Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Welcome to Legends of Avantris. Here's what happened last time. Just above a quiet deli known as Gino's Deli.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Seven. Points of piercing damage and six points of poison damage. How much? And you make a constitution saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You feel the blood olives juice getting into your new, fresh wound. But that surprise attack is countered by Knuckles' surprise attack, so I'm putting you at the top of the round, and then we'll enter actual initiative round.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Knock the pervert out. Beautiful turn, and then we're gonna start at the top with Gino's turn.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't know why. Oh no! He starts off small and gets bigger inside of his throat.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh yeah, don't you have like a moxie flask or something?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Seven points of bludgeoning damage. Okay. The one who had just struck Gino takes seven points of bludgeoning damage, and it clearly does quite a bit of hurt. You can hear her yell out pain, but she doesn't go down. That's the conclusion of your turn? Yep. Gino, you're up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That's right. This is the one that Knuckles just injured? Yes. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
15 points of piercing damage. She goes down. The Meat Hook is enough that you slice it and it disappears. You know, you try to say words in orders and then... Oh, Hooker. The Hooker goes down.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Is that the conclusion of your turn? Orla, you're up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All right. A little bit of grim cannibalism humor.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
One of them is dead, dead. The one that is adjacent to Knuckles and... This guy. Yeah, yeah. I want you to flip that. Can I flip him? Okay.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What does it look like when you cast mind slipper?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, he gets a subtract of 1d4 moving forward. Oh, got it, 1d4. He gets banned.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
and that's even better so um 18 points of damages is what they're gonna take to both of them to each of them yeah holy man all right uh that was luno and the other one you're not good enough for her daughter both of them are killed instantly it's like that moment in the dream where sarah connor is at the nuclear explosion and she just turns into ash and skeleton Jesus.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Its history is old and storied. Older, certainly, than the noble families that would call themselves its rulers, for Galtica has no king or sovereign. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, Galtica perseveres. This is a hub of many, many races from across the mortal plane and even beyond, and thus is a city of great spectrums.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
18 days. 18 days, yeah. It's a very strange number of days.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Why does this milk hit different?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You do that. But he's not dead. So you attempt to kill him. You punch into him. And now it's top of the round. Gino, you're up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So if you can do four points of damage. Yeah, I kill him. Okay, now you kill him. And you realize that these drow, Thor, how stealthy and excellent they were to get to this point without too much issue. We're not prepared for the likes of ragtag power.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Uh, lying before you are, four dead drow, and just at the entrance. You can walk in at any moment. What the fuck were you thinking, killing these guys?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Make a perception check, everyone.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
22. 22. Oh, that's a MVP. I'd say anyone who got higher than 10. Here's a bing from two rooms over. The sound of the lift starting to go back down the shaft.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You're staring and trying to decide what to say about Luna.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You're horrified not just to hear the sound of the lift starting to go up, but also the door itself.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
This is a classic beholder. This is not a death tyrant or one of the smaller varieties. 5E, behold this dead block. This is just bread and butter M.M. M.M. ? The door to the vault is also starting to close itself. It seems that it only stays open for maybe a minute or two minutes at a time. For however long you were fighting the drow, this time limit seems to have expired and you can see that
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
turning spoke wheel start to move itself and the entire door is starting to swing shut if you don't go inside the vault there's a very good chance this heist will be lost we're in we're already in oh you're inside yeah you're inside yeah the bodies of the drow are just at the door at the entrance of the of the vault they're not in the vault with you do you bring them in with you what are you doing
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I would say make a deception check to see how well you do at cleaning up everything.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm the cleaner. Typically, that means he just gets to do it at advantage, but let's do it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You all pull yourselves into the vault. You do a pretty good job. At a certain point, somebody is going to... suspect something looking at the blood on the floor, but you're surprised how well you work together. Perhaps it's your momly cleaning energy and your deli counter wiping down energy combined. For sure.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And as you... As you wait for the door to close, you all are thinking, how are we going to get this treasure out of here? How are we going to get out of this situation? Well, there's no way to teleport. There's no wish coming, perhaps. What is going to be the solution? And when the door closes, it's not darkness that surrounds you. you realize that you aren't in a dark place at all.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
In fact, the walls seem to have completely evaporated. You are now staring out at a sky, a blue, beautiful sky in all directions. You seem to be at the top of a mountain, at the top of some citadel, looking down, surrounded still by this same treasure. But as soon as the door closed, you have...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
jumped from wherever it was in the top of this building to some other plane of existence, staring out down the mountain, down the citadel, all the way around. You seem to be in a completely new Place, all four of you and the bodies of these drows surrounded by mountains of treasure.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And it's not the clicking of the elevator that you hear anymore, but the loud thump, thump, thump of some massive creature walking, sounding like some huge giant. And as panic overtakes you, that is where we will end tonight's session.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You didn't spend it. You lose it. So we keep it for the next heist, for the current heist. Read the manual. We have a handbook.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Thank you so much for listening to the Legends of Avantris podcast. We hope you enjoyed the session. If you want even more campaigns to listen to, become a member of our Patreon at the Pearl Dolphin tier or higher to unlock Shroud Over Saltmarsh, a patron exclusive campaign set on the high seas. You can find that at slash Legends of Avantris.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If you want to chat about the episode with the Avantris community, join us on Discord at slash discord. We also post content nearly every day on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. So make sure you follow our socials at slash social.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And make sure you check out The Crooked Moon so you can terrify your friends with a folk horror 5th edition supplement published by us. Get your own copy at Thanks again and we'll see you next time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
For those of you who didn't join us last time, Gino is in tremendous debt.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I like that joke a lot. Thank you, I appreciate it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
tremendous wealth and oppressive poverty, festivals and fairs and crime and corruption, adventure and intrigue, indulgence and hedonism, a city of many faces both literally and figuratively. Each of its myriad wards and neighborhoods houses humans, tieflings, dwarves, elves, dragonborn, and half another world of humanoid creatures.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Merchants can be heard from nearly every corner calling out the contents and wares of their stalls. Each street brings its own flavors and smells and spices from the many clustered street cart food vendors and cafes and taverns and eateries. If you can think of it, you can probably find it here in Big Goodberry. Tonight, we find ourselves in the bustling district of Strelia.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You hear a thud and an owl is smacked into the window. That would have made it in if you hadn't closed the window.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Ignoring the pile of owls that will slowly accumulate over the next 24 hours, you plan the heist. You talk about your strengths. You talk through additional details. By the end of the evening, you feel very confident that you know what you need to do for the next 10 days. until the night of the heist in order to get what you need to get and get out. It's the night of the heist.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You are all five, four of you, however many. All five of you, you and Patsy. No, the four of you stand in front of the Silver Lining Casino. It's this eight-story tall building that's been constructed almost zigguratedly, to use a word that I just made up,
