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Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder

Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown


Was ist, wenn die Lösung für unsere Probleme dort lauert, wo Menschen normalerweise gar nicht hinkommen? Ein Schatz aus der Tiefsee, Millionen Jahre alt, den es aber wirklich gibt und den manche jetzt heben wollen. Der Kampf um die Tiefsee, der hat längst begonnen. Das ist Enten, Land unter, von Andan und dem Futurium. Ab sofort auf Spotify.

Crime, Conspiracy, Cults and Murder

Ep. 35 | They Found 29 Bodies Under His House... | The Killer Clown


All my beautiful babies. I just want you to be safe. I want you to be safe out there.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I say that about like my self-love journey when I was trying to love myself bigger so that I could love myself more as I like became smaller because I always felt like in the past, it was always like no matter how much weight I lost, I wasn't happy because I didn't love myself regardless of who I was. So it was really cool to love myself at a bigger size.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


And now that I'm small, I appreciate every step along the way. Yes. It's really it's crazy how I told myself at one point if I could teach myself how to drive a car, if I could teach myself to become a hairstylist or whatever I've taught myself that I didn't know prior. And why couldn't I teach myself how to love myself? Because there's plenty of people out there who do love themselves.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


It was a mind over matter kind of situation.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Yeah. And you have no idea how happy you are on the other side of it.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I didn't wear shorts for 17 years because a kid in seventh grade made fun of how fat my legs were.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


yeah so i missed out on 17 years of wearing shorts to the member the first year i started wearing shorts i wore them in the dead of winter she goes we're gonna go buy you pants yeah i was like i love you you're gonna get sick this is my first year in shorts i'm gonna wear it all year long don't even care it was snow i was coming into the studio one day she was like can you put some pants on yeah i was like bro you're gonna get so freeing on the other side of it just know that

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Yeah, and everyone else listening to this who may not have been as comfortable to ask a question like that. Yeah, absolutely.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


That is some Dexter shit right there, though.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I've never dated in, like, the online, like, app era. I met Jason so long ago. Luckily, I haven't either. Yeah, that...

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


she's like oh god i mean i just couldn't imagine just swiping until you found someone that you found attractive and then just going for it i don't know i guess that's like a mental thing that like well the problem is and there are some people who find love that way but the problem is is we're in a microwave era so as quick as you swipe left that person is out of sight out of mind it could have been a really just bad photo of them

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Where do people meet nowadays? Do you just meet at the bars?

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I did not realize how much I protected my peace at home until like here recently. I like bad energy in your home is the worst thing you could possibly know. It's hard to get rid of.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Yeah. Yeah. And you were surrounded by negativity.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


You're passionate about where you live now.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


absolutely i love that yeah baby love it all right i'm gonna play my voice snippet clip it let's go you're on one today no you know you're s'more today literally i am i almost got attacked by my freaking cow the other day my mother um passed away in 2014 rest in peace um

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Well, the mom was in, like, a situationship with someone, but she was single.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


So, like, they were sleeping with... They were both just sleeping with someone, not knowing that same... But why did she say, I forgave my mom? Like, why would you have to forgive your mom if your mom didn't know? Well, I guess it was probably just something she said.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


But, yeah, like, my question immediately was, do you think he knew? Yep, she answered that. Mm-hmm.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


That's so crazy. Your Eskimo sisters with your mom. No, that was a wild confess.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Who's going to do it? Confess.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I don't know. Probably Hawaii.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


really i know we got kids well what am i no i who am i my husband has not been home in 20 days yeah we got kids yeah i last time i got done was in hawaii too so it's hard separation i'm like bro i will say i got a gnarly uti from that and i don't know if it was the non-stop or the ocean water all of it it was all of it muddy i told him i was like this was probably a combination of the fact that like mm-hmm

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


Drop them out, let me see them titties.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


We have been waiting months for this. We have asked literally weekly since you've been hired.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


And he's finally shown the rack.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I get out of the shower and there's a nude.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I mean, it's like, yeah, he watches me shower every day.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


So I wouldn't lose any of it. Lord, you got a lot of stuff on your phone.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I feel like we've stopped asking as many questions because we've gotten so many good stories lately. I'm glad that we're going into the questions.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


And I feel like with modern like OnlyFans and more like porn that's coming out, these like homemade videos have really shed light on. Yeah. I hear my face. it's really shed light on the difference in like bodies.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


And it's really helped a lot of women become so much more comfortable with that. So what maybe that could help is even if you couldn't afford it, find like the side of the industry that has something similar to yours and realize like there are so many other.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


I love Audis. Christy Mack has an Audi and her vagina is beautiful.

Dumb Blonde

Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks


So maybe she just, maybe she's watching a certain kind of porn that she thinks is beautiful, but she needs to find the beauty in what she has.

Global News Podcast

Britain announces biggest increase in defence spending in decades


Durch Profilierung haben sie einen Individuen gefunden, der eine Flucht von Cartagena nach Amsterdam anbieten wollte. Dieser Individuen wurde von einem unserer Experten profiliert und zu dem Procedure verabschiedet. So if only he'd kept his hair on. The man has now been arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking, drug manufacturing and carrying narcotics. David Lewis reporting.

Global News Podcast

Britain announces biggest increase in defence spending in decades


And still to come on the Global News Podcast. The wig was found which contained more than 220 grams of cocaine. Colombian police thwart an unusual attempt at drug smuggling.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


He and the GOP have long shown interest in going after Social Security. What are they going to try? And I think Pete is spot on here because they are starting the propaganda, just like they do about immigrants being these huge criminals, just like the propaganda they start about trans people.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


They're starting it about Social Security, which every American earnestly pays and is entitled to receive once they retire.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


So, I mean, here's the problem. In the past they've gone for it, but right now they're going at such a record speed and they're taking away these benefits from people. He's firing a huge portion of the workforce. A lot of reporting says we are already in a recession. Like this man in seven weeks has completely taken a wrecking ball to our economy and to our standing in the world in seven weeks.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And so the Republicans thought, oh, you know what? We're off last week.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


they went home and they thought we'll do some town halls do a little victory lap with our base and they went into deeply red districts and we've played it and you've seen it probably seen it all over the internet but they're these maggot constituents are furious veterans are getting fired um they're pissed off about doge they don't like the idea that a south african-born billionaire


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


There is a situation that has been completely debunked, just like they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats during the campaign, and he can't let it go. He believes the most outrageous conspiracy theories. But this is one of the more dangerous propaganda moves I've seen MAGA make. And it is this propaganda regarding Social Security.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


who doesn't know anything about governing is completely realigning our entire federal government. And then you have big Christian, Moses Mike Johnson. What would Jesus do? Talks to God all the time. Gets on camera and lies with just, I mean, and he believes his lies, that all of these people at these town halls are paid agitators. And we've shown the footage of these people in the town halls.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


This is as MAGA American cracker as it gets. These are not paid agitators. One MAGA Republican said, I saw somebody with blue hair there or purple hair. And I'm like, get over yourselves. But nonetheless, I digress. So, of course, what happens next? Please put up the post. No more town halls. NRCC Chief Justice. tells House Republicans. So this is all a part of the fix. The fix is in.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


They're selling you propaganda and now they're quieting down the voices of Republican voters. because they don't want any of this to catch on. We had Eric Swalwell on on Sunday. And what the Democrat, some of the House Democrats are starting to do is go into MAGA districts and host town halls where these cowards are too big of wussies to host them themselves.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And we definitely want to partner with Eric Swalwell and others because we live in a deeply red state. Stephanie Bice is our congresswoman, and I invite her to be on the pod to come defend all this crap. And if she won't do it, then we'll host a town hall here in Oklahoma City. But this is the way. I think this is a huge way for Democrats. The messaging here needs to be they pitch you lies.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


They pitch you propaganda. They lie to you so that the billionaires can have more money. They rile you up to get mad at gay people. They rile you up to get mad at less than 1% of the population, which are trans people. They rile you up to get mad at immigrants. Meanwhile, All of the money is going to the billionaire class. Elon Musk is funded by upwards of $20 billion.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


The felon seems most excited when he's talking about ways he can benefit his rich friend's lives. For $5 million, you can have dinner with him at Mar-a-Lago. For $5 million, you can buy a gold card. Meanwhile, this guy is so breathtakingly stupid and so divorced from reality.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And he has the audacity and just is such a diabolical person that he's worth that much money. And he's coming in and firing all of these people. And I noticed last night, big Christian Moses, Mike Johnson, and former failed drag queen, JD Vance, Sitting up there laughing, laughing when Trump talked about slashing jobs. They sit and they laugh and they think it's funny that people are suffering.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And that's what's so sick about MAGA. These voters sit and they watch Fox News all the time because they feast on the cruelty because it tastes good to them. This cruelty tastes good to them. And that is the cancer that is this MAGA movement.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And last night, Trump repeated debunked claims that dead people that are 100, 150 She said even one person is 360 years old, older than this country, is receiving Social Security. Here's the problem. Number one, this has been debunked. And number two, the software that codes this


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


This is a really dangerous person because he believes that Trump was sent by God. You know what I mean? This is a real crackhead. I mean, he genuinely believes that Trump appointed these Supreme Court justices and they overturned Roe. And this is biblical to him. So this is like a whole nother layer of crazy shit. You're trying to apply some form of logic.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


This guy says on camera, God told me I was Moses. And then we all just act like this is normal to have a speaker of the house that has imaginary conversations. But Next up, we have Fox News trying to deal with the fallout of the Trump tariffs. And yesterday, Trump announced the tariffs on Canada and Mexico. 20% Fox, the stock market, immediately tanks.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


Fox sends somebody out to one of those big Ford car dealerships. And I'm not going to play the first part of the interview because the part with Maria Bartolomo's meltdown is way more delicious. But anyway, they're asking this guy who sells trucks like Ford F-150s, how much is this truck? And he said, well, it used to be $80,000. Now, this is a $100,000 truck. We just got emails from our bosses.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


We have to raise the price of this truck to $100,000. This is insanity. This is crazy. I can't believe Trump is doing this. And watch how Fox is having to spin this.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


Okay, at first, I want to play the rest at first. She's like, I mean, she's speechless. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Because she's like, oh shit. Like for 10 years, I have been going hard in the paint for this. I have like sat here and done the mental and moral gymnastics for this piece of shit.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And now people that buy Ford F-150s, I mean the epicenter of the Trump vehicle, are getting zapped with an additional 20 grand. Okay, play the rest of the clip. Let me ask you this, okay?


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


OK, so this is one of the things that Republicans, you know, they have to shapeshift all the time. The reason that corporations have gone abroad is because there's no regulations and they've gone abroad because then they make more money by using much cheaper labor and not paying people a livable wage, which is incredible considering what our minimum wage is. How bad is it?


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And so they would rather violate human rights. And the Republicans made this path to build your cars elsewhere and then import them back in. Okay. All right. Next up, we have some hopium for you guys. And this is a congressman out of Colorado really reading and dragging MAGA for filth. Let's watch it.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


is older than the age of the crackheads that run doge and they didn't understand the coding this is completely debunked no dead people are receiving social security but the danger here is that donald trump and maga are starting the propaganda to try to get the american public to think that social security is somehow corrupt because he wants to grab all the money


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And I just think there is this appetite for cruelty. in the Republican movement that started decades and decades and decades ago. Ronald Reagan appeared a lot nicer than Donald Trump, spoke a lot more clearly than Donald Trump, but he demonized the poor. And people feast on that. They feast on this idea that if somebody's poor, they're lazy.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


And that if you're rich, you're chosen and you work harder. And Republicans really feast on this type of cruelty. And they like otherizing and tribalism within the country. And I'm just going to point out the majority of these people are really big Bible thumpers. And the fact that they feel this appetite for cruelty, in my opinion, goes back to if you worship something that will


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


send you to hell to burn over and over and over again for all eternity. There's an inherent cruelty in that religion. And I think that us always turning a blind eye to dealing with these churches where we live, there are two things that are taught from the pulpit, Jesus Christ and Republican policies. And these people are indoctrinated in it. And being a Republican is a part of the culture.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


It is, they believe that the devil and Democrats are synonymous, and Jesus and Republicans and capitalism are synonymous. And until we really, really want to do the work on this, this type of cruelty and this appetite for cruelty and this appetite for just mind-numbing stupidity and the lack of critical thinking will continue in this country.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


Please subscribe to our channel and we'll see you all later.


