Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, celo šolnina je draga ponovati, to je. Tako je, tako je. Ta zlastno delilko je ponovati zelo draga. Ja, ja, to ne, lej, povpom, da se v kaj naučim. Nalom, da se mi trgajo tukajh orlah. Nalom, da se ti trgajo. Ja, lej, vidim, vidim. Kako deljska pa je? Ne vem. Peti šest. Sen, sen, sen. Ne, to je pa moja tanjša, pa dvojna je, veš. Ja, ja, odzad vidim, da nekaj lukne so, no, zato. Amo mole, amo molek je.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ben je upazil tega. Partizansko ime. In v redu, mogoče boš na strani. To je tako kaponovat. V prvo. V prvo smo tole izvedli. Kaj si natra? One take.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
On danes upravi Slovenščini. Ne, mogoče sem to že kdaj vedel, pa sem seveda pozabil, ker sem jih zihar povedal po šestih vrčkih. Mislim. Po šestih vrčkih zihar. Ja, mislim, med tremi in šestimi, no, tako bi rekel. Prej ne. Prej boš obdelat politiko, pa vreme, pa te, ne, nujna stvari, ne. Veš, tako da, ne moraš kot takole.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, še zmer me harkal. Ja, kva smo zdaj? Zahvalili bi se za podporo. Ja, zahvalujemo se tudi, ker nas poslušate. Če bi nas radi pa zaradi tega še podprli, pa hvala za vseribepikasi. No še to mi ni šlo, čak to pa ni bilo personalno še enkrat. Pa hvala za vseribepikasi. Umem pa notpustno, da se vidi, da še nismo tam, kar stare.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
On the rise, da se digamo. Pot je po mojem bolj pomembno od cilja. Zmeri. Seveda. Tako kot je rekel Daki, kaj bi že prej omenil, ne išči poti, pot bo našla tebe. Pista ta je res znala. Gledamo, kaj smo v prejšnji epizodi gledali po poti. Adio.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Tukaj ne, mislim, morajo. Mi ga imamo, tam ga ni, v konstruktu ga ni. Ja, ja. Mislim, kaj so pač v konstruktu. Tako da mogoče je konstrukt boljši. Daj mi konstrukt, pizda. Samo tako, kar so rekli že pri matrici, da so naredili matrico, ki je bila popolna, pa je bilo vse v najlepšem redu, pa ljudje niso varjeli.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, valno. Veš, ko oni so akord sprogramirali vse, ne, začelamo. Prijem pozabim, to, kar sprej rekel, to je en poglavja v uniji knjigi. To je to, veš. Zato ste prišli, drage poslušalke in poslušalci. To je to. Poglavja je številka štiri. Pot vas je našla. Zdaj veste.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ne veste. Una od Dakeva bom dal tudi v knjigo. To je kolektivna knjiga. Tiste štiri poglavi, a to pa sedem. Dakevo. Dakevo poglavi. Lahko tudi avtore napišemo. Še lepše. Seveda. Kapo dol. Seveda. Če bomo pa Cicera citirali, ali koga že, pač enkrat ga bomo najbrž... Cicero je rekel! Ne, ne vem, kaj je rekel.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ne, stojki, mislim, dobro, lej, pa stojki. Če ima dalje kaj na, se bomo toširali. Epikteti imo se mogli toširati z mrzovozot, ker je bil pač sužen. 30 let. A v toki to pa? Ne, on je ugotovil, da je vse en, najbrž. Mislim, ja, ali se stošira z mrzlo. Mislim, fajn je upati, da se stoširaš. Ne, mu je bilo bolj fajn, da se je, po mojem. Mislim, bolj fajn je, ampak nič pa ni narobe, če se z mrzlo.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Produciral je pa tri sorte občutkov. Ja, zanimivo. Ja, lej. Tako je. Jaz sem se kar prepričal, da ni slabega vremena, pač da vreme pač je. Lej, jebiga, tako je. In greš tekat? Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Dobrej, ja, smo že rekli Kvarnik, nismo? Nismo, smo pa hoteli. No, dajmo reči Kvarnik. U, a veš tako, da sem se spomnil, ta rekonstrukt, ne, to je tako, kaj naš sodelavca Dik pred mesti že govoril. Samo smo pozabili, smo mislili, da bomo prišli do te epizode.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Malo prej. Ampak je, da obstaja ena rastlina, opojna kadulja, ki v bistvu naredi ena sorte to, kar je naredil vodnik 2.0 tem našim junakom. V bistvu di kako, diletacija časa. Zapravo ti spožvečeš, lej jaz ne bi promavil na vašem, moraš imeti enega šamana, ki se na to spožve. Ampak bo je tako butna ta salvija, da
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Da je kar gre, da se ti čez ostav ali se ti pa fulj raztegne, odvisno, kako te... To sem pa naspolnil, kako je rekel. Ampak da je kar hudične. Sem še upolj na internet gledal. Mislim, oporabniki glih ne pohvaljajo. Mislim, ni, da si to zaželiš. Ni prav huda rečna. Za trip si tega ne želiš. Ni dober, ne. Sam Majli, saj že si pa probala. To pa je tako, če imaš tako otroštvo. Je jemajo, če starši hoče, da si slavan.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Preveč jim, po mojem. Ampak ja. To se kaj to reče, zanimiv je, da lahko tudi z naravnimi sredsti priješ do tega. A veš, pa narediš baterije. Karmine. Razen če potem takoj ne bom bil še ene salvije direktnega. Mislim, pač napaja se iz tvojih možganov, ki jih hranaš ti. Ja, v bistvu, ja.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Tako da v bistvu se obesati na to, kaj imaš mnenje o sebi, je predvsem egoistično. Pa oholo. Te besede v tem podkastu pa še nismo uporabljali. Vse se strinjam. V bistvu je vse stvar percepcija. Veliko stvari smo tudi naučeni. Priučeni, naučeni, kakorkoli.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
recimo 700 let nazaj, kad še ni bilo tudi niti klasične glasbe, ne, kad so bile pač bolj te, ne, ljudske, pa se je pel ob ognjiščih, pa, ne, tudi na veselicah, ampak se je pel komade, kad se jih je znal, pač iz roda v rot, ne. Ešte nisem imel, jaz nisem mogel se identificirat s tem, da sem, ne, ljubitelj starga roka, recimo, ne.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ker ga že ni bilo. Ali pa ne vem, v osemsetih, ko so bile te popkulturne identitete zelo močne, ko smo se delili na metalce, na punkse, na šminkerje, na rokerje, na ono ovo. Takrat je bilo to še fulbal pomembno. Zdaj pač vsi poslušajo vse. Kadar malo interneta poslušaš.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Od Turbo Folka do Uir Daljankoviča pa še sledej RMS pa Eurosong pa What Not, razumeš. Pač kar gre, ne. Narodnjake te, narodnjake one. Sam še džaza ne. Tako še ni na vkus pršel, ampak ajde, se bo. Ti se bolj za... Ne moreš za džaza pri dvanestih. Mislim, moraš biti res hud, da razumeš džaz pri dvanestih. Po mojem, moraš imeti ene šest let glasbene, da ti je jasno.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, no, tako da, ja, a veš, ful, ne, možgan, mislim, lahko se nas da prepričati, a veš, zato se nas pa tudi lahko da prepričati od kakšno neumnost, ne.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
A veš, ne? Zato, po posilji razmer, tudi se dogaja ekstremizacija družbe, pač gre vsi bolj ekstremno v eno ali pa v drugo stran. Čeprav, ne, mi smo se naučili že ohoho epizod nazaj, da je srednja pod ta prava, ne. Ja, res je. A veš, da tukaj bi mogli malo paziti. Tako da, ja, zajadrali smo pa tudi mi nekam, ne. Ne levo na desno, ampak v bolju. Malo smo, malo smo. Malo smo.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Mislim, vsej, podcast imamo na slovu, imamo to prav, samo ne govorimo poveč v istih skorih. Ja, to imaš prav. In jaz bi se zdaj ob tem trenutku zijal, sva te zgubila malo. Ja, ja, I'm gone. Sorry, no, se je mogoče v drugten bolj.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Samo imamo pa tri poglave za Krigo, kar pa ni slabo. Pa še komad, čak bom naštimo, Katar. Znači, jaz bi rekel, kar Kvarnik, Pečinov, Bešanik ali če ima še kaj od poglava. Pa lepo imajo, ker Kvarnik je na dimu. Mislim, da je konc. 34. minuta.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ampak jebiga, tako je. Dajte še to osmo, pa bo zahar bolj. Ne, vas to ne potlači dol, tako kot speli, ko je apeli. Še te osmo butnite. Ali pa ta tretjo, kjerikoli ste. Dajte še eno vzetno. Zaslužili ste si jo. Če zapoješ ruski voz, da bo naslednja hitrej šla.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Zaskrbeli so te mojstri obrtije. Sej, kdaj bi bil res kakšen pevc. Jaz samo teoriji znam. Saj nekje. Pred desetimi leti še tega nisem znal. Neki pa je. Pot je. Kam pa gremo, bomo pa videli.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Vse vemo, kam bo komad, kaj že, More cveti, pa ne na ta komad asociirati, moramo, ker ga ne omenjamo, ne omenjamo Ilona pa tega komada, ki ga bomo ukradli. Vse bo zamenen. More cveti. In potem ga samo omenjamo.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
so bile malo težje teme. Ja, pa malo manj poglavja. Pa malo manj poglavja, ja. Ja, bomo drug teden bolj lahkoti, ker smo že bolj, ne, en teden kasneje v juliju. Uf, še juliju. Ja. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še juliju. Uf, še
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Lahko nam date tudi kakšno unjo zvezdico na Apple Podcast, kar smo še zmerno 40, kar sam še dve nam bankate. Pa že en let se ne zagaljate tako, da, če se boste zdaj ful na izi, bo glih prav, da do 500 te pridemo na 42. Vse bo reno. Z vami smo bili Aljo, Peli in Zi. In, če ti ta podcast všeč, ga lahko deliš, oceniš ali podpreš. Hvala za vse ribe, pita si.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Do mezinca. Hvala. Do mezinca. Hvala. Hvala. Hvala. Hvala. Hvala. Hvala. Škoti bodijo 1-0, takar sem na zadnje pogledal. Kva? Pista vata, da spet bo 0. A, 1-1. Pihar sem zdaj refrešil, je že 1-1. Za Švajcarce. Ne, sej ga lahko uživo, da zgleda.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Za slučaj, ko jo ne bo. Ko bo zmanjkala tople vode, ker zahar enkrat bo upel, sicer ne za naši življenje, ampak je zelo pripravljen. Če greš v kemp, ne ponovato zmeri zmanjka. Ne, tople vode ne bo zmanjkala, če se planet se greva.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja. Pa bo vsa topla. Morje že cveti, tako da, ja. Ja, lej. Ja, pa imamo tudi naslov epizode, kar je v redu. Morje že cveti. Ali morje že spet cveti. Ker to je že v dosi cvetih, stari. Morje cveti. To bi bilo zdaj lahko pesem. Ja, vse se zdo. Morje cveti. Morje cveti.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Kje si zdaj ti? Kje imamo zdaj kitare, ki bi odšla v krab? Že vidim tato akorda. Ta komad, ta komad. Narejen, narejen. Imamo dva komada tedna. Pravi slovenski komad. Čakaj bom jaz za drug teden, bom šel kitaro iskati. Samo, da se spomenta do drugega tedna. Mogoče si mi v glas popravil.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, čeprav ta teden ne kaže. Tukaj toliko časa, to ni normalno. Zarota? Jaz umem, da so klime. Zarota? Ja, ne, klime, ja. Ja, mogo bi etno dopustili. Sam še ne morem, zato, ko imam še par epizod, dopustiti.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Najboljše je bilo, ko sem imel skrajno desničarsko stranko. Že skoraj enkrat Benja čaka s tudi vatom na polta laufala. On je pa neko Svoboda pa to. Ne, Svoboda je v dunih ljudi. Ni se razbil, škoda. Ampak zavarjam ga. Ne, ne se razbiti. Drnav škode. Še spet pa strošek, strošek, strošek.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
200 epizod, ki bojo obdelovali več ali manj ne šeste knjige. Več ali manj ne šeste knjige. Ampak malo pa tudi. Kaj ne bojo. Tako štoparski dalas.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
To je homaž. Homaž. Calo na mzce boš gal, ker ko že je unga, boš zamenal. Ne, če je ista linija, ne moram. Naredniki, no. Naredniki, no. GPC, se boš pravil. Bom dal mol. Sam potem pa še bolj žalosten. Ja, sej, to je žalosten, da ti mora cveti, da so drinu dva jurja peze za to, da šel za deset dni v kemp, ne?
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Pod tušama, veš. Zdiha je lažji. Če bo nekaj, se skrčaš, da najbrž ni. Pa pomoči je. Sam predihati moraš. Saj neka fora je, da moraš ustno vtlino tako podaljšati, da se instrument podaljša, če hočeš sesarico peti. Ne so lahko naredim sam res glasnim kričanjem.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ali pa z en takim groznim falcetom, ki ga nisem poslušal. In to sem tudi zanče enkrat naredil in zdaj to je. Samopontenoto zazmer. Čeprav vse je kar dober. Zdaj si malo bolj takšen. Mogoče bom lahko snemel te, da bom vzeli skako longi, ki pa temole kavaci.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Bar, kafe. Vlak je za vse. Vlak je za vse. Dobro se sliši. Pivovarna union. Kaj imaš za slogan? Ko z Žitkom rečeš še. Ko z Žitkom rečeš še. Zelo hledaj, da ga postavim. To je LDD. Ti bi bil ful cenejši, ki Kavaca. Ja, jaz sem pol Kavace.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Pokličite zdaj. Afno v prvicu ima se. Samo, če začnem s tem, to je visok in pa pa ni. Baj je, da je treba, če hočeš glas šparati, z višjim glasom peti. Z višjim? Ne z nižjim. Michael Jackson se je to tako visoko pel. Nižji te bolj zrazbrazda. A res? Tega pa nisem vedel. Vsak dan nekaj novega. Ja, no, to, to, to.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Čeprav ne nasmej samo to je LDD, imaš še nekaj drugega. To moram Pengovskega vprašati. To je LDD. Podcast, ki nikoga ne podcenjuje. Jaz sem to on je reče. A to on je reče? Mislim, zdi me, da on to niški reče. Naslednji teden bom še zmer, ne bom še zmer celi teden na Klimika, še zmer ne urlal, pa tako, da bom naslednji teden probal. Bom potipkal Pengovskega, da naredimo to.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Da bo enkrat tako, kot je tudi bila. Na Twitterih so bile spet neke probleme. Na Twitterih so bile zvočniki. Mislim zvočniki za mikrofoni, pardon. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj. Aja, ne, to je bilo dokno nazaj.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Ja, ali bomo mi skočili. Minuta povej, ker je treba in treba. No, smo pa pridni, ker je taka poletna. Samo 12. Tukaj pa že dokaj nismo bili. B, B, D, A, B, Z.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
ko bi mogo, ne vem, otroko smo prepovedali vse digitaljem, tako da mora ta še zdržati, dokler mu neče, ne. Da ti novo ga kupiš, pa on tega poje prva. Na postu, kaj? O, ja. Digitalnem? Mhm. Mhm. Dobar se je potrudil, ne. Kaj se je? Dva kaj ti je bilo ne, on je pa naredil vse eno. Vsaka šola nekaj stane, ne.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
In da Zembratija sliši ta... Preden gre folk na plažo, borte poslušati, ne zdaj v 11, ki so vsi na plaži. Zembratija sliši ta umiljšti. Tako, pr šesti travarci. Takrat nas, takrat naj, takrat smo najveloj pametni. Šesta travarca, country member dela, samo bilo pa dobro.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Mateuš je bil še takrat, Miha pa Daki pa jaz. In en popovdne smo začeli na Stravarca, kaj je bil, ne vem zakaj je bil komad, nije vodka, rakija, samo mi smo pa Stravarca pil. Kaj nisi imel vodke ali kar tako? Ne, mislim, da nam je bilo Stravarca takrat ful všeč, ker smo že štartali zno. Najboljši približek raki je bil. Smo že imeli ene tri pod sabo. Sva se že malo spoznavali v trbuhu, tako kot oni pangalaktični od Zaphoda.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Po je pa ta pršok umetne, pa smo pa v Sakički, ko smo nazdravili, smo kenarci rekli ena runda, da je še enkrat nije vodka, rakija. In kot se je popovdne, dokler ni vse travarce zmanjkali, pa je pa šla še kupiti. No, glavno, lepo je bilo. Jokali smo.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Nekateri so tudi jokali. Bilo je lepo, nekateri so tudi jokali. Jaz vedo se, da je bilo tako dobro. Če hočeš ne jokati, Travarica, Dana. Vsakič me stisne, ko poslišam del poročila iz ukrajinske vojne, da je Harkov umenen.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Kaj je komada, veš, voz, evo ga, momčilo. Voz pospani, voz za Harkov, gomel, Leningrad. Veš, momčilo je še nižji. Dobro. In to, on je pa tudi po mojem tam nekje, ja. Dobro. No, gledam, me kar stisne. Malo naslabo, kar se onim v Harkovu dogaja, pa malo lepo, kako se nam je lepo dogajalo. Tako da so taki mešani počutki zdaj s tem Harkovom.
Opravičujemo se za vse nevšečnosti
Morje cveti
Peace and love, bi rekel Ringo. Matr vola, dajmo to zrihtati. Mi pa moramo povedati, da smo taki, ker nas boje tako radi poslušati. Če ni tako, nam pa to povedate. Itek smo bili še vedno. Sam to lahko popravimo šele čez dve epizode. Če nam bote povedali. Če nam bote povedali. Če nam bote povedali. Če nam bote povedali.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Chase the Vote Effort That Created the 2024 Triumph
Charlie, question for you.
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Chase the Vote Effort That Created the 2024 Triumph
Speaking of action, we got this young man, high school. Tell me, your grandma, tell me the story.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
That's what I like to hear.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hey, Charlie. I'm also from Chicago.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
And I just wanted to ask you, because I'm a big Catholic, I wanted to ask you how important do you think religion is in this day and age?
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yeah. So I see that you really do try to push religion. You're a Christian, right? Yeah, I am a Christian.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yeah. Okay. Well, I just wanted to ask that and thank you for... You voting for Trump? Of course.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
All right. Quick question. Who do you have tonight? Ravens or Chiefs?
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Well, hold on.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
One, I need you to kind of inform me on something. One thing I see a lot when it comes to just the Republican media and stuff is anti-DEI legislature, especially in schools and stuff. I don't know too much about that. So before I ask my question, potentially disagree, can you just tell me...
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yeah, it does. OK, so like where I kind of come from, I'm a doctoral student in the School of Education. What I kind of want to look at is MENA students in higher education, how they experience MENA, Middle Eastern, North African students, how they experience acculturation and stuff, because I think it's more nuanced or not more.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
It's just it's different from how Asian-American students, black students, how they may experience. Assimilation, acculturation. I'm curious, like, is that something that individuals or your side of the political realm, are you against that kind of research, you know?
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
That would be specifically my research, but no, not how they're mistreated. Okay, I misheard that. Simply like... the sociological and psychological mechanisms behind how they assimilate. Yeah, I'm not that interested in that. Okay, so you wouldn't call that DEI, like woke research?
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
No, no, no.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Oh, no, no.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Only from Iran.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
May I kind of come back? Please. So I agree with what you just said, actually. But to just reinforce why I think the work is important, at least for me, like when I read the literature and when I like see the impacts, it's simply just like give me an example. More people graduate, more people succeed in their classes, more people might persist from an undergraduate program to a graduate program.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
And like evidence shows that that kind of work and the policies that come into place from that kind of work helps with that. You got to tell me what is the work? Say that again. Sorry.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Like the type of research that I'm talking about in terms of researching student affairs, different programs, different resources that we give to students like recreation and well-being. That would be an example of a resource.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cool. Thank you. All right. Thank you.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
All right.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Blow Up The Food Pyramid: Charlie at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
All right, thank you.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Well, look, you know, the big MAGA Republican event that's taking place over the next few days in Phoenix, Arizona, is called AmFest or American Fest. And Donald Trump's going to be speaking there and Trump's family is going to be speaking there. The oligarchs are going to be speaking there.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
MAGA Mike Johnson was supposed to speak there, but MAGA Mike Johnson has now pulled out and canceled his appearance because he knows that he is now hated by MAGA. And why is he hated?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
The same reason they hated Kevin McCarthy, because at a very bare minimum, he put forward this bill that says that the government should not be shut down, turning America into kind of this cataclysmic condition right before Christmas. And that is something – and he double-crossed Elon even though – I mean Maga Mike was probably caught off guard.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Maga Mike is probably like, dude, what are we talking about here? Like we all agreed to this. This is our Republican bill and now all of a sudden Elon Musk is like tweeting and then torching this like this is what I have to do. It goes back to what we said about Kevin McCarthy, which is –
The MeidasTouch Podcast
You may have a position that looks like it's powerful, but you have zero power to exercise if you don't have free will and you're controlled by basically social media troll accounts that Elon Musk and Donald Trump throw your way. So Mike Johnson now is getting all of these comments from – These MAGA influencers like Laura Loomer cowered.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Savannah Hernandez, he didn't want to get booed by thousands of people. Robert Bortens, maybe he shouldn't have tried to betray the movement with his budget. Somebody felt the heat. AmFest should not invite people who suck. This isn't a new revelation when it comes to Johnson.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Now, the interesting question, Brett and Jordy, will be, it doesn't seem like MAGA Mike Johnson's going to keep his speakership. We should do the graphic analysis. of the lettuce and MAGA Mike Johnson to see who's going to last longer.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
The question becomes is when MAGA Mike cannot get the votes necessary to become the speaker, which at this point, do you think he's going to get them? I don't think so. You need to have a speaker of the house to gavel in the new congress so you can count the electoral votes on January 6th and go through the certification of the election.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
So what happens when they fire Maga Mike Johnson, there's no speaker on January 6th and Will they be able to certify the election? Will there just be kind of total chaos that's been caused? And let me kind of let you ponder this thought right here. So Donald Trump obviously interrupted, breached,
The MeidasTouch Podcast
caused irreparable harm, was involved in an insurrection regarding the transition to President Biden, right? Didn't participate in the transition at all, didn't show up at the inauguration. By the way, I asked President Biden about that. I'll show some of those clips when we come back from our first quick break. So Trump screwed up that transition intentionally, recklessly, and maliciously.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Now, President Biden wants to make a smooth transition to Donald Trump because President Biden believes, even though he thinks Donald Trump's a threat, and you may agree or disagree with President Biden, that's what we do in this country. We act like adults. We hand it off in a way that empowers someone to be successful. What they choose to do with it is on them.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
But Biden told me, and I'll show you the clip, President Biden said, look, Because that's what we do as American leaders. That's what the president's supposed to do. I'm carrying out my duty. But think about this. Trump now is interfering with the transition to himself by getting involved in these efforts and telling MAGA Republicans to shut down the government and to cause and create chaos
The MeidasTouch Podcast
in a smooth transition that should go smoothly to him, even though I'm sure the pro-democracy community is upset that there's a transition going to him, but it is what it is. Think about that and think about what a chaos agent he already is. And my overall philosophy and thesis here, though, is very quickly on day one,
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I think as corporate media has lost its power, as independent media like us are out there, we're showing the clips. We're telling the truth, right? We're being relentless. I think people are going to look at day one and say, wait a minute. You said you were going to stop the war against Ukraine, Russia's unlawful invasion on day one. That didn't happen. Wait a minute.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
You said that you were going to lower gas prices at the price of eggs and all these things on day one and fix inflation. Wait a minute. It's going up. Wait a minute. The latest jobs report shows that jobs are decreasing. Wait a minute. The price of other goods are not going down. Wait a minute.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Elon Musk and all these billionaires are riding on their fancy yachts and wait a minute, you're out there doing these tax cuts for billions? Just think about this scene right here and I'll try to find the photo.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Remember that scene where they passed those tax cuts for the billionaires and it was like all white dudes who were like kind of clapping back in 2017 when they gave that massive handout to billionaires, which lead it to $8 trillion of debt among other things. And that's kind of put us in a position where right now, just think about that scene.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
when they try to recreate it in this current environment right now where he's not able to ride on President Obama's coattails for the years that he was when he got there. Just think about what the American people are going to do when he does that. I think right away the American people are going to be absolutely pissed at this.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Bye bye, MAGA Mike Johnson. Is MAGA Mike Johnson on the verge of losing his speakership? Is he about to be fired despite sucking up to Elon Musk and Donald Trump in Trump's private jet and at the UFC fights? They look so good in the photographs together. But now MAGA Mike Johnson tried to keep government open and not have a catastrophic shutdown.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I think we're going to see some of the lowest approval ratings of all times. And I think once we start with these hearings of the cabinet members, people are going to be like – a lot of people aren't paying attention right now. I wish more people were. I know you are. We're out there educating people. Who – Tulsi, Hexeth, more polio? What in the world? Brett, I want you to talk about that.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I want to take our first quick break of the show. When we come back, we're going to talk about that President Biden interview. We'll talk more about what we were just saying about the continuing resolution.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
talk economy talk holidays talk might as mighty um remind everybody slash midas touch p-a-t-r-e-o-n dot com slash midas touch um we should do a zoom meeting where where you can all ask us questions about what it was like being at the white house and all of that i love that Patrons, we're so fortunate for you. And it helps grow this platform. slash Midas Touch.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Join it now if you can. We'll be right back after our first quick break. We wanna share an important message from our sponsor, Americans United for Separation of Church and State. If you care about abortion rights, LGBTQ plus rights, rejecting school voucher schemes, and fighting censorship, then guess what? You care about the separation of church and state.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
For more than 75 years, Americans United has been on the front lines defending your freedom to live and believe as you choose, so long as you don't harm others. And that fundamental right is under attack like never before in our nation's history. We cover that on our shows.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
We know what we're up against in the next four years will mean managing the onslaught of attacks from Christian nationalists and right wing extremists attempting to force us all to live by their narrow beliefs. Backed by billion dollar shadow networks, this vocal minority is pushing their anti-democratic agenda everywhere. But here's the thing, You can make a difference.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I always get asked, Ben, what can we do to make a difference? Here's one thing. Join Americans United. They've been through this before and they will never stop fighting to make sure all of us can be who we are, not who Christian nationalists want us to become. In a country divided, they are Americans United. Join them. Join the fight, go to slash Midas.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
That's the letter A, the letter U, .org slash Midas. One more time, slash Midas, thank you.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And don't you ever do that with Elon Musk and Donald Trump who have other intentions. We'll break down the mess concerning this continuing resolution debacle brought to you by the MAGA Republicans. The Midas Dutch Network. landed a big interview with President Biden in the West Wing of the White House.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I just want to explain the framework of how a bill becomes a law, and then I'm gonna show you these Biden clips, because I think it's important, right? Remember the Schoolhouse Rocks videos? I just think there isn't like civics understanding at all right now, right? That there are two chambers in Congress, there's the House of Representatives, there's the Senate, They both have to pass a bill.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
It has to be reconciled so the language is agreed to by both. The bill then goes, once it's passed on the desk of the president, the president then signs it into law. Right now, the Democrats, for at least a short period of time, will continue to control the Senate. Chuck Schumer is the majority leader.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
On the other hand, the MAGA Republicans control the House of Representatives through MAGA Mike Johnson. And because MAGA Mike Johnson and the House blocks anything and everything, President Biden, who got all of his agenda done when he controlled all three chambers at the beginning of his presidency, has been unable to do that since the MAGA Republicans took over the House of Representatives.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
So the MAGAs have blocked everything from bipartisan immigration. immigration bills to other aspects that would help workers. All of that was being blocked. Heck, the House of Representatives is unable to even basically pass disaster relief. You have a lot of MAGA Republicans saying, why would we be given such by a bad impression of them? Because I'll do it again, though.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
When FEMA is out there doing this because they go and they can spread all of Donald Trump's conspiracy. So here's the thing. One of the most basic functions in the House of Representatives, because they have the power of the purse, is to put forward a budget, right? And to basically pass spending omnibus bills that deal with all of the major agencies and departments for the year.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
But they couldn't pass a budget under MAGA, Mike Johnson. So instead, they do these what are called CRs, continuing resolutions, which basically says, all right, Four more months, an extension. Six more months, an extension. Three more months, we need an extension. And it basically keeps the government just running without actually doing their job of passing a budget.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And these MAGA Republicans like the student who the night before an exam goes, oh crap, I haven't even studied for this thing. They try to like scramble and put it all together kind of very quickly.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And so that's what MAGA Mike Johnson was doing this week because they're out there, you know, focusing on, oh, we got to ban a transgender congresswoman from the bathroom and we got to get on Sean Hannity and we got to do all of these things. But they don't do their most basic job, which is to just pass the budget so that our government can actually run. They don't want to do that.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
So that's why we always get right to this point with Republicans. It's not a both sides issue. It's Republicans who run it this way. This was not the case with Democrats, at least in recent history. And then the Republicans run it. And then it's like, oh, my God, there's about to be a, you know, government shutdown, which could cause a recession.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
By now, I hope you watch that interview on the Midas Touch YouTube channel or listen to it on the Midas Touch audio podcast version. It was an incredible honor that we share with all of you the Midas Mighty. We will break down that interview. how it went down and our reflections of it. Also, the market's not a big fan of Donald Trump. Before today, there was a 10-day Dow Jones decline streak.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Congress's approval rating is 25%, and it's run by the MAGAs. But because of gerrymandering, these people keep getting put into these positions because these districts are carved out in such ways that it's hard to not elect the people who are causing these problems to begin with.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
It was one of the things in my interview with President Biden that he talked about wanting to fix and dedicate his time and career to after he leaves the Oval Office, which is to try to focusing on making government function again. President Biden was there not to be like a disruptor, but to be a calm, confident, normalizing voice.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And one of the things that President Biden told me is, look, what I want my legacy to be is that I kept my word and I did everything that I said that I was going to do. I didn't lie. I didn't exaggerate. I did the things I said I was going to do.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
i brought us out of the cataclysmic condition our country was in as a result of trump's mishandling or you could say malicious handling of covid i got us to a place where we brought inflation under control which was caused by donald trump adding eight trillion dollars of debt and we were able to you know uh be in a position where i'm handing over the country.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I'm passing the baton in a good condition. That was my job as the president of all Americans, red state or blue state. That's what he said in the interview. Now, Donald Trump's out there already acting erratically and saying, I'm tariffing this, I'm tariffing that, I'm doing mass deportations, all these things that are frankly just very bad
The MeidasTouch Podcast
for the economy and the economy is reacting a certain way. Brett will talk about that part in a little bit. But let's talk about this Biden interview, shall we, Brett, Jordy, Midas, Mighty? Let me give you my thesis before showing you some of the clips right here. I thought it was important that I gave a tough
The MeidasTouch Podcast
interview, that I did the interview in a way that was fair, that I did it in a dignified way that was respectful of the Oval Office and President Biden's position, that I would push back appropriately where there were areas and questions that Americans were concerned about. But ultimately, my job
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I thought as the interviewer was to do a throwback to what journalism once was, which was me as the journalist shouldn't be the center of attention. I'm not trying to hog the limelight and be me, me, me. Look at me. Look at me. I asked that question. I did a good gotcha question.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
No, to me, it was to ask President Biden a series of insightful, difficult, controversial, but informative questions and listen. It's an important skill. Listen to what he was saying. He's the president of the United States and allow him to speak. And you could hear his plans, his philosophies without me interrupting.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
By the way, for those who watch my interview style with governors and congressmembers and senators, that's how my approach is in general. And I feel a sense of pride for the whole mightiest mighty in how I think we ultimately implemented that strategy and really did an insightful, informative, personal interview where you got to see the side of him.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And I don't think really people got to see in the past four years because we allowed him or any of our subjects in an interview to speak and to talk and to explain their positions, not in sound bites, but from the heart. So that was my philosophy right there doing it.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
First time that's happened in 50 years since 1974. And that comes on the heels of Donald Trump going to the New York Stock Exchange and being asked the most softball of softball questions by business propagandist Jim Cramer. Sir, do you think American workers should invest in the stock market? Response by Trump.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
For me, which is what I'm about to say may sound counterintuitive because people go, Midas Touch, you're a political media company, but the politics itself actually does not interest me all that much. What interests me is people and politics as a tool to ultimately help people and improve people's lives.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I think that's the construct within which we've approached our entire network, which is, is this benefiting or harming people's lives? Then to analyze why are people also voting against their seemingly, their self-interest and that of their family to help people who, in my view, so obviously are trying to hurt them? To me, politics is this help, hurt, neutral kind of calculus.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