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
um tiered to make it well if you're picturing the crag from the the television show guts on nickelodeon oh my gosh i haven't thought of guts in like 20 years but the exterior has been like molded to look kind of like a mountain And the silver lining is that there's an illusion, a huge swirling cloud right at the very, very top that has this, like, unbelievable sheen around the edge of it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If you've ever seen those, like, fast motion, I'm going to be very anachronistic tonight. If you've ever seen those, like, fast motion videos of an actual mountain and you can see the, like, cloud just undulating that way, that's what's happening in real time as you look up at the... And every 20 minutes there's a thunderstorm, like, reinforcing it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you know that they serve lava cake, but it's not very good. It's disappointing. It's always dry. How do you serve lava? How do you screw it up? It's crazy.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He's going, soup pops for sale. Oh, it's a soup kake vendor. Let's just stop someone on the way in. That's not real. And there are people who are going from the casino, placing bets, to Goodberry Square, where the actual game is being placed. People are finding their seats, buying tickets, finding their way in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Families of all shapes and sizes, friends laughing, enjoying flagons of ale right there on the walking street. As you walk in through the revolving doors in front of this casino, you're able to see these huge chandeliers, brilliant carpets. You see game table after game table after game table. You can even see the place where people are rushing in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Long strings of people in lines waiting to place their bets on whether or not they think the Mighty Trunks or the Bloodhawks are going to be able to win through the day. Mighty Trunks odds are better than they probably, than you would expect, but still, the Bloodhawks are previous champions, and they are undefeated.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm sorry, Little Filibarifia.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Flawless victory after flawless victory, 4-0, 4-0, 4-0, and now the final game of the night, and you can feel the excitement and the energy, not just here, not just in the streets, but in all of Galtica, to enjoy this amazing celebration of athletic skill. What are you all doing?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Just above a quiet deli known as Geno's Deli. It is here that you all find yourselves now staring down at, count them, 100,000 gold pieces. The total payout for successfully delivering the complete skeleton of a massive behir from the Galtican Museum, a job well done. Now is your chance at the big one.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Just as you're saying that, you hush your voice because two casino guards walk right by you. And you can see that this is an already secure game floor. There are a number of very obviously dressed, but very obviously skilled protectors. People who are there to enforce the casino law, so to speak.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You all know in this moment that Gino is going to keep an eye out for the king's whistle. The moment when the game begins can be heard even outside of the stands. Even here in the casino, you'll be able to hear the cheers of the crowd and the gasps of exhilaration as the game proceeds. Your job is to blend in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Until that king's whistle sounds and he uses his shell phone to communicate with you that you need to meet at the first layer of security and do whatever it is that you've planned on doing. And everything will go according to plan, of course. You just need to find a game. They come with free drinks. You could play roulette. You could play hustle. You could play slots. You could play finders.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You could play matches. The choice is yours.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So Gino goes to the slots. Orla, where are you going?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Knuckles, what's your game of choice? Well, I already said I'll do Matches.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can both enjoy some Matches for sure.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Finders, Hustle, and Roulette.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
This rare opportunity may require significant investment, but could mean more money than you could rightly spend in two lifetimes, or three. How you approach this job, how you plan for it, and work together to achieve this ultimate aim is up to you.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Every single time. Every single time we play a hoot creature game.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He's like... Glitzy, you sit at the table and... You know the rules, of course, but just as a refresher.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Minimum of one gold piece on the table. You can bet as much as you like. Players roll a d6 and a d4 in the open. And so you've rolled your D6 and your D4.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Would you like any booze in that?
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We can make it however you like, absolutely.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Of course, absolutely. We accommodate all sizes of people here at the Silver Lighting Casino.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'll be right back with your dice and your lukewarm milk.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He disappears between the crowd of people and not a few minutes pass before he comes back with a tray. And it's a very tall highballer glass and a very small dice.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Right here. And he pulled the straw out of his apron.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, we have one of these ones that we use to stir coffee with, the little red guys. If I had a copper piece for every time I heard that, I would have two copper pieces.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'll be right back. Thanks. You get all of the beverage needs that you need. And there are four or five people sitting next to you at this table.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, you're talking to them. Oh, yeah. They're very annoyed that they can't continue with the game until you roll your dice. And they're getting increasingly frustrated.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, no, no, she's talking to the servant. The dealer is standing there professionally.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If you hit, if you go above it, then you're bust and you get nothing. But you can roll as many additional d4s as a hit, similar to blackjack, as you want in order to try to beat the dealer's value. And that's the game.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You roll your d6 and your d4 at the same time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If you want to go higher and try to get closer than that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So now I'm at three. I get to, no, I don't. I actually, I saw.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You stop at nine. Everyone else is doing this in turn, this sort of thing, rolling their dice. And then the dealer reveals that they had rolled a one. They got a three total. And so everyone who got more than three and didn't bust wins double their money. So you get a gold piece back.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you do. But let's go over to Gino.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you find it to swoop in a nice wide glass with two small handles that you can hold and sip from.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If no match, you get nothing back after your investment. If two match, you get a combined score of matching dice in gold pieces. And if three match, you add double the combined score of matching dice.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That's your seventh old fashion. Do you want an eighth?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That was zero. Gregory keeps coming back.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
