John Smith
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und nächstens war Michael Lawrence Bonin, der am 3. Juni 1976 verschloss, um 17 Jahre alt war. Er wurde während seiner Reise von Chicago nach Waukegan genommen, und seine Todesursache war Strangulation via Ligature. Sein Körper wurde von Gacys Spare-Bedroom entzündet. Und nächstens gibt es William, Billy Carroll Jr., der in der Stadt als ein Troublemaker bekannt war.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Laut seinem Vater William, Quote-unquote, Als Billy 14 oder 15 war, wurde er mit einem 38er Smith & Wesson-automatischen Pistol gefangen. Laut dem, was ich von einigen seiner Freunde gelernt habe, hat er Leute geschossen, um sie zu erschrecken. However, on his oldest brother's birthday, June 13th, 1976, 16-year-old William disappeared and was later discovered and identified in a shallow grave.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
In the crawlspace of Gacy's home via dental records on March 17th, 1979. And then there was James Jimmy Hankinson, who was actually recently identified on July 19th, 2017 via DNA match to his family, previously known as Body 24. Hankinson disappeared on August 5th, 1976 at the age of 16.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und am Tag, an dem er verschloss, hat Jimmy seine Mutter angerufen, um ihr zu wissen, dass er in Chicago kam, nachdem er aus Minnesota aus seinem Zuhause war. Und als Gacy verhaftet wurde, hat James' Mutter die Polizei geholfen, zu sagen, dass ihr Sohn einer der unbekannten Gefühle sein könnte. Aber damals konnte die Polizei nur Dentalregelungen nutzen, um Körper zu identifizieren.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und James' Mutter hatte einfach keine. Und es war nicht, bis sein Sohn seinem Vater und Sohn ihre DNA an den Chicago PD zugelassen hat, und dass sein Körper dann erfolgreich identifiziert wurde. Und die nächste Mütterin wäre Rick Johnson, 17 Jahre alt, und er ist am 8. Juni 1976 verschwunden. Also sind alle diese Mörder sehr, sehr nah zusammen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und er würde verschwinden, nachdem seine Mutter ihn an einem Konzert verlassen hat. Nicht viel ist bekannt darüber, wie Gacy und Rick sich kennengelernt haben. Jedoch wissen wir, dass Rick am 6. August 1976 gestorben ist und sein Körper in der Spannung befunden wurde, über dem Körper von James Hackinson.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
An diesem Punkt steckt er die Körper auf dem Boden, während seine Familie in dem selben Haus lebt. Er geht einfach über sein Leben, wie er es immer macht. Er ist ein verdammter Clown und hat dann seine Bauernfirma. Eine Bauernfirma, in der er viele seiner Gefühle gefunden hat. Er würde ihnen nur sagen, dass sie einen Job haben können und dann würde er sie übernehmen. Und dann würde er...
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Relatively the same thing over and over again. You know, either getting them drunk or handcuffing them, promising them jobs. It's just, just sick. And the fact that it took so long for them to find it was just... Und dann gibt es die nächste Verbrecherin, Gregory Gottschalk. Und es ist wenig bekannt über die Verbrecherung von Gregory. All we know is that he went missing on December 11th, 1976.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And he was exhumed from the crawlspace of Gacy's home. And investigators were able to place Greg in Gacy's home because his wallet and some of his other belongings were found there. And at age 19, John Sick had recently moved to Chicago and was eager to start a life. However, he went missing January 20th, 1977. And later, during police investigation, he would also be found in Gacy's crawlspace.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Born on March 17, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, Gacy was the second of three children and the only son of John Stanley Gacy and Marian Elaine Robinson. His father, a World One veteran, struggled with alcoholism and subjected young John to frequent verbal and physical abuse.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And then there was John Prestige, age 20, who had come to Chicago to visit a friend and eventually stayed after finding work with a Chicago contractor. And he would be last seen on March 15th, 1977, and his body would also be found in the crawlspace. And I know I'm saying, you know, victim one after another after another, but I think it's important to
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
all of the victims um as as shocking and as sickening as it is i don't want to breeze past any of them so next we have matthew bowman who was last seen by his mother at a suburban train station and reported missing by his sister july 5th 1977 and other than his body being found under the crawl space not much is known about how he came into contact with gacy or how he died and then there was robert gilroy the son of a chicago police sergeant
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und er hat eigentlich nur vier Blöcke von dem Ort, wo Gacy lebte, aufgewachsen. Aber die Bewerber konnten keine Beweise auf die Frage legen, ob das ein Faktor war in seinem Verlust oder Tod. Und Robert wurde am 15. September 1997 gesehen. Und leider würde sein Körper auch unter dem Crawlraum bei 18 Jahren gefunden werden.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dann gab es John Murray, der bei 19 Jahren einen intensiven 18-Monats-Marine-Training durchführt und seine Zeit in Chicago mit Freunden und Familie genießt hat. Und am Abend des 25. September 1977 stoppte er bei seinem Familienmitgliedshaus und berichtete ihnen, dass er rausgehen würde. Aber laut seinem Ruhemann, der für Gacy's Bauernunternehmen arbeitete, hatte sein Hund übernommen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und diese Begründung würde von seinem Freund verurteilt werden, der beurteilt hatte, dass das letzte Mal, dass die beiden gesprochen haben, er am Telefon war, als Marui verloren ging. Und nach diesem Verbrechen würde Marui niemals wieder gesehen werden. Und als er seine Verlust beurteilt hatte, war sein Ruhemann sehr aufmerksam darüber, nicht seinen verlassenen Freund zu nennen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Welche manche glauben, dass er wusste, dass Gacy verantwortlich für Maoris Verlust war. Denn das ist sehr seltsam. Und als die Bewerber die Maske von Gacy in den Graben steckten, war John Maoris Körper einer der Verletzten im Spaziergang. Und einer der vielen Items, die in Gacys Haus entdeckt wurden, war Maoris braunes Suede Jacket, das als Beweise für Gacy während seines Triales gefunden wurde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und nächster wäre Russell Nelson, der am 17. Oktober 1977 verschwunden ist. Nach dem Reisen nach Chicago mit einem Freund, um für einen Kontraktor in der Chicago-Metro-Area zu arbeiten. Und die Bewerber würden nie herausfinden, ob der Kontraktor, für den Russell gearbeitet hat, Gacy war oder nicht.