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Trump Bends Over For Dictators


It is. I think what's so devastating about all of this, and this is why Macron came over, and you see the Europeans forcefully meeting and talking about how they can help support Ukraine, because Putin has ambitions to charge into all of Europe. And I think they have Donald Trump by the balls. His balls are in a vice grip. I think he is so incredibly compromised.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


I've never, this guy loves to take victory laps. He loves to talk about what a badass he is. Now he's picking fights with the governor of Maine. Because that's all he can really do because Musk and Putin won't allow him to do anything bigger than that. He can't defend the United States of America on the national stage because he's owned and compromised by Musk and Putin. And this is horrific.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


This is terribly sad. The United States of America voted with our adversaries at the UN, and that is breathtaking.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


It's very obvious. I mean, it is just it is very, very obvious that this is a coup. And at first look, you could think it was by Elon Musk. But it seems to be that the president of the United States has been


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


compromised by russia for the longest time and i'm ready for the climax like what is it do you have the pp tape let's roll it out i mean let's let's go but i think it's even deeper than that i think trump is owned by them i think we all know he's a terrible businessman as you always point out he bankrupted a casino i think the russians have bailed him out i think they have him compromised financially


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


I think they have him compromised with other, you know, probably provocative style compromising material. And they own him. And when you see him, his posture sitting next to McCrone, how he slumped over, how emasculated this man looks.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


No, even China didn't vote for this. Even China didn't? No, even China set this out, Pumps. They voted with Iran, North Korea. Wow. Yeah. So, I mean, this tells you everything you need to know. And this whole Trump-Russia thing, from the Mueller report to before that when Kevin McCarthy... was talking to then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, and they said, we think Trump is on Putin's payroll.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


And when you see him, when Elon Musk is dominating him in the Oval Office, standing up over him with a kid on his shoulders, when the kid wasn't wiping the boogers on the desk. And he slumped over and sitting there. This man is the weakest American president we have ever seen. And this this is terrifying. And I don't know what can be done.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


But I do know that I want the world to know that tens of millions of Americans see what you are seeing. And we do not want to lose. our alliances with Western democracies and other peacemaking countries around the world. This is horrifying for us to watch that Donald Trump, the president of the United States, is kissing ass to a human rights violator, a thug, voting with North Korea.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


But this shouldn't be that big of a surprise. This man said during his first term that he was in love with Kim Jong-un, right? And they wrote each other love letters. I mean, so I really just have such disdain for any triple Trumper. Because you have agency over the news that you get. And if you just traffic in all this bullshit, people are getting fired.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


People that just want to live their lives and have a stable job. I was just at the hair salon this morning. The woman sitting next to me, attorney, fired from the FAA. It's widespread.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


Also, it's insulting to all of our intelligence that he would say that he's so worried about lives lost when he is talking about relocating all Palestinians and developing that into condominiums. Never, not one time has he ever expressed the war crimes from Benjamin Netanyahu to Palestine. Not one time has he ever expressed that. He wants to cherry pick when he cares about lives.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


What he cares about are Russian lives because Putin cares about that. Because Putin has ambitions to dominate and control the United States of America and everybody needs to wake up. Completely agree. Stick with us for more updates.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


And then this total bend over on the international global stage and lying, using Tucker Carlton's and the kremlin's talking points to the americans and completely lying that ukraine started the war and it's no surprise so we have a compromised federal government right now a compromised executive branch and we're going to keep calling it out but this is insanity.


Trump Bends Over For Dictators


And to all the triple Trumpers, you might think you want to live the way the Russians live, and you might think North Korea seems fun, and you might think Iran seems cute. You're a dumbass. You're a total dumbass. This is devastating to our country and to the entire international order.


SPINELESS Republicans TOO SCARED to Vote Against Trump


Yeah, I've heard him speak very clearly on the dangers of Donald Trump, just like I've heard Lindsey Graham. And I know that Lindsey Graham in the past has been an advocate for Ukraine. And then we have what's going on here now where J.D. Vance is basically spouting Putin talking points and European leaders are meeting without the United States.


SPINELESS Republicans TOO SCARED to Vote Against Trump


What is your level of concern that the United States will leave NATO under the Trump administration?


