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Liz Wheeler


The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ja, und ich möchte anfangen, indem ich sage, dass dies ein so wütendes Thema ist, um darüber zu sprechen, weil jedes Baby, das geboren wird, egal der Umstände ihrer Vorstellung, wundervoll und wertvoll ist und Wert hat und gefeiert werden sollte. Also all diese wundervollen Babys, die von IVF geschaffen wurden, sind nicht weniger so, weil das die Umstände ihrer Vorstellung waren.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Natürlich, diese Kinder sind immer noch in der Image und Dignität gemacht, in der Image und Leidenschaft Gottes. Und ich bin auch sehr empathisch mit Frauen, mit verheirateten Mädchen, die versuchen, sich zu verheiratet zu machen, und sie versuchen, sich zu verheiratet zu machen. Bevor ich meine erste Tochter hatte, war mein Ältester vier Jahre alt.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ich habe drei Jahre lang verheiratet, und ich habe ein Baby verloren, und das ist verrückt. Das ist das Schlimmste, was je geschehen ist. Und ich verstehe, wie emotional schräg dieses Thema ist, weil wenn du diese Möglichkeit bekommst, weißt du, wenn IVF diesen tiefen Wunsch in deinem Herzen erfüllt, um ein Baby zu haben, empfehle ich das vollständig.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


All that being said, the reality of in vitro fertilization is not what it is portrayed to be. Because for every one of those beautiful babies that's born, about 15 babies are killed. So it's not a pro-life endeavor to support in vitro fertilization as a solution to the infertility crisis that we are suffering in this nation. And we are suffering an infertility crisis in this nation.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


We've never experienced a point in world history where one out of six or one out of seven women are struggling to conceive, where you have to make an active choice to try to have a baby versus just it happening, you know, the way that doing what comes naturally.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


My argument against in vitro fertilization is a couple of things. First of all, It's anti-Maha, right? One of the exciting things about the Trump administration is that he chose Bobby Kennedy to partner with him to actually investigate the root causes of the chronic health crises in our nation. And we're so excited about this. I mean, thank you, President Trump, for choosing Bobby Kennedy.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Thank you, Bobby Kennedy, for never giving up and for praying every day for this opportunity. But let's apply that same philosophy to the fertility crisis. Let's not just put a Band-Aid over this Let's go to the root cause and say, hey, why is women's fertility struggling right now? What could be causing that? Because that's not how it's supposed to be. And let's fix it.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ja, es ist. Ich meine, es ist das gleiche, um ehrlich zu sein. Es ist das gleiche, was mit unseren Kindern passiert. Wir haben große Pharma und große Essen und es verbreitet unsere Körper. Es zerstört unsere Endokrin-Systeme. Es zerstört unsere Hormone und es resultiert in Testosteron-Leveln und Firmkonten fallen.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Es gibt identifizierbare Dinge, messbare Dinge, die zu unseren Körpern passieren, die wir verändern können. Wenn wir stoppen, Big Food und Big Pharma zu verhindern. Und das ist, wo es zurück zu IVF kommt. Also Big Pharma, das ist ein Cash Cow für Big Pharma.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Sie machen eine Menge Geld aus der Invitro-Fertilisierung, was bedeutet, dass sie unschuldig sind, wie während Covid, als sie unschuldig waren, zu sagen, vielleicht Hydroxychloroquine, vielleicht Ivermectin. Oh nein, sie wollten nur die Impfung, weil sie sie verdient haben. Das ist ähnlich wie das. Sie wollen nicht die restaurativen Fertilität anschauen.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Sie wollen nicht die NAPRO-Technologie anschauen. Sie wollen nicht diese anderen Optionen anschauen, die gesunder, effektiver, kümmerter und ethischer sind, weil sie diese Dinge nicht verdienen. Dann kommen wir zu ein paar dieser Zahlen hier. Und diese Zahlen sind wirklich das, was dein Herz bricht, wenn du dich auszuprobierst und sie anschaust.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


According to the CDC, just in the year 2021, there were 238,000 women who underwent IVF treatment, who underwent this procedure. Now, every time that a woman undergoes this procedure, anywhere, this is an unregulated industry, so anywhere between 5 and 15 embryos are created. Multiple of those embryos are then implanted in the woman.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


However, getting back to the statistic you started this segment with, over 90%, 93% of those never are, they are not born live. They are either, you know, all 15 aren't implanted in the woman, so many of them are frozen. They are quote unquote screened for bad genetics, which is another word for eugenics.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


They look for characteristics that they might not want in a child and then they destroy or experiment on those embryos. And because in vitro does not address a woman's hormones and fertility in her body, oftentimes she miscarries. The risk of miscarriage with in vitro is much, much higher than an ordinary pregnancy or restorative fertility. So then you have

