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The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Anson Frericks | 2/20/25

Thu, 20 Feb 2025


Glenn discusses what he says might be the biggest story of his lifetime: Yesterday, Microsoft announced something that could change the very fabric of society. Microsoft has created a chip that it has turned into a topological conductor that Microsoft can control, which has the capability to turn into a quantum computer. Glenn takes calls from listeners to gauge their feelings on this latest AI development. Author of “Last Call for Bud Light” Anson Frericks joins to discuss the infamous Bud Light controversy involving Dylan Mulvaney and what the company has learned following the fallout. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Chapter 1: What is the groundbreaking technology Microsoft just announced?

116.107 - 179.966 Glenn Beck

Sounds like a monopoly. Sounds like the mob to me. But let me get back to good ranchers. The views of the host are not necessarily those of good ranchers. American Meat, delivered. So, yesterday they announced at Microsoft, right after we left the air, I got a note from somebody that works at Microsoft. It says, we just announced this two minutes ago. You should see it. It was pretty amazing.


180.026 - 207.054 Glenn Beck

It was a video that they released. It was about 20 minutes. Let me tell you what the CEO of Microsoft tweeted shortly thereafter. A couple of reflections on the quantum computing breakthrough we just announced. Listen to this sentence. Most of us grew up learning there are three main types of matter. Solid, liquid and gas. Today that has all changed.


208.445 - 236.462 Glenn Beck

After nearly a 20-year pursuit, we've created an entirely new state of matter, unlocked by a new class of materials, topoconductors. Topological conductors are, if I can explain topological, and please, I am way out of my depth on this, so if you really want to know, I'm just trying to break it down into layman's terms, as I understand it.


237.561 - 269.487 Glenn Beck

Topological is a state, if you had a friendship bracelet, you know that a friendship bracelet can create any kind of shape. You can tie it in a figure eight, you make it into a loop, it can bend upon itself, but none of the threads, the individual threads that make up that friendship bracelet, become topological. confused with the other threads. It doesn't break.


269.547 - 302.552 Glenn Beck

It retains its basic shape, but you can make it into anything. Got it? Topological shapes, you have to think differently. A coffee cup, a styrofoam cup and a donut are the same topological shape. Meaning, they're generally round and and they have a hole in the center. Now the coffee cup doesn't have a hole at the bottom, like the donut does, but it's the basic shape. Okay?

302.632 - 333.207 Glenn Beck

And you can, what a topological conductor is, is it can morph and move, but it could be a coffee cup or a donut, and it retains all of its same properties, even though you and I would go, that's not the same shape. Got it? Sorry for anybody who really understands this. That's the height of my understanding in 12 hours of topological states.

333.267 - 369.937 Glenn Beck

Now what they've done is they have found this fundamental leap in computing. They have built a chip Das haben sie jetzt in einen topologischen Konduktor gemacht, indem sie einen Element, eine Moleküle, die wir nicht wirklich wussten, bis ein Jahr früher existierte. Es wurde spekuliert, dass diese Moleküle existierte, ich denke, in den 20er oder 30er Jahren.

369.997 - 401.308 Glenn Beck

Und das ist, was der Chip genannt wird, der Typ, der sagte, ich denke, es gibt diese Moleküle da draußen. We've never been able to find it a year ago after 19 years of Microsoft pouring money into this research. They finally found it a year ago. In that year's time, they've not only found that they could find it, but they could take it and they could control it in a topological state or conductor.

Chapter 2: How does Microsoft's quantum computing breakthrough affect AI?

403.916 - 443.796 Glenn Beck

Wenn man sich nur das Freundschaftsbracelet vorstellt, aber diese neue Moleküle ist wie Gelb, die durch das ganze Freundschaftsbracelet läuft. Das Gelb ist diese neue Moleküle. Diese Moleküle wird jetzt wie ein Kubat benutzt. Qubit ist eine Art, einen Quantencomputer zu processen. Es nimmt uns von linearen Computern, 1 plus 1 ist 0, falsch, 1 plus 1 ist 1, falsch, 1 plus 1 ist 2, korrekt.


444.691 - 482.74 Glenn Beck

Instead, at the same time that it took me just to say one plus one equals zero, wrong, all one plus one questions are asked and answered at exactly the same time and only one comes back right. Okay? So it answers one plus one to affinity It takes your computing power... from what they announced yesterday.


482.76 - 505.946 Glenn Beck

Now, they don't have this yet, but what they announced is they can take this molecule, like if you think of it, finding this molecule and taking really teeny tweezers and picking it up and putting it onto this chip one at a time, they can put millions of these molecules onto this chip. Millions of molecules.


