, did anyone else see that? What the fuck?


Mark Prepared For This


I pretty much assume that if you're somewhere where you're on a voice call and it's being transmitted, there's no reason to think that that's not being watched if someone really wanted to. Like, I know there are end-to-end encrypted services, which, besides Super, is not, as far as I know. But even then, it's all managed by someone.


Mark Prepared For This


I've been thinking about that goose all day. Can't get him out of my head. No idea if that's normal goose stuff or what. It's weird. I mean, it's probably normal.


Mark Prepared For This


Geeses. He flied for our sins. South.


Mark Prepared For This


That's a negative point.


Mark Prepared For This


Someone, some greasy code monkey somewhere has a computer where they could just pull it up if they so chose.


Mark Prepared For This


You don't do anything?


Mark Prepared For This


Uh, I don't know things about wood. Sorry.


Mark Prepared For This


So let me get this straight. Your grandpa gave you a knife that was designed for carving wood away. And then he gave you some wood. And then you used the knife to carve wood off of the wood.


Mark Prepared For This


Was it a whetstone? Was it a honing steel? Because that's not a sharpener. What kind of thing was it?


Mark Prepared For This


That's called a honing steel. I honed in on it.


Mark Prepared For This


Is it named after a guy? Mr. Hardener?


Mark Prepared For This


Anyway, you can get into knives. It's a thing. Well, that's the thing about knives, right? People think, well, I don't know if people think this. I thought for a long time, like, oh, why would you pay $200 or $500 for a kitchen knife when you could just get one for 50 bucks that seems to work pretty well? And yes, you can sharpen cheap steel to like a razor's edge.


Mark Prepared For This


You can sharpen it to within whatever you want, depending on how patient you are. But the more expensive knives, the thing is that they hold that edge better than They have different characteristics about the steel. It's like a very voodoo mystery magic kind of thing to me.


Mark Prepared For This


I know it's not because it's science, but all the different kinds of steel, like you were saying, when you bought your D2 steel knife, you were like, I don't, I don't know. I want a metal one. It's a whole world. And yeah,


Mark Prepared For This


And they have like white, white blades or something. White ceramic.

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


I don't know, Charles. I don't think it'll work, Charles. It will work. No. It will work. What one man can do, another can do. You can't kill the bear, Charles. He's ahead of us all the time. It's like he's reading our minds. He's stalking us, for God's sakes.

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


Say it! I'm going to kill the bear. Say it again. I'm going to kill the bear. And again. I'm going to kill the bear. Good. What one man can do, another can do. What one man can do, another can do. Say it again. What one man can do, another can do. And again. What one man can do, another can do. Yeah.

The MeidasTouch Podcast



What's your name? Bob. I'd like to thank you for lowering the cost of my insulin. It makes a big difference in my life. God love you, it does. It truly does. Until 2025? Yes. Nobody will, no senior will ever have to pay more than $2,000 for every single drug they have. That is, you don't know how I'm paying almost $5,000 a year and I'm on Medicare. It's going to go down to a maximum of $2,000.

The MeidasTouch Podcast



That's incredible. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. We love you, Mr. President.

The MeidasTouch Podcast



Hi, how are you? What's your name? Phoenix. I want you all to see that.