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Die 238.000 Frauen, die das unterbrochen haben, sagen, sie haben 10, 7, 8, 10 Embryos, die gegründet wurden. Das sind ungefähr 1,5 bis 2 Millionen Embryos, die ein Jahr gegründet wurden. Und noch in 2021 wurden weniger als 100.000 Babys von in vitro geboren, was bedeutet, dass irgendwo zwischen 1,5 und 1,8 Embryos, die wir wissen, wissenschaftlich, spirituell und ethisch, sind menschliche Leben,

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


were destroyed, discarded, experimented or remain in a freezer somewhere indefinitely, which is more children are dying from in vitro than are dying from abortion in the United States of America.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Well, that's the thing about this executive order. And President Trump is a very open-minded individual. One of my favorite things about him, actually, besides how hilarious he is on Truth Social, is that he listens to those who voted for him. I think that sets him apart from almost any other politician that I've ever known in my lifetime. The executive order is not entirely specific.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


It actually just requests a report. an how to make in vitro fertilization more accessible. And so what I would encourage President Trump and his team to do, what I would request from them is, you know, think outside the box here. Like, look at in vitro through the lens of Make America Healthy Again. Say, wait a second, we're here.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


um die Korruption, die zwischen Regierung und Big Pharma oder Big Food oder whatever, DEI-Programmen, all this stuff that President Trump has Elon Musk doing, that we're all delighted with. Apply that philosophy to this too.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Make sure that when you are looking at in vitro fertilization, you're looking at it through the lens of, hey, is big pharma lying to women, lying to families to profit themselves? Is this something that's actually existentially harmful for our country because someone else wants to make money?

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And meanwhile, they're hiding from women the fact that if you undergo in vitro, your child is more likely to have heart defects and physical deformities in addition to miscarrying, in addition to all of those innocent lives that are being that are being put on ice, quite literally, and discarded.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And Glenn, one of the things that really chills me when I talk about, or when I research IVF, when we're talking about it, is this genetic screening. These embryos are given ratings on a scale of 1 to 10. Like, is this healthy? Is this not healthy? Do they have desirable characteristics? And to me, that's just a road.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


If it's not eugenics right now, which I would argue it is, it's the road to eugenics. So Trump's executive order, I encourage him to really focus on restorative reproductive health So, where does Bobby Kennedy, I mean, is this a passion point for him at all on at least restorative health for the pregnancy rate? One of the interesting things about Bobby Kennedy is his curiosity.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


He's often portrayed as an anti-vaxxer, but he is so open-minded to wherever the data lead him. And if he is presented with evidence that women's fertility, this is not how our bodies were intended to work. We were intended to be very fertile. But it's not just happening here in America. It is happening all over the world.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


But what's interesting is the fertility crisis is happening in nations who have adopted more of a western mindset to medicine, meaning pharma and also food.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


I would suggest reaching out to President Trump. Get on X, email, call, make your voices heard. It's a tough topic. It's an emotionally fraught topic. There's a compassionate way to handle it. We obviously should handle this in a very compassionate way. But encourage President Trump to look at the reality of the IVF industry.

The Glenn Beck Program

What Pro-Lifers Need to Know About IVF | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Because at the end of the day, for every one life that is born, about 15 babies are killed in this process. And we as a nation should not accept that morally.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Hi Glenn, thanks for having me.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ja, und ich möchte anfangen mit dem Motto, dass das ein so ein witziges Thema ist, um darüber zu sprechen. Ja. Weil jedes Baby, das geboren wird, egal ob die Umstände ihrer Vorstellung, ist wundervoll und wertvoll und hat Wert und sollte gefeiert werden. Ja. Also all diese wundervollen Babys, die von IVF geschaffen wurden, sind nicht weniger so, weil das die Umstände ihrer Vorstellung waren. Ja.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Natürlich, diese Kinder sind immer noch in der Bildung und Dignität, in der Bildung und Leidenschaft Gottes gemacht. Und ich bin auch sehr empathisch mit Frauen, mit verheirateten Mädchen, die versuchen, sich zu verheiratet zu machen und versuchen, sich zu verheiratet zu machen. Bevor ich meine erste Tochter hatte, war mein Ältester vier Jahre alt.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ich habe drei Jahre lang verheiratet und ich habe ein Baby verloren. Und es ist horrend. Es ist das Schlimmste, was je geschehen ist. Und ich verstehe, wie emotional schräg dieses Thema ist, weil wenn du diese Möglichkeit gibst, weißt du, wenn IVF diesen tiefen Wunsch in deinem Herzen erfüllt, um ein Baby zu haben, ich empathisiere völlig damit.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