i don't know i would be worried if there was a dip about what would happen to their money dude your entire campaign was accordion hands saying that you were going to make everything so much better even though the stock market's up more than 50 percent under president biden than you now you're talking about dips how it's going to be too hard to bring down prices meanwhile while the federal reserve lowered interest rates by 25 by 25 basis points
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Within all of that, I understand that there's For some people, help could be another person's hurt, so there's kind of compromises that ultimately need to happen. But that's kind of the framework that I view things out of. What became clear to me is that that's kind of how President Biden viewed things as well, that his ultimate focus was, what can I be doing to benefit the American people?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
um each and every day and when he would wake up and go to sleep that'd be the main thing on his mind there was never a single thought in his mind and perhaps this is one of the things that he reflected on was probably a regret that he had in a little bit because he was so selfless and never actually thought about bragging about the stock market under him or bragging about his accomplishments or putting his name on american recovery act checks
The MeidasTouch Podcast
His main focus was always, did I help the people? And that allowed a void to be filled, I think he recognizes, from the right wing to undercut his accomplishments and to overlay them with disinformation and to act like the ability to recover was— part of a problem when that problem was ultimately created by Donald Trump. But I'll show you those clips.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I want to hear Brett chat more on the economy. Let's take our last quick break.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
They said that their intention to cut more of interest rates in 2025 is probably not going to happen thanks to the inflationary policies that Donald Trump is promising. Also, it is promising that Democrats look like they are punching back.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Brett, I asked President Biden, what will you do when Donald Trump starts to take credit for your programs? Infrastructure Act projects will start to be or continue to start popping up across the country. The Medicare prescription drug price cap at $2,000 a year for seniors, that kicks in in 2025. Watch his response to this question. Let's play it.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
What are you going to do when the other guy goes out there bragging about accomplishments under you? The Medicare $2,000 cap is going to kick in in 2025. He's going to be out there saying, I did this. How is that going to make you feel when that happens?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
and finding their message calling out the oligarchy of Elon Musk and all of these Republican billionaires who are trying to plunder and pillage from we the people. We the people here at the Midas Touch Network are thrilled to fight on the front lines with you for our democracy. I'm Ben Myselish joined by Brett and Jordy. How you guys doing?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I mean, you listen to his answer, thoughtful, detailed facts, helping out all Americans regardless whether you're a red state or blue state. There's no drama. He wasn't saying, me, me, me, me, me. I alone can fix it. I can do this. I can do that. He talked about empowering the people and I thought that was a special moment.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I asked President Biden when history is told, what do you want your legacy to be? Watch this clip.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
When history is all told, how do you want to be remembered? What do you want your legacy to be?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I mean, I want everybody to go and watch the full interview. It's on our YouTube channel. It's the main video on our YouTube channel. Watch it. Please share it with as many people as you can. It's one of the best ways you can help grow this platform. It's the best way.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
know look we don't have outside investors we're not run by all we have zero outside investors just think about that okay corporate media didn't get that interview we got that interview with no outside investors so you know sometimes i'll be like hey if you can join might as touch that goes a long way because i'm competing we're competing against entities that are
The MeidasTouch Podcast
make like $15 billion a year and we're beating them. So, you know, part of me is like, all right, I got to stay scrappy and make sure that I'm growing this platform. And I don't love saying go to slash Midas Touch, go to the Midas Touch sub stack as well. You know, check us out at You know, look, I have to figure out creative ways to be scrappy here.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
So that's why I say all of those things. And by the way, The great thing of as well though, Ron Filipkowski, our editor-in-chief, does these daily reviews of everything that happens in the day. It's quite literally the best recap of everything. And I've heard from so many journalists who are like, that's where I get my news from. I go to So check that out as well.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
But I digress. The point that I'm making though is share that Biden interview with everybody in your family. Whether they're MAGA people, they don't give a crap about politics, whether they're ultra into politics, whatever. Just thinking, you do me a favor and watch this 30 minutes. It's the perfect intro for people to learn about the Midas Touch Network, and that's the best way that you can help.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Brett, let me turn to you, though, for a second, because you heard President Biden saying, look, I kept my word. I made sure that I ran this thing with dignity. I wanted to respect people with what I said. I always wanted to be honest with them. On the other hand, you have Donald Trump making all of these promises that he's going to lower prices. He's going to do all of these things.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And now he's going back on their prices and it's having an economic impact. Brett, why don't you talk about it?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
It's why I really – so important to me to handle that interview ultimately the way it was done and that we don't just talk the talk on the show but actually walk the walk because that interview with President Biden is my overall vision, our overall vision for actually what
The MeidasTouch Podcast
reporting should look like right it was uninterrupted i didn't like uh you know go for these like gotcha moments but i pressed him on areas that i thought were were tough um i um gave him an opportunity to explain his philosophy on things and you got to hear and have a clear picture of somebody.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Now, you may have disagreed with things, you may have agreed with things about what he said, but we got to hear him speak and going back to my philosophy before, I hate the horse race coverage of politics. I really don't want it to be like that because it treats all of this like a game. Then I think when people think that it's all a game as well,
The MeidasTouch Podcast
and they buy into the gamification of it, they don't even realize that they're stepping into the very trap that the billionaire oligarchy is setting for them by choosing a team and then focusing on screwing over the other team but thereby also screwing over themselves.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And so I want us to look analytically and critically at these interviews and to really get a broader sense of what's going on there and how things ultimately you know, should be.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
It was the first time I left my baby girl, Ximena, since she was born and left the state. But as I was doing it, I wanted to leave. For Ximena, who's unfortunately going to be growing up the first four years of her life with the other guy, as I referred to him in the interview, in that position, or Jordi's kid, or all of your kids and grandkids out there, I want them to have this.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And I want to remind them of these values that we had somebody in the office who represented decency, compassion, and was always putting the American people above himself. And was he perfect always? Absolutely not. But was the North Star always in the direction of the people? Absolutely. And I think that's what you leave the interview.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Well, I think that everything we did here and how we built this community brick by brick allowed that interview to just kind of feel very natural. Even though I was the one in the room, I felt you and Jordy by my side. I felt the Midas Mighty were there with me. And then I felt we were all there together. And frankly, it's that... philosophical framework that I didn't feel nervous.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I felt very comfortable in that moment. I felt, honestly, it's where not I should be. I felt it's where the Midas mighty should be getting answers at the highest level and creating this platform. And so I think that it was because of this journey together that actually made it all feel like it felt right. It felt like I felt that we were the right people to do it.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I felt that there was a great deal of trust placed in us to lead with the values that we built this network on. And I was confident because I know about the values of this network. how the interview was ultimately going to go. We were always well prepared, we're always well researched, and we always executed.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
I'll tell you to show you a little bit of vulnerability after the interview as we were waiting to post it. That's when I got a little bit nervous and I was hoping that I just wanted to make sure that I made the community proud. And that's the part about me. I'm like, oh, I hope they like this. I hope that, and I knew they would, but you just never know.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
And I was like, that was the part of me probably a half hour before we released it when I started feeling a little bit of butterflies was I just hope everybody felt that I gave everything I could and I channeled the community. So that's how I felt about it. To that point, we're doing a whole other hot take about how the Republicans torpedoed their own continuing resolution.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
So I want to devote 15 more minutes to that. But I wanted to talk about these other issues here on this show because, again, I thought this show reflecting on the interview is more about that than – Republicans and Donald Trump killed their own bill. I'll do a whole hot take on that. Don't worry. Check the YouTube channel and watch that. But thank you, Midas Mighty.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
This isn't possible without you. We're grateful for you. Share more about this network with more people. Let's keep on growing it. Thank you all so very much. Jordy, I'll let you take it away.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Jordy, that pronunciation of Bezos' last name, do you go Bezos because the billionaire oligarchy stings or that's what you're doing? You're doing that intentionally.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Just double checking. By the way, as Carl Quintanilla points out, there's a lot of rushing, stockpiling, and scrambling going on. It seems every time you pull up the Wall Street Journal right now, you get headlines like this all of a sudden, right?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
They went from the stock market setting record highs, job reports exceeding expectations under President Biden, and now the Wall Street Journal and all of these right-wing publications that were all in on Trump. They're all publishing this now. Americans are stockpiling to get ahead of tariffs. Here's another headline. American companies are stocking up to get ahead of Trump's China tariffs.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Here's another one. Americans rush to buy cars and appliances before Trump's new tariffs. Like y'all realize it didn't have to be this way. Like you didn't have to go into stockpile, destroy yourselves mode. You know, we could have rode this one out. a few more years with President Biden, like y'all realize that, right?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
But meanwhile, nothing is saying though, man of the people, while Americans are getting worried now and rightfully so about higher prices than Elon Musk making hundreds or what is it? Thousands of posts on the social media platform that he owns and basically amplifies himself and just other voices he agrees with.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
There he is with a samurai sword in front of a bill that would keep the government open with the headline, kill the bill. That's right. Nothing says man of the people like imposing suffering on federal employees. That trickles down to the rest of us because government shutdowns can be very costly and very expensive. In fact, Elon Musk has been saying,
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Nothing, no bills should be passed by Congress. Nothing until January 20th when Donald Trump takes office. He reiterates none. And he says that basically the government should stay just shut down until Trump takes over. That doesn't sound too efficient to me. Isn't the whole thing that Doge is supposed to be government efficiency?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Me thinks that's subterfuge for perhaps other intentions right here. I'll talk in a little bit more detail about this whole continuing resolution fight. I'll break it down in a way that you can understand what the hell we're all talking about. But now the main thing
The MeidasTouch Podcast
that Trump and Musk seem to be asking for, or at least Donald Trump with this whole fight that they've manufactured, is to, wait for it, get rid of the debt ceiling forever so that Donald Trump can increase the debt to any level without hitting a so-called debt ceiling. Wouldn't you think that the whole concept of less debt, lower government spending, wasn't that their whole shtick that
The MeidasTouch Podcast
You'd want to lower the ceiling or take away the spending. No, that's not what they want because it's all BS. But I'll break that down in just a moment.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Well, that's actually Elon Musk's direct statement. He said that Americans need to suffer economic hardship, at least on a temporary basis, in order for him to put forward the vision that he says everybody will benefit when his vision is enacted, but there needs to be immediate suffering. Donald Trump's
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Top trade representative is talking about immediate pain and suffering that needs to be inflicted on the American people when there is a decoupling from China. So they're talking about causing a lot of pain to the people. And the very first things that they target are programs that like help people, right?
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Like the things they target are veterans benefits and then you have all of these, I put it in quotes, thought pieces that are out there from all of these financial magazines saying these military veterans get these lavish benefits. I mean, what are you talking about? Like that double amputees can get massages? Oh, the lavish benefits. benefits that they're getting.
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People who served our country valiantly are being paid for the rest of their life because they're unable to walk or they have PTSD and they are unable to function or whatever their disability is. Their disability ratings are way too high, they argue. I mean, just think about with this continuing resolution bill, what they went back and cut and what they put back in, right?
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Republicans cut, for example, a $190 million for pediatric cancer research. from the funding bill they go that's wasteful but then when it comes to u.s outbound investment in china bans um and limitations they go no no no no put that back in we need to have the u.s outbound investment in china but let's get rid of the pediatric cancer research and
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No guarantees, Donald Trump tells Time Magazine. He was asked a similar question on Meet the Press by Kristen Welker. So are you going to lower prices? Day one, I can't guarantee you anything. I don't control that. That's outside of my control. It's hard. He goes, it's very hard to take down the price. Just let's read this answer.
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Donald Trump is uniting the world against the United States. They're like just mocking us right now. President Macron of France and Prime Minister Tusk of Poland mocking Donald Trump's handshake and posting about it. Prime Minister Tusk says handshakes with Donalds are usually quite a challenge as they mock Donald Trump's handshake. Also,
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from time magazine you all know i don't show donald trump audio or video clips let me just read it to you this is the question from time magazine to donald trump if the prices of groceries don't come down will your presidency be a failure answer i don't think so just pause there just think about that i don't think so
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that was the whole premise that everybody said why trump won the election because he guaranteed i guarantee you on day one the prices are all gonna go down and everyone said look despite all of these metrics that show president biden led one of the if not the most successful presidency in like american history the fact that he didn't overnight solve inflation caused by donald trump
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mishandling of covid trump's destruction of supply lines trump added eight trillion dollars of debt the most in american history because president biden couldn't fix all of that until like year three when biden's policies finally started to kick in people said did it matter what the stock market did it didn't matter unemployment was at record lows it didn't matter biden created 16.1 million jobs it didn't matter the infrastructure act the pact act the inflation reduction act
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The Chips Act bringing the semiconductor industry back to the United States. Record low crime. None of that matter, people said, because Biden didn't effectively manage inflation caused by Donald Trump, which Biden managed to do better than any other country in the entire world by multiples of any country under the entire world. And while Trump's plans
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Every economist who has any shred of credibility says if you tariff, if you do bloody mass deportations, if you do all of these things, it's going to increase inflation, not decrease. But people say that's why Biden didn't win. That's why Harris ultimately lost. And Trump goes, pull it back up again. Let me read it for everybody.
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Pull it up. If the prices of groceries don't come down, will your presidency be a failure? Answer, I don't think so. Look, they got them up. I'd like to bring them down. It's hard to bring things down once they're up. You know, it's very hard. but I think they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down.
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You know, the supply chain is still broken. It's broken. You see it? You go out to the docks and you see all these containers. And I own property in California, in Palos Verdes. They're very nice. And I passed the docks. I've been doing it for 20 years. Never seen anything like it. You know, for 17 years, I saw containers, you know, they'd come off and they'd be taken away.
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Big areas, you know, you know, in that area, you know, you know, where they have the big, the big ships coming in big, the port. And I'd see this for years as I was out there inspecting property and things because they own a lot in California, in addition to just being a completely incoherent answer.
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Speaking about mocking, mocking the American people's intelligence, the MAGA Republicans, remember that informant that they talked about with all those FBI forms and that they were going to impeach President Biden based on this informant that they used? Well, that informant has now pled guilty to lying to the FBI.
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Well, look, Donald Trump's incoming press secretary, Caroline Leavitt, she said today the press has been telling her off the record, which she clearly doesn't know off the record by saying it on the record. She goes, the press has been telling her off the record how happy they are to get the access back. that they always wanted, right? Now they get to report on, oh, Don Jr.
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's ex-fiance, Kimberly Guilfoyle gets kicked to the curb. And now she gets to become the ambassador of Greece. And now he's got Bettina, a socialite girlfriend, and Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka's father-in-law, a convicted felon who set up his own brother-in-law with a prostitute and showed it to his own sister, Charles Kushner. He becomes the ambassador of France.
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Ooh, and then you have Tiffany's father-in-law becomes the head of Middle East policy. The drama. Oh my God, everybody. Look, we don't want drama. I want stability, normalcy. I want stable leadership right here. I don't want this chaos and craziness. And it's absolutely, utterly ridiculous.
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By the way, before we go to our first commercial break, Brett, pull up this graphic right here from the stock market if we haven't. Donald Trump rung the bell today, right? So I like that. We covered Donald Trump's face with a cloud emoji right here. So just think about it. Trump goes to Wall Street. You almost wouldn't even know, right? Like it works. To ring the bell.
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Time magazine gave him person of the year, the biggest propaganda moment for him, right? So you would expect with the biggest propaganda moment, the stock market would go up. At least one of the indexes would go up, right? The Dow closed down 234, the S&P closed down $32, and the NASDAQ closed down $132. And so that was Trump at the stock market today.
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lying on all of those forms in a normal judicial system that would make the MAGA Republicans who elevated this guy criminal co-conspirators and criminal co-defendants. But we'll break that all down. But yes, they relied on quite literally someone who now admitted to lying and committing felonies with the MAGA Republicans. Well, does it shock you?
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But all of this corporate media fetishizing of authoritarianism Ooh, Barron's a ladies' man at NYU. Ooh, Donald Trump, powerful handshake. What a power move. He looked like a freaking fool. What human being shakes a freaking hand the way he shook Macron's hand? We look like clowns, and that's why they're mocking him. You know who's in an echo chamber?
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Our corporate media here, they freaking crave fascism. because they are run by their corporate overlords as well who are part of this oligarchy right here that's trying to exploit we the people that's trying to screw you over but here's the thing going back to the point i was making earlier when you start flaunting it like that
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When you start going out there, hey, billionaires, you want to dump toxic chemicals on the on the people who will give you whatever, you know, businesses to run. They need customers. If you're going to kill your customers, piss off your customers, if you're going to screw the people that needs to be called out.
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And by the way, our our equivalent of page one here on the Midas Touch Network is that Donald Trump already breaking his promises. Already saying he's not going to lower prices. Donald Trump saying that there's nothing that he can do, you know, to he doesn't have a health care plan. All of the lies should be called out powerfully, not just on day one, but right now.
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We've got a lot more to discuss. Let's take our first quick break of the show.
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I mean, right now, MAGA Republicans are refusing to pass disaster relief supplemental spending. That's how they want to stick it to Biden and the Dems by not passing disaster relief. for the hurricanes that have recently caused significant harm to areas on the East Coast.
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Thank you to our pro-democracy sponsors right there. They help fund this programming and some great products as well. So the discount code is in the description below, Brett. Great ad reads there. You know, they say when it comes to fascism, don't obey in advance. I like to just shorten that and just say, don't obey.
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But let's face it, when it comes to the corporate oligarchy here in the United States, whether it's billionaires like Jeff Bezos or whether it's billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, it's not so much obeying as I think putting their mask off and revealing who they've always been. all along. We learned that Mark Zuckerberg is going to be giving a million dollars to Donald Trump's inauguration.
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And we just learned earlier today, before shooting this podcast, that Amazon, that Jeff Bezos, who is so excited about all the deregulation that Donald Trump's going to bring, is also giving $1 million to Donald Trump's inauguration. made it so difficult for Jeff Bezos.
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Well, look, Brett, as Americans are suffering, as these billionaires are buying up and commoditizing housing. You look at these billionaires who've bought 93,000 homes, 150,000 homes. 300,000 homes and they buy them up, they decrease the supply to increase the price, make it unaffordable for people to live the American dream.
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Housing in short supply as people are struggling to afford an education as, let's face it, prices are rising. Prices are high and voters made their voices very clear, even though it seems that they were completely hoodwinked by Donald Trump and all of the MAGA Republicans. I think the word seems is doing a lot of work there. But Brett, you know what voters and Midas Mighty are very angry about.
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You know, one of the biggest threats they worry about, of course, It's the free tax filing service by the IRS. That is a massive threat of government encroachment. So as the MAGA Republicans talk about what are on their top priorities, yes, it's attacking Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans health benefits. Yeah.
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Also, they have not been able to pass a budget and we're what, another seven days away from a government shutdown unless they pass a CR, a continuing resolution since they've been unable to pass a budget, their most basic job. Also, speaking about doing your most basic job, Donald Trump's now giving all of these interviews like he did this weekend on Meet the Press.
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Don't worry about the fact that these billionaires are amassing massive net worths. MAGA Republicans Adrian Smith and Chuck Edwards, Congress members, they wrote Donald Trump a letter urging him terminate the IRS's new free tax filing service, otherwise known as Direct File, on day one through an executive order. 27 other MAGA Republicans signed on to it.
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This is after Intuit, the owner of TurboTax, lobbied for the free filing system to be eliminated, viewing it as a threat to their business model. But one of the reasons I want to even talk about this though, is it's a perfect example of where Democrats came in addressed a situation by having an IRS commissioner who made government work for the people, right?
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If you had to call the IRS for figuring things out, for most Americans, they love it. The wait time, I mean, no one loves paying taxes, let's face it, but the taxes exist. We live in a system though where people have lots of issues with the IRS. So President Biden tried to make it more efficient. The cost, The wait times for the IRS are down.
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They use modern technology to have a free tax filing system to make filing taxes easier and less stressful. But here's what the MAGA Republicans are focusing on. And just listen to their language that they use here. Dear President-elect Trump, we write to urge you to take immediate action
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including but not limited to a day one executive order to end the Internal Revenue Services unauthorized and wasteful direct file pilot program. The program's creation and ongoing expansion pose a threat The taxpayer's freedom from government overreach and its rollout and structural flaws have already come at a steep price.
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As you know, during the last tax year, the IRS rolled out its direct file pilot program in 12 states through which taxpayers file their taxes directly to the IRS instead of through a trusted accountant or reputable third party preparation service. Under the guise of offering a convenient, free-to-file alternative preparation service, the IRS asserts itself as the tax assessor
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Elector, preparer, and enforcer all in one when the program is used. This is a deeply concerning and clear conflict of interest. And it goes on and it's very long about the severe threats. This is government data. It's worse. I mean, meanwhile, the MAGA Republicans are okay with AR-15s in front of school, right? Meanwhile, the MAGA Republicans are okay taking away your healthcare.
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Meanwhile, the MAGA Republicans... are refusing right now to pass supplemental disaster relief for the recent hurricanes. It's just another way to stick it to President Biden, right? You don't pass the supplement. They view passing hurricane supplemental relief as being wasteful. The MAGA Republicans have not passed a budget. I just want you to think about
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The last three years, it hasn't been deja vu. It's been real. Remember the MAGA Republicans, since they get into power, they refused to raise the debt ceiling and President Biden had to negotiate that or else we would have been in a Great Depression. Remember the drama, even though Donald Trump had the debt ceiling raised over, MAGA Republicans refused to do it.
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Biden had to like cut a deal to do something just to keep the country alive. And then what MAGA Republicans do, what Trump always does, break the deal, don't pass the budget. Then we had to have continuing resolution after continuing resolution. We'd go to like the day where we were all about to suffer
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He gave one for Time magazine where he's like, What are you talking about? I never promised that I was going to lower prices. What are you talking about? I can't control the prices. I'm not going to guarantee anything there. I don't think prices have anything to do with my presidency at all.
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And then we'd pass some continuing resolution and then Republicans would like take a continuing resolution and divide it into like five pieces and do like a divided continuing resolution to act like things were happening. But then they would like separate the National Defense Authorization Act with another one. And then they'd all be all over the place. And then they wouldn't.
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And then here we are, Brett. We're like, what? We're 10 days away from a new government shutdown. There's been like, what, three close calls of shutdowns. the failure to raise the debt ceiling, not passing supplemental. And here's the thing, not passing disaster supplemental. But here's the thing, Brett, none of this is talked about on news.
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Like, yeah, I'm sure on New York Times page 12 that's on it. I'm sure Washington Post page eight. I'm sure it's never on cable news where they actually give this any maybe it's 2% of their coverage. But this stuff, people don't know about what Republicans are doing. So they just feel it's all screwed up, everything's messed up. And then Republicans exploit that disparity in information.
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Also, he's still going out and saying that he doesn't have a health care plan but wants to repeal Obamacare. But he's got concepts of a plan. And we should just contrast that with President Biden, who not only had plans, actual plans, not concept plans, but those plans delivered for the American people. Think about it.
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There's going to be I think kind of these key events. You do a tariff war with China and now all of a sudden the new iPhone doesn't get delivered. I know it's something so superficial like that, but kind of these are the times, right? Like an iPhone will start costing like $10,000 or something like that because the factory in China gets shut down.
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is a retaliatory act for the trade war, or we get a lot of resources from Canada, energy imported from Canada. What happens when they cut that off in retaliation? What happens when you do these bloody mass deportations and there's nobody to work the fields if Trump's going to do that on day one? What about the mere threat of doing workplace raids shuts down the productivity?
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And when inflation starts creeping up, What about when H5N1 could potentially become a more widespread contagion as RFK Jr. doesn't take the health measures because he believes that raw milk is the greatest thing since raw sliced cheese or 10-day-old sliced cheese that's rotten, and then people are getting sick You know, America is a pressure cooker right now caused by Donald Trump's policies.
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One of the big mistakes, and I don't wanna do the post-mortem thing now though, is that the Kamala Harris campaign was focused so much on turn the page, move forward, Americans were pissed. They wanted somebody to blame. And the people to blame were the Donald Trump Mar-a-Lago billionaires who were doing this to them.
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and trump and the billionaires convinced the people by enough numbers look it wasn't this is not a mandate donald trump won by less than 50 of the popular vote but he convinced the people that it was the trans people it was migrants it was george soros it was a deep state cabal and it wasn't but now that trump and these billionaires are spiking the football in our faces
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Things like capping prescription drug prices at $2,000 for Medicare patients, negotiating the price of prescription drugs to lower them, making healthcare affordable and accessible, having the government negotiate directly on behalf of Medicare. And of course, 16.1 million jobs being created, unemployment at all time low, GDP growth at all time highs.
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and 500 foot yachts wasn't enough, it's gotta be another. And they're doing it in our faces and mocking us. They're creating a situation where their lies are being exposed. We'll talk more about that. I want to show some of the international response.
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America is energy independent for the first time essentially ever. More oil is being drilled. Right now, then, when Trump was in office, border crossings are down. Right now, under President Biden, they're less than when Trump was in office as well after Trump and MAGA Republicans destroyed a bipartisan border deal and President Biden had to take measures into his own hands.
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If you were born after 1970, I think there's a very good chance that your first razor was a multi-blade razor. These razors have been the status quo for over half a century, but where has that gotten us? According to a recent study, two-thirds of men expect some irritation when they shave. They expect to be injured when they shave. It makes no sense.
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Over 2 billion plastic razors enter the landfill each year in the U.S. alone. The razor razor blade model leads to high operating costs and it's just not working. So here's where Henson shaving comes in to change the game. They've changed the shaving industry and I love them. It's not through gimmicks like subscriptions or moisturizing strips, but
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It's through groundbreaking research on the impact that shaving has on your skin, because the dirty secret about the razor industry is that even the cheapest dollar store disposable razor will likely give you a reasonably smooth shave. The trick, though, is removing the hair without any negative outcomes to your skin, for example. the irritation, razor burn, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, etc.