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und sein Körper würde von Gacys Crawlspace zurückgezogen werden und er wäre 21 Jahre alt, als er tot war. Der nächste wäre Robert Winch, der Sohn eines Physikprofessors in Kalamazoo, Michigan war, wo er die meiste Zeit lebt und dann in Chicago auf 16 Jahre geboren wurde. Und während er in Michigan war, war er gewohnt, sich von seinem Vaterhaus zu entfernen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And this abusive relationship just set a precedent for the toxic dynamic that would persist throughout Gacy's childhood and adolescence. And the paternal abuse Gacy endured was not merely sporadic. It was a constant presence in his formative years. Not a good story. Sein Vater belittelte ihn ständig und machte unfreundliche Vergleiche zwischen John und seinen Schwestern.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Also war es nicht so überraschend, als er am 11. November 1977 verschloss. Und er wurde letztes Mal bei einem McDonalds mit einem Freund gegessen, nachdem er von seiner Freundin verlassen wurde. Und während er bei einem McDonalds war, wurde er von John Wayne Gacy angekommen, um ihm einen Vertragsjob zu bieten. Er hat die McDonalds mit Gacy verlassen und wurde nie wieder gesehen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Während die Bewerber später Gacys Heimat suchten, fanden sie seinen Tiger-Eye-Belt. Dann gab es Tommy Bolling, der 20 Jahre alt war, als er am 18. November 1977 versprach. Damals kämpfte er mit Drogen und hatte eine Frau und einen dreijährigen Sohn. Sein Körper wurde unter Gacys Crawlspace auch wiederentwickelt.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And the body of David Talsma would also be found in Gacy's crawlspace and was identified by x-rays on his left arm on what would have been his 21st birthday. And his father reported him missing on December 14th, 1977. And next is William Wayne Kindred, a 19-year-old resident of 511 West Melrose Street, Chicago.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And he was last seen near Diversity and Broadway, where police believed John Wayne Gacy picked him up. And Kindred's girlfriend, Mary Jo Paulus, had been searching for him seit seiner Entfernung. Aber sein Körper wurde später unter Gacy's Haus gefunden, im Dezember 1978, und wurde durch Dentalregelungen von seiner Mutter identifiziert.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dann gab es Tim O'Roukes Körper, der tatsächlich aus dem Illinois River zurückgekehrt wurde und durch Fingerprinte identifiziert wurde. Und als sein Körper gefunden wurde, war er völlig nackt. Und er verschwand in der Mitte von Juni 1978, und sein Alter war unbekannt. Also war klar, dass etwas passiert, während dieser Begegnung, wo Gacy vielleicht nicht mehr zu seinem Zuhause oder
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Es gab einen Art von Urteil, wo er ihn auf den Spot getötet hat und dann in den Fluss gebracht wurde. Und dann wurde der Körper von Frank William Landigan nackt im Des Planes-River in Will County auf November 12, 1978 entdeckt. Und er wurde später mit Gacy verbunden, nachdem sein Fahrradlizenz in Gacys Zuhause gefunden wurde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dann wurde 20-jähriger James Mazzara drei Meilen entfernt von Timothy O'Rourke im Des Planes-River auf Dezember 28, 1978 entdeckt. Nicht viel ist bekannt darüber, wann Gacy mit James in Kontakt kam, oder wann das erste Treffen war, oder sogar, wann er vermisst war. Aber er wurde trotzdem gefunden.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Offensichtlich hat Gacy einen neuen Dumpfplatz gefunden, weil er so viele Körper unter seinem Haus hatte. Und der nächste Verbrecher ist Robert Piest, ein 15-Jähriger in Desplanis, Illinois, der am 11. Dezember 1978 verschwunden ist. Und er wurde letztens in der Nissan Pharmazie gesehen, wo er arbeitete, und sagte seiner Mutter, dass er einen Vertreter für einen potentiellen Job treffen würde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
We all know where he's going. Obviously identified later, the contractor being John Wayne Gacy. And when Robert obviously didn't return home, his family reported him missing. And his disappearance triggered an investigation that ultimately led to Gacy's arrest. And Robert's body would be found April 9th, 1979 in the Desplandes River. And Robert's blue nylon jacket was found inside Gacy's home
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und all of those victims that we just covered are all the ones that have been successfully identified. To this day, there are still seven unidentified victims that police are working diligently to identify. There were eight unidentified victims found as well at his property. DNA from the scene was unable to be extracted from them and they just continued to be unnamed.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But Gacy's ability to maintain a double life during this period was remarkable. He continued to be an active member of his community, hosting large parties and participating in local politics. And his construction business was thriving during this whole time, providing him with both financial stability and a means to access potential victims.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und diese Persistenz der Degradation hatte einen sehr tiefen Einfluss auf Gacys Selbstbewusstsein und seine Wahrnehmung von Maskelinität. Und ein speziell bemerkenswerter Ereignis geschah, als Gacy nur vier Jahre alt war. Sein Vater würde ihn für die Verletzung von Fahrzeugkomponenten zerstören. Ein Ereignis, das Gacy sich als eines seiner ältesten Kindheitserinnerungen erinnern würde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And the contrast between Gacy's public persona and his private actions was very stark, illustrating his Kapazität für Manipulation und Verzweiflung. Und als die Jahre weitergingen, wurde Gacys Verbrechen immer größer. Er begann, größere Risiken zu nehmen, manchmal Mörder zu verursachen, während andere Menschen in seinem Haus waren.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dieses Eskalationen und riskierende Verhalten würde nur letztendlich zu seinem Abfall beitragen. Und trotz seiner Bemühungen, seine Verbrechen zu verhindern, begann die Überraschung in seinem richtigen Kreis zu entstehen. Seine zweite Frau, Carol Huff, reported finding wallets belonging to young men in their home and noticing a peculiar odor emanating from the crawlspace.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
How the fuck could you not smell like 20, 30 bodies under your floorboards? I'm assuming she had her nose cauterized. I don't even, I don't, I don't understand how you could just be like, Es ist wahrscheinlich nichts. Es ist wahrscheinlich nur... Ich habe vermutlich vergessen, die Waschmaschine oder so zu machen. Ich weiß nicht. Ich weiß nicht, wie Gacy das ausdrücken würde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Er würde einfach sagen, dass er, ich weiß nicht, für Jahre nicht schlafen wollte und es nur auf seinen eigenen verdammten, verdammten Körperschmerzen verurteilt hat oder so. Ich weiß nicht. Ich weiß nicht. Ich verstehe nicht, wie das überhaupt möglich ist. I digress. But it says that every time she brought it up, Gacy would just somehow explain it away. So I can't think of anything else.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
