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The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So we have approximately 100 birds at the centre and they range from falcons, we have hawks, we've got eagles, owls, which are my personal favourites. So we have a selection with us today. We have Harris hawk, we've got a Chilean blue eagle and then obviously a few falcons in the tent next to us. We train them from a young age.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


The one we've got in the tent here, Caesar, is a few weeks old now and obviously already in training to fly. They do pick it up quite quickly. Caesar is a lugger falcon. They are used as bait in some countries to catch bigger falcons.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


It is Caesar, and he's talking to us. He's been imprinted, so when he opened his eyes for the first time, he saw us as humans, and he thinks he's the same as us, or we're the same as him. So we're basically mum and dad.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.

4092.668 We are currently open Wednesday through to Sundays, right up until the end of October, with two flying displays a day at 12 and 2. We also do experiences, which people can book. Yeah, come down and see us. We've got about 100 birds, as they say. We've also got meerkats, believe it or not. Oh, right, OK. So, yeah, something different.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


We're behind Hillier's Garden Centre on the Brighton Road in Horsham. Yeah, yeah. BIRDS CHIRP

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, so basically where we are at the moment at the entrance to Tunnel Road is where the main tunnel stage is going to be. This stage is going to be hosted by New Music Nights and there's a whole weekend of bands that are lined up from Friday evening from 7pm until Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. One of the things that we were really keen to do was to make it a free and inclusive event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


So we were really keen to create a community event that was free, that people could just dip in and out of.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


We are. So there's an extra stage that has now been added because we had so many acts that wanted to perform. We're calling it the Clock Tower Stage and it's a much smaller stage, mainly acoustic acts. We've got some big bands like St Bede's Slide Band, which will be fun, and they're playing to open the festival on the Saturday morning.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


We've got some opera singers lined up, so there's going to be a bit of variety as well during the day.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


It's mainly centred this year around the High Street. As we're walking along, we're sort of approaching Corso, and they are going to be basically hosting Sasserbog. So on Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4pm, there'll be a Sasser demo and... have a go session outside Reigate Methodist Church.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And then basically from 4.30 onwards on Saturday, people can then come into Corso Lounge and actually carry on with their salsa, watching and having a go if they'd like to give it a go.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, I mean, we've been absolutely bowled over by the level of support that we've had. Reigate Business Guild have been absolutely brilliant in terms of supporting what we were trying to do right from the beginning. And Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, they invited us to apply for a town vitality fund grant.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have been able to get the festival off the ground at all.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


That's exactly it. So the Fringe Trail is all about involving the local businesses and bringing people into the town who will then make use of the local businesses. Here we are now at the Reigate Methodist Church, which is otherwise known as the Church on the High Street. And Reigate Methodist Church and Community Centre have been absolutely brilliant in terms of supporting the festival.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And basically we've got free use of the church and the community centre for the weekend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


It's an amazing facility and they have just been so supportive of what we're trying to do and obviously really hugely grateful for that. But it's fitting really that the community stage is going to be based inside the church and we've got lots of groups coming along to perform here. So we've got groups like Voice Rocks. Vocal Dimension Chorus.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


We've got Reigate School of Ballet, Reigate School, Reigate College. We've got the Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival. I mean, the list is long. And as I was saying, we've got Salsa outside the church as well on Saturday afternoon. So there's lots happening here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Pilgrims are hosting a jazz afternoon. I think they've got three different groups involved. And it sounds very cool, very relaxing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, so because it's Surrey Artists Open Studios from the 1st to the 23rd of June, one of the things that we're doing as a college initiative is to set up an art exhibition in the community centre at the back of Reigate Methodist Church. There are so many really incredibly talented artists at the college, I mean, obviously in other schools as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


We're putting an exhibition in, Rygate Community Centre, so that people can come and see the work that they've been producing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


So Waterstones have signed up several local authors who are coming in for book signings. Yvonne, who's part of our team, has somehow amazingly managed to persuade every man to open up their doors. And we're having a Rygate Summer Festival takeover on the Saturday and Sunday morning from 10 until 12.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And Yvonne and her team will be showing a variety of films produced by local filmmakers from all sorts of different genres.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


and it's free so you can just literally turn up father's day on the sunday so if you're sort of struggling trying to think of what to do with your dad on sunday morning and you haven't got then it's the perfect thing to do to go along to everyman and it's gone a little bit quieter we've come off the high street we're now down in cage yard and cage are big supporters of you as well yeah

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Looking here, it's the perfect venue for outdoor music, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, they do. And so it's a great opportunity, hopefully, for them to piggyback what we're doing with the festival. So they've got the Happy Jacks lined up. on the Friday night and U Crocs on the Saturday night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