All that being said, the reality of in vitro fertilization is not what it is portrayed to be. Because for every one of those beautiful babies that's born, 15 Babys getötet werden. Es ist also keine Pro-Life-Erfahrung, In-Vitro-Fertilisierung als eine Lösung für die Infektionskrise zu unterstützen, die wir in dieser Nation erleben. Und wir erleben eine Infektionskrise in dieser Nation.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Wir haben noch nie einen Punkt in der Weltgeschichte erlebt, wo 1 aus 6 oder 1 aus 7 Frauen es schmerzen, sich zu erinnern, wo man eine aktive Wahl machen muss, um ein Baby zu haben, als es nur passiert. The way that doing what comes naturally.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And my argument against in vitro fertilization is a couple of things. First of all, It's anti-Maha, right? One of the exciting things about the Trump administration is that he chose Bobby Kennedy to partner with him to actually investigate the root causes of the chronic health crises in our nation. And we're so excited about this. I mean, thank you, President Trump, for choosing Bobby Kennedy.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Thank you, Bobby Kennedy, for never giving up and for praying every day for this opportunity. But let's apply that same philosophy to the fertility crisis. Let's not just put a Band-Aid over this Let's go to the root cause and say, hey, why is women's fertility struggling right now? What could be causing that? Because that's not how it's supposed to be. And let's fix it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Yes, there is. I mean, it's the same thing, to be honest. It's the same thing as what's happening to our children. We have big pharma and big food and it's poisoning our bodies. It's disrupting our endocrine systems. It's disrupting our hormones and it's resulting, you know, testosterone levels and sperm counts are falling.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Like there are identifiable things, measurable things that are happening to our bodies that we can reverse if we stop letting big food and big pharma dictate. And that's where it gets back to IVF. So big pharma, This is a cash cow for Big Pharma.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


They make a ton of money off of in vitro fertilization, which means that they are unwilling, just like during COVID, when they were unwilling to say, maybe hydroxychloroquine, maybe ivermectin. No, no, they only wanted the vaccine because it profited them. That's similar to this. They don't want to look at restorative fertility. They don't want to look at NAPRO technology.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


They don't want to look at these other options that are healthier and more effective and more humane and more ethical because they don't profit from those things. Dann kommen wir zu diesen Zahlen hier. Und diese Zahlen sind wirklich das, was dein Herz zerstört, wenn du dich auszuprobierst und in vitro anschaust.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Also, laut der CDU, gab es im Jahr 2021 238.000 Frauen, die eine IVF-Erkrankung durchgeführt haben, die dieses Procedure durchgeführt haben. Nun, jedes Mal, dass eine Frau dieses Procedure durchführt, irgendwo, das ist eine unregulierte Industrie, also irgendwo zwischen fünf und 15 Embryos werden erschaffen. Multiple of those embryos are then implanted in the woman.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


However, getting back to the statistic you started this segment with, over 90%, 93% of those never are, they are not born live. They are either, you know, all 15 aren't implanted in the woman, so many of them are frozen. They are quote unquote screened for bad genetics, which is another word for eugenics.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


They look for characteristics that they might not want in a child and then they destroy or experiment on those embryos. And because in vitro does not address a woman's hormones and fertility in her body, oftentimes she miscarries. The risk of miscarriage with in vitro is much, much higher than an ordinary pregnancy or restorative fertility. So then you have

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Die 238.000 Frauen, die das unterbrochen haben, sagen, sie haben 10, 7, 8, 10 Embryos, die gegründet wurden. Das sind etwa 1,5 bis 2 Millionen Embryos, die ein Jahr gegründet wurden. Und noch in 2021 wurden weniger als 100.000 Babys von in vitro geboren, was bedeutet, dass irgendwo zwischen 1,5 und 1,8 Embryos, die Glenn, wir wissen, wissenschaftlich, spirituell und ethisch sind Menschenleben,

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


were destroyed, discarded, experimented or remain in a freezer somewhere indefinitely, which is more children are dying from in vitro than are dying from abortion in the United States of America.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Well, that's the thing about this executive order. And President Trump is a very open-minded individual. One of my favorite things about him, actually, besides how hilarious he is on Truth Social, is that he listens to those who voted for him. I think that sets him apart from almost any other politician that I've ever known in my lifetime. The executive order is not entirely specific.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


It actually just requests a report from an how to make in vitro fertilization more accessible. And so what I would encourage President Trump and his team to do, what I would request from them is, you know, think outside the box here. Like, look at in vitro through the lens of Make America Healthy Again. Say, wait a second, we're here

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


um die Korruption zwischen Regierung und Big Pharma oder Big Food oder was auch immer, DEI-Programmen, all this stuff that President Trump has Elon Musk doing that we're all delighted with. Apply that philosophy to this too.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Make sure that when you are looking at in vitro fertilization, you're looking at it through the lens of, hey, is big pharma lying to women, lying to families to profit themselves? Is this something that's actually existentially harmful for our country because someone else wants to make money?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And meanwhile, they're hiding from women the fact that if you undergo in vitro, your child is more likely to have heart defects and physical deformities in addition to miscarrying, in addition to all of those innocent lives that are being that are being put on ice quite literally and discarded.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And Glenn, one of the things that really chills me when I talk about, or when I research IVF when we're talking about it, is this genetic screening that you can, these embryos are given ratings on a scale of 1 to 10, like is this healthy, is this not healthy, do they have desirable characteristics?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