Trump Muzzles MAGA Base


so he can buy crypto with it because he doesn't give a shit about poor people here is former transportation secretary and road scholar pete budaj and he says in a tweet last night what he said about social security payments has been repeatedly debunked so the question isn't whether he's lying about this the question is why what is this a pretext for


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


What struck me about it is you have all of these reports coming out. I've read different articles that, you know, Trump's a Russian asset and so-and-so said this, and this is what we know. I'm like, I don't have to read anything that tells me that Trump is aligned with Russia because I can look at his actions. His actions tell me all I need to know. Tulsi Gabbard in the intelligence.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


It's just one thing right after the other. But Mark Kelly... What I thought Senator Mark Kelly said I thought was worth us hearing because I think it's so true and it makes a great point.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


You know, it just when you think about what he's done to the military, what he's done on the international stage, I worry, is the U.S. as strong as it used to be? Are we going to get in some type of conflict that we can't defend ourselves because we have incompetent people from top to bottom? And we're sitting with Russia.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


You've got Elon Musk, who there's no question was talking to Putin for years. The Starlink incident with Ukraine during the Russia-Ukrainian war. Like, this is terrifying stuff. I'm literally alarmed, alarmed, alarmed.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


It really is. And what I find interesting, this next comment from Trump regarding this issue, I have a lot to say about that. So let's play the clip.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


It is self-evident. It is self-evident that Putin is in control of the United States government through a Donald Trump, his useful idiot. It is absolutely self-evident that this government will lay down for Putin. It's oligarchy, Putin, masks. I don't know what is going on, but I know it is nefarious.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


And the United States votes with Hungary, Belarus, China, all the dictators.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


And I know it has real world implications, not just for the United States, but for Europe at large.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


Some alarming news, further confirmation that Donald Trump is a Russia slash Putin sympathizer. Yesterday in the United Nations, there was a vote regarding Russia and their actions. Let me show it to you. The US votes against the UN resolution condemning Russia for the Ukraine war. Now I ask you, when all of the Western allies, all of NATO, is voting in favor of this.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


Well, the last clip I want to leave you with is self-evident. Because Donald Trump, who has called Zelensky, a dictator, refuses to call Putin a dictator, which we all know Putin is a dictator, a war criminal, murderer, all the things. Here we go.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


Okay, that's enough. So he will run around and call Zelensky a dictator, but he doesn't use that word lightly when it comes to Putin. And he has absolutely no respect for anything but money. He's sitting there saying a lot of lives were lost. He doesn't give a shit. He doesn't give a shit that unprovoked Russia went in and tried to take over a sovereign nation.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


He doesn't care because Putin is his bedfellow. And it is as obvious to me as the nose on my face.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


You own the dismantling of the United States military and all of these veterans that fought for your freedom. Donald Trump and JD Vance just realigned 80 years worth of alliances where veterans fought to make this place a democracy. They just realigned every single bit of it in the Oval Office. So now you are exposed for your faux support.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


your complete fake support of the troops and of the veterans. Because if you're still a big MAGA thumper right now, you're not supporting the veterans. But I think it's important to also segue here that this country has a problem listening to women. And in 2016, Hillary Clinton told us exactly what Trump would do. And you have to remember, she was the Secretary of State.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


She was a United States Senator. She's seen more than any of us have ever seen regarding the compromising situation. between Putin and Trump. But let's listen to this debate back from 2016.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And what happened in the White House, in the Oval Office with Zelensky, nobody on the planet is happier than a weak Russia. We have waved the white flag. This is the weakest American president we have ever seen. Half the country will not listen to women because they're sexist and they would rather have this orange pig in office than listen to women.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


But let's listen to another woman who warned us just a few months ago. Kamala Harris, play the clip.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


This guy's running around because he's got this weird idea of spreading his seed all over the world. And he's latched on to the MAGA party, the Party of Family Values, Christian Values, Judeo-Christian Values. And this guy and Donald Trump, who I believe Elon Musk is the full-time nanny, at Vladimir Putin's direction of Donald Trump.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


i want her back i mean i just sit and watch that and you realize how competent how knowledgeable she is and how she articulates the dangers of this situation and maga plays in these stupid little you didn't wear a suit you didn't say thank you this is serious vladimir putin has goals beyond ukraine And the only thing that has stopped him from doing this is the United States of America.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


He has a weak economy. His military is in tatters. And the United States just waved the white flag to this man because Kamala Harris is right and Putin is eating them for lunch and Hillary Clinton was right. They are a puppet. They are a puppet for Vladimir Putin.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


But I want you to see, we've talked about this since long before the election, about how triple Trumpers, and when I say triple Trumpers, I'm talking about the people who voted for him three times, which all of us know these people. There has to be an appetite for cruelty in their DNA.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


order for them to continue doing this because the body of evidence surrounding trump and everything he has says and you don't have to listen to one other media you can only listen to his words and you know immediately this guy is not very bright and he is cruel and so he has surrounded himself with like-minded sycophants and in the oval office we had marjorie taylor greene's boyfriend start trying to berate


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


Zelensky over wearing a suit. Meanwhile, you know, Elon Musk goes around looking like a nut with impunity all of the time and they don't say a word to him about it. But I'm going to play this clip again and I want you to watch two things on the sofa. J.D. Vance's smile


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


and laughter as somebody is being cruel and demeaning and immature and childish towards the president of Ukraine, a war hero for that country, a leader in democracy. And then I want you to watch the reaction of Marco Rubio, who knows better. And they're sitting right on the sofa next to each other. And for those of you that are listening, I'll describe it after we play the clip.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


Elon Musk, the world's richest man, continues to breed and breed and breed. And buried in yesterday's story of the absolute shitshow in the Oval Office, Elon Musk announces his 14th child weeks after baby number 13 was revealed via Twitter when the baby mama couldn't get a hold of him for health care for the child. So just think about this.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


He thinks that's a real knee slapper?


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


Look at the juxtaposition of those two men. Look at that. Okay, stop. Here's what we have. We have the people who are surrendering to Putin because they want all of the autocrats to align. They don't want democracy anymore. And that's J.D. Vance.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And then you have all of the people that are surrendering to all of this, like Marco Rubio, because either they are compromised, they've been bought out, or they're just completely castrated beyond all comprehension. And where Marco Rubio is right there, lots and lots and lots of senators, Republican senators, and Republican House of Representatives are right there.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


These guys have all these kids and all these baby mamas, and you don't have to imagine how badly Fox News would react if a black man in leadership behaved the same way. But we have to remember, while Elon Musk, the world's richest man, why is he so rich? Seth, put up the next slide. Here's a meme. And this is true.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And the Democratic leadership needs to start targeting these potential people to flip to stand up for democracy instead of these impotent interviews where we're acting like


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


this isn't happening right now because we play two different games they go in and within six weeks they have waved a white flag to russia and said basically we're on your side now we're no longer going to support ukraine you can march right into kiev and then we're sitting around waiting for the midterms We play two different games here.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And the Democrats, this is a historical moment that we are living in. And it's time for Democratic leadership to stand up and fight. And if Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries can't do it, step aside. Quit playing the old games because this is a post-bipartisanship era. This is save democracy era. And I don't think


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And I don't know if any of you all think that the Democratic leadership is taking this seriously. Now, there is Bernie. There is AOC. We do have Eric Swalwell, Jasmine Crockett, Chris Murphy. I've seen some. They're the ones who are speaking out. And if everybody in the Democratic leadership can't join them, we are going to be up a river without a paddle.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And that's putting it as nicely as possible. But I want to play you one last thing. Throughout all of this, remember, Trump was going to deport sex traffickers. He was going to clean it up. We weren't going to let criminals, other countries' criminals, run around recklessly in the streets of the United States of America. And he really, he jockeyed and campaigned for the Tate brothers, who are


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


horrible sex traffickers to come to Florida. And I couldn't understand why. And let's play this whole clip from a couple of years ago. And here is Andrew Tate.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


Bravo, Melania and Donald, that you've raised your son Barron to talk to Andrew Tate. And you have the audacity, all of you triple Trumpers have the audacity to lecture us on family values and Christian values and morality. Are you kidding me? I have two sons.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And if my sons were talking to Andrew Tate, I mean, I would pick up a mountain, move it and go get them all of the mental health help they would need. This is disgraceful. But of course, it's a no-brainer. Donald Trump said in 2016, and none of these MAGA Christians gave a shit, that you can grab a woman by the pussy and she'll let you if you're famous.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


So of course, the son of the man who says that, the son of the man who's an adjudicated rapist, talks to Andrew Tate. So is this a favor that he did for Barron to bring his favorite rapists to the United States of America? Give me a break. MAGA has been exposed for the complete, hypocrites that they are.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


My businesses have received 40 billion, 40 billion listener in government subsidies, but I'm getting the veterans suicide hotline at the VA because we can't afford it. So all of you triple MAGA voters who have American flags flying outside, And you have when you go to an event and it's the national anthem, you stand up and you support the troops. You know that you own your triple Trump vote.


WOW…They Were Right About Trump ALL ALONG!!


And this Trump administration are traitors and they have waved a white flag to Russia, who is in a very, very weak position and should not have any negotiating power whatsoever. Okay, guys, thanks for bearing with me while Pumps is in Vegas. She will be back with me on Monday.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


I have to tell you, I've seen Magic Mike Pence out there with some tweets standing up for Ukraine. He knows. Everybody knows. Everybody knows, unless you listen to Tucker Carlson's Dipshit podcast, that Russia started the war. It is a fact. It's not to be argued with. If you're a Putin sympathizer, like...


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


Apparently, the president of the United States, the vice president of the United States, their boss, Elon Musk, and Elon Musk's boss, Vladimir Putin. You have a bunch of dipshit Americans that want to believe that. And it's just so dangerous. It is so dangerous.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


I mean, here's how I feel about Pete Hegseth. I think the people surrounding him need to do an intervention and they need to take him to rehab for his alcoholism. And once he's been sober four or five years, because I think that's about how long it takes for the brain to fully, fully kind of recover from being in remission from alcohol abuse disorder.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


I think then we can sit down and interview him. Until then, you have a bunch of broken people running the United States of America. Trump, inner childhood trauma, malignant narcissism, titty baby. Elon Musk, untreated drug addict, huge titty baby, insecure as all get out. Pete Hegseth, titty baby. Mama had to go on a tour for him. He's a grown-ass man whose mother...


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


scolded him rightfully for his behavior. And that letter was leaked to the press. And then she had to go and say, oh, he's better now, blah, blah. These are the most unqualified, broken titty babies. All of them need to go away. They need to go away and work on themselves. Because what we have done is we have, we are now showcasing the mental health crisis that


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


that has swept the nation by electing the most fucked up people we possibly can and then letting them appoint even more fucked up people. I didn't even mention like Kash Patel, Pam Bondi, or the governor of, Kristi Noem, that woman who wears all those costumes all the time. I mean, this is, it would be hilarious if they were just running.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


No, no, it would be hilarious if they were just running for office. These people are in charge. Of the United States of America. It is in all of this bullshit from Elon Musk that he saved all this money. This is a lie. It is a bold-faced lie.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


All he has done is stop investigations into himself and to his companies and cleared the way for his companies to rape and pillage taxpayer dollars more and more and more.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


It's like it's a prerequisite. The more screwed up you are, and maybe that's because they're compromised. And maybe that's how Musk and Trump, you know, hang on to them. Or maybe they're just all so broken into this alternate universe together. I don't know. But this is embarrassing. If people listen to Pete Hexeth and they think, yep, he should be in charge.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


It just reveals, number one, how stupid that person is that would think that. Number two, how broken this country is that we no longer value facts and putting smart people. For me personally, when I go to a doctor, I take comfort in the fact that that person is smarter than me regarding the human body.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


And that person has more than a decade, more than two decades of schooling and rigorous testing to treat me. As such, I want the people in charge of the government to have experience. And this whole notion that, and there's a lot of Republicans that think this, if somebody's rich, they're smart and successful.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


And this whole notion in capitalism that everything has to be privatized, you're all going to get screwed. You're all going to get screwed by it because corporations seek one thing and one thing only. Look no further than UnitedHealthcare and all of the people that that company has killed by denying, deposing, and defending. You look at all of the deaths there and they don't care.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


That's what privatization does for you. And that's what all of these people are setting up. It will only benefit the upper, upper, upper class. And everybody below that is going to get killed, harmed, fucked.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


I have to tell you, it's consistently women. It is. That are standing up to this. You see the main governor. You see Michelle Obama refusing to go to the inauguration. You see Karen Pence, mother. Mother. going to the inauguration. You see AOC, you see Jasmine Crockett, you see Tina Smith. And this is what the people want. Call him a dick. We need to have some fangs.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


I've personally never seen any sort of rational thought or anything from her. But what I have to say about the Philadelphia Eagles is good for them. And it's important to point out that Jalen Hurts the quarterback, when he was asked, what do you think about Donald Trump coming to the Super Bowl? He looked right in the camera and said he can do whatever he wants. He was polite enough about it.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


But obviously, Jalen Hurts is a black man. He knows what we all see. And we all see all this DEI talk and all of this bullshit from MAGA. We know what their default setting is. We know what white people think about black football players and black basketball players. Entertain me and then shut the fuck up. We know it. And Jalen Hurts knows it. And good for him.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


And also of note, Jalen Hurts is managed by an entirely female team. This is what real masculinity is. Propping up marginalized, competent people and not being afraid of somebody that doesn't look like you, is not the same gender of you. This whole notion of these, like Jesse Waters constantly talking about masculinity.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


If you're on the defense, constantly having to defend how masculine you are, I have news for you. You're not masculine at all. And it makes us all think you're probably a closet homosexual.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


It's flea market, riffraff, knickknack, white trash in the White House. It is the white trash, White House, flea market, riffraff, knickknack, bullshit. And for all the triple Trumpers out there, this is your guy. Die on this hill. Do it. Swing for the fences. Whenever you have a gay kid, we'll be sitting right here. Mm-hmm.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


Whenever you have a trans grandchild that everybody wants to bully, we'll be sitting right here. Whenever your darling child falls in love with a black man and makes beautiful mixed babies and that people are racist towards your grandchild, we'll be sitting right here. When Donald Trump and Elon Musk fire you after you triple-trumped voted for them and you have –


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


benefits, you've worked for the federal government for 15 or 20 years, you see how ruthless and psychotic these people are, we'll be sitting right here. I want all of them to know we're going to be sitting right here and we don't change. And we don't have to be impacted by something for us to care about it.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


So y'all can go play with Trump and you can triple trumpet and do all your shit and buy the flea market shit, white trash it. We're all going to be sitting here fighting the good fight and finding good trouble because that's what progressive policies are about.


