Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
The cave of the mouth.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I don't see any penises on the map.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Multiple different, would you say? Yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You're on level with that. So this is a cliff. This is a cliff that looks down to the ocean and a ship.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, this is all cave. So this is the cave of the mouse, and we are standing up here.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And there are multiple different sounds coming from all over the place.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's natural 20. Allow me to switch the music. Gotta give it up.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Gotta give it up. Gotta give it up. Next 20.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Hold on to those numbers. What are you, Mace? Thor? Huh? What's up with the hair, Mace? Or are you Thor? Holy fuck, dude.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And then I'm going to cast Bane on this one. Bane?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So, Sadie, go for what? Charisma, 16.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
The fuck? That was me.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, well, you should have said that six hours ago when I said it.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I can definitely say that had I actually gotten down into the depths of the water, it would have been too much for halfling.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
He can't be right there because I'm right there.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So he's going to lean in for a bite against Barg.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I mean that I couldn't carry it.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I hate to tell you, but I believe that they're drushing you. 50 plus 10, it's 60 gold. That's 20 more than you're going to take.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm going to... Nice job, buddy. I also voted for it. Word of Radiance. And he needs to make a wisdom saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
15 points of necrotic damage. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
No, I'm also going to Guiding Bolt him.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
That probably hits. 16 plus 8, so 24. That'll hit. Hell yeah. Eleven points of radiant damage.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, actually, I'm melee with him, so. Well, that's a one, but I'm a halfling, so it doesn't matter. Yeah, they both, it would hit. Which one? Oh, I'm melee, so it's a ranged attack. I need to make it a disadvantage.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I rolled a second time. I got a one, but I'm a halfling, so I get to reroll all of my ones. And so I... You also could have backed up.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
The corner's good, it's a lot more than that. And meth isn't everything. Thank you, Miss Miller. And that's why you've got friends to make sure that they can check your math homework.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
No, no. You need to make it con saving as well. Oh, please do.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, you have advantage on your first attack.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
chamber open up seems like a double-headed turkey i'm not i'm not gonna lie i kind of see breasts oh no they're definitely breasts in there one that has like two uh two nipples giant on the areola not actually get out of my head you see as narrows huge chambers
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
All those are supposed to be knees.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
There's something we haven't explained.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
To be quite honest, we don't know if someone with draconic blood would give up the same kind of...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Natural 20. Not for me, for him.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Um, I'm going to... You're not telling us that it's not a... No.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm going to toll the dead on the one that is behind Ventus.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And then for my bonus action, I'm gonna cast my spiritual weapon. Yep. And that is going to show up on the one in front of G. Kill it, say.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Natural 20. Oh, fuck yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm going to take a page out of your book and I'm going to start off by saying I mean no offense. But I quite honestly just went in there so I didn't have to listen to you speak anymore.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
We're just disadvantaged.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Why are you saying it like that?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, to explain boss fights, right? So a big boss like this on initiative count 20 going after players. So it's anyone who's 20 or above goes before him. He gets something called a lair action. So he gets to do once per round of combat with everybody going once, right?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So that's where he's at. So that's when he brought out all these guys. He got one lair action. He also gets a total of three legendary actions. He can use a legendary action after somebody else goes. So he could say, oh, I'm going to go after G. Or, oh, I'm going to go after this guy. Or I'm going to go after that guy.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yes, we have one left. So you get the ability. So a boss gets the ability to have...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
three additional actions four action per round he also has something called legendary resistances the first ones he gets every single round doesn't matter legendary resistances is where he can automatically succeed on a saving throw so if i tried to bane him and he failed he could use a legendary resistance and he wouldn't be baned so i waste my spell and he passes automatically.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
But if he only gets three of those, or depending on the monster.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, he only gets three of those for the entire combat. So you wasted one of those, that doesn't come back. The legendary actions do, and the lair attack does.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