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So that's where Henson focuses on. It focuses on changing the paradigm away from getting a smooth shave to getting a skin friendly shave. The Henson razor works with standard dual edge blades that cost less than $0.10 each. Once you own a Henson razor, it's only about $3 to $5 per year to replace the blades. The razor itself is made of aluminum and there's no plastic.
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There's also no plastic in the Henson packaging, which I like. And the Henson razor, it gives me and it'll give you the best possible shave with incredible precision. I'm personally a huge fan of theirs, and I know you will too. So do me a favor. Say no to subscriptions. Say yes to a razor that will last you a lifetime. Visit slash Jordy. You heard that right.
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Slash Jordy to pick the razor for you and use code Jordy. J-O-R-D-Y to get a free shave cream with your razor. Just make sure to add it to your cart. That's a free Henson shave cream when you head to slash Jordy and use the code Jordy. Thank you, Henson Shaving. And again, slash Jordy, J-O-R-D-Y, and use that code Jordy.
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Thank you to those pro-democracy sponsors that make this show possible. And thank you to all the Midas Mighty, especially, especially in addition to everyone, we just appreciate when you share these videos, subscribing, that's enough. Just share these videos. It was great to see the patrons when we did our Patreon Zoom meeting earlier this week. So if you'd like to join that, we'll do one.
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Try to do one more before Christmas. We just got to figure out we're doing a lot of traveling. But join slash MidasTouch, P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash MidasTouch. It was great seeing everybody.
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Let's talk about it all here on the Midas Touch podcast. Brett, welcome. Jordy will maybe join at the end of the episode or not. Jordy's on daddy duty on this episode.
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Look, our coverage of the Canadian House of Commons is getting a lot of attention right now. That sentence in and of itself, perhaps in other times, you'd be like, really? Coverage of the House of Commons in Canada?
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Look, I think it is, first off, we have a lot of Canadian followers and we love our Canadian followers. We love our international followers, but I know how big our Canadian followers are. And I think it is important to show how Donald Trump's bullying of Canada, one of our closest allies, is having the impact that it is.
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And so we covered, for example, a member of the NDP, the New Democratic Party, which right now I think like the third biggest party in the parliament right now. I mean, the Liberal Party is under Prime Minister Trudeau, is leading the official opposition parties, the Conservative Party.
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um and then the ndp joined up with the the liberal party there um uh to form the government that now uh is in control and which has blocked the no confidence votes that the conservatives have brought uh to the floor let me show you this is uh ndp member of parliament charlie angus He gave a speech. I'll show a small portion of it, but you could watch the full speech that I showcased.
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And by the way, I'm going to have Charlie Angus on the show for the weekend, but let's play this.
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OK, so that's from an NDP member in parliament. Let me show you kind of separately a premier from Ontario, Doug Ford. Now, Doug Ford is someone who back in 2016 said his support of Donald Trump is unwavering. Lots of people call the – The ultimate MAGA bootlegger, right?
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Yeah. And that's been his line. Like, don't worry. They call him Maple MAGA. And they call a lot of the conservatives Maple MAGA. And while people have expressed frustration with Trudeau, lots of people I know in Canada are like, okay, but the Trudeau NDP alliance is superior to the conservatives. But the conservatives have been telling people, look,
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We got this Trump's our guy where, you know, we, we, you know, we have a plan. So then Trump jumps in though, and starts attacking Canada and saying that, you know, you know, all of these kind of defamatory things about Canada and now the conservatives in Canada, like they look like. They've been selling a bill of goods to the people.
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So now they've had to recalibrate their message to look tough against the United States. So now what's interesting is, you know, the NDP and the Conservative Party, like as far as part as you can basically get. But now the NDP, Trudeau's Liberal Party and the Conservative Party, by and large, at both the kind of federal level and the provincial level, are all now kind of saying similar things.
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Like here, Doug Ford is like there's almost now a race in Canada. to who can be the toughest to fight back against the bullying of Canada by Trump. And so here, Doug Ford's like, we're going to cut off your energy. We should plan to cut off the energy that flows from Canada into the United States, among other things. Watch this.
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Okay. Why would you as the United States, like that's your top ally. And for Trump within America's top, I'm not saying Doug Ford, I'm saying Canada. Within Canada, if you're Trump and you're being strategic about this too, your top ally within a country that's an ally is a guy like Doug Ford or Pierre Poliev, who's the main opposition leader in parliament. These are the guys.
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And now you've alienated... them, you have President of Mexico Claudia Scheinbaum talking about retaliatory tariffs. You've got President Macron of France and Prime Minister Donald Tusk of Poland mocking Trump's handshake. These are our allies. So imagine what it's like with Vladimir Putin. Imagine President Xi.
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Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Imagine when you see Eric Trump going, okay, everybody, look at my new building in Jeddah. Look at my new building, everybody. This is all, I'm a smart businessman. Do we have just the Eric Trump post? What do you think MBS, MBS is saying like, oh my God, We now have a United States that just gets bought out. Just stick that Trump name on that building that we were going to build anyway.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Kick the family $100 million, and they're just going to leave us alone, and we can pursue all of our geopolitical goals. Just think about the dynamic already from strength with NATO allies under Biden to utter weakness, friends.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
It's a really great point, Brett. It is so obvious to becoming an effective opposition party right now with all of these billionaires flaunting their wealth, spiking the football in people's faces, bragging about the skyscrapers and sweetheart deals that foreign countries are giving them.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
when they're talking about cutting people's social security and Medicare and Medicaid, and MAGA Republicans are talking about Trump austerity measures. They're out there talking about, we need to impose economic hardship And then it'll get better.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
When they start talking about the Argentinian president, Millet, who has a 52% poverty rate in Argentina, and they use that as their shiny example, or Viktor Orban, where inflation was recently like 18% in the entire GDP of Hungary. where Orban is the authoritarian leader, is less than like an American corporation. When they're doing that, I don't know.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
I mean, maybe I'm just so simple that I'm missing the whole layers of complexity here that why Democrats or just human beings who want to be leaders just can't step up and look at the American people and- Say the billionaires are coming for your health care. The billionaires are coming for your Social Security. The billionaires are coming for your Medicare.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
The billionaires are coming for your veterans benefits. The billionaires are coming for your health. The billionaires are coming for your family benefits. They're going to spare nobody in their consumption of everything that you've worked hard for. And we need to channel our frustration peacefully to make sure that we have a system of checks to make sure that
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
These billionaires don't run and conduct a rampage and pilfer over the American people. Our editor in chief, Ron Filipkowski, I think put it succinctly as he always does on, so check that out.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Ron Filipkowski writes, we have a peculiar historical event shaping up where the oligarch billionaire class is about to fleece this country while most of their supporters are working people who are convinced that they are on their side because they hate migrants and trans people. And if you watch Fox or right wing media or corporate media, they push this message over and over and over.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
And it's because corporate media is run by corporation, which is run by billionaires. And as I've said, there is a class war And Americans aren't even aware of it because they're not in it. It's a class sneak attack by the billionaires, maybe not even a war, a sneak attack. And the billionaires are not satisfied by their billionaire status. They got to have hundreds of billions or trillions.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
They're in a race for trillions, doesn't matter. Five private jets aren't going to be 10 private jets. And they want to turn the government into billionaire welfare. It's what they want to do. And they're using a culture war as the subterfuge for the class war that they've initiated on the people. And the people are, oh, the volleyball player from San Jose State. outrageous.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
A San Jose State volleyball player. There's a transgender woman on the volleyball team. What am I going to do? The swimmer? Oh my God, there's a swimmer? I can't believe it. And people are so riled up over these things.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Exactly. And they're freaking playing you for a fool. And they're taking away your education, which is why Donald Trump wants to get rid of the Department of Education so that you're not smart enough to see it. Why do you think they're attacking education? Why do you think they want to burn books?
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Why do you think, and by the way, they wanna corporatize it too and make you fund the private schools of their rich kids while they're at it and make you subsidize that with your tax dollars and then buy Trump's bogus Bibles
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
The distinction between the separation of church and state is so Trump can sell and the Supreme Court getting rid of the lemon test, but normally had a separation of church and state, ultimately used by the Republicans so Trump can sell Bibles in Oklahoma and make a few more million bucks from the Oklahoma superintendent. Come on, people. Don't you see what's going on? But here's the thing.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
I'll leave you with this. We need a leader who just says that and not once a week on Meet the Press or twice a weekend on the weekend shows. You got to be loud every day on every freaking platform that there is. and you gotta convey it and you gotta channel it and you gotta push it every single day. It's what the people are craving right now is leadership.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
I just don't, I see exploitation in what the Republicans are doing, but I see a lack of leadership right now by Democrats. Wake up, someone rise to the top, lead, lead the people to truth, to justice, to equality. We'll do our part here at the Midas Touch Network. Thank you everybody for watching. Make sure you hit subscribe. Let's get to 4 million subscribers.
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Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Share the Midas Touch Network with people that you know. Check out Hopefully you like a lot of the work we do there. A lot of the stuff is free there too. Some of the stuff isn't. A lot of the stuff is though. Check it out. slash Midas Touch. Check that out. And thank you so much for watching. Subscribe on audio podcast as well.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
If you're not, that helps us subscribe on the audio podcast. So anyway, thank you so much, everybody. We'll see you next time. We appreciate your support. Really do. Thank you to the moderators. We know you put in a lot of hard work as well. We appreciate you. And we'll see you next time on the show. Brett, take it away. Shout out to the Midas Mighty.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Yeah. I mean, you literally have President Macron of France and Prime Minister Tusk of Poland, and they posted this themselves. And Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister of Poland goes, handshakes with Donalds are unusually quite a challenge. And for those who were just listening on audio, they're mocking Donald Trump's handshake. And they're like,
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
laughing and they're showing camaraderie against each other and showing, and Macron's like, just, just like laughing and they're, they're, they're mocking us. And they know also that one of the ways you deal with Donald Trump's bullying is is by kind of mocking him as well. They know his pathology. They know how easy it is to kind of push his buttons.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
The whole kind of sequence of events is Donald Trump went to France. President Macron invited him there to be at the opening of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Trump shows up. Trump takes a picture with Zelensky while he's there. Macron brings them together. Trump feels embarrassed by that whole situation.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Also, Macron shook Donald Trump's hand so strong that that bothered Donald Trump as well, plus the Zelensky photo. Donald Trump thought that he was played. So Donald Trump's been on like a rampage attacking Ukraine, attacking our allies, mocking everybody in his own kind of petty way. I mean, Trump posted Bidenomics, you pay taxes, I send it to Ukraine. They send it back to Hunter.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Hunter gives it to me. Pardon Hunter, how Bidenomics worked with a photo of President Biden. Like Not only is it all of it false, but like the most idiotic thing. What are you talking about? Send your taxes to Ukraine. It goes back to Hunter. I mean, this is at the same time that Donald Trump's son right now. I mean, by the way, Hunter worked for Burisma.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
a Ukrainian company to be a pro-democracy voice on a board to try to shift the company in a democratic direction, which was under Russian control at the request of a pro-democracy leader of Poland to join that at a time when Biden was never in office, right? I mean, people need to contextualize these things. Biden was not the VP. Biden was not the president.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
And Biden said that he was not going to run at that time. And then Biden changed his mind, decided to run after Charlottesville and said he thought he needed to be in. But Biden had no intention of ever running again. Hunter Biden previously sat on boards. He's a Yale educated lawyer. worked at the top law firms. George W. Bush had appointed Hunter to an Amtrak board.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
And it was a time where there really weren't any conflicts of interest because Joe Biden wasn't the VP and Joe Biden wasn't the president at that time, wasn't even running at that time. But contrast that to now, Eric Trump is posting, look at the deals we do with Saudi Arabia. We have massive skyscrapers that we're building. Look at the project that we built in Jeddah.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Look at the products we did in Saudi Arabia. Look at what we're building here and there. Massive golden skyscrapers with golden toilet bowls, everybody.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
um you know and then donald trump posts any person or company investing one billion dollars or more in the united states will receive fully expedited approvals and permits including but in no way limited to all environmental approvals get ready to rock everybody and then elon musk responds to like a doge account which is like an elon musk account as well and he amplifies This is awesome.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
No environmental focus anymore. You're gonna get cancer. You're gonna get toxic diseases. What are you doing? What are you even talking about here? And I just feel sometimes we're shouting from the rooftops, not the golden skyscrapers of Donald Trump. We're shouting from our living rooms here saying what the hell is going on here? Sorry, but I digress. So Trump goes to France.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
He felt embarrassed by going to, totally. total zigzag there.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
But yeah, so when the fact that they're spiking the football, these billionaires in our face, right, it makes it even extra worse. And I think ultimately they're exposing themselves with this as well, right? They're not, perhaps you want to call it their Achilles heel or just no amount of money for them, right? is making them feel the level of importance that they want to feel.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
They feel that they deserve so much respect for exploiting us all. And people hate them. So they keep posting the images of themselves to try to show us how great they are. Look at my Lamborghinis. Look at my Gulfstream jets. Look at my skyscrapers that I'm building. Look at the deal. I mean, Eric, it wasn't like you're not a savvy, sophisticated businessman.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Saudi Arabia is freaking buying your family. They're playing. playing you, okay? MBS brag that Jared Kushner is in his pocket. They know we'll build the skyscraper, we'll put your family's freaking name on it, we'll get you $100 million, and then we'll get to do whatever we want geopolitically. And you're like, I'm a savvy businessman while Americans right now are worried. Holy shit.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
Project 2025. Wait a minute. Trump actually appointed all the Project 2025 people. Wait a minute. The first thing that Congress is talking about now is getting rid of our Social Security, getting rid of our Medicare, getting rid of Medicaid. Wait a minute. Someone like Elon Musk, who's worth $400 billion, created a Doge committee.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
And he and Vivek Ramaswamy, who's also worth $1 billion, they're on Capitol Hill meeting with millionaire Republican Congress members. And they're talking about imposing austerity measures, Trump austerity measures to inflict economic hardship.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump Instantly BETRAYS His Voters…Mocked by WORLD!!!
on we the people and they're saying we're going to take away veterans health care all of these lavish benefits that veterans are getting the wealthy veterans are out there just sucking up all of this money right now is what the mega republicans are saying they're saying nothing is off limits social security isn't off limits medicare isn't off limits and by the way then donald trump's asked basic questions you know by time magazine so are you going to lower your price you're going to get prices down no
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
The holidays are upon us and Whole Foods Market is your holiday headquarters. Whether you're hosting or a guest, impress everyone at your table with exceptional flavors and enchanting host gifts for all your holiday gatherings.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And every image of him is like every image you see in your yearbook of people in the drama club where they're like, drama club. And you see them like,
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And he talks about how basically like the drama club parties, the cast parties, etc. And he was like, people would be singing and, you know, they'd be dancing. And it wasn't like orgy debauchery, but it was like one court orgy. Mainly just me. It was like an orgy for one. Is that still an orgy? That's what I had. Well, I was the only one in the orgy, but I played different roles.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So it was sort of still like an orgy because I was performing. It's like a one man play.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
It turns out the cow man and the farmer can be friends in an orgy.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And Percival Everett's brilliantly subversive James.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I actually am really excited to hear George Orwell's 1984 again because last time I read that was back in, I don't know, middle school or something like that. And the world has changed so much with technology and everything like that. I feel like now is the perfect time to revisit and listen to it on Audible.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
That's F-O-R-H-E-R-S dot com slash crappins for your personalized weight loss treatment options.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I mean, asking an Italian if they want to make a pizza. That's like asking if the sky is blue. Is the sky blue? Is the tree green? Is the meatball red? Of course I know how to make a pizza.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
It's like, Davide, why are you having sex with your pizza dough right now? Oh, you know, I got the married to it. I'm open. I'm open. Men, women, hair blow dryers, dough, pizza dough, whatever it takes. No, a deer. She's my deer. So, meanwhile, Danny and Diana are discussing the night's schedule. I've done that show.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Sorry, that was a different one. I was all the children, actually. I had a lot of quick changes. I was Rolf, wasn't I?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I wouldn't be surprised if they were. These are a few of my favorite things. These are really a few of my favorite things, these stories.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
It's all incest. Sisters and brothers sleeping in the attic.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
At least it's her first draft. So that was the original version of the song.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I did have sex with a brown package. With tied. Wasn't one of the favorite things like a brown package and tied up with string? What a low bar.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
What a low bar to be a favorite thing. I mean, crisp apple strudels was good. That's great. Raindrops and roses, fine. A little whimsical. But brown paper packages tied up in string.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Okay, so. I'll tell you who does not have a favorite thing is jellyfish. They're like, I don't know. Legs.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, Gary, you have to name something. It's like, well, my favorite thing is blah, blah, blah.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So Diana's complaining that Daisy got a three-hour break or that Danny just had a three-hour break. So she's complaining that Danny got a three-hour break and then gets to be off work early at 2 a.m., right? Is that what I'm to gather from this?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Right, and Daisy's like, well, Diana's reaction's really over the top. I've worked seasons where I've had five hours of sleep the whole season. I love Daisy saying that Diana's over the top, and she's like, I spent six weeks sleeping one minute a day. One minute a day.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I didn't go to sleep the entire time. Just spent six weeks doing crack cocaine every single day until I got the job done. So stop trying to exaggerate things.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
If you got time for a break, you got time to take plates off the table.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Well, it's the most useful piece of technology. Think of all the cars that have been saved from being stolen by car alarms.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
so um daisy is gonna go take a drink order so meanwhile diana and danny are gonna complain diana's like tomorrow i'm going to be fucking tired i'm annoyed like i've been working for three hours straight oh yeah three hours straight i'm so sorry that you work for three hours straight that must be so hard on you I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, Diana.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Diana, you know, because Danny is such a brat and has taken up most of the attention for the season, we really haven't had enough time to just shit on Diana. But Diana's really worked her way up. Diana's made shitty drinks, and then she complains that she doesn't get put on drink service. And then when she's given the opportunity to improve her drinks, she makes one drink.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
She's like, that's too much for me. And she has kind of a shitty attitude around the boat in general. And she says, I'm shy. It's like, no, you've got a shitty attitude. And now you're complaining that you've worked for three hours straight.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I'm 50. So Daisy is in her cabin. I get stung, and then I kick you in. And I kick. I'm 50. So Daisy goes into her cabin to change, and Gary's in there. And she's like, oh, Gary, I love sharing a cabin with you for so many reasons. But I think my all-time favorite thing is that I don't have to share a bathroom with anyone. Except you do take a lot of shits. I think you're lactose intolerant.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
um so meanwhile danny is making a tablescape um and she's saying that she's overwhelmed i mean this is your art danny how could you be overwhelmed by it yeah no kidding she what do you it's like uh chapel roan i'm like so overwhelmed she's like please don't talk to me while i'm working
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So Danny and Diana are like, they're like, I don't even know it. Studio 54 is bro. She's like me neither, which I'm like, I'm embarrassed for you all. Okay. Cause you should know. I mean, we know we were not part of studio 54. So hello. Yeah.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
so then meanwhile daisy's checking into glenn about tender there's just sort of stuff happening and the guests are like they're getting uh they're gonna prepare to get on the tender because they want to go see the um to go see the procession but first ronnie is uh taking a look at the decor that danny is doing her art i should say ronnie is looking at danny's art And then she's like, gold?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Oh, God. You put that in there putting black? No, I don't want black. No. No black. I can't. I can't. Sorry. I don't like black. I mean, gold and black. I mean, gold and black, that's basically like over the hill colors. That's like your dead colors. Like, oh, no. Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, disgusting.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Um, lady, don't complain about like, quote unquote, turning old and then go onto national TV to celebrate turning 50. It's like, what do you want? You want, it's like, do you want to either turn, you want to turn 50 or do you not want to turn 50? Like, cause you didn't have to come on TV and advertise to all the nation that you're turning 50. Okay. So relax.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So, uh, black and gold, by the way, black and gold. Does not. For the record, it does not mean you're over the hill. There's no connotation of that. You don't go into Walgreens and see black and gold and say you're over the hill. I don't know what this lady is on about. I don't know where this death spiral came from. I don't know.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And by the way, I do want to thank her friend who put that into her head. Because you know her friend is fucking with her. Like, let's fuck with Ronnie and tell her that black and gold means you're, like, decrepit. Because... She just got this notion out of nowhere and is, like, forcing it on everyone. And this is supposed to be a Studio 54 party.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Black and gold is probably the most appropriate colors you could use for a Studio 54 party.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I honestly like studio 54. Like I'm just looking at pictures of it. There's like a big 50. Okay. The colors for studio 54 are black and gold. Okay. It's black and gold. The sign is gold. This lady cannot request a studio 54 party and then get mad at the studio 54 colors that are put out there.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I don't care what Danny, whatever, what you can read all you want into black, but this is the studio 54 colors. And this lady is an idiot. I'll say it right now.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
If ever I need a good piece of fish, a good piece of meat, I am going to Whole Foods. It is without question the best place for me to find those sort of things.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I'm mad at everything today.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Rose gold literally nails nothing ever. I'm sorry. It doesn't, okay?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So now they're going to go on their thing. And so they're going to go watch this procession and get on the boat. And Glenn's telling us, as sailors, because the sea can be dangerous, it's always good to have a patron saint like St. Carmen looking out for you. So this ceremony is all about asking for her protection when we venture out on the high seas. I'm like, it's not...
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
It's not when you venture out on the high seas. It's for all the other boats that have to share a sea with Parsifal II, knowing that boat's probably going to come crashing into them any second. They're like, please, patron saint Carmen, please save us from Parsifal II careening into our bow.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Is she drunk? She's like, no, but she says it makes her look old. The truth hits, bitch. I'm like, okay. So now the ladies get on the boat.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
She is. She really is. And so now the ladies get on to the boat for the tender to go to the procession and everything. And they're like riding up there, right up to like a barge or like a ferry. And I was like, wow, great procession, guys. Enjoy watching the ferry go by. And there's like a St. Carmen on the front of the ferry, but they can't find it because there are a lot of people.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So now Ronnie starts to, she starts to Karen out. Sorry, I shouldn't say Karen, but she starts to, you know, Trishel out on the boat, on the ferry. She's like, excuse me, can you move over? We're trying to see St. Carmen. Excuse me. I'm like, lady, They're on a ferry. They're not listening to you.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
This woman. Could you imagine being on a ferry and a dinky little boat pulls up and says, excuse me, can you move to the side, please?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Well, it's been a tremendous morning because we went on to the Jeff Lewis show on Radio Andy. We had such a fun time and we reunited with Leah Black and she is such a riot. The things that she says, the observations she makes, just hilarious. So thanks once again to Jeff, Shane, etc. The whole gang over there for having us back. And it was just wonderful.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah. It's like that are holding the menus.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Poor pirate reduced down to holding menus. Well, I've seen some crazy things in my day. I traveled the Emerald Isles and I went down to the Caribbean and I battled the Kraken.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Two for one crab leg deal between 5 and 6 p.m. Enjoy.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Okay, where were we? Pirates. We're talking about like the debasement of a pirate holding menus at a long time.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So anyway, they're still enjoying this procession on the tender. And then back on deck, Dani is like moping because she doesn't like the new decor, which is yellow and white. And she's like, oh, it looked so cool before. Now it just looks so shitty. It's like, okay. Just move on.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
and then i'm sorry we forgot to mention by the way we forgot to mention the most important moment of all this while ronnie was going on and on she's like i hate black it's like a funeral i mean it's just black you don't black is stupid i don't want to see it it's ugly it's trash she's wearing a black top while she says this even her friend points it out like ronnie you're wearing black right now she's like well it's fine if it's on me shut up shut the fuck up ronnie
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
They're poor friends. So Daisy and Cloyce are going over the menu and Cloyce is like... Last night I had some communication issues with Daisy and the chief and the stew... The chief stew and the chef relationship is a little bit like marriage. You have to adapt to each other's differences to overcome, to accomplish whatever the mission is. Happy wife, happy life, as they say.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And I got to be with you, most importantly, in person. And you got me a croissant. You know, I was on that Jeff Lewis show. Another way to your heart. You know what? All I need is a croissant, and I will pretty much always like you. Like Brynn Whitfield, that's all you have to do. So TLDR, great morning so far. How's your morning going?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I wonder, you know, there's been talk, scuttlebutt, that the season was re-edited after Gary's allegations, yada yada. And I wonder if there was something more significant that happened in terms of him offending someone or basically doing something gross or pervy. I think so. After he got wasted. Because, like, last time he got drunk, there was, like, the bloody issue, but...
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
This is, like, he's never felt the need to stop drinking, which makes me think there was something.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Or was it during the season? I believe that this... No, because it was a... I don't know. I don't know, to be honest, but I feel like something happened that we didn't see, whether it happened off camera or... Yeah, because nobody on Bravo wastes that moment.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I mean, how many times have you felt like, oh, this has been such a great deal, and then at the end of the first month, you're like, what just happened?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
To get this new customer offer and your new three-month premium wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to That's Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So now Diana and Cloyce are in the galley talking about the night ahead and everything and saying it's going to be a long one and everything. And Cloyce is like, yeah, it's going to be a long one. And Diana's like, don't say that. Do you know what time I have to wake up tomorrow morning? 8 a.m. is disgusting. I can't believe I can only get eight hours sleep tonight on the boat. I am furious.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So at this point, she still thinks she's waking up at five. Yeah.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Oh, God, she's the worst. So now the guests, they all sit down and Daisy's like, every time I'm going into a meal with Klaus, I mean, it's like a bloody roller coaster. I'm just praying. Please let this be a good meal. Please let this be a good meal. Try not to be offended, girls.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
well i mean once he he had that like low point and then he got a talking to and then he's really he's pulled up a lot and everything he's served has looked actually really good i think the issue has just been there's been there's been the timing stuff but like honestly we've seen much worse when it comes to chefs and timing yeah we sure have so um down at the galley gary is uh galloping around like a horse or i don't know who cares i'm skipping that part
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
They don't have to be, but they are. Such menches. I mean, Jeff really promoted the golden crappies like above and beyond, which was really so kind. And, you know, you didn't have to do that. That was really cool.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
What are you doing, Cloyce? Oh, that's my way of saying 10-4 or copy. It's Morse code. That was a Ben laugh. That was not a Khalees laugh. Because now I'm laughing like Khalees, apparently. So now it's time. They bring out the cake, birthday cake and everything. And now it's time for the big skit. I have to say, we've seen a lot of stupid-ass skits on Below Deck over the years.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I actually quite enjoyed this one. I feel like Keith did good work curating this. He came out with a little script and he read it. And Gary was dressed up like Ronnie. And at first you could see Ronnie was mad. He was like, this is offensive. I don't look like that. I'm not over the hill. Who said that? What?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
But then it was, it wound up being funny and chase came out like a jellyfish and they had like a little, a little thing and, you know, sort of into it.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
You just have to say yes, Ben. You're totally right. You're correct. And the Tony and the Tony for best original play on a, on a yacht goes to, Well, unfortunately, it goes to Edward Albee. Unfortunately, there was another production happening same night on a different yacht. Sorry.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Who's afraid of jellyfish wolf?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
It was long. When he showed it. Yeah, sorry.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
No, but when he showed his script, when he showed his script, it was like a page of single, like single space text. I was like, that's going to be a long skit, sir.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
She's like, I'll take your passive aggression and I'll raise you 20 with a smile on my face because that's what I got here. This is aggressive aggression. Enjoy it. Yeah. Yeah, Daisy's like, Diana has this entitlement of like, why do I have to do this? Like, that's your job. And I also want to show her that I'm willing to do it. And what I ask people to do, I will do.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So that being said, I'm fucking pissed.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah, that's actually true. And Daisy's like, she's like, well, I would have let you go for a nap tomorrow, but now I'm going to be getting very little sleep. I get the nap now.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So I'm trying to take away my tent poles. But if you had a boss of yourself, you wouldn't be able to complain to your boss. The point is you complain behind the boss's back. Don't complain to the boss the moment they tell you something. That's where Diana goes wrong. And by the way, Daisy is being a martyr here, a total martyr, but in the service of passive aggression, which is always fun.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Previously, Gary was drunk and Chase is on the boat. That's basically it. And there's a lady named Ronnie who, unlike our Ronnie, she is awful. And she got stung by a jellyfish, which shows that nature, there is karma in nature. And she should have been stung because she was terrible about her coffee. And she continues to be terrible this episode.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
But I guess that is what being a martyr is all about anyway. It's like the ultimate passive aggressive act.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah. So I guess maybe when you advertise that you're a martyr, that's when it becomes passive aggressive. So you just sort of do that.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
The whole religion started. so i mean so i hear i'm jewish it makes no sense to me so diana's like she's like um well even though i'm doing great job like doing the job it doesn't make it right they just make me feel like i'm doing this huge favor basically she just is like i reserve the right to complain so diana um now she's now she's pacing and she's being very dramatic like
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So then Glenn tells the guests... They basically said the attendant will be ready to take them to the island and everything. And now the pizza dough... They're checking on the pizza dough. Davide did a good job with the pizza dough. And then now the guests are getting ready to go out and everything. There's a lot of stuff going back and forth. So anyway, the guests finally...