And to me that's just a road, if it's not eugenics right now, which I would argue it is, it's the road to eugenics. So Trump's executive order, I encourage him to really focus on restorative reproductive health Fokus auf NAPRO-Technologie, Fokus auf Maha. Wir können diesen Krisen lösen. Wir wollen alle mehr Babys. Wir wollen alle, dass die Vereinigten Staaten einen unglaublichen Babyboom haben.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Ich teile diesen Wunsch mit ihm. Ich denke, es ist wundervoll, dass er pro Familie sein will. Aber lasst uns das richtig tun. Lasst uns das in einer Art tun, die noch nie gemacht wurde.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


One of the interesting things about Bobby Kennedy is his curiosity. He's often portrayed as an anti-vaxxer, but he is

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


so open-minded to wherever the data lead him and if he is presented with evidence that women's fertility this is not how we were our bodies were intended to work we were intended to be you know very fertile and something that we're doing some intervention environmental you know food pharma whatever it is stress technology this combination this culmination if something's not correct then he wants to fix that and

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


It is, yes. But what's interesting is the fertility crisis is happening in nations who have adopted more of a western mindset to medicine, meaning pharma and also food.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


I would suggest reaching out to President Trump. Get on X. Email, call, make your voices heard. It's a tough topic. It's an emotionally fraught topic. There's a compassionate way to handle it. We obviously should handle this in a very compassionate way. But encourage President Trump to look at the reality of the IVF industry.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/19/25


Because at the end of the day, for every one life that is born, about 15 babies are killed in this process. And we as a nation should not accept that morally.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I'm good. I mean, in your defense in this comment, Stu didn't inform me when I came into the studio that he's wearing a sleeping bag.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


The real story is the poll that you mentioned in the previous segment, which showed, what did you say, 79% of people, 75%? Yeah.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I think it was 75%. We'll go with that while you verify the exact number. But the effect is exactly the same percentage. with a little margin of error as the number of people who oppose boys playing in girls sports. It's actually reflective of the number of sane people versus the number of insane people in our country.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And it is so exciting, so encouraging to see that Trump derangement syndrome is actually dissipating among the general population.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Well, exactly. That's what Trump derangement syndrome was, though. It blinded people to his actions and just told them to hate him because of like what some some made up accusations or nonsense. And it actually did blind people. But I thought the brilliance of the speech last night, I really enjoyed it. I like his narrative storytelling. I like the way that he

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


speaks to each issue in a way that's both not condescending, but also understandable to anybody, regardless of how closely or not you follow politics. But the brilliance of the speech happened within the first five minutes, less than that first two minutes, when he points to the Democrats who with their stupid little signs, you know, what do they look like? I don't know whose idea that was, but

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


The memes are great, so I appreciate the idea. But he points to the Democrats and he says, it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter if I cure cancer. It doesn't matter if I achieve universal peace. Things that all of us want. You would still not stand up and clap. And the brilliance of saying that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


That's right. It wasn't even so much of a prediction as he wanted to highlight to everyone watching that I am now going to walk you through a whole bunch of these things that I'm talking about, whether it's health in our country, whether it's, you know, world peace, you know, what he's doing with Zelensky, whether whatever it might be that people like getting boys out of girls sports.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Everybody likes that except for the man wearing pink in the Democrat caucus. And. It highlighted it so that throughout the speech, every time the Democrats didn't stand up, we as viewers thought, oh, because they're so hateful because they don't care about us. They only care about their own viciousness towards Trump.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And that was the brilliance of the speech, because we all came away with it with this list in our minds of all the different things that they can't bring themselves to clap for. They couldn't clap for a little boy with brain cancer.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Yeah, I had The Exorcist of the Washington, D.C. diocese on my show in the fall. I want to say it was in October. He, really interesting, really, in a funny way, very down-to-earth guy, even though he must deal with literal demons. And I asked him, tongue-in-cheek, because he's probably not going to say exactly, but I asked him, I was like, so what is, like, Congress like in that regard?