He's like, oh, there's mold in the walls. And she's like, shouldn't we move? And he's like, no! So the turning point came in December 1978, when the disappearance of 15-year-old Robert Piest was linked to Gacy. Piest had last been seen at the pharmacy where Gacy had been working and witnesses reported that Gacy had offered him a job.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And this disappearance would trigger a much more thorough investigation into Gacy's activities, ultimately leading to the discovery of the horrific extent of his crimes. So the disappearance of Robert on December 11th, 1978 marked the beginning of the end for John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown. So police would obviously go to Gacy's home and the police would scrutinize Gacy.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And they would uncover a series of suspicious items that raised alarms, to say the least. And these included items belonging to missing young men, as well as peculiar objects that seemed out of place in a suburban household. Und die steigenden Beweise gegen Gacy führten zu der Implementierung von Rund-die-Klopfe-Verwaltung auf seine Residenz.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Unter dem Gewicht der ständigen Polizei-Scrutiny wurde Gacys Verhalten immer mehr erraten. Seine Versuche, die Fassade der Normalität zu behalten, begannen zu krümmeln, als die Druck intensifizierte. Und am 21.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Dezember 1978 erreichte die Investition einen kritischen Wendepunkt, als Gacy, nicht in der Lage war, die steigenden Beweise zu steigern, eine schreckliche Verschwörung an die Polizei machte. He admitted to killing at least 30 men, quote unquote. A revelation that stunned even the most seasoned investigators. Because everybody around Gacy, they thought he was the coolest guy.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
So nice, very professional, very successful, great family. How could this guy be a murderer? It basically shook Gacy. Chicago. Dann gab es die grimmende Aufgabe, Gacys Gebäude zu entdecken, die am 22. Dezember 1978 begann. Und während der Woche haben die Forensik-Teams die Spur unter Gacys Zuhause beobachtet, um eine furchtbare Szene zu entdecken, wie Sie bereits wissen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und die Erkundung erklärte Tausende von dekomponierten Körpern, bestätigend den Ausdruck von Gacy's Mördersprache. Und der Prozess der Rückkehr und der Identifikation der Bleibende war schmerzhaft und emotional für alle involviert. Und wenn wir uns dieses Haus anschauen, ist es einfach wirklich beschädigend.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Bewerber schlugen in seinen Garten und bemerkten, wie viele von seinen Verbrechern er auf jeden Fall auf dem Boden stand, was ich sicher war, war einfach eine seltsame, verdammte Freude.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Dieser Ereignis exemplifizierte die schmerzhafte und unvergültige Natur seines Vaters Behandlung, die oft auf die beobachteten Verletzungen und Unabhängigkeiten konzentriert war. Also nur der erste und... In our serial killer stew. Okay? Nature, nurture. Nurture, bad. Bad. But in contrast to his father's cruelty, Gacy's mother, Marion Elaine Robinson, attempted to shield her son from the abuse.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
treasure trove for him in a sick just a sick bastard it's just sick especially with his family living on that in the house too oh makes me sick and he lived at 82 13 west somerdale avenue chicago illinois and this place became a burial site for all the victims i listed so when investigating his home the crawl space housed 26 Körper darunter.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und sie haben auch einen Körper unter der Garage gefunden und einen im Wohnzimmer. Und ich meine, an diesem Punkt, er war literally sie sammeln, nicht nur sie in seinem Haus töten, sondern sie in seinem Haus zerstören. Es ist, als hätte er diese Besitzung über diese Körper. Es war einfach krass.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Despite the extensive efforts of forensic experts and law enforcement, several of Gacy's victims remain unidentified, as we said. This tragic reality underscored the far-reaching impact of his crimes and the challenges faced by investigators in bringing closure to the afflicted families. The magnitude of Gacy's crimes became fully apparent als er mit 33 Mördern verurteilt wurde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Einer der höchsten Zahlen in der kriminellen Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. Und die Trial, die 1980 begann, hat die Nation kapituliert und Licht auf das dunkle Unterbellen einer sehenswerten, normalen, suburbanen Leben erzeugt. Gacy's defense team attempted to mount an insanity plea, which is insanity, arguing that their client was not in control of his actions at the time of the murders.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
However, the strategy quickly unraveled as expert testimony consistently ruled that Gacy was sane and fully aware of the nature of his consequences of his actions. I mean, you're talking about a guy that could like fully function and have a full business, own a business, run a business, have a family, be well liked by everyone around them. Sie haben nichts sehenswertes mit ihnen falsch gemacht.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dann versuchen sie, die Verrücktheit zu bekommen. Es macht mich einfach Angst vor Verteidigungsanwälten. Ich hasse sie nicht alle, aber ich meine... Lass uns nicht darüber nachdenken. Aber sie sollten auch im Gefängnis sein. Auf jeden Fall, Gacys Anwalt.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und die Verwaltung präsentierte einen Berg physischer Beweise und Testimonien, die eine klare Bildung des methodischen und kalkulierten Ansatzes an seine Verbrechen darstellten. One of these crimes was so thought out and premeditated, like you couldn't argue it.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And the jury, having heard weeks of gruesome testimony and examined the overwhelming evidence, required less than two hours of deliberation to reach their verdict. And on March 13, 1980, John Wayne Gacy was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to death. für seine schmerzhafte Verbrechen. Ob du das oder nicht vertraust, ich bin nicht überrascht.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Nach seiner Verbrechung spielte Gacy die nächsten 14 Jahre auf der Todesstraße. Also musste er ein bisschen weinen, was ich auch mag. Und während dieser Zeit gab er viele Interviews, um seine Unwissenheit in späteren Jahren zu behalten, trotz seiner früheren Verbrechen. So the guy just wanted attention, because he's a little attention whore. He's a little creepy clown attention whore bitch.