MAGA is a Public Display of Mental Illness


And it's the women that are standing up because you know what I think? I think white men are so used to being privileged. They don't know how to fight this.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Je bilo tako dobro, da se ne spomnim.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To je podcast, ki ga lahko poslušate v premetni kolon ali pa tudi ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Tako je. Hvala za srbi, ki si vas pričakuje. Seveda gre pa naša največja zahvala ven, ki nas poslušate. Pa... Vsem iz četrgeca. Sveta glasbe. Sveta glasbe. A bi mogo ospegeca reči.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, ne, zelo malo sem videl. Mnoh.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Začeli smo, jaz vem, jaz vem, začeli smo s šestim poglavjem. Dvigno roko. Dvigno sem roko, dvigno sem roko, levo, visoko vzrak, javno se tršica. Šesto poglavje so smo začeli in intro je bil res o tem planetu, kako je že Doge. Nano. Nano. In potem smo spoznali tega, kako se reče, konsorta.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, v tem smislu, ja.

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Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Tako da, a ne, pa smo rekli, da je ugotov, da če hočemo imeti, če nočimo imeti energije na planetu, da bo bil treba imeti bogato. To smo, mislim, da smo prišli, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, to je to, ne. Tako da, nač, kvarnik pa pejmo v naslednjo, ne, v isto poglavje. Enač, pol, ko je ugotovil, da je treba imeti boga, je naredil razpis, koliko dobro uradnik naredi in je imel pač par kandidatov.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Mislim, da je kar univerzalna požrtnost, ni da je bilo kaj manj. Ne, to sem hotel reči v bistvu, če ima en toliko nara, pa lahko si dejansko celo svet mogoče nam bo prišlo v glavo, da ta vrednost nara res ni taka, kolikor mislimo, da je. Grebolonska. Grebolonska v smislu.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


On je, on je. Vse je povzloženo, da pač enerhija je, pa da ljudje so en čas drugega, pa ni v redu. Mislim, Nekaj je hrab, da jih držim. Pa predvsem, ne, na koncu bo on zaslužil. To mislim, da je bilo glavno vodilo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Vse so rekel, doč konj. Doč konj, ja.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Sem skoraj prepričan. Čeprav ne vem, če je bil takrat nar toliko pomemben, kar so bili bogovi, ful bolj pomemben. Oni so bili za vse, zdi ga zdaj tudi za to. Lepo je prijavo, da malo nedogonljivosti, to cenim pri božanstvih, kaj je prišlo tole. V bistvu je bil gospod, kako se to nareče, Čutlu. Ja. Kutlu. Čutlu. Čutlu. Ja. Prav mater je, incitant v istor. No, gledam, Čutlu je bil nek.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

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Plutus je bil bog denarja. O. V Grdži, če se go. Aha, ok.

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Dobr. Bogatstvo. Aha, bogatstvo, veš, ne, denarja.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Da nisi tako osko, ne, veš, v samo svojo nišo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Saj tudi nordijski bogovi, kukor smo, ne, mislim, kukor bomo ugotovili in so bili, to so imeli tudi ožjo specializacijo, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


No, posle, tukaj je lepo omest, kaj je prijavo, kaj je imel intervju s Čutlujem, ne, je rekel, pa sti te sorte, bog tako, kaj je bil na zemlj, kaj pač je naredil vse, posle pa malo umaknil, ne, kaj on mora biti bolj proaktivni, bo gore. Ja, ja.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


A veš, tip je še res na pune kanone. Tako je šel, da je treba uničevati džetu, terja žrtvovanja.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ta je bil oren staro zavezen. Mislim, čeprav Hilmanu je bil všeč malo staro zavezen, ampak malo. Malo strogosti, pa malo, kako je že rekel, sej poveda, ampak tako, malo ja, ne pa preveč, na pretiravi.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Še zmer, on bi... Tle je ful agresivo. On bi jih, ene bi v služnostu, ta druge bi šipke pa potaptal. Mislim, res se je hotel pokazati.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, gregofriščanska je bolj, da ga bo treba vse zaključiti. Malo ga bo treba zdevalverati.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Koliko je hočelo biti, jaz jih lahko večkam. Samo pa me razložim, da oni imajo tudi nekih šibkih, ampak ne, da te pa donose dnar. Dnar pa zida temple, ali pa, kot je imela njegova nana navado reči, kup Mikijev dela en mukl.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To je logično. Čeprav ne vemo, kaj so miki, pa kaj je mukl, tako da ja. No, Čutljub Bolč je zmer razlaga, kaj bo on naredil, pa Mladiče, a je ta stolb, to smo že rekli. Poga je pa malo Hildman malo ustavil. V bistvu ga je vprašal, tukaj sem si nekaj počrtil, tukaj piše do smrti v bistvu.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, leč, on ima jasne zahteve.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️



Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


In bom povedal, da trenutno je. Ampak ne, da to ni nujno, da bo tako ostal.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, seveda. Še do tega ste prišli.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


The Old Ones. Ali The Old Ones je v originalu. Neki tazga, ja.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Pa mu je rekel, da vse on dela, veš, ne vem, prikozovanja, oploditev, da vidiš to. Zna, zna.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Vse, kar rečete. In slošen klubsko izkaznico je bil iz Asgard. To je bila lepa. Zlato. Obe. Jaz sem si kar predstavljal, kako unokenček odpre. On lo. Ti si. Maš zlata. Zlato imaš. Ne, tako da, veš, bi so čisto kovšar v resnici, da bi malo reda naredil v resnici. Samo Hillmanu se ni zdel, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja. Vse, če dela vse, kar hoče Hilman, je vse en. Hilman hoče imeti Boga.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Aja, če bo kdo vprašal, daj, čeprav sem bil A, klasa Bok.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Seveda šmrtan že cel lajv.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Cel lajv. Mislim, valjda, da je. A si slišal, da je to ne bil, da, mislim, od poslance je malo umrl.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


V ta kratka pa že dal knjih. Vse to imajo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Vse je super. Ja, možno, možno, kaj pa vem, lahko, da ga nino.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Treba je odpreti te vatikanske rive.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


In nam to skrivajo. Če dec dal svojo... Stari, to je pa dobra teorija za rod. Ač to že imamo. Ne, nimamo, bomo pisali, bomo dodali motor v piramido.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ne, to zdi, da še nimamo, ta je dobra. Ampak jaz mislim, da je teorija hujša, da je on že pred 2500 leti vedel, da ga mali nekaj matra, pa je od poslanika, brez madožna v šmeku, vmes je on že umiral, razumeš.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Samo vemo pa, da je tudi malo len, ne, ker, a veš, v času starej zaveze je on mogel vse narediti, ne, poj pa se je pa skril, poj se je pa reinkarniral Jezusa, poj šel pa pač počivati in čakamo zdaj na second comment, zato, ker vemo, da je len, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


A veš. Ja, se je to obšlo. To je dobra teorija.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Čakaj, dajmo vsaj povedati, da čutlo ni dovolj šihta, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, ker bolj gotovimo, da je bilo še več kandidatov, pa Nobel ni bil pravzaprav dober, ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, mislim, še tako, da ena boginja, da to, da boginja, da ženska, da bi bila pa to. Ne, to pa ne. Ni ti podrazno.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To je najboljša. In potem, kaj se zgodi tukaj, nič pametnega. Malo se sam s sabo pogovarja, malo ima problema s kulonijo, pa je tudi še kaj pametnega tukaj. Pa so vlani, pa rama. A, potem imamo vodnikove opombe, tukaj pa lahko nekaj imamo. Sem z vodnikove opombo naslednjič ukvarjal, to z Bogovi. Ker smo imeli za ta teden, je bilo že dost bogov, se mi zdi. Po mojem, da res.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, lušen bo, ne?

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Samo res. Če nisi A-klasa, gotovo. Fertik, nazaj na zavod za zaposlovanje. Deli na svojih teh skillsih, da boš... Soft skills. Da boš A-klasa, bok, drugač loš. Naredka je nekaj za sebe. Na katerih soft skills, ki jih mora delati božanstvo, nam povejte na dopisnicah družavnih obrežjih. Raj ne pustiti izprmer. Discord lahko, čeprav tam smo bolj na izi, tako da tle lahko, ampak ne.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Lahko pa tudi rejki pošljate. To še zmer jemljamo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Hvala lepa. Hvala. Čau. Pa. Čau. Ja, lepo se mejte. Pa rad se mejte. A, tako, tako, tako. Ne, un dan smo pozabili. A smo? Ja, prejšnjičko. Prejšnjičko smo pozabili.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Hvala, da ste sem dal zanč.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, ker je skolnega unga. Ne pa resni.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, sej to, ne. Ta gluboka država, ful stvari.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Zato, ker premal dobi. Ne moramo jaj to vesolje, če samo toliko malo damo na Mars. Treba se žrtvovati za našo stvar.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


pa kaj tudi Teslo raziskujejo, pa... Prvo pravilo, zapamrši, če bi šel tudi kdaj triljonar, regulacija je tvoj sovražnik številka ena. Mislim, da je on liha on je rekel to, da naj bojo tako, da pač ti poveš, kva si narobe naredil, pa on je rekel, okej.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, mislim, lej, ne vem, nisem se šel v Tesla, oziroma mogoče sem se. Jaz mislim, da se nisem šel.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Verjetno, ne? Sovražna propaganda, tovarš. Pa itak.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Jaz sem nič od tega, ampak ajde.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Slovenski avto leta, da vemo, kjer je. Volkswagen pa reno. Una dva, ki plača. Največ.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


BMW je stav na sredi ceste ob oboznici, če greš izdraval proti. Paralelno z Alejo, ne? In jim je vžmigalce pržgane. Uf. In to vse šter. Uf. Tako da sem prav snikl, da imam dokaz, da delajo. Da delajo. Da imajo. Mislim pa, da je čakal, da ima BMW svoje, da en ima, kako se reče temu, dealership, v lepi sloveščini, ker je na najlepše besede. Zastopništvo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Zastopništvo, no, in da imajo pač to gužve na parkplacu, da je pač tam vse šter pržgal, pa počakal, da...

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ali pa čakajo, da se trgovina odprede, ker je mogo jeti po nekaj iskati. Bem vezga. Bem vezga. Mislim, ker parkinga pa nimajo za stranke. Kar je še kar čuden.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ne, ko poršče Ljubljana, tam, ne vem, v Roško, kaj gremo, vidim, da imajo rampo, pa imajo parking. Ljudje pridejo tam, grejo iz avta, pa pač se grejo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To je to, ja. Je tako dober, da nikoli ne pokvar. Dragi zastopnik, ne vem, kjer avto, ko imate BMW, je tam prcalovški oglasovanje, afna, podcast, ne, če k spohodi bomo tega bejla. Mislim, zakaj ne? Ja, upravicujemo se, afna z vloplcom bo kar v redu. Tako da, mislim, ne vem. Potipkite. Ker tistega Golfa še zmer ni e-Golfa, tako da bolj da BMW-ja dobimo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ne, pa če mu vse štiri žmigoci delajo, to je izpravljeno vozilo, tako da lahko, ne. Jaz mislim, da ga lahko si nudimo. Nujno. Lahko tudi tri, zaradi me. Tri, ne. Ne je problema.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Štiri BN za početek. A imajo električne BMW?

