This is part two of a two-part recapGarcelle tries to sit down and have a talk with Sutton’s mama on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it doesn’t go well. To watch this recap on video, listen to our Traitors bonus episodes, and participate in live episode threads, go to Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens. Tickets for the Mounting Hysteria Tour are now on sale at watchwhatcrappens.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What happens in the introduction of the RHOBH recap?
Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Happens. This is part two of a two-part recap. If you're like, hey, wait a minute, I didn't hear part one. Guys, it's because we put out a lot of recaps. Go back and listen to part one, okay? It's before this one. Bye. Enjoy the show.
Chapter 2: Why is Sutton's family history significant?
so sutton's like okay all right so they uh they go in and they they look around and it's like it's this is it's this is very sad like and she's talking about how this is gonna be a healing step for her you know and so she she also wants sudden wants to say goodbye to her father and she talks about how she misses him so much and She shows everyone her bedroom first.
She goes, well, this is my bedroom. You know, the bed used to be over here, and I just move it from here to there, from there to there, mainly because the noise of the bed moving on the floor drove my mother nuts. So just every day, just move that bed around.
Yeah. Kyle's like, yeah, that's the only thing you can really do as a kid to have any power. Move the bed around.
Unless, of course, you're on Little House on the Prairie. I guess when you're kind of like a child celebrity, you don't have to worry about moving beds around. But that was cute for you. I guess this is sort of like the Augusta way of being like a famous person, right? Moving your bed around. I don't know. I wouldn't know. Mm-hmm.
So Sutton's talking about how she was daddy's girl and he didn't say a lot, but he liked being in the kitchen and they'd make chili. And her mom was a terrible cook. She only did frozen fish sticks. So it went from really great food to really terrible food. And then she talks about how she likes scrambled egg sandwiches with mayonnaise. People think they're disgusting, but they're not.
I was like, wow, I love it. It's like an emotional tour de force over the egg sandwich. I'm like, well, you go for it. And then we, you know, it's just lots of dad memories and stuff. And then they go to this room, like this relaxing room, the den or the dad den, and he designed it and built it. And there was a wood burning stove and he'd make pancakes on it.
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Chapter 3: How does Sutton reflect on her relationship with her father?
And then Kyle goes, what was your dad's name again? Kyle! Kyle, just be quiet. You know what I mean? Like, who says that? You should know that. Just be quiet.
You should know. And then Sutton goes, John. John T. You know, kind of the most basic name you could get. Is it hard to remember, Kyle? John? You know, okay, here's the way you can remember it. His name is the same name as the generic name you give someone when you don't want to name them in a court case. John. Okay? John Doe. Okay, so Stephen... No, John.
Oh, God, Kyle.
And then she sees a chair, and she's like, this is the last place I ever saw my dad alive. And she talks about how she was leaving for one of her dance performances, and she remembers saying goodbye to her dad, and she kind of tugged on his toe, but he was really sick. And she said he was really out of it, and then the next day he died. And she still has...
guilt because whenever she would pass that sofa in high school or wherever he would always hold out his hand and he would slap it, you know, they would give a high fives or he would give her a thumbs up. And when he was on that sofa, he was so out of it and he didn't put his hand out that day. And she thought it was strange, but she grabbed his big toe and kind of pulled on it.
And that's the last time she saw him. And she saw his guilt that she should have known, or she should have sat with him for about, you know, at least five minutes to make sure he was okay.
I mean, it's just, this story was so gutting. Like it was so gutting. I don't know. Cause I think it's something about the specificity of it. Like her describing walking by that sofa and the dad putting his hand down, then she would just slap it. It's such a specific thing that also expresses like such a relation. It's like a small gesture that expresses everything in their relationship.
And like, it's like a moment of like tenderness and care and their bond. And it was like, I was, I started to cry.
Yeah, it was really, it's really so, that's a lot.
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Chapter 4: What are the key moments from Sutton's emotional tour?