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And it's weird to see some of the interviews, because it has him having all the documents of his known victims and being able to look at them. And also in confident state that he has no recollection of any of them. When you know, when you know he remembers every single one of their faces and everything that he did to them. It's just, he has a very... punchable face during his interviews.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But the final chapter of John Wayne Gacy's life unfolded on May 10th, 1994, when he was executed by lethal injection. Womp womp. And witnesses to the execution reported a disturbing scene describing what appeared to be a botched procedure, which I just call karma. The chemicals used in lethal injection process reportedly caused Gacy to experience relapse.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Er stellt Fragen über die Menschlichkeit der Erzeugungsmethode, was, weißt du, fair ist. Ich meine, er ist ein Monster, das bedeutet nicht, dass wir, die unnötigen Menschen, Monster sein müssen. Aber vielleicht war es ein Unfall. Und wenn es ein Unfall war, hör auf, wer der F*** interessiert. Weißt du, er hat 33 Menschen getötet.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
So that's good, at least. Jedoch führte dieses schützende Verhalten eine tiefgezogene Resentierung in Gacy in Richtung seines Vaters und der Erwartungen, die er auf ihn stellte. Und die Dichotomie zwischen seinen Eltern und der Behandlung erschuf eine sehr komplexe emotionale Landschaft für den jungen Gacy.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
In seinen letzten Momenten, aber, bleibt Gacy defiant und unvergültig. Was einfach macht es... Like, I just don't feel bad for him. I don't feel bad for him. Like, even a little bit. And his last words would be, quote unquote, Kiss my ass. Well, karma kissed yours, you piece of shit.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But it was just his final act of contempt towards society and his victims, revealing that even in death he showed no remorse for his actions. And now he's just rotting in the deepest depths of hell, burning every second of every day and every night. And I sleep well at night knowing that. But I digress. Gacy's psychological profile revealed a complex tapestry of disorders and motivations.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Because I do like to get into that, like how the hell does somebody become this? How do people commit these crimes and just go about their lives like nothing ever happened? Sein Verhalten zeigte starke narzisstische Persönlichkeiten, die in seiner Manipulation der Polizei und der Medien während der Befragung und der Befragung eindringlich waren.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und dieser Narzissismus wurde noch weiter von seinem Verlust ausgesprochen, da er keine Empathie für seine Gefühle zeigte und sogar ihre Familien an einigen Stellen verweigerte. Und die Frage, ob Gacy von Dissoziative Identitätsverletzungen oder D.I.D. getroffen hat, war unabhängig, da er unabhängig behauptete, dass er mehrere Persönlichkeiten während und nach der Befragung hatte.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Ich glaube, das war nur die Verteidigung, um zu sagen, dass er verrückt war. Das war nur ein Weg, um den Jury zu manipulieren, der mich nicht verrückt hat. Du bist tot. Womit spreche ich? Nicht du, weil du da bist. Und die Motivationen für Gacys Verbrechen waren einfach multifassadierend.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Anstatt nur sessualer Gratifizierung, waren seine Aktionen tiefgründig und ein Wunsch nach Macht und Kontrolle. And the act of his victims begging for their lives before killing them served to reinforce his sense of dominance. Something that he didn't have as a child when his father was dominating him, which I do think coincides with how he went about killing people. But this need
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
für Kontrolle, hat auch von seinen inneren Konflikten ausgestiegen, besonders in Bezug auf seine Sexualität, was ich sicherlich auch ein Faktor ist. Und obwohl er zweimal verheiratet wurde, hat Gacy hauptsächlich junge Männer getarget, mit denen einige Experten theorisierten, dass er mit verbreiteten homosexuellen Anregungen kämpfte, die seine Rage und gewaltige Tendenzen geführt haben.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And the Gacy case also led to significant reforms in law enforcement procedures, particularly handling cases of missing persons.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
The removal of the 72-hour waiting period for reporting missing children was incorporated into the Missing Child Recovery Act of 1984, ultimately contributing to the establishment of the Amber Alert System, which, again, just a positive out of something so huge and negative. But a 72-hour waiting period is... Fuckin' crazy. Like even back then, like that, I can't even, what?
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Eine Landschaft, die seine interpersönliche Beziehung und psychologische Entwicklung in den kommenden Jahren beeinflusste. Und Gacys Kindheit würde weiter kompliziert werden durch eine Reihe von Krankheitsproblemen. Er hat eine Herzkrankheit entwickelt, die zu freundlichen Krankenhäusern geführt hat.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Like I know a lot of kids ran away, but my lord. My lord. Aber all in all... Giant piece of shit that I am glad is not breathing the same oxygen as all you beautiful babies.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But that is all for the John Wayne Gacy case, the killer clown case. You guys wanted for me to do a deep dive, so I hope that was deep enough for you. Let me know what other deep dives you want to see down below. I always love reading the comments and seeing what you guys... want to deep dive into with me. If you like the video, like the video. If you want to subscribe, subscribe.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
This is obviously the best YouTube channel ever. And also, what's the last thing? I will see you a beautiful face in the next video. Alright, stay safe out there. Bye!
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und anstatt seinem Vater zu unterstützen, wie ein guter Vater es macht, hat sein Vater ihn nur für die Erkrankung für Aufmerksamkeit verurteilt. Nur um den Rift zwischen den beiden zu erhöhen. Und diese Verlängerung der paternalen Empathie während physischer Verletzungen hat wahrscheinlich an Gacy das Gefühl von Isolation und Unabhängigkeit getroffen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und der Eindruck von Gacys Gesundheitsproblemen wurde während seiner Teenage-Jahre stärker genutzt. Zwischen 14 und 18 Jahren spielte er fast ein Jahr in Krankenhäusern, wegen unerklärlichen Schmerzen und einem Brust-Appendix. Der Junge hatte es hart. Vorher war er ein absoluter Monster-P.O.S., der in der Hölle sein sollte. Do feel bad for the kid, you know?