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To vemo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Sam, a več reči, gre hitreje elektrika, mislim? Ja, veš da. Vse je logično, da.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


A pa le isto, kot včasih ta stari, tisti, ki je bil, ne vem, sedemlitrška mašina.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Zdaj je ajlo, zdaj lahko.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Od vičja do bežjega, najbolj gorče, pa pa na ta novo pumpo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, pa le pa ti ne vrhnem. A veš, to bi lahko bil, a veš, to bi lahko bil, petrol bi bil lahko tako dopolnil na dejavnost. Ko čakate, vas pelemo v turistično, a veš, turistično destinacijo, da greš z njihovimi avtobusi na izletke, a veš? Ja, pa.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, jaz sem bil ti, v bistvu. Čeprav ne, jaz nisem bil vdeležen v škandalu. Nisi bil vdeležen, ne? Ja, ker ni, ker ta polo še nima računalnika, ki bi lahko lagal. To je to. Mislim, saj niso odkrili.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


To je še deset let. Blih prav.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Sej, jaz se ne vozim več kot z oldtimerji. Dvakrat na teden naredim dve mili. To je to. Ja, ker sem zmeril, da je 1600, točno. 1600, smo v Sloveniji. 1600, 3200 naredim na teden.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ne vem. Sej vem. Noben ne ve. Noben ne ve. Jadni se bo zrebali reči. To pa tle pa... Mislim, tudi kako je to čevljal, ne vem, čeprav to bi lažje zračunal.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Se pravi, pet triljard, pa potem kupiš vse to v bistvu praktično.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Čak to pa sem... Ali ste pa že razlagali?

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ja, pejmo na slavkata, tam okoli 12 minute, ker se v Štobrcu poznamo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Tudi v Štobrcu ne dela, brez zveza. Mislim, v Štobrcu treba prežgati na pravcajt. Štobrc se dela dobro. Štobrc se dela dobro in je ful fajn, tako da je prav digitalna, tako kot digitalna ure, tako da pejmo zdaj v avizo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Razen vi na Mariborski oboznici, ki imate pa že... Je pa tudi predsej fraj najbrž.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Ker ni vozačov. Vozačov, ja. Ko se reče štajercem, stari.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Zazavija pa je. Primorska je. Ne, niso še tam, no. Ja, v glavno. Ja, v glavno.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Itak je pa, glede na to, da, ne vem, pol ljudi ne smuča, ta druge pol pa lahko gre tudi, mislim, a veš, vsi gremo lahko v Avstrijo, pa v Italijo, oni imajo tako smučiš, da bojo vse požarili.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


Še nekaj smuča, ampak ja. Ja, odvisel. Mislim, ampak več ali manj, a veš, bili zanč, en sodelalca je rekel, da na naši smočišči so več ali manj še Hrvati, naši pa hodijo v Italijo.

Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti

Ko niti bog ne dobi službe 🏛️


No, zanč je bil na Hrvatsko, frišen sneg.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it always impresses me how they work. I mean, how they assess situation, how they have these great abilities of observation, learning. And they see the struggle, what we are having. You know, they are just following the news. It's so simple. I mean, if you see a state where there is like always negative news about, for example, the police, is a target, right?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's just examples, you know, so they are really watching us.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They know our politicians. So it's really interesting in the last two months, three months since President Trump got elected, the change, even how they communicate inside a group.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


that, I mean, they felt safe before, you know, freedom of movement, freedom of operation. They've got the money. So now they kind of struggle to see what's going to happen. They had, you know, the Doha agreement. It was during the Trump presidency when it was signed. So now they don't know what's going to happen. And that worries them. And it makes them, I think, less predictable.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, they were very happy, you know, with the administration because, you know, they were, I mean, Al-Qaeda was denied. Money is flowing. So it's just better, you know, to keep a low profile, you know, just stay under the radar. You know, you do your business and that's fine.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, and keep infiltrating. I mean, open border. But I see that in Europe. So it's not just a problem of the United States. In Europe, I mean, it's when the refugees are coming You know, we have a law and we are not sending people back.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, my numbers are quite the same. What I would add to this, it's just the attackers. And we haven't talked about facilitators.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Facilitators, for example, we have the war on Gaza, which obviously has a huge impact. And not just on Muslim population. If you see the protests, you know what we had. I mean, it's going to be so easy to find facilitators who are going to take care of, I don't know, one money transfer, who is going to help attackers to get into a building, because I feel you. I'm with you, brother.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, yeah. Just, you know, like the ISIS claim that the New Orleans attacker was not an ISIS member, was just a sympathizer. So we see what happened. And, Sean, it's a lot. Wow. And it's just growing every day.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, I think, I mean, we are talking about small cells. Okay, so from an operational point of view, it's really wise to keep them separated. You know, if one falls, you know, one cell gets discovered, you still have the other 10 or 15 safe. So I believe, at least what I know, they are not communicating much between each other. So the cells are staying separated from each other.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's how many cities and where, we still don't know. We are working on it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


We have some, but we couldn't confirm it yet. I mean, not yet. We are working on it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think it's more than a thousand. It's easier. You know, they come as refugees and I mean, they just simply get in, you know, so they walk through. And I think countries have this very, I mean, the United States has its database, right? Big part of it is coming from Afghanistan. You know, you had all the names, the backgrounds. Europe doesn't have this big database.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


If they are sharing between Europe or the United States, I don't know that. But I know it was one guy who reached Greece in 2019 as an Afghan refugee. And it was a case study. No one questioned why he ran away from Afghanistan in 2019 when we still had the government. But he was a refugee. And it was taken by a European country. And after a few months, he just grabbed a knife and killed two women.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And the narrative was, I believe it's a narrative, is that he had mental problems. So, you know, it's this thinking. You know, 2019, why did he need to run away from Afghanistan? Why was he a refugee? No one is asking. Was taking there to that European country and killed two women.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, that's an interesting question. I'm asking this almost every day that I think it's sort of a protection also that, you know, it's leave the people in the delusion that they are safe. You know, you are safe, you are not questioning.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


But also the other thing is just think of it if you just using this case study that if you have an Afghan coming and killed two women, you start to question what's going on in Afghanistan, right? right but when you start to question it you get answers when you have answers you have to do something no one wants to do anything related to afghanistan no one so it's to it's to

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And yeah, and it's also, you know, having a successful four years because it's what I can see it's all about. I mean, related to Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan, so it's what's going on in there. It's all about short-term political agenda. Yeah. and not about long-term solutions. So it's, you know, it's something like this. This is what I can see, I mean, related to Afghanistan as a narrative. Move on.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


There is nothing to see here. Move on. So everything related to Afghanistan is just buried.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And these mental issues, that's the main narrative now in Europe. What is it? It's the attacker had mental issues. Mental problems.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, so there is part of the book where we put together actually what we knew. There is a part of it, for example, which is about Al-Qaeda, the changes it went through, how it's operating in and from Afghanistan, what are the other bases, and... Yeah, I want to highlight something because it's really important. I think it's pretty amazing in America here that you have people listening.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think it really shows that people are taking this seriously. We don't have this in Europe.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. So, and yeah, we are focusing on local communities, you know, and trying to share what we know. Because I think, you know, we always call it critical information. If you have the intel, you can be prepared. You can prepare the people, you can prepare the law enforcement, you can prepare the first responders, right? And I think it's a huge advantage. And this is necessary to do that.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I struggled a little bit in the beginning. Okay, we are creating mass hysteria. People are going to panic. And I get this question, it's just, what if you are wrong? And I always say, okay, let's turn the question, what if I'm right? Or what if we are right? And there will be no response.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, and just a little bit how we work, that Sara has her own line, I have my own line, I have a partner, he has his own line, so we are using minimum three independent networks, so we verify information.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think it's, I mean, when Al-Qaeda said, and it was stated in 2016, it was al-Zawahiri who said that Al-Qaeda wants to return to Afghanistan.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


In 2016, al-Zawahiri stated that al-Qaeda wants to return to Afghanistan. It was in 2016 when he stated that. And it's an easy, you know, for them, they are one, you know, the ideology is the same. So it was an understandable choice that we have our allies there. Yeah. So, and the interesting part when we talk about this is that the Afghans are not so happy about Al-Qaeda being there.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


The Taliban is, but the Afghan population, I mean, generally, they are not.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


again thank you for being here and and emptying out what's in your head and what you know about these terrorist organizations to the entire world i know that that comes at a cost thank you i'm i'm trying to do my best i mean it's uh yeah al-qaeda is is is very sophisticated and um and sarah has been doing an amazing job

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, it's not just Hamza, actually. His brother are so married recently to a woman from the Haqqani network. So they are, yeah, they are one. And actually, you know, they didn't even hide it because it was stated several times. Now they are not hiding. I mean, Hamza is wandering around in Afghanistan.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And even if you ask an average Afghan, okay, who is, you know, like educated, knows who Hamza bin Laden is, and they are telling you. I mean, it was, I think, two weeks ago, I texted a couple of people I know from the past. And when I asked, okay, is Hamza bin Laden? No one said, no, no, he's dead. But, I mean, to deny that he is alive is deliberate. It's not because they don't have the intel.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Because otherwise you have to do something. I mean, how could you explain? I mean, just imagine that you are a political leader and someone is coming to you and saying that, hey, Sean, Hamza is alive. Yeah, I don't want to know that. Because when you take it, oh, seriously? You have to do something. Because people will ask, Sean, why aren't you doing something? Why is he still alive?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's the British. They do. And they really don't understand. I mean, I'm pretty sure you heard that. It already appeared in the British news that Hamza bin Laden is alive. So it was intentionally leaked to the British media, you know, kind of warning the people to trying to do something. The Australians know that he's alive.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It was a little bit of confusion in the beginning because when Hamza appeared, Abdullah bin Laden, you know, the brother, he was in Afghanistan. And it was even in the UN report in 2021. So when Hamza appeared first, and I've got the information, I started to question, are you sure it's Hamza? It's, yeah, yeah, it's Hamza. Are you sure it's not Abdullah bin Laden?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And they said, no, no, no, it's Hamza bin Laden. And then after two months, I could find an NDS, a former NDS officer, who said that, yeah, Hamza is alive.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So they reported after four or five, we tried to, you know, see that it was four or five months after that they reported to the US annex that Hamza bin Laden is alive. And according to sources, there was even a photo attached, was taken in Paktia of Hamza.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And I've been working with her in the last two years, trying to put the pieces together to understand what happened, you know, around 2021, what has happened, what's been happening now. So, yeah, I'm trying to give you during this interview kind of that what we know.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think it's in the pack. You know, if you, I know that Iran has his own list, you know, who should be killed. Also Al-Qaeda in 2023, December, also mentioned three people. One is Elon Musk. The other one, I don't remember his name. He is related to economics. So yeah, they have a list to do that.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think can be a twist in here that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, they have very good relationship with organized crime groups.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, cartels. For example, Sirajuddin Haqqani has this amazing cooperation and relationship with the Albanian mafia, which is controlling half of Europe. They have network. I mean, almost global. So that makes it even more unpredictable. I know that Al-Qaeda, I mean, on the election day when it was announced President Trump won the election, yeah, Al-Qaeda was not so happy.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


In the video, what they released in 2023, it was more about he's kind of a symbol, you know, of economy. He's a symbol of power, infidel, you know, so that is nothing. I think they also, obviously, they can use it as recruitment, but he was mentioned in that video.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Because it's power. That's why 9-11, the VTC, they were symbols, the towers.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it's kind of a new thing now. They can see that there are people, you know, if they are taken out, it can be used as their own interest, you know, their own benefits. It's kind of a new thing and I think it makes them also vulnerable. Yeah, I'm working on this part because it's interesting how they see.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Obviously, they want to avenge Soleimani's death, you know, who was killed during President Trump's administration. That was a big hit for them and they want to avenge it. And, but as you said, in the past, for example, they didn't want to kill Obama. At least, I mean, they were talking about it. And there was a letter found in Abbottabad when they said, okay, don't, don't touch, don't touch him.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


because they saw that that would create a vacuum, and that's where they used that. And really, I'm apolitical, but that's when they wrote that Biden was by that time, you know, the vice president, and they said he's completely unprepared for the position. So killing Obama wouldn't make that benefit for al-Qaeda.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They could foresee that... They always play on a long-term end, and this is where we are losing.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Al-Qaeda, I mean, they have these amazing strategists, okay, so even today. And they had these analyses where open jihad, you know, the open front jihad can be carried out. Al-Qaeda made a list of their own limitations as well. So it's really like in military, what the capacity you have and what you can achieve. So it's really, it's brilliant.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And one of them was Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and North Africa. But they identified as can be suitable for open front jihad. It's why, because the government is weak, social services are weak, the ideology is not far, you know, the local population's ideology is not so far from al-Qaeda's. And this is where they can grow the seeds. And they have.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, Yemen is always been for them kind of soft targeting. Obviously, it has a government which is kind of supported by the West. Afghanistan is, that's where everything has started.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Inside Afghanistan, the senior members, they are communicating with each other by couriers. So, interestingly, they don't... By couriers? Couriers, yeah.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes. Yes. So they still don't trust, you know, much. With Europe, it's... They are... They are using technology. So what I know is they are communicating encrypted messages. So they use the digital communication.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Kind of, and emails also, you know, you can create, you know, these temporary email addresses, you know, sending them after one hour, you know, it's deleted. So they use that. But yeah, within Afghanistan, they don't. I mean, we've got a couple of phone numbers of them, but they are not using much.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Correct. I mean, I believe that, but as I'm saying, I mean... So it's very compartmentalized, is what I'm saying.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


