Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All right. And... Can we designate one as the one that's dating my daughter? Because I'm for sure going, oh!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yes, yes, yes. So I'm gonna go for him. I think I'm gonna cast Mind Slipper.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah. I drive a disorienting spike of psychic energy in the mind of one creature you can see within range. They must succeed on an intelligence saving throw. Oh wait, our elf's like really smart.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Nine? That's less than 15. That's correct. You're going to fail.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, I'm a mother and that's my whole thing, so it's, you're not good enough for my daughter!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
1d6 psychic damage and subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of my next turn.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I just got cute pink dice. I don't think Chessex will ever sponsor us. And he's disadvantaged on something.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That really seems like something we should have arranged before we got here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, but there won't be any gold inside of this, uh... Do you have any sort of lightning-y explosives that we could make them look like they died from the big lever wall?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
My huge rapid ears could totally have heard that if I hadn't rolled so badly.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What's the carrying weight of a beholder?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, the hallway should look like nobody's.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Can I help with that? Can I, like, do it as well?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, I rolled a 17. You want to take that as your advantage?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, do they roll over? Yeah. Is there like rollover minutes?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Rollover minutes. I haven't dealt with rollover minutes in years.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Instead of fantasy flamethrower, yeah. Yeah, it's a good one.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, if it's all in the same place, then it's figuratively out of this world.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Between one and five million. Where's he going to be?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And that's why there's so much money.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's always a vault at these places? Yeah. Is this the background work you've done on this site? Yeah, there's a vault.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's a lot of hypothetical questions on the heist planet.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Gino, out of curiosity, did you bet on the people who'd won a lot or hadn't won a lot?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So the ones that haven't won a lot.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Is that the best metaphor for a heist that I think we should probably put a bit more effort and thinking into?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That just sounds fun. I'll be at the matches table.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Keep the ye olde fashions to a minimum.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, Matches. Matches sounds fun.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Okay, okay. Then we'll start there. I'm just assuming matches is just a big memory game. I'm just like, oh. I thought that was there. I thought the apple was there.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Why would a rhino ever try and pick up matches?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, this one? I'll be sipping carrot juice. Talk me off a little bit of that one.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You know my favorite. The person responsible for running the game is also getting drinks.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Okay, so I rolled this publicly. That's a two. And then I rolled my d4 as the dealer privately. And you get to, if you hit 10, you double your money.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So you get to reroll your d4, or roll your d4.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So you got a two plus something. I rolled another one.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Are there straights in this game? Yeah. I'm a royal plus.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Ooh, I got two fours. Keep the fours.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Another four? So roll all of them again.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm sorry, what were you saying? She just turns down her hearing.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, no, I put some liquor in there.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I have a thing. Hold on one sec.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, yeah. So that makes it a seven. I have this thing called Lucky Footwork, and it's a dex check thing. But I think it's just straight dex check.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
When you fail a dex saving throw, you can... Oh, no, it's a saving throw. Damn it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I forget, did we decide to all be guards?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going heavy maintenance, and I'm carrying a ladder.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, wait! It pops up ten feet.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Looks like we'll be going into this heist just as unprepared as last time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going to take my ladder and head off towards where we have decided I need to access a point of access.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
How long have you been sitting on that joke?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And I'm not sure that his background knowledge was all that helpful last time around, to be very honest.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
My itinerary. Did you get that from the museum? I...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Where have you been? I've been climbing up and down the first two steps of this ladder for 15 minutes trying to look busy.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What do you mean you're going up there for... My understanding is that the high-stakes roller table is closed for the game. That there's no one up there.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going to edge past and be like, excuse me, excuse me, and come in with my ladder. It would be really annoying.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Would it be our understanding from the conversation that she had with Janet that this is closed for the night?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, do we see any other access points to the room?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Does anyone else see this eye?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Honestly, I'm looking forward to an opportunity to use it. So I'll go over and prop the ladder up, climb up, and I'm just going to check it out. I think maybe I should cast Detect Magic on it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, you can't cast any spells at all?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Even at this point in the... Okay. Well, I'm just... I'm checking it out, then. Can I poke it?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