So then- It was just, this was, I mean, it was, it really felt like truly, like, you know, when I, I'm saying that it sounds like American theater, like it sounds like a great American play. It's like, I'm not being facetious about it. Like this is, this is people, her monologue here and her description of it is what I think actually playwrights would aspire to. Just like this raw-
this, this rock, this raw moment with these details that are so particular, but say like volumes about, about this, about this relationship.
So she's telling it and she's carrying around with it because, you know, she probably couldn't, it probably wouldn't have, maybe it would have been a different day. But, you know, it's sad the things you think like that you could have done something with something that heavy and something that deep that goes so beyond her, you know. And it's so sad to see a kid carrying that around into adulthood.
It's terrible. So then she says, well, I can't believe my mom said when I offered to give a full report, she said, I don't want it. And Garcelle's like, well, it's probably painful for her, too, you know. And then we see some pictures of her and her mom. And she says that her mom has had a rough go since the dad's death and maybe even before.
And she's like, but I want my next phase of my mother's life to be happy and peaceful and fine, not strained. I was like, okay, but part of your mom's fun is going to be hating on your store. So you're going to have to give her that.
Reba just calls up and said, if you want my next part of my life to be fun and peaceful and not strained, get someone else to make the grits next time.
Reba's like, I'm having plenty of fun. Have you not read your Yelp reviews lately?
So Sutton tells us that Reba means a lot to her, and she wants to make things right.
Two stars. Ingrate sells a scarf from eBay. Congratu-fucking-lations.
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Chapter 5: What is the dynamic between Sutton and her mother?
Now, how do you know this guy again? So then we go to Hollywood and we're at Grandmaster Records, which is low-key a popular destination for Bravo shows. It's kind of like the new Mixology 101. So we have Bose arriving with Erica and Dorit. And they all sit down and everything. And Bose said, the girls need to get out and celebrate life again.
Also, I brought over some leftover caramel and chocolate sauce that my daughter wouldn't even touch.
So Erica's like, all right, well, guess what? Okay, waitress, all right. This one over here, the one with the bug eyes and the crazy accents, she's going to have the same old drink. Okay, a Belvedere soda with three lemons and no rind. See how you can just say no rind instead of carcass out? Come on, Dorit.
No, I'm sorry. That's not the correct drink. Everything she says until the end. And then it's carcass out!
So have you guys seen each other since Kathy's? Which, by the way, I had a nice time. I would never have thought that, but I had a great time at Kathy's.
She's like, I had a great time. I was literally just like, wow, this table setting right here. I don't even know where to begin.
And I got to change my place settings. So they order some pizza and stuff. And then Bose is like, I have to update you on so many things. And Erica and Teresa are like, ooh, do it. And they do this, like, leaning on each other like they're so excited to hear. And it's like, oh, you are ridiculous people. Well, here we go.
Keely and I have talked about having a baby, but we've actually never said the words, I love you. Girls, go ahead. Give me your reactions. I can take it. Look at both of you. All right.
And Erica's like, hold on, hold up. I need a moment. Back up, back up. Boop, boop. No, not that far again. Tommy, you're going to fall down the hill. I'll just roll down the hill. Roll 10 times. Flipped over. Oh, God, it's snowing in Pasadena. Jesus, don't stop me on this monologue.
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Chapter 6: How do Erica and Dorit react to relationship updates?
I can feel that. I do hear that there's some sort of concept called empathy that I think I'm going to try to access right now for you. No, don't have it. I'll just have to trust what you're saying.
Well, I do love him, and there's moments I want to say it, and then I say, don't do it. Don't do it, Rose. And she's like, he has to say it first.
No disrespect, but having a baby, but not telling the man I love you, I mean, what are we doing here? We are not patting the puss.
No disrespect, but having a baby, not telling the man I love you. Okay. All right. Where are we going here? Where are we going here? Hmm.
So Erica is like, so what do you think is going on?
She goes, well, I think it's as simple as saying, Keeley, do you think it's weird that we haven't said, gee, I love you to one another? Do you think it's weird that you haven't offered to share some Pringles with me in all of our time together, Keeley?