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And he's not going to betray names, but he was like... There's a lot going on over there. And I believe it. I mean, the specific post that you're referring to on X was when Donald Trump and this was one of his most profound, sincere moments.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


I think one of the one of the ways that you and I can see how much he's changed post assassination attempt is when he said our message to American children is that you are perfect the way that God made you. And I mean, I'm getting the chills right now, even thinking about when's the last time that we had a politician who looked at children and said, God made you the way that you are for a purpose.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And the Democrats refuse to stand for that or applaud. That is evil.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


In defense of him calling her Pocahontas, that's not just an ad hominem that he pulled out of his pocket.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Reminding people that she's a liar and that she got into her position of power, which she abuses by lying to you. So it's actually, in my opinion, not only one of his funniest insults. I love every time he uses it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


But it's actually his way. It's like Crooked Hillary. It wasn't just him calling her a name. It was reminding people of what she'd done. And that's brilliant to me. I don't mind that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Yes, as he should. I reflected on this during his first term that I think it was a strategic mistake not to go after Hillary. And it was well-intentioned because of the optics of the thing. We don't want to go after our political enemies. But that standard was actually I mean, we're in this new era, right, where we're questioning all of these, quote unquote, norms and traditions.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And that standard was actually a little disordered because it's not that you don't want to go after a political enemy. It's that you want to go after anyone who has violated the law. And we stopped doing that just because of optics. And that should never be the reason not to hold someone accountable to the law, because then they're going to be emboldened to break the law again.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


So if you look at it purely from the standpoint of who has violated the law in a very significant way and abused one of the most egregious crimes using the power of the government to go after American citizens because of their political views, those people should be in prison. Of course they should. Obviously, I mean, we can we can talk names. We were we were throwing some names around last night.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Adam Schiff should be on that list. James Comey should be on that list. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page should be on that list. Just because that happened years ago doesn't mean we should just brush it off.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Yeah, even if we don't know the names, I mean, I name Adam Schiff and James Comey because they were so blatant in their abusive government that we could see it happening before our eyes.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


But anybody in the FBI who labeled traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists, who labeled parents who opposed critical race theory and transgender ideology in school as domestic terrorists, all of those people, you know who put together those memos. You can look at computer forensics to figure out who was involved in those projects. Those people should be prosecuted for that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


And you mentioned Fauci. Even Joe Biden knew that Fauci was culpable for these crimes. That's why he got a pardon all the way back to 2014 when Fauci started breaking the law regarding gain-of-function research, which is, of course, what led to the creation of the COVID-19 virus and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But we still have an option for what to do for Dr. Fauci. States. States.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


Yes, state's attorneys general. I mean, this is something or even local DAs. Think about the strategy that the Democrats used against Trump. I don't think that Republicans should stoop to trying to indict people who are not guilty of a crime simply because they don't like them as politicians, which is what the Democrats did. No one's suggesting that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25


But there are many, many Democrat politicians who've committed egregious crimes. Go after them.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I was, and thank you for having me this morning, Glenn. You know, people are very mad about what happened yesterday, and honestly, I don't blame them for being mad. I am also very mad about what happened yesterday because we all expected to get the dirtiest dirt that we have ever gotten, the corruption of the government, the Epstein files. We were promised this.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We expected this, and we didn't get it.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Well, let me get to that because I think when I tell the narrative story, it will make clear we weren't actually at the White House for that purpose. The Epstein Files is not why we were called in. We were called in to be given access to the most powerful people running our country.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We met with almost every cabinet secretary, with the vice president, with the president himself, with all of the staff. We were given access as new media figures to replace the legacy media who has lied to us and... um, demeaned us for all of these years, they are no longer going to be rewarded for doing that. So we were given the access to these people. Um, but again, let me tell the narrative.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I want to make sure that everyone knows what happened because, um, because people are angry and rightfully so, because they felt like they were subject to a bait and switch, which was not, was not the intention. I think on anyone's part, certainly not on my part. So we were invited to the white house and we were in meetings with all of these different cabinet officials,

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And Pam Bondi, the attorney general, comes into the room with Kash Patel, the FBI director, and they talk to us about what they've been doing. They give us some glimpses of what's happening behind the scenes. And Pam Bondi then brings a stack of these white binders, these infamous white binders that say Epstein filed phase one on them.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And when we saw these binders, of course, all of our jaws dropped. And we had the same assumption that this was going to be the juicy stuff. This was what we've been waiting for. And almost immediately, Pam Boddy says, wait a second, this is not juicy. You're not going to find in these binders what you think you're going to find in these binders. Let me explain.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And immediately she holds up that letter. I posted that letter on my ex account. It was widely reported yesterday and says this binder is filled with 200 pages of of Epstein files that was given to me by the FBI when I made the request upon the request of the president, because he was fulfilling his promise to declassify and release the Epstein file. I asked the FBI, give me the files.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


They brought me these 200 pages, put them on the desk and assured me that this was all the files that they had. And Pam Bondi relates to us. She's like, it seemed weird. I smelled a rat because this is all the files. This is all we have.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


she's like and i repeatedly made requests to verify are you sure this is all the files and i was assured that this was all the files and she's like you will find in this binder that it's a nothing burger that we have most of this information already declassified and redacted i do believe there's a few things in there that hadn't but it's nothing salacious it's just a contact list of phone numbers it's nothing and flight logs and stuff we already have and she said the scandal is that last night after it was clear that i was going to release these documents i got