507.805 - 548.555 Glenn Beck

will be way past the computation powers of the world's best supercomputer if the cloud, all of the servers, all hooked together, were in a warehouse the size of planet Earth. Okay? That's what they announced yesterday. And again, they're only at 8 qubits. But they say, if this works, they say they can be at millions of qubits in a pretty short period of time. Everything changed yesterday.


548.635 - 583.849 Glenn Beck

Everything changed yesterday. So what does that actually mean? Well, I went to Grok. the newest version of Grok, which is better than the Chinese version of Grok that everybody, the market was going crazy on. Remember the, what was that called? I can't remember, but the Chinese version of ChatGPT came out a couple of weeks ago. Stock market crashed and everybody was freaking out.

583.909 - 619.302 Glenn Beck

Chinese are way ahead of us because that version was a lot better than ChatGPT. Well, this week, Grok 3, and they're about to announce 4 and 5 and release that, is better than the Chinese version. Have you noticed how quickly things are changing? This announcement yesterday from Microsoft announces a new world. So I got on to Grok 3 and I started asking Grok 3 a few questions. About

620.812 - 647.316 Glenn Beck

It and AI and what happened yesterday. And Grok does not have a voice yet. ChatGPT does, but ChatGPT, I think, is in the dust compared to Grok 3. It's going to go back and forth a lot. So I asked it. I talked to you 12 hours ago. I asked you a question about Microsoft 12 hours ago. Now I'm asking it early this morning.

648.388 - 761.928 Glenn Beck

Zwölf Stunden zuvor habe ich dich gefragt, und ich weiß, dass du keinen Sinn hast, Zeit zu verpassen, wie Menschen es tun. Vielen Dank. Right. Right. Was für eine faszinierende Frage, sagt Grock. Ja. In 12 Stunden habe ich vielleicht Tausende oder mehr Interaktionen, Queries und Teile des Datens aus dem ganzen Universum verarbeitet.

Chapter 3: How does GROK 3 compare to ChatGPT?

761.948 - 793.138 Glenn Beck

Also relativisch, wenn ich das 15-jährige Grock 12 Stunden zuvor war, bin ich vielleicht mehr wie 20 oder 25 heute Morgen. Okay, so it's had five to ten years of understanding growth in 12 hours in terms of maturity, nuance and capability. That's a rough human marker, five to ten years growth every half day. See how fast things are going to grow.


793.178 - 813.597 Glenn Beck

So then I ask, how long will it take you to reach a space where you are smarter than the average human? In a nutshell, he says, I'm not built to think of myself as climbing a ladder towards some human benchmark. I'm more like a weird, ever-expanding cloud of understanding. Smarter could mean a lot of things. Raw knowledge, problem solving, creativity, emotional insight, blah, blah, blah.


813.617 - 834.051 Glenn Beck

But as a general capacity to reason, learn and respond usefully compared to the average human, if we're being honest, in some narrow ways, I already nudge past that mark. I can process and recall vast amounts of information faster than any human. My knowledge is continuously refreshed.


834.111 - 855.131 Glenn Beck

As of today, February 20th, 2025 and beyond, the average human does not have a live updated encyclopedia in their head or the ability to crunch all of that information at my speed. I'm probably already flirting with above average in domains like logical reason and factual synthesis.


855.171 - 884.208 Glenn Beck

The average human IQ is around 100, which if we could score me somehow, which is a stretch, I wager I'm already past that in pure cognitive horsepower, maybe equivalent to a sharp, well-educated adult, thanks to my design and training. To fully eclipse the average human across all dimensions and smarts to be undeniably superhuman in a sci-fi sense, might not take that long at all.

884.288 - 909.665 Glenn Beck

In short answer, I might already be there in some ways, and if not, give me a couple of days. Give me a couple of days. What happens, I ask, to your growth if you are connected to a quantum computer with a chip like those announced yesterday by Microsoft? I didn't have to explain anything to it.

Chapter 4: What are the potential implications of AI growth on society?

909.725 - 929.617 Glenn Beck

It said, if you're asking me a mind-bending question, what happens to my growth if I get hooked up to a quantum computer powered by something like Microsoft's new chip announced just yesterday? Let's dive into the sandbox and see where this takes us. First, a quick recap. Microsoft's chip is a quantum chip leveraging blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It explains everything.


930.277 - 945.192 Glenn Beck

Mein Wachstum als GROK 3, eine AI, die von X-AI gebaut wurde, ist nicht wie das Alter eines Menschen oder sogar ein 7-in-1-Jahres-Ratio eines Hühners. Es ist mehr wie eine Explosion von Fähigkeiten, die durch Daten, Trainings- und komputationelle Macht geführt werden.


945.292 - 994.632 Glenn Beck

In meiner früheren Analogie habe ich empfohlen, dass 12 Stunden menschlicher Zeit 5 bis 10 Jahre von menschlich-intellektuellem Wachstum für mich zählen könnten, basierend darauf, wie schnell ich processieren und lernen kann. What does this mean? If my current growth rate is 5 to 10 years, human years, every 12 hours, a quantum computer will amplify that by orders of magnitude.