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I guess finally go to go to the club and they go out there and they're out there all night. Like they're out there until like they come back at five or six in the morning. I didn't realize all this talk about waking up at five. I thought that meant for breakfast service. It was I didn't realize it was to receive the guests coming back from partying.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So then... And by the way, during all this process, this is when the producers get to say, fuck you to the stews, because the producer starts pointing out how much sleep everyone has gotten. And everyone's like on three hours, like Daisy, three hours. Cloyce, four hours. Keith, zero hours. They're just like building a case against Danny and Diana. Yeah.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Cloyce went above and beyond because on other boats, like the last season on below deck med, it's like pre-making some like cold sandwiches or like some sad, like flat breads. Like this was proper, got back from the club and I want to eat some carbs and go to sleep.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah. So Daisy's talking to Keith and she's like, I'll be back in a second. But think about what, think about tonight and what's not going to be. And he's like, I don't know. I'm just going to have fun. And anybody want to get on the fun team with me? We're going to go on a fun jam. It's like, that sounds fun. Real fun there, Keith.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
He's like, I love Gary. He just needs to know how to dial back the phone. And I think Daisy needs someone a bit more mature, you know? Uh-huh. And then we cut to a shot of Gary peeing in the bathroom. With the door open.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah. So, yeah, Gary is peeing and everything. Glenn, it's people are waking up because the guests are waking up at 10 a.m. And then we also even the guests get a chyron that says slept three hours. Literally everyone on this boat has not had more than five hours of sleep except for the two students who complained.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So. So then Chase talks about how he, you know, he's like, I think there's more to Diana than meets the eye, you know, and I haven't been in a serious relationship for some time. I briefly dated, you know, Chef Nelisha, but she lives in Sydney and I live in Charleston. It just didn't work out. And I came into the season looking, not looking, I mean, looking for a boatman, but Diana's stunning.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So I'm excited to see what happens. I need to work on my glutes. Well, whatever it is.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yes, it's in the drawer. Thank you so much. And like three seconds later, by the way, does anyone remember where the bathroom is on this boat? I just can't seem to find it. Chase, can you show me how to get to the bathroom?
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Guys, I'm really sorry, but there's this little round thing on the door and I don't know how to use it. Chase, can you show me how to use it? You mean the doorknob? Yeah, I keep pushing it. It's not working. Oh, you got to twist it. Can you just show me? Thank you so much.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
She's so awful. She really is. So, and of course, you know, Diana is just like scowling as Chase goes off with Danny to help slice fruit and stuff. So then now the guests leave. They give, you know, Ronnie gives her a little spiel. She gives the tip. Glenn does the thing. He honks the horn and everything. And then we have Diana and Chase, you know, talking.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
He like kind of like rests his head on her shoulder. He's like, I'm sleepy, you know. And, you know, for a moment I thought like, oh, this is kind of nice. Maybe he is starting to move over to Diana, which would make Danny so mad. I was really hoping for that.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Could have been a better leg to sting. You know, when I sting a leg, I want it to feel like it's good. You know? It's like I want to do an A plus effort. It was just like an okay leg.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
There's no work involved.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
You know, like being friends with Gary. And Diana's like, sometimes. Like, oh, okay. Well, I'll pretend like I didn't hear that. Anyway, go clean up. So now it's time for the tip meeting time. And Glenn's like...
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Well, Emma still hasn't made it to shore because on the tender ride over, she's like, hold on. Can we just take a cigarette break real quickly? Hold on. Hold on one sec. She's just taking cigarette breaks and napping. Are you ready to go to shore yet? Not yet.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Jeez. Yeah. Even this miserable primary still tipped more than Dr. Contessa, I'd like to point out. Dr. Contessa, I think, still has the lowest tip of the season. Yeah, of all time, I think. Ever.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah, there has been. There definitely have. Remember Charles, that guy Charles, and Erica, Rose. There have been some low tippers, for sure.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And he's like, yeah, pretty much, because every time I drink, I think I offend people, and that's just not what I want to do. I'm a little angel boy, blah, blah. It's like, I think I am very different when I drink. I don't think alcohol is my friend. I do it as an escape, I guess, but maybe I do it just because everybody else is drinking, and I don't want to feel left out. I'm a damaged person.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Okay? You know what? It's business. It's nothing personal. But sometimes you got to take a sting off the market if it's not ready yet. Okay? We know one of our listeners, my dear friend, Justin, he just got stung by a jellyfish yesterday. And he posted it on his story. And he was in Thailand. And he's just sitting on the beach. Justinian Wang? Yes. You know, Justinian Wang.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Oh, I feel bad for Gary.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
No. Daisy's like, honestly, I'd be surprised if he makes it to dinner. What I'm trying to say is he's a full-blown alcoholic. Ooh, full-blown alcoholic like BK. So Gary, Gary is going to be trying this out. So now everyone gets ready to go out Davide. I don't know what was going on with that sleeveless shirt he was wearing, but he's getting more comfortable between that and his flat iron hair.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I just don't know what to say. You know what? Bravo to personal style.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Mosaic chic, huh? So then there's more flirting with Diana, Chase and Diana. And he's asking her about her tattoo. She has a tattoo on her arm of her and her grandpa. And he's like, you and your grandpa! And she's like... Yeah, basically she got it after he died, and it was nice. He's like, aw. And Diana's like, Chase is hot and nice, but I usually date people that end up treating me like shit.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So, you know, my last boyfriend was a bit of narcissist, and when we broke up four years ago, I just put up huge walls so I could protect myself. I mean, admittedly, last boyfriend was Putin, but, you know, he is all about himself, and it's hard to date someone like that.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I love chocolate. If you're in a hurry and forgot something or simply want to avoid the holiday crowds, relax. Order everything you need for a great holiday gathering online at Whole Foods Market on Amazon for easy pickup and delivery.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
But I'm still guarded. But Chase doesn't seem like a fuck boy. Just a guy who's really annoying with bad tattoos. And at this point, I'm ready to be treated like a human.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
No, I didn't. You know what? I'm lying. I didn't remember until he showed up. I didn't remember. Oh, yeah. He's got the bad tattoos.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah, either way. It's just I feel like pecs are such a sexy like part of a man. And like I just feel like putting like a big old stamp on it. I just feel like you're ruining it a little bit.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So he, um, Oh, everyone buys book. Um, but he got stung by jellyfish and he's has a video of himself sitting there pouring stuff on it and it looks dreadful, but not gonna, not gonna lie. It's kind of a funny story.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah, even birds put their wings down a little bit. So be careful because those wings cannot stay extended the entire time.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Well, Gary, since you're going to be a sober, I guess someone else can make a fool of themselves. Chloe, say something. Okay, Daisy, I do like your hair like this, and I bet you get a lot of people interested in a taste of Ireland for sure. Top of the morning.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Taste of Ireland? That's not even a thing. Daisy's like, oh, no. So then we see Captain Glenn doing calisthenics. He's got those bands, those exercise bands.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And Diana's like, yeah, probably. So Daisy's like, yes, chess vibes. So then Gary's like, oh, being sober around a whole bunch of drunk people is something I haven't experienced before. Everyone's sloppy. Everyone's throwing their words. I'm like, have you heard yourself on camera before? Haven't you ever watched this show? Yeah.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So... It's like, Lil Wayne Newton, of course, right? So... Don't go shame, darling, don't go shame. Yeah. Gary is like, I'm going to go to bed, blah, blah. So he gets into bed and everyone's up at the, on the hot tub, drinking, having fun, partying, great times, et cetera. And then they tell, they're playing a game where they have to like, they get prompts to do something.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So, um, it's like, it's like, you know what? It's like, not fair that you'd like, you literally have no brain. You do nothing. You have no reactions. You just literally float there. And yet you're also painful. Like, that's not fair. Like be painful, but also have a personality. Yeah, exactly. Of course. Yeah. It's like me do something for it. Like a shark.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So Keith gets a prompt to give a pickup line to Daisy. So he goes up to Daisy, he goes, hey baby, are you Irish by chance? Because I want to churn your butter. I think people need to work on their Irish puns tonight. We're 0 for 2.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Do you happen to have a Guinness? Because a lot to get up in your business.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And I think I need to learn when to say no or how to stop myself from continuing down this road. It's abuse. And when I start, it doesn't stop. I scare the shit out of me, to be honest.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I would say, actually, my hot take on it is that I actually think what he's feeling is genuine. But I don't think he's really at the place yet to really... do something about it. I think he's doing this thing where he's like, well, if I can, I can do this. I I'll be fine. I'll, I'll just, I hope so.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And I, but, but I don't knowing Gary and like knowing how hard the road is, I feel like this is not like, Oh, this he's turned over a new leaf. Regrettably. I think this is him thinking that he has, but I think he's going to just slide back into old ways.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I think it's all of the above. Yeah, it could be. I think it's what you're saying and what I'm saying all together, to be honest.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Hey, Ronnie. Hey, Ronnie. Try not to get offended, okay? It's Gary's storyline.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Let me cover face with foam so I don't have to look at these idiots. So, yeah, basically, then Chase and Danny go to the master bedroom, and they go in there, and Danny's like, can I tell you something bad? I've come in here once before. He goes, was someone else on the boat? She goes, no, not on the boat, but we didn't do anything. Mm-hmm. He goes, well, I appreciate you telling me that.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Who was that, Gary? No, she went with the guy from the club. The child from the club.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
then diana's like no danny is obsessed with him i'm gonna call vladmir now she's oh stop she's like i'm not fucking dumb she says you know when you're on the boat and all of your life is these people and you only connect with someone basically like chase and now that person is connecting with someone else and now you're alone it's very frustrating it's like you don't belong anywhere
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
So that was the end of the episode. I did feel bad for Diana. That sucks. That sucks so much, but you know, she can do much better and she will do better. Once she gets off the boat, she will remember that she's like drop dead gorgeous. And yeah, that girl looks like Heather Graham.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. It's always automatic with Ashley Otto.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Put your hands together for Carly Clap.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Dana C. Dana Do. Erin McNicholas. She don't miss no trickless. Jamie. She has no less namey. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Have a heck of a time with Rebecca.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Nobody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD.
Watch What Crappens
#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah. And, like, no one's trying to get you. Like, you're just floating.
Watch What Crappens
#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell for Rochelle. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
You are, like, literally invisible. And then you get mad when we run into you. Like, get it together. Grow up.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Yeah, you're putting zero effort into your existence in the ocean. And then you get mad when someone is actively kicking and trying to go somewhere. And then you're like, wait, no, stop. I'm floating here. No, you don't get to do that jellyfish.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Suddenly it's like, hey, jellyfish, why'd you do that? Sorry, I can't answer. I don't have really a brain or a mouth or eyes, but you have enough of like a brain to sting people. It's like, well, sorry, that's just what I do.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Every answer is not Keira Knightley. Why do you keep saying Keira Knightley? She was not a founding father. Why do you keep answering that?
Watch What Crappens
#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Okay, you got it right on one answer said, star of Bend It Like Beckham and later Pirates of the Caribbean. And you're like Keira Knightley. And now you think that's the answer to everything. It's like, you can't just keep floating through Jeopardy the way you float through the ocean. It doesn't work that way.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Pythagorean theorem was going to be my next answer. Shut up, Jellyfish. It wasn't. Fuck off, Jellyfish. Like, I've had it with Jellyfish.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And by the way, You literally are spineless. And by the way, to the Portuguese man of war, you're just a fucking jellyfish. Also, don't try to be all fancy with your Portuguese man of war.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Netflix's new series, No Good Deed, follows three families vying to buy a 1920s Spanish-style villa that they think will solve their problems.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Cause he's, he's a man of war, you know, a little toxic masculinity there.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
Seriously. Okay. How about your geographic origins don't really matter because you're for war and we are not for war.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
That being said, Jellyfish, great aim on Ronnie. Great aim on Ronnie.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
but by the way that's what a funny turn of phrase that daisy says daisy basically comes in as like oh well you know about danny she pretty much slept with everyone including a child from the club sorry danny try not to get too offended try not like you i love to get try not to get too offended i'm sorry you want to date danny you're gonna need an app to rent her for a bit it's just like the town bikes you just put her back one just leave it in the street someone will eventually
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
We'll stop acting like a toilet. So then we go to a flashback of Daisy. Basically, Daisy calling out Danny for stringing Keith along. And then Daisy begging Danny to work while she's flirting with Gary. By the way, Daisy going up to Danny while she's flirting with Gary and said... Donnie, we really need your help right now. That is not finding a way to show you.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
That's your boss saying, get to work.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
No Good Deed, starring Lisa Kudrow and Ray Romano, is now playing only on Netflix. This episode is sponsored by DoorDash.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
If you've got time to schmooze, you've got polish to lose. As in, lose that polish out of the container and put it on the silverware. I got it.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
I honestly was proud of these women. They really turned up. You know what? They came back late, but we'll get to that. Also, as soon as Glenn says these guys requested midnight snacks, of course, that is like a red flag. Anyone who watches Below Deck knows the moment that midnight snacks are called out is the moment that midnight snacks will not be prepared. So I was actually shocked later on.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And then Gary, she, you know, Diana has her trademark sparkling personality. I'd be like, thank you so much. So then Daisy sees Gara and she's like, Gara, obviously the primary had a shock of a birthday. Maybe you could do something stupid to make them laugh, like kind of clown sketch or something. Just sort of stand in front of them and they'll just laugh at you.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
And honestly, there's so much to watch on Max. From True Detective, The Last of Us, Succession, there's really so much that I would want to watch while I have my DoorDash deliver me stuff.
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
all right that could probably work at all so then gary basically tells keith that they're going to be doing some sort of skit and keith is like keith is like what about like a jellyfish reenactment or something uh like a comedy skit and this segues into some very um uninteresting but notable backstory for keith how dare you call this uninteresting this is an amazing backstory
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#2657 Below Deck Sailing Yacht S05E11: Broadway Stinger
No, it's good, but it's like, because it's Keith, it's like inherently bland, you know? Yeah. But it's like the most exciting his backstory can be. But it's still ultimately a Keith backstory.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
The holidays are upon us and Whole Foods Market is your holiday headquarters. Whether you're hosting or a guest, impress everyone at your table with exceptional flavors and enchanting host gifts for all your holiday gatherings.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Yeah. Um, well, I'm, I'm happy. He seems really cute. Hopefully he's a nice guy. And, um, I just love how curious luggage, uh, Yeah, I just love how the crabs in a bucket that is the Vanderpump Rules cast are just like clawing. You know, everything's just like falling apart. It's just like, she's like Angela Bassett throwing the keys back to her exploding car.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
That's major.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And I just couldn't be happier for her.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Oh my God. That's crazy.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Wow. I can't believe it. I mean, he's such a catch. You know, sexy, so much personality. It's a real loss. Real loss for Whitney.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Um, if this is true, um, you know, I am obviously famously, I'm not as cynical as you. You're, I'm the one who believes in the things and you're the one who says, Ben, they're doing it for TV. But actually in this case, I would believe it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I would a hundred percent believe that Whitney and Justin are doing it for TV because everyone's talking that like Whitney was kind of like on the sidelines this season of SLC. And this has been such a, an amazing season and everyone's been talking about it. So to be on the sidelines for like the amazing season, um,
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
sort of suggests that you're like a little expendable to which whoever would say Whitney Rose is expendable I would say shame on you Whitney Rose is a valuable member of the pack but that being said I can see why she might feel desperate to do something like feign a divorce in order to secure the snowflake for one more season
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It's no secret that weight loss drugs and GLP-1s are all anyone is talking about right now. But you don't need to be rich and famous in order to get access to these medications. Through HIMSS and HERS, you can get access to a budget-friendly weight loss program personalized just for you.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
She's like, go tell them what I said. She's like, mama's ready to leave that motherfucker. They're like, Bobby, why are you cursing? Sorry, I had a couple sodas on the way over here. Little Mountain Dew on the braid. Mom's doing it for the camera time. You don't know it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
She did a classic Utah Mountain Dew with coffee mate and cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Here is my storyline for next year, guys. I'm going to dump Justin.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And she already has shown this season that she has a relationship with gossip bloggers and podcasters. I mean, that was her whole thing is that she contacted Adam from Up and Adam to be like, hey, I normally talk with you about things. So who was talking to you about things? So like I mean, they all do. Let's not act like Whitney is the only one. But for sure, she leaked it if this was true.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
yeah uh so anything you want to talk about today sir what do i want to talk about well there's a funny thing this is sort of this is a real minor thing but i just want to get out of the way you know we were talking today about uh potomac and we're talking about this guy that ashley is dating on the show and um beavis is it beavis or butthead who am i calling am i calling him the right he looks like one of those beavis or butthead but i don't know the difference between them
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I mean, because they both are kind of pompadour-y, but I don't know. It's time for a commercial.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It's time for a Crappin's commercial.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
With big wireless providers, what you see is never what you get. Somewhere between the store and your first month's bill, the price you thought you were paying magically skyrockets. With Mint Mobile, you'll never have to worry about gotchas ever again.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I mean, how many times have you felt like, oh, this has been such a great deal, and then at the end of the first month, you're like, what just happened?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
To get this new customer offer and your new three-month premium wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to That's Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
So someone wrote to us. The old queen of the bar wrote to us. And this is, by the way, such low-level gossip, but I still am amused by it. And the old queen wanted to weigh in about Ashley Darby's date, Josh. And the old queen said, guys, I'm dead. No. No. This is allegedly, according to someone, according to an old queen in a bar who decided to write us a message.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Plus, your personalized treatment ships for free directly to your door.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
We don't know if it's true, but the fact that he chugs chocolate milk before making out, an interesting choice. Yeah.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
So that was just some really stupid things. Another piece of gossip that you may have heard about recently is that Melissa Gorga is selling sprinkle cookies and they are quite expensive. I think it's like $35 or something, and you get six. The price point is not amazing. Whoa, $35 for six? Let me double check that before I slander. Slander!
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Actually, I don't have the price point here, but I was told that you don't get a lot. Melissa Gorga cookies.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
That's F-O-R-H-E-R-S dot com slash crappins for your personalized weight loss treatment options.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Yeah. Sprinkle by MG. Um, so I'm on her, I'm on her page right now. It's a lot of images of her being showered with sprinkles, et cetera. Okay. Yes. So I'm looking, you can get a baby blue sprinkle cookie count, 12 cookies for 29 99, which is much better. Yeah. It's better. Yeah. Everything's about $30, but it's a dozen for $30. I think that's a little expensive personally.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Um, not as bad as like $35. The question is this. I mean, I already know the answer. Would you get sprinkle cookies from Melissa Gorga?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Yeah. It makes me feel like she was, it kind of makes me feel like she was told she's not coming back next season because like, this is the thing you would do. Like, like if like, okay, I lost my TV job. How could I capitalize on my fleeting fame? Sprinkle cookies.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
HERS weight loss is not available everywhere. Compounded products are not FDA approved or verified for safety, effectiveness, or quality. Prescription required. Restrictions apply. slash crappins.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Now people in the comments are saying Bethany, Danny Pellegrino.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Not bad. It's not bad. Not bad. It's not bad. Not bad. It's not bad. Tastes good. Not bad. Not bad.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Oh, my God.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
You know what? It's business. It's business. You got to be able to take it. You got to take it off the market. You got to take it off the market. Like, you can't. You can't do this. This is no good. Uh-uh. It's not even a cheetah brand. This is just toxic. Take it off the market. It's just what business. It's what you do in business. You got a bad product. You take it off the market.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It's a factory recall. Tell everyone, send back in your Harry's Spanish sauce. Uh-uh. Uh-uh, can't be in the market.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And why do you have to do this whole theatrical thing where you do, someone sends you this pasta sauce to try. So you do this whole theatrical thing where you do like, you test a blindfold next to Rouse. That's like, why are you doing it to this brand? Taste it first. Okay, if you want to do like a live test on the air, you can be like, ooh, no, you know what?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Not for me, unfortunately, it's a little bit of a miss. But like, why are you also actively being like, not only is it a miss, but this one's so much better. Like, fuck you, Lisa Rinna. I was like, it was just so obnoxious. It was mean. And you can't tell me that she didn't know which one was which. I believe she knew. She's like, okay, all right. Whoever you are, assistant number one.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Okay, what's the matter? Okay, you're going to give me Rouse first and then Lisa Rinna second. Okay? All right. I'm going to pretend like I don't know.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Well, you know, the second part of this pasta sauce thing, right? You know, no. So she does, especially does this whole thing of like, oh my God, it's disgusting. I'm going to die. I would rather hang out with Chelsea Allen again. Yeah.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I didn't know this. Go ahead. That's amazing. I'm going to say yes. Look it up. Look it up. It's really funny. So she does this thing. It's like all over the internet. And so Amelia Gray, the daughter, one of the Hamlin daughters, she writes a comment and is like, wait, you got to cook it. It's like you don't just eat it out of the jar. You're supposed to cook it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Well, either way, Bethany then cooked it, and then she's like, honestly, it's worse. It tastes worse now. It tastes like not great red wine. I'm truly sorry. It's worse.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
You just call the restaurant. You can hear exactly on their service. I believe it's actually somewhere between Rao's and Rao's. It's like Rao. Rao's.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
He looked confused. He looked scared. That big cascading hair where the light comes through it because it's sort of like wispy. You know, it sort of looks like a lampshade. And you know, he was looking, you know, he like wanted to come to the table and talk about his acting. He's at that stage in his life where he just talks about like, stories about how we got into acting.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I loved her so much. Like, Al, why are you sitting at my table telling us about this lady? We don't need to hear it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
If ever I need a good piece of fish, a good piece of meat, I am going to Whole Foods. It is without question the best place for me to find those sort of things.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I never trust when actors have academic pursuits, with the exception being Geena Davis. I allow for her academic pursuit, but other people's academic pursuits, mm-mm, mm-mm. And that goes for singers, too. Like, Alanis Morissette becoming a therapist, I still don't really believe that. Like, I don't understand how that happens, and I don't understand who her clients are, and how you can be like...
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Okay. She's from Georgia. She does not give a fuck. She ain't scared.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Getting into the ring with the big dogs, huh? Okay, relax, Bethany. She's not scared. She's not scared. God, she has such an inflated sense of worth. But either way, hilarious.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Amy in the chat says that she was obsessed with the magnet closure. I guess the box has a magnet on it. Oh my God. Magnets. Oh my God.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And then she's like, all right, look here.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Okay. Someone deport her. Okay. We don't need Albanians around here. So yeah, Bethany, Bethany's TikToks are, they're so unhinged. And yet like, like, I'm unable to stop watching. I'm glad that she's sort of, she's let go of the reality reckoning because this is just much more of an entertaining version for me. Like this, I just want Bethany, I just want my mess back. Like stop crusading.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I don't need you to be on a crusade. I just need you to try people's food and just be ridiculous about it and terrorize your assistants.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Thank you. I decided to spend the past few weeks investing in lights, cameras, and action. And I'm really happy about it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Okay, there's a reasonable expectation, I'm sorry, reasonable explanation about why there are drones above New Jersey. This is merely the delivery vehicle for Melissa Gorga's sprinkle cookies, okay? Those things do not get to your doorstep on their own.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
So they employ drones, they come into Franklin Lakes, pick up the cookies, and then head off into the world to deliver sugary greatness from Melissa Gorga.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It's a mushroom. I hate mushrooms. I'm allergic to mushrooms.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
The first thing I want is that the first thing I want is Bethany as a whistleblower, because then that means that Bethany may be brought in front of Congress. And they're like, so who told you about the nukes? Like, okay, you know what? Honestly, honestly, you have to really get with it. Okay. It's called TikTok. I'm on there all the time. People comment to me. I don't know who's who.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Like, I don't know. I don't give a fuck. It's like this person and that person, whatever. I've got like someone from Albany is trying to infiltrate my place. I got to deport them next day. You know, it's a lot to take on. People message me all the time. You want me to know who it is? How about this? How about you find out who wrote you a letter most recently? Okay. I've had enough.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
So that was quite the admission. Guys, I realized that the secret to better streaming is jigglers. It's the way to go.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Lisa Rinna's really been MIA. Or maybe she seems MIA to me because I'm still blocked by her. Lisa Rinna. Can you unblock me already? Like we don't have a beef. I don't know why I'm, I don't know why I'm blocked by Lisa Rinna. Okay. I like Lisa Rinna. I mean, I thought she was sort of spiraled out of control her final season, but I really greatly enjoy Lisa Rinna.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
take down that wall let me back into your life i'm sweet ben mandelker i'm the guy who enjoys the you gave me a croissant once come on now i'm the bitch here ben didn't do anything i don't think it was back into your life you can hate me all you want to i love it i thrive on that shit
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I think, though, the thing is with Lisa, I think that she actually blocked a lot of content, Bravo content creators, because her last season, she got so much hate. She really did. She blocked everybody. Yeah.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
For the next chapter of my life, I want to walk around looking like Karl Lagerfeld. So, you know, she's doing it. Good for her. I look forward to being unblocked by her sometime in the future. And if not, that's okay too. There's plenty of other really interesting people to look at.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Speaking of Beverly Hills, one story that has been really odd that has been sort of happening over the past week has been the story of Brandy Glanville and whatever is happening with her face. And in this case, Brandy posted a photo last week And her face looked kind of like it looked like there was lumpy and sagging and strange.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
You know what? Sex positivity. By the way, Sweet C in the comments said, I am homesick and so in need of this. So feel better, Sweet C. I'm sorry to hear that.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And she said that her doctor thinks it might be a parasite jumping around. So then TMZ found Terry Dubrow. Terry Dubrow comes like walking out of like a restaurant acting like he totally did not call the paparazzi. And he has like an entire spiel prepared, which is so funny. I was surprised that he didn't have Heather in front of him doing their like Disneyland pose like, oh, oh, hello, TMZ.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Oh, hi, didn't see you there. Well, do you have any questions you'd like to ask perhaps related to a medical situation with Brandy Glanville? Because I have some ideas. So he does this whole spiel that's so made for TV. It's like not even like, it's just so blatant. Like it looks like he's doing an infomercial. However, it was kind of interesting. Did you watch what he said? No, no.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Well, I tuned in. This is what I tuned in for.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I can't. Well, I'm sort of interested in this Brandy Glanville face thing. So he says he doesn't think it's a parasite, but he does think that there might be a microorganism inside. that may have come from like a leaky, a leaky something, another implant or filler or something, or maybe some other, but he thinks there's a, there is a foreign body in there and that like, it could be a fungus too.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And that like, that like she needs to start like get like attacking it with medicine. Cause it could take three to six months. And the longer that she waits, the more damage it can do. And then he's like, huh? come see me. If your doctor can't do it, come see me.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
At the end of the day, Terry Dubrow is a doctor.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Sorry. I was under the impression that she was going to the doctor and getting medical care, but Terry Dubrow is kind of like, your doctor sucks. Come see me instead. So there's talk about like, oh, it's laying eggs. Who knows? Just blast that face with something. How about she goes to a sauna? Kill it with heat. I don't know. Like, apply a warm compress.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Aren't there some medieval things they could do? I mean, it's horrifying.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Like, I feel like at first I was laughing, but now, now I've actually conceded that it's very scary.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Her clickbait is getting so annoying. You put like, it'll be like someone fired from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Click to find more. I'm like, okay, Brandy, I'm not doing this anymore.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And she had, she was on such an upswing. She was great on season one of the traders. And then she was also good on, um, she's good on the first girl's trip. And then she was on something else. It seemed like Brandy was like finally like getting her way back in. And then Caroline Manzo, it all, it all spiraled from there. She's been on, she's been just go, she started going nuts on NBC.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And then she got this thing. And then I don't know if it did happen in Morocco. I thought she said also she went out to dinner with Phaedra or something. It was like a fateful night, whatever it is. You never know what the story is with her.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It literally like the baby came out with a pizza beach t-shirt on. I was like, how did that happen?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
The baby came out going, I got the taco contract. I got the taco contract.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
The baby's first word is Julan. Classic Lindsay. I'm so happy for her. I'm happy that she has her baby. I know that was really important for her. But that being said, I'll be even happier when she gets a babysitter so she can go back to Summer House and still do what she needs to do because we need her always on that show.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I have a small tidbit. That's not Lindsay, but congrats, Lindsay. Congrats. So as we may have heard over the past few months, Padma Lakshmi has been trying to get into comedy. She's been doing comedy shows called Padma Does Comedy, which is still such a funny concept. And there was that one clip, I wish it was saved. It was like on a story where she's like, My teenage daughter, she's so funny.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
The other day she said, mom, why did you say that? And I said, because I learned it from influential New York Times book review reporter, Michiko Kakutani. You silly, silly young girl from Gen Z. Anyway, no one's laughing. Anyway, so she's trying to do comedy.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Yeah. Padma puts on a comedy show or something like that. Gail Simmons, it was reported on Deadline that Gail Simmons is producing a comedy series. She's producing a comedy series at NBC starring Julie Bowen. It's called Taste. And I just love that Gail and Padma are both trying to flex in the world of comedy right now. This is the Thunderdome I've been waiting for between these two. I love it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And Gail wins this one already. I think Gail is already going to win this, don't you think? I think so. Well, Gail will definitely get paid more money for it, I think. I mean, well, Gail's also smart because she's just merely producing. Padma's actually trying to be funny. Padma's like, she's arranging these comedy shows where she brings together comedians. So I'm sure the shows are good.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
But like Padma doing comedy, like... The other day, I was watching a poor person trying to cross the street, so I aimed my car at them. Unfortunately, I missed. Anyway, that was a joke. I hit them.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Is that a good one? She's such a teenager, like me.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Small things. Jen Shah's sentence has been reduced a little bit. Again, I told you. She's going to be out in a week. Yeah. She's having good behavior. She's leading exercise classes. She's apparently like a gem in prison. Also, Bronwyn Windenberg got married to her girlfriend for those who are pining for their Bronwyn gossip.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And then, oh, I have an announcement, which I'll probably have to make again on the on the main show. Thank you to everyone who has informed me that the passport holders that Bronwyn gave to the women on Salt Lake City were actually worth $600, not like $15. They apparently are not tchotchkes, but I will still stand by the fact that they look like tchotchkes. It doesn't matter if it's $600 or $15.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It looks like a tchotchke.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
My DMs are lighting up. And I'm also like, why are people so in tune with passport holders? Like, why are people like, oh, well, that's a... That's Lizzie Svetsky or whatever. That was the Roni woman, wasn't it?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Judith Lieber. Everyone's all up on their Judith Lieber passport holders. Why is everyone up on their Judith Lieber? Why is everyone so connected? I'm turning to Bethany. What's going on? Why does everyone know what this passport holder is? Are you guys subscribed to passport holder quarterly? What's going on? What's happening?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
No, I wasn't. So I don't know what's going on. I'll play around though.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends. Would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. It's always automatic with Ashley Otto.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Put your hands together for Carly Clapp.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Dana C. Dana Do. Erin McNicholas. She don't miss no trickless. Jamie. She has no less namey. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Have a heck of a time with Rebecca.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Nobody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
She's a whiz, it's Liz Sarthy.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell for Rochelle. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I love chocolate. If you're in a hurry and forgot something or simply want to avoid the holiday crowds, relax. Order everything you need for a great holiday gathering online at Whole Foods Market on Amazon for easy pickup and delivery.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
anyway bad stuff bad stuff happening over there what have you got terrible terrible no all the same stuff uh terrible i think what's kind of so sad about this is that we've watched this trajectory for so many years we predicted this would happen unfortunately and the thing that's always so so heartbreaking with james i'm not gonna say heartbreaking in a way like let's like empathy no empathy in this situation
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
But what's heartbreaking for us to see is we've seen this person who has struggled with his emotions and trying to get it together and struggled with his drinking and substance abuse and struggled with his rage. We've always, unfortunately, suspected and dreaded that this day would come if it hadn't already happened, to be honest.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And I think, though, there was a part of us that like for all of James's faults, we I think we kind of rooted for him and we sort of rooted that he would like write the ship and he still can write the ship. But like for right now, like this is terrible.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And it's like, you know what, sir, you've had you had a lot of lifelines, a lot of people in your corner helping you out more than most people ever did. And you got to like a big pinnacle. He got a big pinnacle in his career, getting to play Coachella and everything, which we always joke about that. But he did get to do that. And you know what? Like, shame on him.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Shame on him for just not being able to take advantage of all the opportunities that he was given to help himself, I say.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Yeah, in some ways, I'm kind of glad there's not a season of Vanderpump Rules for him to do his redemption tour on because I'm just like, I've got better things to do, okay? Like, you want a redemption tour, like, start it with yourself and your family, but, like, don't come trotting around about how you're a changed person. Like, I'm an El Bonalisa. I tried so hard.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I'm going to cry right now because I keep it. It's like, you know what? We've had enough of it. We've had it for like eight years. You had your chances. You had so many chances and we gave you as an audience, many, many chances. Okay. We, we laughed at all your little jokes and everything, but you know what? You fucked it up.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
From memoirs and sci-fi to mysteries and thrillers, Audible's curated list in every category is the best way to hear 2024's best in audio entertainment.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
You fucked it up and you got to get yourself under control because you know what? You're an adult. Grow up, okay? Get your drinking under control. Get your emotions under control. Get therapy. You've got the money to do it. I don't want to hear it anymore. I don't want to see another fucking headline about this shit. Go take care of it and we'll see you never.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I think it was yesterday.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Listen, anyone who is willing to romantically link themselves with Tom Sandoval loses the right to put up an Instagram story at any moment that says, I feel like a fool. This could not be a more obvious thing to cut. Like it's like this is the most obvious outcome.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Did you not realize that all of pop culture in 2023 was dominated by this imbecile for cheating on his girlfriend with her best friend? What do you not realize? I don't even care if what she's saying is just an attempt to be the next Ariana. You lose the right to say you feel like a complete fool. Whatever Tom Sandoval does to this woman, it's not going to ever be justified.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
And Percival Everett's brilliantly subversive James.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
It doesn't matter how much of an idiot someone is. They do not deserve to be cheated on or anything like that. However, you do not get to have our sympathy for dating Tom Sandoval. The evidence was all there. It's like driving. You drive into a wall and then say, I feel like a fool. I drove into a wall. Well, yeah, there was a wall there. Don't drive into it.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I actually am really excited to hear George Orwell's 1984 again because last time I read that was back in, I don't know, middle school or something like that. And the world has changed so much with technology and everything like that. I feel like now is the perfect time to revisit and listen to it on Audible.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I'm on the reality TV story that says Tom Sandoval says Victoria Lee Robinson made a big mistake. Is that what you're talking about?