That's the key. That's the key. Not knowing each other.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, exactly. And even within one cell, they don't even know each other's real name. So it's really, if you see that from the operation point of view, it's genius. You know, one cell is not going to lead to another. Wow. It's not. And you have all these Taliban and Haqqani network supporters here in the United States. I mean, personally, I have some experiences with them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Very negative. I mean, okay, I didn't expect they will be positive. That it's really all about trying to legitimize, you know, the Taliban government, whitewashing the Taliban, Al-Qaeda as well, changing basic information. You know, it starts to argue about really facts that you can even find open sources. They are very aggressive. And this really had a peak during the election time.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They really had this campaign of Biden-Harris. I mean, they even created a hashtag for it. It was really interesting. And just, you know, false narrative campaign. And you have a lot of lobbyists here in the United States. I mean, we are listing them. And they are powerful. I mean, there are people listening to them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Both. I mean, individuals is like Zaman Khalilzad, you know. I don't know if you heard about him. He's one of them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


He was member of the Doha negotiations. He's an American citizen. He's from Afghanistan. And he had this key role, you know, passing more power to the Taliban during the negotiations. He is one of the powerful lobbyists. And there are several former businessmen here. So, yeah, they are powerful and they are listening to them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's obviously, you know, this small chatter, you know, yeah, the Taliban doing this, the Taliban doing that. There is no al-Qaeda. And to me it's strange because when you read it in a UN report, it's obviously that person is lying, right? But they just keep going with the narrative, keep repeating. I mean... I see that since the U.S.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


presidential election, how the propaganda machine of the Taliban has changed, for example. So all the positive news, economic innovations, you know, new factories, life is wonderful in Afghanistan. Everything else is a lie. And we predicted that. I mean, we made several posts about it, what kind of changes are going to happen. All became true.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, they are continuously changing, but there are significant changes what we could observe. One of them is that they became more goal-orientated and less rule-orientated.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They focus so much on operations. to carry out the attacks, to do their own business. So if you see Osama bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri, you know, they were... They were also fighters, okay, mainly Osama bin Laden, not Zawahiri, but they were this kind of soft guys, you know, running around Afghanistan with the AK-47. Zawahiri, you know, always about these religious speeches.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So he was more a preacher. Excellent strategies, of course, but the new leadership is more mission-focused, and they are so fast. I mean, they returned. Abdullah bin Laden arrived in 2021. Saif al-Adal, who is the chief of the external operations of Al-Qaeda, returned in 2022. Hamza bin Laden returned in 2022 as well to Afghanistan.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Saif al-Adal and Hamza al-Ghamdi, they are the two major guys in al-Qaeda's leadership. They run mainly everything. And they are battle-hardened fighters. I mean, Saif al-Adal himself is coming from the Special Operation Forces.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Okay. He was in Sudan, Yemen, Libya. He fought, you know, against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. The guy is a genius. And he is cold. And he is just marching to execute the mission. Okay. He's talking about, we know that from meetings, you know, what they had. Of course, he is devoted himself to Allah. You know, his life is the jihad, but it's a military guy.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So then we talk about operation planning. It's a military guy.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Not in al-Qaeda. What they did is that they prepared and trained, you know, the fighters, the attackers for Europe and for America to carry out their attacks. And very, very well planned operation, if you see, if you just see, you know, what we've been talking about. And what I can see from them is that they even told us, just let me quote you Saif al-Adel from 2023 November.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


This is what he wrote. We are facing this major shift in the global jihadist path and facing a radical change in rules of fighting on the occasion of the opportunity of the century that may occur only once or twice in a lifetime. We call on our Islamic peoples everywhere to fight this battle, which is the most important Islamic step. So they even are telling us they are changing.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And if you see the previous attacks, you could see how the Hamas attack was already more brutal. It was extremely organized. I talked to former colleagues from the U.S. Special Forces, and I asked them, what's your opinion? And they said, wow, they were extremely organized and synchronized, what they did in Israel, the homicides. And if you see, it was several raids at the same time.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. And, you know, when I talk to other analysts, this is what I can see. It's kind of, I don't know, it's a tendency now that, no, that doesn't fit Al-Qaeda's profile. You know, oh, that doesn't fit Saif al-Adel. It doesn't fit, you know, these old dogmas. And if you see Al-Qaeda, it's a terrorist organization, but it's part of nature. So it learns, adopts, and evolves.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So why are we just denying that? It's just acting as part of nature.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, I was really surprised the changes and the achievement what they have reached during the last two years. And they are stronger than prior 9-11. They have more money. They are more organized. They are more trained. I mean, just to see the training what the fighters have received, and they are still receiving, okay? So they haven't stopped training fighters. That's scary.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Not an easy question. I mean, we used to face it in Afghanistan, right? We had all these very tough decisions to make every day. I think the key here, what we are facing, I mean, these complex attacks, is that how we can put together the first responders, right?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it was 2023 November when it was right after the Hamas attack when I started to track movements of fighters. So the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Iranians, they moved fighters to Syria, Iraq. And it was extremely organized. I mean, they used airlines. So it's not even just cars, airlines. And then I started to see... What do you mean they used airlines?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes, so right after the Hamas attack, the Taliban sent fighters to Iran, to IRGC, Iranian Revolutionary Guard bases, They took a plane there, they took planes there, and Iran flew them to Damascus. It was before the 19th of November, no, 19th of October, because we just put the information to the system, listen, guys, Massive fighters flow are going to Damascus and they are going by airplanes.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And that's when Israel bombed the runaway of Damascus, you know, just to prevent the planes landing. And then they turned to ground transportation mainly. It was, you know, a little bit slower because it's not easy to move a lot of people. But before that, that's what they did.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, when we talk about casualties, you know, okay, let the medics take care of that. Or just trying to catch, you know, the shooters. I mean, that's on the police. Or what the community can do? Yeah, that's another question. I think here what the challenge is going to be is that what if we have two attacks or three or four or five at the same time? the same place.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they are talking about mass casualties. That was mentioned several times. And it's really not about to show off. I mean, if you see the 9-11 attack, it was all about destroying symbols. And I'm really not about numbers. I mean, 3,000 people died. Now it's all about mass slaughter. And because that's going to paralyze the entire nation. And it's not just about the casualties.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, emergency, I mean, hospitals will be overwhelmed, you know, taking care of casualties still. I'm not even talking about economic impacts. I mean, if it's happening just at the same time in several big American cities, you know, airlines, they will be stopped for sure. you know, standard operation procedure. So the economic impact of this and the chaos, what it's bringing with it,

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


and who you are going to trust after. It's so wild, the impact. And they are aware of it, that's why they planned it. And that's why the Hamas attack was an amazing rehearsal, because they could see that, you know, step by step, line by line, what are the outcomes of an attack like this.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, if you see the 9-11, I mean, the stock market was shut down. I think also for a week. I'm not sure about the time, but that can be predicted. Just to see how the goods are flowing, you know, just really I'm talking about the local level. I think it's more, it's easier to explain. Just filling up, you know, the goods of the supermarkets. You know, we talk about one week, two weeks.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Will it happen? You don't know. Could you catch all of the shooters? Because we don't even know the number of the people in the cells. So it's this massive manhunt. Banks, you know, obviously they will be closed. So the economic impact of this is also why I wouldn't minimize it. So it has impact on every part of our lives.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, just imagine that there is a woman and it's time to delivery. And the hospital is just dealing, I don't know, 100 casualties there.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. So it was, I don't think too many people paid attention. It was a video released in 2023. I was lucky because I saw the video. So I think it took for the authorities 30 minutes to remove from the internet. But there was one website where you could watch the video, I think, for a couple of days. And yeah, the airlines are still in the plan, you know, to attack.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And the invisible bomb, the interesting, it's a homemade explosives. So they guide you step by step how to make your own bomb home. And the most interesting part was they made, because they even talk about it in the video, that they made this research where you can buy what.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


For example, what ingredients you cannot buy in the United States, or it's tricky to buy because maybe the law enforcement is keeping an eye on the sales. So it's really detailed how to make it. Step by step. Of course, you need patience and it's not so easy as it sounds, but you can make it. And it's a powerful bomb.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


The trick what they made about it is that when you prepare the bomb, you need to remove the smell, you know, of the explosive. And then after you cover it with silicone. And that's why, and it doesn't have metal parts. So it's chemically induced explosion. So metal detectors are useless.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Dogs, no, because the silicon itself is just sealing the smoke. So the only way is that, and even they show it in the video, the only way to detect this bomb is that the body scanner, the only way.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, the key in here that the responders not, I mean, not to drag all of them to one spot. So it's all about, I think, the key going to be organization. What the local people can do? You know, it's America. People have weapon. I mean, you have large numbers of veterans, special forces communities. Obviously, they can be kind of involved.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They even tell in the video that not too many airports have it. I mean, the series is so detailed. I mean, they did the recce at the airports, and they are telling it that it's, yeah, they check the airports, not so many. They are talking about big airports like, I don't know, I think in New York, JFK, they have it, they use it. But smaller airports, they don't.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, they don't. And even in the video, so the video, it's about to make a homemade explosive like half a kilo, which is powerful. They even demonstrate it so you can see it. And just less than 200 grams, oh, sorry, it's a European language, grams, it's enough to make an explosion in an airplane, which is going to be catastrophic. Yeah.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, and there are some airports, you know, when they do body search, but of course they don't touch, for example, your intimate parts. You can hide it there.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, it showed like it's approximately, I don't know, like 20 centimeters, and it can contain half a kilo, which is really powerful.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, it's like they even make the bomb, it's like a mineral water bottle, you know, and actually they use a mineral water bottle to make it. Okay. Okay, so it's like a half a liter bottle, you can make it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It was, it was shown on bricks, you know, they put together and yeah, it's powerful.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


No, that's not. But for example, if you just go there next to gas lines, you know, so the bomb itself, if you use one, yeah, probably it's going to kill people around you. But it's not, we are not talking about huge vicinity of that. But if you have a couple of ones and a couple of people, yeah.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


No, no, no. Because it's big, you know, so you can't hide it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


We find a solution for that. So what they did is that, I don't know if you remember, in Afghanistan they put even screws, you know, in the vest. Fragmentation. Yeah, exactly. So what they did now is that they shred plastic. It's like, you know, with a knife, you cut this hard plastic and it's sharp.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