So what we're hoping is people come and listen to them and then carry on around the festival listening to some of the things going on on the tunnel stage, community stage and the cocktail stage.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, that's right. So we've got music students performing on the Friday evening as part of the student band night. And then on Saturday afternoon, we've got A-level music students and musical theatre students performing on the community stage. We've got art students exhibiting in the community centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And then there will be some student showreels that will be shown as part of the offer at Everyman Cinema on Saturday and Sunday morning.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


I have to be honest, I have roped in marketing colleagues past and present and we're really lucky that we've got Raluca involved who is the front person. I don't know if you've seen any of the films. She used to work in the marketing team. She was a student at the college and she's been absolutely brilliant giving up her time to front the videos that we're putting out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


And then we've got Mahmoud, who's our current videographer, who's brilliant. So anything college-related, he's involved in. We've roped a former colleague back who's helping me run the community stage as well. So it is a big kind of marketing Reigate College team effort, past and present.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

39: The Reigate Summer Festival, Wrayfest, and remembering a well-known Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper... and more


Yeah, so it's happening in a week's time. It starts on the 14th through to the 16th of June. We've got a website, and we've got lots that we're sharing on social media, on Instagram and Facebook at Reigate Summer Festival.

Watch What Crappens

#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon


Like, I'm so lonely.

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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon


Oh, my God. And Dora, you're climaxing at the table.

Watch What Crappens

#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon


Here comes one right now.

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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon


She makes it through.

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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon


My aphid broke.

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#2655 RHOP 0911: Virgin Lagoon



Watch What Crappens

#2685 Southern Hospitality S03E02 Part One: Post Traumatic Dress Misorder


UFO lands in Suffolk and that's official, said the News of the World. But what really happened across two nights in December 1980, when US servicemen saw mysterious lights in the forest near RAF Woodbridge and claimed to have had a close encounter with an actual craft?

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#2685 Southern Hospitality S03E02 Part One: Post Traumatic Dress Misorder


Are we alone? Encounters is a podcast which is going to find out. Listen to Encounters exclusively in ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or in Apple Podcasts.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


And Kendra's like, listen, baby, I'm enjoying that I have my own space. And this is like the Kay Stewart suite up here.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Kiana, we decided we'd give you a scene at long last, so now you can address the group for the first time. She's like, thank you. She's like, well, I love my man. I was talking to him last night, and he said because I'm not home, he's eating pizza for breakfast and dinner, and he misses me so much.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


You're on. Sure. Let's hear about the real housewife who's married to a social worker. That's going to be great television. Go, Kiana, go.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


And Karen is like, not yet, because there are a few more things that are very serious on my list that need to be taken care of.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


And she's like, yes, he started the journey.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Giselle, you have some nerve to say slob knob.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Matt Marr at the end going, sugar, you are so fabulous. Sticker, I can help you out.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Ash is basically like, hey, so Mia, where were you at breakfast this morning? And she's like, oh, I was like finding my kids. Hashtag mania.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


And Karen's like, yeah, I get it.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Who said I was a...

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Girl, who said I was sobriety?

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


I'm glad you guys are doing well. So after your dad sends in a picture to me, bye.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


Hey Dylan, do you have tassels attached to your chests? Sure do, mommy. So then, let's see here.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


I'm going to bring you the Panama Pea. And Ash is like, I'm trying my best not to judge, but I'm certainly wouldn't be making a booty call on my way to getting my kids.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


I mean, it's like, oh, yeah, it's great. Everything is fine. Like, I have a court date and got pushed back. so it's being pushed back and now it's gonna be in January.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


She goes, well, that's her problem.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


She goes, I don't care. And I don't care if it's your husband. I don't care if it's your dog. I don't care if it's your cat.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


What were we talking about? I drove three hours immediately to get to my son.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


okay, well, I'm sorry that you have certain parameters on when someone apologizes to you.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


I do. I really did mean it. And it was probably a really poor example to use, but I was just trying to say that I'm tired of being under a microscope for what I do on my social media.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


I'm starting to wonder what if Jesus Christ is even real and my belief system has been totally challenged by Mia because of this.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


And Mia's like, I did. I did. And I said, I haven't been blonde since I was an entertainer. Get it straight. Yeah, I love it. I'm rocking it.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


You know, that 613 squirrel, it did startle me and it caused me to be so shocked I was slurring my words for the rest of the evening.

Watch What Crappens

#2676 RHOP S09E13: Panama Wack


All of your feelings and however you guys feel is valid. I'm not going to discard it. So you guys can feel however you want to feel about me because I have things to focus on.