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


contacted by a whistleblower from within the SDNY, which of course is part of the Department of Justice, part of the FBI, And this whistleblower told me that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of more documents about Epstein because they did not want her to release it. Now, this, of course, if true, is the scandal of the century. Yes.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


That there are deep state agents, swamp creatures in the swamp, in the FBI, in the SDNY, that are defying the president of the United States, defying the attorney general, defying the director of the FBI. That is... breathtaking in, in, um, it's, I mean, I'm at a loss for words and how breathtaking this is to see the swamp. Now you and I know Glenn, everyone,

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


with us today knows that just because you cut off the head of the snake, just because you replace the top political appointees at an agency, it doesn't remove immediately all of those who would wish to subvert the will of the president. That takes time. And so the fact that we have concrete evidence in the form of this tangible binder that they gave this to Pam Bondi and told her, this is it.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


This is a smoking gun when it is a nothing burger. That is a huge story. The entire SDNY should be fired. This place should be absolutely razed. So put a pin in that for a second. That's what happened in the secure briefing room at the white house. We were then, we met with other press. We went into the oval office. We talked to president Trump.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We talked to, um, we talked to secretary of state, Marco Rubio. We talked to HHS secretary Jr. And then of course we weren't allowed to have our phones on us at all during this time in the west wing, they were in a secure box downstairs.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We were told that, you know, we needed to leave this secure briefing room because the UK prime minister was coming and they were going to take us out the back of the White House and downstairs to get our phones. We were, of course, really excited because we had just gotten a coin from the president personally. And, you know, he was showing us the portraits in the Oval Office.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, it's just a real experience to to visit this this central place of power. And we were really honored to have been there, as I think anyone would be. So we go out back, excited to get our phones, because as soon as we get these phones, we're going to dive into these binders.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We know that there's nothing really in them, but we have this letter, this huge story to break that previously would have been given to the legacy media, but it was given to us about the SDNY. But as we're going out the back door, we're rushed a little bit by White House staff. And I personally found this funny because I'm a history nerd. We're told, hurry, hurry, the British are coming.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


The British are coming. Because we needed to be out of the way of the hallway for the UK prime minister. Now, being the political nerds that we are, we all thought that was really funny. Once the last time someone shouted the British are coming in in the White House. But once we get outside, we see that there's a gaggle of press essentially in the bushes to the side of the White House.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Um, and they, the looks on their faces, so sour, so dour, so astonished to see us because it wasn't a, you know, publicly announced meeting per se. And, um, they were kind of like, what the heck are you guys doing here? And so we were again, giddy from having been in the Oval Office, having just come out of a meeting with RFT where he was telling us some remarkable things he's working on.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And they were curious about what we were holding. Now, this is a very important part of the story. We had not been told up to that point that there was any sort of embargo on this information. It was our impression at that moment that within about two minutes, we would be able to break the story of the SDNY stonewalling Pam Bondi.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And so when the media was so sour and bitter that we had gotten this binder that Yes, we were kind of laughing at them. We were holding up the binders in defiance saying, you know what? You've been relegated to the bushes because you lie and you smear and you gaslight the American people. And we are the media now. And that was the background of that picture.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Now, within about two minutes of that picture being taken, we were told, please don't report on the binder itself or the story about the SDNY until 3.30 in the afternoon because they didn't want the press conference between Donald Trump and the UK prime minister to be solely focused on the SDNY Epstein Files story. So all of a sudden, we are in this situation where

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


where the press has gotten photos of us with these binders that appear to be real Epstein files, and yet we knew that they were not. And we begged for the embargo to be lifted. The process of that embargo being lifted was frankly botched up. That should have been, I mean, it was an error on the part of the White House not to allow us to go ahead and do that.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We, of course, were being respectful of that embargo because we were just given an exclusive story. But what happened then is pictures of us holding the binders were the only things that we were allowed to post at that moment. But we thought we'd be able within about five minutes of those posts, just getting people's attention to tell what the real story is. And yet the embargo wasn't lifted.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And so it created this situation. And I cannot even tell you how frantic I felt in this situation, Glenn, because it appears to be a bait and switch. And my goodness, that's the last thing that was ever intended. I was frantic about,

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


behind the scenes telling the white house you have to let me tell this story you have to let me release this do you know what this looks like publicly um but unfortunately it was a it was at least over an hour before we were able to do that and so in the interim everyone in the country understandably so assumed that those binders were full of epstein files and they felt like we were withholding information from them they felt like we were engaging in clickbait they felt

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


devastated and used when they found out there was nothing in it um and again honestly i'll be blunt i totally understand why people are pissed off because i am too about that i am i i am too i'm pissed off for you and also as a citizen of america yeah

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah, and I think part of the thing that outrages me about this is like, okay, so basically it was a bad comms decision that led to a really significant story. I don't want to call it being overlooked because when I posted on X last night or yesterday afternoon, I was on a plane and said, here's the real story. I mean, as of right now, I think it's been viewed by 46 million people. So, I mean...