While you're down there, get me some carrots. Be alone.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Wow, I just decided I would go first.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, it's like anything vaguely worthy of us. This is perfect. Queenie.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't know anything about beholder lore, but this seems really badass.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You see one of the ice dogs start coming out.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They look nothing alike. What are the chances of that? How many yield passions have you had tonight, Cheeto?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Can we all just agree to discuss before we shoot next time?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Why did you bring this ladder? You can put the ladder in from ten feet away, just to leverage it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You know when they use those elevators.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So just to be clear, I'm not looking into an elevator itself.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You hear through the open window, are you open or not? I just want a sandwich, I can hear you! Get a job, hippie! I have a job! That's how I'm gonna pay for the sandwich!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Probably a more experienced crew, I'll say, longingly.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm a mother of 10, I've eaten weirder things.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Fucking blood all over the place. I'm covered in blood. How broken is this mechanism?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't want to roll more real dice. It's meaner than computers. The computer room. I'm a computer. I'm in the computer room! The two cards from before seem sus now.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, it's just one. So 100 minutes. One hour and a half later. Is it mending 10 minutes or no? No, it's one minute.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, I can do that shit? It's a cantrip.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That's why everyone needs D&D Beyond.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Anyone else can do this faster?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Everybody like pain singularly has climbed the rope and the elevator doors just open.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Chino, mind your tongue. Can you help me look for tracks?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's four guard out there in line. Maybe we should drop our voices a bit.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I would say it's like a whole Pixar short with really great music.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Do we understand what the silver hair means?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Knuckles, tonight you've shot an eye that turned into a beholder. You nearly died touching a lever that you didn't know. Don't you think that some kind of charisma-based activity.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All right, so I will, I'm going to call out to the people.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
To the Dark Elves. Hold on, hold on.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
In sort of a no-weapons situation. Hello. You seem to be heisting the same heist that we're heisting. Dreadfully sorry. Could we come to sort of some arrangement?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Eight people is better than four. Maybe we could help each other out here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, as somebody who didn't watch any of your Flamefall episodes, would that be meaningful to me?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All right. I would like... There does seem to be like a leader.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going to cast Calm Emotions on them in their radius, so not us at all, just I'm going to sort of pick the middle of their group of people. And so each humanoid in a 20-foot radius has to make a Charisma saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't know how to tell that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't see the word charm anywhere. Oh, choose one of the following two effects. No, no, no. Oh wait, you can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed. Oh, that's right.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Call motion's not a charm. Alternatively, you can make a target indifferent about creatures.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't know how to tell. Oh, it's a... No, it's a 15.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They are indifferent about us.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, which they definitely seemed to be.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They need to be separated. Each humanoid in a 20-foot radius.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So one of them is just like, Kai!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So I only have a minute of this. So I'm going to capitalize on just saying, like, let's just agree to work together. You can always split the money. Your plan doesn't work out, maybe ours will, and vice versa.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What are you guys thinking? What are you doing? We made a promise. We can't let a single gold coin go to these chumps. It's fine. We'll deal with it later. We need to get in to see the loot. We don't have much time left. You heard it. There's five points. The Mighty Trunks must have scored at least one.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going to say to the codecracker person, I'm hearing a lot of anger. Let's all just bring it down a notch. Take some nice deep breaths and control ourselves and let's use our words.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Gino, I can only hold this for a few more seconds. Let's hurry.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
In less than a minute, they will attack us again.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can't say that. We can't condone learning anything from RDM tonight. That's very serious.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
In my, like, yeah, and in my last seconds, I'm feeling the spell, like, lucidate.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I want to ask them to take their masks off, the three that are not hostile towards me.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And can I just, like, ask as a little behind-the-scenes, like, are dark elves just, like, people who live in this realm, too?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We're going to dudify it by saying Aluna. Okay. I'm going to say Aluna, Darkshine, Maguire. Is that you? And I'm going to flashback to when my oldest daughter, just a month or so ago, brought home her boyfriend to meet the family. And this is that very same dark elf.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Which Mary was this? That is exactly what Eamon and I said.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'll take off my maintenance hat, which was apparently completely hiding.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm hoping for an end so that we've all just humanized each other a little bit and nobody's going to kill each other when this one minute spell is up and say, hi, how could you in this life of crime? of all people.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I know we killed to get in here, but we can't. We have to, we have to let them go or something. I mean, I know they've seen us, but we'll be out of here in seconds. We can just leave him alone. We don't have to kill him.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm just gonna say, I told my husband I thought you were a good boy. I am a good boy.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All right, let's get through this door.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yes, it is nose. And as somebody who's been playing Wordle every day for at least a year or two with Derek, I just died laughing, realizing it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I get the sense that we may only have six shots of this.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