At this point, he just has a pressurized tank on his back, pre-mixed old-fashioned. Oh, yeah. Hold your glass out.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And that's how slots work. Florla, Knuckles, you find yourself on a very luxurious round table with red velvet on the surface. And you'll have a minimum of five gold pieces to invest, but you'll each take turns rolling 46 for three rounds.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You keep matching numbers, and the first one to have four matches before the three rounds are up wins, but if no player has matching dice by the end of three rounds, the player with the highest dice total wins. And it's a pot. Five gold pieces, five gold pieces. There's a pot of, let's say, 30 divided by the players at the table, and you're able to roll your... Did you just get that?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I got two threes. Okay, you both match one, but you get to roll another 46 for the third round. Another three?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Roll all of them again. You have... You would, I don't think that you, no, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, you count that you have one match, but you are rolling 40, 60 points.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Random lady at the slots next to me.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I did terribly. None of the other players have any matches at all. You have two matches. I have two matches. Because you had a match in the second round and a match now. You have three matches. Because you have a match from the previous and a three and a three and a three and a three. So that will be the win to you. So 30 gold pieces get slid across the velvet to you and you continue to play.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, a habit for a rabbit makes sense.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And as you guys are continuing to play and get more and more luxurious, you hear this sudden sound, this high-pitched wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee. You can hear these... Not creatures, but these clockwork-like devices are opening and closing beaks almost, and they are screaming out into the area.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you can see an extremely drunk and rude and violent patron getting pulled out and away from one of the tables. He's clearly lost it, screaming. Look at that, Gino.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You pull the platinum pieces out and you actually break even. Outrageously. And the guards are on top of this guy immediately. And from almost seemingly nowhere, from the wall, what looked like perhaps an ornate decoration of some kind, some sort of piece of art, like corporate art or something, animates and suddenly jumps down and... iron bangles grab around his arms and pull him in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's just like that moment in Doctor Strange when he throws that wacky contraption at the villain.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, it's going to be very anachronistic tonight. He gets strapped into place and he is frozen. You can hear he can't even... Which contraption was it? It was a... From the Doctor Strange picture. It was literally like the Iron Bangles of Shasha Shasha. I can't remember. Is that from the first one? From the first one, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, it's also a D&D object, and you may or may not recall that Percy had one in the first season of Critical Role. I don't recall that either. Basically, you get hit with one of these things and it completely locks up your legs, your torso, your arms, and it makes it impossible for you to speak. It is very effective against mages of all types.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Sorry, I saw the chat recognize what I was referencing and missed what you were actually asking me.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Make a perception check. You're able to see over the heads of most, given your rhinoceros-like size. Rhinoceros-like size. Ten. Ten. I would say even with a 10, it's pretty evident that this person is not a Gino. You see a frock of red hair coming from between the bands and you breathe a sigh of relief.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's in this moment of silence in the casino that, as the murmurs are starting to come back up, that you hear the sound of the announcers from across the street from the very square. Okay. Okay. Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam. Welcome to the final 42nd Grand Fling-Flel Championship. My name is Tank Hammerfall. And I'm Varad-Day. Welcome, everyone. Welcome, all.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And before we get started, I believe we have a very special little something. A local Galtigan I'm sure you all know is going to sing the Galtigan anthem. Moments later, you can hear this quiet voice, and it goes on. You know that this means it's time to alert the gang, the crew.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You know that there are many ways to get to the back. We're going to go to the back. And so of the many entrances and because of your thorough planning and precision coordination. Yes, of course. You know that one of them is almost certainly going to be the most overlooked. And in your due diligence, you know that the...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
the two guards who would typically stand there are probably not paying as close attention to the door because they're both huge flamethrower fans and they need to sort of move to the side a little bit in order to see that major image.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That's a shame. I've neglected to mention two things. No, just one. Everyone should have already started with their own starter twist of foresight. So if you haven't taken your token, make sure you have it in person. It's a real fake doubloon. And now you can sneak into the back. And I would ask anyone who is intending to do so, and I'm assuming all of you, to make a stealth check.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, are you a, are you a, you're not a halfling. We used rabbit folk.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
As a group, you succeed and you're able to, one of you clicks the door open and the three of you make your way in. And just because you stub your toe.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Orla is able to make it inside and keeps herself relatively hush. It doesn't seem like the guards have noticed you and you find yourself when the door comes to a clicking stop. in the quiet hallways of the back. It's here that you know that you're going to need to very quickly change your attire.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It would be obvious that you are patrons of the casino, that you shouldn't be back here without some security escort or something along those lines. While you think about what you're going to change into in order to not arouse suspicion by passing guards, or as you get deeper into this casino, that's where we'll take a break.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Thank you. You all stand in the halls of the Silver Lining Casino in the back. The back area typically only accessible to waiting staff, to the guards, and to high rollers, who are taken to the high stakes table, which you know is your next destination.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can hear a long line of people outside the store.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Before you can proceed, however, you know you must quickly change attire, and wearing what you wore, you are able to very quickly transform yourself as quickly as one could. What do you look like?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Different than a normal heist where you might be wearing heistery clothes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You know that if guards were to come around the corner and see people wearing commoner clothes or heisting clothes, there'd be a problem. They would probably deal with you the same way that was dealt with, that the drunkard was dealt with just before being wheeled out of the casino. Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you can see on the walls, in sconces, you can see at almost every corner these same strange mechanized creatures, still and unalerted, but ready to pounce on any intruders should they be alerted by the shriekers that are placed incrementally down in the hallway and the ceiling.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you have that option. I would say at a minimal cost and without the need for a foresight twist, you are able to have the attire that you want to wear that you feel is appropriate to sell whatever it is that you're trying to sell should you run into an encounter. Gino looks like a guard. He looks just like all the men and women that you saw out in the game floor.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Ladder from nowhere. Like a single zip-up, like, gray... Yeah, it's a telescoping ladder.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I love it. You can even hear muffled through the walls the sound of the patrons of the casino, and maybe even more faintly, the outrageous uproar of the Goodberry Square across the street. Oh, let me try to hear the score. Hold on. An explosion of sound. Clearly, there has been a score point of some kind.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I hope it's the Trump. I hope it's the Trump.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The high-stakes tables room is somewhere in the back of this labyrinthine casino set of hallways that you find yourself in.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You're looking for a red carpet that you know would please the nobles and other high stakes high rollers who would want to play a game of chance or cards against, you know, a heads up fashion with a much larger sums of money and experience a little bit more luxury than they might in the common game floor. And so the three of you start to make your way towards that space.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
While that happens, Gino, you make your way to security. And sure enough, you are able to go there. You know you've come here for a specific object.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
But in the guards' room, you are able to open the door, and it's not as packed as you would imagine. There's clearly many lockers and security apparati in this space. You've come for the key to the lift that's on the other side of the stakes roller, the high stakes tables room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Hello. Are we needed outside? We were just taking five.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I was asking you. What's the score? No, no, no. We just came back in here 15, 20 minutes ago. We heard the screams. We assume that the game is going well. For whom? I guess the question. Well, didn't you just come in here? Have you been out there?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I've heard that. My kid has one of the masks. It's hilarious.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We're not allowed to bet as guards.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I was just checking. I was just testing you.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