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We know, I mean, these are our people on X and in the conservative media sphere and American people. They, there are people, they know us. We know them. We've been through everything together from COVID to January 6th to the vaccines to the assassination attempt. They know that We're seeking the truth. They know that we are that.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And I don't I don't even know why I'm using the word we they know that I am an honest broker. They know that I would never intentionally do this. And that's why I'm just telling this story, because the real story here is getting pushed to the side. The real story is the scandal of the SDNY. And that's the part that I actually want to focus on, because.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


What happens from here on out is actually the important part. We have now identified that there are people trying to subvert the president from within the FBI. So what happens now? What does Kash Patel do? What does Pam Bondi do? What does President Trump do? Are those Epstein files really there? Are we going to be given those Epstein files?

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


What happens from this moment forward actually sets the course for the rest of the administration. signals to deep staters in administrative agencies whether they can defy the president and the attorney general and the FBI director and get away with it or not.

The Glenn Beck Program

5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Did she say that? I didn't see that clip. A couple of people have mentioned that to me. Forgive the interruption. Did she say the night before that there was grotesque things in the book?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I was, and thank you for having me this morning, Glenn. You know, people are very mad about what happened yesterday, and honestly, I don't blame them for being mad. I am also very mad about what happened yesterday because we all expected to get the dirtiest dirt that we have ever gotten, the corruption of the government, the Epstein files. We were promised this.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We expected this, and we didn't get it.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And when we didn't get it,

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Well, let me get to that, because I think when I tell the narrative story, it will make clear we weren't actually at the White House for that purpose. The Epstein files is not why we were called in. We were called in to be given access to the most powerful people running our country.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We met with almost every cabinet secretary, with the vice president, with the president himself, with all of the staff. We were given access as new media figures to replace the legacy media who has lied to us and... um, demeaned us for all of these years, they are no longer going to be rewarded for doing that. So we were given the access to these people. Um, but again, let me tell the narrative.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I want to make sure that everyone knows what happened because, um, because people are angry and rightfully so, because they felt like they were subject to a bait and switch, which was not, was not the intention. I think on anyone's part, certainly not on my part. So we were invited to the white house and we were in meetings with all of these different cabinet officials, uh,

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And Pam Bondi, the attorney general, comes into the room with Kash Patel, the FBI director, and they talk to us about what they've been doing. They give us some glimpses of what's happening behind the scenes. And Pam Bondi then brings a stack of these white binders, these infamous white binders that say Epstein filed phase one on them.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And when we saw these binders, of course, all of our jaws dropped. And we had the same assumption that this was going to be the juicy stuff. This was what we've been waiting for. And almost immediately, Pam Boddy says, wait a second, this is not juicy. You're not going to find in these binders what you think you're going to find in these binders. Let me explain.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And immediately she holds up that letter. I posted that letter on my ex account. It was widely reported yesterday and says this binder is filled with 200 pages of of Epstein files that was given to me by the FBI when I made the request upon the request of the president, because he was fulfilling his promise to declassify and release the Epstein file. I asked the FBI, give me the files.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


They brought me these 200 pages, put them on the desk and assured me that this was all the files that they had. And Pam Bondi relates to us. She's like, it seemed weird. I smelled a rat because this is all the files. This is all we have. And she's like, and I repeatedly made requests to verify, are you sure this is all the files? And I was assured that this was all the files.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And she's like, you will find in this binder that it's a nothing burger, that we have most of this information already declassified and redacted. I do believe there's a few things in there that hadn't, but it's nothing salacious. It's just a contact list of phone numbers. It's nothing. And flight logs and stuff we already have.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And she said, the scandal is that last night, after it was clear that I was going to release these documents, I got nothing. contacted by a whistleblower from within the SDNY, which of course is part of the Department of Justice, part of the FBI,

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And this whistleblower told me that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of more documents about Epstein because they did not want her to release it. Now, this, of course, if true, is the scandal of the century. Yes.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


That there are deep state agents, swamp creatures in the swamp, in the FBI, in the SDNY, that are defying the President of the United States, defying the Attorney General, defying the Director of the FBI. That is... I mean, I'm at a loss for words and how breathtaking this is to see the swamp. Now you and I know, Glenn, everyone,

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


with us today knows that just because you cut off the head of the snake, just because you replace the top political appointees at an agency, it doesn't remove immediately all of those who would wish to subvert the will of the president. That takes time.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And so the fact that we have concrete evidence in the form of this tangible binder that they gave this to Pam Bondi and told her, this is it, this is a smoking gun, when it is a nothing burger, that is a huge story. The entire SDNY should be fired. This post should be absolutely razed. So put a pin in that for a second. That's what happened in the secure briefing room at the White House.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We were then, we met with other, we went into the Oval Office. We talked to President Trump. We talked to Secretary of State Marco Rubio. We talked to HHS Secretary RFK Jr. And then, of course, we weren't allowed to have our phones on us during this time in the West Wing. They were in a secure box downstairs.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We were told that, you know, we needed to leave this secure briefing room because the UK prime minister was coming and they were going to take us out the back of the White House and downstairs to get our phones. We were, of course, really excited because we had just gotten a coin from the president personally. And, you know, he was showing us the portraits in the Oval Office.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