How long have you elves been here? With your great intellect. You hear a...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Give me 20 and we'll reconvene.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't know if I'm more disappointed that you're here or that you're terrible at it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Maybe Merry Christmas is better suited. No, just keep him away! Merry Christmas is even younger than Mary Mary.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I was really expecting it to not be gold.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's the friends we made along the way.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We're rolling for initiative, right?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh boy, are you really doing this?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Or I'll just panically throw this up in the hole.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Take as much as you fucking can!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
No, don't take up too much space. We've got a space limit here. I don't know if that's a priority.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, do we need to do both? Yes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And you said athletics is the other one, right?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, I just don't understand what just happened.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, you're really sucked out, though.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I really think it's a- No, I think it's just a kit with some makeup and a wig in it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Can I also have a disguise kit? Can I come over and try to futz with this hair?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I collect the body, I'm holding the body. Stand in front of the body.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
We're all holding bodies and don't know what to do with them.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I have the one who is dating my daughter. Oh, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And I still look like the person who's caring.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
The casino owners told us to get into the vaults. It was an all hands on deck situation because of the call. There was a call that was contested and it threw the entire arena into chaos.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
How do the holes work? Time out. What are we gonna do? Hold on. How do the holes work, though? Do they lead somewhere that's predetermined? No, we can just pick them up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
11. Can I get some magic inspiration?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
We don't know what foul magic he might have.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, because I cannot roll less than 10 on deception checks.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, right. Because of my son's thing. So I rolled a six, but it doesn't matter. Fuck you, dice. Fuck you, dice. Get out of here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I fiddle with the deck. I'm just watching.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And he, like, triggered the vault.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
So that could be a problem at any time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Is there air in the holes when we have to pick them back up?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm very nervous and sweating and breathing heavily.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
We were just innocent bystanders.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm gonna climb down, but I'm gonna have to... step over the chaos of the battle if there's even steps left.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Luckily, I'm quite good at that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I believe you can do it. You're going to do it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
So what are we going to do when we get out of here? And I don't think there will be much of us left to rest if that thing gets here before they do.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You have verdict of inspiration, remember.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
That is a great mug. Does it have the writing on the other side too? No, it's just hugs.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Just checking to see if there's more loots. Yeah, same.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Across any distance and even other planes of existence.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah. But if the target is on a different plane than you, there's a 5% chance that the message doesn't arrive.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
How on earth am I gonna survive?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I know you'll pick the right one, and I'll cast Barak Inspiration on him, too.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Can I move this one to the side so we can see what it is later? Yeah, of course. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, if you're doing Dungeons and Dragons.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You know. Part of me wonders if this will help in some way.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I love that. I love that. So what does Dungeon do?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You're gonna be the big bad on the next turn.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
What happened to him? I don't know if that's the best option.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Boss! Boss! Can we talk to you, boss? Didn't it say extra planar?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It is distressing to think that we've been heisting with somebody with such terrible underpants.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm going to suggest that she goes first.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I don't know that that's the best idea. Why not? I didn't go anywhere. If it seems like you have some newfound power, maybe we should use that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I mean, I'm a rabbit and I still don't want to end up in some other plane of existence with not a Stajan. But you don't know that that's what's going to happen.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
God, I did my old boss. That looks fun. Jester.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I mean, I am a bard. There's bard-y qualities here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh. What? Is that a permanent thing? Can I update my shit?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, can you see? Do I have the option of picking zero, one, or two?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
For fuck's sake. Skull seems great. That's probably good. Hey, yeah. You played the lovely game Skull. I hate you all so much. You're pressuring the newest player, and I don't appreciate it, and I just want to go home to my family.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Do you wanna pull your second card, see if you can use it to do any death?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Can she see the death avatar? I would say I'm still just holding the cards out, like looking at you while you stare off. You're now in slow-mo and I just look over and there's death.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Did I do this right? I am a level four now. Does anything reset when you level up? Nope. It's not like, wow.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Like 30? You mean like my full amount? Yeah, if you were at full health. I'm at full power.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