As you're talking to this one individual, his comrade in arms is looking at you very seriously.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We're just security. We're not running the game. You'd have to go upstairs for something like that.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That sounds vaguely familiar to me for some reason.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And so you must be familiar with the commander of corporate, Bladen.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Deception, that'll be a 20. A dirty 20. A dirty 20. Yeah, nice trick.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, uh... Do you even know Blade's name?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Well, we each have one. You can expect mine, and you can see my name right here. My name is Bladen.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, with the lift pass. You leave with the lift pass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, now make a sleight of hand check. That was my intention to make a sleight of hand.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The lift path, yeah. You walk out and as the door slowly comes to a close and swings shut, you can hear a, man, those inspectors are hard. And you make your way down the hallway and you start to catch up with the rest of the crew. The three of you are now much farther along your journey.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You've found the red carpet and you know that just around the corner, you'll be able to find the entrance to the high stakes room. What have you been doing in this time?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You are going to go up a lift to get to the high stakes table, and then you know that there's a secondary lift to get up to the vault, which is at the top of this tall casino building a story's at.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Over. Make an intelligence check. 10. It takes more time than you'd like. No guards come, but the three of you stand awkwardly in front of the lift for another 15 minutes, and you suddenly hear this muffled sound of one team or another, impossible to tell from within this building, but you hear the crash and the screams of excitement and of the sport.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Then Gino finally wanders around the corner and you see him spinning essentially like a long crystal that he'll be able to use to engage the lift.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The three of you in front of the lift.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, no, no. The three of you were waiting awkwardly in front of the lift, and Gino has just joined the party. Got you. I was confused. I was not very clear. So now the four of you stand in front of the lift, ready for Gino to apply the lift pass and make your way up four floors to the high-stakes room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You drop down to the marble floor of the interior of the Galtican Museum of, well, Galtica. You need to find a way to get this massive artifact the four of you and the ten of your children with the crates under each arm are able to make your way through the windows and over the threshold of the grass and immediately to the getaway vehicle.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Your understanding is that it'll open up right into the room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Someone walking just past the opening of this hallway skips to a stop and turns up. You're new?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I wish it was mine. Make a deception check as advantage.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No, his bloodline's ended. Apparently, my name is Jeanette. It's a lovely name.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He disappears around the corner, and not five minutes later, he swings around, and he's got this beautiful glass, this silvery, mercury-like substance, popping and cracking like fireworks at the top, and he lowers it down. You can even hear it.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's a little heavy. It's almost metal-like in its weight.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you have it. He, um... Thanks, Jeanette.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Bye. And he turns and walks back.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You wave it, and you feel something magical unlock. And with just a push of the lever, you'll be able to take this from the floor that it's on now to its terminal point, the very top, and be able to make your way into the next space.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's a little tricky to get the ladder in there, but if you, like, collapse a few of the telescoping legs, no problem.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I failed to include this in your mastermind details, but it's about 10 days from now. Oh, it's 10.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can feel yourselves getting higher and higher. What were you gonna say? Do you need me to, you know, do the thing?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
and then you hear a light ding and the doors open and you're staring out into a very dark room
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You look extremely confident doing so. As if you're here for a purpose. You know exactly why you're going to maintain.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Jeanette was not lying. This room has closed for the game. It is empty. There isn't a single person in the High Rollers room. There is a bunch of dark gaming tables. You can see a luxurious bar with a faint glow. No one manning it. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anyone in there. But you do feel a very peculiar sensation when you walk into this room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I need everyone to roll an Arcana check. I'm kind of... That's a d12.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Mm-hmm. Thanks. Well, let's see. Maybe it's your attunement with magic, with the Feywild, with something... Something immediately hits you when you go in here, and you realize that if you wanted to use magic, you wouldn't be able to in this space.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
High rollers, people with great wealth, nobility, certainly have an incentive to cheat, and it seems that this entire space has an anti-magic field to it, for lack of a better word.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, okay. This great circular room, you do spy on the other side what appears to be another vault door that would take you further up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, yeah. You're basically at floor four, maybe five at this point. Okay, no, I'm fine. Give me another few stories to get up to what you believe to be the location of the vault room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You get a sense that the reason why the wand isn't working is because it's being affected by the same anti-magic.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
2. 2. Maybe it's because you have a ladder.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You realize that just above the bar, there's an opening. Very unusually, there is a giant single eye staring out from a hole behind this bar.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It looks entirely still, but it strikes you as very unusual right away.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You won't be able to do that in an anti-magic field.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You get up, and as you get closer and closer and closer, what looks like a glass eye starts to feel more and more organic to you. You can see what looks like the bottom ridge of an...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
of a of a lid you can see little tiny hairs sprouting out you can see the moisture on the surface of this globular eye staring out into uh infinity almost a thousand yard stare um it does feel like this is the source of this magic i think this is a real thing like an actual like
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm gonna step out of the way a bit, holding the ladder. You lean away and for whatever reason, it's this movement where the pupil finally turns and looks at you just as the hookshot smashes into the white side of the eyeball. I won't even make you roll. It closes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
and you hear a shriek, and you're horrified to find that the wall that you've been supporting yourself on against this ladder starts to collapse backwards.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
From behind the wall, as it pulls apart, what you see is a monstrosity, a nightmare from your darkest nightmares, your darkest nights, a giant, fleshy orb behind the back of this bar, what appears to have multiple stalks of eyes pulling out from the top of its head.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
floating, hovering feet from the ground, and it is starting to emerge into the high stakes room, looking around and slathering with one huge mouth, spitting and garbling in impossible language that you don't understand. I need you all to roll for initiative.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah. Or actually, I can use my help action on somebody. Okay, let's see. One, two. Yeah, then you go first.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
A beholder's eye projects an anti-magic field. It's coming from the beholder.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You hear him going down the stairs about three steps and then just a sound of like a .
