Our thieves set their sights on a casino in Part Two of this heist mini campaign... Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/ Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/ZwPSi_Lvk8E?si=smMEkFyPgYDfbJ8v
Chapter 1: How did the crew plan their heist on the casino?
Welcome to Legends of Avantris. Here's what happened last time. Just above a quiet deli known as Gino's Deli.
Very creative.
No, you got a glass of milk for me, please.
You know, I saw on a document once.
Which one?
How to make the one that you're fanning yourself with.
Oh, this one? I'll be sipping carrot juice. Talk me off a little bit of that one.
Oh, good thing I have a nice glass here for carrot juice.
Oh, no, I put some liquor in there.
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Chapter 2: What challenges did the crew face while preparing for the heist?
Oh, no. the last two weeks starting with us.
Give me 20 and we'll reconvene.
Hold on, no, I'm sure I have the details from this lady. Hold on.
As he rolls up the map, you can see that all the details were written on the back of the map.
Hold on, it's gotta be somewhere. It's gotta be somewhere.
Oh, ah, my foot, there's glass everywhere.
Be careful, be careful. Be careful, watch your foot, watch your step. Okay. So, Miss Lady had provided us with gold, as I said, she promised. So, the mark is the Silver Lining Casino, right next to Goodberry Square. You know the place.
Right. I mean, we all live here. We know the place.
Yes, the biggest casino in Galtica at the present moment.
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Chapter 3: How do the characters navigate the casino's security?
Double or nothing, Gregory. Make it do it.
Megan, I was good with you. She's good with computers. Man, it's all fancy, newfangled, jangly bells or whatever.
I don't want to play a game.
I just want to pull this bar machine and look at the pretty lights and the rotating thing.
At this point, he just has a pressurized tank on his back, pre-mixed old-fashioned. Oh, yeah. Hold your glass out.
Ah, smell that cigarette smoke. It's sitting in my lungs. It's at the bottom of my lungs now. Look, this is the big one. I'm going to win that big prize, that big pot up there, Gregory, you know?
Okay. No pressure.
And that's how slots work. Florla, Knuckles, you find yourself on a very luxurious round table with red velvet on the surface. And you'll have a minimum of five gold pieces to invest, but you'll each take turns rolling 46 for three rounds.
You keep matching numbers, and the first one to have four matches before the three rounds are up wins, but if no player has matching dice by the end of three rounds, the player with the highest dice total wins. And it's a pot. Five gold pieces, five gold pieces. There's a pot of, let's say, 30 divided by the players at the table, and you're able to roll your... Did you just get that?
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