There's a cliffside, there's like a walkway kind of going, or a path that we could follow that goes to an outcove. Down along the mountain.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, it's not going to use it?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I am going to channel divinity, and I am going to utilize my preserve life, and I'm going to grant 15 HP to Fargrim, and I'm immediately going to grant 15 HP to Dee. He has a healing spell, and Willow knows that, so she's not worried about it. I don't know that, you didn't tell me that.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Vaz, and I am just going to chant to Shantaya and steal him 1d4. What are you going to say?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Um, so it'll be... No, I don't need to get up. I mean, I will.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm just trying to figure out my stuff. It's a lot to do.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I can't stand Hero Forge. I hate the way they look. No offense if anyone from Hero Forge is watching. I'm actually shocked. I think they look awful.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And I've looked a million times for more minis that were what I wanted.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So instead of attacking, you cast a spell. So there's a difference between casting a spell and the attack action.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Quick break while our DM reads the message.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Is this against being frightened? It is! Great! Well, I'm not scared, so...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Natural 25. What's the pass? 16.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And we'll tell you what that means for you when we get you.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You've got to be kidding me.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
What? All of them? Every round. Every round he gets three.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Well, if we don't want to be out here on this cliff at the edge of the sea by nightfall, we should make haste and head down to that alcove.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And so we do something... Do you want to attack first and then back up? Nope. Okay. So we do something... Normally, a potion would take your action to drink. You can drink a potion as a bonus action. You do have two potions, so I would recommend if you're feeling wounded that you drink a potion. Agreed.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Have I used the bone section?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Roll a saving throw against the fear.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It was a regular healing potion.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And I begin to walk down towards the alcove.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So you get six or below, right?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I am going to cast Bless. on Bargrin. So Bargrin. Yeah, I guess Bargrin, myself, and G, because we're the only ones within range.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's not healing. I'll tell you what it does. 17 AC. Yeah, it hits. I rolled a natural 19. You got it. 11 points of radiant damage. Force damage, force damage.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So with Bless, up to three creatures, that would be us, whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number roll to the attack roll or saving throw. So for the next minute, which would be six full rounds of combat... Ten full rounds. Sorry, ten full rounds of combat, every time you go to attack, you roll a d4 and you add that.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And anytime you make a saving throw, you roll a d4 and you add that. As long as I keep concentration on it. So it helps you hit and it helps you dodge.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Make sure you put a D4 in there. All right.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You do that? Yeah, you roll a D4 when you attack. But you did.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
He left his longbow back in the other chamber.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Squeenix. Squeenix.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, we'll be back.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So if I... Sorry. 13 points of force damage for my spiritual weapon.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And then for my bonus action, I am going to... The answer was Super Mario RPG, by the way.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, I'm going to Word of Radiance. You do that. So let's say Khan saving throw against this guy right here.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, roll your next disadvantage attack if you're doing it twice.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Are you sure you didn't mean to donate that to a different stream? LOL. Yikes.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I don't know what it means. It means good game, well played. So you'd normally say it after League of Legends. I think that's where it originally ended with GG.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm going to give him guidance.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm not going to give guidance because I'm trading on bless.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would never do that.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
So the point is, we don't have any proof, but it would make sense that you would think that.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Or non-normie friends. Or to our non-normie friends.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Cast Hold Person on him.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
How close is he to us? He has to make a wisdom saving throw or he's paralyzed. How close is he to us?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
He fails. And he steps forward as...
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I dart behind him, I sneak because I'm a halfling, and then I just run.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
The Prince of Demons. The point about it is we have high stealth. So like for me, I can jump behind someone high and then skitter off.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
But we do need to resolve this issue. No, this is important.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You're gone. We can, you guys can, with Pass Without a Trace, like, jump behind something and then sneak off and it will be harder for them to figure out where you went.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm not with them. No, she literally booked it the first. Oh, so you're gone.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
thank you mike thank you for this group again these characters are i now miss the it's been 30 seconds and i miss the characters already um thank you so much