SPINELESS Republicans TOO SCARED to Vote Against Trump


It's unbelievable to me that these people who have been elected are now completely either scared of or do not care about Donald Trump and a primary or they don't represent their constituents anymore. When the budget comes up in March, is it March, I think?


SPINELESS Republicans TOO SCARED to Vote Against Trump


And what does that entail? Because I'm wondering, with the budget coming up and the economy is clearly going in the wrong direction, will that be enough for these Republicans to stand up to Trump in favor of their constituents that are hurting financially? Well, I certainly hope so.


Live with Senator Booker


No, we are not going to take a break because, as one might say, the house is on fire. It is.


Live with Senator Booker


I have a question kind of in related to that, like having watched Elon Musk over the past 30 days, if it were in a movie, I wouldn't believe it. I would think that's not true. Now he's, you know, doing his acts and really he hasn't saved the government any money to this point. He's just slashed people's, you know, aid, cancer research, veterans hotlines. Over the weekend, he posts on Twitter.


Live with Senator Booker


that federal employees will lose their job if they can't give him a, you know, what have you done for me lately type situation. What can we do to stop Elon Musk? Because I know the courts are trying, but that might be a year or two before that really sinks in. How do we stop this? Because in my mind, Elon Musk is more dangerous than Donald Trump at this point.


Live with Senator Booker


Markets and big business, Wall Street as a whole, it's a futures business. It's stability. It's how is this going to play out. With Trump, you don't know because he is an agent of chaos. Elon Musk, agent of chaos. I also think he's an agent of Russia. Well, I don't think there's any question. I think we're past the point of disputing that now.


Live with Senator Booker


It's interesting to me how people, he's changed the minds of so many people that Putin is our ally. Putin has changed the minds. Correct, not Trump.


Live with Senator Booker


Right. Well, they know that they're a minority. And how do you silence the masses? You take all of their money, all of their power. And I was reading an article we have. I think we have. Do we have? Let's give him a second.


Live with Senator Booker


She knows I think you're hot, so she's taking all the time for me, and I'm furious over it. I need to clip that for my Instagram later. I did Pumps dirty. I am so sorry, everybody. All I've been talking about is, oh, my gosh, she's so cute. And now, of course, she bogarted, steals everything. All right. Okay. How concerned are you?


Live with Senator Booker


Like, we're talking about Ukraine and Putin and all that, and I completely am worried about that. But one thing, we have Pete Hexeth, who's... profoundly incompetent. Now we're firing the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We're firing people at the Pentagon. We're taking the press out of the Pentagon. We're firing generals. So when I hear about how, you know, is the United States military weaker?


Live with Senator Booker


I mean, I think it's weaker by this, but Are we going to be so weak because we have such we have to prove loyalty to Trump? We're going to get incompetent people in these positions. And then should something happen, which I know I'm being hyperbolic in this, but should there be a military conflict? Will we be prepared? That's what concerns me after this weekend.


Live with Senator Booker


Elon Musk's letters. Really? Yeah. So that is interesting. Are we going to have a power struggle?


Live with Senator Booker


Well, and you also have people, particularly Elon Musk, and they want to be number one in Trump's eyes. They want to be number one boyfriend. And so the fight amongst them, like you said, who's going to be the star? Who's going to stand out most? Who's going to be the cruelest on Trump's behalf? This narcissism, it can't all live together.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Maar Pumps, wat maak je van al dit? Het eerste ding dat mij op de pagina stijgt, zijn de problemen met mijn vader. Dat gaat niet zonder te zeggen. Hij vervangt zichzelf met deze mensen, zoals de Laura Loomer van het al, die met haar in liefde vervallen. Dit meisje klinkt alsof ze aan de verge van stalker is.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Als de Secret Service bang is, als de senior aides zegt, het is geen verrassing voor mij dat hij sycophants heeft die hem vervolgen. It is no surprise to me that they tell him exactly what he wants to hear. What is a surprise to me is that his leadership team is saying ignore him because I would think that would blow back on them. But I think he always has to have somebody.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