35. You should take Counterspell.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Just destroy him. I think I'm going to... your death, that your death. I don't know, I was expecting something a little scarier, and I'll cast Hideous Laughter.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It is a wisdom saving throw. It gets a six. Wisdom 15 is the attack, so that really fails. It falls prone. becomes incapacitated and is unable to stand up for the duration. And the length of time is one minute, as long as I can concentrate.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
That seems like an important thing to know.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, the target can make another wisdom saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It has advantage on the saving throw if it's triggered by damage, too.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
What am I doing? But it lost one turn.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
That's fun. I like that. I can't believe we've done this to the new game.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm gonna go for a dart. I'm gonna throw a dart. Okay. Okay, we go. Otherwise I have to get in close.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I can hit them extra well if they're just laying there.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, then let's do that. I'm learning. Give me some credit. Kick them in the face. I'm going to do a dagger attack then.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Dirty 20. And I do 1d4 plus four.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Everyone on this table is my enemy. You are so welcome.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I get to, I get to. You get to. Interesting terminology.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
This is all just straight damage I add to my HP, right?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm gonna, I'm gonna like, I'm probably like doubled over all over. It hurts, it stinks. Didn't even hurt. And I'll cast Mind Sliver at him.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Which is one of my cantrips. Intelligence? Yeah, it's an intelligence saving throw of 15.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
So he takes 1d6 of psychic damage. And I got a six. Oh, thanks.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And you have to subtract the d4 from your next saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Before the end of my next turn.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Is this what hell sounds like?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
All right, I'm going to hobble up and do the whole necessarily got sort of swagger and say, you don't even want to be doing this, and I'm going to cast Charm Person.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, fuck. Is he, oh, is he maybe not even a humanoid?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Is humanoid and undead like mutually exclusive?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
All right. So after he took the last swipe, did he get up? Did he spend any time?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Got it. We're going to do some more darts, I think.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I've been out of the combat game for so long as a mother of 10, which, by the way, you're responsible for when I die. You're going to be raising 10 rabbit babies. Perfect.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm gonna fucking wipe the blood off my chin and cast Hideous Laughter again. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And remember, you have to subtract a d4 from your saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
So what did you have to subtract? I have to roll a d4.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You keep mind slivering and... Why do you have like a 2003 Motorola ascending?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
All right, I'll mind sliver again. You have to make an intelligence saving roll of 15.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It took damage. Oh, it's still laughing. So it has to do a wisdom saving throw right now.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Okay. I'm casting mind sliver again. You have to make an intelligence saving throw of 15. And because I cast Mind Sliver the last time. It's intelligence. Did you take four out of the last time? No, you took four out of that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm, like, inches from death. There you go. I'm holding intestines, like, into my stomach.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It was all fucking in my head.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Why don't you give me a minute, please? Maybe we'll save the next draw for another time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Is it like Genie Wishes where I can do one 20 years from now?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
But I didn't say, like, one of the two or anything. Like, I just said, I'm gonna pick one card.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Not until I feel a little better.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I just felt super powered. Why do you even bother?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I do. I have to admit that I do. I'm very grievously injured, I think. Wait, what? What is this deck?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
What the fuck is... Tell my children that peer pressure is for no man.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I wish that I picked a different card.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Well, I think there's a plot of our next dice.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
So you're not going to tell me where her item is? Oh, yeah, you gotta at least tell them where her item is.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Today's going to be a real riches to rags. You know?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Welcome to Legends of Evandros, where the points don't matter.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, thank you. Don't put Ruin back in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to our channel. Thank you, Kimma. Orla's body is just lying there. Hey, Orla, aren't you enjoying this? As if in disagreement. Fights!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I don't have any more stories for you.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Don't bring Orla back. It is way too funny narrative-wise. I'm gonna use that as a hook for Feywild. Yeah, for sure. For sure, Abby.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Actually, a couple of us. I have an idea.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
This is the post credit. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Guarded by two giants. And guarded by that quail.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Brooch. Brooch a subject. Oh, okay. Or pin a brooch on yourself.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, we need to talk about your underwear.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Thank you for joining us, Lauren, for this adventure. This was super fun. It was so great having you here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
What a ridiculous nonsense session today was. Perfect, perfect way to end.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm glad I didn't listen to my cousin and store it all under my mattress. Ensure your portable holds today.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yes, this is an immature scream. It is an immature scream.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Just start flipping all of the gold coins and seeing if any happens. Oh, there we go. More than often.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
It's a gambling pastime. It's a gambling hobby.