Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would have been a little further up if people were up there.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And I'm going to cast, I'm going to do my fire breath.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Uh, don't think there's anything I can do.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
G, you're up. I can attack twice, but only if I attack once first. Gotcha.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm just going to focus on the main guy with Slayer Sense. Okay. You can channel that. Attack twice. Attack twice, yeah. You can do that. So we're going to go...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Let me go for the second attack.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Okay. What is it? A frog? A big layer of monsters. Also took out the cyclops. I would like to grab its tongue and strangle it with it.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's a statue of some kind. Oh, it's very clearly a statue, though.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Acknowledging what G says, I would like to further inspect the big pile of money.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
This is my turn? Yes. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's going to miss on Ventus.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I missed a little bit of it. Is this dragon obviously dead?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And I missed again.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Gotta give it up. For the DM. For the DM.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Somebody said, can we use a legend? A twist of fate? We have one left.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh my god. Ooh, the green flame blade.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
We haven't really been attacking him.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I tried. Oh, it's true.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would have taken it the other way. We went back this way.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
No, it does not. It means...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
GG actually shipped you from GJ, too.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I want to go back to the entrance and take a rest because I'm still feeling pretty rough. You're feeling very rough, Austin. The entrance of what? This room? Yeah, I'll go back out to the outside.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
zone of truth on the professor?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'd like to cast Pass Without a Trace on all of us.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So we get Demogorgon.