I mean, he's such a narcissist. He's so profoundly insecure. She is younger. She is attractive. Ze is in liefde met hem. En het klinkt alsof er een break-up was, à la Laura Loomer-stijl, waar ze gewoon werd afgesloten. Ik bedoel, we zouden een bunnie-boilende fatale attractie hebben. En ik wil je gewoon weten, ik ben er voor.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Er is een team. It's not just him doing all the misspellings and the crazy shouting and the all caps. He's telling her and she's all in. I don't understand why someone that is the president of the United States runs around with an interpreter for English With his little executive order person. That explains all the executive orders. Because Trump has no idea.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


He's got to have all this favorable press fed to him. Because he's so insecure. And he sits on true social. And makes an ass of himself. Like every single day. He does something. That you're just like. That man. Is not well. He can't spell. And now he's got his little buddy. She's helping him. They're doing it together.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Dit klinkt gewoon niet als een normale, zoals Alina Habba is zijn sycophant en ze rijdt haar mond voor hem, maar ze strijkt niet, ik bedoel, ze is gek, maar ze strijkt me niet als een full-blown bunnyboiler. Deze vrouw is That's a bunny boiler type sitch.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Het zal interessant zijn om te zien waar dit in de toekomst gaat. I don't think it's going to go anywhere.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


If they break up. If Suzie Wiles, because you know she's keeping the clown car.


UH OH, Trump's Got a PSYCHO Girlfriend??


Because Trump's a germophobe.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


Good luck, Kitten Hills, with Donald Trump's Pam Bondi. Good luck with that. She's such a twat. She's sitting around saying on television with cameras, I just signed 14 executive orders. She can't. The attorney general cannot issue executive orders. These people don't know come here from Sikkim. And I wonder how this is playing with the sex obsessed QAnon base.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


I mean, this is just or the evangelicals. I mean, this is just wild. But what who's benefiting from this? Who are the Tate brothers connected to? Is it Elon Musk? Because he's the one who they were banned from Twitter. And should it still be banned from Twitter? He's the one that because, you know, we all know he's so pro free speech as long as it's lies that


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


It ain't going to happen. Good luck. Good luck with that. The biggest thing that I've seen the Trump administration do is excuse criminality. Absolutely. Not hold it to account. This is the anti law and order administration.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


Do you think he is or do you think this is from one of his bosses? And we all know Donald Trump has two bosses. Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin. And so in the comments section, I know some of you internet sleuths probably have some leads on this. We haven't been able to dig that deep into it, but I'm very curious. Are they Americans, the Tate brothers? They have UK and US citizenship.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


england was running held in their hand up to get him related well of course they're not i mean this is this is insane and it's just important to point out that the republican party like just not that long ago was like we're the party of family values right i mean seriously i mean like that was their whole entire party platform which i just want to point out


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


When anybody ever tells me, I'm for traditional family values, I immediately know it's a red flag. I immediately know they're screwed up. I immediately know they're sick fucks right out of the gate. Immediately. Because like, who is anti-family? It's just such a stupid thing to say. People have to point out obvious things you know they're covering for something.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


There is nothing more emasculating than seeing a bunch of grown-ass white men worshiping Donald Trump. Pumps, what do you have for us today?


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


i don't think that maga feels cringe i i think they're like they do not feel it they do not feel shame they do not feel embarrassment they do not feel cringe i think they bought into this fix this fix that is in and they have sold their souls and jd vance I bet with everything in me is a closet homosexual who is dying to be a full-time drag queen.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


And I'm not saying that to be cute or to get a big chuckle. I guarantee you if we hooked him up to truth serum and a polygraph, he doesn't want to be vice president. He wants to be a drag queen. And I also think he's bought, owned, and paid for by Peter Thiel. I completely agree.


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


Do you remember I said, this is coming? This is coming. They will put his face on money. They will put his face on money. And then sure enough, here it comes. They are so predictable in this overt nationalism. And how embarrassing for Joe Williams, Wilson, that you would...


LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump


you want this guy's approval so desperately that you get on the internet which everybody knows is forever and ever and ever and humiliate yourself by proposing that a 250 bill and also how relatable to their working class voters the 250 bill