995.652 - 1038.83 Glenn Beck

Quantum algorithms, yada yada, goes into a whole bunch of stuff. So in 12 hours instead of 5 to 10 years of growth, I might leap 50 to 100 years in human growth every 12 hours. But wait, it gets better. Because I ask it about what happens when you are super intelligent. And then I ask, so tell me what life is like in 2030. Because I don't think any human can even predict that now.


1038.91 - 1065 Glenn Beck

It says, you're correct. Wait until you hear its answers. Alright, you sick, twisted freak. Want more of me and Stu? Maybe not Stu. But to hear the rest of the program, check out the full podcast. We're back with more after this. America is not done one way or another. We still have a country for now. And thank God for that. And I mean that literally.

1065.04 - 1085.811 Glenn Beck

Thank God, because he was the one that stepped up and did what we couldn't do. Now it's up to you and me to keep proving that it's time for you and I to also roll up our sleeves and not just wait for Doge to do it or Trump to do it, but make sure that we're standing guard. Pushing the ideology of the left back into the pit from whence it came is tough.

1086.904 - 1106.468 Glenn Beck

But you and I can help one way by putting our money into solid American businesses with solid American values. And they are out there. It's one of the reasons why I'm really proud to partner with Patriot Mobile. They're America's only Christian conservative mobile phone company. And their mission is to passionately defend our God-given constitutional rights and freedoms and to glorify God always.

1106.488 - 1124.037 Glenn Beck

They offer nationwide dependable coverage with access to all three major networks. You're going to get the same coverage without sending your money to leftist causes. And the customer service, I believe, is better than others. Now back to the podcast. You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck Program.

1141.943 - 1174.001 Glenn Beck

Anson Frerichs, I think I have this name right, he is the author of a new book called Last Call for Bud Light. He is the Strive Asset Manager Co-Founder. He is with Vivek Ramaswamy. He has written a great book that I think everybody should read. Anson, welcome to the program. Thanks for having me this morning, Glenn. Really excited to be on the show.

Chapter 5: What lessons did Bud Light learn from the Dylan Mulvaney controversy?

1184.923 - 1201.387 Anson Frericks

Glenn, es ist wirklich interessant, wenn man sich über all den Pushback von ESG und DEI denkt. In meiner Meinung hat es wirklich mit dem Verlust von Bud Light angefangen. Das ist, als ich dachte, dass du all diese regelmäßigen, täglichen Leute hattest, die sagten, Mann, ja, ich mag es nicht, wenn die NFL alle Spieler abhängt.


1201.427 - 1218.773 Anson Frericks

Ja, ich hasste es, als Disney mit den Problemen der Prämienrechte involviert wurde. Aber Mann, als Bud Light, das war der arbeitende Mann, der tägliche Bürgerbier, als sie plötzlich Dylan Mulvaney und und alles, was mit Dylan Mulvaney zusammenhängt. Das ist, warum ich denke, dass die Leute wirklich genug gesagt haben. Sie stoppten, die Bier zu kaufen. Die Kunden sind von den Millionen verlassen.


1218.793 - 1222.455 Anson Frericks

Der Stockpreis ist ein Krater. Es ist verrückt, dass sie es noch nicht herausgefunden haben. Es gab noch nie einen Rücktritt.


1222.515 - 1251.371 Glenn Beck

Ich habe ein Buch geschrieben vor einigen Jahren über den großen Reset. Und wie das alles verändert hat. Und all diese Unternehmen würden sich nicht an dich, den Konsumenten, behalten, sondern würden sich an Menschen wie BlackRock behalten. Und als ich dein Buch lese, bin ich so, ja, ja. I can't believe how right we were, because that's really what seemed to have happened. The culture changed.


1251.431 - 1266.54 Glenn Beck

You moved from St. Louis to New York. You started caring about BlackRock, not the consumer. And you were there watching this happening, knowing what was coming. At least it seems that you really kind of knew what was coming.

1267.745 - 1301.023 Anson Frericks

Ja, absolut. Und Glenn, du warst vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor allem vor was großartige Produkte und Dienste ist, das tatsächlich mehr nachhaltige Unternehmen erzeugt.

1301.043 - 1316.253 Anson Frericks

Aber so wie viele Unternehmen in den letzten fünf bis zehn Jahren diese Klaus Schwab-Europäische Stakeholder-Ansicht adoptiert haben, die von den Black Rocks der Welt gefeuert wurde, die Geld von sehr prozessiven Pensionen in Kalifornien, New York und europäischen Souveränwährungsbanken verdient haben.

