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#2742 RHOBH S1413 Part One: Caviar Taste on a Doritos Budget

Wed, 26 Feb 2025


This is part one of a two-part recapThere’s a Caviar and Caftans party on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and Sutton rips Dorit for being poor after another comment on her alcohol intake. Who will end up with fish eggs on their face? To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at


Chapter 1: What is the main topic of this episode?

45.638 - 55.286 Ronnie

Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast for all the crap we love to talk about. I'm Ronnie. That's Ben over there. Hi, Ben, you gorgeous man.


56.285 - 69.754 Ben

Hi, Ronnie, you gorgeous man. How's life with you? It's fantastic. Just enjoying another sunny day in Southern California. Enjoying this, you know, just having a nice easy day of nothing but... Oh, oh.


71.9 - 86.626 Ronnie

Whoa, whoa, whoa. News break. Alexia News Network. Welcome to the Alexia News Network. Oh, well, you know Peter. Guys, huge news. Karen Huger has been sentenced to prison.


93.814 - 99.521 Ben

Wow. A family of mourners has just arrived. They've gathered outside the courthouse.


Chapter 2: Why was Karen Huger sentenced to prison?

100.122 - 130.328 Ronnie

Guys, that's Old Blue Eyes, the driver over there, sobbing. Bless his heart. Wow. So, yeah, Karen was sentenced to two years in prison, which is crazy, with one year suspended and I think five years of probation. Is that what I read in here? Crazy, crazy stuff. Karen Huger was back in a Montgomery County Circuit Court. This is from People Magazine's Dave Quinn. Wednesday, February 26th.


131.249 - 146.101 Ronnie

where she was officially sentenced to two years in prison with one year suspended for her ongoing drunk driving case. We have clips from Karen arguing her case in the court today. Well, it was only Flintstones vitamins.


146.121 - 159.111 Karen

They're very, very addictive, and I only took them because my dear parents have left this world, and I'm so sorry that Fred Flintstone has done this to me. Please jail Fred Flintstone and Big Pharma.


160.618 - 174.425 Jennifer Tilly

Your Honor, I would like to appeal to the court and to the jury and say that I am innocent and it is the median that should be investigated. You know, and I will not rest. I understand I have to do my civil service and I will go to jail like so many martyrs before me.


174.685 - 183.89 Jennifer Tilly

But when I get out of this facility, I will spend every waking minute wondering who was the median that did this to me and how can we stop it from doing it to other people?

184.75 - 204.016 Karen

When I got out of that cop car and I said, I am lit, it was because the camera was on me and there was a light on it. And I was thanking the kind police officer for lighting me. Now, when are we going to get tests for deer running into the street? Who's alcohol testing the beer?

204.116 - 218.682 Jennifer Tilly

When the officer, the kind officer, asked me to say the alphabet backwards, well, of course I didn't do that correctly because it is, as an artist, it is up for me to interpret what an alphabet even is, and I refuse to be jailed for having artistic integrity.

220.99 - 237.232 Ronnie

So, yeah, this was crazy. That's a long time to be in jail. People were saying it was going to be like six months tops. And so when people say six months, I thought, oh, she'll probably get like a month, you know, but no, she got six months and someone on Reddit. I mean, she got two years and someone on Reddit named purple.

238.26 - 252.072 Ronnie

wait, purple panda pants, purple panda pants on Reddit went to the courtroom. Now I love a sloppy ass messy Bravo viewer going to the courtroom to cover this shit on Reddit.

Chapter 3: What happened at Dorit's 4th of July party?

1932.755 - 1942.22 Jennifer Tilly

So the first time you're going to see her is at my caviar kaftan party. And she's like, yes, at your beautiful caviar kaftan party. Oh, I guess we'll see how that goes.


1945.762 - 1958.26 Ronnie

So we go to Kyle's house and there's another break in. It is the tree house outside. There's been another break in in Encino, you guys. And it's the doll house, the tree house.


1958.3 - 1970.006 Ben

It's this doll house in the backyard. And Kyle's like, why is this door open? Who went in here? And we see there's like disarray, everything. Here's a bigger question. Why do you still have this thing in your backyard? Your children are like 16. What's happening in there?


1970.346 - 1972.627 Ronnie

And why is PK cooking a pretend pancake?


1973.991 - 1976.433 Ben

And why are there so many printouts of memes on the walls?

1977.314 - 1978.955 Ronnie

All right, sorry, I left the door open.

1979.055 - 2002.473 Ben

I know you've told me not to do that, babe. Honestly, I didn't know what I was more annoyed by. The fact that we're seeing another scene of Kyle running after her dogs or the fact that she had this miniature cottage. The cottage really annoyed me. Why do you have this miniature cottage? Why does this exist on your property? This doesn't make any sense. This is stupid.

2002.933 - 2026.492 Ben

i think the kids were too old for that even when they moved in right because they haven't lived there since porsche was like a little kid they moved in there when she was a teenager it's like poor shot let's just go in there poor shot you know in a household full of stupid objects i.e the neon art in her in her foyer this is what this is probably the stupidest thing on kyle's property this stupid cottage burn it to the ground

2028.132 - 2035.959 Ronnie

So she's blaming Storm for it. You know, Storm gets a lot of blame in this family. What does Storm ever do? And then they cut to Storm and he's just looking at her like, fucking change it.


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