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
But Glitzy would know that, having heard all of these things, for sure. Why don't we put on some combat music and I guess create a space for some sort of figure? I don't know. I have no idea. Should we get minis of some kind? Yeah, I don't have my mini generator, so we're gonna have to use actual minis for a second. Let me put the music on. Thanks! This is what you fight a beholder to.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'd say you guys would all be standing relatively close to each other, with the exception of Orla, who's like 10 feet away from this thing. So right there, right there, and then the other three of you, yeah, a good 20, 30 feet back.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And it is surprised by its sudden freedom and sort of waking up to the moment and starting to come alive, but you're all able to get the jump on it, being as tense and prepared for this heist as you obviously are. And Glitzy, you're up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You remember as clear as if it happened yesterday, because it did. You were able to find this one clue that there was this room that potentially had some sort of anti-magic and very likely from a beholder. And you push the door open and you see your friend called... Afrida. Afrida? Her name is Afrida?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
She's got her feet on the counter. She's eating some bugles.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, yeah, I think I got something in the back for you.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
But you've still got the black makeup around the eyes, right?
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's a pretty heavy price. I can give you 95% off. Yeah, I'll take it. Okay, that'll be 5,000 gold pieces.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
20. 20, yeah, absolutely. You were able to give her just 1,500 gold pieces. Perfect, yeah. And she hands you this heavy, it's called an iron flask, but the surface is actually very pewter-like in the way that it feels to the touch, and it thrums with magical energy.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
In your hands, it's still quite big, but something that you could hide on your person should you need it in a pinch. And so you push it into your pack, and you start to make your way out. Just as you do, you see a loxodon suddenly walk in from the front of the door, and you recognize this loxodon. This is one of the mighty trunks. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's Gina, and she is furious because she just found out that her husband has been cheating with a freedom.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Four years later. Why is it always funky chunk? I don't know. All right. So on your turn, you pull out the iron flask and you need a wisdom saving throw. Oh, wisdom saving throw. Of course.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Apparently not. Oh, it's got a, it's actually proficient. So that's going to be a 16.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Mike? Not this one. Some maybe, but Thunk, you open it.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You see the stalks of eyes looking around maniacally and starting to come down looking at you. They seem to be glowing with their own magical energy. It seems they are unaffected by this anti-magic field and they're about to unleash a absolute bombing of rays in all directions. Fear, innervation, telekinetic, sleep, petrification. Just fucking die.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And all of a sudden you hear this from looking down. You see Glitzy holding open the bottle and... It gets pulled in. And then the cork pulls itself back onto the top of the bottle, and you can't even hear if you hold up your ear the screaming madness that must exist and reside within.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Hell yeah. Beautiful vengeance. Couldn't have gone better. And as soon as the cork on the top of the glass lands, you feel your magical abilities report.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
the seriousness of the situation, as much adrenaline as that was just for a moment. restores in your mind, and you realize there's a heist going on. You're doing it. You could be caught and put in prison for many years, or perhaps even killed by the mysterious owners of this casino.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And the crash of sound as a third point rings out from outside of the casino walls, and you can hear that another game point has been scored.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They don't have a price. It's literally legendary that you can't. Okay, so you accidentally just added like 250 to 500,000 gold pieces to your price.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The fact that it contains a beholder, you now have an unstoppable nightmare in your pocket at any time. A beholder that can be tamed for an hour.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Sorry, I'm joking with Gino. Bye. You wave, you wave, and you hear the magical ding indicating that the lift will come down. It seems that it was on the, at the top floor. And you wait. And you wait. And you start getting concerned about whether or not you're doing brain damage to Geno.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Still, the lift doesn't sound. Putting your ear up against the gate. You're not hearing the tick, tick, tick of the apparatus making its way down. Silent.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
you take the crystal and you wave it and you can you you again hear the ding that you heard at the bottom of the previous lift indicating that the lift was on the way or that the doors would open right away and allow you to step onto the lift and then use the lever in order to go up you do it again ding ding still the lift is not arriving it should be here at the speed that it was going if it was the same style lift and there's no reason to presume other ones
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You may certainly attempt to do so.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Make a strength check. Add advantage if you have a crowbar.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
use your giant muscles to open up the door with oh hey oh i'm coming too thanks knuckle we didn't go anywhere you watch this tiny rabbit folk uh with a 16 you were able to pull it apart uh reasonably easy actually um it takes your strength to do it for knuckles it would be like opening a normal door but These are tents. You know the collapsing accordion style gates that are some cool elevators?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That's the style of thing that you own. Perfect.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
for the car scene. You pull that apart and it stays in place and then you're actually able to get the tent's doors apart and you can see it's dark on the other side. It's on the same floor, there's no shaft going down, but there doesn't seem to be a lift behind these doors.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can see that she's been eaten from behind.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm looking into an empty... You're looking at the room where the lift would sit if it were in front of you, but it is not.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
At this point, it's safe to say that you've all deduced that the lift, for whatever reason, cannot come down. In order to continue your heist, because time is indeed passing, that you must find a way up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The casino where the money is held by all the gamblers is the real prize. On the eastern shores of Viona, there lies the great city of Galtica, staring out into a dark and turbulent ocean. This is a place of business and commerce for many, a place of opportunity for some, and home to hundreds of thousands of creatures that make up the many boroughs and districts within the city proper.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
So it's dark, and you're able to make your way through the opening of these lift doors, and looking up, it's quite dark, but you can see that there are these rods on all four sides of the interior of this column leading up, and you can see the bottom very faintly. It's four stories up. You can see very faintly the bottom of the elevator.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's an elevator. And so you're able to travel directly up and get to the bottom of this lift. It takes you a little bit of maneuvering, but you can climb around into the side and get above it where the hatch is. And you can look down through the hatch if you so choose, or you can fly down. Yeah, I'll look through the hatch and see what's inside.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It would be the only way to get inside would be to very narrowly go around the lift and above. And looking down, you can see three things. You can see the crystal that has been jammed into the mechanism that controls the lever, effectively blocking it from going up and down. That's why the lift is prevented from coming down.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Additionally, you can see two pools of blood as what are very obviously security guards lie on the bottom of the lift.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You open the hatch, your hand goes down, you pull the crystal free, and sure enough, with the mechanism being released, it moves down much faster than you anticipated. Down the column. It doesn't fall at gravity speed, but it's like barely making it down before it finally slams with a loud sound, loud enough perhaps to alert others and crash.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you can see immediately illuminated within the confines of the lift, the two dead bodies that Glitzy described. Who the fuck would do this?
