Professor Azran
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You get used to it.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm right behind... Whoa!
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It looks as if the pre-historical Dragonborn utilized the power of every school of magic to make sure that this device stayed safe.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
What is the actual layout here?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Bodrim, I think I see something glimmering down in the water. Down a hundred feet down off the cliff.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
We don't have time for this. There's something coming. Is there? There's something coming. Master focus, what? Multiple things are coming. From where? Different things? From the cave.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
That's what matters. I haven't rolled 90-20 yet.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Well, I don't know what much it would be a match for, but I appreciate all of you.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
All of you have been supremely helpful. And remind me to add another 30 gold bonus. Oh. For your payment. Does Krah also get that payment?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I don't like to use green flame blade.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Fuck. Um, I'm gonna... Does a 9 hit if it's missing? If he can't move? Does a 9 hit?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's close to Voss.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'd love to teach you of the ways of archaeology. Maybe we could explore some great black dragon ruins. Professor, that would be fantastic.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
As you begin investigating, make an investigation check.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Are you going over there?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah, I'm before Vaz. He's here.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And then with that, I believe I have my... So, Hezru and the Troglodytes are done. I'm putting them down. And I grab Z's. And with that, I have my bones.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Professor Azran... It doesn't.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would like to shoot... At the very end. I'd like to shoot this snake.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And then I would like to fall back and sit next to... Six. You can say cross name! I would like to fall back and sit next to Kraw.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
No, the Kraws. There's more than one right now. That's true!
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You weren't able to fly like a wing? He couldn't fly while being... Well, the idea... It was an immediate... Right, the idea is he's... It was a massive wing attack that buffeted them with this... Question, would I be able to use protection from evil and good against the drag?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, this is very tough. What the fuck, why did I do this? This is definitely very tough.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yes, yes, oh, yeah, that's what I'm saying 18 yeah Disengage from the dragon as much as you can by flipping over the snake and attacking the snake at the same time. Oh
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
You can attack the snake with your action.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I want to disengage, flip over the snake and attack it while I'm flipping. You do that. I was wrong where your head's at. With the green flame blade.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Get the fuck in there. Be a fucking man. That passes. Is your wisdom plus 3? Come on. Yeah, so it should say... Yeah, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
This is one hell of a drug.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Alright, then I want to run forward, and also green flame blade will grab you. You do that.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Come on, motherfucker, yeah. Yeah, you hit that shit, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Jesus. Okay, so green flame blade is... probably 5.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yep. Yeah. And then my regular tag is 1d6 plus 4.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Fine, that's my first damage this fight. Barg, you're up. What are you doing?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Oh, I agree, Craw. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that you were so concerned for my safety.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Uh, so he's going to take... Oh, this thing.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Alright, I'm just gonna do Green Flameblade twice.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I just need one, I believe.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Yeah. So sneak attack, two green flame blades and two, no, two green flame blades. Doesn't green flame blade only trigger once?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
That's Dr. Master. Oh.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I want to cut off his head.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
What do you expect me to do? I'm an archaeologist.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
That's unbelievable.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Look at the oily stone. It is unnatural. In a way that... Such a discovery, if I bring it back, would bring me great renown. Can I use my turn to just slap him?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I admit, sometimes my ambition gets ahead of me, and I swear I will not let it happen again.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm going to go over to the professor and, like, lead him out of the cave. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Maybe grab some gold.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Do you know that my brick case is actually a design of my ancestor, Clayton Azran?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would think a bronze dragon wouldn't do this to their own ruins. If these are bronze... Professor, is that right? No, it makes no sense that a bronze dragon would do this to its own ruins. Bronze dragons are good, noble creatures. And to do this to a great piece of history is how much arcane knowledge was lost in that town.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Professor Azran's eyes linger on the ruined natural. As he sketches in, his eyes linger. What could have been achieved? Fair point, all of you.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
23. I... My plan... My path lies northward. The great dream green dragon, the Thera the Proud, that has terrorized the Viridian Hills, has been slain by the great hero, Dobro Sharkbane. My eyes lie north. I've heard there's untold treasures in the great green dragonborn ruins north. Treasures, you say? Treasures that may lie north, and who knows what we'll find.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
But you've all have served your purpose here. As long as we make it back to Anzu first, I plan on stopping at my office, gathering a few things very briefly. And heading north to the Viridian Hills, a new town has been erected. It's been entitled Pridefall. Fitting name. For its foundation. I intend to learn even more about these ancient dragonborn. And maybe these things will make sense.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And I'm sure I'll be able to become a world-renowned archaeologist at the end of all of it.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I intend no. Treachery. No secrets from any of you. I see great archaeological finds. Great impacts into the world, into Evangelion as a whole. My line has suffered greatly. My father His father, his father, his father has had a passion that has led them to their doom. Something I choose to finally break.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
man or woman could even dream of. That is my dream.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Knowledge is power, Balram.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Nothing quite satisfies like a puzzle solved.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would also say that the- the- the- the war happened before we had the- the brass- bronze dragons had the helm. So it was potentially not the black dragons who attacked the castle.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And the more puzzles solved, the more knowledge gained, the more power gained, Bob. I intend to solve many puzzles in my lifetime. I intend to gain more knowledge and in turn more power. But the power of knowledge cannot be mistaken.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I was going to ask about the book or I was going to say that I want to continue south where I heard rumors are you sure that was your idea this is a completely yes the book what book well you're from Anzu right you heard about the great necromancy theft I did the Rivendare school of necromancy yes yes I'm looking for their book the book Of course.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I'm looking to return it to... Why do you look to return it?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
It's been years since it was stolen.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Maybe a changeling. My goal is to prove that it wasn't. How? How can that be so?
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
By finding the person who stole it. It was first reported by Lord Nagilda, who's an incredibly lauded student of the Academy. And the alchemical secrets within that book to enhance the power of necromancy are untold in that book. Why would it be anything? I don't understand.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Master Vint, it sounds like we may still have business with the professor. I concur. I agree. Wherever you go, Master Vint, I will follow.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
And something does not add up about this.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Because the release shows him grabbing the helm.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I would like to sneakily use Mage Hand to rip his, like, collar.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
I can, like, I can use my Sleight of Hand to make it invisible. And his Mage Hand can be invisible.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
To see if he has a scar. To see if he has a scar.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Somebody explain this to me. The damage on the building has happened after the war. Sometime after the war.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Which would leave the helm undefended. Which would explain why it's gone.
Legends of Avantris
Shadow Over Gauntsmouth | New Player D&D 5e One-Shot: Part 3
Let's stick with the professor and get out of here.