The risk in here, it's like what happened during the Hamas attack. I don't know if you heard about the Hannibal Directive. Then the Hamas attackers got into the music festival and the military got the order to shoot. And the military said, yeah, we don't know who are the attackers. I mean, it's not clearly visible. And they said, doesn't matter, just stop them. So obviously there were casualties.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And it's causing so similar injuries because they tested it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, exactly. They can do that. So they are so smart, you know. They see the equipment, what you have, and they patiently take their time. How can I encounter it? Where is that gap what I can use?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think to listen, Sean, first, so when we are listening to people, first, we need to acknowledge that we don't know everything, right? Also, we have to have openness, you know, curiosity. Okay, what do you have to tell? Isn't it right? But most of the times when I talk about these things, I mean, very often I meet people that, ah, no, Al-Qaeda, no, they are gone, they are stupid.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You know, this is just guys running around with AK-47 and just, we really need to see how they are right now and where they are. And you have to be humble to do that, to acknowledge that I don't know everything.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So I, during these three and a half years, I made these amazing connections with analysts from, for example, from Switzerland, Australia, but even Pakistan, you know, everyone is saying, oh, because of the narratives. I listen to everyone because I don't know when I can learn or getting a new information.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And I don't see that we are having that from our leaders that, okay, sit down, tell me, what do you know? It's this, I'm sorry, I was actually looking for it, the proper English word is this arrogance, you know? And I can see that on analysts too. In the last, I mean, just my last year talking to them, no, no, it's not. How do you know that? Show me evidences.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So I think that's a huge risk in here when we talk about multiple attacks, how you stop them, how you can contain them. And local population, I mean, it's just low enforcement.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, I'm not going to post on Twitter. Sorry, X. I'm not going to post it. So it just, theoretically, you know, let's sit down, talk. No, no, no, it's not like that. Actually, I found what can be behind, you know, is that what Sarah, I, or my partner, we are going through is this going against the narrative.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, exactly. That Al-Qaeda is gone. No, it's not gone. And just sit down one hour and I can prove it to you.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Obviously, the sources would prove a lot. This is where I struggle personally, because I even thought that if the new administration is going to sit down and talk, I really need guarantee from them that they are going to protect the sources.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes. Yeah, it's from my side and my partner who can't be here because of his line of duty. He couldn't come. And 22 gave his life and everything points to their, they were burned by three letter agencies.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they were the only ones. I mean, you know, when you provide information to a government, obviously you have to name your source, the position. They have to see that if the source is credible. And somehow, I mean, 22, that's a little bit high number to be coincident.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they are cooperating, you know, with the Taliban, but I would correct it. This is not a correct sentence. They are cooperating with jihadists. Okay, it's not just the Taliban. We're not talking about just the Taliban. They are cooperating with jihadists in Syria. We are, I don't know, consciously or subconsciously, we are cooperating also with jihadist Al-Qaeda Muslim Brotherhood in Libya.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So by just back to the Taliban, yeah, we are receiving intelligence from them. They are our partner, and I wouldn't even call them partner. Sean, they are our proxies.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's difficult to tell, you know, because the plan itself, it's flexible. So they always can change.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it's like you initiate one cell, two, and then you say that, okay, it's not working so much out. Okay, let's abort. Okay. Okay, so that's why it's difficult to predict. And here it comes, our limitation because of who minted. You know, human obviously has its own limitations.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. So, and we have our limitations, but we are working on it as much as we can to get out and just to pass it on. someone who can do something.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And also just as a plus, you know, China is helping the Taliban to protect this communication. So even if they are doing communication on the cell phone, it's protected by Chinese technicians.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You know, it's a symbiotic relationship. You know, they have a long-term plan there, you know, in Afghanistan. I mean, all the mining contracts, you know, we are talking about years. So it's kind of, yeah, I'm having some income here, so I'm helping you. And just back to this cooperation, I didn't know the first time when I heard, I didn't know I should lie or cry.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


But when the Taliban meets the U.S. officials, including the three letter agencies, right after the meeting, the Taliban actually is briefing China what was discussed during the meeting with U.S. officials.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Al-Qaeda doesn't receive it directly. So they get it via the Taliban, right? You know, as an income. So they have their own revenue. What I know that is money coming from gold mines, gem mines, drug trafficking. You know, Al-Qaeda has a revenue. I would say that until, I mean, what I could track, it was annually around $500 million. Wow.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, exactly. And, you know, I don't get the point. I mean, how do you expect them to take your side when you pay less? And I think basically the approach is wrong. I had last, no, in 2023, I had a discussion with the Taliban. He's... I mean, on the ranking is like up. And he just told me that you people are so arrogant and you can believe that if you pay, we are going to whatever you want.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It was bigger than... Is it a big hit to have an attack in a mall? I mean, just... Because, you know, it's the first thing which came up in my mind when I saw, you know, the social media after the attack, you know, in Russia. It was like this bandwagon. You know, ISKP went global, they are deadly, they are this and that. Come on, man, look at the scale of the attack.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It was like the guy almost like in New Orleans, no? So if you see the casualties.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it was higher, yeah. Russia currently is helping the Taliban to rebuild the weapon system in Afghanistan. I mean, there are Russian soldiers, resident civilians, but they are soldiers. Technicians helping the Taliban to repair tanks, aircrafts, you know, which are coming from the Russian time. It's beneficial for them because obviously they get paid for it, right?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Actually, I don't know their nature. I know they are there. I know they are in Kabul. There are a couple of ones also in the north. I don't know where actually they belong, but they are Russian.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. And, you know, they are helping to fix tanks, airplanes, helicopters. So it's also another symbiotic relationship.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. Yeah, but it's one attack. And this is where it gets interesting. If I see, I mean, when you see ISKP or the Islamic State in Afghanistan, it's interesting how it developed. So in 2023, somehow, actually, I couldn't track it how, Gulmorod Kalimov, you know, he was the number two in the Islamic State. appeared in Afghanistan in a prison in Nimruz province.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


We couldn't track it how he ended up there, but he was there. And then he was transported in 2024, was transported to the north and started to set up training centers. Don't think, I mean, big training bases. They were small centers dealing like, I don't know, 20, 30 people.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And these fighters were coming from Central Asian countries, coming through the border, I mean, by the help of the Taliban and the GBI, you know, the Taliban intelligence. Gulmorod Kalimov's key role there is that training these foreign fighters, send it to Central Asian countries or even to Russia, you know, just to destabilize Russia.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Gulmorod Kalimov has a very close connection with Sir Azhuddin Haqqani. So when we started to talk about, you know, also Sara, you know, here talked about, you know, Wulmarat Kalimov and the training centers. So they removed all this to the other side of the Afghan border. So this, you know, these tribal areas in Pakistan, because they started to talk about it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And obviously on the north, Afghans in the north of Afghanistan, they talk a lot, you know, because these people are, you know, they don't belong to their... And this was reported, Sean. There was a report about this. Wow. And in 2023, the Taliban GDI director, Abdul Haq Washik, I don't know if you heard about it. He's a former Gitmo detainee, actually.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


He went by private jet to Italy and participated in an intelligence conference. I don't know what was on the conference, honestly. You know, I always confess if I don't know something, so I don't make it up. But suddenly, they started to arrest Tajik nationals, you know, ISIS-related nationals in Europe. So I guess they put him on working.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You know, he was kind of tipping off, you know, the European agencies. But I have one question to the European agencies. I know how many people are passing every month from Central Asian countries to Afghanistan. How many they are arresting in Europe? Do these two numbers are matching each other?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So another diversion. Exactly. And I know it's almost every month between 60 and 80 foreign fighters are entering Afghanistan. And it was interesting because I was thinking why they put this guy, you know, Vashik... to this conference.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And last week I found the solution, actually, that he, even in the past, he offered his help to the American government, you know, to capture the Taliban intelligence chief. So I think they just returned to this information, you know, okay, this guy offered once, so Now he will be useful. I can tell you he is not useful because I'm pretty sure he is not tipping off every single incoming fighters.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, I believe so. I believe so. I mean, when we talk about VBIED or IED, I mean, in Afghanistan, it was mainly targeting convoys, right? VBIED is just targeting, you know, the population when you have a crowd. I would expect here on U.S. soil or in Europe, I mean, when we talk about VBIED, it's going to target specific locations, right?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. It's all about money. You know, it's business for everyone. I mean, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but mainly Al-Qaeda, had a relationship with them in the past, too. They used disorganized crime groups to, for example, get nuclear material. So that's what they are using.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Now I know that they are cooperating with Russian organized crime groups and they are helping to get some stuff in, you know, crossing our borders, including the United States border.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, the problem here is that what I have access to, I have capacity just to track specific things. So the time, I don't know. But I know there are materials. For example, the Albanian mafia is taking cash into Europe, sent by Sirajuddin Hakani. And, I mean, money bags. Is the Albanian mafia there, for example? Here, I know that it's the cartel.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's, yeah, it's probably about weapon and other things. Why? Because they are here, you know, the local guys. They know the flow.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, kind of, sort of. What Al-Qaeda is doing now, and we have to also look into what they are doing on one specific spot. Al-Qaeda's short-term plan now is that, short and middle term, is that trying to support local jihadist groups to form a government, to take over a country.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They did it in Afghanistan. Now they did it in Syria. So it's what people don't understand about Syria that it's... And it's a really trick what our governments and the media is doing that... I don't know if you follow the news what happened in Syria. So the guy... Changed his suit. You know, he's in suit, ties. He's using his name, real name, not the nom de guerre.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And he's meeting our politicians. So he's changed. And that's what every analysts are saying now who have government contracts. He's changed because he's saying that. Well, I can tell you that those fighters were trained in Afghanistan, and al-Julanis, because I use his fighter name, I'm not using his civilian name, he sent people to those meetings with al-Qaeda, and he cooperated.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's not just physical, okay? Imagine that it's interesting to see, for example, Libya. The Libyan government is packed by Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. And we are dealing with them soon, Sean. We are going to buy oil from them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, because the key, I believe, at least the information until now I have, is that an attack with an explosion is just going to be kind of the beginning of an attack which is coming after. Okay? And the key of that is to drag the first responders to one side.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yemen, yeah, the Houthis. I mean, in 2022, I already told that, and there were other reports. Okay, so I'm not painting myself as a genius. It's just, I'm also reading a lot. So all these, you know, institutions reports, for example, there is amazing institution called Sana Center. They are reporting about Yemen.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Also, they mentioned that it seems like Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula, you know, Aqab, one of the affiliate of Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda branch in Yemen, is showing some interest to cooperate with the Houthis. And everyone, no, no, Houthis are Shia, Aqab is Sunni, they hate each other. Again, old dogma. Well, they are working together. And it was publicly released last year.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So we need to overcome this barrier, these old dogmas, to see that, like, you know, like you see, it's a new organization. Let's discover it. Mm-hmm. Somalia. Somalia is struggling, you know, that Al-Shabaab can't win. You know, they are just, I mean, they are fighting with the government. Obviously, it came up, oh, we should negotiate with Al-Shabaab.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Because all these terrorist organizations or these jihadist groups, what they do, they realize that Taliban communicated highlighting local interest. And we buy it. So when we negotiate with Al-Shabaab in Somalia, oh, Al-Shabaab is busy just with local agendas. Yeah, but that's not true.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, they use the Muslim Brotherhood, you know, which kind of, I mean, Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, you know, they are rooted to the Muslim Brotherhood. And the Muslim Brotherhood loves to portray itself as a nonviolent group. However, they are the political wing of this Islamic army. Why am I saying it? It's because the Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Arab countries.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Okay, so imagine that if you have, I don't know, it's really just a wild example, so it's nothing to do with information. Like getting a suicide bomber into a museum, where obviously you can have high casualties, right? And the first responders will be there. I mean, several ambulance cars, the police, you know, just close the vicinity of the area.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


For example, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, they are banned. And what the Muslim Brotherhood has tried to do again during the Haas attack is fueling internal tensions. You know, telling to them, these Muslim leaders are infidels, they are serving just the West, they are not protecting other Muslims, they are supporting Israel, you know, on the war on Gaza.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


What these countries do is that they break it down very hard. I mean, if they hear a speech from a radical imam in a mosque, the guy will be arrested on the next day. You know, they just don't give any gap for these radicals to plant a seed.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they have some. I think the weak link, what we could witness during the Hamas attack, I mean, after the Hamas attack, what I saw, the weak link was Jordan. Jordan is a country, you know, depends on also aid, and they had a very strong Muslim brotherhood inside work. I mean, they were preachers, you know, in the mosque, asking the people to break in to Israel, kill Americans.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They struggled, but somehow they were able to control it. But I know that during the, I mean, from the meetings, during the, I mean, right after the Hamas attack, Al-Qaeda central had weekly meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, to discuss how to cause more issues within the society, fueling, you know, tensions, asking the people for protest to weaken King Abdullah. Weekly. Weekly.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they had these amazing, I mean, amazing meetings every week, coordinating people, military commanders in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt. They did it every single week.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's global. It's global. It's just directly what I can see. And, you know, this is why I often call Afghanistan as the fountainhead of global jihad. Because it's not just the Taliban, it's Al-Qaeda together. So what I could see that they are providing physical support. I'm talking about weapon, ammunition, financial support, money. to 19 countries.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes. So we have here Afghanistan. So the east is going to Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir. We have Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and Malaysia. We have the whole Middle East. Then we have Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Morocco, Jordan, and the Sahel itself, you know, Burkina Faso, Mali. That's what they do. And they have facilitators in every embassies.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And mass shooting is starting on the other side of the city.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it's taking more and more. You know, it's kind of, it's physical. Imagine this plan, it has two ways. You have one physical, you know, just trying to put more and more countries where these Islamists are ruling. That's what you can see, for example, in the Sahel. And then you establish governments which are backed by these terrorist groups.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And the long-term plan is to have this Islamic caliphate ruled by Sharia law. The short-term plan is getting more and more countries. So expanding, you know, expanding your influence, expanding your power, expanding your networks. This is what they are doing now. So when people are telling me that Al-Qaeda is recovering in Afghanistan, they are reorganizing stuff, it's wrong.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Al-Qaeda is full operational. Actually, they jumped another level when now we are talking about massive innovations, what they are doing. They have so many scientists, Sean.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it's basically a Sharia-ruled system, exactly what we are seeing in Afghanistan. And it's just not having any Western influence on it. So actually the long-term goal is quite simple. Where they do all these tricks is this short and middle term, like making the people believe that if someone is changing the clothes and start to use the real name, that guy is our friend.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


