This is part one of a two-part recap!Douche cruise continues to douche up the Seychelles on Below Deck Down Under. With Anthony gone, Tzarina has to cook and clean everything by herself, but luckily, she has a new love interest to keep her motivated. OR DOES SHE? To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.com See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: How does 'Below Deck Down Under' handle crew changes?
Okay, well, here's what's funny. If you go on, so he has an Instagram page.
Look at Harry. Are you looking at the Facebook thing?
Harry comes out modeling one with his goofy face.
He's like, I'm in a kimono. Can you believe it?
So here's, I can't even deal with that. So here's, so he has on Captain Jason's Instagram, he has a link to another Instagram that's Captain's Lounge, which is for these kimonos. And he's done the thing. There's only six posts and they create a mosaic. And then, you know how when people do that, like if you look at your grid, it creates an overall picture. So the six pictures together.
You have the logo that says Captain's Lounge, and then he's lounging across the sofa in the kimono. But the problem is, this mosaic was clearly created when Instagram was making the grid look like a whole bunch of squares. But Instagram recently changed their grid to be a whole bunch of rectangles, which means that this entire mosaic is all messed up.
And what it looks like it says is Captain's Dung, because... Because the L and the E got cut off and the line is going through the O, so it looks like it says Captain's Dung.
Oh my gosh. Charting a new course, how moving to the Philippines changed my life. When I made the bold move to a beautiful and remote spot in the Philippines a few years back, I was searching for a new adventure and a fulfilling life for myself and my family. This journey wasn't without its challenges, so I took off my underwear and put on some silk. Captain's Lounge.
So Captain's Lunch, I'm on the official website. Oh, it's a personal blog and online store. Notably, not a single kimono on the page.
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Chapter 2: What challenges does Tzarina face without Anthony?
This guy is such a fucking douchebag. And not only is he just... a regular douche bag. He's also just terrible at his job. I mean, as someone who's read a lot of self-help books, now listen, I'm not saying they stuck, but I have read a lot of them. And this is just so hack. He's like a self-help book reader of like, I don't know, signed from a home goods, you know? He's like, live, laugh, love.
That's what I always say, bro. Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris. Kitchen. It's like kitchen, bro. Kitchen. This is the fucking kitchen.
Yeah, this awful, like, manosphere that has, like, arisen in our pop culture is just, like, it's just, like, the worst thing of all time. And now you've got all these guys who are trying to be like Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan's not even trying to be like this. I mean, I don't follow Joe Rogan closely. But this guy is just fully doing seminars like Tom Cruise and Magnolia.
But, like, it's all from this kind of, like, Joe Rogan space of, like, brah. And it's the worst thing of all time, I have to say. It's Magnolia. He sighs.
And he's like, hey guys, part of being in the light, it fast forces your progress in life. Being in the light, being in the light is the last thing you need. Get a hat on, okay? Your skin looks like a fucking baseball glove.
You're right. It does fast force your progress in life. Enjoy those melanobas.
And I also love people that are only successful from telling poorer people that they're successful. All of his success is based on just telling poor people that they're losers and they're dumb enough to pay him because he has like muscles and he's on a boat. You know, stupid poor people. Stop it, poor people. I'm never going to do this.
You should say no to douchebags who are trying to tell you they can make you richer. Okay. You know what can make you richer? Jesus.
there so you just eric rock okay so his instagram has 5 000 followers okay so that's i wouldn't you know honestly i would say that the average successful wolf that's leading a zoom conference probably should have more than 5 000 followers wait but they said on here that he had um Oh, wait. And there's also real Eric Rock. So he has two Instagram accounts. Maybe one's a backup.
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