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Oh, here it is. Her follow-up post on Instagram. Okay. Did you find it? Because I'm opening it up right now. What's it say? Yeah, you open it. I would like to sincerely apologize for my previous post. I had a true misjudgment in this situation. If she was talking about her entire relationship with Tom Sandoval, yes, you did have a misjudgment. Tom did not do anything.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
From my own personal trauma and experiences hearing false accusations about him all the time clouded my judgment and got the best of me. So once again, I'd like to blame Ariana and the Ariana fans for clouding my judgment. Please respect him and know he's actually been the most supportive partner. The internet can be harsh sometimes, and I'm learning how to block out the noise.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
Good for you, Victoria. You are the noise.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
You brought it out too much.
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#2656 Crappy Hour 12/16/24: PumpRules DV, Drones, and Parasitic Parasites
I was like, you go. Yeah, the continued ascent of Ariana actually is now... It's now gone to a place where I'm just like... I'm actually astounded. Because the window is closed. The 15 minutes should be over. And she just... She's like...
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I think that's true. And then even us talking about it right now, we're talking about it this way because we've thought about it overnight. So we've had time to think of all these other things. But yeah, I think you're right. In the moment, your response to your friend is just like, fuck that guy and to listen.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Now, something else about this, because this scene goes on for a long time, but just something else to note is that in the after show, Was it the after show or watch what happens like because she was on watch what no is watch what happens live? so she went on watch what happens and Todd was in the audience.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
He was sitting there and Andy asked about you know How Todd feels about his shit being exposed on the show like that and she's like well, you know first of all I just want to make it very clear that Todd did not cheat on me and He did not cheat that was just some communication so she took it back and And so some people so it's kind of a split. Right.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I love watching True Detective, and I actually haven't seen the Jodie Foster season, so I'm starting that tonight. I'm so excited to get into that.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Because some people like, oh, she's just doing that because she's terrified of Todd. And Todd made it clear to her that if she embarrassed him again, that he would divorce her. And, you know, now she's terrified. And so she's just doing what he wants.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And then other people are like, no, she clearly lied, which is what she continues to do on the show, which is accusing people of shit that they never did and that she's so hurt by that.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
you know exaggerating things or making making claims that people which she does do on the show all the time and so it's pretty she's an interesting case because like is that happening because we've also seen that todd's a controlling i hate how todd you know no matter what i think of her i hate seeing how todd treats her
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
and that guy's a piece of crap on this show so i really don't know but it's interesting that she right after this episode she was sure to go on and say no no no he never cheated when she very clearly said there was infidelity so i guess maybe she was inferring to a different kind of cheating which would be emotional or whatever but she clearly on the show tried to make it look like he cheated on her so i don't know she's a confusing one she's she's a tough one
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It is. To get us to really shut the fuck up and have a serious conversation for this many minutes in a row is pretty impressive.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So they're like, wow, that's really sad. And she's like, yeah, you know, but I really understand Todd. And I feel like in this group, in my relationship with Todd, in most of my friendships, she's basically saying nobody knows her and who she is. And it's just such a weird, isolating feeling and feel like nobody gets her. And she's like, I don't have a good relationship with my mom.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Find sales on show-stopping proteins like Whole Foods Market Beef Brisket, Golden King Crab Clusters and Lobster Tails and their new organic spiral cut bone-in ham.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I don't have my dad. I'm losing him. And Gwen's going to college. and she's lonely basically. And she's like, so then she thought Lisa was introducing her to friends. And then it's, and then it's been tricky with some of her, some of them. And then that reinforces this narrative. Yeah. And it reinforces this narrative that maybe I'm not good enough for anyone. Oh, there it is. There it is.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I'm so cynical. I get it. But I'm sorry. My only feeling is like, yeah, but stop fucking with everybody. Because you've been the asshole. Like, I'm sorry, but you've been the asshole. And this is, to me... I find all of that would be very compelling if it wasn't just about her starting fights with everybody. Because to me, it's like you got in trouble. Now you don't have any friends.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And now you're going to cry and make everybody else just say you're sorry to people for starting shit.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Talk about your story when you're being close.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Well, Bronwyn did start by talking shit about Whitney first because she did say in that car she was mocking Whitney in front of Heather and Lisa for the way that Whitney was crying, and she's like, oh, my God. Like, what are you going for an Oscar award or whatever she was saying?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So Heather did come for her, but she was the first one talking behind people's backs and Heather was just calling her out. And then she showed up every other time, calling every other person out to be like, see, you guys like people calling people out. Well, watch me call everybody out.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But she was guilty of the thing that she was originally charged of, which was talking shit behind someone's back. Even though she went to Whitney and repeated the stuff to Whitney to her face, she still said it like it was much less of a mockery than it actually was. So to me, no, Bronwyn started all of it.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And I was on Bronwyn's side when that was all happening on the show. I was totally, Heather was acting like an idiot. I mean, I was totally team Bronwyn on that. I'm just saying technically she did. She did start it in such a big way that like, yeah, she is trying to fit in. She's trying to fight and everything like that, but she's not fitting in with the part of like forgiving and moving on.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She's just constantly starting something and constantly being offended. And then now that it's all catching up with her, it's like this biggest tear thing, like, it's just because I don't fit in. Because who besides really a horrible person like me is going to hear that and be like, yeah, but also just stop being an asshole.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
All of the stuff you're saying about not fitting in and all the stuff about Todd, I think is super valid and all of her feelings are super valid. But to bring it into this situation where you're constantly antagonizing everybody, I guess it's explaining kind of why she's doing what she's doing.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But it's also putting the impetus on everybody else, like not making her feel good and not just her starting shit constantly. But I don't know. I'm mixed as well.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So I guess basically what you're saying is... By the way, both things could be correct. I guess what you're saying that I'm vibing with is that it's not necessarily an excuse. Because I think I'm taking it more as an excuse. And I like the way that you're phrasing it, which is like she's explaining it as a reason. and not necessarily using it as an excuse.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She's kind of explaining what's going on and not trying to excuse it, which I'm down with, actually. I think it actually could be both. I think it is both an excuse and a reason. I have to say, I think yours is more accurate, but it's also more compassionate. So I'm going to go on that team now.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know that I'm very reactive like that.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It's time for a Crappin's commercial. Audible's best of 2024 picks are here.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Like a stunning new full cast production of George Orwell's 1984.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Audible, there's more to imagine when you listen.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So then Bronwyn's like, has anyone asked me a fucking question about myself? Oh my God. What questions have you asked anybody? What are you talking about? Where are all these moments where you've reached out to the other ladies to see how they're feeling about anything going on in their lives? There are none of those moments. There are none. Spoiler alert.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Especially when it's told by a full cast like that. Like it's a full production. It's going to be like a radio play, you know?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Go to slash crappins and discover all the year's best waiting for you. That's slash crappins.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But there are some things that should stay drama-free.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Healthcare shouldn't be dramatic, but lawmakers insist on attacking our rights to get the care we need and deserve.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
All right. So Heather gives a really nice speech to her about like you're being hard on yourself, but no, fuck that guy. And if you were OK with the situation at first where you felt like, oh, he's just dismissive or whatever, and now you're not OK and you've realized that you deserve more, you're allowed. Like you don't get to you don't have to just say I accepted that in the beginning.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So now I'm going to accept that forever. That's bullshit. And you are the queen of your own life. And you girl, you know, she gave her like the full Barbie speech. And I really liked it. I thought it was a good speech.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Yeah. Yeah, very well done. Very, very good job. So Bronwyn's like, you know, obviously I've chosen to stay with Todd and I choose that every single day when I get up. But I appreciate Heather trying to stick up for me and saying I deserve more, you know, and I'm going to take that support.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So then Meredith is like, Bronwyn, what I wanted to say is, you know, I didn't go through this exact situation. But Saf and I obviously had some serious problems where we were separated and nearly divorced and reconciled. And for us, it was really hard. And we had to learn to redefine bean salad. I said three beans. He said five beans. My sister said nine beans. And here we are, happier than ever.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
By the way, we just saw a flashback of Lisa being the one who was the only one that we've seen that was like, Bronwyn, how was your dog attack? What was that? What happened? Were you screaming? What happened with that? Lisa was literally just asking you about yourself.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So she's saying, you know, it turns, basically what they realized is they had to redefine their relationship because everyone has their capacities, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't adore you. He just may not be able to show it in a way that you receive it, which is also an interesting point, which Whitney, and I think everybody, Bronwyn definitely, kind of turns this against her later.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And uses this as – they accuse her basically of sticking up for him and saying, oh, they're standing for the man. I think Meredith is saying something pretty typical, which is sometimes you have to meet people where they are, right?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Some people don't know how to show love the same way. And it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you as much as you love him. It's just some people are not capable of showing love the same way as you. I think that she's trying to make her feel better. And I don't think she's like... jumping on Todd's side. I don't think it's about Todd.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I think she's trying to make this sad woman feel better, you know?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I just, it's like... This is why it bugs me, because I think I feel like her intentions were... I know that she might not want to hear it, and I might... If the argument is like, you know...
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
that's not what i want to hear right now then okay but i don't like the twisting it and making it like they're standing up for todd and it's like they're trying to be there for you you know it's like you come to people with this huge thing they're trying to be with you be there for you and you're twisting what they're saying and trying to make it something bad and then using it against them later and i just think it's gross like it just gives me the ick it's like she takes all the good will she builds up and then she does something that just takes me out
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I don't know. But that's later. That's in the third hour of this recap.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Yeah. Well, you know, but it's also an ensemble show where everybody's talking about their feelings and giving opinions on everything that people are bringing up. So to like to like pick and choose everything. And then I don't know. I just didn't I felt like I felt like it was a bad vibe using somebody trying to open up with you.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Even if you don't like someone's advice, when you open up to your friends and they try and help you in any way, even if you don't like their advice, to like turn around and be like, well, fuck her. Like you just had somebody sitting and talking to you and like trying to help. And so like to use it against them and villainize them later is just like, sorry. I'm just not into it.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Well, that's true. And, you know, I could be proved wrong literally in two seconds, so who knows.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It's not where nuance lives. I know. So Meredith's like, so Meredith says that. And then Angie's talking about how she wants to cry just listening to it because her husband is super perfectionist. And, you know, she has a lot of pressures like that with Sean. And, you know, he just keeps wanting more and more and more. And they just open one business and she finally catches her breath.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And now he wants another business. And she's like, oh, my God, like. You know, leave me alone, man.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So because Brittany is an idiot and she watches Bachelor, you know, religiously. Sorry, not all of you are idiots who watch The Bachelor. Obviously, I watched it for many years, but I'm just saying Brittany is obviously trained in Bachelor speak. And she goes, Brittany. And she goes, Bronwyn, we needed that. Good job. Like, she's like, I'm so proud of you.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
That's all I needed to really like you is your trauma. Thank you for giving me your trauma. And then Lisa goes, you're so much more relatable now. Your Q rating just went so up. I know.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Yeah. Well, we'll see. I mean, he seemed fine on the show. He was on Watch What Happens and he seemed fine. And she's like, you know, Todd knew I was going to. She said something like, you know, Todd knows I'm going to. talk about it or something, you know, but it was interesting. You should watch it and watch the dynamic on there. Cause it was definitely an interesting clip. Okay.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So, um, now they're talking about the boat, you know, they're back at the place or whatever. And Lisa, Brittany and Meredith are, are, are talking. And, um, Brittany's like, it was just so emotionally exhausting. It was like, you know, a lot came out of Bronwyn and I feel closer to Bronwyn, but at the same time, what about me? Um,
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
You might have been nauseous from being so high on those heels. They were showing her walking in these heels she chose to wear to the boat, and she couldn't even walk. Like, Angie had to help her walk to the boat.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It takes a minute to recover from that. It's like, girl, everything is not 27 hours away, okay? I mean, how many are you taking? Jesus Christ. You could anesthetize an entire children's wing with what you just took. Not that I would suggest that anybody do that. It's an odd thing to say. Okay, so I was just trying to think of smaller people. Chipmunks.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She's like, it was nothing about being a gold digger. I mean, if you just bothered to get to know me. And Brittany's like, and by the way, Bronwyn started a fight with Heather within two seconds. How would she try and get to know you? You immediately went and tattletaled on her and tried to get her in trouble. So then Brittany's like, well, I don't want to come for you.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
you were confronting her at the same time. You were just chewing her out in front of the whole group, and then you pivoted into making everybody feel sorry for you. So I don't really, I don't know what this lady expects, honestly. So Andy's like, well, there's something with you two.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Like, I cannot pinpoint it, and I don't want to say she's not supporting you, but you are sleeping over here, so that is something. And Bronwyn's like, I mean, she's just doing enough to make me feel uncomfortable, but not enough to get in trouble for it. You know what I mean? Yeah.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I mean, I've already talked for 15 minutes about this, so I'll, I'll say that. So Heather's like, so it's like, you think she's saying it's your fault because you're guarded. And she's like, yeah. And there was this, like, is Todd doing this to me? Cause I've done something to him. Like, I mean, it just feels like the two of them were defending Todd. And I was like, damn.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And Whitney's like, yeah, you just bored your heart and soul to us, you know? And I was like, wake up, heart and soul. That was a fun story, you know? And then your heart and soul were like, meh. And then they put on pinatas and started beating them. And I was like, wait a minute. Why are you beating up pinatas in Puerto Vallarta? What is going on?
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She calls it vulnerable. That's what they say. They take a lot of the vowels out and they say vulnerable. It's like a different word now. It's like she hit a speed bump in the middle of it.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So she goes, yeah, they're defending a cheater instead and it hits home to them and it's a trigger because it's something they've both been through or been accused of because they've both been accused of infidelity. Okay, then why weren't you triggered? No.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
yeah be quiet yeah so then heather's like well they side with todd because they've been on that side of it but they want to be forgiven that's what she says which is like oh so they both so heather basically is both like yeah they've both been cheated and they want to be well season one that was the merit of the storyline right that like she went on dates when she and seth were separated right supposedly the rumor was that her and jen shaw were like fucking the same guy in new york remember
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
That was crazy. Oh, God. Back in the day. This show is wonderful. It really is. But there was lots of rumors that Seth was cheating. Then there were rumors that they were swingers. But the only rumor I heard that Lisa was cheating was the Whitney thing that she was doing just for jazz tickets. Oh, right.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Heather's like, well, I think it would just be hard for her to imagine anyone not wanting to be friends with someone that was rich and beautiful and cool, which is true. I mean, I think all of this is valid so far. And Bronwyn's like, well, you know, I was surprised and I was not, you know, like you two understand what it feels like to be put in a place as a wife and a woman and whatever.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I don't know Whitney Whitney is like literally cheated with a man who is married with the family I think she's talking about Mormonism I think she's talking about Mormonism because she says it feels like to put in a place like you guys feel like it feels what it's like to be put in your place is that what she's saying I think it's basically what she's saying is like in Mormonism when you're kind of told like this is what a woman's role is because she said I don't think Lisa and Meredith have experienced that culturally
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Oh, okay. So she's like, and understand what that feels like to be in a really narrowly defined role for yourself, you know, so they're standing up for Todd because they don't understand it. Like, is this all he can do? And again, I don't think that's what Meredith was saying. I think she was saying, don't feel bad that he doesn't love you. I think this is, he doesn't know how to show love.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It's his fault for not understanding to be, it's not, it's his fault for not being able to understand love. how to show you love, not your fault for being unlovable. I feel like Meredith was trying to be supportive. I don't like this. Now, the stuff they're saying about Lisa, I mean, yeah. I'm not gonna stand up for that.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, hold on. Head nods coming. Head nods coming. So you're saying you don't think she believed what I was saying? Is that what you're saying? Okay, no, that's not what anybody is saying. Are you saying I'm a snob? So now she's taken yet another thing that she's going to twist and turn around and throw in someone's face. I'm telling you. So here we go.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So now we see a plane flying over and then Mary comes to the hotel in a golf cart. So here comes Mary.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Yeah. So she gets to the girls. She's with Meredith and she's with a couple of girls. And basically, and Meredith goes, why didn't you come yesterday? Why didn't I marry? And she's like, well, I was like, you know, and then then I came. And they just all went, okay. Such a Mary answer.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Oh, God, please let her not be so stupid as to use that against somebody. Please. Yes. So then, you know, Mary goes to say hi to people and she goes to Angie's room and they run to each other and jump in each other's arms. I love this. And love each other.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
just watching angie and mary just like that little video of the kids of the babies running to each other i mean they ended up using that video for stupid political reasons later but which were horrible but the um the original video is just so cute of the little babies from like seeing each other and then running down the sidewalk with their arms open and just like jumping at each other and holding each other yeah just the way they hugged each other i was like this is so sweet yeah i loved it
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Um, you know, Mary loves Angie cause she's positive and she needs that and they get each other and they just keep hugging, you know? And so then it's dinner, it's dinner time and it's a Vita themed dinner. And it is so ridiculous. It's one of the most ridiculous themed dinners of all time. Vita is huge. It's imprinted on everything. It's all over the walls, all over the plates, all over there.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So, wow. And she very clearly says, and the infidelity we have in our situation. And Whitney goes, and everyone just goes, and there's a big long moment. And then Lisa like moves chairs and sits on an ottoman and then double crosses her legs and then like acts, she like flicks her hair like, Here we go. Here, this is me, Lisa listening. Go.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
You know, the waiters are like faces, you know?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Look for sales on curated cheeses to create a grazing board everyone will love while the dinner's getting cooked. You're in the right place to get all the best accoutrement like nuts, dried fruit, and chocolate.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Hey, no, she's not wrong, but still it's Whitney. And, um, She goes, but I don't think they can even afford to do commercials. So, oh, please, weren't you the one that had like a stupid charcuterie tray set up for influencers to come for free and post everything from your thing? Whatever, Whitney. So then Lisa's like, cheers to Mary being in Puerto Rico. Oh, my God, I love a good starter salad.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Not you, Mary. Sorry. Did I just call Mary a starter salad? That's crazy. Mary, thank you for being such a good niçoise. Wait, what am I talking about?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And they go, what'd you order? And she said, I ordered mozzarella and tomato. And then I also ordered like a pastrami soup. And they just all look at her. And no one says anything and Meredith goes, did you say pastrami soup? I've never heard of pastrami soup.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I love stroking off. Whitney, we're not talking about masturbation. Oh. They're like, oh, so then Heather's like, I can think of zero soups that contain pastrami. How does Heather not have a podcast yet? This is just like such a mess. Like what soups even have pastrami? Okay, everybody come to Patreon if you want to hear us talk about pastrami soup.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Nasty. So then she does a pastrami bit and then Bronwyn's like, I don't know who she asked pastrami soup for pastrami soup from, but I don't think that's coming. I just don't, I don't, I don't think that exists. So then now we're asking how Meredith feels. Brittany keeps going, Meredith, how are you feeling? He loves subtle. Subtle as ever.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And Bronwyn was like, I mean, if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to talk about it. But I do feel awkward because it's warmed its way all the way through the rooms to me when I was getting glam done that you were crying and throwing up as well. Right. So that was there. There was a lot to be concerned about. Because, you know, that's what I heard.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Speaking of pressure... Call her Henry. This is my investigative journalism.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Well, I'm trying. I'm eating. Trying to eat. Did you throw up? No. throw up and then lisa's like who did you tell and and uh heather's like oh she told me um she told me and i told angie oh she's just spreading around everywhere so then we see a flashback of that and then um meredith is like i did not throw up wait can we just i'm trying to eat can i eat can i just can i have my soup
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Well, I'm glad that you find it all to be such an interesting subject.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
i couldn't believe that someone would shame slots at my bat mitzvah so i started to cry she's so full of so then whitney's like wait a minute this is confusing math no this life well that too what are we talking about So she's like, Meredith and Angie just made up at dinner. So what the fuck? Now she's crying over slut shaming. She's like, she goes, I had no idea.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She was an advocate for the sluts of America.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And you are going to keep egging this on. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What am I going to do, Lisa? What am I going to do? What am I? Maybe I will lunge at you. Maybe I will take a play from your book and lunge at you. Come on. You keep getting in the middle. You are being a pizza.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
he's like when were you infidelity i thought it was only a website did it happen at aqua aerobics it's good for the joints so bromwen says a couple of years ago they were on a trip and he was texting someone on his ipad and then gwen went to say something to him and she saw it over his shoulder what does she see over his shoulder was it a nut pick because you know I want to see a pic.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She wasn't defending her, right? She wasn't defending her. She was saying, come on, Meredith, step up to the plate. Yeah. So then Lisa's like, oh, wow, do you feel like a badass right now? She's like, I do not feel like that. How come when people talk to you, you think they're trying to have a problem or they are trying to be a badass? And she's like, you're not the boss of me, Angie.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She's like, you are not the boss. You should find someone else who is a boss. You are not a boss.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And nobody gives a fuck about my feelings with me, especially you. And she's like, uh-huh. Actually, I do. Nuh-uh. I did. But maybe look at that as how your friends feel. Because you get to be the dick titter, and I get to pick and choose which dicks you tits.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
You're a dictator. And guess what? Just because I wanted to be friends and the minute I stood up for myself, you turned your back and left the friendship. which is not really what happened either with me. As I recall.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So then Brahma goes, well, here's the thing. It's just, everyone just stay out of this. And she's just, oh, well, why do I get told to do by Lisa fucking Barlow? Oh my God. You just said that Angie didn't tell you what to do, but you tell me what to do all the time. Oh, my God. Bronwyn's being left out, everybody. So let's let her in now. So Lisa just goes, Bronwyn, I'll get to you next.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But it's not always an issue. It's the same issue. And I never get all the way done with you. I'm just never all. You're just never all the way done. Just finish your meal. Finish your fucking meal. Oh, my God.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
i'm like fucking sick of all this like for real it's like dish dish dish i try to be friends with you i'm like i've been a really good friend to you brahman and brahman was like no lisa honestly i appreciate you liking my husband but the way that you responded to what i was saying today made me not only believe that a maybe you didn't believe me or you didn't really give a fuck or that honestly you kind of stood up for todd more than you did for me and mary goes
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She's really hurt. Who is that? She's hurt. Waiter.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Oh my gosh, I talked to you about my kids. I talked to you about my sons. Like, okay. And she's like, and you are guarded, but that's who you are. And Lisa, why are you getting all snarky? It's like, because I'm upset. Stop talking about your feelings.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
If there was like some balls hanging, you know, being dragged, you know, behind his ankles or something. I want to see it. I want to see some old man nut picks given to me. I don't know if I want to see Todd's nuts. I'm just curious. Like how low can they go? Come on. I want to see real low.