A caliphate is that it's a system, I would say it's a government system, which is running a country. And you don't, you have, I don't know, I mean, should I explain this Sharia law? You know, it's... Yes.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, and the key is to not have a response. So until now, what I know is that, just imagine that you have an explosion in one place and you have just, I don't know, 1,000 people around. Everyone is calling 911. That's a massive hit on the communication system, right? Because everyone is calling 911, and it's one location.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Okay. Basically, it's defined by the religion itself. It has its own judicial system, its own educational system. For example, they don't have so many subjects to teach, which is related to science. So it's basically, it's all this about the religion. Honestly, the caliphate is not my strength. That's more about other members of the team. But yeah, that's the... That's the plan.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


That's the long-term plan. And I think this is the key where their strength is that we don't plan on a long term. Our leaders are planning for four years. Mm-hmm. They have this plan. And, you know, you cannot even put a timeline onto it. Because if it, as Jesse Perry wrote, you know, he just released a book, and I love the title, if it takes a thousand years, year, doesn't matter. Keep going.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


When you start to talk to them and negotiate with them. That's already a good point. It's already a good point. I mean, just to see that we know that a couple of people in the central Libyan bank, they are al-Qaeda members. And they are controlling, I mean, millions of dollars. We are negotiating with them. I mean, we are having trade with them.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And they have a massive influence in Europe. It's crazy to see that, how... I mean, it has a history, like after 2001, you know, the 9-11 attacks. Obviously, societies developed, you know, this anti-Muslim attitude. So, for example, in Europe, we used NGOs, you know, to... kind of calm down, you know, this kind of attitude because obviously it's not about religion.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, we can't say that every Muslim, you know, they are terrorists. It's not true. We know that it's nothing to do actually with the religion itself. And these NGOs just got so powerful, especially in Europe, that they are influencing governments. For example, in Switzerland.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Switzerland seems so neutral, actually is a center of terrorism in Europe.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I work with, I mean, I work with several analysts and I have several partners. You know, obviously, you know, I cannot reach out to every country, but we have Swiss partners and they are telling us that what's going on in Switzerland, terrorist recruitment, financing terrorism, and actually there are terrorists who proved to belong to Al-Qaeda And they are Swiss nationals.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And the government is not deporting. There was, I think, recently, two or three months ago, that they could suspect the guy belonged to Al-Qaeda and they couldn't deport him because of the law.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So when phone calls, thousands are coming from another location, I can't imagine how the system is going to handle that. And we are just talking about communication.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Law. Because of the law, you know? He has a second citizenship or got the refugee status and you can't deport him.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So I think that kind of shows that, you know, the operational part is running, right? Because it's just running by itself. It's set up, it's working. So what they did is that they have scientists there. What we know, they have microbiologists who are working in biological labs. developing weapon of mass destruction. They are working on it. Even the UN reported that they have weapons engineers.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes. To build new weapon. For example, we know that they are working on drones.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They are working on modifying agents to make it more lethal. And there is an al-Qaeda microbiologist, and he was detained. His name is Yazid Soufat. He is a Malaysian, actually is a former military. He studied in the United States. And he was detained until 2019. Then his close monitoring ended in 2021. 2022, he was already working in Afghanistan in a lab. Were they testing these people?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


These are the two, but we actually know until now.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


The invisible bomb, which is already... Yeah, that's already done, you know, and the invisible vests. So they are just doing their job. And I think the crazy part is that they do all this without intelligence interference. For intelligence interference.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. So Turkey is, I mean, it's been on the news, obviously, because of Syria. Turkey always hosted and sheltered the Muslim Brotherhood. And since, you know, they are kind of neighbors, they had very good relationship with jihadist groups in Syria. I am not so sure Turkey's goal yet.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I'm trying to see if they are helping to spread the sentiment of Islam jihad or they are just exploiting these terrorist groups. And it's kind of expanding, you know, their interest, you know, their power. I still need to see this happening. Because, yeah, but my capacity is really, really limited on this field. And let's see what's going to. But I need to see before I claim something.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I suspect that it's a symbiotic relationship that we are working together. I mean, if you say Turkey is in Somalia, now they have got huge influence on Syria. Qatar?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Qatar is a difficult case because several things happened. I just saw after the Hamas attack that there was an Islamic scholar group which visited Afghanistan. It was in 2023, February. And they met Sirajuddin Haqqani, and they gave him a gift, which was a replica of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. And you know how they call the Hamas attack? Al-Aqsa Flood. So that was interesting.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I don't know what happened on the meeting, but I found it interesting. And this Islamic Scholar group is funded by Qatar. Plus, we have information that until now, like, I don't want to say exact number, but more than 10 times, plans landed in Kabul delivering M4 rifles to the Taliban. which is a violation of the embargo.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And plus we had this, I don't know if you heard about it, we had this Qatar gate, that how Qatar is kind of buying influence in Europe. So there were several European politicians, you know, they got caught because they received money from Qatar. So they are massively influencing decision makers and policy makers in Europe.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And there were a couple of European politicians spoke up, you know, saying that, come on, people, we need to stop Qatar. We are doing what Qatar is saying. And then they got labelled, oh, you are far right. You are Islamophobic. You hate refugees. So they were completely discarded. But in Europe, we have a massive influence of Qatar and we are not doing anything. It's just going by the flow.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. I mean, that's the key. That's really the key that it's going to be so hard to encounter it. And just back to the question, I think the United States has this... I mean, you have a lot of veterans. Just imagine that something is happening around where you live. You know, I know you, and you will grab the weapon, you know, and you do your job because you are trained for it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah. So it's the Taliban Secret Service, obviously the intelligence service of the Taliban.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, it's run by Abdul Hakvashik, you know, the former Gitmo detainee guy, which is, I think he's kind of playing his role in the system. The most interesting person in the GDI is Tajmir Javad. He is a deputy, and he has a very important role in al-Qaeda. He is representing the Haqqani network in al-Qaeda.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


When it comes about decisions or something coming from the Haqqani network, it's him who is representing Sirajuddin Haqqani. It was a couple of months ago when al-Qaeda wanted to send suicide bombers to the West Bank. And it was Tajmir Javad who used his veto and said, no, I don't think, I think we should wait. So he has a very good position.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Otherwise, what the GDI is doing is providing protection and undisturbed condition to every training centers, training bases. They are responsible for the security of Al-Qaeda members. They're traveling around Afghanistan. So that's their main job. And yeah, it's trying to find...

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's in Kabul. They are operating from there. They have several departments. And yeah, they are like one.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, they have one department specifically which is taking care of the security of the Al-Qaeda members. And there are one department, for example, they have SIGINT department, I just discovered.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They have SIGINT department, which was actually very active around safe houses where Al-Qaeda members are. They're constantly checking if there is any foreign SIGINT activity. So this is how they take so seriously the protection of al-Qaeda members in Afghanistan.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, it's like, yeah, it was established right after Kabul fell, you know, and that's their main job.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I don't know that part. I don't know that part, honestly. Hackney Network, yeah, sure. Yeah, it's a global organization. But the GDI, I don't know. I know that there are People in the United States directly being connected to the GDI. I know that.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And in Europe as well. They are directly communicating with them. I know that.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, they are lobbying. That's what they do. I think also what they are doing is trying to identify Afghans abroad, you know, who can be potentially your help, you know, kind of source, or they are trying to help you. Because, you know, a lot of Afghans, I mean, who are here, they have their family in Afghanistan. So they know what's going on in Afghanistan, so they can be very helpful for you.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So I know that a lot of Afghans here in the United States, but also in Europe, they are so afraid to speak because they can be found. They know who are here, you know, from the Haqqani Network or from the Qandahari Taliban who are potentially working for the Taliban.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They know that, but they are just so afraid to speak up because they are afraid they will be deported because they can see that our governments are protecting the Taliban.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


But in Europe, we don't have it. We don't have this large number of veterans.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think they are not much. I think their effectiveness relies on simplicity.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You know, it's just really they are taking their time. They are super smart. It's like one thing what I know. There was one guy in the United States. His job was, given by the Taliban, by the Haqqani Network, is trying to check and monitor social media to see which Afghans are speaking up. or potentially sharing information. That was his job, and he got paid for it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So they are very simple things what they are using.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, they do. They do. Sometimes they threat. When they threat, usually what I could see is that, yeah, they are not speaking. They are not speaking. And I don't know if you've seen that there was this Afghan athlete, female athlete, spoke about, you know, the Afghan cricket team, and she is receiving death threats. And she has protection from the French police. So it went that far.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So they have power in our countries. They really can make people's life hell.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


No. But with these attacks, yeah, at least until what I know now is that, yeah, it's going to be probably one attack, make a huge diversion, overstretching the responders, and then just do the next one.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, a lot. I mean, it's just we could talk, you know, days about these things. I think what we need to understand is that these groups are getting together. They had already their interlinks before. Now they are cooperating, Shia and Sunni, which we claim that they hate each other. I think we need to see that we are running out of proxies. We are teaming up with militias.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


We are using them for our interests. which is okay. But after four years, you change it and you start to pay the opponent force. And we are running out of proxies. So these groups are learning and they know that I can play to be your friend so I get money, but at the end of the day, I still hate you and I still will do an attack on your own soil. And

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They are cooperating and they are learning from it. So they are not just cooperating, they are learning from it how we can do better. And we still don't want to kind of accept it. And we are using these groups to encounter Russia and China. So... It's just I've never thought I'm going to witness something like this.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, they are having meetings. I mean, it was 2022, and I don't want to be wrong, 2022 or 23, but I think it was 22, when already we had photo of CIA contractors in Kabul. So what we know that they are not all the time there. They are traveling there, you know, frequently. I know that they share intelligence. I mean, share intelligence.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


The Taliban is feeding the system with sort of intelligence about the ISKP and about the Al-Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent. That's it. They are, you know, these small pieces of information and lies. And the United States is not taking any effort to verify this information. And here it comes. You can say that, oh, someone told me that, oh, because they are stupid. They are not stupid.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So seriously. So the CIA is not stupid. It's just that's the political order. There is nothing to see. Move on. And it's good for us. You know, when they are lying for us, it's good for us. We don't need to do anything with that.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So you don't need to admit it that we are facing, you know, serious threat. Obviously, Afghanistan was taken over by Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Because when you reach these conclusions, the next step is you need to do something. And no one wants to do anything there.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


What I know, it's three who are there. And it was this, I want to say, because I know just his family name, this Habibi, you know, he's an Afghan American citizen. And it was just denied such a long time, you know, no, he's not there. They don't have him. Yes, they have him.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Well, we tried to track him, and the last information what we've got is that already the Haqqani Network and al-Qaeda has him. But where, we don't know the location.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, yes. That's what they are going to do. That's what they are doing. I mean, you have American citizen, this Ryan Corbett, who is in, as far as I know, his medical condition is deteriorating very fast. And he's still there. And you're still sending money. You know, it's just the CIA contractors are passing there every week.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's difficult because, you know, anything can trigger the attacks. And that's the key here. That's what I'm trying to figure out, how they work, how they think. I'm just telling an example. It can be that we stop funding the Taliban and just, okay, let's do it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


This Habibi I know and I know Ryan Corbett. The third one, I don't know the name. They were not my focus.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


As far as I know, no, except Habibi, they do. Habibi, they do. The U.S. citizens, no, they don't.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They believe he played sort of a role in the collecting intelligence about Ayman al-Zawahiri when he was killed in Kabul. That's what they believe. as far as I know. But I think the information I have, they don't touch the U.S. citizens. However, I believe just to know the conditions there, that's already a torture. Yeah, I can imagine.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think they will play now differently, you know, because of the new administration. I think they keep trying to sell, you know, we are your friends and we are your counter-terrorist partners. I don't know how it's going to work, but... What I see globally and also in Afghanistan that it's a chess game and it doesn't matter where we step or what we do, it's checkmate.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You know, we don't have so many options to do. I'm just telling you an example. Yeah, you have the hostages there. So yeah, yeah, sure. You don't pay anymore? Okay, we kill them. And what do you do? You invade Afghanistan. Well, it's not going to be that easy like in 2001. So you won't do that. So you see, we don't have so many options anymore.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, I think there are still. I mean, even, you know, hearing the Taliban that so many are disappointed, you know, they had this holy war propaganda for 20 years, you know, fighting against America, you know, the big evil. And now they realize that actually the Taliban is the same corrupt as the government was. They are not receiving salary. So they don't have such a good life.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, the top they have. So the Taliban, I mean, from the middle level are not so satisfied.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I really don't know. I've got a couple of questions, you know, but they are not my focus. I'm mainly focusing on Al-Qaeda as the central leadership.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, they have. Not just American, they have, yeah.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I don't know. You know, I mean, when I see Europe, it's like there is no communication. I mean, seriously, Europe is not talking about Afghanistan. You don't even find it somewhere mentioned. Oh, yeah, they are talking about, sorry, what projects they are funding for the Taliban. And that's it. I mean, they don't. Now the narrative, I mean, it's all the information.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's all about, you know, the Ukrainian and Russia war. That's controlling the entire information space in Europe.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I don't think so. I don't think so. I mean, I just coincidentally saw it in one of the reports, but otherwise no one is talking about it. No one.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I don't know. I think we still believe that, you know, we pay the Taliban and they need our money, but they don't need our money. And I really don't see this because there is no communication with European agencies or decision makers. Zero. Nothing. I think we have a couple of, I mean, for example, we had a couple of people who reached out to us and said, come on, how can we cooperate better?

