Three new players take on monsters, mayhem, and mystery in Part 3 of this DnD One-Shot! Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/ Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/OBuorBGSGe0?si=NwR8BB5QLfqNczWt
Chapter 1: What is the main task for the adventurers?
Welcome to Legends of Aventress. Professor Azran immediately speaks up. Oh, oh, the church? Wonderful. Go grab the thing. Go grab the second MacGuffin. The greatest grudge of the dragons will also win. I walk into the room to get the skull. Anyway. Make an athletics check, please. All of us? Whoever's going to get the statue. Well, once I finish, I'll turn to Willow.
Willow, you were in there praying for quite a while. Did you uncover any kind of holy divine intervention telling you what to do with the statue?
I'm going to take a page out of your book and I'm going to start off by saying I mean no offense. But I quite honestly just went in there so I didn't have to listen to you speak anymore.
I wouldn't blame you. It takes a strong constitution to hang with the Darwin way of life.
So anyways, let's do it, lads. I'm already at the statue. I shout out from the statue and say, why are you guys coming? And you see this bird creature heaving this large statue. The rest of you are able to grab it and bring it into the center room. We place it in and... Let's see what happens. You place it in. And you... Bless you. It sinks in perfectly. And then as soon as both are... placed in.
You see that the clam shell lights up with this bright blue light, almost swirls like the ebbing and flowing of the tide. And then the statue, its metal plating shimmers with this bright platinum light. And you hear a and you hear a stone turning of some kind from the door beyond. And Professor Adams is like,
It looks as if the pre-historical Dragonborn utilized the power of every school of magic to make sure that this device stayed safe.
And what a shame it is that the helm's gone. I, I agree, and I, you know, as much as they prepared, they, they weren't expecting a da'wi from Karak Hazard to walk through these holes. A statue of a clan with a pearl is no match for a dwarf.
Well, I don't know what much it would be a match for, but I appreciate all of you.
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Chapter 2: How do the players solve the statue puzzle?
What was that? 28 for the perception and 18 for the investigation check.
I would say you look and this seems, you see the scorch marks and the arcing pattern of where Layton had hit the base and you see the great slash marks of massive claws alongside this tower.
Ah, fly back down to the group, mate.
It seems like a great battle was waged out here between the primal forces of the elements and what I can only assume is the great dragon Kassigos. That sounds correct. Thank you for fact-checking me. Scorch marks lie above us and gigantic talon claws bigger than my entire body cleaved the tower clean from its stone bearing. Do you think it was a black dragon that did this? It's hard to tell.
It's definitely a dragon of sorts, I think.
I would think a bronze dragon wouldn't do this to their own ruins. If these are bronze... Professor, is that right? No, it makes no sense that a bronze dragon would do this to its own ruins. Bronze dragons are good, noble creatures. And to do this to a great piece of history is how much arcane knowledge was lost in that town.
Oh, Krafft, it's not like what you're insinuating.
If we were to consider the murals we saw earlier with the war of the brass dragons and the black dragons... The bronze dragons. The bronze dragons and the black dragons, it lends to reason that the black dragons Uh, lead siege to this castle.
I-I-I repeat myself in saying that Krod's not like what you're insinuating.
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Chapter 3: What challenges do the players face in the tower ruins?
I am going to... Yes.
Look at him and say, I see what's up. You've been corrupted, some good dragon you are. I pick up my book that's hanging from my desk. Let me consult the Damaskrone. A demon and a dragon all in one. Oh, this will be a glorious day.
Do we know if this is an ancient dragon? I would say you can make intelligent advantage. I'll wait till my turn.
Okay. Sorry, I'm here. You'll be sorry that you crossed Bergrin Ironguard. I will bring great glory to the Dwarven people this day.
Casting is my bonus action to cast my Oath of Vengeance channel divinity with a vow of enmity, and I now have advantage on all attacks against him.
And I will stand in front of the professor, in front of G, just standing there. I'm within 30 feet, right? Yeah, totally. Okay.
So I'm going to whip out... Oh, you gotta move one up to me.
Do I?
Move me up one. Move me up one, please. I will take Javelins off my back, and I will chuck two Javelins at him. A 21... and a 14.
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Chapter 4: What is discovered in the ship graveyard?
I'm not saying you're wrong.
I'm asking you to prove it. You would imagine that their human minds would just perceive a god and the might of a dragon would recognize it for what it is.
I'm not saying you're wrong. That's just why I'm asking if it's reasonable to connect the two. I would say that it is You'd have to be a fool to not see the connection between the lilted head of the dragon and the lilted head of the humans of Gonsmith. But, but, as far as Foltus goes, whether or not they believe it and whether or not, you have no way of knowing.
All you know is that every single human, except for the children of Gonsmith, have had the same lilted head.
Which, seeing that the dragon's had its head cut off and reattached, we would assume is what happened to them.
Right. There's a connection. You don't know how you, you have no idea what kind of leap of logic would happen. All you know is that they had a similar head lilt to the dragon.
So the point is, we don't have any proof, but it would make sense that you would think that.
He's not saying that reattached is the right answer. Okay. Exactly right.
I think we should go back to Gonsmith. I agree. I agree. I agree. I agree. I agree. I agree. I agree.
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