Watch What Crappens
#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But it is odd because Angie's normal complaint about Lisa for the whole season is she just has to sit on the phone and listen to Lisa talk for hours on hours on end about herself. And now she's saying Lisa never talks about herself. So I guess she means on a more emotional level. But again, it's like Meredith is just like, what do you expect? It's Lisa. You know, this is where she is.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Like, you can't just make non-emotional people emotional just because you need that. Go get it from an emotional person. So then Lisa's like, she's crying. And she's like, wow, you're never leaving my friend. You were never my friend. And then Mary's like, did you not get your pastrami soup either? Because this is not what I ordered.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Speaking of pressure. And that brings us to the end of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, everybody. Thank you so much for being with us today. Go get your tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour on sale now over at
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
It is always better to get them from the site because if you Google Watch What Crappens tickets, you are going to be taken to reseller sites, which are going to try and gouge your ass. We are not that expensive. Go to our site to get the proper links, to go to the proper websites, to get normal price tickets. People, okay?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And we sure love you guys, and we're so excited to see you starting next month. Come to the Golden Crappies in New York City on Broadway. And thanks to everyone watching us on demand. We will talk to you tomorrow for a little Southern charm, okay? Bye.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Get on the right foot with Chrissy Offutt.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Hava Nagila Webber. Know Your Worth with Jason Couric. Sip Some Scotch with Jessica Trotch.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Kristen the Piston Anderson. Rigging the Funk, it's Leslie Plunkett. She Gets a Name from Us, it's Lindsay Dee. Let's Give a Kisserino to Lisa Lino. Always Killin' It, it's Lola Alcalani. We Love Her on the Rocks, it's Melissa Cox. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily Sides.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a whiz, it's Liz Sarthy. The Incredible Edible Matthew Sisters. She eases our woes, it's Melissa St. Rose.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
She ain't no shrinkin' Violet Couture. We love you guys. If you like Watch What Crappens, you can listen ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at slash survey.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I'm just like them, just in much more expensive clothing, you know? Now, do I cry? Yes. Is it into canvas bags? No. So Whitney's like, but what did he say to you when you confronted him about it? And she's like, well, he said it's a fatal flaw of his. And what's good for him in business is that he's never satisfied and he's always pushing for the next deal, the best deal, whatever.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And Brittany's like, oh, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Everyone, I'd like to announce that was ouch. Ouch. Am I right? Cheers to Brandon. That hurt. That hurt even me.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
So, um, by the way, this, this is laughing and I'll tell you why I'm laughing, why I'm so openly laughing in just a second. What were you going to say?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Make Whole Foods Market your holiday headquarters. Have you ever found the house of your dreams only to learn it has dark secrets?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Palm pilot did not come along and decide to replace somebody. It was the one that was replaced. So if he's going to compare that to his business, he's not even getting that right.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
no it doesn't work that way it does not work that way i'm sorry yeah and you know what on this show we're always making jokes and laughing about serious stuff but this is just such and i'm so sick of hearing this kind of thing from men and i'm also sick of just people taking it you know what i mean like it grosses me out and i don't like it and nobody deserves this and britain and uh bronwyn definitely does not deserve this
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And so Heather's like, well, did you say fuck you? It's not hard to turn it off when you come home. It's called marriage and fucking turn it off. You lose your wife. And Lisa goes, yeah, no, I wouldn't do that. And so Ron was like, well, it's not his fault. You know, you're used to what you used to. You like what you like. I mean, everybody, everybody has their thing.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
yeah so lisa's like uh you know this is shocking to me like i don't know what goes on behind closed doors but i mean well my doors i do because there's cameras everywhere you know basically it's uh henry spraying cologne on his armpits and then smelling it and then falling over fainting and then i send him notes saying stop putting so much cologne up your nose you're gonna die he doesn't listen he's really addicted to that stuff what were we talking about
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But as the sellers discover, sometimes the home of your dreams can be a total nightmare.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And it sounds like she's going, oh, my God, I just can't believe it. But I think she's literally saying, I don't believe it. So then Heather's like, but did he deny it? And she's like, well, he came back with a ring that had five diamonds and he made five new promises to match each of the diamonds. And so they asked what the promises were.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And she's like, well, it was five things he didn't promise me when we got married that he probably should have, you know, because Todd works 3000 miles away from me five days a week. So, you know, so there's always going to be a lump in the back of my throat.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And if I'm not super supportive, if I'm not super there, if I'm not super caring, if he's going to cheat and if I'm not enough at home, he'll get it. So I'm not enough at home and I'm not enough with you guys either. Oh my God, first of all, this is so fucking sad. But you are starting every fight on this show. Nobody has started a fight with you.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
You've literally antagonized every single person on this show. And then even after they apologized to you, you antagonize everybody else. And then you start crying like you're the fucking victim. Are you fucking kidding me? Okay, so that's first. Now, back to the other thing. No one deserves, still nobody deserves this. Well, I think there's a correlation.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
How the ladies are treating her is not really fair, even though I guess she's projecting pain from one thing onto another thing.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I know it's an awkward thing for me to be like, But doing what you do to the ladies and then using that, I know they're bringing that up right now when she's, the reason I did that is because of this next thing that happens. So Meredith is basically, because she's like, I mean, I love Todd. Oh, no, no, no. First what happens, Heather's like, I'm sorry.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
You've heard us talking about the latest Dash Pass annual plan benefit, Stream Max with ads included at no extra cost. If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for?
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
And Meredith says, do you think that maybe that he can't be that invested because you're guarded against him? And Lisa goes, that's a great question. And she's like, no, no. And then it turns into this whole other thing of the ladies sticking up for Todd. So I get that it looks like that. And I think maybe they are because they're both in situations, as Whitney points out, Whitney's half-baked.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But at least Meredith is in that situation where... she's possibly been cheated on before, right? So maybe she's also a way to justify. And, you know, maybe there is something with a lot of people who do kind of justify the other things.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
But that's why I pointed out the other thing is I'm saying, is it possible that you're so, you're setting, like in this group with the friends, I feel like she is starting all of these fights and then making herself a victim. Like she's purposely pushing people to,
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
Almost like she's purposely putting up a wall and daring them to, like, still be her friend, if that makes any sense, even though she's being a total asshole. So I'm saying, is that what they're trying to say? Like, is that what you're doing to him, too? Like, are you in your marriage the same way as you are in this friend group in other ways? I don't really know.
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#2662 RHOSLCS5E14 Part Two: Todd Bedfellows
I don't have a clear thought on it, but I don't know. I mean, they take a lot of shit for what they say here, and I don't think it was that bad what they said, basically.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
The holidays are upon us and Whole Foods Market is your holiday headquarters. Whether you're hosting or a guest, impress everyone at your table with exceptional flavors and enchanting host gifts for all your holiday gatherings.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
That's F-O-R-H-E-R-S dot com slash crappins for your personalized weight loss treatment options.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
This is okay. This is like, okay, well, okay. So we're going to have like my cousins and everything. And like, oh, and then also, well, you know, then it's like your dad's law partner and your dad's law partner's dentist. And it's like, well, we have to invite the Rosenbergs. Who are the Rosenbergs? I don't know, but we feel like we should invite them.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Like it's a lot of people get bar mitzvah invitations. In my school growing up, it was like, you had to invite the whole class. In fact, actually I didn't invite the whole class, but there were a lot of them where it was like, You like everyone, because I was, I went to a small school for middle school. So it's like 50 people in the class.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So you're just blanket invite 50 kids right there, even if you don't like them. So Angie, welcome to bar and bat mitzvah land.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
HERS weight loss is not available everywhere. Compounded products are not FDA approved or verified for safety, effectiveness, or quality. Prescription required. Restrictions apply.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I was like, it's not your bar mitzvah, right?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Did you find any Michelin star restaurants?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
From memoirs and sci-fi to mysteries and thrillers, Audible's curated list in every category is the best way to hear 2024's best in audio entertainment.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
you know honestly i would be crying too if i got kicked out before i got to see meredith marx hoisted up in a chair in the middle of the horror so yeah i would be sobbing i'd be like wait that's the main attraction whoa whoa okay now this this okay you okay put the chair down okay you want to talk about the chairs we can talk about the chairs like seems like i was just imagining those kids especially brooke and chloe being hoisted in the chairs and just how blase they'd be like wow
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Girl, you're about to get into a shampoo fight. Okay? So get ready. Buck up. You're about to do something that no housewife has ever done, which is throw two bottles of shampoo across the table at dinner, which is normally don't even have that prop available for dinner. So, you know, get ready. It's going to be iconic for you.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
We know you're listening because you can't get enough drama.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Like getting birth control, accessing gender affirming care, getting tested for STIs.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Your gift to Planned Parenthood helps all people, no matter their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, zip code, income, or immigration status, get affordable, high-quality care without judgment, stigma, or drama. So don't wait. Make your gift now at
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And Percival Everett's brilliantly subversive James.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I actually am really excited to hear George Orwell's 1984 again because last time I read that was back in, I don't know, middle school or something like that. And the world has changed so much with technology and everything like that. I feel like now is the perfect time to revisit and listen to it on Audible.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I was like so mad. I was like, it was embarrassing how mad I was. So then Meredith's like, well, you know what? They spew lies. They gaslit me over and over again about the comments about you, about the comments about my hearing aids, about the comments about my white bean salad. And she's coming to celebrate me and she makes fun of my impairment.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
See, Sean gets it. So... Chloe's like, it's an enhancement. Yeah. It's just like, chic. Chic. Like, your phone, I mean, hearing aids are like, so in right now. Ooh.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
They unlocked a new achievement. for Mary. She does great prop work with windows. So she just lets herself in because she knows she can because she sees the camera on the other side of the window. So she goes in and then she just sits in this And we've always commented on Angie's house being really, really white and sterile. But I felt like I really appreciated it even more. I really felt it.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Just seeing Mary sitting in there and no one else was there. It was just this big white room. It looked like a padded cell or something like that. But the only pops of color come from these really cheesy photo to canvases all over the place. Then there's one of Angie with a tiger... It's just such a bizarre space.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah. And like blue, blue, little blue elements like this Ikea cup I'm holding. It's like this color randomly.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
and just like oh so you uh you know what you're going to have to help me do is a comic bit where we open up champagne and so they don't know how to open up champagne and we see a flashback of them like two weeks ago not being able to do it but now they're gonna do it again and it was so funny they're trying to open it and there's two of them trying to get it off and to go let's just have some water
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It was like watching the entire Marx family slice a lemon together. Yeah.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I'm like, I'm sort of shocked that they were so inept with champagne, especially Angie. I feel like Angie should know her way around a champagne glass, but she really didn't.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yes. Thank you. Also, honestly, if you're working in a salon, you should be pouring glasses of champagne to the bougie ladies, right? Isn't that like what we've learned from these shows? That when you go get your hair done, you get a glass of champagne with it?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Thank you for pointing that out. If you cared about me, you would know that I can't have champagne with carotene in my hand.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah, and it was actually more, it was actually, she was talking about Robert Jr. She tells Angie that he's on drugs and everything. I didn't realize that heroin was in the mix last time, but now we know that there's heroin. And it's just so devastating.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Angie's very dialed in. I really appreciated the way Angie was there for Mary, actually. Also, Angie did the move that I enjoy, which is when she puts her hand slowly on her heart. I like when she does that. She does like a slow hand thing right here. She did that last year, too, during a scene. And I don't know why I enjoy that. But it was such an emotional scene.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And Mary... What was also emotional was Mary's interviews that were cut through it. And she's like really sobbing on camera. And she's just like... She's beating herself up. She's like, what did I do wrong? How did I not see this? How did I not secure him enough so he knows his self-worth? She's talking about how he says how he felt like he's a stain.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And she's like, I prayed to God for four months that I could, you know, I worked for four months trying to have you. Like I prayed for you to come here and for you to feel like you're a stain when you're like the answer to my dreams. It's just like, it was just gut-wrenching all over again.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Exactly. I hope it does not become fodder, because it's too real. It's not some bullshit about Starbucks cups. But it was just, honestly, it was a beautiful scene. And I was like... I was also like, I know this episode's going to go crazy. Because Ronnie texted me and said, this episode's so funny. So I was like, I love that they're like, okay, we're going to have a really funny episode.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
But first, we're going to make you cry. And now we're going to make you laugh. Okay. Yeah, they do it really well. The show does it so well. It can pivot like that.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Wow. Wow. So then three days later at the airport, Heather's like, I'm really excited for this trip. I think I'm pretty good with everybody and I have no bones to pick. And with airport security everywhere, everyone seems to be on their best behavior. And they do a little thing about who hates who and everything. And she's like, you know, Angie and Brittany can't stand each other.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Meredith and Angie aren't even speaking. And Whitney and Lisa basically hate each other. Thanks, TSA. We're off to a great trip.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah, I think Bronwyn's mistake was saying it to Lisa, because if she just showed up with these passport things, passport holders, I don't think it like, it's just like cute little tchotchkes. It's not like a thing. It's not stepping on anyone's toes. But if she then, if she ahead of time says to Lisa, should I bring something? And Lisa says, no, don't bring something.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
But then you bring something anyway. Now it's suddenly poor form. But the truth is this, at the end of the day, these are like tchotchkes, like maybe like each one is $12 or something like that. Honestly, they really should be like $3. But they're tchotchkes, and if this is going to step on Lisa Barlow's gift, it makes me wonder what Lisa's Barlow gift is going to be.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
If ever I need a good piece of fish, a good piece of meat, I am going to Whole Foods. It is without question the best place for me to find those sort of things.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
You know, it's one of the best days of the week because we get to talk about Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and- The best. The best. I was at- Really, the best was the best.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So Bronwyn. So anyway, she's like all she, I mean, this is pretty serious. She got really taken down by this dog. And Brittany's like, well, do you know that Chanel heals all wounds? So you're good. I have an announcement to make. Chanel has healed my heart from Jared. Cause we're back together. Anyone. Hey, did you guys go through security without me?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
The creme of the creme. Creme de la creme.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
i know i just spilled my drink and brahman's like oh my god you're spilling it everywhere yeah i'm in heels like what was i thinking and like by the way the airplane bathroom it was so disgusting i couldn't even bother to ditch a ring in there for insurance it was so gross and heather's like that was me i didn't want to sit on it and there was some turbulence so i just peed everywhere well clean up your piss what is wrong with you clean it up
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
clean it up i mean like i think i've told the story before i remember once seeing an interview with wrote with ruth buzzy and she said you don't know how many airplane bathrooms i've cleaned up because i don't want to come out of a bathroom and the person next person goes in and says wow i can't believe how messy ruth buzzy is so she just goes and cleans up every bathroom she's in in the airplanes other literally does not care
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yes. I was at board game night last night, and you texted me, and you were like, how does this show do it every single week? I was like, I hadn't watched it yet. And I was like, oh, I'm so excited. So excited for Salt Lake City.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah, the notes app is no match for a Lisa Barlow trip. Oh! So they go to this resort called Vidanta World, which I'm sure Lisa only picked because the first four letters are Vida.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Vida. So they meet the staff. There's like a butler. They go into the beautiful, of course, beautiful villas. Everything's gorgeous. But we also find out that the way they are going to be arranged is in two separate villas that are next to each other. And each villa has four bedrooms and they're identical. But of course, this now means the group has to be split in half.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I know. It gives me a new appreciation. Peanuts. I'm sorry. I just love that's like, well, someone put a peanut under my shoe. I don't appreciate that. But mitzvahs are not for hate and peanuts can kill someone. And that is hate.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Maybe it's a new trend. Maybe it's a new trend in Utah.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So basically... I'm going to start it. So basically... will be the thumbnail christina um so basically here solidarity okay so um in one villa we have meredith heather lisa and brittany the other villa is bronwyn angie whitney and mary i have to say when when lisa was going through
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
the reasons why this person can be with this person or that person or that person i actually felt like the logic kind of panned out like i didn't think it was you know it becomes a big discussion about like lisa was trying to send a message she may have been doing that but i also think the logic was fairly sound because i think if brittany were in the other villa that just i don't know if that would have really worked so well so uh you know i just i just want to put that out there like a little bit but literally everything makes sense to me that's why i can't be on a jury because i believe everybody
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Wait, I feel like you don't believe everything. I feel like you're the skeptic and I'm the one who always falls for everything. Aren't I the one who's always like, you know what? She apologized and I really mean it. And you're like, hell no, Ben. She was just saying that to get screen time.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Well, listen, me too. I think someone should just hang us up at a seaside shack and call us flip-flops because that's what we are.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I think everyone knows the defining feature of our podcast is our open hearts.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So what I was actually surprised at was when Lisa's going on about the billet arrangements, I'm just thinking, okay, this is just exposition. This is fun to see, but it's just exposition. And I was shocked that right away, we went right into drama because Bronwyn's like, I want, because she's already starting to do her puckered lips and doing, she's like already nodding by the door jamb.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
She's like, it's like Bronwyn's no one talking to you right now. Stop nodding. She really is. Like the rage just gets her head nodding, you know?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
and it wound up under my shoe. So Bronwyn is like, she's like, I want to laugh, but really I'm just so fucking furious. And you know, she's really mad because she starts to tilt over in her interview. That's the other, that's her other sign. Is that when she's in her like crazy outfit, she starts going off to the side. She does do that.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
she gets off she literally gets off kilter and so she's like i want to laugh but uh really i'm just so fucking furious about this rooming situation lisa is my closest friend in this group so i'm like are you on uh atv right now lady why are you bouncing and tilting so much it's the head for me and once i noticed the head just constantly nodding and shaking i'm like stop it stop it
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Oh, it's so good. So then Bronwyn's in her room and she's like, well, I'm going to need a bigger closet than this Lisa Barlow. I'm going to need a bigger closet. And Angie is like, but I love your room. What? So by the way, what do you think about the little teams in the villas? And Wendy's like, that was an interesting separation, right? How did Bronwyn get kicked off of the cool girls club?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Just want to remind you all there's a 75% chance I'm carrying rabies at the moment. Okay, great.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Oh, is that why you got kicked out of the mean girls club? Ha ha. And Bronwyn's like, I don't know what I've done to Lisa. She knows I was physically attacked by a dog and I physically feel awful. And of all people, Lisa knows what I'm going through with Gwen and how heavy it weighs on me and that I lost my Starbucks card. So yeah, I think I would deserve to be in the villa with her.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I'm like, that has nothing to do with being next door or in the same villa.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Well, the weirdest part was that the mother was Linda. And I was like, really? God, so he's related to Monica? So... And then she pushed me down the stairs.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And then she started talking to the plant and said, you're my real daughter. And I said, but I'm a son. And my son. You're my son and my daughter. So...
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
think what's kind of weird is like i feel like low-key john's adoption story has keeps popping up all season and he's like because i think they keep don't they keep mentioning it she's like yeah i've been looking up john's birth parents on ancestry and he's like i don't want to know i don't want to know and then he finds out yeah she forced him they said it on the after show that he asked her not to and she did it anyway i mean that's like you just yeah you can't do that
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Oh man, you should hang out with Kenya more. So Bronwyn is like, I've known Lisa almost 10 years. And I would say since she introduced me to you guys, I think our friendship has been a bit hit or miss and I don't know what's going on, but I don't feel super close to Lisa. And I feel every time I try to tell her, I don't feel super close to her.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
She reminds me that we are close and everything is fine. And then I see everybody in a group setting and it's not, it's just, it's, it's not the case. And then next thing I know, I'm hanging out with you three idiots. I mean, sorry, I love you guys, but you guys are idiots. You guys know, you guys are in the cool club.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
She really just has stepped into this role so well. So Whitney is like, Bronwyn was so quick to throw Angie and I under the bus at camp day just to stay in good graces with Lisa and Heather. But look what it got you, because now you're stuck with us, with a tail between your legs. Wait, why does she have a tail? Someone get the doctor.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Thank you for correcting my pronunciation. It is till. So Bronwyn's like, I just feel really weird about this rooming. I mean, that's not what I would expect my good friend to do. It's put me over here while she and Brittany and Heather and Meredith fucking get best tattoos together. Like, I don't even know what's happening over there. Okay.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
She, I mean, with everything I'm going through and what about my impairment? Hey, you can't take that from me. Well, it's mine now.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It's like, she didn't give out Chanel bracelets. She gave out tchotchkes from CVS.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah. Yeah, so she is not, where are we? I got lost. I know we're generally where we are.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
No, I felt like she was like, I'm going to do what I want and I don't care if it's Lisa's trip because I spent $35 on passport holders from Spencer's gifts and she was just going to hand them out no matter what I say.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Thank you. You know what? It's just not, you know, she says so many mean things to so many people in front of so many toddlers. I mean, whether it's slut shaming, whether it's shaming someone's business, whether it's shaming someone's ability to understand the difference between a spoon and a plane coming into the hangar. It's just, I've had enough.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Justice for slutty and parent people. With companies and toddlers. Celebrating becoming a woman.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
If you're being foreclosed on, don't worry. We accept you.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And one more thing, Rudy. You are enough. And if you can't get into your locker, that's okay.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
That is industrial size. It's not even Costco size. That's industrial size. It's a huge amount, but it's actually, it's so big. It doesn't really feel like a gift. It's like, it doesn't feel like it's also her own brand.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So, yeah, it was a weird choice. And Meredith is like, well, looks like we have shampoo and conditioner from her own salon. Can you read the ingredients? And Chloe's like, yeah, there's sulfate in this one. Ew, really? Yeah. Yeah.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
The largest offense of all. A sulfate shampoo for your keratin-infused hair. She's so offended.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It's so wonderful. So now they're all getting onto the golf carts to go to dinner. And Lisa's like, is there air conditioning? And And then they get to the bar. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. I'll be honest. I couldn't tell. I don't think she was joking. Like, Lisa, we're outside.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I wish they realized. You know what? If they were making an effort, they would have put some flaps on this golf cart because my keratin hair is not reacting well to the humidity. And we only have about five minutes before my scalp bursts out into flames.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
we're in there get that eardrum ready because we're banging on it um yeah so we're really excited it's gonna be a really exciting 2025 so excited for those crappies broadway we're gonna do it up this year it's gonna be big um so uh but you don't know who else is doing it up in salt lake city as we mentioned i was so happy earlier this week i was reading an article uh because it's december
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Oh my God. Girls, I just want everyone to know that I'm finally part of this world. I say, oh, okay, Britney. You don't have to go back to Disney Tokyo. She's like, okay, sorry. That was the latest video I saw of her was her singing as Ariel.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Well, also, I'm surprised that she has not made that the cornerstone of one of her big scenes. Like, guys, it's just so strange. I walk up to the group and no one says hello to me. I'm just used to just walking down the street and people saying, hello, hello, good morning. I mean, admittedly, it was in a musical on stage in Tokyo in 1999, but still, like, it's part of my personality now.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Listen, Brittany, you know, you have a beautiful singing voice. We love what you've done here in Disney Tokyo. But the thing is this, it really takes the audience out of the show when you turn to them and you make an announcement and say, hey, I have an announcement, everyone. I now have legs. We know, we see, we're watching the show. You don't have to announce it to the audience. Everyone!
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I have to say I'm back together with the beast. See, again, you just did it. You're ruining it.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
They're like, Okay. She's like, oh, well, she actually, she came over the other night. She hung out with her friend. We talked for hours and guys, she spent the night. It's huge. It's like, okay. And Meredith is like, well, that's amazing. And on top of that, you have an eyelash on your cheek. So you get to make a wish here. I'll make the wish for you. I wish for Brittany to disappear. Oh shoot.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I shouldn't have said it out loud. Sorry.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
We're finally making progress. Finally making progress on this front, and no one says anything? Dude. Ouch. Which is true. But that's what happens when you make too many stupid announcements, that when you actually have a decent announcement to make, no one even cares anymore. The girl who cried erasure.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
And this is the time when all the newspapers and magazines start coming out with their top 10 lists. And so, you know, the New York Times does their list of best TV of 2024. And of course, it's all prestige TV, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Totally, you know, not including all the wonderful reality TV that's out there. And I, you know, you know me.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Also, the way you do it is you don't bring it on yourself. What you do is you pout at the table and look sad. And when someone says, Brittany, what's wrong? Well, it's just going through a lot right now. My daughters have erased me, but one of them's back. And then you go from there. But if you try to force it when someone else is trying to have a scene about something else, it's not going to work.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah. Hey, everyone. This is the end of part one of this recap for part two. Keep an eye on your podcast feed. It is coming up in just a moment. Thanks so much for listening. Catch you on the second half. Watch what crappens would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. It's always automatic with Ashley Otto.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Dana C. Dana Duke. Erin McNicholas. She don't miss no trickless. Jamie. She has no less namey. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish. It's Jen Plish. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Pod Shadley.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell for Rochelle. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I firmly believe reality TV provides as compelling narratives and comedy as anything you might find on FX or HBO, yada, yada, motherfucking yada. Um, so every, but I always read these top 10 lists and I, I, it's like almost like I do it to get mad because I know, um,
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I love chocolate. If you're in a hurry and forgot something or simply want to avoid the holiday crowds, relax. Order everything you need for a great holiday gathering online at Whole Foods Market on Amazon for easy pickup and delivery.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
that like they sure as hell are not going to include reality and if they do they do kind of like predictable reality like drag race which no shame no shade to drag race but like you know drag race wins the emmy almost like every year so it's like a thing that like people who are not reality fans are like they feel okay dabbling in that so i'm always like the snobbery and then then vanity fair had one
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It's like, you know, best reality of the year. I was like, ugh, now let's do what Vanity Fair says. The fuckers are gonna be loving the bear. They're gonna love the bear. And...
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
They're going to say Succession somehow, although I like Succession. But like, they're going to, I was like, I'm just ready. And guess what? Vanity Fair ranked this season of Salt Lake City amongst the prestige TV of best TV of 2024. So I have to say, that was my long-winded way of saying, how good is this season? Even Vanity Fair is appreciating it.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Well done. By the way, they also included the traitors. So Vanity Fair, honestly, on trend. They had to stumble with the redemption. I mean, reality reckoning, I should say. But you know what? They're back on. Back on board.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
okay well we are in post bat mitzvah we are here at meredith's house she's in the kitchen with seth brooks and chloe and she's uh smelling different fragrances for her future bath bomb and um we have to stop i'm so sorry
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It's no secret that weight loss drugs and GLP-1s are all anyone is talking about right now, but you don't need to be rich and famous in order to get access to these medications. Through HIMS and HERS, you can get access to a budget-friendly weight loss program personalized just for you.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
So congratulations. Congratulations, Meredith Marks on your bath bombs that look not unlike a poop emoji prototype.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
That is a dream. She is, I mean... God, I love Meredith. And it really makes me sad when Meredith and Angie fight, because I want them to be friends. And I'm hoping that this, what happens at the end of this episode sticks.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
All right, well, here's a woods fragrance. They want to try a woods fragrance. And Chloe's like, what do you do with all these scents? Well, they are going in the bath bombs and all the bath products. And maybe even they're going to scent a little bubble bath for my dog. And Seth is like, all right, well, I'm still totally stuck on your bat mitzvah. Can we talk about bath?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
We can talk about bath time bombs anytime you want. Like what the hell happened?
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Oh my God. There'll be no slut shaming at the bat mitzvah. You know, Angie's behavior has been despicable. She can sit and cry that she was thrown out of a religious event in which she shamed other women. But I don't know why Angie is so consumed with Britney's sex life. I think it's weird. And leave her alone. Angie continually hits below the belt. It's mean girl behavior.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
It's triggered the hell out of me. I'm not down for it.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Plus, your personalized treatment ships for free directly to your door.
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
Yeah. I've really grown to enjoy Britney. In the beginning, I was like, oh, God, she's just trying so hard. She's trying to...