Keeley, isn't it weird that every time I go to the store and say, could you please bring me back some green juice, you come back with bags of marshmallows. All right, Dorita, I think you sort of lost the course there.
Bose, how about you say, Keely, I've been waiting for you to say I love you, but you haven't said it. And it feels a little bit bully. Little jabs, little jabs, little jabs, little jabs bully. And she's like, I'm not saying any of this. Okay. She goes, no, well, I don't want him to be like, oh, but I love you too. And then I feel like I made him say it.
And Erica's like, okay. don't do what she said. All right. That's not a good idea. Don't force the situation.
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Chapter 7: What is happening with Dorit's relationship with PK?
This was just very much, I asked him, I said, I need you to just slow down a little bit. And let's just communicate. We can't be at war and the kids be okay, PK.
And Buzz is like, this is about you, not about the kids. You're asking him to slow down because you want to catch your breath. It's not about the kids. She's like, well, you're absolutely right, but you need to understand. Catching my breath is about the kids, guys. I want to explain it so it's not confusing. Can you keep up? Baby boy, let me catch my breath. Make some noise.
Let me catch my breath. Make some noise. Let me, let me. All right, stop. Please, don't bring Beyonce into this.
i'm trying to ask where you ended up not asking what your favorite beyonce song is so well the conversation was a hell of a lot better and different than i thought it would be i was like gee and both goes well it feels like a trick a trick
No, no, that I can guarantee because he's not that person. He's not a tricky person. It's not like he has debts from casinos or pantones he hasn't paid for.
It was amazing. He's just not a tricky person at all. I said, PK, let's FaceTime. And I looked him straight in the eye and he said, oh, I'm getting something from your ear. And it was a quarter. I mean, who uses quarters anymore? That's a man to be in love with. Oh, geez, Dorit.
He's a very honest person. For instance, he threw me a pretty woman anniversary party and then tried to convince me that the song from Top Gun was part of that movie.
So she's like, well, you know, the good person is the Pringles PK. The bad person is when he's raging. Now stop giving me CD! What?
Stop giving me a sadui! What? Stop give... She's saying side-eye. Stop giving a fucking side-eye.
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Chapter 8: What promotional content is included in this episode?
All right, let's go find your mother. You're making me very uncomfortable. The dog's just like...
So then Sutton's in the kitchen with Avi and she's like, did my mother text you? He's like, no, but I've also blocked her. She's like, okay, well, she didn't get any of my ingredients. I mean, I need some, I need, there's no bread. I need all these things. He's like, well, your mom got that. She's like, gluten-free. I asked for a very specific kind of bread. Okay.
Then I, you know, I asked for a cucumber and there's no cucumber in this salad. Like then I, or I asked for something else. I'm like, look, she's just getting it all wrong. All despite me. She wants to ruin my crab cakes.
I texted mama, but she couldn't read it. She couldn't open my notes. And I was like, I said, once you get on your wifi, you could open it. It just needs to download. I thought she got it done. Oh my God. You're talking to my mother about wifi. Are you kidding? She tried to have that outlawed.
So Garcelle is like bowed down to the kitchen and then she sees it's like tense. So she just sort of like, she just, she backs out. She's like, I'm not getting involved with this. So she just goes to the side and listen in. So Sun's like, I was very, very specific. I said, no cucumbers, no gluten-free bread. And what did she get me? Cucumbers and gluten-free bread.
I mean, it's like, she just hates me. You know, guess what? I love crab cakes. And she tells a story about how her dad always made the best crab cakes and he gave her the recipe. And in fact-
then and her mom loves them and like two days after he died they actually made the crab cakes for christmas eve and then she burned them i was like oh my god this story just keeps on like the burnt crab cakes on christmas eve but the fact that they haven't had the christmas eve i mean i get that you were probably no you know trying to move on but that is just can i just say that so southern to be like
Christmas must go on. Everybody get their dresses on, and we shall have crab cakes. Sutton, do them. Well, Sutton failed, everybody. Let's just enjoy this Christmas. It's like, well, geez, my God, that was the next day.
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