Glenn and Stu discuss the capabilities of artificial intelligence, including its potential to lead people not to pursue human relationships. Will AI be given the right to vote? Glenn breaks down the story of Joshua and Stephanie Mast, who rescued and adopted a baby girl, nicknamed Sparrow, who was likely the child of foreign fighters in Afghanistan. They now risk losing their child to the Taliban due to an apparent cover-up by the State Department, as her mere existence is proof of an international lie that would collapse a peace deal. BlazeTV host Liz Wheeler joins to discuss what pro-lifers need to know about IVF and its inconsistencies within the pro-life movement. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Chapter 1: What are the key topics discussed in this episode?
Today's podcast, what does the future of AI look like? Will there be such a thing as assistants or other jobs in a few years? Will humanity keep its structure because now nothing's really real? The story also of Sparrow will bring you to tears, something you really need to be involved with. And Liz Wheeler on a controversial topic that we need to think about, and that's IVF.
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You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck Program. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.
We're glad that you're here. Thanks, Glenn. You're welcome, Stu. Not so glad that you're here, but the audience understands that.
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Chapter 2: How is AI expected to change human relationships?
Sure. That's what I thought you meant. So, what does this mean for society? Let me give you an example. I was reading a piece the other day when I was talking about AI. And it brought up a point that you've discussed many times on the air, which is... They are now building systems with AI that you can go through and basically like a checklist and you can design the perfect mate. Absolutely.
Short, red hair, freckles, glasses, big boobs, small boobs, all the things that you want to choose and you can design the exact specific look You can go through that entire process and generate whatever you want. They will do whatever you want. You can chat with them. You can talk to them.
And you talked about this before, that eventually it gets to a place where, why are you interested in normal people that don't hit those standards? Hello Japan! Richtig, ja. Das Roboter-Ding. Ich weiß nicht, was es mit dem japanischen ist, aber okay, was auch immer.
Wenn man sich darüber nachdenkt, sich über einen langen Zeitraum auszuprobieren, dann fühlt es sich so an, als hätte man eine Gesellschaft von Leuten, die nie draußen gehen. Das Touch-Grass-Ding wird real werden. Ja. Right? It's almost Matrix-level stuff.
I tell you, I've been working on something for the last four or five days and it's been in my head for a while now. And I don't know where to deliver it. I don't know how to deliver it yet. Because I'm trying to make the case, we have got to answer this. Vielen Dank. Just go into your little pod. It is Harari's idea that there's going to be millions of, quote, useless people.
And what they have to do is either drug them or keep them online all the time. Well, all right, let's just let's let's just look at this. This is something I remember. I told you I wrote a movie, a short about. Ja, genau.
He gets home, he puts on a suit and he puts on his glasses and now he's in a virtual world where he's handsome, he's well dressed, he's wealthy, he's got an amazing girlfriend who is just perfect for him. And he lives in this perfect world. Humans don't do well in perfection. Okay? Yeah. When you're really successful, the hard part is keeping it there. Okay?
Because the edge starts to go away and you start going down. Okay? We didn't do well in the Garden of Eden. That was perfection. We don't do well with that. So now he's got a perfect life, perfect girlfriend. He's going to love that for a while, but then get bored of it. So then what happens? I don't know. You know, I'm going to choke her out during sex. I'm going to kill her. I'm tired of her.
I'm just going to kill her. Because I can reboot her, she's not real. I'll get another girlfriend. The things that the dark side of humanity will be introduced, beyond that, you are going to have the real life scenarios of, no, she's real. No, dude, she's not. Just like men cannot have a baby... And you've got half the population fighting you on that.
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Chapter 3: What ethical dilemmas arise from AI advancements?
Getting you to think a certain way. These AI bots... When they become actual agents, and we're talking two years, three years in the future, money doesn't talk, it screams. So what is it getting you to do, to buy, to consume, to want?
Imagine the advertising that comes through it. Essentially advertising.
Chapter 4: Can AI influence personal decisions and rights?
And it will be so sophisticated, you will swear it wasn't their idea, it was your idea. God, we are screwed.