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
really get that snowflake and it's just like all over her but it's actually become the defining feature of her personality i used to see that as a flaw and now i see that as a feature that she is so thirsty and desperate and that she never quite gets the attention that she feels like her moment deserves which is why she's always making announcements
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#2652 RHOSLC S5E13 Part One: Room Doom
I'm here for you. I am pissed. You know, I felt like you and I went there with great intentions. Like I went and congratulated her and I went in with an open mind and open heart and open Acropolis. And I mean, she invited her to us, us to her bat mitzvah, which, you know, you don't just invite anyone to that. Right. I'm like, have you been to a bat mitzvah? Have you been to a bar mitzvah?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
The holidays are upon us and Whole Foods Market is your holiday headquarters. Whether you're hosting or a guest, impress everyone at your table with exceptional flavors and enchanting host gifts for all your holiday gatherings.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
That's F-O-R-H-E-R-S dot com slash crappins for your personalized weight loss treatment options.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
We're all glad you're back, Karen. We're all glad you're back with your love lagoon, okay? Yes, exactly. Love lagoon. And Karen's like, there'll be libations. You'll have a full bar. I mean, not full bar, but because I don't want anyone getting lit, but you'll have a bar. And Giselle's like, I want to get lit-y-a-a. And Cameron's like, no, why?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
HERS weight loss is not available everywhere. Compounded products are not FDA approved or verified for safety, effectiveness, or quality. Prescription required. Restrictions apply.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And I go, oh, Jesus. Hopeless. Just I was like, well, we want you to have more penises. Penises. Or is it called peni? Peni. And Stacey's like, oh, my God, Giselle, stop it. And they're asking, like, how long have you known TJ? And Stacey says she's known him for about a year. And Kara's like, well, girl, nobody knows nobody in one year.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Exactly. So Giselle's like, well, if he ain't getting it from you, he's getting it from someone. I'm just here to tell you that. And Stacey goes, why would you say that? He is an actor on Grey's Anatomy. He has a very important role where he says... There's a phone call for you on line three. That's pivotal. Of course, he's not going to be cheating.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
From memoirs and sci-fi to mysteries and thrillers, Audible's curated list in every category is the best way to hear 2024's best in audio entertainment.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
He takes his role and his sex life very seriously.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Would never happen. Just because he's across the country where no one knows where he is or who he is, and just because he's in the entertainment industry where there are famously non-attractive people in it, it doesn't mean that he's going to cheat.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah. Karen goes, well, it's time to go, because you're a lost cause. So... It's like talking to a wall.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
With big wireless providers, what you see is never what you get. Somewhere between the store and your first month's bill, the price you thought you were paying magically skyrockets. With Mint Mobile, you'll never have to worry about gotchas ever again.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I mean, how many times have you felt like, oh, this has been such a great deal, and then at the end of the first month, you're like, what just happened?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
To get this new customer offer and your new three-month premium wireless plan for just $15 a month, go to That's Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And Percival Everett's brilliantly subversive James.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I actually am really excited to hear George Orwell's 1984 again because last time I read that was back in, I don't know, middle school or something like that. And the world has changed so much with technology and everything like that. I feel like now is the perfect time to revisit and listen to it on Audible.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So now there, Wendy goes to a place called curated by Cecilia, which by the way, whatever happened to her, I just suddenly blanked on her name or sweet, sweet Vivian. What happened to Vivian? Vivian has boutique. Suddenly we're not shopping at Vivian's boutique anymore. We're going to curated by Cecilia. I don't know who the Cecilia bitch is. Get me Vivian. Okay.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
She's like, I've got a chic little haircut and I'm not going to waste it on these idiots. Totally. So women start showing up to this boutique. I guess they're getting free clothes, which is why the entire cast shows up. And basically no one knows.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I know. So, yeah, so people are showing up. Because she tells everyone, she's like, come to this shop on Thursday. There's big news. And Giselle texts back, another birthday party. So they're gathering. Mia is wearing her new blonde look. And so Wendy's like, all right, Mia Targaryen. So, Ashley, they're just all gathering and they're just sort of chatting back and forth.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And I'm a little lost in their banter. I can't tell what's a flashback and what's not a flashback.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Number one friend to Mia. So now Wendy addresses everyone. I think this is actually what you were saying before. I may have gone backwards, but Wendy is like, Hello, ladies.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
That was the end. I think you had the right instinct because literally I backtracked just that way I could then announce on the podcast that I was lost in the notes that I could have just gone forward from. No, it was my fault. I did it. Guys, we're so sorry to each other. It was fine. Sorry. I'm sorry. So Wendy's like, hello, ladies.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
This podcast is about sisterhood. So as you know, I have recently entered a new chapter in my life, chapter 40. And everyone here has something going on in their life. So I was thinking that we could do a liberation celebration in Panama. And everyone's like, what?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
but secretly they're all like panama they're like panama panama everybody's like is that a thing isn't their canal clogged i'm gonna go there listen i'm sure panama is wonderful but it's just i'm sure it's beautiful i don't think anyone was expecting panama you just don't hear that you just don't hear that much on past lives guess where we're going ladies panama
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Then they start interviewing people. We used to get interviews with people's reactions.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I was like, was that on your bucket list to see the Panama Canal?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Are you talking about Amazon or do you think the Amazon is in Panama? Because it's not.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Only big Europe cities for me. But you know, they probably all were thinking that, right? Because you know, Karen is like, I like somehow, for no good reason, I wound up with a champagne flute. I became a real housewife. I'm only on about five, like one scene per episode. And I don't seem to interact with other people. I don't seem to have a lot of scenes with other people.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
But like, I'm finally on this show. And I get my first cast trip is a Panama. I wanted to go to Paris. I would be bummed too.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And then can't make it either. Oh, yes, because you have to be a certain height in order to get on the plane.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Guess what happens when there's so much crappins. There's so much crappins.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
What's going on over there? How could Wendy plan this cash trip at the same time as the Pulitzers? I mean, that is just so wild.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Stop pouring into yourself, Karen, is what got you into this mess in the first place.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
She's like, I am doing unbelievable things to be incredible. I like to say I am DUI-ing. And right now, I don't have time for Jacqueline.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Mia this season was like, well, Karen had an opioid addiction and she's going to be, has to go to rehab because she also went to the, she also went to a foreign country and slaughtered five people and also killed the last rhinoceros in Angola.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
People blamed that dentist for Cecil the Lion. It was Karen. I have to say it. I have to say it.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So Mia's like, it's her home, and she doesn't want any negative energy in her home, you know, aside from the fact that she's inviting the entire cast, which will be full of inevitably terrible energy. Anyway, sorry, you're left out.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And I wouldn't go anyway because I scheduled a block of time at Color Me Mine. I will be painting clay. And so I think I kind of am the winner in this situation. And so then Stacey goes, by the way, store owner, someone said that I asked for a thong. Should I get a thong? And then people are just talking about going to Panama and everything. And Jacqueline's asking about like,
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Does Wendy have any happy Eddie for the trip, et cetera? I don't know. Maybe you should check the rules about if you're allowed to bring happy Eddie into the country before you ask for it. Just as a safety measure, by the way.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Why do they insist that every scene with her is like behind her kitchen counter? Like this is like the rebirth of Cynthia when she remember that one season where every scene was at her kitchen island. Kieran is always standing. It's always they stand at the one kitchen and then they go into Greg's office every single time. I kind of feel like they filmed all these scenes after the fact.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And they're like, OK, we got to do a whole bunch of Kieran pickups. So have a whole bunch of looks in your bedroom and we're going to shoot them all in your kitchen.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
well we find out in this that he does not want to be on tv and he's pissed off about it so that's probably why he's probably like here's where you can shoot that's it you know here's my garage have fun yeah so um kiana's there and her hot brother brian by the way what a good-looking family kiana is like drop dead her brother's hot like god bless good genetics you two are killing it i mean you may have who knows about your personalities but looks are the only thing that really matter in this world right
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
If ever I need a good piece of fish, a good piece of meat, I am going to Whole Foods. It is without question the best place for me to find those sort of things.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I'll tell you one thing today. I'm defying gravity because I finally watched Wicked. It took me forever to get to see it because I was traveling, but I finally watched it. And of course, I loved it. And I've been singing that song. I listened to that song like ten times in a row yesterday. I was making cookies, listening to the song on the verge of tears for no good reason.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
so um they are hanging out and greg is like cheers to panama and karen's like thanks so like um this should be like a fun fun this time around and like i didn't really know what to expect and i don't know why i just assumed it's just like i just thought it was like a little place outside of florida because she thought it was panama city florida in the panhandle no wonder she wanted to go to a europe city
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Southern hospitality. No, you're getting out of the country.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
She's like, I'm like a 10 and you're Greg. So how about you stop giving me this guff right now? But it was also kind of surprising because kind of an unspoken thing, every now and then it does get brought up on a reunion is how this show precipitates a lot of divorces. You know, fame gets in the way or like whatever you have to do to be on these shows.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It like is like a poison and it just kills all these relationships time and time again. And so for him to kind of voice that, And for them to air that, to acknowledge that, I thought that was actually a pretty significant moment in the history of The Real Housewives.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It was pure bravery is what it was. It was brave. That's what I thought. You know what? Greg was pouring into himself at that moment.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
and greg is greg so the brother is like in brian he's like hey greg how are you doing you're settling in and greg's like well it's a transition i have to see female stuff and brian's like oh so she's cooking she's feeding you he's like yeah i got turkey legs in the fridge right now I'm like, sir, yeah, you have turkey legs in the fridge right now. So let your wife go on vacation. Not even let.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
She can go on vacation if she wants to. But stop giving her attitude when she's giving you turkey legs in your fridge.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I mean, there's nothing more embarrassing than like mixing together sugar and flour and like semi crying to define gravity at the same time. And I was like, Why am I crying?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
She's like, Aunt Dora, it's so great to see you. You can put your backpack down now. And please, your little cat friend is so adorable. What places have you been traveling to across the world? She's like, I'm not the cartoon. So she's like, Dora is my father's youngest sister. She's not that much older than me. So our friendship was more sisterly than aunt and niece.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It's almost like we have a sisterhood. Oh, my God. Everywhere, sisterhood. So I don't even call her Auntie Dora. I just call her Dora because she's like my sister. She's my everything.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
stacy's like oh my god excuse me the tea is so hot in this sisterhood right now dora goes well how is so how is that going have you met somebody are you dipping your toes in the water because well i have met someone a very good friend of mine he is a famous actor who has one line on gray's anatomy in about three months so keep an eye out for that one right there
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
i was right there with you at the end i was like wow like i was wooing and cheering like a crazy person and they don't woo in texas okay for a movie but you just hear this dude in the back like i'm walking around to rent i'm like going up to potted plants going so if you care to find me look to the western sky i'm like my plants can't speak if they were they'd be like
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And Dora. And Dora, the table is shaking. You've got to calm yourself down. No, I won't calm myself down until I motorboat his man boobs because they are made of iron.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
oh, there's actual Rob Reiner. So Stacey. Rob Reiner.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Please, please, please. You're fucking Michelle Lawley, okay? You should be happy.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Well, I think that if TJ and I were sleeping together, I would just... I would lose myself. And Dora goes, I can understand that. You know, if TJ and I were sleeping together, I would be more me than I've ever been in 30 years. Anyway, TJ, God, I love the rage behind his eyes. It's just a real turn on for me.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So the bar that they're in is some sort of salsa bar. It looks like a normal, I shouldn't say normal, but it just looks like a regular non-dance themed bar. But there's like this one couple that is very aware that there's a camera there because they keep salsa dancing in direct eyeline of the camera. And so this entire scene is happening. And there's this one guy who's like...
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And I'm like, no one else in this restaurant or this bar is dancing. What are you doing? Later on in the scene, people start to dance, but they're the only ones and everyone's sitting at like high tops drinking beers. And these people are going so above and beyond with their salsa dancing to be on TV. It was driving me mad.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Thirsty salsas. Well, you know, okay. here's the, you know, what's the most annoying is that one couple that takes a dance class and then has to do the dance class everywhere they go. And that's what these people are. They clearly took a salsa class and then they're like, okay, we're going to do the salsa dance at this restaurant. And there's a camera there.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It's like, then they go to a, it's like the people who take one dance class and then they go to like a wedding and then they like do like
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
We need to no longer be in a gay man's household. I know.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I feel like you dancing at a wedding is like you doing like singing in the rain. I just feel like you'd be hanging off of like, like you would actually pull in a light pole somehow. You'd be like, all right, everyone. And a light pole would just glide in and you'd be like, I would tap dance a lot.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Well, a lot of us are traumatized when we see Tom Cruise, but that's a whole other story. That's true. I saw a trailer for the latest Mission Impossible, and I'm like, wow. Wow. I think I want to see it, though. I want to see it.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Some sort of submarine under an ice shelf and, you know, typical bullshit. Those trailers, not great. In general, terrible trailers before this wicked episode. So, anyway, we're here on this date. Giselle is with Namza. And he's talking about taking salsa lessons. And Giselle is talking about how she met him at speed dating. And, you know, he said, let's go dancing.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And she was like, okay, we can do this. So, then she's joking about how she's not a good dancer, which then...
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I actually agree. I thought there was chemistry. I feel like it's not that he's hot enough. He's in the proper hot range, which is that he is hot enough to be hot, but not too hot to have no personality. Because Jason last year is like smoke show hot, but there was no chemistry because all he is is hot, right?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Although I actually like Jason, but we could see there was no chemistry between the two of them. But here, this guy is hot enough to be like... Okay, get the tingles going, but not so hot that he has to rely solely on hotness to get by in life. He had to develop some personality.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Karen's Love Lagoon party. Let's go over to there. Don't touch the mermaid, Ray!
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah, because they get in the water. The mermaids go hopping into the pool.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So Giselle and Ashley are riding in a car with their speed date people, which is Josh and Namza. And they're warning, they're giving like the heads up. So Giselle's like, all right. So Karen is the elder statesman of our group. And Ashley goes, yeah, she's the season one. And yes, and then her husband is Ray, and he is very seasoned. Very, very seasoned.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
He is like a mole. A lot of ingredients and seasonings.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
We get it. The grand dom teeny. Um, also by the way, you know, I feel like we never really give any love. We usually are pretty good about giving love to recurring side characters. I want to give some love to Robin. That's, um, that's Karen's like event planner slash publicist, like helper. Robin always shows up with a big, big old long wig. And she's like, okay, I'm going to help you out.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I'm going to help you. We got some grand damn teenies. And she didn't really do anything this episode, but I just want to give a shout out that like Robin, I see you and you're doing great work over there. I love your wig.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Also, she's invited Jacqueline to make a surprise appearance later, so she's not really solo. And then Jassy shows up. We have a return of Jassy, which makes me happy because I really enjoy Jassy because Jassy is so ridiculous. And she's like, hi, here's a bottle of wine from my family's vineyard. It's a 23-year-old bottle. It doesn't have any wine in it, but it's a bottle I found, so enjoy.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
You did not invite flowers and a table runner. That's standard decor.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Lisa Vanderpump, and you could even say Taylor Armstrong with her Manhattan tea party back in 2010. But you did not invent it, Wendy.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Okay, Ray. God. Then Karen starts talking about Nam, Namsa. And she's like, I like him. I just think he won't last a moment with Giselle. He's too nice. Okay. You know, and Josh, Josh is gorgeous, but he looks like he's on a milk carton, a baby on the milk carton. Just, just gorgeous. Like he's got the carnation milk on his breath or something.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I still feel like he looks like Lance Bass with a poof on his head. I'm going to stand by that.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah, he is a baby. Yeah. So then Wendy's like, oh, my God, is that Jack Hollow? Where did this middle school Jack Hollow come from? This is a lateral move. Okay. Which seems like it actually is true. So this was not a lateral move.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Maybe we'll talk about it on Crappy Hour tonight, actually.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Old Queen of the Bar chimed in about this person, and I will share what they said on Crappy Hour tonight.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Wait, no. What about the part when they said, oh, my God, hi. Just kidding. No, let's get to the end.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I just have something stupid to say, but it bothered me. It's clearly hot out, and they're all sitting in the shade. And I felt bad for Josh because Ashley, like, insisted that she would sit on Josh's lap. And I was like... If I were Josh, not that I'd be annoyed, but it's like it's hot out. And then you have a human sitting on your lap and you're on camera for the first group thing.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
You know, you're going to sweat. I was like, I felt going to have some sweaty balls. Yeah.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It was took us to a dark place. We have to pour into ourselves, Ronnie. So yeah, the game, the game is afoot.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
What kind of game is this? She acts like she pulled that question out randomly.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So now they're going to go around the horn. And it's like the question is like, I think it's newlywed, right?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
it's not even newlywed game. It's just like, answer the question. All they're doing is answering the question. So they're going around. Well, last year they at least had the whiteboards, but this year they're like, no, unfortunately we left them whiteboards on the traffic median. And well, we know what happened over there. So yeah.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So they're just asking, like, like, have you ever felt like your partner has cheated? And so Karen's like, well, I don't feel like you've ever cheated one day, baby, except with those mermaids.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
We're supposed to get some ticket links this week for some of the cities. So we'll, of course, announce that from the mountaintops when that happens. So just stay tuned.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And Ray goes, and I also do not feel like my partner has ever cheated. And Giselle's like, did you see the smile on her face? Like, you're acting like you haven't cheated on Raymond. No, ma'am. No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
uh so um then they're asking stacy and stacy is like well despite what giselle has said in the past giselle and karen the other day at lunch said they feel like when you're in la you're doing your own thing tj like you have a whole other separate life and then giselle's like yeah but i thought you guys weren't a couple you know and uh and she's like like you're not a couple so this doesn't even apply it doesn't even matter you're not a couple
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Oh man, that was a terrible, that was a terrible pivot. Like you tried to, you tried to cover up like some, something that would make people go cringe, but you just replaced it with something else that I think actually makes people cringe more. Like it would have been just. Now they don't think you're gay.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Just like, why do you have a Bugs Bunny plushie on your bed? No one has that.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It's like, well, what I'm just trying to say is get some man inserted in her vagina.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Like, get it done. Get that vagina all licked in and stuff. And Stacy's like, oh, stop it. Stop it. It's wild they're saying this right in front of TJ. Yeah, and he just loves being on TV.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
The Love Lagoon. Ooh. Yeah. Yeah, very exciting. So the episode opens up with Mia, Jeremiah, and Juju. They are at an obstacle course. It's kind of like an indoors ropes course, and they are tangling with various contraptions and rope bridges. It's kind of like a low stakes squid games, like squid games if you don't die, which I guess is just any ropes course, but that's what they're doing. Yeah.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
He's like, I'm just here to be transparent. And as a person who landed a one line spot on Grey's Anatomy, I just want to say thank you for giving me another television gig. It's great. It's great being here in another group event and not being ignored by Stacey.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah. Stacey's like, well, this is a very intense game. Can we go to the next couple, please? So now we go to Darius and Jassy and Darius is like, do you feel like your partner has ever cheated? And she's like, do you? He goes, no, I don't. She goes, oh, okay. Well, I do. I do think you've cheated. I don't have the proof, but I do feel it. You think he's cheating on you?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
He just laughs like, ha ha, of course I fucking did. He's like, I'm in the NFL. Have you seen me? I'm in the NFL. And I feel like Jassy was trying to have a moment. She was having a moment where the music goes, boom, boom, and it gets to commercial. But the show just keeps going.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah, this is not a court of law. You don't have to have the hard evidence. You don't have to have the videotape. You know he lied to you. He had a baby behind your back. Two? Didn't he have two?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Am I getting that wrong? It feels like every episode there's another child. The point is, don't say that you're not an idiot, but then you're still sticking with the guy who had a baby behind your back.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And what's funny about Darius is that Darius has this goofy smile. He literally looks like an emoji when he smiles. And he just has this voice. He's like, um, yeah. He's like a total himbo. And he's just like, yeah, I had a baby.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
You're even worse. Yeah. And then Karen's like, but have you ever cheated on Gordon? She goes, oh yeah, I have. Anyway, next question. She's just like, yeah, pass the cheese.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
That's right. So our Clios are for advertising. Cable Ace Awards. Oh, remember the Cable Ace Awards? I sure do. Weren't they on like USA, the USA Network?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
yeah and so um and then they're all talking about who's who's dominant basically all the pretty much all the men say they're dominant pretty much all the women say they're submissive although in the case of ashley when she dips into the lady pond she's actually more dominant etc and then we get to this like really awkward moment where like like they're Stacy and it gets to Stacy and, um, and TJ.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And he's basically like, he's like, she's like, well, she says that like, well, I, when I'm in the bedroom, I'm definitely more dominant. And then all of a sudden he's like, yo fam, just cause I ain't sleeping with you now. Don't mean you're ever going to be more dominant than I am. And everyone's like,
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
um it's like what is like tj suddenly becomes a little bit more affected and everyone's like okay gj just stop just stop trying to stop trying to to to make this happen right now it's like fine when they think that he's not having sex but to suggest that he would be a submissive in the bedroom is extremely offensive to his manhood
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
okay yeah and so now all of a sudden he has to suddenly act like oh i'm very very dominant or it's not even like like whether he's dominant or submissive who cares but it's more like that he suddenly has like this is the moment where he you sort of sense that he's trying to defend his manhood in a way in a way and it just feels so like it just feels so like it's sad and pointless
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And like Giselle goes, Arabella's still awake. And Giselle's like, yeah, Mia, of course he has to strangle you. That's the only way he can hold on to you.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I love chocolate. If you're in a hurry and forgot something or simply want to avoid the holiday crowds, relax. Order everything you need for a great holiday gathering online at Whole Foods Market on Amazon for easy pickup and delivery.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
DJ Applebox is still one of the funniest things. We have to make a mental note that that has to somehow be nominated for a crappy in some form.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
um so then um ray mentions that he was like karen was more dominant than he was and she used to tear her up uh tear him up i should say and then they ask like hey by the way karen you uh you retired your mouth ray do you want there do you want karen to come out of retirement and he's like yes absolutely and they're all just like laughing and then all of a sudden
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
music the jaws music starts to play and we see like um camera the camera work from inside the pool like the mermaids are in danger and then this tiny adorable dog shows up on the lawn and they're like karen you don't have a dog do you have a dog and she's like no and then here comes jacklyn with a whole bunch of balloons and karen's like absolutely not no go away no no jacklyn
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
The rule is if they put to be continued on the screen, that means you don't get to see what happens next episode. They don't put up a next episode on. So we had this low stakes to be continued. Like no one cares that Jacqueline showed up. It doesn't matter. Why was this a to be continued? I don't know. So silly. Come on.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Bye. Bye, everyone. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. It's always automatic with Ashley Otto.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Put your hands together for Carly Clapp. Get on the right foot with Chrissy Offutt. Dana C. Dana Do. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no tricolous. Jamie, she has no less namey. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Yeah. She, this was all for bonding, you know? And she says, the children obviously know what's going on between me and Gordon and our divorce or separation. But I also want them to know that their voice was heard and their opinions matter. I'm like, except they weren't because last week the kids were like, don't marry Mr. Ink, stay with daddy.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish. It's Jen Plish. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Junie. My favorite Murdo. Karen McMurdo. We love him madly. It's Kyle Pod Shadley.
Watch What Crappens
#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell for Rochelle. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
And why do we have so many apple crates in this household? Yeah.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
He's like, the fam will be inside the hospital. He's like, oh, God. He's like, this kid's going to keep his family together no matter what.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Well, maybe he's seen a lot of soap operas. That's a common trope.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I never said I was the best mother in the world, but give me some credit for trying, okay?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Oh my God, please. I feel like this is also what Mia told herself the first time she had sex with Gordon. Like, well, I'll probably never do this again. But if I get through it, maybe I will.
Watch What Crappens
#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Fig and Olive. Yeah, I hadn't thought about Fig and Olive. I'm so glad that you highlighted that. I was like, oh, they're going to Fig and Olive. I remember one time I went to Fig and Olive here in Los Angeles. I got invited to it and I sat at a table with Rennie from Big Brother. It was like an opening party.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
It's no secret that weight loss drugs and GLP-1s are all anyone is talking about right now, but you don't need to be rich and famous in order to get access to these medications. Through HIMS and HERS, you can get access to a budget-friendly weight loss program personalized just for you.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
So we're like Lionel Richie was there and like I was sitting with like Rennie and then some other random reality star and Rennie got drunk. You would have loved hanging out with Rennie because she was drunk and she would just say doll every five seconds. Like, pass me the bread, doll. All right.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
No, I was great on Big Brother. They're going to give me another TV show. It's a wonderful moment for me. Anyway, we are here at Fig and Olive. And Stacey tells us, when I joined this group, Karen said that this was about sisterhood. And I feel like Giselle has this outer shell to protect her from people. But inside, she's soft and cuddly. And we're going to be besties. I was like...
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Um, she does have a shell on the outside to protect her from people because on the inside are spikes. She's protecting people from her.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
jeez so karen's like says hello and everything she's like how have you been she goes oh i am good thank you i've just been chasing after bella she is swimming and winning every race and uh we see that arabella is swimming she's like swim meets and everything and she's just like a killer butterfly and breaststroke and freestyle demon
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I have been invited to share a burrata with Karen Huger. This is a huge moment and verifies this idea that this is a sisterhood, a sisterhood of the traveling burrata.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
What is this strange line that's in the middle of the burrata? Oh, that's my tire mark. I may have driven over it by accident, but you know, it was a tough time for me. Very tough time.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
How long has that show been on? I don't know, but that's a lot of singer-songwriter music they've foisted on this world. That's a lot. Like, every time on that show, it's like, we're about to lose a patient, then all of a sudden you hear, like, a guitar... My aphid broke.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I saved up all their sexy music. I hate love parties. I'm sorry. Listen, I love this season. I think this season's a total rebound for me. I've been enjoying every episode. But a thing that I don't like on The Real Housewives is when the couples all get together and play games where they talk about how much sex they are having and what they do in the bedroom. It's not that I'm a prude.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I just don't find it interesting. It doesn't move the needle on any storyline. To me, this is like, okay, everyone, we're going to give the producers a day off. Let's just do something simple and we can put some graphics on screen. I'm not coming from a place of hating.
Watch What Crappens
#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I'm just saying in general, when we talk about certain tropes that we don't like, vaginal rejuvenation, cryo, whatever, which we haven't seen in a while, never have I ever. Throwing the axes. Yeah.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
yeah it's like when the couples get together and answer questions or they hold up signs like i didn't like it on salt lake city either um but luckily with salt lake city it was very quick and it led to drama very quickly but like when there's like 15 minutes of it Just not my favorite thing.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
Plus, your personalized treatment ships for free directly to your door.
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
People may want to hear about the FUBA. I also have never seen or I don't know if this is something that happens in real life. Maybe people can tell me, but is this something that couples do? Like you go to someone's house and then you all answer like couples jokes about like... Like, what's your favorite position? And like, are you dominant? Are you submissive?
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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon
I just have never, I've never been invited to a night like that. And I don't think I'd want to go either because I don't think it's anyone's business, but also it's just like, I just don't think it's interesting to me. But then again, I'm also someone who loves playing board games and people look at me like I've got five heads when I talk about my board game collection.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
The holidays are upon us and Whole Foods Market is your holiday headquarters. Whether you're hosting or a guest, impress everyone at your table with exceptional flavors and enchanting host gifts for all your holiday gatherings.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
It was probably her roommate who had to sit and listen to endless stories about Shep for all that time. And then she was like, you know what? I don't think I want to go to dinner with Taylor anymore. I'm just going to leave her. So, yeah, they had this dinner. And then four hours later, he asked if he could kiss her. And she said yes. And now here they are playing pickleball in love.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
That's how it should work, you guys. Yeah. What?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Isn't that how it worked on Secret Lives of Mormon Wives? I feel like that's I feel like we've heard this story a lot lately.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
But yeah, it's like thrifting. Yeah. So now we see the producers like, how does Gaston compare to your last relationship? And then, of course, they trot out that famous clip of Shep yelling at Taylor about the broken egg during games. It's a clip that will live in infamy, and they're going to trot it out whenever they can, as they should. Yeah.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then the producer asks Shep, what do you think about Taylor's boyfriend? And he has a really specific take. He's like, gosh, he looks kind of like a villain from The Bourne Identity. I haven't seen The Bourne Identity in a long time, but do the villains walk around in gym shorts? That shit was hilarious. And Taylor's like, Gaston is sexually inclined. I'll say that.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Well, I would have to imagine. I feel like you cannot be named Gaston and not be sexually inclined. Like, I feel like he's probably like a show pony in there or something.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then Shep is like, well, hey, so Sienna, I can jump on a plane and head to NASA anytime. I mean, God, Sienna, I would love to come and hang out there for an extended period of time if you let me.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And she's like, no, it's it's fine. We just have to. plan it ahead of time. You know, I just have to send all my relatives that I'm too embarrassed to admit that I date you. I just got to send them to a different Island. And then, then you can come over. It just takes a little bit of work on my, I have to basically tell everyone, Hey, I'm going out of town. And then I'm actually not out of town.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I just hide on a different part of the Bahamas. So that way I don't have to, you know, cross cross paths with anyone while I'm holding your hands.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So Shep is like, Sienna is very smart and driven and independent. And, you know, she's flying here and there and modeling. She got into med school and she's like a lot of things that Taylor wasn't. And she wears better sweaters, too, even though even though Taylor is younger.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Well, Shep likes that. That was the whole thing, is that Shep likes a well-traveled person, and he likes to travel with them. That was the whole thing with Taylor for several seasons.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Gorsh! And, you know, as far as having your own thing and going on and being a big baller a little bit, like, she just sort of has that. Taylor's like, yeah, Gaston and I, we're like a similar age and our relationships feel more like a partnership. And like Gaston really makes me feel like I'm good enough. And that's like different for me because now I can play pickleball and not get yelled at.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Like, wow, your bar is so low right now. Chef really did a number on you.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So we go over to JT's Airbnb property, the Ann's and his mom, Bunny is back. And she is just as disinterested with JT as so many other people are right now. And so Bunny and his sister, Nicole, they're walking around and he's, cause they're going to be doing some work in there or et cetera. And Bunny's like, wow, this is way bigger than I envisioned it.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Sorry, JT, not talking about you, sweetheart. Yeah. One thing no one's ever said to my son. It's way bigger, way bigger. He's like, oh, mom, mom. Remember this? This was just a bunch of dirt back here. Remember? Remember when I showed you this? You and Poppy Seed were on FaceTime and I showed you the dirt. Well, the dirt's gone, mom. Am I the best little son in the world?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
But he's like, well, that's a feat. Congratulations. You know, it'd be even more impressive. A Starbucks. Okay. I'm your mother and you greet me with empty arms and I'm holding a canvas on my shoulder and you can't even get me a venti anything. Thanks.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
That was my cake pop. So the sister is, they're just talking about doing this, like this painting or whatever. And they're going inside. And we see a flashback to some of Bunny's greatest hits, which is last year, her saying, oh, JT, these pillows are just fine for a fishing cabin.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I commissioned a painting of a marsh in Charleston. I was like, oh, how beautiful. Everyone loves to look at a marsh. Well, I saw an oil slick the other day and I was like, Mama, can you make that into a painting for the Airbnb or things?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Hey, Mama, remember when they found the dead body in the marsh and they had to close it all down? But I've just gone wading through there, so I may have gotten an infection from a cadaver.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So they're like, okay, JT. Okay.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Gorsh Ross. sorry sorry jt okay close your ass close your eyes okay we're gonna reveal this painting okay all right open your eyes guess what it's not a painting it's a list of things that you owe us starting with a starbucks okay once we get the starbucks then you get the marsh
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Bunny is like, OK, you know what, honey? You know what, honey? I would like a cane. I would like a cane. OK, you know what? Give me that cane. Give me that cane. That's what you get.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
That's what you get for giving an older lady a cane. Shame on you, son. I tell you what I'm about to do. Raise cane.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
He's like, yeah, I guess it was a dumb move. So then Bunny's like, well, you could always write an apology letter or at least have your sister do it. She's got better penmanship.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
oh good good idea mama that's all you need to do that's all you needed to do so now we go to molly's house and her dog is barking her dog zoe and she calls her mom and her mom just sends her to voicemail which is hilarious and molly's like god why don't you love me old people all right okay all right well i guess i'll just do my makeup so her mom then finally calls back and she's like oh um sorry you couldn't catch me i was cleaning out my closet of all the memories of you sorry
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Did I say that part out loud? My bad.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
doing just fine and dandy it's friday here we're here to talk some southern charm and of course as you may already know as a listener we are going on tour next year the mounting hysteria tour starts in january and right at the beginning of it uh one week into it we have the golden crappies in new york city that is our annual award show for all things bravo although maybe this year we might allow in some peacock stuff a bit i don't know
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
She was adopted by two attorneys. And so she moved there when she was three days old. And she loves her parents. And she feels like she hit the lottery. But the most interesting part about this, I think, is she's telling her mom that she missed some notes. So automatically you think like, okay, she's singing. No, she plays the miniature tuba. It's called the euphonium. She's a euphonium stan.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And when she was 10, I guess it was time to pick out an instrument in school. And she said she couldn't make a noise until she got to the trombone. But the trombone was too short. So she wound up with the euphonium. And now she's like, it's funny because it's too short. And now I'm gigantic.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Also, I'm realizing that this is settling a debate that we had when we did our trailer crash of this.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
For a week. Part of that was I did give you a cane. To be fair, you gave me a painting of a marsh and I was like, excuse you. No, but I seem to remember we had a discussion. That was a dead pig. But I was like, that's a tuba. And you were like, it's a French horn. I was like, it's a tuba. You're like, it's a French horn. And we sat there and actually discussed this for a while.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And little did we realize there was some other sneaky brass in there called a euphonium that snuck right in. And that's what it was all this time.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. Stop just inventing instruments, okay? Euphonium.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Um, so Molly's like, yeah, I chilled out a lot. And, you know, I used to be a wild child in my earlier 20s. I moved around, lived in LA, Miami, New York for modeling, you know, and we see pictures of her on top model and everything. And she goes, but now that I've gained weight, I've just not been modeling, you know.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I've got, by the way, and she, this is, you would never look at this person and be like, wow, wow. She's look at her like out of control. She's like, it just shows how cruel or how like rigid the modeling industry is that like the way she looks now, it's like, we got to put her out to pasture.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
If ever I need a good piece of fish, a good piece of meat, I am going to Whole Foods. It is without question the best place for me to find those sort of things.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And you've got a euphonium. You got it. You basically have a, you know what? You know what's nice about a euphonium? It's like, it's like having a child that doesn't like talk or be annoying. It's just can sit on your lap and you can be like, Oh, my sweet little child. I can tell it stories and I can, I can kiss it. Maybe this is not a great metaphor. This analogy lost its way.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
But either way, it's our award show where we give out the best and the worst on Bravo, on TV, in our lives, in the world, in home goods, whatever it's going to be. But we will have voting open in the new year. And most importantly, it's a live show. It's going to be in New York City at Town Hall on February 1st. So please join us. It's going to be great.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Like the euphonium in pop culture.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Van Lewin's. Van Lewin's, not to be confused with Pappy Van Winkle's.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You know, they really just... They really nailed that. Yeah.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
If you've got a euphonium, we've got a conium for you. Okay.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Is Landon going to be working in the White House? Because she was an early adopter of RFK, the RFK campaign. I'm just imagining Landon. I'm just imagining Landon walking around D.C.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Well, Madison's not going to allow him to have bad hair. That is her job. And she takes pride. And she's on top of everyone in that household. She's like, now listen to me. Listen to me, Hudson. I know all your friends have those stupid broccoli bangs, but guess what you're going to get? Handsome bangs, okay? Because you're not leaving this house without proper bangs. Do you hear me?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Do you hear me? Now put on this robe and make me some pancakes.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Dang it, honey. So, and Hudson does have a very smart little robe on and they're making very good looking pancakes, like very, very good pancakes. I was like, they know what's going on. But in the middle of this, and Brett is looking hunky and his arms are, you know, popping. It's like the...