I mean, it's just a real experience to to visit this this central place of power. And we were really honored to have been there, as I think anyone would be. So we go out back, excited to get our phones, because as soon as we get these phones, we're going to dive into these binders.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We know that there's nothing really in them, but we have this letter, this huge story to break that previously would have been given to the legacy media, but it was given to us about the SDNY incident. But as we're going out the back door, we're we're rushed a little bit by White House staff. And I personally found this funny because I'm a history nerd. We're told, hurry, hurry.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


The British are coming. The British are coming because we needed to be out of the way of the of the hallway for the UK prime minister. Now, being the political nerds that we are, we all thought that was really funny. Once the last time someone shouted, the British are coming in in the White House.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


But once we get outside, we see that there's a gaggle of press essentially in the bushes to the side of the White House. Um, and they, the looks on their faces, so sour, so dour, so astonished to see us because it wasn't a, you know, publicly announced meeting per se. And, um, they were kind of like, what the heck are you guys doing here?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And so we were again, giddy from having been in the Oval Office, having just come out of a meeting with RFK where he was telling us some remarkable things he's working on. And they were curious about what we were holding. Now, this is a very important part of the story. We had not been told up to that point that there was any sort of embargo on this information.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


It was our impression at that moment that within about two minutes, we would be able to break the story of the SDNY stonewalling Pam Bondi. And so when the media was so sour and bitter that we had gotten this binder that Yes, we were kind of laughing at them. We were holding up the binders in defiance saying, you know what?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


You've been relegated to the bushes because you lie and you smear and you gaslight the American people. And we are the media now. And that was the background of that picture.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Now, within about two minutes of that picture being taken, we were told, please don't report on the binder itself or the story about the SDNY until 3.30 in the afternoon because they didn't want the press conference between Donald Trump and the UK prime minister to be solely focused on the SDNY Epstein Files story. So all of a sudden, we are in this situation where

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


where the press has gotten photos of us with these binders that appear to be real Epstein files, and yet we knew that they were not. And we begged for the embargo to be lifted. The process of that embargo being lifted was frankly botched up. That should have been, I mean, it was an error on the part of the White House not to allow us to go ahead and do that.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We, of course, were being respectful of that embargo because we were just given an exclusive story. But what happened then is pictures of us holding the binders were the only things that we were allowed to post at that moment. But we thought we'd be able within about five minutes of those posts, just getting people's attention to tell what the real story is. And yet the embargo wasn't lifted.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


And so it created this situation. And I cannot even tell you how frantic I felt in this situation, Glenn, because it appears to be a bait and switch. And my goodness, that's the last thing that was ever intended. I was frantic about, behind the scenes telling the White House, you have to let me tell this story. You have to let me release this. Do you know what this looks like publicly?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


But unfortunately, it was at least over an hour before we were able to do that. And so in the interim, everyone in the country, understandably so, assumed that those binders were full of Epstein files and they felt like we were withholding information from them. They felt like we were engaging in clickbait. They felt

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


devastated and used when they found out there was nothing in it um and again honestly i'll be blunt i totally understand why people are pissed off because i am too about that i am i i am too i'm pissed off for you and also as a citizen of america yeah

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Yeah, and I think part of the thing that outrages me about this is like, okay, so basically it was a bad comms decision that led to a really significant story. I don't want to call it being overlooked because when I posted on X last night or yesterday afternoon, I was on a plane and said, here's the real story. I mean, as of right now, I think it's been viewed by 46 million people. So, I mean...

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


We know, I mean, these are our people on X and in the conservative media sphere and American people. They, there are people, they know us. We know them. We've been through everything together from COVID to January 6th to the vaccines to the assassination attempt. They know that

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


we're seeking the truth they know that we are that and i don't i don't even know why i'm using the word we they know that i am an honest broker they know that i would never intentionally do this um and that's why i'm just telling this story because the real story here is getting pushed to the side the real story is the scandal of the sdny and that's the part that i actually want to focus on because

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


What happens from here on out is actually the important part. We have now identified that there are people trying to subvert the president from within the FBI. So what happens now? What does Kash Patel do? What does Pam Bondi do? What does President Trump do? Are those Epstein files really there? Are we going to be given those Epstein files?

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


What happens from this moment forward actually sets the course for the rest of the administration. signals to deep staters in administrative agencies whether they can defy the president and the attorney general and the FBI director and get away with it or not.

The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25


Did she say that? I didn't see that clip. A couple of people have mentioned that to me. Forgive the interruption. Did she say the night before that there was a whole clip?