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It looks, um, make a perception check.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
19. 19. It would take magical effect to repair it, or someone who understands the mechanism to get it back into a magical place that would reinvigorate the lift. Can I check the bodies of the guards?
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I would say that you need to cast it twice to unfix two of the things.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It'll take 20 minutes at a ritual.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, really? I always thought it was 10. Well, D&D Beyond... That's true. I thought that from my pre-D&D Beyond days.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm gonna mend it twice. I'm gonna make the same judgment and say that it'll take 20 minutes. All right. I will cast Mending 20 times. Okay, you get to work.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I got a six. With a six, you turn the bodies over and you can see that they've clearly been cut with a blade, but you don't learn any more information.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They have the two halberds that would have been at their side. They still have their weapons on them. They have the clothes that they would have had them, some coin, loose change in the pockets. But other than that, they are lacking any crystals or identification.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
This is why I like Icebound, where all of a sudden people just pull hempen rope from nowhere in the middle of a D&D session. Do you know how much rope for a nine inch tall creature you need?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If they got on top of the elevator, if you guys got on top of the lift, watch your feet, watch your feet, watch your feet. Hand your feet away from the bottom of the rope.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Watch your feet, watch your feet. She's at the top, door's closed, looking down the lift shaft. You just gotta call it what it is, it's a shaft. And looking at the three of you, you're finishing up your repairs. You hear another crash of sound from outside as the casino walls reverberate with the sound of cheering because another point has been scored.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And if you let down a rope from here, they could get on top of the lift and there'd still be like a 10 foot gap to the bottom of the dangling rope.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It just finished, right? That's what I was assuming that you guys were doing.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And the lift engages. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's only a little bit of blood on each one. These are soaking blood.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's a little smack as it hits the back of one of the guards' heads and rolls off into the corner of the mirror. It reaches the top. It doesn't crush Glitzy. You zoom through the top of the hatch, and the doors open, and you are confronted with not a vault, but some sort of a breach room. A room before the vaulted room. This room is, and I already have a description here.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You can see in this room, crossing the threshold on the opposite side, illuminated as it is by ensconces that glow on the walls, a heavy iron reinforced door that appears to be closed and locked. On every wall, there are rows and rows and rows upon levers. Tons of levers, all of them facing up. At the end of each lever is a small crystal orb that glows with a blue and white energy.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
If you stand, it almost appears like a pixelation, where you can see moving clouds almost through and through. You're getting to the top now. You're getting a sense that you're sort of at the top of the building, being affected by this illusion to a certain degree.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Stepping in, you see the door to be closed and the levers that I just described. That's all.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
These appear to be two new faces to you. As horror-stricken as they are, you didn't encounter them. Maybe you vaguely recall one from previous times you've been here, because you've been to this casino a number of times, but you don't recognize them from any of your encounters this evening. To your point, make an investigation.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You're all making sounds as you're passing over the white marble floor of this room. Are we still wearing our moon shoes? Not this time, unless you had a flashback to prove it. And it would be immediately evident if there had been a trace of blood or something else. But this room is featureless on the floor, aside from what I've already described.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Invisible or otherwise. When you cast fairy fire, it is enough to encompass the majority of the space.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That would have been a problem if you guys had tried climbing the shaft.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Other than that, your spell illuminates nothing aside from the four of you, if any of them had been encompassed by your fairy fire.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I pull a lever. Just the closest lever. You grab a lever and you swing it down.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You know... 13. That is a success, so you only take half. I'll let you roll it. It's 10d8 lightning damage.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You all turn. Or perhaps some of you turn. Or I'll say you.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And I flip it. You see an arc of electricity over the arm. What hair you do have, I don't know if you have any hair. No. No, none hair. None hair.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
But smoking, you... This crash, a sphere of electric energy in all directions. It's like flash white. There's like the silhouette of a skeleton in the middle of it. Yeah, but it attaches to the horn, obviously. And you just fall onto his back. And without a word, I just, cool. I keel over. He's unconscious, knocked out, KO'd.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What is the problem you are trying to solve? How is Gino going to anticipate and solve this problem?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I don't have a... flashback idea from that But we all imagine a beautiful montage of you working in the deli. The few hours that you do work.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You push the sandwich into Knuckles' mouth.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's the perfect flavor. You've been watching him. You know exactly what will weaken his latent abilities.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And not only do you regain enough health to get back to half of your max HP, you get plus four int for the rest of this heist.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The middle one fell off, so it's just Gino.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's like that meme. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're all passing through my head. It's the moment in The Hangover when he's looking at the surprisingly appropriate for a casino heist.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Skeleton Key is not the particular lever. You suddenly realize it's thinking backwards will help move you forwards. You grabbed a lever as the crystal stopped glowing white for a moment to transition into that blue. And so going on intellect and instinct... Oh, when I grabbed the crystal. You grabbed the crystal. In this case...