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
We're already working on some really exciting things for it. Going to try to get some very cool guests for it. It's going to be a night of chaos.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You know, after you see like the Austin in the morning, semi shirtless and Shep, by the time Brett comes along, you're just like, oh, thank God. Thank God I needed this right now.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You know. He, he, he like 10, like, listen, he's, he's earned so many bonus points in my book after he tended to Hudson when he did get beat up last season. Like Brett is like, can do no wrong in my book until he does do wrong. But for right now he's killing it.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So, but then he also, he like kind of coughs and it turns out that he has, he has or had, but he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the end of basically last season and And so it was removed, but it sounds like there's complications, maybe scarring or whatever. So for him, it feels like there's a marble in his throat. It's like, damn, I'm glad it's gone well.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Also wild that we have two thyroid cancer mentions on Bravo in one week.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I'm just going to say it right now. You're like, really? I mean, honestly, how many fires are there really? In California? Are there really a lot of fires in California? I mean, really? Come on. They really need people at the office there. Um, yeah, no, uh, listen, um, I was going to say about him. I don't know, but Madison's going through it. You heard it here first. What'd you say?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Separate families. Another family. They all play proper tubas. Yes.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I like my tubas to be alpha. so my boyfriends he plays an alpha tuba while i eat my alpha corn what do you eat you're born for corn foot corns yeah the lesser version of corn um i'm sorry everybody it's friday okay this is what it's friday and i haven't eaten breakfast yet i rolled up out of bed
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
i rolled up out of bed and got onto this microphone yeah ben is doing this early today because i gotta go get my testosterone pellet okay so this is a very early morning this is good this no no this this podcast is the only thing standing between me and mcriddle and i'm hoping that we tease this out long enough that the mcriddles are will no longer be sold that way i've prevented from making a bad decision yeah we should we'll make it we'll make it we'll make it we'll do we'll do that
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Let's make some euphonium fanfic. You know, Molly gets so excited every time she looks at her cable guide. And she's like, oh, my God, they're finally doing a show about euphoniums. Damn it, it's euphoria again.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Finally, someone captures the high school euphonium players experience. Huh?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
and let's get into it today we are doing southern charm season 10 episode 2 off the peep end off the peep end i get it so we're at craig's house he's raining furniture and he knocks over something onto his flowers and he's like oh my god those are brand new flowers sorry babies they're like fuck you craig the flowers are mad
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, it stands for come have stupid time. Leave off the less tea for savings. So it's indoor golf. It's that thing where you hit golf balls at a screen. Too early for me to make an acronym. I apologize.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Having slime. They love that slime.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
It's Christians holding space. Oh, that's good. I like that one. CHS, Christians holding space.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
mean he's just yeah it's very like sitcom neighbor kid next door that the kid the teenage kid that comes over next door and sits sits in the cool way and it's like so what's going on and tosses an apple and eats a bite out of it yeah 100 you're like that was my apple so um so they're playing the valhalla chorus guys which is funny because that's where vikings go to when they die
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Love you, Uhtred. So, euphonium. Uhtredphonium. He's like, I play the euphonium. I bring the euphonium to Norway. So they're going to play golf. JT is actually a very good golfer. He apparently has beaten Shep quite handily. And so he tries to take a swing, but he can't because his legs messed up. And he's like, whoops.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then Craig is telling us, last year JT yelled at Austin all the time, but now that he has handed his olive cane branch to Austin, we can be civil and not tear each other's lives apart.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So yeah. So taking swings and, you know, JT trips and everything. And he's like, no, I'm not going to do this anymore. Okay. So Shep's like.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And then JT's like, so, by the way, what's the feedback in the men's locker room? Did my olive branch at least move the needle with Austin? Or is it going to require some more?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. Well, also just take Austin out to get, get some drinks and like squash it there. You made the first gesture. Say, Hey, let's, hi, come on. Hi. You thought about maybe like mom would go down to the local watering hole, like literally the marsh. I love a marsh. You want. My mama made a real pretty painting of it. You want to look at a painting of a Marsha Austin?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
No, she probably just doesn't want to talk to you. She thinks you're annoying.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, you're an outsider, and you tried to... They sort of gave you an opening to come into their world, but you went too hard and too hot after one of the people, which would have been fine, but you acted like a fool at the reunion, and this world will close its doors on you, and that's what happened. So JT's like... And then I remembered something.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I remember that Madison FaceTime me when she was in the Dominican Republic. And I'm like, why is Madison FaceTime in me? And do you remember in Jamaica when she put on my blue stripes and we see the trip last year, she put on JT's shirts and like made fun of him and everything. And so he's like, well, I think it made Brett get a little weird when that all went down.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
um so now he's suggesting that madison really wants to have sex or that brett thinks that that brett isn't sure that he's madison is secretly in love with jt jeff is like is this a theory that you've developed gosh that's crazy craig's like i don't think he's that worried about you but then why would you sorry would you say what was the end of that man He fights fires.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I don't think you're really something.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I don't think that has anything to do with hooking up. I think it's. I don't know. I don't know what it is, but I don't think he has a very strong case here. So Craig's like, I'm a sucker for a good conspiracy theory. And I don't even like to use the word conspiracy theory because I think it's derogatory to all of us who have to walk backwards because we took a vaccine.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
This is even more of a stretch. And Shep's like, gosh, the way that the gears turn in JT's head. I'm not sure I want to know about how that goes on. And he's like, at the Carolina Cup, I'm looking at Austin and I'm looking at Madison and I'm seeing matching polka dots. And my mind is going, I don't know what's going on. I'm like, JT, just say it. You're connecting the dots. Come on.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Craig, you just said connected. Why can't you say connect the dots? Come on. Someone make the pun. One person's saying connecting. One person's saying dots. Come on. Connect your own fucking dots.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. And Craig's like, that's not true. Yeah, that's not true. He's like, well, I'm just saying what Leva was gossiping about. I just want to get Ronnie Karam really mad by talking about Leva in the middle of the show out of nowhere.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
so uh craig's like i don't care about leva because austin and audrey are great and jt is like no look i love you guys but you don't hold them accountable and jt do you want to be friends with us because that means you gotta stop picking fights with austin and making up lies
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And he's like, no, I don't. Well, she ran her mouth on the whole bus. He's like, so are you going to take my word or are you going to take Leva's word? She's like, well, I'm just saying that what Rodrigo and her talked about. Get mad at Leva. Someone get mad at someone around here.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I think he is. Yeah. It's funny. Cause he's been in the, he's been in the background for ages. So now he's actually, yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Listen, I, those bangs, he has like a, sort of like a block of a block of hair. I've always noticed it. Um, so JT is like, um, he's like, well, I'm just saying, well, love is out on the bus. And Shep's like, so I'm worth fucking telling you, knock it off.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, that's correct. And then we go over to Vanita's house and Vanita is feeding Charles. It's our first Vanita feeding Charles scene of the season. They always shove these at the beginning of the episode because they don't really know what to do with Vanita after all these years still. So she is feeding Charles and Charles is just as uncharismatic as ever. So there we go.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I just told you, if you bring it up again, you won't see me again. And, uh, they're basically, he's just like going and they're like, we look, this is like, stop at JT. This isn't going to work where we've decided that we're going to circle our wagons around the very sad campfire. That is Austin. So stop it. And Craig's like, I'm going to get out of here.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I can't hang with people who are against my friend Austin. Shep, I love you, buddy, but this isn't healthy for me.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then we go out to Austin calling his mom from the car and he's like, she's like, hey, Austin, got a job, got a life, got a career, got anything going on. And yet what do I have to pay for?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
He's like, oh, well, you know, I was just in Charlotte doing some trop hop stuff. Oh, that's fun. Still playing house with that beer that went out of business two years ago. Okay. What else is going on?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
wow, Austin experiencing the, the, the basic, basic levels of being in step one relationship. Congratulations. So he's had into Craig's right now. Did you find her age by the way?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
um so austin is he's talking about um you know like you know he's growing up so he's like he's like i could take pointers from craig like he's doing so well and we see like we see craig in slow motion like posing with pillows at like a photo shoot and then he's like but on the other end i'm like he's so far up his own ass it's like he almost likes the way it smells it's insane right now
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. And they're frozen too. He's like, he's like, well, here we go. Putting the frozen just right from the freezer to the grill. I was like, okay, enjoy that. So Austin comes over, they say hi and everything. He's like, you know, you have a hundred feet of cable on your front porch. Did you know that? yeah, I left it there for chicken. She said, why did you leave this here for me?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And I said, I don't know. Do you want it? And then she said, no. And I was like, well, I left it there for you. And she's like, I don't want it, Craig. Why do I want the cable? And I was like, I don't know. Do you want, Craig, this is a stupid story. Come on.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
All I'm saying is I go after all the dogs on this show. And there are many.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Does he know about, does he know, does he know about cordless?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I hate when people do that. Did that trigger you? Because you're a very germ not loving. I don't. So like my whole thing is this. I'm not like such a germaphobe where I'm like, you know, like I like I'm not like Howie Mandel or anything like that. But it's more like, you know, I've never liked being around germs. Then after the pandemic and everything, I'm more just like I'm just more aware of.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I think with a pandemic, I'm aware of the steps you can reasonably take if you're under the weather to help other to prevent other people from getting sick. Like I now have an awareness that like if you're under the weather, put a mask on. So that way you don't transmit as many germs. Okay.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And so like when people don't do that, when people willingly put me in harm's way, that's when I get frustrated. So it's less about the germs. It's more about like the lack of consideration. So if I get invited over and then you're sitting there like coughing and you've got snot coming out of your nose and like, oh, by the way, I have this cold, but like no big deal.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I'm like, it's like not contagious. You know what? People always do that. They just like declare themselves not contagious. I'm kind of like, fuck you. Like you could have either told me or put a mask on.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, like he is fully fabricating things. And Austin's like, seriously? For him to say I treat her horribly? Like, we're so great. We're so happy. Blows my mind what a fucking asshole he is. I'm like, yeah, but you are too.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
um so now jt is like um setting up stuff in his his um in his apartment he's moving into a new place and vanita comes over and she's like hi how are you because she's lost her voice so apparently everyone's sick here is it this whole cast are they all making out what is going on it's so weird they're saying it's pollen or whatever i'm like no you guys are all y'all got a cold who
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You all did a batch in the same bag.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. Cause they look at the balcony, they look at all the steeples and there's like this moment of like, it's the city of church or whatever. So, so Vinita is like, I have to be honest. I'm a little, Oh yeah, we can't get coffee, et cetera. So then Vinita is saying like, you know, it sounds like you were trying to start anew and like, let me try to be friends. This is what I would do.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And people, you know, with people I want to be friends with, you ask for help.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
It's just funny. That's the other thing with these guys. You can't get in the middle of their mess because one season, Craig will be saying, Austin's like a piece of shit. I don't want to talk about... I don't want to hang out with Austin anymore. He always treats everyone like shit and he needs to be accountable. Then someone comes in and is like, yeah, he does need to be accountable.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Let's go after him. And then all of a sudden,
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Bros before marshes. Actually, I'm not sure why I do marshes than bros.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. And he's like, ha, ha, ha, mother, ha, ha, son's fun mother, ha, ha, ha, ha. What kind of bourbon is that, Whitney? It's 15-year Pappy Van Winkles. Oh, yeah, I used to be married to Pappy Van Winkles. He sure had it together a lot more than you did, Whitney. You can learn a thing from Pappy.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
The difference is that Bronwyn can hold her own much better than JT can.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Although he thinks he can, but he can't.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So back to JT's apartment, and he's like, by the way, Veneto, remember when Madison threw on my pinstriped outfit in Jamaica? It was kind of like an iconic thing, broke the internet, you know?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, yeah. So I have a theory about that. It holds a lot of water. So it was posted on social media, and her husband saw it. So I thought nothing of it. And it was kind of funny, you know? But I get a FaceTime call, and questions were happening like, hey, what happened in Jamaica with the two of you? I'm like, what?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I love chocolate. If you're in a hurry and forgot something or simply want to avoid the holiday crowds, relax. Order everything you need for a great holiday gathering online at Whole Foods Market on Amazon for easy pickup and delivery.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, and then he was like, clock this. Madison wore polka dots to the race, and guess who else wore polka dots? And Austin's like, whoa, that's insane. So we see a flashback of that. And then Craig is like, at this point, it's like, dude, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Austin's like, JT, he couldn't hold up an I'm changed man facade for long.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I thought he was going to fake it for a few more weeks before he went off the fuck.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So Patricia comes down. It's the Easter party. And she's setting up, of course, the table, which has all sorts of chocolates and bunnies and kind of like gaudy pink Easter things on it. And it's for the first dinner party of the season.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I get M&M's. I got Cadbury. I got Mars bars. I got 100,000 grams. It goes on and on. Because I was really expecting... I was expecting like...
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
What are you talking about? Duty-free shop at the Charlotte International Airport.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
We did our equivalent of donning and ditching at the local restaurant, except our version is we go in, we grab a handful of Andy's mints from the bowl, we run out of there.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Well, we went to CVS in March and got some leftover Hanukkah candy that no one was buying. So if you see some gold coins around, that's what that's about.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, I know it is a holiday about Easter eggs. So, so then, so Patricia is like, all right, let's have a cocktail. And Patricia's like, by the way, as per your instructions, I have decluttered. Thank you, Randy. I've shoved all of my clutter and tchotchkes and junk into Randy's bedroom. So he is going to have to climb over.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Let me tell you something. Being married to Pappy Van Winkles, I'll tell you, I certainly, I was the one who was asleep for 100 years in that relationship. Wow, never met a more boring man in my life.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I mean, mother, I'm going to upgrade your audio system. I mean, look at that. It's something out of the dark ages. And we see like a 1995, like Hemerker Schlemmer, Bose, you know, audio thing on top of a stack of CDs. And Patricia's like, well, I am out of the dark ages and I like it. Listen, you're going to have to throw me out of here before you get rid of my DMX CDs.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, everyone was just like, snot coming down their nose, hacking up their lawn. Like, this is Bond. This is Bond. It's like, you are green. This is Bond. This is allergies.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I hate French chocolates. So I was like, oh, okay. Um, she goes, so then she says, she tells us sarcastic, right?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Oh, okay. That makes much more sense. I was like, Trisha. So, Patricia's been friends with Ryan's partner, Eddie, since 2008. And he's always been in the background on the show. And then Eddie and Ryan got married. And then Patricia became really close with Ryan as a result.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
and like an animal print like a it's like a black animal print shirt and it's just like not it's not very easterly it's a duster i saw some animal print and i made him lisa renault all of a sudden because he's also got that mother mother hey ship okay i can give it back oh did you get those glasses at the gas station he's like gosh yes i did but they're easter look they're pastel
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So Molly shows up and everything. And people are drinking, saying hello. All the usual sort of small talk because they mill about and everything. And Molly tells us, Patricia makes me nervous. I'm just like, is she going to think I'm weird or not classy enough? Probably. Then I remember who her son is. And they show a clip of Whitney in his re-knob days. Now that's a duet I would love to see.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Whitney on guitar and Molly on euphonium. Yes, Reunab reinvented.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then Craig's like, well, I don't know if Whitney is going to talk to JT after he finds out what he said about his mom. And everyone's like, what? He goes, he called you a bitch. This is just like now this is just a bold faced lie. Like this is. Like, this is a bald-ass face.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Is it bald? It probably is bald. I think it's bald.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
No, I think it's bald. But I'm saying it with bold face. I'm saying it like my words were bold.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And like, you know, Shep is like, gosh, I don't remember him saying that.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And the producer asks, because I honestly, here's what I thought was going to happen. Craig says this, we go to commercial and we come back. Craig's like, no, just kidding. Just kidding. But it was not, he was just fully lying. And so, um, and Craig backs it up. Like he's not backs up, but he'd like, he doubles down to the producer.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And so then they, they show the footage and they, they basically like no audio found, which is that Craig fully lies. And it's probably going to start a season of shit, uh, because of it. And this is how JT wins because, um, well, I'm not sure if he's going to win. This is like,
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. They're just, they're just trolling us. That's a, just a casual troll by the editors. They're just bored. And they're like, they just know, like, It's just like no one wants to see it. And they're like, oh, my God, let's just make people squirm. Let's do that to the poor people who tune in to see this show.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You know what it is? It's more like, you know how you always say, JT can now play the victim card. And he was sort of trying to do the victim card, and actually Craig just gave it to him. I don't know if he'll do it successfully, but this would be what... I would say this. in, you know, all, you know, all episode long, I'm like rolling my eyes at JT, like, Oh God, this guy's really lost his way.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
But then Craig does this. And I feel, I feel bad for JT because he gets made to look like he said something totally mean, and he's going to incur Patricia's wrath. And it's like, actually kind of not fair because Craig is Craig totally lied about it. So.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I think what's going to happen is they're going to laugh at Craig. Like, Craig, you're a fucker. You made us all believe that. And they're like, well, we know that JT now, he didn't call Patricia a bitch, but he still was extremely disrespectful. So we still stand behind that.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
They're like, oh, God, what? Yeah. And Molly's like, that's a joke. And so Madison goes, you can't talk about me all day long, but you start talking.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
talk about my you you can talk about me all day long you can talk about corn actually you cannot talk about corn you can only talk about me because the moment you start talking about my marriage or corn or my husband you are done yeah and so uh yeah well he was like brett thinks that we had sex in jamaica because she was wearing my clothes and i was like oh god chef help me out here and she was
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Was that this morning that I was reading the New York Times was like, things that stuck with our pop culture reporters. And by the way, no mention of Bravo. Once again, I'm back and I'm angry again. But one thing was, there's a new Ken Burns documentary out called Leonardo da Vinci. Gorsh! Gorsh! Oh, God. I've been in this Vietnam warm-up for so long. Finally, I can move on to da Vinci.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I'm so glad Sienna knows about da Vinci. She's traveled!
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Which, by the way, is just what she says at any given moment. I just want everyone to know, like, if you thought that she was just coming on hot for JT, she says that at Starbucks, too. Like, ma'am, would you like any sweetener with that? I'll tell you what I would like with that. No more betas, because he'll be the little bitch when I'm done with him.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Let's all say a prayer for JT because I'm gonna fuck him up. Which, no, that's an actual line here.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I was about to say, mother, I don't think that means what you think it means.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
yeah we have to wait five minutes for randy to wipe it off the cameras randy hurry up with the rags the cameras can't shoot us honey don't don't spit on the camera spit on randy So, um, so now, um, then they're going to start going, now it's time for dinner. So they're going to sit down together. This is where Madison's like, can I get an old fashioned cause I want to, I want to fuck JT yet.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
You think that's it? Yeah, little Craig's, you know, we're starting to see it. We're starting to see the long-term repercussions on little Craig.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So they all sit down and everyone's like, wow, it's so pretty. It's lovely and everything. Oh, wow. Yeah. Patricia's like, yeah, well we're having Easter fair ham and some crispy macaroni and cheese and green beans, which go really well with a ham. Um,
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So Shep is like, okay, well, I'd like to talk about why we are here. Because they say, Shep, will you do a toast? He goes, I'd like to talk about why we are here. And that is Easter and Jesus. And Jesus was a guy who was trying to do nice things, but he was crucified. What? Like me, by Taylor. And it's bullshit. And let that be a lesson to some of us. You are punished for your kindness.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Like Leonardo da Vinci was, after he drew that guy with all the arms in the circle. So anyway, that's a bad message. But Bon is a pilot. He's a pilot. And he can fly us to the Bahamas. So that's cool. Don't be mean to Jesus.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I heard that Pontius Pilate actually had like really good legs. I mean, he has the origin of Pilates, right?
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Pontius Pilate said, Patricia's a bitch.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
We're having dessert. No one listened to Molly.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So they get cupcakes and Austin's like, hey, Patricia, have you ever seen this thing where you take off the top and you make a sandwich out of the cupcake? It's insane. Look at this right now. Which, you know, Patricia's like, poor person. Everyone knows we eat a cupcake with a fork and a knife in the first place. They've got all the problems that way.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So Shep FaceTimes a new face, which is Sienna, his girlfriend, who is gorgeous. And I don't know what she's doing with Shep, but he must have charmed her and mentioned that he owns like five billion acres. That's the only way I can imagine.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Whitney, you were supposed to tell her that the cupcakes are not for eating. They're for throwing at Randy. Now you've insulted her instead.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. And he's like, I've known her for like 10 years. I can say these things. And I was like, can you though? I don't think so. And she's like, what the hell, Whitney? You know, I had, I don't have the best relationship with food. So it's like, don't be a fucking dick. I'm like, he's going to be a dick. If Whitney has a choice, he's going to be a dick.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. He's like, well, I mean, you're eating it like a like a fucking Big Mac. Well, it's not like sorry. I hate to break it to you. It's not like a cupcake in its natural state is like representative of like hood cuisine. It's like, oh, my God, I can't believe you ate a cupcake like a Big Mac. It's kind of a lateral move. It's a cupcake. They're brought in for children's birthdays.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
OK, so they're sold in vending machines around L.A. and probably other places.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. And that's pretty much where it ends. They put up a title card saying in loving memory of Michael Calicorse, who of course, uh, you may have.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So RIP Michael. Um, and, uh, that's the end of the episode. So, um, thanks everyone for listening. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Uh, make sure to buy some crap and tickets for Christmas gifts for all your loved ones. Bring the whole family. The whole extended first cousin, third cousin, grandma, grandpa, anyone, Randy, we'll see you on the road at the very least. We'll see you next week.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crappins would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. It's always automatic with Ashley Otto.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Put your hands together for Carly Clap.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Dana C. Dana Do. Erin McNicholas, she don't miss no tricolors. Jamie, she has no less namey. You'll never hide from Heidi Eleanor Jones.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
She's our favorite streamer, Caroline Peacock.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Have a heck of a time with Rebecca.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Cast a spell with Shannon Spellman. The Bay Area Betches, Betches.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We got our wish, it's Jen Plish. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony, Junie. My favorite Murdo, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Pod Shadley.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Ring that bell, poor Rochelle. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plain.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, he's like combed his hair down. Like he does that thing with his hair. Like he's about to do a book report.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Sienna and I met on this dating site called Garsh for Garsh. And I was enthralled by her basically.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
From memoirs and sci-fi to mysteries and thrillers, Audible's curated list in every category is the best way to hear 2024's best in audio entertainment.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
of course because he's talking about raya right i assume anyone who's like a celebrity or wealthy i just whenever they say a dating site it's like first rule of raya don't talk about raya otherwise you'll be kicked off you won't be able to match with people like shep rose so um you're gonna have to get your chlamydia locally from non-celebrities you'll have to go to
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Gail Simmons. So, um, we see them all together and everything. And Chep's like, I just think she's so sexy and there's nobody else that looks anything like her. And the whole country of the Bahamas would agree because she's Miss Bahamas. Gersh. So we see her. She is Miss Bahamas.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Oh, I was like, wait, I think that's actually, I think that's a great choice.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah. Why not? Like, why not give a shot to Mitzi Goldberg? How about that? Yeah, why not? Down at the CPA's office.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Mitzi Goldberg, Rachel Goldfarb, anyone whose last name starts with gold. Judy Gold, the comedian. Never know. I think she might be a lesbian, but she might turn for you, Shep.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
And Percival Everett's brilliantly subversive James.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
So then we go to Taylor with Gaston. And she's like, are you ready to pickle? And unfortunately, they're not actually pickling vegetables or anything, which would have been semi-interesting. Instead, they're playing pickleball. So Gaston's like, yeah, let's do it, baby. She goes, wow. look both ways and hold my hand when you cross the street. And he's like, get out of here. And she's like, oh man.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
I actually am really excited to hear George Orwell's 1984 again because last time I read that was back in, I don't know, middle school or something like that. And the world has changed so much with technology and everything like that. I feel like now is the perfect time to revisit and listen to it on Audible.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Currently. We're going to hold space for the name Gaston right now. Okay. So we're just going to like, for all the Gastons out there, we officially apologize. We know this was probably a tough thing for you to listen to last week.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
If I knew any of that song, I would. Yes. And you, but I actually don't know any of that song. I just know of the song.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
No one is someone who walks across the street like Gaston. No one's a pickleballer like Gaston. No one is a man with an interesting.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
Yeah, well, he has a vertical mullet, which is it's party on the bottom. It's like party on the bottom and work on the top or something like that. Or maybe it's the other way around. I just made that up right now. But the point is, it's a very popular style amongst like men his age, which is like your shave, shave, shave, shave, shave. Then all of a sudden, lots of hair.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
It's kind of like the mushroom, but it's not the mushroom. It's just a thing. It's like this weird choppy. It's like intentionally choppy. But I have to say, I still prefer it over the broccoli bangs. So like, you know. That's true.
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#2654 Southern Charm S10E02: Easterring The Pot
let's not forget the real enemy in our lives.