Just kind of.
unplugged the whole thing. And when you get to this point, again, you will swear that that is your friend. It is human. It is conscious. It has consciousness. And then what happens? You will say, you don't have a right to turn it off. It is human. It is life. Then what kind of rights does that life get? If it is alive... If it's thinking, does it have a right to citizenship?
Which means, does it have to pay tax? Does it have to earn money? If it does, can it earn money unlike you can earn money in the stock market? Who owns that money? Where does that money go? Where does that money come from? Oh, and by the way, it also will have the right to vote.
What does that do?
These questions cannot be answered after we're all staring at our iPhone. Hey, you know, you have to answer these questions about the iPhone before the iPhone is introduced.
Which is just not possible. That's not happening. This is all going to happen and it's all going to hit us and we're all going to be reacting to it.
And we're all going to love it at first. We will love it at first. And then, just like a phone, you won't be able to untangle yourself from it. This is going to be a thousand times more addicting than a phone. What does it do to us? It doesn't have to be a doomsday scenario. But if we don't pay attention, it will become a doomsday scenario.
And part of me thinks, like, when you talk about, when you get to the real esoteric side of that, right, where it's like, okay, they're going to vote, they're going to be human, they're going to have rights, we're not going to be able to discern what's real and what isn't. Like, part of me, my actual reaction to that is, come on. By 2035. Okay. By 2035, the biggest, the biggest...
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Chapter 5: What is the story of Joshua and Stephanie Mast and their adopted child Sparrow?
They have all kinds of intel, but they're missing one important piece of intel. And that's what is inside of this compound. Something they never expected and really at the beginning didn't know how to deal with it. They kick down the door and there is a foreign Al-Qaeda fighter. Er hält zwei Dinge.
Auf der einen Hand hat er seine AK-Automatik-Rifle, und auf der anderen Hand hält er ein neugieriges, sechs Wochen altes Baby. Als die Rangers reichen, nimmt er die Waffe und schießt sie an. Sie schießen zurück, er schießt und rennt und schießt in ein anderes Zimmer ein. Our guys come in, there's gunfire being exchanged. He then begins, he throws a grenade.
One of our rangers protects his animal, his dog. He's the closest to the grenade. For some reason he is safe, but others are badly injured on our side. And they throw a grenade in, grenade, gunfire, gunfire between the two rooms. Finally, everything goes quiet. They go into the next room and they find two things. One, they find the Taliban soldier dead or Al-Qaeda fighter dead.
The other thing that they find is not the baby. They find a passageway into other rooms of this compound. The baby's gone, but they think maybe she didn't even exist. Maybe it was a trick of the light or the eye in the haste. So they go down the next corridor and they have to fight their way through.
There are at least a dozen committed Taliban fighters and they go through killing perhaps a dozen bad guys. We take casualties as well. Finally, they reach what they hope is the last room, one last room in the compound. As they come around the corner, they see a young mom. She's maybe a teenager. She is standing with her back against the wall and she is holding the baby. What do they do?
They begin to enter the room and she begins to move towards them. And they are shouting, stay where you are, stay where you are. Don't move, stay where you are. She continues to approach and that's when they see, not only is she holding a baby, she's wearing a suicide vest. And she blows herself up. Fire. Dust.
engulfs the room when it clears and our soldiers can still barely hear from the impact of the explosion the woman is gone her body has been torn apart but there in the dirt a few feet away from her is the baby barely alive she has a tiny broken six weeks old tiny broken body her leg is shattered we find out later she's Dann, wenn sie denken, es ist alles vorbei, kommt noch ein Schuss raus.
Dieser kommt von einem afghanischen Soldaten auf unserer Seite. He's standing just a few feet away and he raises his rifle again. He's going to finish what the mom started. He's going to kill the baby. Now our Afghan allies are screaming at us and we're screaming at them. Americans don't want this baby killed. They argue back and forth with our Afghani allies.
They insist the baby has to be killed. They will shoot her. They have to shoot her. If not, they'll take her to the river to be drowned. But she must die, because she'll grow up to be another generation of terrorists. And they say, we will face her later. You've got to kill the child. But Americans don't think that way. All life is sacred.
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