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And these prolonged periods of hospitalizations really affected his education and social development. So the physical ailments combined with the emotional trauma of his home life just created the perfect storm of psychological stress during his formative years.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und um 17 Jahre alt würde Gacy ein weiteres Traumatisches Event erleben, das eine weitreichende Auswirkung auf sein psychologisches Wohlsein haben würde. Er würde leider von einem Familienmitglied verurteilt werden. Eine Erfahrung, die er eigentlich nie seinen Eltern erläutern würde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
In late 1970s in a quiet suburb called Displains, Illinois, concealed a nightmare. Behind the smile of a well-liked businessman and part-time clown lurked a predator, whose crimes would horrify the nation. John Wayne Gacy wasn't just a trusted neighbor, he was a serial killer who buried his victims beneath his own roof.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Also das, kombiniert mit allem, all den Hospitalisierungen und all dem Betrug von seinen Eltern, war nur eine Rezepte für einen Desaster. Nur ein weiteres... Ingredient in the serial killer stew, if you will. But despite the abuse, the medical issues and the SA, Gacy actually managed to maintain close relationships with his mother and his sisters, Karen and Joanne.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And these familial connections provided him with some emotional support during his tumultuous childhood and adolescence. However, these positive influences in his life would not outweigh the bad. It just gets bad from here. Und als Gacy in die Erwachsenheit kam, begannen die Auswirkungen seines beschädigten Kindes in komplexen und zerstörernden Wegen zu manifestieren.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Die manipulativen Tendenzen und gewaltige Impulse, die seine kriminellen Aktionen später charakterisieren, können zurückgeschraubt werden zu diesen formidablen Erfahrungen. Und Gacys Kindheit würde auch seine Interaktionen mit Autoritätsfiguren und sein Wunsch für Aufmerksamkeit bilden. Als er älter wurde, entwickelte er eine geile Fähigkeit, eine Fassade der Normalität auf der Außenwelt zu zeigen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Eine Fähigkeit, die ihn später ermöglicht, diese Verbrechen zu ermöglichen und es für eine sehr lange Zeit wegzunehmen. Also in 1960, als er 18 war, hat er sich in die Welt der Politik eingewandert, von der alle guten Leute kommen. Ich liebe Politiker. Er arbeitete als Assistent-Präsident, Captain eines lokalen demokratischen Parteikandidaten.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und obwohl das klingt wie eine wirklich coole, beeindruckende Arbeit, wurde er nicht von seinem Vater verabschiedet. Dennoch, dieser Kerl kann noch nicht von seinem Vater verabschiedet werden. Er hat seine Söhne einfach komplett verabschiedet, indem er ihn als Apatze bezeichnet hat.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und die Kritik hat die bereits zerstörte Beziehung und unterschätzt die ständige Tension zwischen Gacy und seinem Vater. So at this point, seeking a change of scenery, Gacy relocated to Las Vegas in 1962. And there he found employment in an ambulance service before transitioning to a position as a mortuary attendant. The irony is palpable.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And it was during this time at the mortuary that Gacy had a disturbing encounter that would leave a lasting impact on his psyche. He would come into contact with the deceased body of a young teenage boy. And in a moment of... Er würde die Verletzung und die Verletzung des Körpers erheben. Und diese Erfahrung hat Gacy in einem Zustand von Schock und Freude verbracht.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und es kann der pivote Moment sein, in der Entwicklung seines späteren pathologischen Verhältnisses. Und dann, als er zurück nach Chicago zurückkehrte, demonstrierte Gacy einen Wunsch für Selbstentwicklung und professionelle Verbesserung. Obwohl er die Hochschule nicht beendet hatte, hat er sich in Northwestern Business College eingeladen und hat in 1963 erfolgreich aufgewachsen.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And when investigators uncovered the truth, it shattered the illusion of safety and redefined the face of evil. This is a story of how a troubled child became one of America's most infamous serial killers and why his legacy still haunts us today. Known by all now as The Killer Clown. Krimen, Verschwörung, Költe, Serialkiller und Mörder. Alle Dinge, die ich genießen liebe.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und das Erlebnis hat für ihn vollständige Türen geöffnet. Es hat eine Sicherheits- und Trainingsposition mit der Nunn-Bush-Schuh-Kompanie geschaffen, wo er seine Geschäftsfähigkeiten zeigen konnte. Und im Jahr 1964 hat Mark einen bedeutenden Wendepunkt in Gacys Leben gemacht.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Er heiratete Marilyn Meyers, eine Freundin seines, und führte sich zurück nach Springfield, Illinois, wo er in seiner Karriere und in der Gemeinschaftskommunikation exzellierte. Und steigend durch die Räume des Springfield J.C. 's, einer zivilen Organisation, wurde J.C. am Ende als Vizepräsident genannt und als der drittgrößte outstanding J.C. in Illinois bezeichnet. Was auch immer das bedeutet.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
So this period of his life just exemplified Gacy's ability to present a facade of normalcy and success to the outside world. A skill that would come in handy as he delved into the world of killing. And it was during the time that he was with the Jaycees, Gacy would experience another pivotal moment in his sejual development. And this moment would be a homosexual encounter with a colleague.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And this event would mark a significant point in Gacy's life as he grappled with his sexual identity. Ein Kampf, der seine Aktionen in den kommenden Jahren weiter beeinflussen würde. Und ich sage nicht, dass Homosexualität ihn dazu führte, diese Dinge zu tun, die er in irgendeiner Weise, Form oder Weise tun wird, offensichtlich.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Aber dass er seine sexuelle Identität beantwortet hat, führte ihn zu verwirrenden Wegblöcken in seiner bereits sehr verwirrenden Meinung und offensichtlich zu einer seltsamen Verbindung mit toten Körpern. Glad we cleared that up. Let's continue.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But Gacy's ability to maintain a respectable public image while harboring deviant impulses is a classic example of a psychological concept of masking in sociopaths specifically. He became very well liked in his community, hosting large summer parties that Er hat hunderten von Gästen getroffen, insbesondere Politiker und Geschäftsmitglieder.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und diese sozialen Treffen haben seine Vorstellung als ein kommunistischer Individu, ein guter Kerl, wenn man will, verstärkt, während er seine wachsenden kriminellen Tendenzen versteckt. However, Gacy's carefully constructed facade began to crumble in 1968, when he was arrested for essaying a teenage boy named Donald Voorhees.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
So this incident would mark Gacy's first criminal conviction and resulted in a 10-year prison sentence at the Anamosa State Penitentiary. Despite the severity of the crime, Gacy served only 18 months before being released early for good behavior. That's... Das ist wie ein Zehntel, ein bisschen über ein Zehntel der Satz. Das ist verrückt.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und es wäre eine Entscheidung, die jahrelang tragische Auswirkungen haben würde. Und der Einfluss der Vergewaltigung auf Gacies persönliche Leben war sofort und stark. Sein Verheiratetum war komplett entdeckt, mit dem Verheiratetum beendet, während er immer noch verletzt wurde. Womp womp.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Also hat sich das am Ende von Gacies Beziehung mit seiner Frau und Kindern bemerkt, die er eigentlich nie wieder sehen würde, was am besten ist. So the loss of his family and his reputation in the community he worked so hard to cultivate likely just exacerbated Gacy's psychological instability.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And reports suggest that during the time that he was in prison, Gacy's criminal tendencies continued to just manifest. I mean, the guy was just surrounded by criminals. How could they not? He allegedly even tried to hire a hitman to eliminate his accuser, who was Donald Voorhees, the teenage boy, though his plan failed.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