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


They are fighting the same battle as like Sarah Ann Scottman is doing here, you know, trying to push, you know, politicians to listen and do something. But in Europe, it's harder.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, that's, I mean, just to see the last four years, you know, I mean, that's what I felt on my skin is that if a government decides something is not comfortable, something doesn't fit the political agenda, even on the intelligence field, it's just ignored. And this is how Al-Qaeda is. You know, they don't even mention Al-Qaeda.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I think I heard maybe five or six times in the last couple of months, which is already an improvement. It's this... Using the power to, you don't collect information based on threats. You collect information based on political agenda, like ISIS, you know, it's been ever, it's just ISIS, Al-Qaeda, no, they don't exist. Yeah, but we have this, no, it doesn't exist.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And this is extremely dangerous because that means you are missing information and they can be vital. And I could, I mean, my partner, you know, he's American. He had direct contact with three-letter agencies. I didn't. Of course, I'm not American. He had, and he screwed up. I mean, he was screwed up so many times by three-letter agencies.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Like, there was one three-letter agency who told him, don't submit anything to us which is about Afghans or Afghanistan. But why? Because we don't care. That's the order coming from the top.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yeah, but is it? Isn't it childish? You know, it's like when you have your children, you know, and they say, just seek and hide, you know, and they just, I'm hiding.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


It's a little bit complex because, I mean, what I can speak about the Trump administration, it's coming from the media, okay? So I don't live here. So what I saw is that the new administration want to make major changes, right? In, I don't know, I heard the FBI, you know, intelligence agencies, security forces.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


That can be a very sensitive point because if they initiate the attack when you do these changes, that can influence the response, right? So this is one. The other thing is that I knew when they saw the news, Al-Qaeda Central saw the news, first they were very upset President Trump won. But after 10, 15 minutes, Saif al-Adel said, bring it on.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So they know that they have a specific plan for the Trump administration. And it's all about, if you see the political agenda of President Trump, it's all about, for example, bringing troops home, right? To decrease the American military presence. You will be dragged into conflicts. And you won't be able to do that. Because if you do it, you say that it's another example.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You have an attack on an embassy. Okay, let's say that. And they will order, okay, let's find who did it. Setting up, you know, a unit, find the perpetrators. Still, troops are there. But if you don't go after them, the restored American image, which was, you know, another promise, you know, during the election, that's not going to happen. So that's why the next U.S.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


administration don't have, I mean, those decision makers, they don't have too many options, Sean. It's a very sophisticated chess game and they will need a very good chess player.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Oh, I don't know. Or just see the other things that these attacks, it will have economic impacts. So his other plan, you know, to make some economic improvements, it's not going to happen.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


No, because they don't want peace. You know, I heard this, that we make peace with our enemy, right? It's correct if the enemy wants peace. But this enemy doesn't want peace. They don't stop. I mean, we passed that stage a long time ago. So when we say that, okay, I made a peace deal with them, which, you know, it was like the Doha agreement, you know, you tried. Okay, it failed.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So, okay, move on, you know, so solve the problem. And we always discard what these groups want. Why? They are equal players, right? They have their own 50% in this game. Why are we dismissing that? It's a little bit like self-centered, what we want. Yeah, but look at what they want.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And I think it's really important when I see Europe is that, you know, when I heard President Trump said, we make America great again, you know, we are superpower. And it's like being the big brother, because I can see that Europe is doing what, you know, following the American flow. But, you know, to be powerful and being big also requires and comes with responsibility.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Yes, absolutely. But also when we talk about the cash delivery is that, so the plane is landing, there is a UN personnel, you know, because part of it is, you know, the cash for UNAMA, but there are additional bags.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And I think this is what decision makers and politicians need to understand. You have to take the responsibility and you have to be very careful with it. Because if you don't take responsibility to be great or being powerful, that has serious consequences.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


From this point of view, first is that they need to see what happened in the last four years. It's kind of, you know, damage assessment. You have to see what happened. And... It's really important for them to be ready to see the ugly truth because jihadist groups are our proxies. And I don't know how can you turn that around. And you have to identify

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


lobbies in the United States, from the Muslim Brotherhood, from Al-Qaeda, from the Taliban. You have to find them and you have to isolate them. If they are double citizens, you know, just rip off the citizenship, go home, please. You know, you are personal non grata here. And also see that, you know, someone used this, so it's really not my words. Al-Qaeda, I mean, terrorism is like a tumor.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


You find it, and it has been growing in the last four years. So you can't do that to ignore it. So the coming administration has to deal with it. They will not have another choice. Why? Because it's already here. One of the spreading cancer cells we are having here and we are having in Europe. So they don't have a choice.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


And the other thing that I would really love to see finally from someone being active and not reactive.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


No, no, it was not. At least that's what I've got. It was not. But they praised it. So it was heartbreaking to see. But yeah, they praised it. I checked it, I asked it, and my information is, no, they didn't have anything to do with... I think it was an eco-terrorist, but... It's, you know, who knows? Obviously, you know, I don't know everything.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


So I asked them and they said, no, no, no, it has nothing to do with them. I think, you know, the most powerful person in Al-Qaeda Central is Saif al-Adel. And recently we could get the translation of his book. The guy is a genius. Why? He talks about strategy. He talks about innovation, targets, allies, leadership. He is a genius.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I mean, yeah, it's a detailed, what his ideas, it's a military strategy book, how leadership should look like. I mean, I would even give it to my country's politician is read it because this is what we need, leadership. He's writing about lessons and learning. He is writing about don't get stuck with victory. Go through the losses, mistakes, because that's how you develop. It's amazing.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


I suggest the new administration to read his book because it's just very impressive. This is how Al-Qaeda is. When we look at the organization itself today, that book represents the level they are. And I don't see they are on the lower level than us.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


Loyalty. That's the first one. Commitment. That's also the others. But it's run by a very sophisticated military organization. Very sophisticated and flexible. So they don't have that rigid rules. It's very good. I mean, I was very impressed when I read it.

Shawn Ryan Show

#159 Jane Doe - Terror Playbook: Sleeper Cells, Biological Weapons and Invisible Bombs


33 strategies I'm going to send you and I'm going to see if we ever, I mean, some places we can make it available. Because I wish people could read it, especially decision makers, because they could see this is not a guy running around in Afghanistan with an AK-47. He's a mastermind. Yeah, and this guy, I mean, his book could stand West Point or Sandhurst.

The Bill Simmons Podcast

Celts-Knicks, the Sleeper Lakers, and 12 NBA Stories to Watch With Ryen Russillo


Would you agree with that? Are you hesitating?

The Bill Simmons Podcast

Celts-Knicks, the Sleeper Lakers, and 12 NBA Stories to Watch With Ryen Russillo


Tibbs is almost always the answer because they see this stuff. Yeah.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


He's doing a Springsteen biopic that is just based off of one album that he recorded. So it's based off the recording in Nebraska. You're going to love it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


What do you think Phil Collins' basketball game is like?

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Yeah, it's Dan. Dan's the one who said it.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Yeah, when you hear people, it's Dan. Dan is the one who's insinuated. Dan does that all the time, by the way. He just says, like, oh, you know, people are talking about it and saying that Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic can't be the face of the league because they're not Americans. Even Shea, he's a Canadian, can't be the face of the league. He likes foisting.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Don Levitard. Sugar daddies. These things, I'm telling you. I love sugar daddies. They get stuck in your teeth. You can't chew them. They're impossible to chew. They're impossible to chew.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Brian, I wonder your perspective from Boston. Nationally, Jason Tatum obviously gets a lot of hate and kind of disrespect, I think, considering the amount of winning he's done in his young career. We have led the charge on that. We have been some of the biggest Tatum haters that there have been. But my theory is it's almost just because he makes things look so easy. And in a sense, it's almost...

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


boring watching him play because everything looks like it was made in a lab his personality is not bombastic he's not in your face and in turn there ends up being more disrespect levied at him than he should just because he's not a polarizing player almost being unpolarizing makes him polarizing what's your view of why people look at Jason Tatum and maybe don't give him the respect that another player with his resume would get

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Oh, that's a really tough question, man. I'm around the heat. So Tyler Hero, Kalel Ware, Bam Adebayo. Oh, my God. No, I know what you're saying. I mean, I've always loved watching Steph Curry. I love watching Anthony Edwards. I love watching Shea.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. We never liked that guy.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


He's so spectacular in terms of production, in terms of efficiency and all of the things that he does on the court. It's surprising. But I think your explanation makes a lot of sense. It's just that that people don't gravitate to him as like I'm.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


Yeah, thanks. We will have also the pitch clock coming back here just a week before the season.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


I think that's the problem that I would have. I don't think I could fall asleep knowing how much money I just spent to be at that movie. I think I'd be so stressed out.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


I got to get off here. That's the exact fear. That's the fear is that I'm going to sleep through the couple of stops because I'll sleep through anything. I'll sleep through a couple of stops and all of a sudden we'll be in Port St. Lucie and I've got an hour and a half until I'm getting to Orlando. And now, now what?

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


I do think that this actually might just have a greater effect on how we produce musicals, though, right? Because the whole issue with Cats... was that it was just this weird CGI world where they were like forgetting to do CGI on certain hands. And it was this kind of cheapened version of what- It's also not the best IP. Well, it's not a great, that in itself as well. But what I would imagine this

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

The Big Suey: Top 5 Naps You Can Take (feat. Brian Scalabrine)


will do is have more studios investing in musicals the way that wicked was invested in rather than trying to do that on the cheap and making a product that feels like that or even the mean girls musical that was like not quite up to snuff so it's it's about investing in the property where wicked's not like wicked is an ip beyond what it is now they can't extend that story they totally can they

The Megyn Kelly Show

Epstein Files Debacle, and Trump Spars with Zelensky in Oval Office, with Emily Jashinsky and Red Scare Hosts | Ep. 1016


black Santa truther, Megyn Kelly. Of course, there's more from Megyn Kelly, who seems to be sometimes the world's angriest multimillionaire.

The Megyn Kelly Show

Epstein Files Debacle, and Trump Spars with Zelensky in Oval Office, with Emily Jashinsky and Red Scare Hosts | Ep. 1016


To our most prominent white nationalists, he arguably has done more on cable television to spread the gospel of hate, fear, and paranoia than anyone since radio propagandist Father Coughlin in the Nazi era of the 1930s.

Watch What Crappens

#2736 Summer House S09E02: Broken Hearts and Middle Parts


Imagine this, you help your little brother land a great job abroad, but when he arrives, the job doesn't exist. Instead, he's trapped in a heavily guarded compound, forced to sit at a computer and scam innocent victims. all while armed guards stand by with shoot-to-kill orders.

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#2736 Summer House S09E02: Broken Hearts and Middle Parts


Scam Factory, the explosive new true crime podcast from Wondery, exposes a multibillion-dollar criminal empire operating in plain sight. Told through one family's harrowing account of sleepless nights, desperate phone calls, and dangerous rescue attempts, Scam Factory reveals a brutal truth. The only way out is to scam their way out.

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#2736 Summer House S09E02: Broken Hearts and Middle Parts


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You touch my kids, I will kill you.

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#2752 Denise Richards and her Wild Things S0101-02:Rants and Raves


And when I was 20, there's a lot of talking. I wish there was someone to help me say how old I was.

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#2752 Denise Richards and her Wild Things S0101-02:Rants and Raves


Actually, I've been on an all-cup diet for about three weeks now. It's really wonderful. Terrible for my diabetes, though. It's actually inspired by Native American traditions of eating the whole animal. So we just eat the whole cup as long as it's a sugar cup.

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#2752 Denise Richards and her Wild Things S0101-02:Rants and Raves


Hey, do you guys want some water?