Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
He Murdered The Only Person Who Believed Him - The Travis Lewis story
Tue, 11 Feb 2025
Travis Lewis was involved in the murder of Sally McKay. 20 years later he murdered her daughter Martha McKay.
Chapter 1: Who was Travis Lewis and what crime did he commit?
So this kid, he's in big trouble. Now his name's Travis and he's only 15, he lives in Arkansas, and he's kind of a turd. He's always stealing things and getting suspended from school. Here's a yearbook photo of him if you care what he looks like in real life. But one day in 1996, he decides to go for a really big score. He's gonna rob one of the houses in the neighborhood.
And he's gonna do it with this other kid, this friend of his, Andre. And so Travis and Andre, they bike over to this house, but they decide, nah, instead of robbing a house, let's rob two houses. Like you rob that one and I'll rob that mansion over there. And boom, it's decided. And so Travis breaks into this house and he's combing through things to steal. And then suddenly out of nowhere, scream.
A Toyota Camry pulls up outside and Andre's driving it. Where the hell did he suddenly get a car? And so Travis goes to figure out what's going on. And Andre's panicking and he tells him, I went to rob that mansion and I thought people weren't home, but they actually were home. So I pulled out my pew pew and blam, blam. I executed both of them.
He then stole their Toyota Camry and drove it to pick up Travis. And now he's like, will you go back to the mansion with me to help me dispose of the bodies? And Travis, he hears all this and he's like, Aye.
And so the two of them they head over to this mansion to dispose of these two bodies and the two bodies are still there and they try to move them but unfortunately for them these corpses are way too heavy for these teenage boys to move. So what do they do? They light the whole place on fire to burn up all the evidence. Then they get into the stolen Toyota Camry, and they flee the scene.
And they drive about a mile away, and suddenly, kaboom! They crash the Toyota Camry, and they flip it on its side. Then they climb out of it, and they run away on foot. Meanwhile, a local resident is driving down the road, and he sees the wrecked Toyota Camry flipped on its side, and he's like, what the f***?
And so he eventually goes to the mansion to check on the owner of the car and he sees that the place is on fire. And this leads to the police and fire department showing up and that is when they find the two bodies inside. And so police investigate all this and they put out a reward for $10,000 for anyone who can give them information that would lead to an arrest.
And about a month later, they finally get some information that Travis was involved. And so they go to his house and they question him. But Travis, he isn't talking. He isn't admitting to anything. And so they end up forcing him to take a polygraph test. And he passes. Mostly because polygraphs are pseudoscience, I keep telling you guys.
But anyway, so they make him take another one and he passes again. And they make him take a third one and he passes again. But police are sure that Travis was involved in this crime. So somehow they get him to take a fourth polygraph test. This time, he fails. And finally, police are able to use this as leverage to get him to confess.
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Chapter 2: How did the robbery turn into a murder?
come out with your hands up and Travis is like you and he jumps out the bathroom window and falls down to the ground and he runs over to the car he arrived in and he hops in it and he flees driving across Martha's massive lawn and of course police are right behind him chasing him but then boom his car gets stuck and so he gets out and he runs back across the massive lawn and he jumps into the nearby lake I guess he's gonna try and swim his way out of this
But unfortunately for him, it doesn't seem that he can swim, and Travis ends up drowning in that lake. Wow, that is wild.