luckily and ultimately failed and the incident just provides insights into gacy's growing disregard for human life and his own willingness to resort to extreme measures to protect himself so upon his release from prison in 1970 john wayne gacy returned to chicago where he initially resided with his mother and this marked the beginning of a period of remarkable success and public acclaim for gacy despite his criminal history which is
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
verrückt. 1971 hat er PDM-Kontrakteure eröffnet, ein Bauernunternehmen, das schnell geflüchtet ist. Und Gacy's Unternehmenskraft und Charisma haben ihm ermöglicht, eine respektvolle Reputation in seiner Gemeinschaft zu bauen, effektiv seine sehr dunklen Impulse zu verhindern.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und ich weiß, dass du das auch tust, du kranker, wunderschöner, intellektuell geistiger Freak. Und heute sprechen wir über nur diesen monströsen POS-Mensch, John Wayne Gacy. Viele von euch haben mir empfohlen, dass ich das tue. Also, du bekommst, was du wünschst.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und als er mehr finanziell stabil geworden ist, konnte er ein Haus in Des Plaines, Illinois kaufen, oder Des Plaines, Illinois für die Franzosen. You're welcome. And the year 1972 proved to be a very pivotal point for Gacy.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
He married Carol Hoff, a divorcee with two daughters, further solidifying his image as a reformed upstanding citizen, which like looking at it now, he absolutely just did that for the image. I imagine he didn't give a flying shit about anybody that was around him. He just used people.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und Gacy würde sich in Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten einsetzen, für politische Kampagnen zu volunteerieren und als Pogo the Clown, das Ding der Träume, an lokalen Events zu performen. Und seine Einwohnung in diesen Versuchen sorgte dafür, seine öffentliche Person zu stärken, als ein benevolentes und zivilgespensterer Individuum. Aber alas, er war ein krankgespensterer Individuum.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Aber das Bild von ihm als Clown ist... Lockt in my nightmares. But in 1972 he would finally start to crumble into his violent tendencies. He would commit his first murder. And the victim was Timothy McCoy, a 16-year-old hitchhiker whom Gacy had picked up at the bus station. Gacy würde McCoy zu seinem Zuhause beurteilen, unter dem Vorgehen, ihm einen Platz für die Nacht zu geben.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und in den frühen Morgenstunden würde Gacy McCoy in seiner Küche zu Tod stürzen. Und später würde Gacy beurteilen, dass er ihn in Selbstdefense getötet hat, beurteilen, dass McCoy ihn mit einem Knife getötet hat. Und dieser Unfall, aber, markierte den Anfang von Gacys Tötungssprache, die für die nächsten sechs Jahre weitergehen würde. Und der zweite Mord würde im Januar 1974 stattfinden.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und diese Gefängnis bleibt unbekannt. Alles was wir wissen, ist, dass die Person in Gacys Kloset gezwungen wurde, bevor sie in den Crawl-Spaziergang geflogen wurde, nachdem das Körper zu entdecken begann. Und all diese spezifischen Informationen wurden als Testimonien von Gacy selbst gegeben. Und der dritte Gefängnis, John Butkovic, würde 18 Jahre alt sein, als er auf dem 31. Juli verschwand.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und John hat für John Wayne Gacy gearbeitet, seit er 16 war. Und kurz bevor er verschwand, hatten Gacy und Butkovic Geldprobleme. Und am 30. Juli, ging John und drei Freunde nach Gacys Heim, versuchten Gacy zu töten, wenn er John nicht die 300 Dollar, die er gekostet hat, bezahlt. Einfach ihn töten. Beat him up, get some baseball bats, beat him up.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Also, ohne weiteres, lasst uns unsere Seepalte ausmachen, gehen mit dem Mach 5 auf die Straße, schlagen auf die Bremsen und rutschen durch dieses Windschutz in dieses Killer-Clown-Gase zusammen. Musik John Wayne Gacy's early life was marked by a tumultuous family dynamic and personal struggles that would later shape his psychological development down the road.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But instead of paying him, Gacy let the four boys smoke weed and drink beers at his house. And after a while, the boys left, and eventually, later that day, Gacy encountered John, waving him down at his car. And following this interaction, Gacy convinced John to get into his car, and he would take him back to his home.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And as soon as the two men would enter the home, John B. began to yell at Gacy, demanding his check. Because beers and weed... didn't cut it. And Gacy would then do his later on M.O. and he would cuff John B. with handcuffs and he would tell him, once he calmed down, he would take the cuffs off. However, John B. began to threaten Gacy, saying that if Gacy cut the cuffs off him, he would kill him.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
And from there, his fate was sealed. Gacy would make John sit on his chest and he would lay next to him and eventually, he would just strangle him. And Gacy would plan on stashing his body in the crawlspace aber seine Familie kam nach Hause, versuchte ihn, John B. unter der Garage zu berühren.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Nach seiner Verlustung wurde die Bukowicz-Polizei geäußert, um Gacy weiter zu beurteilen, aber nichts wurde gemacht, leider. Das bringt uns zu unserer nächsten Verletzterin, Daryl Sampson, der am 6. April 1976 verschwunden ist. Jetzt sind wir in einem kürzeren Kühldauerzeitpunkt, was oft mit vielen Serialkillern passiert.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Wir haben das wirklich lange und dann wird es immer kürzer und kürzer, weil sie immer kürzer und kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer und immer kürzer.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But at the age of 18, Daryl Sampson was invited into Gacy's home under the pretense of a construction job, but shortly after would be murdered by Gacy. Initially, it was believed that Daryl disappeared by running away, but after police entered Gacy's home, his body was found underneath the dining room. This is obviously later on, after they actually found out Gacy was a serial killer.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
But until they found that out, everyone thought that he just ran away. And the next victim, Randall Reffet, age 15, disappeared on May 14th 1976, also jetzt haben wir nur einen Monat langen Kühldauer. Und er würde auch unter dem Spaziergang von Gacys Haus entdeckt werden, während der Polizeibefugnis, nachdem Gacy getötet wurde.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Und sein Körper würde durch einen X-Ray identifiziert werden und sein Grund für den Tod wäre ein Stabschmerz. Und der nächste Mütter, Samuel Stapleton, war nur 14 Jahre alt, als er verschwunden war. Am 13. Mai 1976 hatte Samuel gerade genug Zeit am Haus seiner Schwester, und hat sich entschieden, sich zurückzukehren, bevor er auslösen musste.
Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder
Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown
Doch er würde es nie wieder nach Hause bringen und wurde am nächsten Tag missverkauft. Sein Körper wurde auch unter dem Spazierraum von Gacys Zuhause entdeckt und mit X-Ray identifiziert. Und er wurde auch mit einem Metallbracelet gefunden, das seine Familie und Freunde später als seines identifizierten. Und dieser Bracelet wurde eigentlich mit dem Tod von Gacy verantwortlich.