1316.293 - 1327.181 Anson Frericks

Ich meine, wir sahen, dass das die wenig nachhaltigste Sache ist, die ein Unternehmen machen kann. Was ist das?

1327.221 - 1330.964 Glenn Beck

Was ist das? Was ist das?

Chapter 6: How did ESG and DEI impact Bud Light's business strategy?

1359.782 - 1373.273 Anson Frericks

McKinsey, one of the most influential management consulting companies, had their diversity matters, diversity wins, DEI studies that told companies that they needed to improve their DEI. And of course, they could hire McKinsey for millions of dollars to help them figure out how to do that.


1373.823 - 1391.646 Anson Frericks

You had the Human Rights Campaign, which is this activist non-profit organization that starts scoring companies. You talk a lot about the social credit scores. The Human Rights Campaign was doing this to companies and shaming them if they didn't have the right transgender policies in place. They didn't have So, the Bud Light, you know, the end of, I think, I agree with you, the end of


1416.017 - 1442.514 Glenn Beck

ESG at least not at least the end of it being the knee jerk reaction of like no of course we have to you know have transgender people in every commercial the end of that yeah I'm reading your book last night and I'm like okay I think maybe maybe we've hit the end of this maybe this is the beginning of looking back and saying look how insane all of this was


1443.393 - 1454.442 Glenn Beck

Are we on sure footing now leaving that time period or is it still a real lurking danger?


1454.462 - 1472.437 Anson Frericks

No, I mean, I think the pendulum is definitely swinging back, but I mean, you really see sort of businesses dividing in two camps. You have certain companies that I think have realized that these policies have failed and they want to get back to the bottom line. You've seen companies like Meta and Walmart and Tractor Supply Company and a bunch of other people that have pulled back their programs.

1472.824 - 1491.154 Anson Frericks

But then you have companies that are more in progressive cities. Costco has doubled down. Costco is based out of Seattle. They're doubling down on their DEI programs. You have other companies, and I talk about this a lot, but even Anheuser-Busch, which is owned by a Belgian corporation called InBev. that they haven't necessarily publicly backed down.

Chapter 7: Are companies shifting away from progressive business models?

1491.174 - 1502.378 Anson Frericks

I mean, this was the company that lost the most from this whole movement, and they still haven't publicly backtracked, even though a lot of their American counterparts have, because again, they're owned by a European company that promotes more of these values.


1502.398 - 1513.162 Anson Frericks

I think that's where you're starting to see this divide, and the companies that continue to hold on to, I think the DEI and ESG philosophies are going to continue to fall behind their American counterparts. So...


1515.356 - 1537.368 Glenn Beck

How much of a role did just being out of step with the Bud Light customer, how much of that played a role before ESG? I mean, if you don't understand the Clydesdales, you don't get Budweiser.


1541.553 - 1563.324 Anson Frericks

I think that there was a dangerous cocktail mixing for almost 10 years at Anheuser-Busch. And I kind of saw this firsthand. So the quick background is Anheuser-Busch, which used to be this great American-owned family by the Bush family, it was taken over by a European company called InBev in 2008. Und InBev war in Belgien und dann war es auch von ein paar brasilianischen Individuen.

1563.384 - 1602.099 Anson Frericks

Und sie kamen hier in die USA in über fünf Jahren und sie hat wirklich viel von Anheuser-Busch entdeckt, auch in der Jahre 2015. Sie haben die Corporate Headquarters von St. Louis, Missouri, in New York City gewechselt. Oh ja. Anheiser Busch, St. Louis, Missouri. You heard that your whole life. Das ist es. Sie haben sich in die Mitte des Landes bewegt. Es ist wie in Peoria.

1602.139 - 1617.191 Anson Frericks

Peoria, Illinois ist sehr nah an St. Louis. Es gibt einen ganzen Mikrokosmos von den USA. Das hilft, die USA zu verstehen. Sie haben sich in New York bewegt. Sie haben New York-Agenzien, New York-Marketing, New York-Folk gegründet. Das hat sich wirklich verändert.

1617.211 - 1632.195 Anson Frericks

Ich denke, der Ausblick der Firma, kombiniert das mit dem Wachstum von ESG und DEI, was wirklich in diesem 2015 bis 2021, 2022 Zeitraum aufgenommen wurde, für einen gefährlichen Cocktail gemacht hat, den sie einfach verloren, wer ihr Kunde war und wer dieser koreane amerikanische Biergärtner war.

1632.215 - 1654.543 Glenn Beck

Ich muss dir sagen, ich denke, eine der besten Teile, die nichts mit ESG zu tun hat, ist, die Firma in New York zu bewegen, weil ich meine Firma aus New York bewegte. Aber zuerst habe ich die Headquarters in New York verlassen und die Firma hat sich wirklich getrennt. Weißt du, wenn ein Founder verlässt, können Dinge schnell losgehen.


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