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Trump Bends Over For Dictators

Tue, 25 Feb 2025


Trump is proving to be the weakest leader in our country's history. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here:


Chapter 1: How is Trump perceived in relation to Russia and dictators?

5.194 - 34.425 Jane Doe

Some alarming news, further confirmation that Donald Trump is a Russia slash Putin sympathizer. Yesterday in the United Nations, there was a vote regarding Russia and their actions. Let me show it to you. The US votes against the UN resolution condemning Russia for the Ukraine war. Now I ask you, when all of the Western allies, all of NATO, is voting in favor of this.


34.825 - 41.929 Jane Doe

And the United States votes with Hungary, Belarus, China, all the dictators.


Chapter 2: Why did the US vote against the UN resolution condemning Russia?

41.969 - 68.07 Pumps

No, even China didn't vote for this. Even China didn't? No, even China set this out, Pumps. They voted with Iran, North Korea. Wow. Yeah. So, I mean, this tells you everything you need to know. And this whole Trump-Russia thing, from the Mueller report to before that when Kevin McCarthy... was talking to then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and they said, we think Trump is on Putin's payroll.


68.77 - 98.509 Pumps

And then this total bend over on the international global stage and lying, using Tucker Carlton's and the kremlin's talking points to the americans and completely lying that ukraine started the war and it's no surprise so we have a compromised federal government right now a compromised executive branch and we're going to keep calling it out but this is insanity.


98.569 - 120.194 Pumps

And to all the triple Trumpers, you might think you want to live the way the Russians live, and you might think North Korea seems fun, and you might think Iran seems cute. You're a dumbass. You're a total dumbass. This is devastating to our country and to the entire international order.


121.112 - 142.632 Jane Doe

What struck me about it is you have all of these reports coming out. I've read different articles that, you know, Trump's a Russian asset and so-and-so said this, and this is what we know. I'm like, I don't have to read anything that tells me that Trump is aligned with Russia because I can look at his actions. His actions tell me all I need to know. Tulsi Gabbard in the intelligence.


143.013 - 152.427 Jane Doe

It's just one thing right after the other. But Mark Kelly... What I thought Senator Mark Kelly said I thought was worth us hearing because I think it's so true and it makes a great point.

153.408 - 159.499 Anderson

Senator, what's your reaction to where the U.S. stands tonight on this war, which is obviously tougher on Ukraine than on Russia?

Chapter 3: What are the implications of Trump's actions on international alliances?

160.879 - 181.89 Senator Mark Kelly

Anderson, it's shocking, you know, that after 80 years, in a few days, Donald Trump just blew up the Western alliance. I mean, completely. And you have the Secretary of Defense on TV over this weekend talking about how this is a complicated situation. It's not complicated. It's very clear who the aggressor is. It's clear who the war criminal is.


182.811 - 210.776 Senator Mark Kelly

And this vote today in the U.N., where the United States of America is siding with the North Koreans, and with Russia and Belarus. I mean, even after this first month of this administration, I'm still kind of shocked of what happened over the last several days. And make no mistake, Anderson, this makes our country look weak, and we are less safe because of it.


Chapter 4: How is the US military strength perceived under Trump?

214.15 - 232.627 Jane Doe

You know, it just when you think about what he's done to the military, what he's done on the international stage, I worry, is the U.S. as strong as it used to be? Are we going to get in some type of conflict that we can't defend ourselves because we have incompetent people from top to bottom? And we're sitting with Russia.


233.107 - 244.335 Jane Doe

You've got Elon Musk, who there's no question was talking to Putin for years. The Starlink incident with Ukraine during the Russia-Ukrainian war. Like, this is terrifying stuff. I'm literally alarmed, alarmed, alarmed.


Chapter 5: How does Trump's relationship with foreign leaders affect his presidency?

245.476 - 276.849 Pumps

It is. I think what's so devastating about all of this, and this is why Macron came over, and you see the Europeans forcefully meeting and talking about how they can help support Ukraine, because Putin has ambitions to charge into all of Europe. And I think they have Donald Trump by the balls. His balls are in a vice grip. I think he is so incredibly compromised.


276.99 - 304.908 Pumps

I've never, this guy loves to take victory laps. He loves to talk about what a badass he is. Now he's picking fights with the governor of Maine. Because that's all he can really do because Musk and Putin won't allow him to do anything bigger than that. He can't defend the United States of America on the national stage because he's owned and compromised by Musk and Putin. And this is horrific.


305.148 - 313.495 Pumps

This is terribly sad. The United States of America voted with our adversaries at the UN, and that is breathtaking.


314.781 - 322.109 Jane Doe

It really is. And what I find interesting, this next comment from Trump regarding this issue, I have a lot to say about that. So let's play the clip.


322.63 - 326.915 Donald Trump

I would rather not explain it now, but it's sort of self-evident, I think.

333.45 - 354.843 Jane Doe

It is self-evident. It is self-evident that Putin is in control of the United States government through a Donald Trump, his useful idiot. It is absolutely self-evident that this government will lay down for Putin. It's oligarchy, Putin, masks. I don't know what is going on, but I know it is nefarious.

355.363 - 360.106 Jane Doe

And I know it has real world implications, not just for the United States, but for Europe at large.

361.847 - 377.386 Pumps

It's very obvious. I mean, it is just it is very, very obvious that this is a coup. And at first look, you could think it was by Elon Musk. But it seems to be that the president of the United States has been

379.122 - 402.217 Pumps

compromised by russia for the longest time and i'm ready for the climax like what is it do you have the pp tape let's roll it out i mean let's let's go but i think it's even deeper than that i think trump is owned by them i think we all know he's a terrible businessman as you always point out he bankrupted a casino i think the russians have bailed him out i think they have him compromised financially


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