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
So many of Trump's voters and the MAGA base depend on social security. And what he has shown a complete talent for is having people get excited and voting against their own interest. So you have MAGA people looking at this without going into the facts, because as Pete Buttigieg said, this is not true. Everybody knows it's not true, that it has just a tiny bit of curiosity about the facts.
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
And he is going in and he is convincing these people that Social Security is bad. So they'll vote against their own interest and support him and make no mistake. One of the reasons he wants to cut Social Security is so he can increase the tax cuts for billionaires. He wants to increase the deficit by $4 trillion.
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
for allowing billionaires not to pay taxes on the backs of the fixed income people that are in his base. And the curious thing to me has always been, they will go for it.
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
I look at Mike Johnson and J.D. Vance, and I honestly think that I find them more repulsive than I find Trump. And he is at an all-time high, but they are so smug when they are laughing at people suffering. But I just have to go back to Moses Mike sits on the show saying, oh, well, these are, you know, Democratic agitators, just like January 6th was Antifa and all that.
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
He knows because they're telling their members don't go to town halls. So he knows he's lying and he doesn't care because he has service to one person, which is Trump. And I do wonder, does Mike Moses realize this is all Trump, all Trump stuff is Russian propaganda? Or is he so stupid that he just is blindly loyal to Trump without looking at any of the consequences?
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
I mean, it's so true. They have absolutely no substance. They are all flash. I mean, here's the thing. These Republicans know this is a national security nightmare. They know that the American people are getting ready to be furious over the cuts to Medicaid, Medicare. They know they are fucking over veterans. They know what Elon Musk is doing is wrong. But you know what?
Trump Muzzles MAGA Base
They care more about power and being in the good graces of Donald Trump than they care about their constituents. And that's not new, but I feel like it's magnified to a new degree.
WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!
espionage against our people that you are willing to spout the putin line sign up for his wish list break up nato do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this she was right she was one million percent right he is a puppet
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Mother standing up and she's even poked pins to standing up a little bit.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Speaking of dangerous and corruption, as always, is forefront in the Trump administration. So this weekend, Pete Hegseth fired Trump. A gazillion Pentagon employees. Trump fired the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And interestingly enough, and quite dangerous, Pete Hegseth fired JAG officers. Well, why did he do that?
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
So on Fox, he was asked the question, why did you fire these JAG attorneys in the DOJ? I'm sorry, in the Department of Justice.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
So what he said basically is exactly what the person tweeted that is looking at the Department of Defense. We don't want lawyers to stand up and give roadblocks to what we want to do vis-a-vis if we want to do things that are illegal, we don't want lawyers that will tell us, you can't do that, it's illegal. I mean, he admitted it on Fox News. It's unbelievable.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Elon Musk responds, consistent with President at real Donald Trump instructions, all federal employees will receive an email requesting to understand what they have done last week. Failure to respond will be taken as a resignation. So that's what he sent out to federal employees. So Tina Smith, I read her response.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
That's exactly right. That's exactly what he's doing. And whenever I think about the people around Trump and the people that advise him and he and J.D. Vance, I think it makes the island of misfit toys look like the greatest thing on earth. I mean, these people are bottom feeders. They could no more serve in an Obama administration, even a George Bush administration.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
I mean, these people are profoundly underqualified and they want to run around saying, I hire this is the most if you're incompetent. Come on over. We got a job for you.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Then she says, this is the ultimate dick boss move for Musk, except he isn't even the boss. He's just a dick. How much do you love Tina Smith?
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
You know me, I love trash talk. And I love when people call Elon Musk names that are well-deserved. And so Senator Tina Smith says, I bet a lot of people have an experience like this with the bad boss. There's an email in your box on Saturday night saying, prove to me your worthiness by Monday or else. I'm sick. I'm on the side of workers, not the billionaire asshole bosses.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Well, they've convinced people that regulations are not consumer protection, that you shouldn't support regulation, which we will all lose in that fight. Moving on to something else a little more petty, because, you know, I love to be petty. The Philadelphia Eagles were invited to the White House after their Super Bowl win, and they have declined exponentially.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
And so MAGA is madder than a hornet. So we have toxic cowboy posting. Philadelphia Eagles declined to visit the White House. Wish I had known this before the Super Bowl. I wouldn't have wasted my time reading for them. Eagles fan, your team sucks. And Megyn Kelly, who, boy, she's mad. I mean, she's just raging all the time. She says, same. Go F yourself, Eagles.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
My husband is a fan, so I got on board. But F this BS. Why is Megyn Kelly so mad all the time?
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
Exactly. And when asked about his all-female management team, Jalen Hurts said, I chose the most qualified people. I didn't go into their race or sex. And I was like, good for him. Okay, one last thing. Trump... shockingly, is grifting from the Oval Office.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
He is monetizing his Gulf of America t-shirts, Make Greenland Great Again, and he has new black edition with different font Make America Great Again hats. So the sitting president of the United States is grifting He's making executive orders, then he's grifting off them as a shock to no one. Donald Trump is the first president that's ever done that. And that, to me, says it all.
MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness
I completely agree. How they fight it is run around saying masculinity is under attack. Instead of achieving more, being better, they want to attack the people that are surpassing them with skill and education because they are so fragile. I mean, it's just unbelievable. You're right. I noticed it's a stream of women that are standing up and it cracks me up.
Episode 645: The Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar
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Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️
Zdaj pa ne morem, zdaj se je pač lahko malo pravošen.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️
Ja, zato se je kres za deset let res tako. Bravo, bravo.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️
Ne, se so eko majeni. Katalizator imajo.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
If you've ever seen mafia movies like The Godfather or Goodfellas or even The Sopranos, then you probably thought, oh, it'd be so cool to be in the mob. But what if you worked your way into the mafia, unalived a bunch of people, and then got caught by a Google streetcar? This is wild. Okay, so this guy, his name is Gamino.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
So then this big film crew comes to the prison and they set up all their equipment and they got all these actors and these extras and they start filming this movie there. And so suddenly all these random people are just floating around all the buildings and the whole prison gets pretty chaotic.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And I guess one of the prisoners starts thinking, you know, with all this chaos going on, it feels like it's the perfect time to escape. And so, boom, this dude suddenly starts trying to scale the walls. So then pow, the guards hit the alarms and the alarms are all going off and they all rush to the wall to try and stop this one guy from escaping and this creates a ton of calamity.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And Gamino's watching all this and he's thinking, hey, maybe I could escape. See, here's the thing about prisons in Italy. In the U.S., most prisoners wear, like, standard orange jumpsuits. But in Italy and most of Europe, prisoners actually wear their own civilian clothing. Like, within reason. I don't think they're allowed to just show up in, like, a thong or something.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
But they wear their own clothes. And so Gamino, low-key, slips in with all the movie extras and film crew. And because there's this prison break going on, the prison staff go to the film crew and they're like, "'All right, for your own safety, you all need to get the hell out until we can fix this issue with the guy trying to scale the walls.'"