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
this shifting white material that's going around the room, you suspect that you only need to turn a few levers to get the door to unlock, but you can only turn levers that have reached their most radiant white in the center of the cloud. So going on this hunch, you reach up and you pull one of those levers just as the cloud starts to transition, and you're safe, you're fine. Yes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
As soon as you get to the whitest color, you pull down. You do it again, you do it again. Four sides, four levers, that's all you need. Clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk. And all of a sudden, the door releases. You can hear the mechanism inside, this magical connection that it has with this puzzle.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And you know that if you were to walk up to it now, that even with your great mind, you have muscles enough to move this heavy door.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He watches Knuckles, pulls these doors open, and they swing to the side. And across the space is a massive circular door, a vault door. You've seen those classic bank heist vault doors. This is 20 feet tall.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It has a huge arm, and you can tell that there's a spoke turning wheel that'll allow you to, if we're unengaged and unlocked, turn open and be able to swing open to reveal the vault's contents therein. But that's not all that catches your eye. There are four crouched figures sitting in front of this vault door. You can see the back of them. They haven't turned yet.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They're facing the door, and one of them in particular has some sort of instrument clicking through, seemingly attempting to... Find them some combination or listen in to opening it. And they're mumbling and adjusting. You can hear them in very hushed whispers. They're all clad in black, but you can see from the top of their head long white hair.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah, I would say in a city as diverse as Galtica, I won't make you even roll a history check. This looks like the hair of a drow, a dark elf.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's hard to tell. They're still facing the vault door and whispering to each other, seemingly attempting to crack it.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm ready to go. Still feeling energized, if not a little bruised. You're ready to rock.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
They turn swiftly, all four of them, their hair whipping around, and you can see their semi-masked faces staring back at you, and they stand, pulling their weapons, these very round, bladed chakrams at each of their side, immediately up.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
This vault is taken. You can't make your way in here. You turn around and go on your pretty way, rabbit folk.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We're working on it. We're very close.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There's four of them, and the one who stands tallest is speaking to you now.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Impossible. We've made a sworn pact to our god to retrieve the contents therein and make our way. In but mere moments, our teammate friends will win the championship and wish us free of this place. Are y'all with the cult?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I hinted very mildly that the team, the Bloodhawks, was disguised Dark Elves, and so had they won, they would have been able to use their wishes instead of the Mighty Trunks, but that... Oh, fine. So our characters don't know. Your characters wouldn't know. And even in that moment, you hear a fifth point suddenly crash, and you realize that this game could end at any moment.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There does. And at either side, they are walking. You can hear their footstep very softly on the marble floor start to walk towards you. They clearly are thinking of threatening you and trying to get you out and free. And one of them even looks at you, Knuckles, and sort of does an eye-to-eye like stare down, trying to be as intimidating as possible.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I think it would say charm in the spell, call them emotions, wouldn't it? Oh, it's a... They have advantage on saving throws against being charmed. I think it is a charm.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I think they'll say they are charmed and... Wisdom saving throw? Charisma saving. Oh. Charisma. 14, does that save?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And it affects all four? Um, yeah.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The three of them who are advancing on you, suddenly their eyes sort of flash with your magical energy as the spell takes hold. And the one doing the cracking seems... Just kill him real quick. Just kill him. And it continues to try to maneuver the door. But the three, they seem a little confused. Moments ago, they were ready to set their weapons on you.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And now they feel like maybe you're not as much of a threat.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Yeah. The Codecracker now stands up.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Looks frustrated, but hurried by the pressure of time that they all clearly are trying to move forward, move against. She acquiesces to the leader and steps aside. Well, if you think you can do better than I. Oh.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And they, for the moment, seem to be acquiescing under the magic of your spell. You don't know how much more of a minute you have left, but they are really- I can't stress this enough.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
No bomb will destroy this door. It's a magical door. The only way to get past it is to guess the magical word.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It looks very mechanical. It looks, I would say, what are those navigational tools? A compass? No, the other one, the one with the up and down. Sextant. A sextant. Nice. Nice.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It looks kind of like a sextant, but where you'd be able to move it across. Mature stream. You'd be able to move it across the surface and arrive at the correct letter combination.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
That you would be able to... What kind of materials is it made out of? Metal.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
uh 1.4 million kelvin so i could melt it then no like easily you have to be the inside of the sun so my mom the sun once
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Who still has a twist of foresight? You and you. And there's a shared pool of foresight for anyone to enjoy, should there be group agreement. So that is the situation. And the seconds are ticking down as this minute passes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, yeah, yeah, and their fingers are tightening around their weapons.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Give me your gift. A good dark elf name would be, I don't know.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Shmebulonk. Aluna. Schmitz. Aluna. Schmertum. Moonshine, let's call him.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The quietest and youngest dark elf who hasn't said a word aside from the three who you've spoken to so far reveals his mask, excited for a breath of fresh air and the heat being what it is, and does recognize you.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
All I have to do is say, they start, and that's all I have written.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
What impact are you making? What problem are you solving?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
He seems conflicted, and he turns to the leader, putting his hand on his shoulder. We can't, we can't.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And there's hesitance. And even though you feel the Calm Emotions spell pass, the drow are looking around at each other like, well, they're not threatening us. There seems to be an uneasy peace for the foreseeable future.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Oh, it's quite simple. If you speak a command word, then the letters will emerge in the device. The command word, it shows that there are five slots for letters. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You take it, and with your newfound inflict, immediately know how the mechanisms work.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Knife. You speak the command word, and then you run the device across the surface of the vault door, and none of the letters illuminate, but you now know that K, N, I, F, and E are not in the word that you just said.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Groin, groin, okay. I mean, whatever knuckles is. No. What did you say? Groin.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
The C turns green in its first position.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
There we go, right there. And then the O turns yellow. Okay. The A is right out. And the L turns yellow. And the S is right out.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
i don't know how many prospects merry christmas will have you hear a uproar from far far away some distant sound of the cheering crowd as the sixth point and the king's whistle rings high and loud above it indicating that the end of the game has has concluded four to two some in some direction Whoever won is making their way, waiting now to go and take their wishes.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It's very limited amount of time left.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