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And so then the guards usher all the civilians out of the prison and they unknowingly usher Gamino out with them. It's so stupid, it's almost genius. Regardless, now he's finally a free man. But he knows he needs to get the hell out of there and probably get the hell out of Italy altogether. So he flees. He flees Italy and he makes his way over to Spain.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And Gamino, he's in his 40s, he's from Italy, and Gamino's also kind of a hard ass. He's the crime boss of this mafia clan in Sicily. And he's caught up in a feud with another mafia in the area, so he's doing all kinds of illegal stuff. Like sometimes, blam, blam, he's got to take a few guys out, because that's what you got to do when you're up in that mob sh**.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And there, over the next few years, he starts making a new life for himself, away from everyone he once knew. So that no one will ever find him or figure out that he's a wanted ex-mafia boss. And so he finds a little town right outside of Madrid where he can live. And he changes his name. He cuts off all contact with his family and everyone he used to know back in Italy.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
He gets a job in a restaurant as a cook. He eventually meets a nice woman in Spain and he gets married. And then even more years go by. And he opens his own restaurant, like an Italian restaurant where he specializes in pizza and Sicilian food. Because, you know, he's Italian.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And when that restaurant fails, he opens another little business, a fruit and vegetable shop called El Puerto de Manu, or Manuel's Garden. Manuel is what he changed his name to when he fled to Spain. Regardless, things are going great for him, and he's living like a pretty normal life. Meanwhile, back in Italy, it's like 2014 at this point, and the Italian feds are still looking for him.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
In fact, Gamino is of the top 100 most wanted people in Italy. But, like, who knows if they'll ever find him. Until... It's now 2018, and two decades have passed since this all started. And Camino, he's almost 60 now. And one day, he's standing outside his fruit and vegetable shop, and he's chatting with another guy. And that's when one of those Google Street View cars drives by.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
One of the ones with the little cameras on top. And Gamino either doesn't notice or he doesn't care. Because at this point, like, who cares if he gets his picture taken? He's been on the run for 20 years. No one has been smart enough to catch him yet. In fact, this same year, randomly, Gamino gets into an argument with a guy, a city official.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And later, he spots that same guy in a local store buying a lottery ticket. And Kamino's still so mad that he walks up to the dude and pow, he slaps the shit out of him. And this is actual surveillance footage of it happening. I obviously can't show you the actual violence because, you know, I'm tired of my videos getting removed, but you get the point.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
Anyway, afterwards, Kamino threatens to unalive the guy before he ultimately walks away. I guess he's still got that mafia in him. Now, it's insane to me that he even takes this risk, knowing that he's still technically a wanted man and that if he ever gets found out, he'll go to prison for life. Regardless, Gamino does get in trouble for this.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
I guess the other guy presses charges and they go to trial and Gamino ends up getting a small fine. But here's the crazy thing though. After all that, the Spanish government still doesn't figure out who he is. A former mob guy who's wanted back in Italy. Okay, but then a few years later in 2022, the Italian feds get a little tip.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
A tip that Gamino is still alive and that he's now living somewhere in Spain. And so now the feds just need to figure out exactly where. And so they keep researching and they keep digging and they hear that he might be connected to a little fruit and vegetable shop in a small town outside of Madrid called El Huerto de Manu. And so they look this place up and that is when they see it.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
On Google Street View, standing outside the shop is Gamino. He's right there on the right in the beige shirt. And so the Italian feds are like, no way. Is that actually the guy? But they can't be sure because, you know, as you can see from the image, Google Street View blurs your face out. Here's the thing, though. The phone number to the shop is printed right on the sign above Gamino.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And like at one point, he's allegedly involved in murdering an anti-mafia judge, which they do by placing a bomb in the guy's car and kaboom. No more judge. So yeah, Camino's hardcore. He doesn't play around. And because he lives this crazy mob life, that also means he's in danger of either getting unalived or getting busted.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
Like literally his phone number is right above him. And so the feds, they get this number and they Google it. And that number is the same number for a restaurant in the same area that closed down a few years before. An Italian restaurant that specializes in pizza and Sicilian food. The same restaurant Gamino used to own. And his picture is still up on the Facebook page.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And the Italian feds see this and they're like, mamma mia, that's the guy we've been looking for. And so they hit up Spanish police and they organized this whole raid and then they swoop in and bam, they arrest him. And I don't have a mugshot of him, but here is some footage of him being escorted by police.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And so then he's extradited back to Italy where he's sent back to prison to finish serving his sentence for life.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
And one day in 1998, Camino is hiding out in Barcelona and it finally happens. Bam, he gets busted. I believe this is his mugshot. And so he gets shipped back to Italy so that he can go to trial. He gets found guilty and they throw him in an Italian prison. And so Gamino's there for a few years, serving his time, lying low. But here's the thing with that.
Ray William Johnson: True Story Podcast
Mafia Boss Caught By Google Street Car - The Gioacchino Gammino story
Gamino doesn't really like prison all that much. Like, it's not for him. So then, in 2002, something kind of crazy happens. An Italian film production company decides to shoot a feature film, and this movie is set in a prison, so they need a real prison to film in. And so this correctional facility that Gamino's in, I guess they decide to rent out their place to this production company.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Yeah. No way.
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It's a hot toddler. There you go.
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This sounds expensive.
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That's the thing.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
We have, but I'm not going back. I'm going only two months.
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I was there.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
I'm like, okay.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Just in the middle of the fucking thing.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Ozzy Osbourne crashes into a rock.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Maybe he was a little bit... Rusty? Well played, well played.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Two different guys.
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He said, oh, f***.
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Oh, no. Yeah.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
It doesn't involve a hat.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Oh, no. No.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
So for Fat Pew's, me and Pewview's show, we're doing a P320 versus a Glock 19. And we're going to use blanks, obviously, but we're going to have the loaded gun.
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Tyler K. JFK secrets? Question mark.
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201 - Two Fake Seals Spill Hollywood Secrets ft. Tyler Grey & AJ Buckley | Unsubscribe Podcast 201
Are you kidding?