We need to get inside the vault. We need to get this all packed away so that when we're wished out, we can be free of all of this.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
I'm going to walk into the vault. Do I get vaporized? You actually have to turn this boat piece to get the door to finally turn. It takes a full minute even for someone of knuckle strength. And looking inside, the vault is a mountain of gold. Oh.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You all look in the vault. because the faces of the the dark elves have dropped as as knuckles pulls us away you're all illuminated by golden light at the there's there's perfectly stacked pallets for easy transport stack after stack after stack after stack of gold coins uh at each of the walls are magical items of all shapes and sizes on shelves and hooks
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Bags, swords, orbs, statuettes, engraved boxes, artifacts like chalices and rods and scepters, gems of all varieties and sizes, armor sets, helms that glimmer and gleam, mastercrafted weapons of all varieties, scrolls and maps and tomes. Curiously, in one corner, a dusty deck of tarot-sized card perches atop a modest pedestal.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Your eyes are filled with purpose and light, staring into this room as you all step inside to observe and collect your quarry. This is it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You step in. Yeah, you do that. And as you do, you feel a slashing feeling. as the drows jump on top of you. What was his name, Luno, did we decide? Yeah, Luno's fine. Luno, sure. Luno hesitantly is forced to choose between the girl of his dreams' mother and his cult-like family, but I need you all to roll for initiative.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
Thank you, Polymore. Thank you, Polymore.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
And here, you guys can put yourselves... We'll chat on Discord. ...where you would.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
You feel the movement of the Dark Elves start to descend upon you as they have clearly decided, as soon as they saw the treasure, to undo their previously tense agreement with you all. And I would say... Geno, you take... Oh no!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 2 | Heist Story: Part 2
It is 17 exactly. Okay, so it just hits, and what is the... Where are my D6s?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Does anybody notice? Would anyone care if I just took this perhaps for my gambling habits?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Whatever! Hanging on magical nothing is my favorite strip club on 28th Street.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
The main problem with three to five million gold pieces is that, you know how much one million gold pieces weigh?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, no. No, I'm like those girls would go to anime convention. I got my little ears. my little backpack, got all the little charms on it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Okay, well, my roll, if it's dexterity, what is our, oh, it's gonna be plus five, eight, ooh, that would be 20.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
We're all gonna crouch and throw the drown.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
What a horrible plan. This is a great plan.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, it could be worse. It is a 15.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Am I helping him because I'm a mastermind?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, it's my drow magic, you'll never find the treasure.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Grab him, seize him, stop him! No, no, no, don't touch him. Oh, no. Don't touch him. If you touch me, all the treasure's gone. There's curses on him? He's mine.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, it doesn't work like that.
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I have a feeling like this is the key to everything, everybody.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
He's gonna come and open it. He's gonna come and he's gonna open it.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And so Knuckles is gonna jump out and he's gonna kill him.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
We're gonna stope out the whole castle. Let out Eddie if you need to. We'll let out Eddie. Death ray and whatever. Tell him the death ray when that happens, okay?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I would like to put my name in the, in the, my head in the room.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
He's eating them like they're fucking Tic Tacs. Anyone else feeling sweaty and nervous? And wasps?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I think I have wasps in gear, so wasp gear. All right, is that a plan?
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For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
to show that we're... Okay, no, no, no.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Wait, how do you spell Griffin? Is it G-R-I-F-F-O-N or G-R-Y-P-H-O-N or G-R-I-F-F-I-N?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, I think that was the wall. Hey, here. Hey, Knuckles. Did you murder that guy yet? Over. What'd I hear?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Oh, my drow costume! Oh, my drow costume! Hot topic!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Does anyone else feel like they have increased sweating and increased nervousness? Who won?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And you know who I think? Hold the lower.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm gonna fucking kill you, Belmont!
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
And it's like the blue cat people avatar.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
How the fuck did you just do that? Because, my good man, your aspirations to be boss will be your downfall, my young man, my ambitious young man. My young man. It wasn't even my idea. I can't believe you would try to usurp me. On this, the day of the heist.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Okay, here you go. I just look down. I don't care. I'm an old man. I got fur. Here you go. Here you go, Orla.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Ah, there's my bathrobe. I gotta fix that fan. I'm really sweaty and actually nervous. You know, I already kind of miss a nice piece of the void and existence-lessness. I think we need to celebrate with a toast with that unicorn too. Haven't we been carrying around a unicorn the whole time?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I mean foreskin. I mean foreskin. We're both.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You can only draw up to three.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'll draw three. Yeah, there you go.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Well, if you guys are going to play card games, deal me a nice hand. But I'm going to make Orla.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm going to, like, prop her up in a chair.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Wait, so I was able to be wished out of the mind prison because mine wasn't as bad as the void? Yeah. Oh, wow. That's great. I mean, man, I kind of wish I went back, though. That felt real nice. It's like that stuff that Vinny takes from that quail.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
No, it's like when you have the blackjack table, you just keep saying, hit me. Here you go.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I can't go wrong. Let's do one more. One more?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Well, if you join my cult, you'll be able to pay money and get to level 85 if you wish.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I can twist fate. Oh my, that's very nice.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm going to make her... There's really not a pun, but I'll make her the Orla sandwich.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
You make a whole sandwich. I'm going to make a sandwich. I'm going to go up. Okay, I'll open wide. This is the second time.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
If I had an Electrum Pete's for every time I had the foresight to create a special magical sandwich to force on someone's unconscious body, I'd have two Electrum Petes, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happens, right?
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
No, we can't let little Merry Christmas go without a mom.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I'm munching on the brioche. We've got to break out Billy Mays before we get Ola back. So prison break, Feywild. Pixie break. Oh, she's not a pixie. Fey break. Fey break. I got nothing.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I've already debriefed. That's pretty funny. It all used to be white.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
I just can't. Ever since I got gout, I can't walk through the laundromat. It's just too painful. I just go to the sink and, you know.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
When I make my cherry juice potion, it's kind of more of just an ye olde fashion with a splash of cherry.
Legends of Avantris
For What It's Worth | Ep. 3 | Heist Story: Part 3
Yeah, everybody needs a hobby. And I mean, you know, some hobbies put you terribly in debt. Hey, it's healthier than cosplay.